i, · dr. ~ 8iiai'iian cbw b.abw oil: f= hotel bretton hall broadway 85th to 86th streets new...


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. . OR . .. ICMAIItO T,8~1110 .. ...._., .......... ._....

My oDly introduct.ion ie t.bat I vae one of the ""ral lieuteD&Dt­colonela vbo eecorted you vben you rllited th4l 18th CeD.ral Hoepit&l In the 11Jl I slands wbo,.. I vu the Ch1or Surpoo durl..Dc the oarl7 part ot the var . tour rtei t vu better t.ban a tranatu.ton ror tbe ~donto.

The purpoee ot this letter 1• to point out.,. taote about l'uropeu ...,l'llcM• Wl!"lbl1c11od iD th1o counf.r7, 117 outllorit7 tor tbo tallov­ing at&teMnt.e ia tbat at tbe ooz:.oluaion of t.be 1\aropeu War I Mrwc! one aDd a half :pure u IJUI'PQD tor t.be lll1ed Control. C~111on 1D HuDgary and RUM.Dia , and Modiool &drloor to IJIIRIU..!funprr, vbich toolt ae to Trieete, !ugoslarla, 8ulpr1&, PolaDd, .lu.atrla ud O.Z'UJI1 on n.rloua briet a1aa1ona, aDd baw juat ret'tl.rMd: to tbie oountrr, ha'f1DC booD NlOOIOd l'ra. the l.n&7 1J1 J&Jmar7 of thio 70V, Tnftll.Dc 0-plotol7 aloDO 1o a joop 1 t tbrov • 1Dto olooor ooatoct vi tb all claaaea of people tbu b the prtrllep ot .,,t rldton, Mtaoe tbe folloviac r...-ko or vbich rou IM7 alrMd7 l>o naro. I! ... dio.­regard tbo lottor u I oal7 vut theM hots giftD fair ooaaidoroU.oa. I.ocid.entally, I a DOt u aat.t..s..tte DOr aat1 UlJ'Ud.q elM, 'but belien in lft%'10DI ba'1"1.D,g u aqu&l cbaDoe rep.rdlea• ot !"aCM, OTMd o·r color .

To rot uro to the poiat, I ho~ 1D rataro dioou.IOiOD or .... l\lcM -blao it vill 1>o toltoa ioto oouidorotioa tbot Jovo are oal7 a -u aioorit7 ot the rof'gftoo rra. poUtioal ~-outioa 1D llutoro laropo1

Tllo great .. Jor1t7 ~-... -ple or tbo atddlo oad ·- elM ... wbo baft rotuaod to l>oooM c-atat or orint -lfto ozoluatftlJ to tbo But. x. ao oouatrr tbat I nat tod ,.. thoro ., .. ,_.tal por10ouU.oo ot tba J """ . la Sautboro I'Olud ud Iuton lluprJ tboro 11 a rial.llc U.do ot ... u...a.t tt• >ditch baa bMD chla to tba t aot tbat (ia lhmpr)o) 8,_ ot the poUtioal poUoe are Jovioh ull tbair arroat


. . .

vitbout Juatifioa\ioa or loool oiti-, ... tor- .... auUl-. bu ooUMd IUid 1o oaua1111 ,.. __ t -.1ut -· No io 11'0001· nih<! IUid dopl<>red 117 the Jeviob 1.-n 1e theee -uuo. .u.o u a reoult of the pouriJII to or -7 to ll>oa 117 the Jeviob Joiet R.Uof (<lw'illl the 1DfloUoa tift &.oriou dollaro ,.. o tortuo 1a l!uJIIor7) IUid thel.r-- foreip oo-Uou the7 ba'J'O -the prooporouo pooplo ud ...., tbo olll7 oaeo 1dlo oaa aftol'll to ..Ul t tbe obopo IUid reotawuto . Tbaoo cliotieotioae baft- re-tod.

Tba Jovo baft boea ud ...., oxploitl.Jic tbol.r r .. ored pool Uoa ot pnoooat, ..t1ec u .,ob .... 7 u poooibloo 111111 - •-piar to tbo Voot, uouoll7 tbo &.ol"ioaa ooae of &ul.r1o or ~,.._. tbe)' so to Polootiao (fi, OOO) or llal.oo (tJ.,ooo) or roclotor 117 foloo d-ot 1D rotopo - (tlOO to $200) 1D botb of tbo letter 1Dotuooo vi til tbo ultiuto o1o of orrlrlJII 1e tbo o. s. - or "'7 foi"Mr •plOl"'OO 1D Ba~ot 111111 Wo 1e -poot baft tokoa thet route. At lout - of tbooo n ...... fiDe pooplo IUid -­• obaa ... to u .. ia ~. IUid oieoo tbo 111111er....,....S totoo Ollt tbo dooor-.1111 u wll .u the 111111eHr-riJII, tbou&b 1e u!-to proportio .. , I obould bate to - it dootrol"'d.

M7 poiet io thet I bopo in !Dtaro doliboroti- oqaal (aoitb.r 1101"0 nor lee•) aoutderaUoa. vill be g1ftD aoa.-Jew 1a relaUoa t.o t.beir ropotriotioa, -.rat1Da, 111111 obtoialJII trood'* tr.. pol1Uoal porHou\ioa, p&rticulorl7 u roprdo ao\ioaalo of Balpr1o, 2 •to, l!uJIIv7, Poload IUid Iacoolorlo, IUid iD oddi\ioa tbot II'OOOidUoa vill bo giftD to tbo f&at tbat tbo fiaeot obarutoro - - .... too oolf-roopooU.., to u .... tbo obol"it7 or rotopo -· boat are poddllJII their OVD -• viti! poat 41tf1oult7 117 tbol.r OVD oatorprioo 1e Oo-, Autria ud ,...._. Tba7 4- u -1! aot ..... ooaoidoro\ioa t11u - of tbooo """ ..,.. 1o retopo -117 rlrtue of toloo -to bop!JII tor opooiol ooaoidoroti011 ud adnz~t&ce•·

It io a patbotio .o,__t to - oo - fiDe pooplo ~ ... -.... ud uabaPP1, ud I • ooarlJooocl tbot tbo oolotioa of-..~ io a l"cmdaotttol oae to JftWOt tb1o ,... ba.-iJII - f ...... t 1o ftio,

l apolopoo tor vri\1111 ot tb1o 1act11. blat I fMl oo o~ tbot ao- obould bo- clioor1oiootioa, oitllor Jw or a..tiloo.

v.rr trul7 :roun,

.tt ... rf T·i'-'f'" Riobard '· -ltord

.. E e !'; 0 &



AliUQIJIIQI .. - ..xJC0

. .,...

June 30 , l9t7

Mr~ . Franklin D. RooreYelt Hyde Par k, New Yo~

Dear Mre. Rooee'Nlt :

A Reoent trip into the moun t ain• or New Mexieo t ook .. t o t he l1Ula toe or Mountainair, There I l'lle t an unusual oharaoter who rollowe a 11.0et unueual hobbJ •

You will , no doubt , remember "Pop• Sharrer 'Oibo oame t o Waehingt on in 19~1 with hie exhibit or odd- ehaped animal• made rrom r ootr , or ltmbr or treee,

I wae touohed deeply by thir old man who ie i l l and 4iroouraged, Be re~ tnieoed ~adly or other daye, Hil warm and affecti onate reterenoe t o your int­erest i n hie oolleotion wae mort t ouohins or all, He ehowe cl me , w1 th 4l gread deal or pride, a letter rrom your hu1ba.ad whioh he had mounted on • ~pee1al rr~•·

ue ~till hae the two l it •le tlage whioh you gave hlc to ador n one or hie l~p~ •~iob war on exh1D1t i n ••entr~ton .

wrop" .. o .. te u .. a be b ... •e'Nr aolll one ot bte oreaturee a nd bae only given away t W.; one t o J OU, sno one to your bueband, He w'ndered it the &8b tray may be in the oolleotion at Hyde Park.

- l c (

CR. s. J;>

.., ~ ::: t'

cl9 M

..... r'


• •

zw w- c:::...r..u. A ,_,.


Mr . Sbaft•r et111 dreame or a T1 e1t fro~ y ou ~orne day . I know you would find both tte man and h 1l! w::~rk meet 1ntereetlns .


At t h1! time , 1f you could eend eome emall me!~age iod1oat1ng tha t you remembered n1a 9 i t wou~d lift hi e morale greatly .

Juet addreee y our letter :

Mr . Clem Sharre r , tlou.ntaina1r , Ne w yexioo.

Very eincer elr,

DR. ~ 8IIAI'IIAN CbW B.abW oil: f=



NEW YOR K 24, N . Y.

Tel. E N dicott 2 - 8000

( ..

hbZ'\1&17 13, 1H7

lb>a. •leanor aooaoYelt 88 W&ahiDStOD Squre Weat ... r_.lt, •· r. Dear liN. Rooe••ol* 1

I tw:rewttll Napeottlall:r n'-it to J'CIIl tile -..uala ND41Uon ot tile Selt'llon I lltlld on the 4a:r ot t1ae ruurel ot tile late PNa14ont ot tho Uzaito4 atatea et .&.Mrioa, .l"&&lkllll hlallo RooaoYoU, at tiM Great 'fo~le ot kohareat, JID.aA1a, ill tha preaenoo at tiM ropreaeatatlYoa ot ~ Aaer10&D ~aa1on 1n luohareat.

-•••rnt:ul 1.a Uol.a 4ar t or Ia,..l, U 1.a aa 1t tiM ...

ba4 4arlotM4 at tlall _,.

WUil t llto orr ot pala 1&'11'111 Uallao 'Ilea •louor 'IIepa

ll1o ~ntot1on tor lo'll'lll Yobaaaa,

!b.1o or:r ol polD INflto 011~ tr. ..,. lloarh t.Ur 1a

t ..... u. .. 41reot 1t Ot'or -h1u all4 ftlloro, •• ••114 U nor ooaa aa4 ooo&M, to aoo......., tiM oarr 1&\o horaUr

ot tiM 4oooaao4 r...o14 .. , ot tho Val ted nat .. ot &-rloa.

Too, ~1, ••rr -.-.tal 1o tll1o dart .. Ioraol, ""'

1t 18 no\, "87 p10111 U.toaore, aa 1t tiM ou loa4 4a _ _. ••

tlall •-, tor \lao oo.taftlaa u- ol 'lleUar uro IMa 1Mr41r

'IIepa to..,,..,. t.,. u, \lao o .. ot \Ito .,praaoo4 ,..,1 ••

roar attor roar n ••• atta,..., paa.a4 lao tiM oNOil1aa

4arkaaoo ot o prot•llll a1tla'. No 4al'llaaoo llaa oalr 'Mea

ploroed 'llr oo~ ol tire aa4 '111-, \hot JM•• ... .-4, wl\ll

liUtor oNOUr a •- ,... ot •• ,.aplo, 'l'llo ou 11aa llar4lr

... ...,. to rloo t .. u aa4 IMa - rwt - tiM to a., &M ••­

ot 'Ill- aa4 , • .,.., llao ,.. ,., 'Mea .. ,.lila \o lloal &M .......

001114 - ,., ftrt .. , ........ -· - \Ito ....... oalr ....... \o .,,. ... , ... 4, la, u .............. .

-. -....... ow'•e• tor" - ' .

llan loet a totu•l• ~te4 tu ,. :: ., lo...tu. I•·

bed, wben aoau uooao t.- tile Mart rtl Io ... l, t1ae7 .-­

I'CII&JI4ecl, lDo wano, the poto-1 oa.l elf PI !rltn .. laae

a-.... olt. aon the to .. ua rtl tbe ol4 ,. .. lo d14 ••

a'lltt1o1oulr .. uotr tu 1•at1ablo OftOltJ .r thoao ao

uajuatl7 lla'\'o tu olt.apo rt1 !lall, olllll t!Mn tho •oloo rtl

a .. utr oo.-4 to 'bo lMt ln ttao Wlll•lolllll rtl otool· and

t~•, a ellalo .. o let Uoolt 'bo taoa.N, an oobo t- tu,

Wlaloh n•l•od tba toobla 'boUot 1a tiM u.b\o- rtl l2llall1t7

• tbo ohalo .. o tllat o._ hia ttao ..-ta rtl ...... Un Delano

aooenolt l Bo NpNeontocl. ttao c-olo- rtl !laDid.Dil.

ADd whon olao ... t thlo Couoloaeo bo .... p .. o.tal17

ozp .. uod lt not non ..... 1D4 ohencoo lto cl.lltloo f/1 &nUtiiClo

1Dto llaJ"cc. u4 ... ,la .. Ill•• acallllt tboao who, bJ .thou

toaohlllp, ... ttao IMNl.cl.o flit lllllontUilt.ac ..... ••• ..,.

wtao, br ttaolr o&btoue, ... tho o;ra!lol ot llllltr ._..

aatiOUJ acallllt thooo who ha'\'0 NYOOlocl. toeS 111111 U'\'0 ft'ittOD

ttao albla olth tho p•o• rtl tboil' palu aD4 tho t~ flit

tb.olr •.t J'l'cl. • U

ot o011no, lt 11 ..Sontoo41 tho I&I'IO to oot -olt

t ... h• thta c-tlt.U• elf • =nr, to tl'M4 • tM

ol-tU'f •-1 laoo, .-t.ntoo tiM .... to .. ..._, tiM

bol4 P-"o• aD4 tho U•i .. •it-• fll ttao "'11111-lltal

Pan ~t 1a taao Malo fll .....,. n1t•". n 1a lllooaootablo ta..t Ofti'J tiM that tM ... ~~. ....

to "tlll'll to ,., ..... , tiM o f'• 'lla11oto olft t!nnp tiM

Mllf fll Io ... l • ta..l• tupt. ._. it 1o llleatlltulo taaat,

. ·-... ..., u ...... , toke o•••- elf • =nr nun••· u '""'.. tbh ... koalac ta ,...,... to a- tu ,..,1e ... , ...... - .. .. t~ \ulr ut .... t• Io .... l.

" c-ol•- d.tocl wl\ll \M ... ,Ill elf .......... laM

lloooonlt. A Oouoloaoo, feel wua. \M ...... ~' uo

lD4oetrv.oU'blJ' bpi'Noocl 011 tbe Oll&rtor elf • ..- llul,

aCIIU'lollaocl OODtlDUl lJ' Wltal talo lU'o-.tYlJIC eep ot \M

ti'blo, •ltlntocl wltll tile atl oe...,. tllaa\ llopaa wltll

tbo -.huo 14oaltla ot tllo tirot .a...n~~a~~ JalloeopMI'

•rlitoleJ', ODd. that o-.letoa lholt Wltll tiM •fdbeob

lle\wooD .. taplil7aloe eD4 Poeltl•loa ootabllelle& bJ' ~

.a...rlou ,atlooopa..r 1 ... , tllrllll&lb Iillo ...,._tloa11ktcb

1• optl&eUo, olrtllolac aD4 ll"•nttartu.

~ wol'lit f/1 PNAkllA Illlaao • •-nlt 1• ot nob

sroatnou lleoeuoo lt ooto ito t ..... tl- • \M atllle.

Ia aaa 11ae roaobo4 Ilia olenU• • atoll 11ae etHil tl~

till \M -lit be pauocl lllto tile Eta .. • tbe.t lim•• ao

bollllduloo. .. ... eo alP'J'• U"ottaa •• .... , o o--..,,

J'Ot taaoro wao oo •• taltal la au aooct Mart, oo -all ftZ , II

l n bit lit1D4Moo, 10 ••ll tli'IMMo la lllt.o juttoo. !M lll'le

w taqtat IIlla to •- • ,,.-1 elf - nttr, ot llllf!Uottr.

U ftO tblo eU.UOl\J' talat let tM UYbe llo OMP la

IIlla. Dl4 .. u.. .... , .... 1 ... ,,. ..... ,. .......... IIlla '

tllaat Dhi&tJ' oaYO~o taaa o-~ u it P"I'M tile

" • ••1· ......... ta~. tM ••1 elf .. _.... -t\

••taltJ' .... u ..... la J'IPUIIUa ........ ,..1,. _, .... heelitUe .. :a.- 111Uft1t l!u W a 41YiM -.e&OII 011 outl!

-. -to oaUna tllo a.,uk~ fill Dl•lalt:r Ia au- ... .._ ld.ll4. I114o..t, l'NIIIrUa Delallo •-•nl\ wu a ""f1 .,.. ,

a riptoou -· a. llaa aua-.4 tiM tno fill a ""fM411r0 •

.. ., ot .. aN to:Neii\M "T tiM .... u... - ....... jut 1111, 'Mdopcl "T tbe Ulpl ot Death at tbe tS.. a.a

Ilia troope - aaS..te4 "T IUa 14aale - ..,. 'llealoa1 .. ~·

... l"Opelll fit •·t~f 'fla7f Tel 1 - Mft till l'lPt te

aalt tiUa qgeetl•• .u, 11111'0, plOIU U.te•H, 11 the

uaaplo ot the tll'lt tlptel' tOI' 1'4'11el't:r, the e:uaple

ot •oeoa, 'llbo 11111.1'4 tbo 1ao....,....u1'11le Dhllle Y01M 1

0 lt1 alaepaell tlN at laaai'Ota .. .._ 1e tno• - -rhGil

abalt .eo the UD4 'MtOI'I !'IIIIo, 'boat ~Gil alilalt aft oatel'

U 1• Den tho &Nit llCNr appt-oaobell 1114 tbe epootaolo ot

ttw Pl'oalae4 Lall4 Nftalo4 ltaolt 'MtOI'I llh .,.., ••••

be4 to 410 • ftu 1 be 1a a riptOOIU --· a. aba.NI tiM

tah ot the -...tJN tOI' Ll'MI'tJ'. Toa\ It 11 tbe oat...,

ot tho 1aoxpUoeblo llaetla:r, \be o.S...., tllilt baa Upt..t

tho -....ollOIU s..pe lleplnM 1D '"1M Doatlaloa• 'IIJ tiM

peat ... aob pGO\ Alt1'14 .. 'ftPJ•

•w _, d ... ot • ~allllr0 ..attaet tM•olYaa 111

tiUo &Nat o1Uaea fill ••nlty, .....,.Ua Dolaao boaaYOlt\

-.tON bla tllaN 1a till..._ fill nn_,., ot,.... taaat 1111

lla4 fOI'Sell, that be IlK ..,....,.. - -.. 1111 Uoal 'It • ' ~ ~ t - • '

I• b.la ..... taaat be ... ,.,... •r- lala ... ~ ....

'llblCill ••- to .... ~ .. ~n1• fill ape.-.., 1111 • ....,..

ap nt.aa Ilia anle* te ~ .. alaala ... .._ M 1IMw t ..

, ... K'll~. a. .... an, ll uv•, .-.r \lle Jjqll fill ,. he

1• *- ... illlla' ...... Dll4 fill ~ •tt-'•·

- 6.

••o• cUed. 11114 Ie,...l .. u.- tiM LUA fill b'telll 1

Jlooanelt cUed. aJI4 Ie,...l Will .. oa.u tlll.e £ul4 fill 11 ... 1.

BoN tllan - •• tllo '"o14oDt IIOat llla IINI1 plRilJ' lief­

tiM aaorttlooo ot .uo ,.oplo, 01* o...,..a • an ~ 'IIJ' 1illelr

SHitDI .. bat oleo '117 tholr propOPtl•, 1;)lo aaorltlooo fill • ..,.

otur aatloD OD oar\ll. BON thn - lll.eo tho r..o14oa

aolmowlo4&o4 1;)lat SHOt 1o tU .Ualea tdlloll Ja,...l woal4

aooa.plloh troa tho BolJ' I.aJI4 , . troa tu LaJI4 ot tllo h'•lflb•h,

Whoro tllo 14ou ot IJ.bonr aJI4 ot &oalal olllot1~ rooCIUidH

tor tbe tint tiM.

filo 1'1'00140Dt Ul NOpooted. a.-Dl\J', lau approolat ..

tlao r1&)lto 11114 aop1rat1aaa ot all ,.oploo, tor lao 'fOIIIrated.

tu •tblo, ~ob oo~a~~~ota tho o.tq ot tu .. oo1aDlo ora

wltb tho rotvlliq ot ~o 41oporoed. *ll4roD fll l.o ... l ~ tllo

I.aJI4 ot Ioraol. It -o oalr a tow woke aao 1;)lat \U r..1Uoat

Na1JI4o4 tho worl4 tho 111ponuoo ot tho 4atJ' U llaao roauct ..

leraol, p.-lalJI& ~ u.-. .... ~ &.noaa oolloopo, labbl Dr.

&hpllen a. Wloo, tllat llo. woal4 uo1ot 1a 1iiM ballAlD& fit tlll.e

BolJ' I.aJI4, lD tao llal141q ot tllo Ull4 f1/l 1e ... 1.

~ •• Pl'oo14oDt ot 1;)lo 1JDlto4 &tatoo ot a-rloo,

... ~. u•-• 1;)lo uiouaao ot tbe aroot '"•14ollt

•-nolt. Wltll ' a ooat-.r:o Napoot tC' tU __,. ot lllo

pi'Moooooor, wltll IIOYiD& plot,. tor tllo 14oala ot lllo ,.... •

........ tllo- .... uollt taU•- t111.e ... ,..t~ut,--,.

aokb. ill-~ ..i.~"ii'r'iiilatill' !da1 oa- lOll ,..,., ,..,. t• ••

too.• ,... ••• til'oiap le,aJ'fteA if tlll.e t uitJ' fill , ... -·

bat Uo.tltt .. wt1;)l t111.e A81rloaa ,...1o lD tn ...... ~

OYol"'llaoa. tllea, lDilaAo la ou pro,ue to h4 t1ao - ,...ltoa

••• fill ~be Ua1U4 l~a~oo fill AMI'l .. .

fto .._alaD Jorrr ......... tlllrCIIIIP • 1\o ptot u4

1h J'Oopeotl ffll' tlbe '--l'tlal h'Ooll.o!R, ~UD Dolaao ........ u • fto Jowo ot Pn•nS•, taUbl'lll o1tl1ooaa ot tholr •-I'J, llellll

their llea4a wltlh 4not1oD 'bot- tbe .....,. ot tbe Dofon4or

ot J:a,.DltJ', 'Oho wu f1pt1q tor tu oauo ot Llbol'tiJ', u4

tho ll'otlootor ot tho Jow1oll Pooplo, ao oattoro4 tU _,

tor ~1o oA.oo ot Ll'llol'tiJ.

IoJ'Ool, 1a all pal'tlo ot tho worl4, 1• trutlq that tho

"foloo ot l'J'allkUa Delano lloooo•olt, tlbo Yo1oo ot Oouo1oaoo,

wUl p1do llio tolloworo oa tlbo •-• path ot llio 14oalo. Anll,

t o qaotlo tho AaorloaD poot Piatt, "'!b. ooonto ot lcnoo aDd ot

o&Uot&otloa will thu oarroalld tho IJ'OY0° ot tho poat


l'J'&ulln Dolallo aoooonlt w111 Dot Mar tlt.o otllllld ot

tlt.o ti'QIIPOt ot Poaoo1 bat 1t 10' to Ilia \bat tlho ... llola1a0 ,

llvoUq aat t:rwa tho hoano ot h..;..aStJ', will 'llo ooaaoorotlot.

fto IIOa"fOU Will 1'030100 With tho llOJ'J' be will J'0001YO 1a

ll •••· 0I'J'O.ho4 will bo 'llo ill tllo PSms••, fer M will llo

pro1oo4 bJ' tho ooq ot tiM ._....,.,.., tor .,. hopo the~ t11t.o ol4

oha!Ror ot tho •aa.otar• •111, at lut, 1at- tho 11,_ ot c.>


' ~lla Delano a-o•olt oat ... atl thio lt..uo.

YR are walkiq, PraakUD Dolaao looornlt, OD tho patlt.

\hot lao4a to Itt rtali\J'• A oJIIIIIaODJ' ot IIIOIII'a1D&o Whiok

oarroalllla tile worl4, u4 t1 pa~1,,.., Whialt. _.. ito uan, 1e oooo.paaJ'illl ,. .. OD ,...,. lut patlt..

-'-l'or You, l'J saklS.D Delaao Bo••••lt, wlll l»e Uke tile

poet fJit Your OOIIUltrr, 8to4c1ar4, W •-. about Y• a ••tVJ

asos •y• w111 be like a atar &DDOIIUl01DC Y10tOI'JJ Y• wlll

ahiae tor•••r \b.roap tu ap1r1t ot ... , Y• aee h•, at

th1a h<Mr, tu oha1Da are 'break1q, how N&c1J •• aN to leap

p11J ewer aounta1u, onr Ya11eJ&, 1D a world u JOU'I u

YouN; a worl4 ~ Lt.l»ertr, ot l'ne4•, that annOIIUloea 1taelt;

aDd You, baGI"ta1 atar, You are ann01Ulo1as 1t\•

W1th thh aons, 11b1oh aee• to h&Ye lMea ooap•e4 tor

YCN, l':ranlt11n Delano Roo.eYelt, n 1DOba4e oar 'bleaa1DSJ

a 'b1eaa1na that •111 be puaecl .. fl"'Ol ae•rat10D to •e•­

rat1on; a b1eaa1na torner - \u 'bleaa1na ot tu People

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