i f santa sifafula iensi j lei -...

F SANTA CLAUS HEADQUARTERS Is Located again this Season at the Peoples Popular Trading Place AIR CO The Fair Dealers regarding ¬ us that he would certainly be in Hartford and make his head rters with useSo here he is at our store where shelves are ed upstairs and down with choice Toys for the children and substantial Gifts for the old folks Dolls Good size Chiua limb Dolls 5c Dig size 12111 long China limb Dolls 104 KriR largo size China lim Doll 20c nitque Totaled Dole 2fic Big lizo Kid Body Dolls 25c Dressed washable Dolls 25c Full costumed I French Birijuo Dolls 25c Beautiful Dressed French Jointed Biequo Dolls oOo Baby Dolls long dresses lOc Dolls of all Nations 25c Extra azi Kilt body Dolls 76c and 8100 Edu cational Dolls 25o Doll Head 25i and 50c Doll Shoes and Stockings 100 Wooden Ware Doll Swings assorted colors 25c Doll Bells 100 to 81 00 Doll Crad ks 25o Doll Rockers 25c Ward Lbei 81 Sideboards GOc Dresser Mirrors 25c Large Dressers Lreo large Drawers 81 Wood nor Set nicely finished 81 25 Ig size Trunks COc Toy Coflci lb 100 Doll Bugjies 2fie Dot arts 20c to 81 Boys Wagons L Extra largo size Wagons trOll 7Co Good size Iron Wagons lete 81 to 81 50 12 Childrens Rockers 50c4o 81 aildrens Chairs 25c Drums 81 oy Pianos 81 to 81 25 Picture Frames and Albums Beautiful Celluloid Fancy Albums hold 30 piotuecs 81 25 Nice qualtj Plush Albums bold 30 pictures 1 pretty Albums SOc Cabinet eizi Picture Frames only 100 Cabiur size Frames larger 20c Frame that hold two pictures Cabinet size only 25c Metal Cabinet size Frames 25 to boa a would greatly appreciate uptodate respect committees different Sunday dive Special Toys Wishing each and > all of a Joyous phristmas we are Yours truly HOLIDAY RATES l Far and between all Italian Ticket on sale Dec tit 85 21 and 2f alio on Dec SO and at nnd Jan 1 ot all tlcfctti Jntmrj the < th 1001 On presentation ol cer tMilgnedbjr principal or lent ot rboola and collrRM rah tt e b 10001January hree daii between Islington Tllle information siren at jt Mheodeu Q 2O Fourth Mcket agent Malni 4 = eo China and Opal Waro China Plates lOc China Choco ¬ Stub ChinaI China Salad Dishes fiOc China- Berry Sets 125 to 1 75 China Vaajcs lOc to 125 Pin Trays lOc Syrup Stands 25o to 1 Opal Collar Box 50c Glove Trays 50c Cull Bux TiOc Perfume Bottle 50c i Comb and Brush Tray 50c pun Bix GOis Nothing more beautiful or useful could be found than the above for presents Great Line of Books Juvenile Books of kind Paper and Linen prices ranging from 5o to 50c Big of Books for older child ¬ ren Dresden series nicely bound a great bargain 2Cc each Life of Washington Tliaddeus of Warsaw goodI Handkerchiefs and Mufflers The biggest lino ever brought to BEAUTIESs We start the prices J 5c andrun them to 35c They come in White and Mourning In meus White Handkerchiefs we have a regular 25o article to give to you at 15c Mother Santa Clause should this line special attention Silk Handkerchiefs and Mulllcrs running from 25o to f 1 Toyst Toy Cannons 25c Iron Fire De ¬ partment 25c Iron Cart and Pony 25o Iron FerryBoats 10e Iron Stoves 25o to 1 we f we around trip final limit train Further all lot give troub1led says C T Cbisbolm 484 Ave and DearbornI suited several eminent who for me I remedies tailed to in anyway me and the trouble almost became chronic After several months I one day to try Colic Chelera and Di ¬ arrhoea and I beg to assure ou that I was most sur IsejLjo find niter taking two doses t had cost me so oyaoce I am riot e by Z I Substantial Gifts Fur Collaretts 2 to 5 Plush Capes 125 to 7 50 Extra tine Heaver Jackets In BrownsCastor Blue Black Astrachan c3 80 50 18 50 garments Beau ¬ tiful Silk Umbrellas 2 to 250 Nice Towels lOc 25o and 50c pair values in Linens 4 25c to 81 per yard good size 50c to 150 dozen Big size ned Blank i eta 50c to 3 50 per pair Goods and Trimmings We have received a new line for our Xmas trade at greatly re- duced prices Goods that for 75c you can buy in our hous for 50s Nice and best shades Com ¬ plete line Braids Buttons Silks etc for Hosiery and Underwear Sure to have some cold weather Xmas Treat to some good heavy underwear Good Black Fleeced Hose lOco Better grade same 20c 25o and 35c New all wool sox 15c 25o goods Ladies Hose 25c Mens Undershirts 25c Mens henry Flefccd Undershirts 380 and 60e Ladies Ribbed Fleeced Vests 25c Pants to match same New Ties and Suspenders Look in our Show Windows That tells whats ou the inside Every kind ot a tie now in use high in ¬ late in style low in price Most of them 25o each Mens Suspenders lOc Good grade variety of styles 25c Xmas line one pair in nice box 5oo pair we can give you only faint idea of what we have in stock We a visit from you and show you an stock in every We would have the of the Schools of county to know that will them Prices on any they may select from our stock you Superintendent tudente Southern ATenuiuUtllle Chicago prescriber relieve ruflering concluded Chamberlains Remedy agreeably suffer Lovely Military regular Big Table Napkins Dress bought jobbed qualities trimmings yourself regular Cashmere qual- ity Hei will the Esq G S Fitzhugh of Dundee has announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination for Represen ¬ tative Esq Pitzbugb U well quail ¬ fied for the position he seeks He is writ posted as to the needs of the peo pie and is firm In his own opinion when he is certain that he is right He made the race for School Superin ¬ tendent against Mr Z H Shultz but was defeated by a small majority lie las many friends throughout the county who will take pride in render ¬ ling him all aid possible He would make a strong candidate r Sifafula This root of many evils Glandular tumors abscesses pimples and other cutaneous eruptions sore ears Inflamed eyelids rickets dyspep ¬ sla catarrh readiness tocatch cold and Inability to get rid of It easily pale ¬ ness nervousness and other ailments Including the consumptive tendency Can be completely and permanently removed no matter how young or std- the sufferer Hoodi bMiipurllla was given Ihe daughter of Sllu Vernoojr W w rslng N V who hd broken out with lerofuU tore all over her ftea and head The first bottle helped her and whtn ahe bad taken six the rotes were all keeled and her face was smooth He wrltei that she has never shown any sign of the icrofalaretamlnir Hoods Sarsaparilla Promises to cure and keeps the promise Ask your druggist for It today and accept no substitute Hartford Republican FRIDAY DECEMBER 21 Illnols Contral RallrondTlmo Tablo New time card taking elfft Sunday DM 2 Iran ut noon Norlh llnnnil Nnnlli Ilnnnil- No 131 don 5ilT a ra No 121ducir0Gam No 102dce2TApm No 101 due iU p m No 1M due 1S1S p in No 131 duo etA p m- Ir Pidgin No 191 due rOam Noiss due 3M pm- N n VABUETEB Agent Mr Tim Taylor is quite sick Miss Bernice Miller is on the sick list Pay your Taxes at once and save cost S C STEVENS S O C A new lot of best Kid Gloves 850 and i per pair at Carson Cos Dr R M Bennett Richmond Va is the guest of his uncle Mr J L Carson Special bargains in Clothing and Overcoats also Ladles Wraps at Car son Cos Mrs M L Heavrin and brother Master Roy were in Louisville first of the week Mr Fred Bennett of Davless coun- ty ¬ is visiting his uncle Mr J L Carson A full and up todate line of Dress Goods and at prices to suit everybody at Carson Cos When you are looking out for Xmas presents dont fail to see our new Rocking Chaiis ICARSON Co We have n nice lot ot Rugs Hand ¬ kerchiefs and Rocking Chairs for Xmas presents CARSON Co Capt J Keowawho has been in Indiana vlsitinjr his brother who Is seriously sick returned home yes- terday Coare giving special bargains in ladles and gents foot- wear Come and see what bargains you can get Mr T L Anderson left Tuesday for Taylor Mines where he has ac cepted the position of night watch man for the Taylor Coal Company When you want Dry Goods Cloths ing and Furniture and want to get good quality nnd up todate goods call on the old reliable firm of Carson Co Messrs R B Martin and Thomas Cooper have purchased the stock of goods of Mr John W Martin Crom ¬ well and are doing business in his old stand- S we your enlarging for Schroder We tire making the best Crayon Por- traits that can be pr lum1 siz 16xsoforia5each The wotx i done at the Studio Miss Florence Richmond and Mr S T Tichenor Calhoon were married last Wednesday The bride in a niece of Mrs E J Hudson and Miss Lucy King ol this city Jl PJiJftJooi If your liver In out of order causing Biliousness Sick Headache Heart burn or Constipation take a dose of HeodJJfJ Pills On retiring and tomorrow your dl ¬ gestive organs will bo regulated and you will be bright active and ready kind of work This has been the cxnerlcnco of others it will be Qur HOODS PILLS are sold by all medicine dealers 25 c- tsChristmasGoods AT > IcY Carson Bros IIARTFOD KY Christmas Supplies in Rich Probation Apples Oranges Bananas Pears Dites Grapes Pigs Nuts of all kinds Delicious stock of Fresh Candies All kinds ot Fire Works Special Christmas Prices Dont fall to call at our Grocery nextdoor lo Woerners Shoe Store I P I I The Floating Studio will leave Hart ford for Rochester Kentucky F brn dry the 1st 1901 Remember that we do all kinds of Art cheaper than any other Photographer Give us n call before we leave I Miss Ella Crowe formerly of this place and Rev Thos F Barbour of LeitchCeld were married in Louisville on the 12 instant They are both known here and have ninny friends who wish them much happiness WANTEDAny information con- cerning one A G Benton wbose post office address is supposed to be Cromwell and when last heard from was in Hartford The informant will be liberally rewarded by appplying at this ofcei Mr Ira Ragland who has been ll the Volunteer Service in the Philip pines has been discharged on the ac count of ill health and is now with his parents Mr and Mrs M S Ragland He was on the waters 30 day coming from Manila to San Francisco Miss Rose Paxton and a Mr Frez ier Greenville were married last Tuesday evening in that city Miss Paxton is a sister of Mr Wayne Pax tnx near Cromwell She Is a very estimable and unassuming lady and has many friends in this county who wish her a happy life Mr Frazier is a farmer in good circumstances Prof John h Wood of Ceralvo has announced his candidacy for the Re publican nomination for the office ol Surveyor Prof Wood is a graduate of the Hartford College having taken the A B degree He comes from one of the best families in the conniy and is a life long Republican He is high ly qualified to discharge any duties that mry tall to his lot and in the event of his nomination would add strength to his ticket In this issue of TUB REPUBLICAN we place the name of L L Daniel in the announcement column as a candi ¬ date for the Republican nomination for Jailer Mr Daniel is an enthusi ¬ astic young Republican of about twenty seven years He comes from Olatou a section which might Iwcll be represented on the ticket He has been a life long Republican and is a man of personal worth and push He Is highly esteemed by all who know him aud should he be nominated his candidacy would add strength to the ticket In our announcement column will be found tjie name of Mr John T Rone In this issue Mr Rone an- nounces his candidacy for the office of County Attorney subject to the will ol the Republican party He was born and raised a Democrat and gave his support to the nominees of that party until the dawn of the reign of Goebelism in Kentucky He like many other good Democrats severed his connection with that party and is now a full fledged Republican Mr Rone has many personal frltnds and In the event of his nomination he would command a large Democratic vote as well as the Republican vote Uncollected Taxes must be paid at once as we must settle with the county the first of January- S C STEVENS S O C Republicans I am profoundly thankful for the honor you did me in 1894 by electing me to the office 61 Clerk of the Ohio County Court which position I held for a term of only three years and as n appreciationf did everything in my power to so dis charge the duties of saH office as to reflect honor and credit upon the par ty aud the people who hart favored me with their suffrage and as all the Clerks who preceded me had been re nominated I came before you in 1837 asking an indorsement at your hands but you gave the nomination to the present incumbent wbose term ot office is four year Now as I am loath to believe that you intend to make me an exception I again come before you for an indorsement as an evidence ol your appreciation and approval ot the planner In which I as your Clerk discharged the duties of the office If you believe that I am worthy of au Indorsementthat I was a faithful diligent and efficient Clerk then I appeal to yon to give me your sup- port and Influence In the comtus pri ¬ mary election Verv RespectyYours DAVID McIlBNRY HOCKBR WANTEDAny information con cerning one A G Benton whose post office address is supposed to be Cromwell and when last heard from was fn Hartford The informant will be liberally rewarded by applying at thlsjoffice v Rheumatism in all Its forms is promptly and permanently cnred by Hoods Sarsaparilla which neutralizes acidity of the blood or r Agents wanted at once in each town to handle Scotts Inhaler Best seller out Big profits Ad- dress C box 31 Centertown Ky To My Friends To my friends whom I have written and spoken to in regard to making the race for the office of County Court Clerk I must say that for three reasons I shall have to decline to make the race this time The first of which is I have just had the measles from which I have not yet recovered The second is that the primary election is on a much earlier date than I first expected and the third Is that I have two months of school yet to teach which would not allow me any time for making a canvass of the county withe ut which I could not hope for success I watt u kindness and for their encouragement and ask them to remember me as on the string four years from now Yours Truly Jolts C HoiiiMim The Croat Revival The great revival which has been In progress at the Cumberland Pres bj teilan Church lor the past threE weeks still continues with increased interest Many of the worldly have professed religionsome very old men have turned their backs on thE worldand are entering the straight and narrow way to a better land Mrs Wosley the lady preacher has cer talnly done a work for Hartford the has long been needed of which oth ¬ ers have failed to accomplished Upwards ct a hundred have bee converted during the meeting and the probabilities are that many mot will be saved before the close There ate a numer of people who to not approve of women preaching but here is an example ot womans cork in the pulpit and it is truly great Most assuredly such work n a has been done by Mrs Woosley Is a biilliiut success and will so be reedy ¬ ed in Heaven a Wanted too mules from 4 to 7 years old iu good flush trom 15 to 16 hands high We will be in Hartford Tuesday Jan 1st 1901 and will pay highest mark et prices C II LAVNG Co r Dont blame the Sheriff for adver ¬ tising your property if your Taxes are not paid ut once We must have the money- S C STEVENS S O C Marriages Mr Eugene Willis Rochester to Miss Ina Cummings Mr Enon lice Maddox McIIcnry to Miss Ella B Maddox Rockport Mr Roland F Jones Hartford to Miss Altba Allen Hartford Mr G H Black Horton to Miss Oma Bean Horton Mr Charles W Brnner Olaton to Miss Annie L Duggins Olaton Mr Adam Whitehouse Central City to Miss Llnnie E Fuegcrsou Small houseMr John S Taylor Adrburg tc Miss Martha Fold Adabnrg Mr Clarence Marlow Fordsville tc Miss Ora Crowe Fordsville Mr M P Daugherty Renfrew tc Miss Julia Baize Renfrow Mr W C Wallace Fordsville to Miss Ora M Evans Fordsville Mr Robert Keith Caneyville tc Miss Ada B Weller Tally Mr James E Tanner Prentls to Mrs Martha Tichenor Rochester Mr Thomas Smith Arnold to Miss Melzena Baize McHenry Republicans Owing to my business and my health not permitting my making the race for Jailer will leave the mat ¬ ter with you and thank you one and all for your assistance in my attempt In this matter and will try and be with you at the log cabin next fall Yours W P RRNn- ERATTENTION Remember that horses will have the best attention at my stable Good Kigga and Buggies at all hours 1 have the best wheat glower iu the world the Ouana Bear Fertilizar Your patronage is earnestly solicited Rtspy John GEeown HAHTFORD I That cough I Hangs on j You have used all sorts of cough reme ¬ I dies but it does not J yield it is too deep I seated It may wear l itself out in time but i it is more liable to = produce la grippe pneumonia or a seri ¬ ous throat affection I strength that You need will somethingI up the bod- ySCOTTS i J EMULSIONw- ill do this when everything else fails There is no doubt about it It nourishes strengthens builds up and makes the body strong and healthy not only to throw off this hard cough but to fortify the system against further attacks If you are run down or emaciated you should certainly take this nourishing rood medicine doucslsco tttttIII J rt f I I t I ff I I J fI I f f I f I l uUt t1tJtt3lt 1Jt1t Iensi 1 leI I factions5j- J R If its tor the men folks theres hardly gjij any need to look iuitber than our stor- eS You will be enabled to secure just the JS Ideasthe proper styles and therell 52 upto dnteness ebout them that will rlgbtI 1a zest to their purchase They will trlrbt in price us veil nnd very often their real value for December t 3 Prices ere now in full force in our store and J 3 that means unusual values to you Your K3 Holiday money will go a long distance with iius f I Mens Linen Collars j j No trouble to secure the right styles for J we keep pace with fashions demand The r new up to date styles in the shapes that JP are most becoming special values roc I 250I Mensf p ligee ShirtsIn the lerfectly fitting kind roor 1 Mens Suspenders 1Pine QualitiesSilk Embroidered with strong serviceable trimmingsIn the styles suited to the Holiday seasonspecial Is values at 25C and up to soc 2S I 7 Mens Holiday Ties Four inhandthe correct colorings and T fashionable effectsprices 250 to 75c Graduated Four ln handsIn newest color ¬ ings price soc Flowing end Tecksall rthe pretty shades and dainty patterns for Holiday seasonvalues 25c to 750 The ° newest Handbowsthe especially fashions ¬ and coloringsprices roc to 25C 1bleshapes T and Suits r For men and boys That Our Strong December Clearance makes a jingle to thet prices its a musical toue to the economical shopp- ersCARSON COm Hartford w cTs LSael Christmas Shoppers will find headquarters liar HO LI DAY GOODS at the Drug Store of iiAYNE GRIFFIN BRO m Ei1an ta C31a1 Is overloaded with Presents this year for everybody and he has dropped his load at Griffins where he invites the people to call and take their choice There you will find the most splendid array of Christmas Presents and Holiday Goods ever brought to Hartford Novelties of every descrip- tion ¬ to suit all ages and tastes Something NEW in every line things you never saw before Presents both useful and pretty valuable and expensive There are Toys and Trinkets for the children Games Books c for the older ones and Fine Pictures Chimvware Albums Rogers Knives and Forks and Sterling Silver Nov ¬ elties for grown people Every age can be suited every taste gratified Goods receiv ¬ ed every day Space and time forbid enumeration Call and see L WAYNE GRlfFN BRO tt Dealers in Drugs and Druggists Sundrle Prescriptions a Specialty

Upload: tranque

Post on 07-Mar-2018




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Page 1: I F SANTA Sifafula Iensi J leI - chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86069313/1900-12-21/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · Far and between all Italian Ticket on sale Dec tit


Is Located again this Season at the Peoples PopularTrading Place

AIR CO The Fair Dealers


us that he would certainly be in Hartford and make his headrters with useSo here he is at our store where shelves are

ed upstairs and down with choice Toys for the children andsubstantial Gifts for the old folks

DollsGood size Chiua limb Dolls 5c

Dig size 12111 long China limb Dolls

104 KriR largo size China limDoll 20c nitque Totaled Dole 2ficBig lizo Kid Body Dolls 25c Dressedwashable Dolls 25c Full costumed I

French Birijuo Dolls 25c BeautifulDressed French Jointed Biequo DollsoOo Baby Dolls long dresses lOcDolls of all Nations 25c Extra aziKilt body Dolls 76c and 8100 Educational Dolls 25o Doll Head 25i

and 50c Doll Shoes and Stockings100

Wooden WareDoll Swings assorted colors 25c

Doll Bells 100 to 81 00 Doll Crad

ks 25o Doll Rockers 25c WardLbei 81 Sideboards GOc Dresser

Mirrors 25c Large DressersLreo large Drawers 81 Wood

nor Set nicely finished 81 25Ig size Trunks COc Toy Coflci

lb 100 Doll Bugjies 2fie Dotarts 20c to 81 Boys Wagons

L Extra largo size Wagons trOll

7Co Good size Iron Wagonslete 81 to 81 50

12 Childrens Rockers 50c4o 81

aildrens Chairs 25c Drums 81oy Pianos 81 to 81 25

Picture Frames and AlbumsBeautiful Celluloid Fancy Albums

hold 30 piotuecs 81 25 Nice qualtjPlush Albums bold 30 pictures 1

pretty Albums SOc Cabinet eizi

Picture Frames only 100 Cabiursize Frames larger 20c Framethat hold two pictures Cabinet size

only 25c Metal Cabinet size Frames25 to boa

awould greatly appreciate

uptodate respectcommittees different Sunday

dive SpecialToys

Wishing each and>all of a Joyousphristmas we are

Yours trulyHOLIDAY RATES l

Far and between all ItalianTicket on sale Dec tit 85 21 and 2f alio onDec SO and at nnd Jan 1 ot all tlcfcttiJntmrj the < th 1001 On presentation ol cer

tMilgnedbjr principal orlent ot rboola and collrRM rahtt e

b 10001Januaryhree daii between IslingtonTllle information siren at

jt MheodeuQ 2O Fourth

Mcket agent Malni 4



China and Opal WaroChina Plates lOc China Choco ¬StubChinaIChina Salad Dishes fiOc China-

Berry Sets 125 to 1 75 ChinaVaajcs lOc to 125 Pin Trays lOcSyrup Stands 25o to 1 Opal CollarBox 50c Glove Trays 50c CullBux TiOc Perfume Bottle 50c

i Comb and Brush Tray 50c punBix GOis Nothing more beautiful oruseful could be found than the abovefor presents

Great Line of BooksJuvenile Books of kind Paper

and Linen prices ranging from 5o to50c Big of Books for older child ¬

ren Dresden series nicely bound agreat bargain 2Cc each Life ofWashington Tliaddeus of WarsawgoodI

Handkerchiefs and MufflersThe biggest lino ever brought to

BEAUTIESsWe start the prices J 5c andrunthem to 35c They come in Whiteand Mourning In meus WhiteHandkerchiefs we have a regular 25oarticle to give to you at 15c MotherSanta Clause should this linespecial attention Silk Handkerchiefsand Mulllcrs running from 25o to f 1ToystToy Cannons 25c Iron Fire De ¬

partment 25c Iron Cart and Pony25o Iron FerryBoats 10e IronStoves 25o to 1



around trip

final limit





troub1ledsays C T Cbisbolm 484Ave and DearbornIsuited several eminentwho for me Iremedies tailed to in anywayme and the trouble almost becamechronic After severalmonths I one day to try

Colic Chelera and Di ¬

arrhoea and I beg to assureou that I was most surIsejLjo find niter taking two doses

t had cost me sooyaoce I am

riote by Z I

Substantial GiftsFur Collaretts 2 to 5

Plush Capes 125 to 7 50 Extratine Heaver Jackets In BrownsCastor

Blue Black Astrachan c3

80 50 18 50 garments Beau ¬

tiful Silk Umbrellas 2 to 250Nice Towels lOc 25o and 50c pair

values in Linens 4 25c to81 per yard good size 50cto 150 dozen Big size ned Blank i

eta 50c to 3 50 per pair

Goods and TrimmingsWe have received a new line for

our Xmas trade at greatly re-

duced prices Goods that for75c you can buy in our hous for 50sNice and best shades Com ¬

plete line Braids Buttons Silks etcfor

Hosiery and UnderwearSure to have some cold weather

Xmas Treat to some goodheavy underwear Good BlackFleeced Hose lOco Better gradesame 20c 25o and 35c New allwool sox 15c 25o goodsLadies Hose 25c MensUndershirts 25c Mens henryFlefccd Undershirts 380 and 60eLadies Ribbed Fleeced Vests 25cPants to match same

New Ties and SuspendersLook in our Show Windows That

tells whats ou the inside Everykind ot a tie now in use high in ¬

late in style low in price Mostof them 25o each Mens SuspenderslOc Good grade variety of styles25c Xmas line one pair in nicebox 5oo pair

we can give you only faint idea of what we have instock We a visit from you and

show you an stock in everyWe would have the of the Schools

of county to know that will them Prices onany they may select from our stock












Big TableNapkins












Esq G S Fitzhugh of Dundeehas announced his candidacy for theRepublican nomination for Represen ¬

tative Esq Pitzbugb U well quail ¬

fied for the position he seeks He iswrit posted as to the needs of the peopie and is firm In his own opinionwhen he is certain that he is rightHe made the race for School Superin ¬

tendent against Mr Z H Shultz butwas defeated by a small majority

lie las many friends throughout thecounty who will take pride in render¬

ling him all aid possible He would

make a strong candidate

r SifafulaThis root of many evilsGlandular tumors abscesses pimples

and other cutaneous eruptions soreears Inflamed eyelids rickets dyspep ¬

sla catarrh readiness tocatch coldand Inability to get rid of It easily pale ¬

ness nervousness and other ailmentsIncluding the consumptive tendency

Can be completely and permanentlyremoved no matter how young or std-

the suffererHoodi bMiipurllla was given Ihe daughter

of Sllu Vernoojr W w rslng N V who hdbroken out with lerofuU tore all over herftea and head The first bottle helped herand whtn ahe bad taken six the rotes were allkeeled and her face was smooth He wrlteithat she has never shown any sign of theicrofalaretamlnir

Hoods SarsaparillaPromises to cure and keeps thepromise Ask your druggist for It

today and accept no substitute

Hartford Republican


Illnols Contral RallrondTlmoTablo

New time card taking elfft Sunday DM 2Iran ut noon

Norlh llnnnil Nnnlli Ilnnnil-No 131 don 5ilT a ra No 121ducir0GamNo 102dce2TApm No 101 due iU p mNo 1M due 1S1S p in No 131 duo etA p m-Ir PidginNo 191 due rOam Noiss due 3M pm-


Mr Tim Taylor is quite sick

Miss Bernice Miller is on the sicklist

Pay your Taxes at once and savecost S C STEVENS S O C

A new lot of best Kid Gloves 850

and i per pair at Carson Cos

Dr R M Bennett Richmond Vais the guest of his uncle Mr J LCarson

Special bargains in Clothing andOvercoats also Ladles Wraps at Carson Cos

Mrs M L Heavrin and brotherMaster Roy were in Louisville firstof the week

Mr Fred Bennett of Davless coun-


is visiting his uncle Mr J LCarson

A full and up todate line of DressGoods and at prices to suit everybodyat Carson Cos

When you are looking out for Xmaspresents dont fail to see our newRocking Chaiis ICARSON Co

We have n nice lot ot Rugs Hand ¬

kerchiefs and Rocking Chairs forXmas presents CARSON Co

Capt J Keowawho has beenin Indiana vlsitinjr his brother whoIs seriously sick returned home yes-


Coare giving specialbargains in ladles and gents foot-wear Come and see what bargainsyou can get

Mr T L Anderson left Tuesdayfor Taylor Mines where he has accepted the position of night watchman for the Taylor Coal Company

When you want Dry Goods Clothsing and Furniture and want to getgood quality nnd up todate goodscall on the old reliable firm of Carson


Messrs R B Martin and ThomasCooper have purchased the stock ofgoods of Mr John W Martin Crom ¬

well and are doing business in hisold stand-

S we your enlarging for SchroderWe tire making the best Crayon Por-

traits that can be pr lum1 siz

16xsoforia5each The wotx i

done at the Studio

Miss Florence Richmond and Mr ST Tichenor Calhoon were marriedlast Wednesday The bride in a nieceof Mrs E J Hudson and Miss LucyKing ol this city

Jl PJiJftJooiIf your liver In out of order causingBiliousness Sick Headache Heartburn or Constipation take a dose of

HeodJJfJ PillsOn retiring and tomorrow your dl ¬

gestive organs will bo regulated andyou will be bright active and ready

kind of work This hasbeen the cxnerlcnco of others itwill be Qur HOODS PILLS aresold by all medicine dealers 25 c-


> IcYCarson Bros


Christmas Supplies in RichProbation

Apples Oranges Bananas PearsDites Grapes Pigs Nuts of allkinds Delicious stock of FreshCandies All kinds ot Fire WorksSpecial Christmas Prices

Dont fall to call at our Grocery

nextdoor lo Woerners Shoe Store I



The Floating Studio will leave Hartford for Rochester Kentucky F brndry the 1st 1901 Remember thatwe do all kinds of Art cheaper thanany other Photographer Give us n

call before we leaveI

Miss Ella Crowe formerly of thisplace and Rev Thos F Barbour ofLeitchCeld were married in Louisvilleon the 12 instant They are bothknown here and have ninny friendswho wish them much happiness

WANTEDAny information con-cerning one A G Benton wbosepost office address is supposed to beCromwell and when last heard fromwas in Hartford The informant willbe liberally rewarded by appplying atthisofceiMr Ira Ragland who has been llthe Volunteer Service in the Philippines has been discharged on the account of ill health and is now with hisparents Mr and Mrs M S RaglandHe was on the waters 30 day comingfrom Manila to San Francisco

Miss Rose Paxton and a Mr Frezier Greenville were married lastTuesday evening in that city MissPaxton is a sister of Mr Wayne Paxtnx near Cromwell She Is a veryestimable and unassuming lady andhas many friends in this county whowish her a happy life Mr Frazier isa farmer in good circumstances

Prof John h Wood of Ceralvo hasannounced his candidacy for the Republican nomination for the office olSurveyor Prof Wood is a graduateof the Hartford College having takenthe A B degree He comes from oneof the best families in the conniy andis a life long Republican He is highly qualified to discharge any dutiesthat mry tall to his lot and in theevent of his nomination would addstrength to his ticket

In this issue of TUB REPUBLICAN

we place the name of L L Daniel inthe announcement column as a candi ¬

date for the Republican nominationfor Jailer Mr Daniel is an enthusi ¬

astic young Republican of abouttwenty seven years He comes fromOlatou a section which might Iwcllbe represented on the ticket He hasbeen a life long Republican and is aman of personal worth and push HeIs highly esteemed by all who knowhim aud should he be nominated hiscandidacy would add strength to theticket

In our announcement column willbe found tjie name of Mr John TRone In this issue Mr Rone an-

nounces his candidacy for the office ofCounty Attorney subject to the willol the Republican party He wasborn and raised a Democrat and gavehis support to the nominees of thatparty until the dawn of the reign ofGoebelism in Kentucky He likemany other good Democrats severedhis connection with that party and isnow a full fledged Republican MrRone has many personal frltnds andIn the event of his nomination hewould command a large Democraticvote as well as the Republican vote

Uncollected Taxes must be paid atonce as we must settle with thecounty the first of January-



I am profoundly thankful for thehonor you did me in 1894 by electingme to the office 61 Clerk of the OhioCounty Court which position I heldfor a term of only three years and asnappreciationfdid everything in my power to so discharge the duties of saH office as toreflect honor and credit upon the party aud the people who hart favoredme with their suffrage and as all theClerks who preceded me had been renominated I came before you in 1837asking an indorsement at your handsbut you gave the nomination to thepresent incumbent wbose term otoffice is four year Now as I am loathto believe that you intend to makeme an exception I again come beforeyou for an indorsement as an evidenceol your appreciation and approval otthe planner In which I as your Clerkdischarged the duties of the office Ifyou believe that I am worthy of auIndorsementthat I was a faithfuldiligent and efficient Clerk then Iappeal to yon to give me your sup-port and Influence In the comtus pri ¬

mary election Verv RespectyYoursDAVID McIlBNRY HOCKBR

WANTEDAny information concerning one A G Benton whosepost office address is supposed to beCromwell and when last heard fromwas fn Hartford The informant willbe liberally rewarded by applying atthlsjoffice v

Rheumatism in all Its forms ispromptly and permanently cnred byHoods Sarsaparilla which neutralizesacidity of the blood

or rAgents wanted at once in each

town to handle Scotts InhalerBest seller out Big profits Ad-

dress C box 31 Centertown Ky

To My Friends

To my friends whom I have writtenand spoken to in regard to makingthe race for the office of CountyCourt Clerk I must say that forthree reasons I shall have to declineto make the race this time

The first of which is I have just hadthe measles from which I have notyet recovered The second is thatthe primary election is on a muchearlier date than I first expected andthe third Is that I have two months ofschool yet to teach which would notallow me any time for making acanvass of the county withe ut whichI could not hope for success


ukindness and for their encouragementand ask them to remember me as onthe string four years from now

Yours Truly Jolts C HoiiiMim

The Croat Revival

The great revival which has beenIn progress at the Cumberland Presbj teilan Church lor the past threEweeks still continues with increasedinterest Many of the worldly haveprofessed religionsome very old

men have turned their backs on thE

worldand are entering the straightand narrow way to a better land MrsWosley the lady preacher has certalnly done a work for Hartford thehas long been needed of which oth ¬

ers have failed to accomplishedUpwards ct a hundred have bee

converted during the meeting andthe probabilities are that many motwill be saved before the close

There ate a numer of people whoto not approve of women preachingbut here is an example ot womanscork in the pulpit and it is trulygreat Most assuredly such work nahas been done by Mrs Woosley Is abiilliiut success and will so be reedy ¬

ed in Heavena

Wantedtoo mules from 4 to 7 years old iugood flush trom 15 to 16 hands highWe will be in Hartford Tuesday Jan1st 1901 and will pay highest market prices C II LAVNG Co

rDont blame the Sheriff for adver ¬

tising your property if your Taxesare not paid ut once We must havethe money-



Mr Eugene Willis Rochester toMiss Ina Cummings

Mr Enon lice Maddox McIIcnryto Miss Ella B Maddox Rockport

Mr Roland F Jones Hartford toMiss Altba Allen Hartford

Mr G H Black Horton to MissOma Bean Horton

Mr Charles W Brnner Olaton toMiss Annie L Duggins Olaton

Mr Adam Whitehouse Central Cityto Miss Llnnie E Fuegcrsou Small


John S Taylor Adrburg tcMiss Martha Fold Adabnrg

Mr Clarence Marlow Fordsville tcMiss Ora Crowe Fordsville

Mr M P Daugherty Renfrew tcMiss Julia Baize Renfrow

Mr W C Wallace Fordsville toMiss Ora M Evans Fordsville

Mr Robert Keith Caneyville tcMiss Ada B Weller Tally

Mr James E Tanner Prentls toMrs Martha Tichenor Rochester

Mr Thomas Smith Arnold to MissMelzena Baize McHenry


Owing to my business and myhealth not permitting my makingthe race for Jailer will leave the mat¬

ter with you and thank you one andall for your assistance in my attemptIn this matter and will try and bewith you at the log cabin next fall

Yours W P RRNn-


Remember that horses willhave the best attention at my stableGood Kigga and Buggies at all hours1 have the best wheat glower iu theworld the Ouana Bear FertilizarYour patronage is earnestly solicited



I That coughI Hangs onj You have used all

sorts of cough reme ¬

I dies but it does not J

yield it is too deepI seated It may wear

l itself out in time but

i it is more liable to= produce la grippe

pneumonia or a seri ¬

ous throat affection


strengththatYou need

will somethingI

up the bod-



EMULSIONw-ill do this when everythingelse fails There is no doubtabout it It nourishesstrengthens builds up andmakes the body strong andhealthy not only to throwoff this hard cough but tofortify the system againstfurther attacks If you arerun down or emaciated youshould certainly take thisnourishing rood medicine

doucslscotttttIII J

rt f I I t I ff I I J f I I f f I f I luUt t1tJtt3lt 1Jt1t

Iensi1 leI

I factions5j-J

RIf its tor the men folks theres hardly

gjij any need to look iuitber than our stor-eS You will be enabled to secure just the

JS Ideasthe proper styles and therell52 upto dnteness ebout them that willrlgbtI1a zest to their purchase They willtrlrbt in price us veil nnd very often

their real value for December

t3 Prices ere now in full force in our store and J

3 that means unusual values to you YourK3 Holiday money will go a long distance withiiusf

I Mens Linen Collarsj j No trouble to secure the right styles for

J we keep pace with fashions demand The

r new up to date styles in the shapes thatJP are most becoming special values roc

I250IMensfp ligee ShirtsIn the lerfectly fitting kindroor1 Mens Suspenders1Pine QualitiesSilk Embroidered with

strong serviceable trimmingsIn thestyles suited to the Holiday seasonspecial Isvalues at 25C and up to soc 2S


Mens Holiday TiesFour inhandthe correct colorings and

T fashionable effectsprices 250 to 75cGraduated Four ln handsIn newest color¬

ings price soc Flowing end Tecksallrthe pretty shades and dainty patterns forHoliday seasonvalues 25c to 750 The

° newest Handbowsthe especially fashions ¬

and coloringsprices roc to 25C1bleshapesT and Suitsr For men and boys That Our Strong

December Clearance makes a jingle to thetprices its a musical toue to the economicalshopp-

ersCARSON COm Hartford

w cTs LSaelChristmas Shoppers will find headquarters liar HO LI

DAY GOODS at the Drug Store of



Ei1anta C31a1Is overloaded with Presents this year foreverybody and he has dropped his load atGriffins where he invites the people tocall and take their choice There you willfind the most splendid array of ChristmasPresents and Holiday Goods ever broughtto Hartford Novelties of every descrip-



to suit all ages and tastes SomethingNEW in every line things you never saw

before Presents both useful and prettyvaluable and expensive There are Toys

and Trinkets for the children GamesBooks c for the older ones and FinePictures Chimvware Albums RogersKnives and Forks and Sterling Silver Nov ¬

elties for grown people Every age can be

suited every taste gratified Goods receiv ¬

ed every day Space and time forbid

enumeration Call and see


Dealers in Drugs and Druggists SundrlePrescriptions a Specialty