i cc fill ll iffi ce ll fi n lt...

I -l Jw CC CCD Till Iffi CC fill CC ll Iffi ce § ([]) W ce If ]JD ((]) ll fi CC fi ce § 9 [p) Q1J n n lt fi CC § by CHARLES STALLINGS Ruidoso News StaH Writer Pounding his fist un the table ami yell- ing, "Bullshit!" Mayor Victor Alonso declared past administrations wen· not squeaky clean and nuctions an• a viable business prad1ce. Ruidoso Vdlagt• Cot..ncil nwding wht>n Shaw voirt·d lwr <lllger toward: -a din·nive by villagt• m:lnagt•r Ron Wicker to stiflp tlw press g:tg rule. -discussion,_: !1y tlw \ Illagt• mwlagt•r, llld)'ur and coum:il in closed lllt'dings that :>hould havt· lwt·n in the open mt•t•tmg. --villag1· attonwy Patricia Ortiz\ ap- part•n\ n·lurt:mre tu deal with the press. --retaliation against tlw press for t;:mg- ing certain rnunirip:d practiu·s to light through agressi\'t' n•purting. that pt·r·mL-;sion rnu:;t In· givPn by tlw vil- lagt· lll<tllagt•r I havt· a pn;hlPni with this," said. tt·r I lt:t\t' w.t.; d1rt·c: t·d tu ('huck Stallings lufThP Huidu--,c; :-.;t'\\''1. IH· s;ud. r\lulhll \\;1'\!l•d lc1 k!\tiW flltll't' about the Jill' !Tl \). tu JUStify purchasing praclil'Ps contrary to gu"d busirwss praelicPs and pt•rh;lps statt• st atutt>s. 'I tlunk l krlflw what l'<ll!SI'd 1t; :n fact, I know \vlwt ctusPd 1t. It's that havt• ht'l'll appt'111·inr.; in llw papt·r." "If it's (aucbon i temsJ usahl e, and there's an inventory and it's done right, Victor," countered Councilor Jerry Shaw. . -inlirnidating t•mpltlYt>t's against tlwir fir:'t :lllll'lldnwnt nghh. 'l'hl' heat slowi,v Legan while ( :<JUncilor ,J.D. ,James was speaking under rPports from 111 u r1i ri pal of'fi l'i als "Tiwrt• is a lt'ttt·r issut>d giving instruc- tions that in ordt·l· to talk to an Pmployet· .Jam1'" ,;aid lw had tu danf'y the lt>tter fur f,.:u rt also mcluc!Pd village councilors. "But I w<tnt to gu on n·cord that I oppose this typP of policy put out that was not reviewl'd by this gowrning body. This let- Slt;rw fr:>IJ\ !Jt•r rtlll!\t'tl rPad: 'I·:flt·t·tL\'t· Lnlmt·thalt·lv nu vdlagt em- pluyt·t· ,.;h:dl J't·lt-a,.;t· "f any public docurnt•Itt,.;, or Jitf'IJrlll.ltJ"Ii f'rulll public doc- Ullli'Ill<;. to :11:\' Jll'.t-'111 ht·r than arwther Sparks began tony Tut·sday during tlw School boardl hopefl1lls say Rl1lidloso schools are gFeat by FRANKIE JARRELL Ruidoso News Editor Tht• three candidates for two slots on thP i{uidoso School Board agret' that this school systPm is al- ready gn·at also concur that thPr<''s room for 1mpruvement. ,Janl!'s !'axton, unopposed fur a po::;i\J<Jil on the board, and Jim Varnildort! and Kt•nl Beatty, who are competing for tht• other open position, spokP Monday before peoplP at RUJdoso lligh School. Paxton, Beatty and Varnadore found another point of agreenwnt, as well, noting that whoever is electl'd will do a good JOb. KarPn Tillman lPd the cand1- dates through a program that in- cluded opening remarks by each, a series of previPwPcl questions and closing remarks. small group - wh1ch m- rludPd thrPP school hu<1nl nwmtwrs, two uf tht·ir wi\'l':i, about a half dozt·n school admmistrators and right at :w tPadwr-s presPnted JUSt unP qupstwn tn thP candic!ate;; That on(• <jllf'Sii<il1 from tht· nuor wa" on wlwther or not tlH part•nts of studt·nb an organizat1on, such "" a JYrA, to tlll'rn ,t un:lt'd vn1cf' in trtt· "' l1oob P:rxt11n n·r,:tt·d tl1:t1 c11ntmunica- t1on 1s thP kt·\. th:t1 ht• 1" ail for an\· kind "f, •rJnnunJt\· JJPtw"rk I thmk It W>•·JLl h,. gTPnt j,,r "dr community. swd \':lrnadon· B1·attv ,;:11d ''ll ·,, ,m Off.:dlli7.ttJ •!l hf'i)l '":\1· .1 :,,: ,,f pn hlt·r:1,_ · Sr P 1 r , iII< P t h ": · .. \' t i v. I' ",. P parrnt.<: 1'1 'l !)•·J::;lt1\'P ;;It·I:lti""· · saH1 !'.··a:tv. who f:l\'r,rs anvthL!lg' that prn\.1de- p<htlJn· f(lr thP k1d' PaxtfJn, ;1 whrJ 1,; an ownrr. tlw prP<:10f•nt and broker for CPntury '21-i\sprn Rral F:statP. has bvrd 111 Hu1dosCJ f"r l q years. H1s v.1fe, Cindy, hrts h•·t·n :1 teRcher fnr thosP 19 yrrtr": and ti1>' C'Ouplr hn" two daughtPrs. a ;.;txth f.:radf'r and an eighth grarlPr !'axton has ht•en pres1drnt and :1 mPrnlH·r of lhP board for th1: JIM VARNADORE Huld(J,.;IJ \':tllt>y ( uf Com- mt·n·t· :rnd !Ja,.; "''rYt'd on tlw Drug Frt•t· School Adv1sr>r) Board IX Varnadon·. a Hui(Jo,u n·:;Ldt>nt for nrnf' years. 1s 111 husirwss lwre. He and his wifr, Jackie, have two sons, one in tLe sixth l'rdde and one a junror at Ruidoso High School. Var-nRdore, who taught school for two years afll'r graduating from Angela State Unr\:tTs1t:-.·. sa1d ht• KENT BEATTY wants to help l 1 1S own children and otl1ers to havP the bPst Pducation poss1blf'. BPattv. w'w wPnt to school in Ruidoso: said lw has nu ('hildrPn in the school systt-m and no h1dden agenda. "I care fer the children," said RPatty, who is a golf pro at Cn·t· and coaches the Pleast• ·,tJtJ School, page 2A James Paxton. unopposed 1n hts btd for a seat on the Ruidoso School Board, speaks to a handful of people Monday at a candidates forum at Ruidoso H1gh School Karen T1llman (seated at left) moderated the forum which 1ncluded the two candidates for another seat on the board, Jim Varnarlore ;:md Kent Beatty Craslhl wnp<es 1l rr fr'fn c ll fi g Ihllt A t1psy motor:st will have to lll\lgh up thoHsands of dollars for damage inrurrl'rl whPn he Wlped out traffic signal;; at thP conwr of ;.\udderth and ParRdJse Canyon Road. .Jot> II "Buhha" Lane, 21, was charged with DWI, rPckless driving and driving without a seat belt. According to police reports, Lane was apparently traveling east- bound shortly after midnight Sat- urday in his 1980 white Toyota pickup on Sudderth Drive at a high rate of speed. The report further states that, for some unknown reasons, the · vehicle left the right 1 side of the Please s 1e Crash, page 2A Heuds1ar1 1nstruc1or Shelly Woods encourages four- year-olrl Jesse DelRio at the easel dunng a sess1on at Noh Hill flementary. The new program is bR1ng rn Ru1doso and Cap1tan ,('t' Council, page 2A c 0 llJ] ITlllt y cd1lf C(J) IP § n 21 Illl cdl CL 0 lll111 IP 21 rrn y o nl111 n ,o/s lLl1 n 1t TlJ,. LIJJl'llill ( ·,,untv Cornmis,_:irm h;Lo, f'dt·d " ll\ll\11111 t11 disrni:-,.; the L11\l'(lll\ V:tl!t·\· I ,and ( 'ornp;lny as a dt·f-t·rlllartt Lrl :t" ft·dnal lawsuit again;;t tit•· Btu t·.tu of Lllld Man- agt•mt·n: riH.\1> "Tlw attcJrtll'\' f"r tlt1· land com- p:my ;t\n·ad)' h.1d fi!t·d a rnut1on to disn:1:'." ami :t JHnnlwr of n·a- son,, I ";Lid ()h. lli'<:ILI'I' thPy wen' not t'! LH'tal trJ thl' ft•dt•rnl court dt>lt•nnJn;Lt :11I: ";lid county at- tornt·\· .j J(,d"·r\ H•·:ttL\'a!:<. Tht· l:tr:d '"111J>:II:\· hac! IH·Pn 111- r 1·. 1 d 1• d . r 1 .t :; m - t 1 tt tl: I' L r Jtltl t y fi I Pd Ill d: 't rJt t 'LJrt Tht· c'<>llnty was as- kill}.; f(lr .til J!IJlltLclion to stop any furtiH·r .1 t !I Ill CIIJH'I'rnmg a swap of prtlfH·ri\ h\' the cumpany al(lng t i:•· l{Jrl Btmito fnr fedPral land (Ill' ,.;){!t• tht• l'OU!il,'>' Offiualf; m t.he HLM plan for the hurt'ilU tu '" qtJin· titt· land ne,Jr the hi,tonl' nf and to dt·\ d1·1' ]"" r1·crt•ationa1 LJ ...... f ..... Th·· 11 l'lllll.--:llll .tl..;" wa5i asking t Itt· d1.-crtl t t f,r :1 lh'tPrmtna- twn whPtht·r t i:t· and land r "rnp:ill\ t" cr>nfonn to rP- :: t!:t· < ounty's land usP I,., .' ' Th::' - 1 · Ltl t'l \\ :ts rt·muvl'd to ft•fil·!·,' I itr\d Jllir:t·d With thP F I• , , ... •·•: County, page 2A A cc;; IP rr ciJ) JP)(IJ) § (2; § Ih (2; ce ffll rrn g llll ]J] § lt 21lt ce ciJ) IJ1> (2; rrn m ce celt ll rm g § 21 cc lt by DIANNE STALLINGS RuidOSO V\/rrt••r ( )ffi(lal-: ,. »,1' ,.f''l: I' :\ J•V.. 1\1ex1ro .. , \ t ;,.!.>·r;, Torn t'dall an· h:tr>: ,,· ""rk )'' '- 1,:,. Oprn Mr·Ptllli-:' .\r' n·frJrm Deputy Att,>t:.>' (;t·rlf'ral Ynhalr>m Thf' J{uidoso :'\£•ws WrdrJPsday tli.d Jl\ c<>rll•·rt w1th st·vPral otht·r J:r" tht·.\· arp put· tmg lOi.!Ptlwr :1 pal'kagP rl:tnfy1ng Pxisting amPndmPnts to rPflPct position:; tht· 11ffin· h,., takt·rt in its com pli Rnre gtll rJ,. "And wP'rl' workmg wttlt otlwr groups on polt·ntJal nmrndrnPnts. among them to arlclrr>!'ls thr> prohlPm of hoards and r"mm1ssions talk1ng ahout mRttr>rc: 111 clrlsPd session thnt they're not suppo:-:ed to talk Rhout. Yohalrrn said UndPr tlw OpPn McPtings Act passed in and revisPd in 19R9, a mePting of a puhlic group must hP open to the puhlic anytime a quo- rum is present and the board is meeting to makr public pollcy, dis- cuss public business or take action. Public notice must be giwm of the meetings and minutes must be taken, prepared for public review within 10 working days after the meetirg. Seven exemptions now exist un- der the law that pennit public bodies to shut out the public. ln all cases, justification for clos- ing the meeting must be stated and the public must be notified. !EXEMPTIONS Among the reasons permitted for ' ' ' :-- .l"'P''l!Cilng. r1·r.1··'- . ....: rt'\1 r\.:.h \ .ic'• •.-t· Hr,v.• ·,, · I a llt'ar::, at .. ,.,.].. :. ,., .• d ··: .. ' 'I• Ill' I J ITt' rf r,r . . r f•: J: 0 1 I-..., l'• I I • ,:.,·d. Jl 1l1 II, 1 ill· 'Jll'l. t<J tht• p.d "' 1 ll•h:t.-:t•, ,.,,t•f'ilillg .. -till) t h:1' IH· m.1dt· onlY ()fli' :-<Hirt> Alth"ugh tht' gr()tJjl 'an In!'!'\ : r: <I clo;.;Pd St'SSIIII't \<1 t11f' I' 1rrhast•, th" find ;IJ'I""\:d n I ' Ill' m:Hlt• Ill an O[WI1 Tllf'f't 11\g: 'tH·Pting,; "11hjetl t'J th" al i• :r: JI'V-C'hf'nt J'l'l\'1]egp JWI't.lllllllg' to ti,r•·atened or pt'IHhng lit1gatJon -discussions of long·term husi· ness plans for a public hospital that receives less than 50 percent of iLs operatmg budget from eli rect pu hli c funds and appropriations -preliminary strategy d1scuR- sions prior to negotiations with a collective bargaining unit. -discussion of the purchase, ac- quisition or disposal of real proprr- ty or water rights. -limited personnel matters, in- cluding the discussion of hiring, firing, promotion, demotion, assign- ment, resignntion of, or the investi- gation of, or of com- plaints or charges against any pub- lic employee. The discussion must concern a specific employee. That person can demand an open hearing. Any final action must be talten in an open session. "Anything else would not be proper for discussion than that :; .... •t ",t' ..... ( Jp-t· .. t.t· PXPn:p- t:. .... t.: -..\· (;it·r.: .. v.:r:(J h.ind- il·.' ! " a[Jc '1 1 th1• .; .. -. • ·r 1 !l> : . • ' ·' f,, r l ·d. u l' s o ffi 1 f' F-. •·:1 ; •. ho .... d1:>·:·.;•'1''l ' r. II'! cW pr,,[, ;t,;., .t 1 t·l'dll .• tmount of room ft;f li.!t•I'JJI!''tiJC: th.li t., l'IJVt•r thlr1i!S th:tt l11· a ... she sard. [t Wl>ll:d of dqJI'Illl <Jll par- lit "It 1.1t:un. Lu• JUSt as Rn ini- 'til'\ an· linntrd to tl11· t11:1t ;,r,· I. ,tf'd tlwn' Tlw.\ HlP L•!i:'t"i ,;clPly to thr dJ.;, tOil llf wtlat t h"y have dt·cbrt·d a,; an If in the crlU!"SI' of rh,.;fussion. thPy st:1rt to clnft off and somebody steers them hack, tl1at probably IS OK. But they're not supposed to discuss any- thing othPr than thr topic they an- nouncPd Ill cln'>ing the meeting." Sessinns with a city manager th11t have to dr, w1th implementing policy of the hoard, 'like on how a cPrtain procedure (should be fol- lowed) to handle some board busi- ness, that wouldn't fall under there rrxemption)," Glenn said. SPEAKING OUT Many elected officials who serve on village councils, school boards and county commissions apparently are not aware that they may reveal what has been discussed in a closed session, if they choose. "The situation is there is nothing .. Please see AG, pag€1 2A

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Page 1: I CC fill ll Iffi ce ll fi n lt fiarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications... · teRcher fnr thosP 19 yrrtr": and ti1>' C'Ouplr hn" two daughtPrs. a ;.;txth f.:radf'r

I ~&\'79~l?mo1l~ -l Jw tf®©~J

CC CCD Till Iffi CC fill CC ll ~[U§) Iffi ce § ([]) W ce If ]JD ((]) ll fi CC fi ce § 9 [p) Q1J n n lt fi CC § by CHARLES STALLINGS Ruidoso News StaH Writer

Pounding his fist un the table ami yell­ing, "Bullshit!" Mayor Victor Alonso declared past administrations wen· not squeaky clean and nuctions an• a viable business prad1ce.

Ruidoso Vdlagt• Cot..ncil nwding wht>n Shaw voirt·d lwr <lllger toward:

-a din·nive by villagt• m:lnagt•r Ron Wicker to stiflp tlw press with<~ g:tg rule.

-discussion,_: !1y tlw \ Illagt• mwlagt•r, llld)'ur and coum:il in closed lllt'dings that :>hould havt· lwt·n in the open mt•t•tmg.

--villag1· attonwy Patricia Ortiz\ ap­part•n\ n·lurt:mre tu deal with the press.

--retaliation against tlw press for t;:mg­ing certain rnunirip:d practiu·s to light through agressi\'t' n•purting.

that pt·r·mL-;sion rnu:;t In· givPn by tlw vil­lagt· lll<tllagt•r I havt· a pn;hlPni with this," ,Jmr~t·s said.

tt·r I lt:t\t' w.t.; d1rt·c: t·d tu ('huck Stallings lufThP Huidu--,c; :-.;t'\\''1. IH· s;ud.

r\lulhll \\;1'\!l•d lc1 k!\tiW flltll't' about the Jill' !Tl \). ~trylllg tu JUStify purchasing praclil'Ps

contrary to gu"d busirwss praelicPs and pt•rh;lps statt• st atutt>s. •

'I tlunk l krlflw what l'<ll!SI'd 1t; :n fact, I know \vlwt ctusPd 1t. It's artic!t·~ that havt• ht'l'll appt'111·inr.; in llw papt·r."

"If it's (aucbon i temsJ usahl e, and there's an inventory and it's done right, Victor," countered Councilor Jerry Shaw. . -inlirnidating t•mpltlYt>t's against tlwir

fir:'t :lllll'lldnwnt nghh.

'l'hl' heat slowi,v Legan while ( :<JUncilor ,J.D. ,James was speaking under rPports from 111 u r1i ri pal of'fi l'i als

"Tiwrt• is a lt'ttt·r issut>d giving instruc­tions that in ordt·l· to talk to an Pmployet·

.Jam1'" ,;aid lw had tu danf'y the lt>tter fur f,.:u rt also mcluc!Pd village councilors.

"But I w<tnt to gu on n·cord that I oppose this typP of policy put out that was not reviewl'd by this gowrning body. This let-

Slt;rw fr:>IJ\ !Jt•r rtlll!\t'tl "~'<ll rPad: 'I·:flt·t·tL\'t· Lnlmt·thalt·lv nu vdlagt em­

pluyt·t· ,.;h:dl J't·lt-a,.;t· l'<>JiLt·.~ "f any public docurnt•Itt,.;, or Jitf'IJrlll.ltJ"Ii f'rulll public doc­Ullli'Ill<;. to :11:\' Jll'.t-'111 ~~~ ht·r than arwther

Sparks began tony Tut·sday during tlw

School boardl hopefl1lls say Rl1lidloso schools are gFeat by FRANKIE JARRELL Ruidoso News Editor

Tht• three candidates for two slots on thP i{uidoso School Board agret' that this school systPm is al­ready gn·at ~they also concur that thPr<''s room for 1mpruvement.

,Janl!'s !'axton, unopposed fur a po::;i\J<Jil on the board, and Jim Varnildort! and Kt•nl Beatty, who are competing for tht• other open position, spokP Monday before :~G peoplP at RUJdoso lligh School.

Paxton, Beatty and Varnadore found another point of agreenwnt, as well, noting that whoever is electl'd will do a good JOb.

KarPn Tillman lPd the cand1-dates through a program that in­cluded opening remarks by each, a series of previPwPcl questions and closing remarks.

Th~ small group - wh1ch m-rludPd thrPP school hu<1nl nwmtwrs, two uf tht·ir wi\'l':i, about a half dozt·n school admmistrators and right at :w tPadwr-s -· presPnted JUSt unP qupstwn tn thP candic!ate;;

That on(• <jllf'Sii<il1 from tht· nuor wa" on wlwther or not tlH part•nts of studt·nb nn~d an organizat1on, such "" a JYrA, to ~-,rivt> tlll'rn ,t

un:lt'd vn1cf' in trtt· "' l1oob P:rxt11n n·r,:tt·d tl1:t1 c11ntmunica­

t1on 1s thP kt·\. ;,drl1n~ th:t1 ht• 1" ail for an\· kind "f, •rJnnunJt\· JJPtw"rk

I thmk It W>•·JLl h,. gTPnt j,,r "dr

community. swd \':lrnadon· B1·attv ,;:11d ''ll ·,, ,m Off.:dlli7.ttJ •!l

WO~J]d hf'i)l '":\1· .1 :,,: ,,f pn hlt·r:1,_ · Sr P 1 r , iII< P t h 1 · ": · .. \' t i r~.. v. I' ",. P

parrnt.<: ~~ 1'1 'l !)•·J::;lt1\'P ;;It·I:lti""· · saH1 !'.··a:tv. who f:l\'r,rs anvthL!lg'

that prn\.1de- p<htlJn· .~:1pp(Jrt f(lr thP k1d'

PaxtfJn, ;1 f{p:~::or whrJ 1,; an

ownrr. tlw prP<:10f•nt and rpal1f~1ng broker for CPntury '21-i\sprn Rral F:statP. has bvrd 111 Hu1dosCJ f"r l q years. H1s v.1fe, Cindy, hrts h•·t·n :1

teRcher fnr thosP 19 yrrtr": and ti1>' C'Ouplr hn" two daughtPrs. a ;.;txth f.:radf'r and an eighth grarlPr

!'axton has ht•en pres1drnt and :1

mPrnlH·r of lhP board for th1:


Huld(J,.;IJ \':tllt>y ( 'h~tmlll'r uf Com­mt·n·t· :rnd !Ja,.; "''rYt'd on tlw Drug Frt•t· School Adv1sr>r) Board tlnou~h i{p~i"r1 IX

Varnadon·. a Hui(Jo,u n·:;Ldt>nt

for nrnf' years. 1s 111 husirwss lwre. He and his wifr, Jackie, have two sons, one in tLe sixth l'rdde and one a junror at Ruidoso High School.

Var-nRdore, who taught school for two years afll'r graduating from Angela State Unr\:tTs1t:-.·. sa1d ht•


wants to help l1 1S own children and otl1ers to havP the bPst Pducation poss1blf'.

BPattv. w'w wPnt to school in Ruidoso: said lw has nu ('hildrPn in the school systt-m and no h1dden agenda.

"I care dPPp~y fer the children," said RPatty, who is a golf pro at Cn·t· Mr>adow~ and coaches the

Pleast• ·,tJtJ School, page 2A

James Paxton. unopposed 1n hts btd for a seat on the Ruidoso School Board, speaks to a handful of people Monday at a candidates forum at Ruidoso H1gh School Karen T1llman (seated at left) moderated the forum which 1ncluded the two candidates for another seat on the board, Jim Varnarlore ;:md Kent Beatty

Craslhl wnp<es ([»lUI~ TID21rr21dln~e

1l rr ~ll fr'fn c ll fi g Ihllt A t1psy motor:st will have to

lll\lgh up thoHsands of dollars for damage inrurrl'rl whPn he Wlped out traffic signal;; at thP conwr of ;.\udderth and ParRdJse Canyon Road.

.Jot> II "Buhha" Lane, 21, was charged with DWI, rPckless driving and driving without a seat belt.

According to police reports, Lane was apparently traveling east­bound shortly after midnight Sat­urday in his 1980 white Toyota pickup on Sudderth Drive at a high rate of speed.

The report further states that, for some unknown reasons, the

· vehicle left the right 1side of the

Please s 1e Crash, page 2A

Heuds1ar1 1nstruc1or Shelly Woods encourages four­year-olrl Jesse DelRio at the easel dunng a sess1on at Noh Hill flementary. The new program is bR1ng o1ff~red rn Ru1doso and Cap1tan

PIP:J·.·~ ,('t' Council, page 2A

c 0 llJ] ITlllt y cd1lf C(J) IP §

n 21 Illl cdl CL 0 lll111 IP 21 rrn y f~r o nl111 n ~ ,o/s lLl1 n 1t

TlJ,. LIJJl'llill ( ·,,untv Cornmis,_:irm h;Lo, f'dt·d " ll\ll\11111 t11 disrni:-,.; the L11\l'(lll\ V:tl!t·\· I ,and ( 'ornp;lny as a dt·f-t·rlllartt Lrl :t" ft·dnal lawsuit again;;t tit•· Btu t·.tu of Lllld Man­agt•mt·n: riH.\1>

"Tlw attcJrtll'\' f"r tlt1· land com­p:my ;t\n·ad)' h.1d fi!t·d a rnut1on to disn:1:'." ami f~,r :t JHnnlwr of n·a­son,, I ";Lid ()h. lli'<:ILI'I' thPy wen' not t'! LH'tal trJ thl' ft•dt•rnl court dt>lt•nnJn;Lt :11I: ";lid county at­tornt·\· .j J(,d"·r\ H•·:ttL\'a!:<.

Tht· l:tr:d '"111J>:II:\· hac! IH·Pn 111-

r 1·. 1 d 1 • d . r 1 .t :; m - t 1 tt tl: I' L r Jtltl t y fi I Pd Ill d: 't rJt t c· 'LJrt Tht· c'<>llnty was as­kill}.; f(lr .til J!IJlltLclion to stop any furtiH·r .1 t !I Ill CIIJH'I'rnmg a swap of prtlfH·ri\ <~W111·d h\' the cumpany al(lng t i:•· l{Jrl Btmito fnr fedPral land (Ill' ,.;){!t• tht• l'OU!il,'>'

Offiualf; m t.he HLM plan for the hurt'ilU tu '" qtJin· titt· land ne,Jr the hi,tonl' ~l't!lt•flit·nt nf ~~incoln and to dt·\ d1·1' ]"" :1111';~['( r1·crt•ationa1 LJ ...... f .....

Th·· 11 l'lllll.--:llll .tl..;" wa5i asking t Itt· d1.-crtl t t ~>urt f,r :1 lh'tPrmtna­twn whPtht·r t i:t· g~>\'Pn1nwn~ and land r "rnp:ill\ h;~d t" cr>nfonn to rP­qu:r·•·r~:•·rltc- :: t!:t· < ounty's land usP I,., . ' '

Th::' - 1 · Ltl t'l \\ :ts rt·muvl'd to ft•fil·!·,' I "'II'~ itr\d Jllir:t·d With thP

F I• , , ... •·•: County, page 2A

A cc;; IP rr ciJ) JP)(IJ) § (2; § Ih (2; ce ffll rrn g llll ]J]

§ lt 21lt ce ciJ) IJ1> (2; rrn m ce celt ll rm g § 21 cc lt by DIANNE STALLINGS RuidOSO NP-w~. Stc~tf V\/rrt••r

( )ffi(lal-: ,. »,1' ,.f''l: I' I~ :\ J•V..

1\1ex1ro A•~,o! .. , \ t ;,.!.>·r;, Torn t'dall an· h:tr>: ,,· ""rk "· )'' '- 1,:,. Oprn Mr·Ptllli-:' .\r' n·frJrm

Deputy Att,>t:.>' (;t·rlf'ral [l,~,,l,.:

Ynhalr>m t~>ld Thf' J{uidoso :'\£•ws WrdrJPsday tli.d Jl\ c<>rll•·rt w1th st·vPral otht·r J:r" II~'· tht·.\· arp put· tmg lOi.!Ptlwr :1 pal'kagP rl:tnfy1ng Pxisting amPndmPnts to rPflPct position:; tht· 11ffin· h,., takt·rt in its com pli Rnre gtll rJ,.

"And wP'rl' workmg wttlt otlwr groups on polt·ntJal nmrndrnPnts. among them to arlclrr>!'ls thr> prohlPm of hoards and r"mm1ssions talk1ng ahout mRttr>rc: 111 clrlsPd session thnt they're not suppo:-:ed to talk Rhout. Yohalrrn said

UndPr tlw OpPn McPtings Act passed in 1~7H and revisPd in 19R9, a mePting of a puhlic group must hP open to the puhlic anytime a quo­rum is present and the board is meeting to makr public pollcy, dis­cuss public business or take action.

Public notice must be giwm of the meetings and minutes must be taken, prepared for public review within 10 working days after the meetirg.

Seven exemptions now exist un­der the law that pennit public bodies to shut out the public.

ln all cases, justification for clos­ing the meeting must be stated and the public must be notified.

!EXEMPTIONS Among the reasons permitted for

' ' '

:-- .l"'P''l!Cilng. r1·r.1··'- .~ . ....: ~~r rt'\1 r\.:.h \

.ic'• •.-t· Hr,v.• ·,, · I a llt'ar::, ~ at .. ,.,.].. :. ,., .• d ··: .. ' 'I• Ill' I J ITt' rf 'I~ r,r

. . r f•: J: ~,' 0 1 I-..., l'• I I • ,:.,·d. Jl 1l1 II, 1 ill· 'Jll'l. t<J tht• p.d "'

1 ll•h:t.-:t•, ,.,,t•f'ilillg $~ .. -till) t h:1' r·c~n IH· m.1dt· fr~>m onlY ()fli'

:-<Hirt> Alth"ugh tht' gr()tJjl 'an In!'!'\ : r: <I clo;.;Pd St'SSIIII't \<1 d1~1'1JS~

t11f' I' 1rrhast•, th" find ;IJ'I""\:d n I ' Ill' m:Hlt• Ill an O[WI1 Tllf'f't 11\g:

'tH·Pting,; "11hjetl t'J th" al i• :r: JI'V-C'hf'nt J'l'l\'1]egp JWI't.lllllllg'

to ti,r•·atened or pt'IHhng lit1gatJon

-discussions of long·term husi· ness plans for a public hospital that receives less than 50 percent of iLs operatmg budget from eli rect pu hli c funds and appropriations

-preliminary strategy d1scuR­sions prior to negotiations with a collective bargaining unit.

-discussion of the purchase, ac­quisition or disposal of real proprr­ty or water rights.

-limited personnel matters, in­cluding the discussion of hiring, firing, promotion, demotion, assign­ment, resignntion of, or the investi­gation of, or con~rideration of com­plaints or charges against any pub­lic employee.

The discussion must concern a specific employee. That person can demand an open hearing. Any final action must be talten in an open session.

"Anything else would not be proper for discussion than that

:; .... •t I~ ",t' ..... ( Jp-t· .. t.t· PXPn:p-t:. .... t.: Ht·~ -..\· (;it·r.: .. v.:r:(J h.ind-il·.' j~lf'-' ! " a[Jc '1 1 th1• Of!Pl~

.; .. -. • · r 1 ~ !l> : . • ' ·' f,, r l ·d. u l' s o ffi 1 f'

F-. •·:1 ~ ~.~ .1;.:~. ~!.1· ; •. ho .... Lt~urr ha~

d1:>·:·.;•'1''l ' r. II'! cW ~hat, thl'rt''~ pr,,[, ;t,;., .t 1 t·l'dll .• tmount of room ft;f li.!t•I'JJI!''tiJC: th.li t., l'IJVt•r thlr1i!S th:tt Im~ht l11· a ~trPtch ... she sard. [t Wl>ll:d ~"r-t of dqJI'Illl <Jll th1~ par­

lit u:.~r "It 1.1t:un. Lu• JUSt as Rn ini­t::~l P~'~'l'''~·•:on. 'til'\ an· linntrd to tl11· tLitl~;; t11:1t ;,r,· I. ,tf'd tlwn'

Tlw.\ HlP L•!i:'t"i ,;clPly to thr dJ.;, 11,-;~ tOil llf wtlat t h"y have dt·cbrt·d a,; an ~>xemption If in the crlU!"SI' of rh,.;fussion. thPy st:1rt to clnft off and somebody steers them hack, tl1at probably IS OK. But they're not supposed to discuss any­thing othPr than thr topic they an­nouncPd Ill cln'>ing the meeting."

Sessinns with a city manager th11t have to dr, w1th implementing policy of the hoard, 'like on how a cPrtain procedure (should be fol­lowed) to handle some board busi­ness, that wouldn't fall under there rrxemption)," Glenn said.


Many elected officials who serve on village councils, school boards

and county commissions apparently are not aware that they may reveal what has been discussed in a closed session, if they choose.

"The situation is there is nothing

.. Please see AG, pag€1 2A

Page 2: I CC fill ll Iffi ce ll fi n lt fiarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications... · teRcher fnr thosP 19 yrrtr": and ti1>' C'Ouplr hn" two daughtPrs. a ;.;txth f.:radf'r

2A!The Ruidoso News/Thursday, January 28,1993

C ({]) lLll rrn d ll Continued tram page 1 A

vdlagt~ employt'e ur council mt•mher or the mayor without my approval. If anyone else a:;ks a villagP employee for copies or public d\J~·unwnt.'i or information from pubHc docu­ments, that person should be referred to me wlwn• he/sht· will hP asked to complete a writtt•u upplieat:nn describing what is wantt>d und what tlw fees will bt~."

Shaw objected to \Vi ~ker setting policy. "l consider this a change of policy. I

thought council nwdt· policy and I'm very di~turbt>d by this," slw said.

Village attorney Patricia Ortiz told Shaw it was lwr memo to Wicker.

"i prepan·d that as a sample to send to the managt~r to be considered along with the otlwr memos," she said.

"It's already in e!Tect," Shaw said. Wicker explained to Shaw wPty he sent

the nwmo to employt!es. "I think it's tmly appropriate to give me

an opportunity to explain what has hap­pened. \Vp ha\'t' bl'en through this in the last .st•veral wt~t~ks of IH•mg ... numerous empluyet•s uf which we got complaints, have bt~en approached by the news media, demanding stu IT hy the end of the day or by the end of th1• next day, and we cannot op­erate without Hllme control," he said. "I was tlw one responsible for st•nding out that mt•mo. I stand behind that memo. I think the only way that I as manager will be able to opPrate this city t~fTt~ctiwly, is for those demands to l'Ornl' through thr manager's of­fil't•.'

(A numbt!!' of t>mp!uyet>s havP come to The Huidosu Nt!WS cuncHned about tax mont•y abuse through village practices, ;;orne of which afft•ct the village manager. In an attempt to find the truth, and still prutt>d tlw idt•ntity of the employees, The NPws hal< madt' inquiril'S. Wicker's memo appt•ars ttJ bt• a.imPd at loclting any further 1/H}Uiflt'S.)

"If the cotmril wants to set a policy, you m•ed to tt•ll nw,· said Wil'b·r. "Administra· tiv('ly, I thd impost-' this and! will keep it in effet·t until tlw eounnl st-ls policy other­wist•. I would lll' nwrt• than happy to hear from tht· maJorit:--· pf tht• e•JUncil on thifl is­sut·.

Counedor HarlJara lluff said employees wt•rt• disturbt·d.

Shaw .said slu· talkt·d tn a numbt•r of em­ployt•t·~ who had no pro!JJpm with peoplP bothering tht·m.

"Public employ1•es ft·1·l if it's publ1c m· formatwn they have a right to give that in~ formatwn. I dnn't want them intimidate-d. 1 don't want thPJr nghL'i in Hny way jeopar­d!zt·cl and! don't hkP tht· policy," she ::;aid.

··,Jt·rry, may I rr·butt that?" DufT asked. ··My thought was that ('Verybody knows

that a!\ n•L·onl!i ht're in village hall are opt>n to tlw pubhe. W!!'n· pPrfcctly willing to ]d y1111 conw and look up and read for yoursp\f. but not takt' thP timl' of the Pm· plop·t·~." DufT s;ud. Sht• did not cxplalll how till~ ruuld lw atTompliRh!'d

Alonso pn·ss!'d f"or halancl' 111 thP gather­Ing and dissl'mlnHttrlll of mformatJon for th1~ pn•:-s.

'"You can sl't' th;1t 1f you hav1· an over·

:z.ealous reporter coming in, and there are ~ocumentations to that effect that tba ... rest of you have seen. That's why this policy was put in to place," he said.

Bi~e pictured in The News.: . . "T.bat's.la:ue," Shaw intwJected, "I know.pOJ'sonally, I have only at~nded . I WIIS one of the counmlors who went ... , Alonso claimed not to be:A\pne. · .three auc!;iOll$. I dare say we haven't been

Alonso blamed recent disclosures by The News on politics.

and eaw tho·.oondition of the street. dep~ · ·•·;' !'It's also true that prior tl\:lloirig electoi<r' to n\ilre thaU;fau~ .or five. liut ityau beii.Ve ment. I went back today and •t looks there were teru. of thousands ·of dollars and the news medla, maybe there is 15," he won~etrlful,k Md r. hWlckl er' comparedth t~. shthe it can be ·documented," he s.Ud. said, . . . . ..

"It's always been my belief and my hope that the politics should be carried out in this arena, n~.:ht here with the councilors," Alonso said.

w~y 1 oo e w en was over ere, e "That~s not true. [t cannot' be docu- WiCker's slam at his boss, didn't get by 881~· , mented," Shew said, apparently getting the Shaw. · · .

1 do~ t know what. happened to all the same advice "from the finance department "I didn't get my iDfonnation from. the stutr ... It s there and kmd of rearranged, 1 as The News inquiry. news~. llim.t!la~ this fi:OIIl City.Hall

Alonso urged the press to "get out of the business of meddling in the day-to-day op­Pmtion of the Village of Ruidoso."

hope. ; · ·: · :. · W:l~!lft'eted his belpt· .. · ' ' · fulill ~~Jil"'l!lffii,W$l!lit~"~···/· •.-,•.;" '! · .;,: ' · "l' can· aurely provide the ldoc11111enis ''You·ilidii'1-getl~ll.'llili:.tii~"'Wio1le1said"'-'

THE AUCTION OF 1988 wherethesurpluspropertywasbought,"he T.be mayOr atoppoil Wiekor from con·


Shaw told Alonso that village manage­ment brought on their own problems:

"This all started from an article in the pHJll'r about the practice of auctions, the pnu·tice of trades with no inventory. 1 was personally very glad to learn these'things, because they should have been learned. I'm very sony that the paper had to bring it to my .attention. I wish I had been more on the ball and discovered this myself," Shaw said.

Shaw said that she was told by Ortiz, about a month on the job as village at­torney, that Ruidoso was a small village with so much going on that it can't stand interruptions.

"''m sony Patricia, you get paid for that," Shaw said.

Shaw was not the only person sUrprised at the council meeting to find the doors of the haJlways locked for the first time.

"Not only is that door (hallway) locked, but Mr. Wicker's door is locked. We've got double locks back there. I said (to Wicker) what are you hiding?" she asked.

Shnw chided the mayor for going back on his campaign plank of open government.

"I thought in 1990, Victor, you ran for open government. I see this closing in around me," she said.

"If someone calls out here to Tammie !village clerk) and they want _to review an ordinance, I don't think Tammie ought to hang up the phone and call Mr. Wicker. I think it's silly."

Shaw sa.id hiding things from the press

When the story of the street yard sJ;rewn fu11 of government surplus was discovered, questionable items purchased at auctions came to light.

According to village employees, Wicker began a search for past auctions prior to his arrival to help set a precedent.

Last week, Mayor Alonso carried that message to The News publisher Sammy Lopez, asking why a prior history on auc­tions hadn't been researched.

The News contacted the finance depart­ment for information, but was told no definitive infonnation existed and that an estimate of the cost for research should be obtained to secure any complete docu~ mentation. The written application would have to go through village manager Wicker.

At Tuesday's meeting Shaw said she was to.ld by councilors and bv Wicker that attending auctions has always ·been a vil­lage praatice. She said she disagreed.

"I said the night this was discussed in a closed meeting, I said when I was on coun­cil from 1984 to 1988, I do not remember any policy of us going to auctions," she said.

Wicker said in 1988, John Varley, fi­nance director at the time, approved an open purchase order in the amount of $102,000 for the various department heads to go to Sante Fe tOr a state related type auction. About $48,000 was spent.

Wicker said four motorcycles were bought for the airport and water depart­ment. Snow blowers, salt spreaders, and other items also were purchased.

He said there were government donated items to the airport as well.

is not the answer to press relations. Shaw said there was a difference be-"''m not taking up for Chuck. He may be tween donated and bought.

ahrasivt~. YoLJ may not like his personality," Wicker said he agreed. she smd. "We've had other reporters that Alonso said all of this was interesting, have bet•n wry aggressive. I think Frankie but not on the agenda. Jarrell was one of them. I think she was as Shaw dropped another "out of the aggressive !il:-t.·~_Ybody could be. She asked sunshine" .bomb shell. , me many ·qiifitions, she got after me for · '"Well, ·we diseifssed· thls, I believ~ in many things . ....,hat's their job. They look closed session. I think it should be aired after public funds. Why do we have to have publicly, Victor,·· -she said. this attitude that we're going to hide things The mayor said if public auctions or lack from them'!" of control is a question, there should be an

Shaw said she didn't want to get in- ordinance to give the manager direction. volved in Wick1~r's job, hut policy is the council's job.

Tve heard policy mentioned on both sidt•s of mt! tonight. Victor said it was a policy chang!'. Mr. Wicker said it was a policy chang"!!. It should come through this cnuncil. It didn't."" she said.

Shaw said tht' street department's yard has bf'l'tl clt>anPd Rnd greatly improved


Alonso shifted his thought to past ad­ministrations.

"To argue in 1990, after I was elected, all of a sudden the door w11s wide open and we spent $10,000 at auctions and so forTh

said. tinuing. . . "That's one (1988) purchase," Shaw said. "I'm going to call a poil\llll'order hero. 1 .. Alonso became irritated. · thinlt this iS getting o~~ ·Qthfmd'_imd what "T.be point that you're trying to make, we need to dn Is instruct 1\:lr. Wicker,.if the

though, the implication is ·th~t in 1990 the rest of the coUnCil -feels thate one of the gates swup.g open and $10,000 was spent at things we want to discuSs; -is' to .ask him to auction," he said. document aUctions,· how ~ny1 where and

"My personal opinion, is that it is a vi­able way to run a business, an~ in­sinuation is prior to that it was squeaky clean and not a single piece of equipme:r;tt or dollars expended on any auction, and that's bull shit (slamming fist on table.)

"What's wrong? Does anybody here buy surplus equipment?" he asked.

Shaw remained finn. "If it's usable and it's inventoried and

it's done right, Victor. It wasn't done right," she said.

Alonso proposed a solution to .end the discussion.

''What I'm saying to you, Jerry, if you had concerns about the way certain things are being done, let's work together, put a policy together, bring it before the public and we'll discuss it and vote it up or dowri," he said. Then the mayor cautioned against airing village linen in the open.

"Either that, or we're going to debate these issues in the newspaper and the pub­lic and not get anything .done. That's what I resent," he said.


Councilor James asked Shaw how many auctions village officials had attended.

Shaw said 15 auctions in 1991 and 1992. (Wicker started work as village manager in March of 199 1.) She said before that, there was no record of any auctions except 1988, when one large purchase was made and a few Federal Aviation Administration items were donated.

Shaw questioned Wicker's memory. "I also asked YQ.U Mr. Wicker, how many·

auctions have ycru or Mr. Armstrong at­tended. You said maybe three or four and there's 15," she said.

"I disagree," Wicker said. Mayor A1onso cut the discussion short. "Jerry, would you like to instruct the

staff to provide any documentations rela~ tive to auctions going back five to ...

"'I have the documentation," Shaw inter~ jected.

"Well, I'm not satisfied," Alonso said. "Then why don't you get your own (docu~

mentation),'" Shaw said. Wicker said he would furnish the council .

with documentation.

where the money was spent. Afld then lot's have an "Bcoounting, u Alonso· said.. He said the· information could be discussed at the next special budget meeting. ·


Shaw asked that any motion include a retraction of the press inspired gag rule policy and that any new policy should come from the council.

"fd like to vote on that," she said. But Councilor Barb~a. Duff's motion to

collect auction doeumentati.On excluded any free speech policy retraction. JameS seconded the motion.

Before the vote, Councilor Fr1:1nk Cum­mins asked if all the discU:ssion wasn't cov­ered recently.

Shaw said it had been, in cloSed (execu­tive) session.

"We discussed all this in executive ses­sion, Frank. That'a whY it seemed to me we should ·discuss it openly,'' Shaw said.

"I thought we took·a vote on that," eun,.-mins said. . 1

"We couldn't. We were in closed session," Shaw said. ·

Alonso entered the conversation. "We talked about, the a •. Mr. Wicker said

if you all don't want me to go to auctions, I won't go. We discussed it and a motion was made-; I believe, and the motion was passed," Alonso said.

Shaw corrected the mayor. "We were in executive session and we

did not make a motion and we did not come out of executive and make a motion," she said.

The mayor agreed; • _, .. · ~ · · "OK," he said. "And my recllllection ;II$

that we had given tvlt. Wicker an indication that there was nothing wrong with attend­ing the auctions."

James asked if it would be in line to make a motion to ensure that fu~e auc­tion purchasing practices were more selec­tive and that all items were inventoried.

The mayor said it would be better to wait until the special meeting.

Shaw said that street department head Charlie Armstrong is working on an in· ventory and cleaning ·the grounds for an . opeD. house.

Conltnued I rom page 1A

Ruidoso High School golf team.

Paxton, Varnadore and Beatty 'We need to be flexible," he said. all listed the physical plants as a Paxton said he hopes to see con- Continued from page 1 A eliminate the possibility of a

BPatty said hP is thP kind of per­son who doesn't accPpt the statuR quo, hut i!! always on the lookout for the hPst way to do things.

"If you1llt>t mf>, you11 find a per­;;on who wlil find a way."" !'laid Pax­ton

CandJdatl's wert' asked, ··What do you view as the role of a board member?"

Paxton said the state sets guidelines, hut the job changes as you go, with each member'!'! view of thP job changing over time.

"It's important not to go in the first day with H personal agenda," said Paxton. He is pleased that none of the candidates have any hidden agendas.

Varnadore said a board mem· her's role is straightforward - to determine needs, set policies and goals and to hire the superinten­dent, the only employee the board actually hi ret=~.

'"He is ret=~ponsible to the board," said Varnadore.

Beatty sald it's the role of a board member to act as trustee to the community. The board should set firm policy and never waiver from the desired goa1, said Beatty.

"'We do have to listen to the kids," said Beatty. ''We can't be fooled into thinking they don't know what's going on. Kids tell you things teachers won't."

Asked for their opinion as to the strengths of this district, Paxton said the size of the Ruidoso system is a benefit.

"'You can be an individual in the school system," said Paxton. "You're not just a number • .,

strength, too. tinued growth and support for the countersuit by the ptivate pri.nci~ Varnadore went on to say good school system. suit the commission had filed there, pals in the dispute. Umd company

facilities, good staff and a caring Varnadore said the system must asking the court to determine officials had indicated they consider community are district strengths. maintain the standards which have whether the BLM and Interior De- the county's actions an unjustified He said good students add to that. been set to provide for students partment had followed their own interference in their deal with the

Beatty said the fact that Ruidoso academically and in extracurricular mandatory guidelines governing BLM and that it amounted to a area people live in a place where areas. such swaps. restraint on their ability to dispose people want to live is a strength. Beatty said he wants to help Federal Judge Edwin L. Mechem of the land. He said kids have the opportunity lead a system where problems are is expected to rule on the validity of Commissioner L.Ra;y Nunley to work, and the district is en~ solved quickly and fairly - "where the county land use ord:fnance and said Wednesday he also had some hanced by a retiree population that every kid thinks it's great to be a whether the federal government concerns about the effect of the suit still '"gives a damn." Warrior."' followed correct procedures. on the land company.

vote against proceeding with the suits, said he's glad to see the county take this move.

"It's JIOOd damage control any time we can limit our liability," Howell asid. "! applaud Bob (Beauvais) t'or realizing that this is • good time to get out of that por­tion. I wish we 1Yould do the same with the rest of the federal suit."

T.bo actual monetary damage to the county in lost propercy taxes is not significant, Howell noted.

Beatty said the pay scale at- Paxton wound up his remarks by "The disposition of Com- "I'm thrilled to death with it (the tracts a good quality staff. saying it will be a privilege and an missioner Stirling Spence"!" (for the decision to drop the cOmpany),'' Spencer and Mgntes have con-

"There's no substitute for that honor to serve on the school board. lawsuit) pointed out that the county Nunley said. 'We're ·eliminating tended tliat to ~W.any more land

h~fpPa~:~~e;;?:e c:d~~~ch out and for ~n:e~~~~~ ~~ ili:n:h~ot':~! ra~dd ~~!~~u:tili~!e~ ::!~dtt: :a~~ew!:;; b;"~un~':7 we; _,(;;,~~~,!f~~wnr~~: The candidates were asked to tem with the help of teachero and :i~:.e!.tofotr::da,.~ J:~~v::'s ~.i.'t con•~adbebeear • .'!!..lf~~~.·~f:!2!,.:~.il9:.~~~ ... ~r.:~~ ...... li~. ·.1\1.:~

listPaaxretoa~t~~tdcoh~l~~~ko:~~ parents. "The decision (to move for a dis- _ll~.~ tn.nman~ -~ ~:UWII--. ·-~r:-~~~.1_··~~~· .: Beatty said he has two raps fro !~'it, W .., .__,., .. , ·k "'=· .• ~f..,...;

that as the district grows, it doesn't against him - he has no kids in missal of the land company m :·. -~~issiqnets ~ ' .. h-~ · .O~.un -:~'-\'':~?~N',r;r,otif;~c;;r~

~~:o~:g:;!e~:t:v~~:!:~;~at sc~1?~an;.~-~!ht~~~~=~h~~~~lish, ~~ :~~ ::~aan~tii~altb:~~=: -~=::~~~-~~:,~~·~::·:.}r==··~l~~~l:eptjtj4. Varnadore said the dropout rate pro-computers, pro-choice and I'm a position," he said. Comment. ·.· , .. · .... ·. ~ .-."c.-·:':~~1,\~f..·.tba.t'·'U~~~~;';)'fl

- whatever it is - should be im- The removal of the land compa- Commissl<lllli't WiltOn .1{ · · illl'.}:'jil!jtc@io~;\ilij:li''t'hll.t~p'f4tiW!..>ilf·~~ proved ·by offering a variety of gol!-Weo·:~~~r!:dtt:.baaic program ny from the case also should who.eBrlierthiS·UJ.dilthCast~OWsPl~-:;:.-.·lij~~~~·~-~;'>:.'·:.~hti:';'-~-/\:::-courses, including vocatiOnal and· and back it with all our hearts and :.::_,.~.-.?< :·:-y.;.-,-:· ,.·:·t:':K':?t,'1'~{--~~i~~~::;•;··>- ·'·: :·- ~···~ ,i. •·· ;-

agricultural classes. souls,"hesaid. ·'·····r •. "''' "No school system is_ perfect," "Winning isn't ev ..... o+hing, but AG =-=-==--------.......... ~ ... ~,.~·.;;·"!··;..·,· .. ,, Cr< ;as··'·,.~t· .,.,,' ]':,•,'• _.' ::.; .... '. OV•.7~ "" •' .. - ,.·,\' ' .: fi 1:' II I ••• •:11

saidVarnadore. wantingtowinis,"heeoncluded. . '·.~-;· c • • • f.,. ,·'>~ ,:.', ·,'''" Beatty said he sees areas of im~ The school board election is set . -.: " • ·' ,·~·. · •• ~ '· · , · 1

' •• : ~ ·I i-' '~ ·~.:

saprloanv~mese,ngtangthat1.nivolnclvemude ~~·::n.:; for 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday, Febru- Continued from page1A .l!llil :ll\'ll¢;iliill •. e~~~ ·~~~·· Cjjirt(~~edi~ll~li~t~ : ' ; d

. . d all th b ad ary 2, in the public meeting room •t in the open meetings act er any- til¢!! ~'tlleitlitiiu:il.:meiill)erJJ. Bue . ~oaaw•" . -.. -~ted ~ .. ,. • ""''" • ucotion; an °88

can e • Rparui~ongso !Jtbes::'V:l:mf.l.•:Zu:J thing else that we are aware of asl!ll$i;t~lhlliiililt,'l;l)flll.iiiiUMVe', lOI!ill';b'onth;i!ld~ nqo: tli'BA :" .. ll.~!rough a commitment to the circle at the high school. which would ptohibit a 1116Mllar lll' a 11!'11~ ll!!l.enlbrte»~ .. ljjllitll' ilml thW' iltfui:k t'IUI ~c. Mntti!l!lght. pOl~·

"It's time to say whoa to pet Also on the ballot on February 2, board ·or comtnisolon t\:crnl UOI!Iipg · ·ah!,;!n.ai~tion.f.O $lilt What l.m!!<. l'll.th th8ll!Mt 'lllllitw otthe irOhlcle, projects end get bach' to basics," is a two-mllllevy ronewal.lntorma· ?UI toof !Jiosad se~5 !"P~ ~~~- !Jlilt¥J!i.dft~~~::. ~' · _ ... -{~~!!'~~II!~ ll~ and llls.lr-' .:

tion on the issue is detailed in a I'Dg . ,...,~s.sMwe,.....,~flill~"'" ' · · .. , .... ·' .': · · llJJDgth~tl'!l!l,!c!lJ>i\~f!l!~. . ·. : · sai~WhBoat~.. d h ' the br ch 'I bl tth•schoo'ad IIOIIIethlng which. II~ In tl\il .. · •. : :.,· · .. • ... , ... , .. _,.,:~"''sft. Poll·" .1'!l.'•Y lllchard district a;o:';~..: :.:r. :::,;?."was mi':u.::ti':' .fft.!.~ • " . closed.oasion:Y<~hlifliln:~ald., - . • ~ llilchill)n ·J>-n ·w'1Uli;li~~t th- s:SOiartari::: ~i;j,enllnlm . the final previewed questioned Aba~>itte& voting Is ~ad,\(111\d&l' · · "'l'llot<~ Ia :~~otltillrV,tbat .. wOuld puli11e ·hu .lie ~~ to' bow nbout ·lives ·ln. 11.\lldlls6; waa takiln ttl ttw· . ··L b ·u '1""1 .... ·-·• con)Jlel th~.to .~ tl!at; lmt J£ tliw 'the b.ll(@ll!ls l!tlp!loselll)r bolng.()IJU· · Lincoln c&bnw lll:ediool Cenellll· · posed of th~di:!:ttes. way, Wiw• • . ow avm "" 0 "' ..... de.d!lo if·~ -~ to ,do ·m~t;·i.i: · dtmt!d on it:~~-beiUIIttlllln lies with... with llght lnJ)ll'ise'llbont the ~>heat gro~~~d dlrec~on. goes back 14 . ~;o~~ 6~~~er1f• ottle~ ~nCar- 11lall,t, is nipet!>! ~ ~·~tioal111~0' .•~1\llhll~ ~~· :.· . . . .... llll!lhe!lll. ··.. .· ·. ·• . . .·• . . . ... ·•··.

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The . · tive ·H.

Ruidoso) (D-Santa .

form~~~ti~ont~o~n~~~~1;~~~ the very Miller .

She the legil!latute is """ peeled to spend the. first tw ' weeks on driving while urld8r 'the in~ fluence an!l alcohol _rel8.ted con· corns, so health care will probShly not collie up: immediately. Repre­sentatives Max CoU (D-Santa Fe) and Luciano Varela (D.Santa Fe) have already proposed a health care refonn package to have a single .payer system with a state agency to provide insurance.

Miller said there has not been an adequate financial analysis of this bill. To avoid costing people more it would have to equalize benefits,

. meaning higher insUrance pro-grams would not give as many, while pOorer ones would give more than they currently do.

It is not likely that tba bill would pass, though, beca\lse cur­rently there is a rift between Coli and Varela on the proposal, Wil-liams said. ·

'Coll-Varela's New Mexicare Act was introduced Monday as House Bill101.

According to a news brief in the

,say the plan WoUld 1o:~~~~~~ costs by reaucing· ·a! of different !nSur·

and fiiviog more .control··

.with a state-wid.e: system, the amou'lt of free care LCMC cur­rentlY gives woit't go away, Miller said. Althougjl the guidelines for tbia: ln'IT haven't ·been spaDed put yet, it is likely that. many people in this area would make to·o·mueh to access it or Medic&id, she said.

· Board member Gexy · MitthBII said he has spo¥» to. Underwood also to let him !inow it is Qot th, poor ·Or rich that are in need of reform, hilt the middle class. For many of them a: hospital bill is as much of a burden aS bsying anoth­er house, be said.

Miller said· there is a miaconcep­tioll that rural hospitals have sluSh funds because of recent publicity on "exorbitant profile" at Universi1;y of New Moxico Hospital, Presbyfierian Healthcare Services, w!licb LCMC is .an affiliatei and other large hos­pital groups.

"Legislators need to. know we aren't making millions aod pocket­ing it," she said.

Miller said on the national scene the Internal Revenue Service has been tharged with studying the all' prdpriateness of a non-profit bospi· tal status in relation to ita com­munity benefit. In its study so far the IRS has disoovered a range of







Thursday, J.anuary 28, 1QQSJTha Ruidoso Newsi3A

atre··refo~mswi~l.·impact ~CMC .. · . . . . to be over<:olll~. and they are

· · · making short-term decisions that ;jll'en~t· making miUions and pock:eti.n.·:· g it." v~•en'e Miller · willmakebothsidesfsil.

~ ''Thei-e iS a lot of stress in rUl'al

Altl>ough Clinton seems to bo in The revenue over expense is favor . ·of managed · , c;ompetili.m, mostly mode up in out-patient ser­where the lowest bid tiikes CIU'8 or a viees, such 8$ .surgery,. laboratory

ot state's Medicare, it is still too early · and X-ray, MOler said. This doO.

i~i~~;;~~L~~t.~·· .· to sey whlth wsy It wm ge, Miller result lo a ch-amatic increase in bill· 'Y'tiiifl said. They wm have to find the log for the busineas office, She said. . Jl )'lght loixtore of' programs to be The Carrizozo Health Center

Successful, she said. shows a year-to-date gain of·$3,663 While many hospitals across the dsspite mill levy funding of

nation are slt'Qggling to survive, $141,747. The center ie $4,780 be­LCMC seems ~ be cousistently hind budge.t, year-to-date. baaded in the right directiori, Miller The Ruidoso Em~cy Medical

IRS.also ~efines community said. In her financial. ~·port ll>iiller Service shows a lo of $8,319 for beoefit as in·kind contributions and said the first two weeks of N ovem' jJ>.e month and a • -date gain health related non-bill~ services. her were alow, but the last two Of $9,501. The .service is $48,842 LCMC provided $34,425 of thos~ wsake of the month the hospital ahsad of buch<et because it had services to the conimunity in 1992. . was bursting. been budgetea to lose close to

Williams said; the two I\IDOUDts For November net revenue was $50,000. . together· equal about $1.45 million, down $80,3110 from the previous New county co~niD.ls~oner L. a little more than the $1.4 million mont!l but it was up $151,425 trom Ray Nunley, who will represent the of taxeble wages from LCMC and NO'iember 1991. Net nvenue is. county on the hospital board, said its clinics. While LCMC doesn't pay gross charge minl,l8 contra~ual dis- he has heard a lot of positive com­income tax, this demon~ates that · counts and allowances. Miller said menta about the emergency room if the basis of non-profit status is if the miD levy amount is sub· and the hospital. tlie community b&nefit, it has pro-. tracted from oth~ revenue~ the With a new fiscal year approach­vided thai; Miller said. loss for the month would have been ing in March, Miller said they will

She poloted out. they do psy $60,167. not have to put lo ao across the property t~ in. the county_ and For December th_e nl)t revenue board rate increase for the fourth Presbyterian pays property taxes was up $86,609 from the previous yearinarow.Shesaidouto£7,000 acrosa the state. month, ·and if the mill levy is sub~ charges, 110 will be increased or

Also on the national scene, Mil- tracted from other reVenues the decreased. ler said she is concerned new Presi- loss for the month would be Miller said she had made a dent Bill Clinton will write an exec- $14,674. The ye·ar-to-date per- presentation at a nati~al health utive order to freeze all cbirges for formance shows net \'&venue care forwn on physicians and rural hospitals, but it wouldo't treeze $759,292 ahead of this time last hospitals at Scottsdale, Arizona, suppliers. She said it is likely that year and $265,545 over budget. Ex- and most of those attending seemed Hillary Clinton will also be in- cess revenue over expenses is to -be in a _different position. She volved in dsaignlog a new health $18,248: ahsad of last year but said she talk~· Shout making· care system for the Dation. $77,814 under budget. physicians more comfortable· with a

Miller said she was jn hospital Although tho hospital was busy rural setting and also told them manilgem.,nt during Richard all month long, the emergency room about the past three years at Nixon's presidency when health Was packed b~ween Christmas and LCMC as it came from financial care costs were frozen, but sup~ New Year's Day. Miller said they depths to its present status with pliers were allowed to Continue un~ saw more than 500 patients, which the help of the medical staff. der a free market. It caused anum- is usually the monthly average, in "There isn't a concept of 'we' out ber ofhospitals to close, She said. the E.R. in those 10 days. there. It is a mental block that has


li8alth ea'f8. The reforms mention and ooncentrate on urban problems. We all hav!'). to keep our voices loud. or we will be swallowed by urban solutions, .. Miller said.

'~Everyone Js in ·a survival mode. Down-sizing, though, has an imW.et on revenues," she said .

She said·Vetmont is leading in health care on the ·East Coast, but it is still above ·Presbyterian Healtheare Services' average of a 3.2 day stay, while it is at about six days.

There is a lot of divisiveness among physicians, bpards and ad­ministrators, that LCMC fortunate· ly doesn' have, she said.

Williams said this hospital has really ~come a lOng w-ay together, and thq have solved their prob­lems together. He said he is proud of the hospital and people thet work for it. LCMC is nice to come home to after seeing all the prob­lems other hospitals have, he said.

In other business the group ac~ cepted a by-law change to clarify quorum as· a majority of those members present to align with the new Robert's Rules of Order.

Miller also updated the group on the mammograin· screening pro­gram done recently. She said Dr. Don Wolfel saw 341 patients during the screening with one proven brea~ carcinoma and two possible cases.

Auxiliary president Nellie Ruth Jones reported the group has helped purchase equipment for the operating roOm to do back surgetf. The equipment will allow the specialist to be the only one to pro­vide the service between El Paso and Albuquerque .


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:Cartsb~d· !lid . defeat Gadsd~n,. 4Q-30, in tlu! b1>\tle o( the gian\S,

In individual standings,

·' :• '•, ... · ...... ·;·:· .. .

· .. • ·'-" -~. I ',, '.

Ruidoso Warrior wrestleTS com .. peted in their strong -suit on. Sa_tUr~ day at their home tournament and will fry it again tonight in a dual with Las Cruces.

sopqqrowe Ju!Jjan Flores won three and lost two at 103 poiUlds, while pounds. · .. freshman J~ao Prieto. had a Sophomore Sergio.·< lll~. ·~···-~ Instead of competing in tourna ..

ment fashion the six teams at the Ruidoso Invitational dualed each other, for five matches for each wrestler. Plirticipating teams were New Mexico Military Institute~ Goddard, RosWell, Carlsbad and Gadsden.

pounds. At 1~5 po~nds jiUlior Gun- 18a pounds and <ielli.or. I.·:::. net Johnson was ill and eouldn't go~. Murry at heavyweight, O!ich a win in hjs five matches. 3-2 record fo1 tho day. ···. · • ·

At 130 pounds fresh!n8n Beau Coach Gerald An1es said he was Jarm won tllreo matches and lost. folrly.pleased with tho,perilinnanto just two, Sophomore Soan Gleason, of tho wrestlers on Saturday: His at 135 pounds, was 0.6 for·the day. ·.one conc~»:n was that by .the fourth Sophomore D~lap Carusona alao or fifth 1!latch theltlds w.,.e pretty went 0·5 at 140 pounds, and senior tired and didn't hav.e what it took Scott Stricklin was 0~5 at 145 to win matches. _ -. · · · pounds. Several wrestlers. did well in 'the

.:.-.;, •, .-

S~~1~~~~~~;J~1\ulll.an'' Flores (t~p) works on a plnrtlng .-I'I'!OvS o . . oppon!int dvrong. t~ second dual of the day on . rday . the .. <Ruidoso· Invitational. Flores- earned

The Warriors compiled a 3~2 record during the event with wins over NMMI, Goddard and Roswell. The losses came at the hands of Carlsbad and Gadsden who domi~ na.ted in the duals. The· team now has a dual record of 5-4 for the sea~ son.

Sophomore Matt Bates scored junior· V}U'sity eO,m.pe'!itiOn in three wins and two losses at 152 CarlsbOII on ,Saturd$)< as well. At pounds. Senior Poncho Portillo, 103 P01¥1ds .J~es Flores earned·

th1cee· and was defeated twice ln the tourney. Tne Jlf team hosts an· all•day tourney on Saturday, while the var­sky Is at the New Mexico Mllit;uy Institute tournamer)t.

Warriors play Wildcats The Warrior basketball teams will take the court on Saturday

against the Dei-ning Wildcats. The boys will host the Wildcats starting at 4 p.Jll. with the fresh·

man game. The varsity is taking a 1~12 record in the contest, with two district losses. Deming is now 2·12 and hasn't won a ~trict game yet.

Coach Norm Wright said this game maybe their shot at a district win because Deming is comparable in size, _although they do have more experience. The Warrior team is ready for an upset to get it on th~ right track to head into the district tournament in February.

The Waniors will be looking for a good home eroWd again for this game to help make the difference when the.g.oinggets tough.

The girls team will travel to Deming on Saturday with all three teams competing with the Lady Wildcats. Deming has a record of3-1 in district competition and a 13·3 record overall. The Lady Warriors. are now 4·9 ovetall and 2·2 in the district.. ·

. I ,.

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"'. -': '.


. '

Braves crush local foes ~on the court . ' . . The Ruidoso Middle School The I;ady Braves then hosted toke the win, 23-i2. Rice pumped in game imd .six in the second. B'?'h•

Braves put in several goOd games the Carrizozo Grizzlies Tuesday in eight· pointa, whil(J Kadayso had -Moore . p.t~ed up 1.2 agmnst in the past two weekS against an exciting game for the girls. The six. Anna-Scott scored fOur. Mountmn VIew, and RoJas pumped tough competition. . team won $·20. Reynolds hit 12 The Lady Braves. B~team wm in 17 against Dex_ter.

The A·team Lady Braves went 2~ point~ and Marissa Martinel scored · play the CarriZozo team .on Tues- The A-team. defeated Cloudcroft, 1 with local teams, star.ting with a eight. Heidi Streck had four. day there. 5~3&, wit~ Rojas leading .the way loss to Capitan on January 19. The -The girls B-team won one game The BravesA-team.playedJn'its with 12 pomts. Alberto_Rwz ~d~ girls were shut .out in the first half and lost another in its outing with frrst tournament on January 15 10 and Rogge ·had mne. J1mrey but picked up 16 in the second for a ·Capitan and Cloudcroft.- _The and 16. The boys first opponent was Stov.er, Eric Padilla and Moore final score of 16-35. Leading score:.:: younger team wasn't successful Sierra Roswell and the team lost scored six. was Jazmin Fleharty with five against Capitan either and lost 11· 38.S4. ffigh scorer was BUIY R_Ogge ~e team also beat .Car?z~~~ ¥:" points, while Gen Botella had four. 30. Sarah Slatten had four points, with 10 points, while Arthur Rojas· 27 Wlth Cruz and Rmz plck:iTp

In Cloudcroft on January 23 the while Elisa Kadayso, America picked. up nine. Robert Cruz scored 10 eaeh. .. - . team put in an improved per- . .Sandoval and Connie Rice each Six points. The B~team picked up two Wll_lS formance to win 34-23. Botella and made two points. On the second day of \he meet against Capitan and Cloudcroft, Lindie Reynolds each chipped in 10 Cloudcroft kept it close in the· the boyS lost to Mountain View, 46~ 1 apd will play Carri1ozo on Tuesd~. points. Kelle Luttennan picked up frrst half, but the Lady Braves 58. but won against ~r. 41-33. Both girls and beys play at 3:30 six. pulled away in t~e third quarter to Rogge scored 18 points in the first p.m. today here against Cloudcroft .


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The Ruldoso-Uncoln Collnl;y Crinie Stoppers will pay up to $1,000 for lnlonne.don that leads to the arrest and Grand JUJ)' Indictment or Maglatrata Court Blndovei'

. of lhe penlon· or persona who committed thla crime dr any other unsolved feiany ·crim&ln-l,incpfn.-Qallnly .. - .·_. ,_ , ·" .• · · . ~~l;tJt$;.\lllQiktptJE.\Ihoritii.oafi'$CWitO.~.:b." ;.;. , 't -,.-~~-'OJ': •' • ·•··t• ··-l•I-H_

· 1 'Phcme :257o-4545 .,., CRIMe OF IHE WEEK: ,-'5RE,AKING & ENTI;AING On tf1e 12th day -of Jan~. 1893, thtee subjectS were observed runn1ng from the VJJiage .Auto Olflce, at apprmdmarely 8:15 pm. Two employees gave 'oh~. and-ils1 thP- EJilbl&Qts somewhe~ ln .the Yiclnlty of. Jh.e. UnP. GPII Oourae. Upah .fu er~on.Jt was fDUnd that lhe:tiuslnass had b:ben I · brokan Into, and amage-waa done to the premises. ObS8rved al the crime soerie was .wh~ Is described art a white Chevy OheveUa or sln'lllat modal vehicle. ·

OrftnaaropP.Sf'8 Will- pay a two -hundred doUar cash reward for fnformatfan leading tQ ihe:lUI'Bst arid.Madf!RJ'8,te Court Blndover of the person or persons who cotnmJited thi& crime.· Crfmes~para will also pay cash r&wards fOr the reoovery ol ator•n property or tho soiVi!"IJ of other felony cri~Gs. ·

The Crill\eatoppers phOne 01'18 Is manned twenty--four a day, ~ m.;a a week, and you do not have ro give your name to be eligible for a c*&h reward. The Orirnastoppara Phone number is 257-4545. Anyone Wlahlng-'to call coliset, may do ao within lrfncoln County. • . .

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Hot young skier.s,heatup the slopes.

I . '

by YVONN.E LANELLI sald Carla Grover, suporvis~r ~fSici Special!~ The News ApO!'he's Chjldrsn'll· Ski School and

If yciu want to slci with the Hot orlii!nator of the program. · Sho~ ~u'd better be good and ~ese imaginative instructors well-behaved. . · ·· · incorporate learning through

Th.afs what bn8 writer found out gaMes, targeting as goals speed when she spent a Tuesday controll;hr6\lgh turn shape." afternoon skiing with the· Hot ' One such game ·waS the Hot· Shots, the advanced skills group of Shots' warm-up run tfuotigh the the Hcit Tot, Hot Shot, Red Hot'" l\1agi~ Forest~ .No, you won't find children's _skiing program' of the Ski the Magic Forest on a trail map. . Apache Ski School. Tu an ad~l~ i~s tree skiing the

This "hot" program is unique: glade on the left side of Lower Deep J/\~;;J . Ollce i a week· for nine we.,ks, chil_-· Freeze. To an instructOr, it's learn-

4reA aged · 4-12 meet in small ing controlled turns, looking .ahead, gtoups ~th the same instructor. reading ten·Wn and adjusting for

."."_ Their goal: to dev.elop skiing different snow conditions. To the .slPJ.]s in a fun, safety-oriented at· laughing Hot Shots, however, it's . mosphere. an adventure in the Magic Forest. ,

"Safety in learning, fun, man- ~xt, the Hot Shots moved up to ners and di$cipline - these were Sunny Apache ·Bowl. There, Can­

. the objectives parents rated the Ding· worked :her charges on edge highest," verified Sally Canning, contrOl, guiding the inside ski, step one-third of the "hot" instructor trio turns and engaging both sld~. that includes Dave Anderson and Ask the kids what they were Mark Lively. doing, however, and they'll say,

l:ight-year-old Sidney Davis, one of ·Ski · Apache'fii Hot Shots, is pictured riding Capitan chair #4;

"Sally, Dave and Mark ~e all "Noodle knees, snake turns and hop certified, highly experien d and turns!" · specialize hi teaehi~g dren~" The Children practiced more

Texas Cup is slated for E ruary 12-14 'Tusanswillgohead·to·headFeb· day, February 14, and will be fol· On:ofSan · tonio. Entry fee for the race is $25,

ruary 12--14 on the 1,200 foot verti· lowed by an awar~s ceremony at Qther past winners include four- which covers the race clinic, social eaJ. drop of Ski Apache Ski Resort's the scoreboard. time women'S champion Letha events, Swards, the race; a profes-Oiipitan nm to determine who teal- Winners wm receive trophies, McClelland of AuStin, three-time sional bib imd souvenirs. lyisthefastestskierinTexas. Volkl skis, Tecnica boots, Look men's champion Morris Denton of This year's race is sponsored by , ·Steve Moss, coordinator of the bindings, Goode ski poles, Ca:tr~a .. Fort.Worth, two:t;im• winner Bill WiJd .Turk~, South--:est Airlines,

f:i..<l!:li. · Atlriual 'l'eXao . CUp at,·.goggJes,. -Hottingot•' 'Ill•-• -Hob-· .Shl,..i'>~,D..UIIS,,S~oYa .ll>«A,<i£·, tlonliaeiM!ll•r;Ull!\..m!Ski~pa•h~ 'll.uldoso's. Slci Apache Slci R-~ music ski .W~~ar, a season p..SS from · Midland, JjJn Pick. of El Paso, Kirk Ski Resort. . ~Bid. more . than 100 ··skiers from Ski Apache Slci Resort and roUnd lllll and Mike Dunnett both of For more information about the 1;hrougllout.the Lone Stai' State are trip airfare for two anywhere Amarillo and VeronicA Villaverde of Texaa Cup.. esll Moss at (818) 994• expected fur thie year's event whleh SOuthWest Airlines files and the El Paao. . 6375 or Pat Morrison at Ski Apaehe Will be televised ill 11 Tusas cities bragging rights ofTusas. ,Moss said m~ than 10,000 at (505) 386·8215. Hotel reserva· and on Prime Network. skiers turn out to ski and wateh the tions can be made through the Inn · "Despite ita lack of's10pes, Texas The 1992 winners of the T- ~· Cup competition eash year of the Monntain Gods at 1-1!00·545· preducea a great number of skiers Cup .were Julie Fraiser of Houston dlll'!ng the three-day Presiden~s 9011 and specify the Texas Cup who travel to New Mexico and and three•time cl>amj>ion Reagan Holiday weekend. room block. Colorado throUghout the ski sea- ' son,,. Moss said in a news release.

"The competition, which 'has been held at Ski Apache each year, has become more and more eompe· titive since the race began in 1979:'

Moss said 'a ski clinic m11 be con· dueted Friday, February 12, with . racoa bBginning at 10 a.m. on Sat- . urday February 18,

"Contestants will have a ehanc& to look oveT the course on Saturday before beginning the 25-gate qUalifying :rounds. We w•n tlike 'the·

. t~ 16 men and fop eight women's tiines from .each course on Saturday for the finals on Sunday," Moss ex' plained-. Fln.ah; begin at 10 a.m. on Sun~

' Last year's Texas Cup cpntestanfs · are shown in the gates. The fastest skiers In

Texas will be back on the compete February 12"14.

mountain to

505-257-9001 Ski A..pa.c::h~ - ki ~~pc:>r'l:

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Phone: 801 dOUNTRY CLUB DRIVE• 257•9188


tluln turnS. howeVer. TheY ~aid "please" and "thank you" to ]ill; op· erators and other adults, They·:~. WliJIB stopped on the side of the trail and looked before entering an intersection. ..

In short, they behaved as resporisible skiers.

.Camring stresses responsibility and the children apparently relish·

it. They listened attentively, fol­loWed her instructions. anD couldn't wait for their next lesson.

"This is thp best· time ever,11 they chorused, as they posed for a group picture at tho end of the day. ·

This tire.d reporter agreed and wandered if the Hot Tots end Red Hots were having this. much fun. Maybe Pll find out next W!'lek.

Hot Shots, with insiriJctOr Sally Canning, practice their new skills. " ·

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A photographer is left behind, trying to catch up, chasing the Hot Shots to Lower Deep Freeze. "These kids are Hotl" said Yvonne Lanelll after she snapped this picture and caught her breath.

Sk:ler•s Special . . . ~ . .• ., ..

Pieces····. . . . '• ,' . •j -. • ,'

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B·oard by DIANNE STALLINGS ~aSn~ thOltl as it should b~ •. i don~ Ruidoso News Staff Writer t)Unk .he tdei;l ,tO COnceal anYt;hloo. --

A communication problem w!tll · but tli~re hal!' to. be· a broad·level the Capitan school board, staff and cotnmunicatiori · and thBre just some members of the community. W8sn't." apparently was one of the key ele· Stone resiJ!tled as presil)ent ·of ments 1eading to the board's unani- the board, "beicause ]. thought the mous decision last week not to president and superintendent need renew the contract of Superinten· an _open~minded, open-do_or policy dent David Lock. with each othe·r. Tbe president acts

Lack "'of communication was as the communication channel to mentioned by the three board mem· the board. I felt if. (Lock) ,fQlt he hers interviewed this week. couldn't work with me, it was ·time

The· motion not to renew Lock'S to pick a person he could work contract was offered by board mem· with." her Preston Stone, who earlier in , Board members also pointed to the ~chool year had resigned as Lock's handling of the dismissal of board president; because of a basic vocationa1-8gricultural teacher Joel difference in approach than Lock. Edwards last school year. After

"''ve yet to figure where the hearings itnd the threat of a pas­break-down (in communication) oc- sible lawsuit, the board eventually curred," Stone said Tuesday. "But it reinstated Edw.ar~s on paper only


Vinson elected to state office The picture of a perfect 14-year­

old student with blonde hair, no make-up and a great big smile, Meaghan Vinson put Capitan on the state Future Homemakers of American (FHA) map.

Vinson, who is president of the Capitan chapter, was elected to a state office last November at the regional FHA meeting. She was named vlce president of Inspiration and Recreation. A member of the executive council, she is one of two officers elected to repreunt Region I for New Mexico.

In her new position, Vinson will be in charge of the National Pro-

gram Student Body for 1993-94, coordinating activities and pro­grams. Earlier thls month, she and other state officers met in Glorietta to plan this year's state meet and installation set for March.24-27.

In July, Vinson will attend the National Leadership Conference in Anaheim, California. She will join other Capitan FHA members to compete in the District Star Events February 20 at New Mexico State University in Las Cruces.

Vinson is the only person from Capitan to hold a state office and has been in FHA only 1112 years.

Pictures, Pictures and More PICTlJRE$1!!

We cl418ned out. our old f.ilu and

now have a multitUde of pictures.

If you b"'ush.t US' a picture W. would like to

take thl& opj!ij:lttunity to retum It to you.

Just ~omcr,lbV.anv time before .·· ·dOtfAAY.Ui·t'93 .....

att4 f4tttev:evour·rn•orkts. ' '- ,' . . .

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. on me. .. . ' u~et Jlbi, Ia some . Qoacbea that tho physical eduila,

have been wantjng to·inetl!ll Qn ad·. tion 'class was:. not bronght to th!' vanced lll>vaical · education class: board for diseussion by ~ock bal'oie ~hich would :put an <ithletic period 0 baing presented as part of the. cur-In .our curriet:llmn. The ·coaches say riculum. , · it's for the el'dire school; but I don't. The budget wae ano{;ber area of. believe it. I think. it would be -for roncem:, Stone said. those plll!ticipating in their (sports) 'One of the most important jobe progrf\UlS at the time.. · besidee the every day running; of

"It's supposed to be for. students the plant is the budget." he· said. to learn certsin training tscbni· "Maybe the new (sqhool) ~oard


BOND ISSUE Your vote is vital to the future of Capitan Schools. The School desperately needs extra classroom space to

maintain quality education.

Your vote for the $1.3 million bond issue on Tuesday, Ferual)'. 2, will help Ce pltan Municipal Schools con· struct a needed facility for mid-school grades 6-8. Money from the bonds will be used to l;leslgn and construct a 15,000 sq. fl. facility with seven clas!frooms and science and computer labs, administrative office space and bathrooms. The extra classrooms will provide enough space tor the current student population, and the design will allow tor expansion.

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Capitan Schools ask voters to help preserve the schools' quaHty edu~lion by providing enough classroom space to maintain current stuilent/leacher ratios shown by test scores to provide education above the state nortns in most cases. Capitan's addition of the Head Start program for four year olds also creates a demand for space. Building a middle school will provide additional rooms for the 6-8 grades and will open up class· rooms in both the elemental)' and high school. At present enrollment, there will be 63 slx)h.Q.~<:!e~ ~t. Clllj)itan School in the 1993·94 school year, 52 seventh graders and 40 eighth graders or 155 student grades 6·8. Wrth that enrollment, the proposed middle school would have 22 students per classroom. Projections for the 1994· 95 school year show 37 sixth graders, 63 sevlmth graders 52 eighth graders.

Capitan Schools have grown 70 students In the last two years.

A positive vote for the bond Issue will cost property owners 96 cents of taxes tor each $1,000 of tax· able value of the property In 1994. lmces will decrease In 1995 to 71 cents per $1,000 value. In 1996, current outstendong bond debts from previous projects will retire: From 199& throughout the retirement of the middle schools bonds In 2002, taxes will go back to their 1992 liBvel. That means someone with a $60,000 home, assessed for taxable value at one-third that or $20,000 assessed will result In about $19.82 more In taxes In 1994. ·


The Capitan Board of Education Is dedlbated to the appropriate Instruction for all SIIJdants and to the mainte­nance and repair of all school buildings In the District. In addition, the Board must continue to maintain and.bulld classrooms In order to meet anticipated. growth In el)roll, ment.

1.) You may vote if your are a registered voter In Lincoln

l'he proceeds from a successful electron will go towards • the conl!ilructlon of a new middle school. The roltowlng quesi!Ons will appear o"' the ballot tor voter apf)roval: ,

: •.· ~ .~-·-; -

County, and • •

2.) Uve wHhfn the boundaries of the C8pftan Munfcfp~l School District.


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thiS and vote 'yes.~" ... -~ · ~ _ ·

Silva 'aid about 25 attended the moeUng and th8 me,j~rlty favored the bond isiJUe, · · .

' Back at the first sassien on January 19 at tho .:school ®mplox, ·severalnsidsnto who re<ently moved .fivm California to Capitan obviously wers 1!Wl. shy of toxes. · Others wanted to see the oost drop .by eliminating the pracilc8 football &!d. Still others ui'ged that the ·new bend iilsue be postponed until. the school board has.~· 4 off outslmlljing i~sues ~ pxevioue l}l'ojecls. ' : ·· w~re wortied'that th•liW!!:ll·~'t guaran­¢'~ •· .&Bact lhcrel\St in PI'Oillll'lil': taaee. Lock ex­lflla.il!lltl tlu!t .1111tiltful bonds a:t'U'•II\9•1111' one can be ~urewllliethe intereet rate!\ wlllbJ·Gvlll:",theUfe of the issue. That, pills otber fixed ccsto, ~· the tax impact:· · . . . ·

'1 thirika lot of people ore miJising the point on Ibis . 'bond issue,'?J.'roa~ said. ''hearch bas abown that it'a

,ot a s:ood !ftMI:ice to milt, 11-ye.r-.td kids with 18-year.-old se~_QrS. · · . ..

. "Everyon<i'is·l0oldilg at tl>e building, not at the edu-cation of the ·kids, Times have changed. Ba.qlt in the old daYs when we· wore all in school, all a $1Udent needed was a. good woi'!; .lithic to make it. Noll' you need a good education· and that's !10 (lllar&nlee;• · .

The middle school coUld separate sixth thiOugh ejghth graders in thei:i- own bUilding. . ·

The oostto most property owners wouldn't be sig­nificant, Trost oontended.

'"The example on taxes is less than $20 a year for a )lome assessed at $60,000, and the truth is there aren't many people in Capitan with hemea values at that level;" he s&id. "I sure don't live in a house worth

~$S~~~;d-school 'ieachw Anliio ~. ~a to lmow why the district oouldn't pracUce footbilll, band and condnct physical education classes on the existing footbell field instaad of keepilig a seeond field for those activi.ti.Qs.

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<m&ineer: H~t W\>111 to high sebooHn Santi~ l!'o.!fe '!VIInt · I# l!i)lortabluli>Jistl>om and he lillrrled a 4-poiJlta\fGr.:

yal;lon, ·.··Iii college. The portable classroom didl!'t h>tttbim . .r~~.""d they're .still using these portables 'It tllat

& '!U!it}i'l!d, . :lfl! not the bUilding that givi)S you quality ed11ca· iiQn.It's ths.teachers." · .. · · .·

· · . 1'Pii>:t<>l!le b1Uldinll'! ~ren't &eo,'' elementary Jirlnci- . · Plj1 Je,..,Y Newsom noted. . . · .· . . . . "Bu,t they'ni not. nearly D.s S¥Pensive,". ~os.apo cQ)lnterecL . · · . · . ''What .. ott. me.is 'that you 81\Y' this architeol. has

desigJ)ed the :,uildi»g so that it cari be added to,: Mrs. er...,. said. "lfe'avenly deys, when is~ goiJ)g'to be added, to. N\lkt year or the year after that? Are we going Into dsbt again on Ibis thing?" ·

".Ten years ago, people thought it was eraz.r (to quesUQll.odflChooJ build an elementary school), that it would nevar be· usiilg. a matehlng fille4/' Lock said. .

~~t~~b~:=~:.o:iok~: :he · · • · nYes, an(J part of it stood empty and ~as a dust • said. "You'r<i. tal\<ing catcher fur years,'' Mrs. Crossno said.' .

tuxed to death now. I Bu~ both ~b·s. Shanks and Mrs. Provine d;sagraed it would .cOst ·1'J l>uild a with that cljpractorization of the school. . ·

It . be cmatchQ\g brick. I . Crossno then turned to the possibility of .cutting wait until ·we get the (ou!fteilding) .. down the enrollment QY eliminating children who live

rd liks to ••• alternatives;" . in other scllool districto. . . remeinber being discuSsed (by ~'r.here%140 of them," Ml'S. Crossno said.

:~~~~i~~~~:wa~s~that it was important to "If this bond issue doesn't pass, will those ~hildren and (that there) is low now be ~old we don't have the space for you and you're type of exterior._~· going to haye to.go to your own district or some other

· Cro$8Do out that the· ·metal gymnasium diStrict?" asked Nadine Williams, who Said she-recent-never· has been repainted. ly moved to Capitan from California.

"'fue community here is taxed to death and we're "There is that possibility," Lock said. trying to figure some way (to handle it), .if it's J)Scos- "I don't see where those p~party owners outside sary," he said: "Could we postpone Ibis until ths (ex- the district (with children going to Capitan) oontribute isting) sebool bonds retired. We've got $l.IJ:.miUion or aeytbing. Am I right? Why are they bereT' Williams $1.3-mi!Uon retired in 1996 and water (bonde)·imt.tm asked. 1998; If the school needs it, we could struggle along "We have a number of parents who live here that another tWo Or .three yeai-s." . will pay the bond issue if it passes, but their children

111 ~k the need is nowJ" Trost rmid. go to other school districts," LoCk said. "Sure. it's their "Eighteen students per classroom is not ct-oWd•d," choice. Traditionally, as long as we have the ability to

Qrouao said. "Alamogor4o has 34 per classroom." · · serve our .own kids, we have accepted them (out of dis-Second grade teacher Mazy Sbanko told, Croisllo, trict)."

'"11le problem is not how many you have in the claSs- "BUt you've just said we dop't,'' Mrs. Crossno shot room, but how many programs that ws need fur our back. . children. When the needs assessment was done in !he "When you're .talking individual classes (those 40) <lOrDmunity. everyone in this community wanted more will not make a difference,'' Lock said. "We're at ma:d­for GUJ' children and the school district lu;ls worlted mum use of our buildiitgs at present." very hard to fulfill thos• promises. They wanted a Kathleen Hellman, who also moved from Califor­gifted program, more special educatiOn, the speech nia. told officials that her brother is head master and pathology. We have a psychologist coming in, ph,YsiCal founder of a successful prep school and it has a and oceupational therapists and Headstart, as well as student-teacher ratio of 15-18 per classroom. the proaram for three and four year obis." · · ."They're cnuD.med into rooms as small as our

"How many children go fo this schoOl, only 50.0?'' bedroom and Ultrir tampus is spread over a two-block Mrs. Crossno asked. "That"s an elaborate program for area in portable classrooms and in. buildings; one is that many children.~' condemned and one burned out last· year," she said.

'"Some of this is state and national mandates/' Mrs. "It's an industrial district." . . . Sbaake sj\id. "Thillllll thst.wa have to de·" • . If the erowding become• more ···-· in o.al!it/-Ul> .

· 'fue new building is needed because more spaee is ·could the district get by with 24 btiJoeilts·]>el''j,ijpqi!· required, she said. room by Sending those who live out of district l?ome,

"They have a big school. They hove the room," Mrs, she asked. Crossno said. "Theybave two gymnasiums here." Trost said, "H we kick out the kids in our distr;ict

Her· lriisband added, "My oldest boy Is a civil arid ours (that are attending other districto) are foreed

to~e.l>i\~,fl;hjnkwa would gain students." · ~no $ai~ Capitan is turning into a retiree com­m~nity, whieh will- depend: more and m(!l'e on property tiiXes to operate. .

Newsom noted that the school is part of the oom­ntunit)'; generating salJUies and purchases.

"If it's such a quality -school system, why would .some of our studento go to other districts?" Mrs. Crossno asked.

"They're el-oser. or .their families wa:rlt in :Ruidoso and thaY· want thO children to be rjgbt thare with lhsril," Newsom said. .

SOme 'Qf tbe. residents said they were worried that the sCh(utl distr_jct may _shrink over the next few years if Fort Stanten Hospital and Traiz>!ng Center (whi~h employs about 200 people) closes or nuclear waste 1s stONd on the Mescalero Apache Reservation, a plan being discussed.

Williams, HellmBI\ and Crossno- were bothered by the fact ·that school officials couldn't guarantee the ex-

. aet tax impact. · Acoording to figures assembled by the district, it is

'estimated that School district taxes would inci'ease from $4.19.per $1,000 ofnet taxable value·to $5.15, an increase of96-cents, An. owner with $60,000 of proper~ ty value established by the county asse8$or would have a net taxab1e value of about $20,000. The owner would- pay a true increase of about $1.60 a mo{lth or a total of$19.20 for1994.

In 1995, the tax 'should decrease to about $4.90 and back to· $4.19 in 1996 until the bonds are retired in 2002, accQl'ding to the figures compiled by the dis­trict's bond consultant.

The addition of any other 'bond issues or chailges in the t~able value of property could alter those figUres, as could a drastit: change in interest rates before the bonds are sold, school officials·said.

Out of the five school districts in Lincoln Colll)ty-, Capitan ·'is second from the 'lowest in school taxes, Lock noted.

The only way for a sehool district to construct bUildings is to sell bonds, he said.

"Could you (set a cap) and say it won't go higher?" Hellman asked.

Lock pointed out that the cost of the school ol-dy has a cap at $1.3-million. ·

"What kind of guarantee ilil there that you guys won't come back ir;i two years and want some Qther thing out there?" Mrs. Crossno asked. "You might de­cide you want five people in the classroom. I can't con­trol thal"

Trost said no one can. predict the future and the changes it will bring.

By waiting-three years ~o pay off other bonds, infla­tion will have eaten up ~Y monetary gain, he con­tended.

"My feelings are there are always ideals," Williams said "l'!l_Ji!2i,to

1 see ro'! ~'"!' !!' ~o·blo~ •J!!Ilpus ·en-.

Iargemertt~ 'J·a· ove to lim a·'rtew car m )J'l)" garage,· 'but I've gotta' draw the line somewhere and things have been tight."

Bond issues can get out of hand very easily and price people out of their commwllties, Hellman said.



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BA1Th0 Ruidoso News!Thursday,·Jemuary ~.1993

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levy question.nel{.t Tues~ay by DIANNE STALLINGS The Capital l)nprovement Tax CB1lllt! Vo~rs approved II~ ·1)011• ·.If "!:.li' Ruidoso News Staff Writer specifically prohibits using the ape- litruotion bonds to l!andlel~d

Ruidoso school distrij:t voters· cia! millage for operational items emollment," GIB.ddan oloill. "It's not will be asked February 2 to ap· such as teachers' salaries. . . hard to imagine ~ )111\0ulit of W.sr proved a special two mill property However, without the lev)', the and tsar these fuellltles · nWelvs . tex levy aimed at maintaining and district would have to fall bR!lk on each year from more than 2,200 improving school buildings. its operational money designated -students." · . .

Many residents lllBY be asking for salaries and-programe to pay for Voters shouldn't see much of a why they should vote for the lex the maintanance of school build- diffe-ee in their lex hills if tilt and whether iL is~:~om.ething new. ings, Gladden said. · two-mill levy is passed.

School district superintendent The district has a bOnd ptOeeed "Non-reSideD.tial taxes wj)l not Mike Gladden is the man with the reserve, but it already is targeted be affected, bec~u.se the levy is answers and he sat- down Wednes- for specific school construction presently t_.wo-mills," GlaQden sBid day· for an iriterview. projects apProved by voters. . "However, the residential levy was

The levy was authorized through Besides, state laws limit the use d ced thi 180 mill the Public School CaPl'ta)lmprove· of bond proceeds. They cannot be. re u 8 year to · 1 8 or about $1.80 per th<>usaud of net ment Tax Act passed in 1975. Over used for maintenance of· existing t.Bxable v_alue (after ~mptions). the next three-year period, the levy buildings, Gladden pointed out~·

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in the Ruidoso district is expected "It is precisely thiS funding gap · ·"If the special levy is reap­to generate in excess of $1-milJion, between the issuance of bonds :and proved. the Jevy will go back to $2 as much as $350,000 per year. _ the state's operationai fun~ that per thousand,. an increase of 20- Headstart opens

"The act enables school districts the two-mill levy is designed to cents per thousand of net taxable to impose a two mill levy for three meet," he said. value." years with v9ter approval," Glad~ By passing the local two-mill Gladden gave the fOllowing ex-den E!aid. The Ruidoso djstrict has levy, voters also send a message of ample: the owner of a house with a used . the levy for many years, support for education to the state, market vhlue of $90,000, would usually with heavy voter support. he said. have a net taxable value nf about

"What we want to emphasize is "If voters approve the two-mill one-third, or $80,000. Therefore, that Uris is.not a new tax," Gladden levy, the state provides a guaran- the increase would be $5 a year. said. "It's a continuation of an ex- teed funding based on enrollment," The residential. levy was reduced isting tax on which the Ruidoso Gladden said. "The state guaran- because . last year, the revenue to school district heavily depends for· tees $70 per full-time equivalent the school district as a result of the capital improvements to buildings, student per year. county tax reappraisal program maintenance and the purchase of "If the local two-inill tax collec- was greater than permitted by the small equipment." tion is less than the guarantee, the state's inflation index. The levy was_

For the next three years, the state makes up the difference. The reduced to yield only the permitted mil1age will be called into use to district has benefited from this amount Or revenue. That require­meet the requirements of the Amer- ~arantee in the past." ment is part of the Yield Control icans with DisablHties Act, which By having the two-mill levy in state statute. sets standards of acCess to build- place, the district also satisfies a "However, if the assessed ings, restrooms and other facilities, basic requirement to qualifY for evaluation goes up and the yield Gladden said. Critical Capital Outlay money from control act kicks in agai_n, the fig-

"We just did a walk through and the. state. Another r-eQuirement for ure could go back down for resideD· · pinpointed the areas that do not that program is that a district be tial property owners." comply," he said. "No dollar figure bonc!ed to 75 perceat of its capacity. A big change this year will 'be has been attached, but it doesn't Gladden said he hears people the polling place and Gladden take long to get into the thousands. question why the Jevy is needed doesn't want any voters going

"We also have roofing projects, since the district's bw1dings are in astray. boilers ·and an activity bus that will reasonably good sh~pe. Ballots' will be cast in the public have to be replaced by next Decem- "Part of the reason that· the meeting room of Ruidoso High ber ," he said. "The bus will no buildings are in reasonable condi- School on Warrior Drive. longer wiH be approved by the state tion is because the· special levy For more information, contact because it's too old." money has been available and be- Gladden at 257-4051.

An inSulatiOn· blanket con dress your water heater for energy success, especially if the heater Is located In on unheated area of .your home. In· sulatlng the hot water pipes leaving the heater and adding a heat trap loop con also save energy.

Another way to save on the cost of heating water Is to keep the heater set between 120° to 140°F. As o final maney-sovihg accessory, consider a timer for the heater so that the heater doesn"t cy­cle on when you're not home.

For more information about saving energy. call or visit your local Texas-New Mexico Power Com­pany office and ask for the free booklet, "Energy Management Guide."

GARY LYDCH wcn::erq7 ~ .. J 257-4011 Box 1714

419Mechem REfiCIY

Would like to Thank You! Because of you, we are growing

and moving to a larger location to handle our growth.

We're not going far ... just next door to 419 Mechem. This will help us accommodate your real estate needs now and for the future.

Without your support we would not be growing.


Elaine Chavez wQrks . with Ashley Tegeda (above, IE!fl) and Adellna Gar·· cia during the morning sessio~ of Headstart at Nob· Hill ·• EIE!mentary in

. Ruidoso. Two session=; .!are. off.ered at · the school. Capitan Elamimtary also . eperates a Headstart program f!l'ld both·

schools h.ave .QPenn1gs mr new. · ohll· dren. Socialization, nutrition and health care. . are emphasiZed.. : Amancta· Slaughter ·(beloW) ci'e!ites Images and spreads her Imagination dt.n!ng the· morni'!g session· of the Head$1art pro-gram at Nob Hill Elementary. .

REPORT OF CONDITtON At tho alas& of buetnees Gn nP:r.RMR RR 3 I , 19 ..9..2._ publlehod ln I'Cispone& loaall mMie by OGmpttolter of thfl Curnmcy, u!'dar IIIIo 12,. Unlllld states Coda, Soallon 161, C~ Number 211CHI DomptroDeroftbeOurrency

SOI!THWESTEBN Dllllttlct .

Glatamsnt of ReSOUTCSS and UablliUea

Thoueenda of crouara

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Loans and leasa financing receivables: · · Loans and leBBOa, net ol unearned lncame ....... , .......... , . , · · · .. · · · ·1 14 • W31_ I LESS: Allowance for loan and lease losses - .. - ........ - . .. .. . . .. • .. . .. • • :{;- -LESS:: Allocaled transfer risk reserve ...... - - - ... - - - .... - . - - - - . .. . • • • • . . · Loans and leases, nat ol unearned Income, allowance, and rHe.-ve ••••••••••••••••••.

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Wil:lte.Randolph c~lebrates 93rcl.birthday JIRPJI!' Blrtl\day

to WillleJiamlolph

More than: 200. kinfolks · and tli.ands gllthllred at Prime Time the evenin~ of Janu­ary as to help W'lllle RandolPh celebrate his 93td birthday. Amoag thOse prs~ent were his live living childran, and many of his 16 grand· chililrell, 24. great-grandchildren, . 28 great-grealcgrandobi!dren. . .

Two of the youngest present ' were two great-great-granddaughters: Adriana MeTeigue and Maria Husy, both four months of.age.

Music fur dancing was furnished by Chuck· ie's Band, -composed- of Chuckie-- and Leo Wieland, grandsons who playecl western and ro.ek music.

. S'ons-in-law Mahny Trujillo and Ernesto ·Lucero played Ranchero . Mexican music in· eluding polkas and waltz.es.

Another band playing gel)eral' dance music was composed of Aee, Ron and Lee.

Willie, always remarkably young for his years, danced throughout the evening, mu:ili at home with all the different kinds of music.

A large crowd :was· ge.thered before Willie walked into the hall to a great chorus of cheers, and the singing of:

father. Willie is gifted with. a. remarkable memoiy in recalling the early days. When he was eleven years old he went io WGl'k as a sheep herder, and also worked On cattle ran­~· At the sheep camps he listened to the tru~ stories of his older. companions, and also to ths New Mexico folk tales arid legends. His face brightens with his famous smile as he recites these stories by the hour.

In -pioneer times People while4;1 away the long hours in lonely places by tolling stories, handed down through the years. And Willie is a master at this great art which goes back through our lives since tin:le out ofnrind.

Married in Old Church of San Patricio

while his .brother, Andelario, took over · the B\ln:tmer. Willie remembers that · tlle snOw was.QVer two feet deep and the horse had to struggle to make the trip.

Later he carried the mail in a Model T Ford, for a total of 20 years, buligy and 'Ford.

In 1954-, Willie and Dulcinea moved to Rpid.oso. Wlllie is a member of Saint Eleanor's Catholic Church in Ruidoso. ·

I have oftefl asked Willie how he_ remains so youthful for hi' years, and he says, "God helps me eVery day," WiJlie is tnrly a Christian gen­tlsman, full of kindness, cheerful and helpful, widsly adm.iJ:ed and beloved. And we wish him many happy -returns of the day and all God's blessit!gs. .

A.bright and beautiful day

~sis being sent to· you a little after high noon on January 25, the birthday of Robert Burns. A day that would do his heart good. After a cold snap yesterday, the mountain land has bounced back with a bright blu.e sky, all . around the ·mountain horizon, shining down on the golden meadows, and making the piiio)1S and cedars glisten. '

·All through the vale there is a mood of hap­piness that lifts your heart and step so that

· _. .. - "HaP})y'bi'rth-aay-; deltt'Willie} happy birthday to you."

. On J~J.y 9, 1918, Willie W!lll marne<! to thll · · , ' .. _,,,,<fJ>rau>t'liillcmea Polaco in thi> hilltOtlo Clnn'cli ]~::~~~1

of San P•tiieio. Dulcinea was ca1i8d Home by Our Lord three years ago., Two sons Fr&nk

The crowd of celebrators· enjoyed a very and Billy, were called home sc!.verBI ye~s ago. wonderful meal before the dancing. All in all it This will reach you on January 28, so thi$1

will be my last message to you before Febru~ ary, the Birthday Month.

was a heart-felt tribute of honor and fond af. Five children today are his pride and joy, (ectionforaverybelovedmen. · along with his grandchildren, . grealc

grandchildren end great-great-grendchildren. Tho children, all .present at the birthday celebration, are Viola Montano, Frances

The Celebration Days in February begin with Candlemass also known as Groundhog Day, the. birthday of ox-president Ronald Reagan on the sixth, Valentine's Day on the 14th, Lincoln's birthday on the 12th Washington's birthday on the 22nd.

Descendant of early Lincoln County pioneers

William Brady Randolph was bore Nov~­ber 23, 1900, in Hondo to Frank Randolph and the former Clitarlna Brady. His mother was a daughter of Captain William Brady, sheriff of Lincoln County during the early historical days.

And Willie ·was named after his grand-

Wieland, Kistsr Randolph, Leroy Randolph and Beatrice Trujillo.

An early mall route

At the age of 15, W"ulie began carrying the mail from Hondo to Ruidoso by horse and buggy. He tell~ of carrying the route in winter

Let us rejoice and be grateful for the days of January, as we look forward to beaUtiful Feb­ruary; and let us thank God for our J11BnY blessings.

"Where The Smart Money Shops" We've Got Great Prices on A New

Season Of High Style From The Worlds Finest Makers

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The ECilll.;..,{c ilevtl~mnent Corpqrati~ ot Lklooln Crnrnty is est . ~.Jl'~~~t 7 p.m. WWBht, ThiU'eday, at ths office iii the Sla"ond

The group has not had a quorllm fer an official meeting siBCO Oc­tober. _1, 1992, but met .twice for discussions- ori proj&cts the gi'{iup ·:ia workingon. . . ·.

.. . on _the agenda for tdnight's meeting are the treasurer's repOrt on fiilancial.statements for ~ inonths of September, October, Novem.~ her 1!'11~. Decsmber a'l).d approval of the nrlnutes for .the September meeti!lg, . · · . · .&r<e"';'tive director ·Karen Kepp will report on prospect activity, the-Buamese Quarter prospect procedure, a tour of Lincoln County, an updat.e on the hotel search (Wd the Business Quarter brochure.

Tlie directors will also discuss the fundrnising project and the an· nual membership meeting. · ·

Twirl and tap to help FFA

A dance to benefit' the Capitan FutUre Farmers of America and the chapter's booster' organization is set .for 8 p.m. to midnight Sat.. urday, January 30, at the Lincoln County Fairgrounds.

Lone Star Expre!IS will provide the fiddle and the beat. Tickets are $3 for a single, $5 per couple and $10 for a family.

Board to canvass votes The Capi~· School_ Board will conduct a special session at 5 .p.m.

Thursday, February 4, in the schoollibraey to canvass the votes from the school board election two days earlier. · ·

Imogene Morris Petty

February 2, 1993



For Ruidoso School Board

Position #4

Paid for by Candidate

. . be111(ithhelc;t fiom


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A five-foot high water mark post on the left was installed. after the accidental drowning of Thomas Charles Locke in 1988. Locke, 79, had left a village plan.ning and zoning meeting on a dark, rainfilled September night and ran into a flooded Hull Road.

PlannlnQ and ;:oning· recently ·blocked an attempt by developers to build townhouses in the area. The flooding capability of the area was one of the reasons planl)ers re­jected the plan. The developers equid ap­peal to the village council.

1988 drowning case is settled by CHARLES STALLINGS Ruidoso News Staff Writer

No one expects to drown in the mountains of Ruidoso. But rains soaked the mountains for weeks in 1988, and when the ground could hold no more, it filled Paradise Canyon at the corner of Hull Road.

Moving swiftly in the darkness, the flood captured and claimed a long-time friend of the village, Thomas Charles LOcke.

Jessie Lou Locke, a village resi­dent for 32 years, has vivid memories of the flood and the night it took her husband, Charlie. ·

"It will be five years, the first day of September that night at 9:30 p.m. I was sitting in my living room alone and listening to my police scanner and heard every bit of it," she sa:id.

"My heart was pounding. I knew right away it was my husband be~ cause he was late getting home.

"He had gone to a planning and zoning meeting to try to get the rest of our property commercial. Our breasted chicken restaurant was grandfathered irL

"I usually went with Charlie to those meetings, but we were taking care of our grandson that night, and CharJje insisted I stay home.

"I remember telling him to give them he\1, and he said he would. It was our last conversation.

"That Wtl.S the night the flood washed a way part of Paradise Can­yon Road.

"He was in a white El Camino. Joe Malloy was driving an Oldsmobile station wagon and was right behind my husband. And Joe thought to himself, if he could get between him and the water, near the water wheel, he could keep the little El Camino from going down. Well, it just washed both of them right on down.

"Joe couldn't swim, so he managed to get on top of his Oldsmobile on the rack and held on and yelled 'Jump, Charlie, jump!"

"Charlie jumped and caught hold of the Timbers sign, but the water was so swift it washed him in. Charlie was 79 years old."

Jessie l:iaid she and her husband had many businesses from service stations. taxi cabs, motels and a breasted chick'en restaurant.

SineS Charlie's death, she said she has just been staying at the house and quilting.

"I make beautiful quilts," she said. Asked if she could sell them, she replied, "If Somebody was inter­ested."

She said she also qw1ts with three other ladies at the senior citizens center on Thursday.

Jessie said her cat of 10 years has kept her company and she also enjoys two parakeets.

It was a cruel accident that claimed her husband, _driving down a village street. A person shouldn't get killed like that, family friends said.

She brought suit- agllinst the vil­lage. Three years later, the sUit was settled in her favor (or $12,000. After lawyer's fees, she received a little over $6,000.

The suit was filed against the village on May 23, 1989, by Jessie as widow and personal representa­tive of the estate of Thomas Charlea Locke.

Mrs. Locke was represented first by Viola Rhodes and later by Mel O'Reilly of the flnn of O'Reilly & Wardlaw. O'Reilly now lives in Al­buquerque.

In the suit, Mrs. Locke con­tended the village had:

-negligently failed to maintain the sb'eet and right of way on the two streets.

-"breached a daty and failed to correct a dangerous condition due to inadequate placement of signs or warnings of the danger of flooding at that location."

-"with deliberate indifference or conscientious choice', neglected to put barriers at the site of flooding on Hull."

-failed to provide notice of danger, adequate signs or warn­ings, for the general safety of the citizens.

-failed to properly maintain Hull by failing to prl)vide a m~ans of flood water control~ ·

The suit went on to state: "Due to the acts and omissions of

the village through their employees and agents, Locke was caused to be killed in the accident and to suffer damages."

Mrs. Locke asked for a trial by jury.

According to diStrict court records, District Judge Richard A. Parsons was excused from the ease and Robert Doughty was assigned.

The village was represented by Mark L. Ish of Felker, Ish, Hatcher, Ritchie, Sullivan & Geer in Santa Fe.

The village's attorney responded on June 15, 1989, saying the villags de rued all allegations of negl;gence.

He contended Locke died as a result of an accident or an act of God for which no party is lagally 'reSponsible. He want on that:

-the sole cause of death was the negligence of the decedent.

-even if the village was negligent, which it expressly denied, Locke was comparatively negligent, precluding or reducing ·any recovery against the village.

-to try to claim punitive damages against the village would violate the eighth and fourteenth amendments to the U.S. Constitu­tion.

-the vi11age is immune from suit and liability for the acts in the complaint.

Ish 'l'equested a dismissal with prejudice (which does not allow a suit to be refiled) and asked to be awarded costs.

The issue was scheduled to go to trial on August 5, 1991. John D. "Joe" Malloy was scheduled to be deposed on May 8, 1991.

On May 17, 1991, a stipulation of dismissal with prejudice was en­tered by the judge.,

"The parties state that all mat­ters in contention or eontrovetSY bet\··een the parties arising out of the death of Charles (']'hODUIB C.) Locke have been amicably settled."

Village ofticials and former vii· lags attorney David Thomsen would not discuss the case with The Ruidoso r;ews.

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level will now the _l'eco:m~ Wlllltog· ;\fter the Bl'OUP dell>r.lalnea an

ace~lll!l!hle .· mlnbnl!)n bid, tlie fir& . t.wo. options .to lo· engme will be put up.lbr bid. ·

governments, either allow the The boai-d members also want to state board 'to act for those wh,o ha . . ~- the. u " don't fonn: a local one or ereat8 a lD· Fo':.~~:or:. t:.ik' to tl,em J\'::

have the eal throe-member board. fli:re they move Forward with a joint the change. "Iri my ~pinion it is highly ad-. powers agreement with the service

~~:1!i:Joe Hayhurst said he has vantageous to have a local board fa-- for wildfire supp~sion. Beauvais

read about five other tOUt- miliar w.ith the local conditions," said the agreement has been con .. 'in the state that hav& Beauvais said. siderably i'e¥worded from ones the

changed the blood alcohol level A lot of smaller communities village has signed in the past. amount and have reduced the num- "@ay s~ tliey ~ too small to form. lie ·said one area that concerned ber ofDWI arrests. a ·bol\td, but.they ere going til haVl> him was that fires on any' n.On•

By reducing 'the level, Ruidoso sQ}YJ.80ne·eondiigJn wanting to fonn municipal lands are- the respo~ .. Downs is saying· it's going to get a unio~. .he aiilil .. Beauveis said bility . of both the village ¥11 t1ul tough on drinking and driving, about every municipality in Lincoln Naw Mexico Energy, Minerals and trustees agreed: County will be fOl'll\ing a board, al· N•tural Resoureea Depa-.nt.·

Village attorney Bob Beauvais though theY may not need it. It is The langu~e is much more en· said_ there ·have been many better to have a local boa'rd and not compassing. meaning they could proposals to make this a national have the state take care. o( the get called anywhere in the county law that would be· similar to the cases, he said. and get just gas and oil cOsts in legislation that chang-ed the speed Mayor Hayhurst said his ques- return, Beauvais said limit from 70 miles per hour to 56. tion was on who the three board Clerk Weihbrecht said the word­States m~ the change received members would be and how they ing also states tl,te fi~en must-ibe federal highway funds, while those would be selected, out for at least four hours before hot making the change didn't Beauvais said the representa· they receive a,ny-reimbursement. receive funds. .. tives can't be a public employee ot

1 ';rhe department does help locate

"Ruidoso Downs is oil the cutting official. The mayor, with the advice ·sufpius equipment for the edge on this. It sends a message and consent of the board, would municipality. this council is serious," said have control over the management "It serves an important purpose, Beauvais. representative. but it is awfully open ended,"

Chief Hoggard applauded the The smployees would then salect Beauvais a/lid. board for taking the action. a representative, and the two repre- The trustees did approve a

Trustee Ray Hayhurst asked sentatives together would mobile home variance for Saul Laz.. Hoggard and Beauvais how well detennine the third board member. eano, who had been living in the the new level will stick without it The person may be someone in the county, on a 1958 trailer that is a1so being a state law. Hoggard community who takes an interest going to be moved into the Park ~cl he \B c.o.!!lident ,that before this. in the "1!!Pl"f"OS of the olllO!I"• " . ' ·-o ~-•· "·'o •nfol:cemen' Qf, legiSlative sesSf.in la through a law . llo'auvaili 8818 . the. persbn could 'iir."r ~=~';ig-siUait'liaa will be passed to change it for the learn labor relations if they have been just paiilted and seemed ·to be whole state. the sympathy with the blue collar in good shape. The village has an

Beauvais said the general rule is worker. He said the person does not ordinance against allowing mobile that since the village adopts the necessarily have to live in Ruidoso homes older than 10 yeara to be state motor vehicle code each year Downs but would need to know the moved into the village limits. it allows the local municipality to environment the employees work Trustees also approved the be more restrictive than the state, in. · monthly financial reports and ac-but not less restrictive. He said as The attorney said it may be pas- counts payable. the mayor pointed out several com- Bible to have a county board to Mayor Hayhurst informed the munities are already operating handle all labor relationa:, but group that the animal shelter with it. that's just an idea at this point. building has been started and the

With the new limit communities There are all kinds of possibilities, villag4t crew will be working on it as will probably ffnd a few more but the village just needs to have much as possible to get it com: people will take it to court, he said. something on track to be passed the pleted. More stringsnt penalties will also first of April, he said. The group decided to take care of like}y cause more court cases with Beauvais said the ordinance, its own impounded animals after increased costs, such as paying fOr which is based on a state municipal the Lincoln County Humane more days in jail. league model, is about as standard Society raised the monthly rate

Trustee Charlotte Craig said if it as they can create so employees can from $300 to $750 at the beginning saves one life it would be worth it. negotiate wages, but without of the year as a part of its yearly

Beauvais said with the recent strikes Ol'lock•outs. contract with the village.

. . 1111

abow -lnMtne

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ctaftns to sat ;;,l~~~~~~~::=~~ prove It by voting wltrhttVe a chance to

. 0ourse tor area school. districts when they chao$<! board members and' take action on bondhi!;l

levy proposals.

The school election$ are scheduled from 1 a.m. un­. til 1 p,m. Tuesdey, February ?, in the separate polling places for each school district. Voting will take pla.ce eit the sc.hools in Corona, Carrizozo and Hondo. Capitan voters will cast their ballots at the Llncolh County Fairground In Capitan and Ruidoso voters will vote •In a new location, at the public. meeting room at Ruidoso High School. Absentee .balloting Is already under way by cqntaotlng. the J,.incoln co,inty Clerk's offiCE! at the co<.~nty courthousE! In Carrizozo (648-2394).

We support the mill levy for the Ruidoso School Olstrlct and the general obligation bond for the Capitan district. Both propositions will ensure good facilities for the two small districts.

Ruidoso voters will vote "yes" or "no" on whether or not to continue a two-mill levy. The c<.~rrent two-mill levy expires, and continuation is needed to maintain and improve the school district facilities. Voting "yes" to continua this mill levy will not affect local taxes, ba­ca<.~se the levy Is already in place. The benefit to the school system is great, and the funds are needed.

We urge Ruidoso voters to vote "yes" on the mill levy question .

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needed to be ·sure t.hat morley raised through a .bond 1 c b • 1 • i~suels used wisely. We've seen evidence of good A cal .lOr anntn. g stee ~JaW leghold traps

:planning by the Capitan board through Its plan to · separate mld-schoolars .from high schoolers by the addition of a Middle School. The age difference be­fWeE!n.a·slxth grader and ·a senior In high school is too great to share faciiiUas in a ·school as large as Capitan High School. The cost to property owners Is smaU -ju~;t ~6. canter for each $1,000 of taxable value. That's a·sm!!ll price for an Investment In a good ad<.~catlon.

We urge Capitan voters to vote "yes" on the bond quastlo'!. -

If you think education Is Important, taka the time to .vota on Tuesday.

TO THE EDITOR: I agree a thousand-fold with

RiohaT<I McCord <December 17) and Jan Tracy (January 11) regarding their views on the steel-jaw legbold trap.

"America the Beautiful," the greatest and richest country on earth, does not teU her overseas visitors that she still perzzPts that medieval instrument of torture, the leghold trap!

The moral issue aside, the facts are, that although trappers are in the minority, the problem starts in Congress, where the wealtlzy trap-

="""""'""'""'""'::;:::;;;;;::;:~--:'""""""""'""'""'""'""''iJ ping lobby, with its cohorts, is al­ways on the job, insinuating its self-serving ~terests into legisla­tion.

MoneY means power! when the swing, trappers killed over 500,000 recent Arizona trap ban lost 3·2 be· raccoons a year, without slo.wing cause of the $1.6 million worth of the advance of rabies or diminish· lies hurled onto te1evision by the ing the raccoon population by any National Rifle· Association, The measurable amount. Wildlife Legislative Fund of Amer- The term "wildlife management" ica and colleagues, it is obvious is baloney! Wildlife populations can that big bucks talk. be controlled by the forces of na-

Also, trapping, instead of _pre- ture, not by state agencies. venting rabies, spreads it1 The €en- Endangered species are being ters for Disease Control,. the NJ.H., . trapped out of existence; ecological and numerous other wildlife. and balances are being upset; the trap public health authorities advise is non-selective - bald eBJ!les, that. killing animals en masse to other birds, deer, domestic animals eliminate rabies does not work. (trash animals) are caught. If trap-

It opens up habitat, causing both pers were furced to kill in order to rabid and healtlzy animals to eat the meat and wear the fur fur wander, increasing the risk that survival, it would be a different the disease will spread. When the story. raccoon rabies epidemic was in full But this is not the Stone Age.

God did not intend for man to take the· fur ofhn animal's back and put it on his oWJt back!

The good news is that in 1995, the European Community will bon imports of fur from countries still using the steel-jaw, i.e., Canada, Ruesia and, YES, the USA!

I say, it is a total disgrace that I cannot walk safely with my child, my dog, or even my cat. on PUBLIC Li\NDS, without danger of one o{, us being caught in a leghold trap! And trappers, don't you tell me these traps don't hurt. Get real, New Mexico, ban the steeHaw leghold trap!

Pamela Rae Alto

.RAWON PUSLfSt(ING INC. • Jaa~ ChBrrman of the Board

"Teachers not buildings" =quality education Lopet,


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in 199~). eaities ·a

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with such mattel'8 seem only hiter­ested in matching new brick to the existing structure. .

Give the taxpayers a break. Lot us. pey off the existing debt and quit bashing us with these pompous cravings. Bring. in iilile clesorooms· (used all state) and make do

. us. Etten if the brick d""':~' ::::

..; .. ; .. '

. : i·: . . ' . '



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7 p.m.-REVIVAJ,.atthe Fletcher Hall arena of the Lincoln Couno/ Fail'groUildS in Cfll'itan. The Reverend Charles Harvey, pastor of Family Wor- · ship Center in Hobbs will speak 09 Thursday and the Rever~nd Tony Carsont pastor or· Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ in Carlsbad, will speak on Friday. Eru:b, night of .aeniice will include Rely Ghost filled preaching, teaehing, ~r~uoie, with heal• ings, mirac:les and deliverance!=!. ·according to a: news release. vcome· and expect a blessing from God, and receive it," continues the release. For fur· ther information, Call Pastor Miller at 258.:.9279 or 257-6864.

7:30 p.m.-RUIDOSO COMMUNITY CON­CERTS presents The Canadian '!'rio at the First Christian Church. Concei-t admission is by .season memb11rship. For information, eall 336-4015 or 2~7-2510.

9·11:30 a.m. and· 1-3:30 p:m.-55 ALIVE/MATURE DRIVING, an innovative class· room driver retraining program deslgned 'to help older persons improve their driving skills, is being offered at Ruidoso Senior Citizens Center· behind the Ruidoso Public Library, Cost of the course is $8. Sponsors are AARP and Ruidoso Senior Citizens program. Register before January 23 at the center, or mail a check for $8 made payable to AARP to Wayne and Mollie Mason; Box 100; Capitan NM 88316. For more jnfonnation, call 354·2666.

. 2 p:m.-sA~o MOUN'l'AIN" · i\l'I!JU;:BS . ll!eet ·at·. the Eastern. ;N"8\l!' _l\(fJllico Univoroicy-Ru!doso office, 1400 Snqdelth Dtive. The qlub is open to all.persons interi~ted.in ·.trout fishing. Norm Mshie of Lao Crnces, ·a lllalled fly

. ''J;yer" and lly ~od buildor;.will be the.il!leatspeaker. Ji'or inforn>atiori, ealll!57-9291. · .. · . · . . . - .. -.

10:45 a.m.-REUNION SERVICE at the First Assembly: of God, 139 El .• PI!B~ RO'Id, In Ruidoso 1<>. welcome the Reverend Lewis· Franklin as pastor. The public is invited.

10 a.ro.-6 p.m.-ALPINE VILLAGE WATJj:R DISTRICT board eleetion at 100 Squaw Vs;ney Road.

11 a.m.-6 p.m.-'BLOOD DRIVE at Lincoln County Medical Center.

7:30 p.m.-RUIDOSO COMMPNITY CON­CERTS presents New Christy Minstrels iri their 30th anniversary tour at the First .Christian Church. Concert admission is by season member­ship. For information, call 386-4016 er 257-2510.

:.: ' '

Given )n liWringe .bY her 'J)ltbln'; Tl)omas E. Foristet', the bride

. canied a bollC!ilet of •.white roses • · and babY's brQ:afu. She wore O!i oft.'· · the-Bboillder ,sill• .taffeta .sown,· hlind-aewo by Martha Scallon.· · ·

-- .-. Aecellted by pet;li'ls and sequins, • Aloncoal81'8 covered tho bodice and

dropped waistline;. and etched the borders of the csthedrol length train. The· bride's v~. also. cathedral-length, ca~caded from a pearl-onerusted Juliet-style cap.

A reception was held after the csromony at the Driskill Hotel i' Austin. ·

After a wedding trip to Mexico, tho couple is residing in Bed·

, mlnster,.NewJersey.

2-4 p.m.-FREE INCOME TAX COUNSEL­ING, sponsored by AARP Tax Aide, Mondays and Thursdays at Ruidoso Senior Citizens Center. Volunteers are needed to provide help to older low income taxpayers. For information, call257-4066 or

Couple celebrates anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Montes· p:;,.,.,.__,,_=-..-:---:--:::-:--,----::;

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257-7618. .

6 p.m.-REPUBLICAN PARTY OF LIN· COLN COUNTY meete for its First Monday din· ner at the Four Winds Restaurant in Carrizozo. Dinner buffet~ including non-alcoholic beverages and gratuity, is $7 each. County Commission Stirl­ing Spencer will speak on major changes facing_ the commission in the near future. Make reservations by noon Monday, February 1. to Willie Silva a~ the Four Winds, 648-2964; Coleta Elliott, 258-4455; or Bob Nys, 268-4372.

9 a.m.-LCMC AUXILIARY regular business meeting in the conference room Rt the hospital. Guest speaker will be Joe Hodock who will speak on insurance for auxilians.

9-10 a.m.-MAINSTREET COFFEE at Mitchell's, 2622 Sudderth Drive. Everyone is wel­come.

is simulcast on

11:30 a.m.-LINCOLN COUNTY LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS at the Episcopal Church of Holy Mount, parish hall, on Mesealero Trail.

CONNOISSEUR CLASSIC IV beginning with the .srand tasting on Friday night at the Ruidoso Civic Events Center. Saturdays events lnclud a ski race at Ski Apache, gourmet luncheons at area restaurants and 'Wines in the Pines" dance co­sPonsored by Altrusa Club at the Civic Events Cen· ter. "Poor Man's Wine Tasting" is scheduled on Sunday. For information and tickets, contact the Ruidoso Valley ChemberofCommeree at257·7395.

Sr. celebrated their 42nds anniver­BIU'Y on Decotribel' l!tl, la92. .. · · ·'

The celebratiOn started with a mass officiated by Father Richard Catanach at St. Eleanor Catholic Church.

Music was provided by Mrs., Ternie Montes, playing the mUSic for the entrance with Chri-as song. Margie Morales announced the family. Alfred and Rita played the guitar and sang 'Wings of a Dove."

Their sons, Michael and Delbert, presided over the reading.

A reception followed, with 150 guests.

Buffet was served by Mra. Montes' nieces. Alfred and Rita led an anniversary wedding mareh during the evening dance.

The cake was adorned with red and pink roses.

Mrs. Montes wore a street length red satin dress.

Many ouHf'·town guests at-­tended.

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1360 AM and 93.$ FM (KWES) $erving Cht~ve~ ()tero EJrid JJncoln Coi;JIIt/es.

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Th~r~ay. January 28,199~e Ruidoso News/38

. · .. · .. ·.·. ·:1....:!1· ... 1 .•• / d. . . .· . . . . Q 11 Oir..a:u"""CxRSS ·ance team Wl if

•:: -- . . I . • :; :, '• : . .,·.- •· ,.. ,i;. . • . :· . ·• : ' • . -· '··.- "

entertain at Wine ·in· the Pine . - ···-' -- - . . .

.. . Gwger Pa\;ter~on and MIUido · . Jlodriq'l"", or E1 Paoo, Texas, ,will

tnterta.in . w.ith various- danc.p >outlno$ during. tho "Wine Jn The . :!'lues" Altrusa Darn:e on Saturday, ·· Febru!lrll 30, a~ the Ruidoso Civic Event!! Center, during the Chamber of Commerce Connoisseur Classic weekend.

Besides being a world-class dan­cer, Ginger is the daught-er ot

· 'Ruidoso resident and Altrusan Sal, lyAvsry;

According tp a news release, Ginger and Marido have danced to­gether· as pro-am ~earn for three years.


They are wen known in the United States Dance Association. circles in- "American Style" .dance. They luiva ·always placed· in the "Top Three" as best teacher ·and best dancer in all of the United States Dance · Association Championships that they have en­tered.

C-alttt(\Jlitl'l"rio·to play.here'in tori.igl'ft's Community Concert Mando is owner and manager Of

the Shundo Dance Studio in El Pasci. ·He has been a profesaional

projeets are scheduled to be ballroom dancer and teacher for 14 released in- the fall of 1991. years. He dances Bnd teaches 10

Ruidoso Community Conc8rts presents The Canadian. Trio ot 7:80 p.m. ·.today at First Christian Church. ,

Admission is by membership only to the concert ~ries·.

The Qan.adian Trio. now in ita ninth season, is 'internationally regarded by colleagues, critics and audiences as one of chamber music's most distinguished ensem­bles.

Noted for its warmth of scyle, the trio has received enthusiastic responses worldwide both for.· its live performances and for its recordings. A frequent gue~ at European festivals, its per­formances are interspersed with master classes and workshops.

Highlights of tho last season in­cluded an all Beethoven program, which toured throughout western Canada, a concert broadcast from the National Gallery in Washington P.C., alive .concert broadcast from Chi...go.;;.,M<f' ll ;!IU'-Ilil!lilr····llel-­formanoe of' a trio Writtsn for The Canadian Trio by tho distinguished composer Srul Irving Glick.

In 1990-91, the trio made ite firSt extensive tour of the United States, covering 20 states in eight

New Mexico State University announced the students who were named to the fall semester 1992 dean's honor roll.

Included from Ruid-oso were: Virginia Alonso, Arts and

Sciences: Tammy Alston, Human and Community Services; Arthur Borgemenke, Education; Shelby Bradley, Arts and Sciences; Ann Buchluigen, Busineas Adminiatra­tion and Economics; Brenda Cos­grovs, Hnman and Community Ser· vicas; Sylvan Crouse, Human and Community Services; Linda Hankins, _ Arts ~U~d Sciences; Timothy Long, Arts and Sciences; and Lori Swalander, Arts and Sciences:

In the honor roll &om Alto wel'ti: Mary Louioa Moore, H11111an and

Community Sorvi"""' apd JuDe Shade, Business Adm'inistratitm

· and Eeonomics. On tlui honor roll &om Glancoe

was: G@riella ClorMz, lilduoa~an. On the hanot toll &om Ruidoso

Down&·. ware: Eric Eas\<lp, tauea· ' '

-Candle POWER

~ '.•,

weeks, in addition to their many engagelnenis throughout Canada Md Europe. ..

Reeent festival appearances in­clu;dad performances at tlui Saugeen Baeh Festival in Ontario, York University and the Royal Con­servatory of Music in Toronto, Fes~ tival at Tivoli •in Coponhagsn, and tlie Seven Chapels' Festival in Brit­tany, Franee.

At each 'stop, the artists were welcomed with lavish greetings, in~ ·eluding a ceremony heralded. by- the sound of Breton bagpipes and hom· bards ot the historic Sovlln Cluipols in France.

. In addition to numerous engage­ments across the globe, the ensem· ble is involved in a variety of recording projects. The Canadian Trio contjnues -to perform on an on· going basi• for channels 117 Cal­gary for the television series "Musi· cal Portraits." • . A CD comprised of trios by

Cbansaon and Smetana 'Wil!l recent­ly released, and an all-Beethoven compact disc featur:ng the "Kakadu" variations and the com­posar's trio BJTangernant of his Sec­ond Symphony will be relooaed in 1991 on EBS. Other recording

tion; Amy Richardson, Agriculture and Home Economics; and Christopher Sanchez, Arts and Sciences.

To be named to the dean's honor roll, a student's grade point average must rank within the top 15 par­cent of the college enrollment. The student must be carrying a mini­mum of 12 hours on a regular grad­ing schedule. SIU (pass/fail) courses do not count.

••• Five students from Lincoln

County art1 om~ the 582 Eastern New Mexico Uruvws!ty atndanta Dllllled to tlui 1992 fall somestsr D&an's Honor Roll.

· .The students from Ruidoso lire: Ml!t.lSSA M. BENDEIISON, communication dlaordors mujor, cum laude; DANNY MICHAEL MORRIS, teacher certnicatioli


Members of The Canadian Trio hours a day. are GlOria Saarinen~ Piano; Jaime Ginger has been in competition Weisenb1um, violin; and Nina dancing for about foUr ye_ars. She Tobias, cello. began dancing as a form of therapy,

Saarinen is internationally after a plane crash that almost took known as a chamber musician, hi!r life. soloist and uiel!ia personality. Br"-!1 Cooper, an El Paso

She has perfonn more than Nightlife reporter for The El Paso 21000 solo and chamber recitals in 'li~es, · after seeing her dance 33 countries. · wrote, "Ginger seems like such an

W"mner of the H_aniet Cohen appropriate name for ·champion Commonwealth Award for artistic ballroom dancer Ginger Patt~on. excellence, her multifaCeted talents Mer all. it was another Ginger, include hosVperformer of the Ginger Rogers, who helped Fred award~winning television series Astaire gain such a reputation on "Musical Portraits." the dance floor, much to her

Weisenblnrn studied at tlui Juil- reported chagrin. liard School of Music with [van "'People forget that I did every­Galamian and Dorothy Delay. He thing he did, only backward and in was concertmaster of the Festival high heels,' she's reported to have Strings of Lucerne, the Spoleto Fes- said. tival, and tho National Opera of Canada.

Tobias' was ·a 'IIUPll :-or '.l'llhllo Sterket and Frank Miller. She was principal celllst of the Toronto Chamber Players and associate principal cellist of the San Antonio Symphoi!JI and tlui National Opera of Canada.

major, summa eum laude; and TODD TIIOMAS MORRIS, senior elementary education JJU\ior, with "honors."

Included from Capitan is: MARNIE L. McDANIEL, a senior communication JIU\jor, with "honors."

• From San Patricio is DONNA

LEIGH SISNEROS, a senior spe­ciaJ education m~or, summa cum laude.



"Ginger Patterson was on her second gown change of the evening at a private danee eXhibition in El

. Paso, her gown created in Holly­wood was flowing and red, but it doesn't reallx make- much of a dif~ ference what color they are ... when Ginger dances·bhe world becomes a black and white movie.

"Not even Ted Turner could colorize the air around her as she glidas.

"Ginger Patterson is very, very good. Whi1e she lives to dance, at one time she danced to live.

"Niheteen years ·ago, as the only suzvivor of a small plane crash, she was told she"d never walk again. Doctors were on the verge of

amr,utating an arm. · 'Her life is held together by met.

al pins, and dancing Was part ofher road to recovery. She just sort of over-did it, and now it seem,e~ it's not the trophies, but the doing it better than anyone -else, that keeps her ~oing."

Ginger and Mando plan to demonstrate at least niil.e different dances both in Latin and· S.mooth during three breaks at the Altrusa "Wine In The Pines" Dance.

Tiekets for Wine in the Pines. a festive evening that will feature dance music by an Albuquerque band, SWingshift. are on sale now at ilie fonr local banks.

Eastent students receive one of four designations as a Dean's Honor Roll student and are graded on a 4.0 seale. Summa cum laude students have a 3.8 to 4.0 grade point average while magna cum laude reeipients have a 8.7 to 8.79 Gt>A. Cum laude students hold a 8.6 to 3.69 GPA and stndonte receive ''honors" it they have a 8.2(; to3.59GPA.

Playing a smooth mixture that varies from Latin to jazz and swing, this Albu· querque dance group is all set to play for Anrusa Club's Wine In the Pines dance to be presented during this

year's Connoisseur Classic events. Wine In the Pines will begin at 8 p.m. Saturday, February 20, at the Ruidoso Civic Events Center. Tickets, $20 eaoh, are available now at local banks.

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S0%0PF 60%0PF 70%0PF 80%0PF

PN.l & l'V.mter Merchandise •

The louga you wair:, tlie.mote JOU sa-w:, but . · • · soml':one e&c; may Js-qyour

sdtc:dcHi JU.tfaem..-tlhle. • .. W~u~ftNOW'~~~nlts~··· .. thll'!ifcirdaellltlilt~do~iltlt'•VJ'tOYoul· . · , <,

··u;,._:·~'g· ·· .. _m·_·· :n:.J 2601 suctda:tii~ · ~. · l5~.5too

. ' . :.: '::

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I : I. I !

Call 2op7400:n . or

IFAX 257·7053

CJI..ASVJFiral> ADS ONLV: Thursday, !$:00

p.m. to< the Monday Issue: ,..,_ay, 6l00 p.m. for the ThursdaY IsSUe.

- " ' ',

. ~ '

: ,·' . ~ '• ··--.

OEADUNES FOR ALL DfSPLAV ADS: Tti'Urodey, 5 p.m. for the Moflol. dof laeuo; Tur!Sd&~y, 5 p.m. tot tho

_ . Thi.l:rodey ·lsauo, ·

. DEADLINES FOR ALL LIECAL ; · NOTICES : W~edneaday, ·5 p.m. for the Monday _I&Si.le; Monday. Stun· lor-tt;.r Tl)ufsday la&ue. ·

2. rfharllt. Yol~ , > • y '

We Wi&h l:o ex. pre&& ou:r hear'tfell:.. ara~fh~d.e to our m.any f'nende. far 'the many flowere., ca:rd.&, belephone calla. foOd and · con l::nbu bone. gwen Co ue. m honor oF ow dear hueband and loVing falher. Your compa.&e.ion, prayer&.tu~d- concern helped ~o !£~ u. and carry u. lhrou&Jl H1• bagedy. Pleaoie conbnue l:o keep ~ jn your praye:re. in 'the dayt~ ahead and May 9od: BJer.e. You! ..

The Wal~er Marohall llu ~ ~le Fam!l] • _ France&, Tony. Maraha and Ch.T'ir.ty

PUBLISHER'S NOTICE -All reel estate advertising iri this news­p.B:per is subject tD the Federal F..,. Housing Ad; of 1968 which makes it illej~m~ advertise "any preference, · 'tation or dis­crimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familia] status1 or national ongin, or an intention to make any such pref­erence, limitation or discrimina­tion." This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertis­ing for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby illformed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal oPJ)Ol'tuni.!l:.!:asis. To com­plain Ol' dis~nation.. caD. HUD toll·free at 1-BOD-424-8590. For the Washington, DC area please call HUD at 426-3500. The toll-free telephone number is 1-800-043-8294. R-62-tfc

ELKS LODGE .BINGO every Wednesday night at 7:30 p.m., EarlY Bird 7:00 p.m. Kitchen will be open - come out & play & eat with us! E-R-81-tthc

FOR ANY PERSONAL CRISIS -call the Mental Health Hotline at 1-437-ll680 (c:ollect). M-55-tfnc

YOU CAN GIVE tho Iii& of Bight by being on eye donor. Contact any Lion or call 267-2776 fur details and a donor eanL Do it now; there is a tremendous need for eye tissue. lr87-tfuc

PitEGNANT, NEED HELP?- call Birthright, 1-800-848-Love (5683) M.s-87-tfc

TRYING TO REACH MORE -p<ople than our local· market? How about 213,000 readers in 29 hometown n~pers all over New Mexico. For $96.13 your 25 word ad will reach 29 pai>""B outside of Albuquetque. Call The Ruidoso News at 267-4001 for more information. R-92-t:fu.e

FAMiLY CiUSIS CENTER - 24 hOur crisis line. Answered by Ruidoso Police. 257-7365.

M.J-99-tfnc KNOW A CRIPPLED - or bUDled

ehild? Call Shriners for free help. 267-7333 daYs, 25&.5860 evenings or 257-48~1. 257,2079.

J8.S.13-tthc FREE SUPPER- every MondaY

Ewoing at the E '1100J)al Ohutch of the HolY Ml'unt, 121 Mea­calero Trail, Ruidoso. Ev~e .io Wolrome, bring the J;!!b!, »'or more :iDfurmation ealf' 257· .2366. 111-~

AUCTION -Ruidoso land. 1.8 +/acres. Res. FDIC property. 800·436·4436. UNITED COM-MERCE CO. 14-U-76-8tc

HALF PRICE Four acres com-mercial. Lorna Grande. $12,000. cash. Call John 378-8178 even­ings. M-78-2tp

(L HouB(~'" few :--Jglo '"' -- " A

MOUNTAIN VIEW - I:nunacualte four bedroom, Cow bath home on larae lot overlooking Ruidoso. can today for appointment. REALTY . SERVICES, 25S. '4q74<· • · · · · ·' ·'20-H-'1'941'0 . ...

LET IT SNC'iW LET IT SNOW­Lar,. accessible family home, wOod stove and fireplace! Four bedrooms, three hetlis, den "P!'• pantry, utility roOIJl and outside storage. $6lf,600. Call Marge Woodul, Bill Pippin Real Estate. 257-4228 or 257-7681 Res. 37-W-62-57-tfc·

BY OWNER . UpJ>'!r Ctmy<>n, near river. Four bedroom, three bath, large den. Call 500-257-4504. M-B-60otfc

TWO BEDROOM BOUSE- wooil stove, deoks, paved road, close to Barnett Carpets. $42,000. 37S. 468L 20-R-75-tfc

FOR SALE - OWllel' linance • Restored VictoriBIL Four hedroODl two beth. $152 OOD. (512)22~63. M-R-71ktpiwp

CABIN IN THE PlNES - N""'4' remodeled two bedroom, l!leat loi!ation. Priced to sell. REKLTY SEIMCES 288-4574. M-R-'19-4TC

' H. RPal E::;taf:n '. ...


~· •• •

29 Aut.;Ja IPr 24 Ptcl!:\91& - Tiuooks 2& Vans lOr

. . ~ ~.o!~'!''~~·• '"' •• 29 30 31 32 33

RUIDOSO ALTO VIJJ,AGE -Large houae on 3 loto in Alto Vil­lage. Over 3,000 ~W!T8 fioeL Four bedroODl two bath. Bot tub, ..:..,.., illo degree views. Two ear garage, auto door, two fireplaces. Full Courd:ry Clab membership, Jockey Clul> seats available. Call Nick P!ltterson Ownerfagont. 606-89&.19'48 45-P-48-tfc ·

EX.QmsrTE Bii BEDkOOM -six bath home. MapffiCeDt view, great rental history. Call Jell' at Doag Bass and Associates. Call 258-5282. 19-D-56-tfc

FOR SALE - two hedrOOiD, one beth house, partiall:v furnished, all apPliances including washer( dryei and mierowave. Lot hecko

· up to National Forest,· owner financing JlCH!Sible.. $49,900. Call 268-6559 or 257-. 24-B-64-tfc'

J.>RQFESSIONAI.,MOVING SER0 VICE '- Ruidoso Transfer and Storage. 378-8218. IDaured ~available. M-R-66-TFC­Thura.

ALTO LAKES GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB - J>ropeny. Speciolist in

·~~~~a~ ... 21 Aspe;, ~ E.tlt!¢e. . . 9057. 111-C-79-1tf

. '. ,' '• .

' -. ·--~-·

KJilliTAtrRANr :_ One time Op­)lllrtui!it)>. Best location in town. Plea.e call fur appointmenL 26S. 5029. . M-1-69-tfc

Sli)Ll. .:_ ·your Real Estate and save money. I noad new listiJijpo. .Call 378-4891 Stirman . Real Eotot.e. 16-s.73-4b:Thura

FOR SALE -+ by owner .. Three . . bedroo tWo bath, ~bed.

waoher'i.i.;:. Nice view, good rental histozy. 268-3703.18-P-75-stpMJ;p . . .

WHITE MOUNTAIN l- Bill level lot close to. school and golf COlii'Beo Open :fJoor JJ]an, three

· bedroom, two beth. All one level. Good condition inside and ont. Call James, CenturY 21 Aspen

. Real Eotate. 287-9057. M-e-n: ltf

LAKESIDE ES'l'ATES - Fonnerly develo"""s office-now beiilg sold as resiaenee. Great Ioeatioti near club house. Views of Sierra

· Blanca and Copitans. $159,500. Social memberihip. Call Peiii!Y, Century 21 Aspeil Real Estate. 257-9067. M-C-'/ll.1tf

John J. Kirchhoff [fJ REAL ESTATE BROKER GRI. ·

2203 Edgemere Dr. 2810 Sudderth Plainview, Texas-19072 R~doso, NM 88345

(806) 29J·754:i (505) 257-44148 Reshlotlce: (806) 296-6707

~· U-76-Bb: COD4ME

By Owner· Fantastic ·Sierra- Blanca Views. 5 bedrooms, 3 bath, 2 living areas; 2 fireplaces, lots of decks, au city utilities and very private. Close to shop­ping and 2 golf courses: $175,000 .

·~~\1$~~~oaerev~ew. J.ml~· Call 258'5090


Box1714 419Mechem

237 Whl_. Mountain .Road $77,500·

Nice 3 bedroom, 2 bath~ unfumlahed home. Carport, paved c:l!'hle.

Owner Financing. OWMr/Agent can 258-soso

fflat demands the vel)' best. Enormous fwe bedroom, four

large den with pool fireplaces, double

large sun deck, wet bar, Indoor ~ol, water fall,

tub. hot tub, Magnificent

Blanca 5200+ Mint condition.

~as:~100. ,-

: All Plr)[JI!IrtiiJS ApentOwned · Holiday Realty

. 211$o3330

.. . "· .,..,, ....... , .,, ~· . . ' .... , . ·I

. . ' . . . ~~ . . . . i?, . . ,. . . .· . . •. . . (1'1 !O!O .. 'ftllllil!toi&WI&olttllbOI'ftll!wlleoi•Wtel .. • ... tte&lbtllftiOftiiFOitlll•oioiOielo•&ltlo'lo'ill:eloW ... tll0 .. 0 ... * ... t1Cill'fiillt .. D ... D .. billl!ft•M-C"tetrl• ... t .. ft .... t: .. t ... ft .. h ... • .. -. .......................... ~._ ................... M .. •.ah"''"""""•• o.o.;, • .;_· --~·~·.II;;:...,.~-~---eo ---...-....:..·-..-- -._ ... ·..._ .. ..__ ,;.,_,_, ..._ __ ...__.'"".:.. .............. :..__ -- .:._ -- .... - ..._ ....._ -~~. J·-

.. -~ ......

; .;: "

·. :.

-· -'

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' ... ·· "- '' ,. :• .. - .... ,; ·. _.

' .;,:., .·.-: -.,; ··>·. . " .·.·

... ' -~·---- ·; .:'· ·' •. -<· -- -- • _- -r··=~----=--r-•••-•- --- -- - "'--------·-_.,..,...,, ------~-----"----·----·------~---•--• . - - - - - -.-- ---- -- __ ..__ - . .,. Th . <~a· ·4lofili·•

' -. 12. Ho1l:-;e" for Rcn~~

LEASE-Three acre estete, Coun-­try/Banch homo. Unfurniahad, c:entral Ruidoao location. Easy winter......... apeetaeuler view J Sietta manca. References re­q~ $1200. mouth. Call 257-2&57. M-D-62--trc'l'bura

ifuiliiW .SLOPE. TOWNifOME 118 ::-L~c ~ear-, two bath, un­iU'mi.m:u. Vei-y 'et. ell!lily ac­CI!llai!<l !)450. pfu:. · bills. Call ~. Oilt.Y LPteh ~fealty, 257-40u;. . · M-L-79-ltl

4. "

' - .L •

. . Classified · · · . . . ' .

Past ~dit Pro~s ~ping yOu frl>m financing B

· ·· Cor? We can help: · · · <¥1l.ync)>.orMeM....,..

· at 378-4400 BEAUTIFUL - two bedtobm, one

bath oondo. Ful1y !lmrlsbed, gJ;eat •tion. We J!lli' water, , sewer and coble. IJ600. per month. Call 267-9085. 20-A·'13- FOR• SALE - 1986 Chevrolet S/4

sHl.w APARTMENTS _ 1 and 2 . ton pickup, 4>:4. $6500 .. without bedro furnished partments snow plow or $8,000. witb. Call fur ..::If Good loeatioa N 1!57-6840. M-N·78-2tf

· 1!58-9111. . 'M.v.S:O 1988 FORD F-150 Lariat super-NlGHTLYIWEEKLY/MONTHLY !"'b,_V-8, shortbad, 4>:4, automat-

cabin coad towobo ICJ llll', stereo. $7500. O.B.O. Call ~ ,..:a mobil!' rentals. ;c:JI 2o7·8844. M-R-78-4tpR2rp Centuey' 21 As pan Real Estate FOR SALE 1990 Chevy 4x4 C-71 Joe 257-9057. 19-C-92-tf~ pickup sportside\5-speed. Estra

VARIETY- Of i'Oiit8IS aviiil8ble clean, loaded. Cal378-8478. M·

tbzoughout Ruidoso, Call us to · M1-1791-11t=c=======~~ see what we have open this week, or. keep tbis number lOr tbe future. 11()6.257-8148

26-H-72-tfc ,.EFJFlQJENC-Y .. AP.AR'l:MiilNT' ,.,._. ..

$250. per ,.,tb; ntiilitlea .liaid. No pets. Call257-9090. M,!'--37-tfc.

' FOR RENT- on main road in'Up­per Canyun. Two raom apart­ment. Ful-ni'shad, all bills includ· ing cable paid. 1 <ir 2 ~ODie. Easy acoeaa. 257-9238. · oo-x::>rg. 2tp

11. 1\-lobih.·s for Hcnt

FOR RENT - Unfurnisbad two boclroinn, two bath 14x77 mobUe ill Capitan. Haa all appllaneea, microwave, stove, icebox, dis­hwasher. 1o.40 and 10;d2 l!terage buildingo. $300. mouth, $300. depoait. Call 817.o673--$236. M·Jl.. 79-Stc


!O<,IIf"·' cG,,,jopu ll<d

,,,p,.~. ''''1" ',_,,, ''") ,, 378-4400



USED TRUCKS '90 Ford F150 V-B, tow miles, 4X4

'92 F250 Super Cab llka new, low mlleo '91 Explorer

4 door, Ecfdle Bauer


'90 Oldsmobile Silhouette

low rnlles. one owner

'84 Jeep Cherokee 4wd, 4door

'92 Aerostar Vans (3) ex. lel}gth 4x4, ~ $5000

'92 Lincoln 'lbwncars (3) cave $10,000

'92 Taurus and Ssble(S)

::!8. H:.V.'s.und 'i"r:avol 'l't•aH•wo:

FOR SALE - 19' Magnavox color console TV. $125. Call 1!57-7,~ . . M-T-65-tfc

JOll · "8 AN'llQVES - iiSed fut-. nitdre, fqJpliances. We buy sell and tmde. 650 Suddectb. 257-7575. M.J-65-tfc

- BUYING AND SEUJN'G - good used furniture and ~pplianees or anything of value. Call 378-8439 or 378-4794. M-P· 76-8tcR4te

FOR SALE White so• gao range and dishwasher. Ciill 378-9152. M.J-79-ltp

FOR SALE __;___ Solid peakwood dining teble. Solid braaa acceut iaaerts. Eight aolid p'eakvroad chaira with braaa. $750. Call 257-9174. 16-C--'79-4tpR2tp

"7 ~ >· • I '' ._. • cn,tlvlCjllC::; ,

FOR' SALE .~ Antiqwi cjueen bedroom set. Dresser and bed from 1800'd. $2600. e><cellent condition. Call 257-8658 or 257-2307 after 6pm aak fur Daan. 18-1),71-tfe

• ~a-<P 'The lmpons Store" 0~· 1!507 Sudderth ~ Nuz DGor 10 HMy SlnR~ p~~~u• hill- llrri'lllb oi II!IIIJJcntil: l!ajrllh IIIJilqa. (Ufllitarc. Wardrobu (alto 11fA1 ror ~D 1111d llquar) Chula, ~ ~o by 1!111:1 deDI ror low low prka

WOLFF TANNING BEDS. - New c:ommercial-home units from $199. Lampa-lotioru>-aceeaaories. Month\f payments aa low as $18. Ciill todey free new eolor catalog. 1-BOIMSa-9197. M-N· 79-ltf

MOUNTAIN SALVAGE buying wrecked C8l"S, custom exhaust systema, meebanie on duty. Thraa mi1ea eaat of tmck. 378-8110. 17-Jl..78--tfc

PERMANENT COSMETIC - by Nm:ma _ Oberosler, certified dermalogist. Eyeliner, "}"'browii, lipline. Free conaulta­

. t;;on. 1!57·3104. LaCLAIRE'a :t,OUNTAJN VILLAGE. M-L-43-

ALL BRAND of ~ ap­. pllatu;ea. aervicad. ~ your

Pl:l>blem not aell Y9U a NEW ONEI AFFORDABLE .SERVICE 1925 Slillderth or · call 257. 4147. M·A,--411-tfe

N-79-11£ _ home. SKi ANGEL FiRE - Fun family housework fix meels. . i'el!ort .jn Nothorn. New -Mexico 1!57-4.73. M'M'79-2tp

· . o$re $25. lift tiQketa Jan. 1 • PROJECT COORDINATOR · Feb. U. Anae1 ~ Cluimhor of Project CASA (Coalition Against

Commeree. 8IJ0.446.8117. M·N· Sutiatance Abuse) Minimum re-79-ltf quirl'zllents:

POL'E BUILDINGS - Garages, 1. Bachelor degree in educa horae barna .... .....,...... tion, psychology, social service or

, ........ 00"'•' .commer- el cia1. 30a40zl0 completely r atad field; . erected $7196. Other sizes and 2. Substance abuse counseling options available. Pronto Build- experience; ing Syatema1-900-767-9033. M- 3. Federal/state grant adminia-N-79-ltf trati.on experience; .

FOR SALE Beara atetionary ex.' 4. Bilingual (Spanisb/Engliah); ercise bike •• S~eedometer and 5. NM Driver's license and

~.~~~ vehlcle. odometer. ~- all258-3550. M- Provision af substance abuse n:-

..,..W;;.·::7;;9-;;2t;=~p;,..._...,=,--.-~~ vention curricula, counse FOR SALE - Utility Oatbad training and reporting aervi..,;

tendem trailera 14', 16' and 18' for kindergartsn . 12th grade. deluxe ear hauler. Reasonable. Services to be delivered on site Also older model girls bieJrcle. in _Carrizozo and Hondo Valley Call257-5890. 20-W-79-BtpiWtp School districts. ONLY FULLY·

FOR SALE - Twe 1982 Ski..W QUALIFIED CANDIDATES Evoraat anowmobiJea. elcctric NEED INQUIRE. For job des· start with oil injection liquid cription and employment · .eooled.. Ct>veJII an4 tmiler. LiJw timelinea,__t>le(lBO contact Ban,dy

• n'!W $8000. O.B.O. Call61!5-lnl8 ... Giadden..REI!!l>DJX. Coi!Perative aller5pm. .24--M-79-2tp Centet-1400BUdderth, Ruldoso

FOR SALE - One tandem or two NM 88345 (505)257-2368. (ROC Bingle axle tilt bada. 200 Honda IX and member district• are BX 3-whealer, 78 VW Daoher for equal opportunity employers) M· parta, good angine. 378-9152. M- R-79·2tc J-79-1tp PARTTIME BUILDING TECH-

APPLE,...;;;n;:.;'liiE!;;,-m-·"'th"""3""tlo~-p-py~dia~' ~k NICIAN- Muat have building driv 'tor •-~tor card and grounds maintenance :'1e· es, mDIU , aeceua1:1 , • Smith/Corona wide carriage nence. wm be responsible or printer. Apple soft and Reader maintenance of several build-Rabbit soft; ware. 9 years old, but ings. $5.85 how-ly and benefits. in rfect rking nditie Complete job description and ap-$456.' Call ii' after 5~. 257~ plieationa at Village of Ruidoso, 9506. 30-E-79-Stc 313 Crae Meadowa Dr. P.O.

drawer 69 Ruidoso NM 88345, FOR SALE - 5'x12' enclosed phone 258-4843. applications

tandem axle trailar. $575. c;;n will be accepted until 4:00 pm 378--9137. M-8-76-4tpR2tp February 5tli. EEOE. 40-V-79-3tc

FOR SALE - 500 gallon prDJ>BDe MANAGER - Catherine Kelly'a tank with regulator. '500. B&B, Capitan. Candidate• O.B.O. Call378--4384. M-T-76- sbowd be self-motivated, ma-4tpR2tp ture, energetic, profeBBienal

42. \Va.ntcd to Buy -

WANTED TO IIUY- from owner. Lot with view and city utilities. No agente, pleaoe. 806-799-0235. M.J-78-4tpR2tp

4B. Help Wanted

FOI!Ml!:R your


- ' '

" .,,, .

reaponoible, and canable of toni term commitment. l'rior e::u:pen· ence in the hoapitaHty indUatry preferred, but not neeeaaaey. On aite management or off site man­agement will be considered. Pleaae aend a lettsr of intereat, !'e8ume, three written referancea Feb. 15, to Catherine Eaterprisea LTD, 4308 NE, Albilque.: qae, NM . Companaation

~aen.ts are negotiable. 114-

' ;} ' '! 0 0

-,,·--~··- "' ·- ·-- - -~"' .. _.:_ -~ ~ -~ -·- ~- ·- ... __ ;,.-- _ ................... -..- ..... ...;..--. ..... _ ..... 1~:_ ... _____ - ----~ --·--- __ ,_-- ,_ .. ~--- -·

. ",.

·•· .. ·,-~. ''

",. ' -, ~ .. ; ..

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-T·· '"<···" ··.-

': .'·.:

6B!Tho Ruldooo Newa/Thursdcl)r. JMuoryaiMIIQ;J;, · . ' . ' '. ' . ·: ~ . -: ....... :. ' ....... ' .. .· ... , ,'

--"'~-=---- - ' - - - - • • r• ----- ---- - ' , · · Classified ~. -- '- - -

persons; sons and delivery persons. Ao!clv Pizza Hut, both locations.


CATTLE BARON RESTAURANT - is now accepting applications for all positions. Must be 21 years or older for server position. Apply in person, between 1-4 pm. No phone calls please.


WE HAVE ROOM - for 2 Real Estate people. New Mexico li­cense required, but you need not be expenenced with the Ruidoso Market. Call Pine Mountain Realty between 8:30-5. 257-4700. 26-P-77-4tc


. ·~· ·-··'' w.'t;Julp WtUJ:(Od . ~

·~ ' FRONT COUN'l'ER HELP - ~d

~·!lks wanicd. APPli!o: in person at 1208 Mechem, Mi'.ISW.'ger, M·M·

. 77-tfu ' ' . ,, ' WANTED - HO\t$elt:e.Pers, l!xPeri·

enced and rofersnoes pi'e!Bi'tod. APply in person !;Iuper 8 MoteL M·S.774tc . · . .,

,f~l. \Vod{ \V:\·n t ('d · .

NEED. - b.ouBe ·c.e,.- ·· - ' - Or a!l:eratione ~~ · ileeora • ' Pl'ease 'can between ~m .!lfpm. 258415U6-lr&o:. ·

ACCOUNTANT WANTING - to relocate in Rlli<!oso area. 16 1ears experience ' for rssume. Call 505-258-9204 or 318-285-7335. . 17-F-774tpR2tp

HANDYMAIII - needs work. Gen­eral mointenanee, p!lint, remodel, applionee repair. Rca-. aonable rates. Free eatbntdea. Call3364528. M-JI.~tpR2tp

SPII:CfAL CAREl For the elderly and convalescent in private home. CaD 505-33il-4227. M-JI. 784tpR3tp

' ' .·-~ ~-.; ·' ·.. ·- ' ·' .·:.·.'·•- .... ..... ,,.,,,;,.

4U. Sorvi<!C;;;

· Legal Notices ' LEGAL NOTICE


WHEREAS, sections 1-22-1 through 1-22-19 NMSA 1978 may be cited as the "School EJection Law".

AND WHEREAS, under and by virtue of Article 22. School Election Law. provision is made for the­holding of School District Elections throughout the State of New Mexico and in each County and each School District theceof:

NOW THBRBFORB; it 1s hcre"by ProCI&imCd arid public notice given of a School District Electioll to be held in the Ruidoso High School - Public Meeting Room. School District #13, on Tuesday, February 2, 1993, between the hours of seven o'clock A.M. and seven o'clock P.M. of said day. in the manner provided by law for holding such election. This School District Election shalJ be held for the purpose whereby voters mpy vote upon the duly certified candidates to the positions hereinafter named.


At lhe same time the voters of said School District shall have the opportunity to vote on lbo hereinafter question.


improving public school · proclamado y por esta arounds, maintenance of noticia publica dande de la public school buildings or eleccion de districo de public school grounds escuelaqueseradetc:oidaen exclusive of salary 1a Ruidoso High School expenses of employees of Public Meeting Room~ the District, and Distrito #3, en distrito de purchasing. a_ctivity escuela consolidado en vehicles for transporting martcs, dia 2 de febrero. students to extracurricular 1993. entre medio de l&s school activities?" horas de 7:00 A.M. &

7:00P.M. de tal dia, en Ia IT IS FURTHER manera provinido por ley PROCLAIMED· AND para detener tal eleccion. NOTJCS IS HEREBY Bleccion de distriiO de given that the Judges of escuela tiene que hac:er Election and the Clerks of votantes puedcn votar Election have been sobre.candidarescertificado appointed in said School debidam.ente por l&s District and Public Notice posicfones despues is hCJ"eby given of the mentionado. plm:edoslgnamd'wltei.Mhe •• -·~ - --· Sliid 'eleclloil 'Is tO 1le ffillil!"·"'l'{jSICION'IF''



Presiding Judge: Rebecca Bell Durham Election Judge: Genevieve B. Dunean EJection Judge.: Judy Shaw Election Clerk: Joseph R. Arnold


Election Judge: Batla Election Clerk: Marulla Sandoval


Jimmy Vamadare POSICION 5 TBRMINO 4 ANOS CANDIDA TO James D. Paxton

AI mismo tiempo los votantes de Ia distrito de escuela tiene Ia oponunidad a votar en Ia prcgunta proxima.





·Curtis P. McThlguc ·

tor hohfms sUcli olecdoo. · TbJs School District Electloo sbalt'lie.held ft>r· tbe purpose whei'cby voters may v~ upoq didy certified candidates to the positions hereinafter named.



vs. -


BeDDurham A D E M A S Notice is he"'by gi- that LIGHTiNG & FAN a Reclamation Proposal SHOP. INC .... ·

Juez de Bleccion: PROCLAMADO y SCHOOL BOARD Genevieve B. Duncan NOTICA ESTA POR . POSmON NO. 1 TERM Iuez de Bleccion: Judy ESTO DADO que los OF OFFICE 2 Years Shaw queses de Ia e1eccioo y los CANDIDATES NAME Escribana de Eleccion: escribanas de eleccion Antohio Archuleta I0scpbR.Amold fueron apuntado en tal SCHOOL BOARD

has been submitted to Jhe Underground Stonllie Tlmk Ddoodants. Bureau of the New Mexico EnvironD'I.ent Department. as follows:

No. CV-91-253


84-LE Escribana de Eleccion: dislrito de escuela y notic:ia POSffiON NO. 2 TBRM 1. The Reclamation Charles B. McClellan publica y por ·esta se 1a OF OFPICB 4 years Proposal proposes actions

dado e1 lugot desigriado CANDIDATES NAME to remediate a release of . On February 1, 1993, PRECINCTO EN donde tal eleccion sera FrankL. Sisneros petroleum products into at 10:00 a.m., ·at the AUSiiNCIA: CASA dolonicl<x SCHOOL BOARD the environment. nort-.. entrance ot the CORI'B DE CONDADO .. . . . . . P08l"}:ION.NO, 3 .. ~ . . Lhtcolll Cqan,ty LlNCOLN · .. - . Hi:)NDO .-S.CHOOL. QF .. Officii \4 )'ollto. 2;'Tho.-.loJ!So-1!!: -C<WttfumsiO, !lbli:CO.Itill ..

-.: '· ~~--· -"~ · eANDIDATBS'·- .NAME~~-.~.~ .... ·· ....,._.,. ,. '··"*,~, ... ,,.,.·,:-WAV6lli&;.,~;'iNew Juez Presidiendo: Sharon Roberti. K~p 3. The Reclamation Mexico- I· will offef for Hello>' LUGAR DE VA1l6.CION SrellaJ. Henml Proposal propooeo that the sale aod sell tho below- · Juez de B~eccion: Ysabel C 0 N S OL IDA D 0: SCHOOL BOARD eorrec:tive action system ·described property to thts_ Hernandez HoNDo vALLEY POsmoN NO. 5 T.BRM .and the related equipment highest bldcklr for cash. Juezdemeccion: Theresa SCHOOL GYM LOBBY OF OFFICB 2 years be located at the following sUbject to aj>proval of the llatla Juez Presldiendo: Thelma CANDIDATES N AMB site(s): cOurt. Amaunta due oe Escribana do Eleccion: CbipmaD Cuttis P. Mc'leigue date of sale are Marcella Sandoval JueZdeBJeccion: Dorothy the prOpe~y. of Ron $183,460.26, including

Thlley IF IS FURTHER MacWbort.erlocatedalthe lnterestrodatoofsale.and MAR'J"HA MCKNIGHT Juez de Blecclon: Juan PROCLAIMED. AND intersectiOn of NM costsofsa!e. PROcrDR Montoya NOTICI! IS HI!RBBY Highway 14 and GavUan Ail porsuaot to a BSCRIBANA DB Escribana de Eleccion: glven that the Judges of Canyon Road in Alto,. rudgmentindiecapttoned CONDADO LINCOLN Billy L.1ones Election and Alternate New Mexico- cause filed on Decembitt



Judges have been 10~ 1992. in lho Disuict appointed in said School· 4. A copy of the Court of Lincoln County, District and Public Notice Reclamatitm Proposal am New Mexico, wherein tbe is hereby given of the be viewed by interested Court decreed thal place designated where the panles at NMI!D's Santa Piaintlft"s mortgage Is a safdeleclionisiD·beheld: · Fe Office, N2150, or at first Ueu. and foreclOsed

NMED field offk:e located Plairuiff's mortgage oo the aa: following. described real


· Lel!ill .11840? 4t (i) 7, 14, 21, 28


Page 17: I CC fill ll Iffi ce ll fi n lt fiarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications... · teRcher fnr thosP 19 yrrtr": and ti1>' C'Ouplr hn" two daughtPrs. a ;.;txth f.:radf'r

. '

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- - - - · ·Legal Notices • . --· . - , __ ,.,_" ' -·'-';-, .. ' . ,,_,. .. ,• -,-,,., •',••' -···'- ..... ,, ···.

SUMMONS AND· 'N011i::E.OF ilUJT. . PE!oiDlNG

TO: JQHNFOLMaa aNa· . JOHN IL . FOLI\!IER, as Trust<oo and

. lndlvidullll:y. . CHRIS FOLMER a/kPl C$ii$TiNBl'QJ..MBR

' . . -- " ,_


You and each of you are horeb)'· notified' that ~ bas been filed in tho Dialliot Court of- I..loocJn Cooney. New Mexico, a certain eause· Of action

.·A~~~-~~- -•• ~~~~t~~~~t=·~J?g=~ .···· ~:":!.~.~- · ;x:r· ~:~m2f;~~~t~; "' . .__- , .. .. · . · plibUO!ulQi).!ifllil.fNolii!«{:.®J:JN:iY OJ.W~NANCJ!. p~·of,;.tractofstall> exl1"'s$1yreservei!lllerijiiU

':; .. ..

' 't!i!l ... · ·>Il-l<!! I on ~11:. .ot tiu> olidiiis will' ~~~; cl.'I'P •. : · . 1 9!! 9'. 1 ftbst la!l4 located· wlthlo . to reject tilly and aU bids.

. : ... ,.It '#ti<IU ~~~~""ft·. !':i'::~::U~ ~fJ':o'io~.!t~ ~'wt!J{i'ffl~14' :~ Upon recoipt of fDll · .<I!! (R) .1<1, Z!(. ~)-~ ~IQIJ.> M\i'l!~- ~!la)l', the . ·p~r s o<i'al' ·:4ND BNACTIN(J A MB'I/4nVl/4 of ~oction payment of lhe purchase

.. '

~I>I)IGJ:Y.,: l!; l99S, ~ dui . ROJ'!'CSl>ll"'-tivo at 202 llf·B w . .L IN.C OI..N . 36, 'll)wnsltip 4 South, price . ..,a aare C<>SIS OP,<I lt(IC IX (il!tfoe • 1'400· Collogli-.~lld\le, Apt.' COUNTY l'Mlt Rango 15 Bast, upon sallafaction of all

-~.= __ ..-.~. "'.,.., ... "'_ ""';,.. ~~rdf:t~ R~so, i25, ~. Th>a!s• · HOUSINU ORDINANCE. ~~~~~ ~:~~; ~=m::::.~=·~'= • ~-"" WOT!I.-. · , . 1·;:;;~,, ·~·-•..,!!~• 76<186. ... ~ IU~ with the· •-~_~• ··-"---· . a~-nc•or•.•- ,_.

10 __ .,_,...,. "~ mc..,..(li!.._,,C\0~.-·-W, DlstrlcitCoutt<ll'LincOID ~w--..,uuw~ ~~ •• -~ -

Unoo)!lpj>)!tlly,JJioOd Ston · CoUllly, Now M<Odco. AU partieo· aitd in-ted · . succesaful bldllor. Said · NOTIG.I! ;. horeb)' fitvon

II"" <the .:vmage ot Ruido-'ti• U~Colil COqnty_,

·Mexico calls for

upd_a:~ •• ---~.S~~at wOrk · · · · ·- · · citizens . WiU have· the Beginnioa at an iron pin. pate~t · shall .reserv-0 g~lip S!lltUS ·.reports. OO:ROTilY llBLEN · w/l:api~Jiadcjng tho Cooter' mlnooraland oilier dghts to leSI~Iatlvo upd~;.. Tho GIUFFlN opportunity to· 00 boor. Section of said Section 36 tho S- of Now Mexico, IJloeting iS open to . the' Copie~ of the: J'l'9Po,sed and the Polut of :Beginni.ng· and shall Contain such public. Qtdinance mily be ob!Uined fot: · tbis survey. Thence other terms and conditions

from t~e · County . N.()2"48 .. 33"E., along -tho as are ~cd appropda~ •

Legal #8428 2t {1) 2!1 ·(2)'1


You and 4'llCb of you ·are· further notified dial unloss

··you ensef your iiPP~ _or plead hetein on . or before I'cbrulity 25, 1993, 1?'Iaintiff Will m.ake

l.iJteresed bidders may · secure · a copy of the IN Tfii> plS"liuCT spocificalionJ ftom tho COUR!r Of' LINCOLN Purchasioa Officer at tho COUNTY Village of Ruidoso ~iltlDlCXAL Centrallz<:d Purchasing OIS:rRICT . . . . \1\llrchouso, 421 Wingfield STATE OF NEW Ia Ruidoso, or hy pbooioa MEXICO· (505) 257-2721.

BPI. lic;l:ation ~ tJU,- Court Sealed bids must be for 'JQdgliumt by cWlnilt, teceiv<id hy tho Purobasing and judgment· hy ~~ · Officer no .later than 2:ll!l wUl be rendered ogalnst · P,M,, FEBRLJi\RX. 1§, yoU. aDd eacll _of you, aS .!22J.. at -wbich time tho

. PraYed for in said bid$ will be opened at the cOmplaint. The DIIDIO <if Vdlage of Roidoso Wole< the attPmoYs for Plaintiff Depai:-tm·ent. 421 is·Sondcrs, Bruio, Coli&. Wingflchl. The VIDogoof \\brley, P.A., P.O. Box Ruidoso resorveo the right 550, Roswell, New torejectanyand/orallbids" ~co 88201. ·and to Waive all

informlltities as~ hy

In die Matter of die Estate of BAlmY EDMOND o~. Deceased

Cause No. PB-93-02



Michaol s. Line UNDBRLINB. LTD. 10961'4echom Drive. Suite 3 . · '} RuidoSo, New Mexico 88345

Legal #8433 .2t (1) 28 (2) 4

Manager's Of_fice at ·the ~ Un<s ot (be Nortbeast . by the- Commissionet. Lincoln County QUarter 8 .distance of Courthouse in CarriZozo, 1291.3.5 feet to an iron pin Furthtir information New Mexico. w/cap fou~d. Thence concerning this publiC

N.89°4.8'53"B., a d.istanc8 ·auction. including the of 1258.32 feet to an iron appraised· value of tile pin 's"t· Thence·· offcted. land exclusive. of S.02°48l48"W., a distance improvements, the of 2340.60 feet to 8n iron appraised value of any pin ·set. Thence improvements, tho costs­N.89042'03"w., a di~ce of sale. the amoimt of of 2439.31 feet to a deposit required to quillify railroad spike set. ThenCe to bid, patent terms and N.02°53"01"B., a distance 'conditions~ sale terms and of 1030.29 feet to a conditions, and other railr~d SPike: .set in th.e related matters. may be



Legal #8431 2t (i) Zll

--------- North. line of the obtained by wrido.g tho NOTICE- OF PUBLIC Southwest Qulirter. Commissioner of 'Public

HEARING Thonee N.89"53,37"B., Lands, S- Land Oftice, LEGAL NOTICE along the North 1lno of P.O. Box 1148, santa Fe,

Notice is ~emby given that the Lincoln County Board of COmmissioners shall hold a Public Hearing beginning at ll:OO A.M .•




SALE NO. 5913

said So~tbwest Quarter a New Mexico 87504-1148, distanco of 1180.73 foot 10 or by cnlllng (505) 827-lhe Point of Beginning. 5723.

Dated at Santa Fe. New Mexico. This 14th day of January, A.D., 1993.

whoroio Pioneer' SavinJ!s ·WITNEsS my hana and & · Troat; . F:A., ·18 the· sooi of tho District Coutt Plalntiff;andYODandoach of Uncoin c;:Ounty, New of~· 1110. Deceruiiints, tho ._ __ , -J•- .LY.uHio.lC0o

the Sr.ate oi New Mexico Procurement Code.

By Order of Governing Body

DORO'IHY HELEN GRIFFIN-, has been · appointed Personal Representative of the Estate of Harry· Edmond

. Thesday, February 2-, 1993, in the Commission Meeting Room at the Lincoln County Courthouse. Carrizozo. New Mexico. to consider · the following proposed ordblance:

The Conimissioner of Public Lands (Commissioner) · will

containing . 95.38 acres. more or less. as ~own on a plat of surVey on file with tho State Land Office by ~. Steve Flanagan, Survey #8080. • The minimum acceptable bid for tho above-described property and the improvements· located tbe.-colJ. shall be $17,168.00. The descn'bed lands aiC subject to a stare business lease which



MEXICO same belog Cause No. CV-92-200 on die Civil MARGO B. LINDSAY DoclmL .

Fonda Hazel Procurement Officer . Grlff"m, DeceaSed. All

persons bavirtg claims against this estate are required to present their

lnvile ond bids at a publie auction to be held at 12:30

· p.m., Thursday. April 15, 1993. at the front~door of the Lincoln County

DISTRICT The general object of said CLERK

COURT Legal #8432 1t (1) 28 ORDINANCE NO. 1993·

. _ ..•• Just lqt•aJ:pc the past:. 200- yc::ars ,:., .. , .. _.. . . · ..... ,· ·Wf· ....... TH ...... _ ... _ -·o·· ·,. :UT· ·. . . ··' ·



'Gre-at D~pusston· Is a F•IM Al•rm

Legal #8424 lOt (1) 21, 28, (2) 4, 11, J-8, 25, (3) '4, 11 ,

18, 25

Sbice then, very few documeQ.ts haVe: beer1

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'-f" 'f.~,...'. l. ~'I! I .• -"!,,\,, .. "~ ~~. ,\. .' .. ,1'

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·. - - - ATT~END THE CHU.RC·H- bF vou·R C·H·OICt~ 'EVERYSUN.DAY · . . ~r .. - . ~~ - ~~~· ~·~~~~·-· - . . . . . . . . ... - - .

. ASSEMBL V OF GOD Apache Bndllan

AssemlbB~ ol! God! Mescalero

Donnld Pettey, pnstor Telephone: 671-4747

Sunday School-9 :45 a.m. Su11day worship-10:45 a.m. 7 p.m. Wednesday services-7 p.m.

Firs~ Assembly og Goo'J "139 B1 Pnso Rd. Ruidoso

Lewis Franklin, pastor Sunday School-9:45 a.m. Sunday worship-10:30 a.m., 6 p.m. Wednesday services-6:30p.m. Royal Rangers Ministry-6:30p.m. Wednesday

Spanish Bible Study 7 p.m. Thursday

BAPTiST Flrslt Baptist Churclh

Carrizozo Hayden Smith, Pa•tor

Swtday Sclwol·9:45 a.m. Sunday worship-11 a.m .• 7:15 p.~. Church tmining-6:30 p.m. Sunday

First IBapUs~ Church Ruidoso

420 Mechem Drive D. Allen Cearley, PI\Stor

Sunday S..:hool-9:30 P.m. Sunday worship·l0:45 a.m .. 6 p.m. Wednesday services-? p.m.

First Baptist Church. Ruidoso Downs

Mike Bush, Pa.~tor Sunday School-9:30a.m. Sunday worsh·ip-11 a.m .. 7 p.m. Church trnining-6 p.m. Wednesday services-? p.m,

·First Baptist Church Tinnie

Bill Jones. Pastor Sunday School-9:45 a.m. Sundny worship-11 a.m.

Mescalero Baptist Mission Mescalero

James Huse, Pastor Sunday School-10 a.m. Sunday worship-!! a.m .. 7:15p.m. Training Union-6:30p.m. Sundny Wednesday services-6:30p.m.

Ruidoso Baptist Church 126 Church Drive Palmer Gateway

Wayne Joyce, Pastor Randel Widener, Associate Pastor

Sunday Schoo1-9:45 a.m. Sunday worship-10:45 a.m., 6 p.m. Wednesday Bible study-1 p.m.

Trinity Southern Baptist Church

Capi~an (south on .Highway 48) Floyd Goodloe. Pastor

Sunday School-9:45a.m. SWlday worsbip-11 a.m., 6 p.m. F(lr infonnntion, call 354-3119



Ruidoso Arid Group Meets at the Stroud Building, Lower Level, rear entrance. SWtdays-& p m. open ladies and mens stag meeting. Mondays-Noon AA meetings and 8 p.m. Step Study. Tuesdays-& p.m. closed AA and Alan on. Wednesdays-Noon AA meetings and 8 p.m. closed AA and Beginner's night ood Alanon Step Study. Thursdays-Noon open women's meet­ing ood 8 p.m. Social open and Alanon. Fridays-Noon AA meetings and 8 p.m. Book Study. Saturdays-8 p.m. AA open. Birthdl\ys. last Saturday. Phone number 258-3643

Ruidoso Area Gll'oup Meets in the Conununity United Meth· odist Olurch, 220 Junctioo Road. AA and Alanon, 7 p.m. Tuesdl\ys. AA open meeting, 7 p.m. Saturdays.

Co-Dependents Anonymous

Meets at Teltas-New Mexico Power Cctnpany. Step study meeting. 7 p.m. Tuesdl\ys.

Narcotics Anonymous

Serenity Mountain Group. Meets at St. Eleanor's Catholic Olurch at 7:30 p.m. every Thursday night. For more informa· tion caD SusPn at 258-3149, evenings only.

ISlai'lla'G faltb · Meeting 1t1 members•· hontes. For inf()fmlltiQll, Cllli2:58-4U7.

CAii"HOlUC sa. ·eeeanHQr

CathoUc Chuu-chl Rui<;loso

Revereud Richard CPtanach Sacrament of Peqanc~aturday 6 p.m. or by appointment. · Snturdny Mnss-7 p,m. Supdny Mass·lO a.m. (Engl!sb)

11:'30 a.m. (Bili11gual) Sunday Mass-St. Jude Thnddeus,

S11n Patricio-8 a.m. Women's Guild-7 p.m. tbe tbird Monday Knights of Columbus-? p.m. 2nd and 4th


Sacred Heart Catholic Church

Capitan ~aturday Mass-5 p.m. Sunday Mass·9 a.m. · Ladies group-10 a.m. the last 1l1ursday

. Santa Rita Catnollc Church

Carrizozo Fr. Dave Bergs, Pastor. Sruurday Mass-6:30 p.m. Sunday Mass-11 a.m. Ladies group-3 p.m. alternate first Sutt­day, and 7 p.m. first MondPy

St. Theresa Catholic Church

Corona Swtday Mass--'6 p.m.

First ChrlsUan Church (Disciples of Christ)

Bill Kennedy, Pastor Hull and Gavilan Canyon Road, Ruidoso Sunday Schooi-K-12/Adult--9:30 a.m. Regular Sunday worship-10:45 a.m. Chancel Choir-WednesdPy-7 p.m. Youth Group---Sundny--.6 p.m.

CHURCH OF CHRIST Capitan Highway 48

James "Shony" Winfield. Minister Sunday Bible study-10 a.m. Sll~day worship-It a.m., 6 p.m.

Wednesday Bible study-7 p.m.

Gateway Church of Christ Ruidoso

Jimmy Sportsman, Minister Sund11y Bible ,tudy-9:30 P.m. Sunday morning worship-10:~0 a.m. Sunday evening worship-;-6 p.m. Wed­nesday prayer me~ting-7 p.m. Thursdl\y ladies' Bible class-

9:30a.m. Women's workday-first Wednesday


AMERICAN LEGION Roben J. Hagee, Post 79

Meets in the American Legion· Building at U.S. Highway 70 and Spring Road in Ruidoso Downs al 7 p.m. third Wednes­day.

B.P.O.E. No. 2086 Elk's meets in the Elk's Lodge Building on U.S. Highway 70. 7:30p.m. first 11nd third Thursdays.

B.P.O.DOES Does meet in the Elk's Lodge Building on U.S. Highway 70. 7:30p.m. second and founh Thundays.

BETA SIGMA PHI Four chapters meet in memben' homes. 7:30 p.m. second and fourth Mondays. For infonnation, call 257-5368 or 257-4651.


. '

Church of Je~us ChrlstB...DS . Rtiil$oso aram:lh

· 12 mileS nonh of Ruidoso on HighViay 4& on east side

between milt~ posts 14 and LS. MPrlin Jenson, President.

S)Qlday: Sund;~y School-lOa.m, Priesthood Relief Soclety·ll a.m. Pritllnl)' ~Young Women.-Jla.m .. Sacrament meeting-noon

. Church of Jesus ChrlstiLDS Mescalero Branch

· Marvin HPnsen, President 434-0098

SWldny: Priesthood 4 Relief Society meeting· 11:30P.m. Sunday School & primlll)'~noc:m Sncmment meeting-10:30 a.m.

EPISCOPAL EplscopaR Church of the

Holy Mount 121 Mescalero Tmi1, Ruidoso Father Jolm W. Perut, Rector

Sunday Eucharist-S & 10:30 n.m. Wednesday: · Daughters of King-noon Eucharist & healing-5:30p.m. Choir prsctice-7 p.m.

Episcopal Chapel of San Juan

Lincoln Sunday: Holy Eucharist-10:30 a.m.

St. Anne's Episcopal C~apel

Glencoe SWlday: Holy Euchnrist-9 a.m.

St. Matthias Episcopal Chapel 6th & E Street, CarriZQZO

SWlday: Holy Eucharist-9:30 a.m.

FOURSQUARE capitan Foursquare

Church Highwily 411, CnphDA

Hllrold· W. Pen)', Pastor Sunday School-10 a.m. Sunday worshlp-11 a.m., 7 p.m. Wednesday Bible study-7 (!.m.

t:u~~.;:.coS~'EL MD$1131()1\ ·Fdunt~lra .Qf uvens .

W~~~f .Full ~ospeU Slll.l Patricio ·

Su·niJ'ay SchooJ.l(j a.m·~ Ev.eAi'ng. senrices-7:30 p.m. S_i.mdoy, Tuesdl\y nod Friday

JeHOVA.H'S ·WITNESS · Rul(joso .. Kingdom Hall

106 Alpine Village Ro!ld, Hwy 48 . 258-3659, 2S$.j2?7 . .

SundPy public titlk'-10 a.m. Sunday Watchlower-10:50 a.m. Tuesday Bible study-7:30p.m. . TIIUrsdny ministry scbool-7:30 p.m. 111ursdny service meet-8;20 p.m.

· congregactc:m Hlspana de los Testlgos de .Jehova

106 Alpine ViUnge Road, Hwy 48 25&-:3659, 33~-7076

Reunion publica Dom.-1:30 p.m. Estudio de In Atnlaya Dom.-2:20 Estudiodellbro Lun.-7 p.m. · EscuelP del miniloterio teocmtiw

Mier.-7 p.m. · · . . Reuni~ de serviclo Mier.-7:50 p.m.

LUTHERAN Shepherd of the Hills

Lutheran Church 1210 Hull Road

258-4191,.257-5296 Kevin L. Krotm, Prunor

Sunday worship 10:30 P.m. .Sunday School and Adult Bible Class 9:30a.m. A member of the Missouri Synod

METHODIST Community United Methodist Church

220 Junction Road Behind Daylight Donuts Craig Cockrell, Pastor

Sunday School-9:30a.m. Sunday worship-10:30 a.m.

United Methodist Church F!arlsh

Trlnil)' Ctirrlzozo/Olpitnn. 648-289'3, 648-2846

Thomas C. Broom, Past.or

· .. .....

*' .· .,·.

· -Sph'li. of Life" · ·. , ; . Apostoii~/Pente9p~t~l · " .

· -r~*'e~ma~t.e:· .' · ·.· · · 1009'1.14' ; .. ·,;Ttie'Pnil~¥1(·#4'

AU@ · l\liiller.Pa~tP'r • · · 2$8·9-~79;·is7-6B64

llib•e Stlldy~7 p.m. Tues~ay · ·, Pr:ai se & Prn~~.r·6.p.m. Thursd;lly SiUlday SchoQl•l.O•\l,m. Su~d;~y Sl!ndny Evening ·s~~"Vi.~'i'~;6 ~p.rn,. .

NA:t:ARENE. ·_· .,. . .. ' .

· Ang~Js·Cr,.urch .of ths Nazt;~rertE!

At Bonito Park · Na~Nlne Cohfiorence Center. Angus, 12 _, mil~s nonh Qf

. Ruidoso ou Highway 48 Ch11tl~ H11U, 'Pastor

336-8032 Sunday ScboQl-9:45 a.m. Sunday worsbi('-10:45 11.m &. ~:30 p.m. Wednesday feHowship-6:30 p~~. ·

PRESBYTERIAN. First Presbyterian Church

Ruidoso, Nob Hill . 257-2220

Bill Scholes, Interim Pastor 01urch schocl·9:30 P.m. · Sunday worship-11 a.m. Potluck fellowship lunch !liter W()rship the third Sunday; women's Bible study and brown bag lunch nt noon.the second Tuesday.

Mountain Ministry Parish Community United PresbyteriM Church

of Anello Sunday worship-9 a.m. Sunday School-1 0 a.m.

Coronn Presbyterian Church Worship--11 a.m.

Nogal Presbyterian Olurch Adult Sunday School-10 a.m. Worship-11 a.m.

REFORMED CHURCH Mescalero Reformed

Mescalero Bob Schut, Pastor

Chureh school-9:30P.m. Sunday worship-10:30 a.m. MQri jUUiPt :!li&b Yd.ll.!!Hil3.0 tt;m;

, W11q! hi61l ~PbCifil m¢1llina-7 p.m ..... · Thtrr. ~ids Club (gntdes 1•5)-.3i3u

Club Calendar · invited. t-or mfonnation, call Noema Page, 336-4050 or 336-8322.


FOP meets at the Bull Ring Restaurant at noon every ThursdPy.

FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY Meets at the Ruidoso Public Ubmry. 4 p.m. first Mondl\y.

GOLDEN AGE CLUB Meets at the Ruidoso Senior Citizens Center behind the Rui4oso Libmry Ill noon first and third \\ ednesdays for cov• ered dish lunch and games. Visitorn wel­come.


Board meets at noon the third Wednes­day al Cree Meadows.

KIWANIS CLUB Meets at K-Bob•s in the Altlerican Room at noon Tuesdays. Visiting Kiw~is members welcome.

the Episcopal Chutch of the H()ly Mount. Board meets at 1 p.m. the second Monday in private homes. President Genevieve Sewell. For infoi'Qlation, write to the League ot PO Box 1705, Ruidooo NM 88345.


AUXI.LIARY Meets in the hospital conferen~e ~ at 9!30 a.m. finn Tuesday,


Meets at the Liilccln Cc:nmty Fair Bnild­ing in Cnpilnn at 3 p.m. the first SIIJlday. President Joe Smith. 336-4755.


Meets in the LiQlls Hut 011 Skyland be· hind Mountain Laundry Tuesdays for supper. HUidOSO Valley NOOn Lions Meets al Cree Meadows Count!)' ·ctub on Country Club Drive at rloon Wednes· day. .. . . · Rio Rutdos9 Uoness Club Mee~ at K·B~b•s: 'R!!!lilt\urant at. noon se-cond Tuesday f'or boatel Dtld general meeting and at. noon third Tuesl,by fot: coclill b.fltl pw~tnm.

MASONIC L.ODGc #73 Meets fl'l the .e.\ stem Slar B!Jildlng in ibe

· Pllimet Ont~wny nren at. 7!30 p:m, _firSt Milnday; )V.M ........ Lccf Mitc;l~en, '258~ 4182: secretary,1./t •• BqJ'bet.~~-~3!lll. , . NAA(:;t)TJO.$ AN()NYMOU$

. .. Serenity ~ounta•n Gf40p· . · • Meetli. at "St. Ele:m~t•s 0\tltollc ChutPli>·.

;1:30 -p.m; 'Thu!1tlny~. fJ!le tlie. redoi)i · doot. · · ·· .. : · · · ·


. :dhapier 13'79. '~ . Meets m KAlob'·• Re.sra~~n~oilit io'a·.m~ .

. si!cood 'tue!Jday; For i.Uori'iiAJion, ''CAll' . 2$S•$464i 25$'-4~80: cr 258-402~. · · · ·

- . ORDER OFTtiE ... ". . AMAAAN:1'fl ..

. .Pond(!tosa/eour1 ~- . · Meets at tbc .Eiistem Star :Suil41ng'in the..

P.lilmer Gateway arei:l,he toUtth finday torcoveiell,.di~h dinller at 6:30p.m. imtl 'b\UI~sut. 7:30 p.ni; · ·


·· Rutc:toso Chapter Nfis · Meet& ~n tbe Ea'Siem St11r Building if' the · PAlmer OateWil.Y area ar ?;30·p.llJ. ~ec4 ood Thu~tdiy. ·Visiting members wel~ c~. . ·,


· Mettt tM fint Monday d «*h mooth -!It .


6 p.m. Anyone interested is welcome. For information cmll 336-4050.

ROTARY INTERNATIONAL Ruidoso Hondo valley Club Meets at the Dull Ring Restauinot at upon Tuesdnys.


Meets in the RuidoSo CPre Center dining r=m at 12:15 p.m. third Thursdny for free lunch with 24-hoor advance reserva-. lions. 1:15 p.m. progmm for patients lllld guasts. Everyooe wdccme.


Meets in the nuxiliruy ~m of the Ruidoso Downs village mPinfenance building (use the welil ennanee). 7 p.m. first Monday.


Meets at the Ruidoso Senior Citizens center lnhind the Ruidoso Public Li­bmty at 7 p.m. 11tursdaya. Crut 258• 4332.. . '·

ALL AMERICAN DUPLICATE SRfDGI):':CLUB . Meetilnt the Senior. Citit.ens DUU9~g Clli

. Satilrdaytt lit 1 p.m·. Opeu g41rte.-Noviei: ~p1ayers welcome. F'ot.tJ1o~ Information .cilliRubfG~nltitw-257.,.7411 ..

· . Run>ciso fieoei=tA"reo . W.OMAW·S.Ct;:.UB. . . .

Meets. i~ the Womtui's·· Club lluitdi.Dg~ Ut. 'JM:rgrten, .. l'toad w:h .M(Inday t\t nqo!l: ®Veted Hrsh ·tuntbe<Jn- .tollowerJ' · 'bY .gam¢G and at :1:30 p.m~ sei:tiiid Wed• ..

' . nes~ny . (S~p(l:!m~~. thrQ~Sh .. MliY) 'foi' .. ~ ptQgf-W, wa, lilt~' busin~s$. ~ · 257·

'2309. . . . .· '· . . •,. . ·. RUib'0$0 GAttDEN CLUB' . :Meets in ~:ui6u!l-ll)c!ati<li.Ys at l:j() p.m. ·, · . till!. thitd 'ttl~day; Vot Wotrriadon, caU .

258$509 . . • . .· ' ·.·._ ' . ttuibD$0 ~UN CLUB · Meetlf at Texas-New 'Mexico ·Power · . .C.'ompany at 7:30p.m. third W.Wnesda;y~ ' • President. Bo~)'- Ameu.,: 2Sr-:9540.. · ~ec~trtry·treMureri Mike ·Manis, 2$7~ 4004 . . . ' ..


.HOMEMAKER$ · '· Mli{its .. at R~idoso Publi~. Li~iY ttl

lbM a~. foultb '1\tetday £M cc:wemd . 'drab IMcbeQri. 'ProgrMt at 1 P·li'!· All ate-\v~~.' >'· . ' : . . •


9 a.m. ro1 p.m. Monday throosll Thtttll~ ~y:9 -.rtt.l<t.5 p.QI. Friday; 101un. to'Z · ·p.m. S~tturday. Por mt'ormation.«!lfl257" '4~~< '

RUIDOSO SHRINe CLUB Metts at Ctee Mead()W~r·,Re•tllumtt lit 6:30 p.m. foorth Wedne1dly. f!or in~

: ·G~~~ l'i~mt . . .. . . • . ! .3~1!-23()7 .· . . ·'Ril~d~!\o ,1\l~n't~ . .Qlbl~ study-~u~m. M.on-

... dR)<\ P~,Jipt. ~,ecln~m D,riv~;~·. · . · · . • ~pii!IP .~P~~~· _group~? l'•nl• V{eduelld!ly : <~f!••~" f111r b~•ldJeg . ·. . . . · . ·Wom~n's Bible·Stud)f•6;30 M.o-nqt\y!i · · · Acl~ll Bible Stl.ld)l-.6:~0 p,m, 3:!,,\lrsl,llly¢ · ··

Ohra$t Co.mmutifty Feltbws'hrp ·

0\pitaiJ.'Higl~w~y 380 West Oan C'.arter. Pastor . 354-2458

SMdlly School-9:30.a.'". . Sunday wo~hip·ll a.m., 6:~0 p.m.

, . . ~ I

Corners•one Church . Cluuleston Square, Sulte C

613 Suddenh Drive · H.l). H'unter, Pastor

S\lllday services 10 a.m. & 6 p.m. Wedn¢s'~ay-7 p.m. · · .

Peac.e Chapel Universal Life Church Located c~~t Pon.eho de Paz retreat

Gavnan Clj.llyon Road, 112 mile east of junction at Highway 48 north and

Gawilan Canyon Road Jeamsi«:~ Pri<ie, P4stor

336-7075 . Morning chppel-6:40 . P.m. MondPy through ' Friday, Sunday service-10;15 a.m. every week at PePce ChPpel, except the first Sunday of the mont .. when the service is at 10:15 a.m. Pt Ruidoso CPre Center. Vespers~ 7:lS p.m.-third Thucsd!ly

Potter~s Hous.e / Christian center

441 Suddenh Drive Bob Bond, PPstor

257..()929 10 P.m. and 7:30p.m. Sunc:!ays; 7:30p.m. Wedneulnys.

Ruidoso Word Ministries Ruidoso Downs

AI and Many Lane. Pnotors

378·8464 Children's Ministries-9:30a.m. Sunday worship-10:45 a.m. Wednesday llervh:es-7 p.m.

TtlllltY Mountpln FellowshiP

HO,~-tl~i?Ulffi ~yojj Rt~Ull . ' : ; ., ·. :) 3~6.42l3'·' ., ....

· Sundi\Y 'Sthoolt 9·10 a,m; PeUowahip: 10-10:30 a.m. Worn hip: 10·30 li.m,•!loOq

formniton. call 258•3348. 336-4175 or 336-4125. Visiting nObles &. guestn wel-come. .

SERV'IqE CLUB COUNCIL Mec., ld· lt·Bob's• nOCiP, the f'mt Mon-day eacli inooth. ·


Meel!l at the Deck Hou11e at 9 a.m. Satu.r­~s. For infoliJUition, call Dusty Rhodes~ 257-2135; or Dick Shaw, 257-5610.

·SIERRA BLANCA DUPLICATE: BRIDGE CLUB Meets at- the SeJ)ior Citiunu Center be· bind the Ruidoso Public l..l"btary for wec)dy open and novice gameJJ. 7 p.m. Monday~> iUld 1 p.m. Tuesdays. Every· one weloome.


Meets at Noh HID mementnry for basic and rnninstieam squnre dnncine at 8 p.m. first ond lhlrd · Thurodayo. For .informa­

. don.c::lll2S7·2135 9r257 .. 288~. . . SERTOMA CLOEI.

Meets at Cothern nt noon \Vedneoi4ty11 for ltlltch. Settcmn Blj~to, 6tun. Thtrrtl"' .

· diiy thi:OOSh 'tuendaY llt 2160 HighWf'Y 10 East in kwdoso Dj)~,. &rly bam . · :gll!ill:f. 7· p.m. (.':o6ce~si(ld~; .stlinil' openi· · Call 251•271'1 for infc!tmatioil 6r 378 .. 4292'affi:rSp;flt, : . · ..

SOUtHWEST· . :..NUCl-EAR '. . .. . · ~L,eRT (SWNA~ ·. : . .-.

.. .Meeu· Mood!lYa. a.l ilie Ru.id~ High :·. . Scho<>l meeting ro01h at 5 p:.m •. Poonotll . . · · Wbm'ifitlon caU318·S4$1., · ·

" . I • . • ..... '!(lift' . _: .. ,:.:, ;~-.-_. .. _"·~:~-=: ... ~.' ·.··· .. ~ .. • .A welgtii·los~ · Bf(\ilP• Jens m~pl' at ~· · :

· Dob'.s I'!L6:'a0p,m. Widn~day~. . . : .

... THUASOA.V Bf/JID(U: . .'· . If a.m. 1 Thuradaya at t!~ Mcitdows ·.;

· Countr.Y Club, Fot irtfotnlatlon.·~ 257• ·1 : • . 4929~· . . . .

. ;.,FW· . ·pc)$f.?at2 . v ·,. · Jerome' Don Klein Pdst '701:ir'Noon iM se®t~d 'n1utsdt1)1 at .K·BobJ· lteslaill'allt. CoiU)ilandet Jt.n. Gi"iff'm, 251:'1~,·

I> i i


Jeront~ Don :Kf~hl. VP\VAwUliary Unit . ·. 7Cf12: noon the ;SCcoml· Tbu~d'ay at 1Y . · · •

. lJoJ)•s :Rcslat~rana. • . · . ·

.· .· .. Wt:IGHTWA'TCHER$. 5:4.$ p.m; \Vedlle!days in the board rooni at Lmcoln C'dllnty 'Medical Q!oter. For :infcnt!I!Uon,. call ti'Wp leader Urcnd• Walt~~.257-6090'. • . · ·


· '1 p.m. the tbird M(ll1day 1\ the public · m~r:ting .fi:JOOl at Ruid(Jso.llig_l} School. . . Jade W. Weber. pttlldent; Glllria · Weber, ictmaay. Por iiJoonatioo, all 1' 2'11·33.50. . . . .

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