i book. its free. - library of...

FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 1911 EDWARD CONNOR DIED TODAY > Every Man Read This THE DAILY GATE CITY! PAGE SEVEN \ ;i. Employe of Government Dry Dock Succumbed at the Family Home ^ 1515 Franklin Street. - >•• WAS LEFT AN ORPHAN JUV" t0 throughout the p»J« reputation peculiar propetigiltv , Its norva force nnJ ' t0 for «fv the *"<1 fc cons«>niiir!»'* enerat p health netism. so P^?,V? rs ?2 Rl ?«!• of everv noil!-i , the ha PP«" It Is claimed^ tJ. be- ing to those who J e , a b,ess - 'mparlred, ® re Physically nervou* anfl S?V despondent. °f the limbs. <Ti77inp«« Ve h tre 7 ,bl,r,B Pltatlon, cold hand,= n , he , art - Pal- somnla, f ea ° "S l d » in <3 feet, ln- laity I,, venturing i cause, tlm- abllltj- to act rafton.n Be,,eral So. Also of vfl 0 « n t a,1 K"" others writers. nrofp,*| n„oi ben « flt to workeri .nd i ,. "? ,, men ' offlc8 etv'i in. i ths victims of soct- yS .L at i. hou and over-irirtn - BITTER ATTACK ON "OR* LEAGUE" BREAKS A COLD IN JUST A PEW HOURS * AMUSEMENTS. Anti-Saloon Men Are Accused of Be ng in for Money They Obtain From Prosecuting Liquor Cases. , .iVji «* i y* f-"'; 1 - # j Glee Club Singers Highest Class of Proves Quinine is Never Effective In i A AH a *" ter ** ,n8r8 - the Cure of a Severe Cold or ! a,,ditori " m «< the Trinity) 1 11 the Grippe - church. listened to the highlvt I •?•:< ' ' , meritorious program of the Iowa Wes-' I Nothing else that you can take will , * n an G1 * e c | u »> l"t nl « ht » i break your cold or end grippe so ', , 8€Vcral liferent occasions of promptly as a do;e of Pape's Cold ®. Je l * r , 8 ' slee c,ub 8ln 8ers have Compound every two hours until three i " lade their appearance in Keokuk anil consecutive doses are taken. ' can be tnily sald that th « entertain- The most miserable neuralgia pains,! raent '' ast niBht was thc P eer of tl10 se ! preceding. Kk> ' ' ... _ >.;; : ' 4 *•>»£ Came to Keokuk Over Six Years Ago , . , and Worked for the Gas Company Pre- vlously. ' After three months Mnes s from heart trouble, Edward Connor died at his home. 1515 F-ankliu. street, this morning at 2:46. During the greater part of the time Mr. Connor was in- disposed, he had been confined to his lied and had. suffered greatly during the past month and at times was un- conscious. The deceased came to Keokuk February 17, 1905. Up until the time he was taken sick, lie had been em- ployed at the government dry dock, engaged as creosote workman. Pre- \ Ions to that time he had been work- pence in wlneK'llqudr S, home ser-eretlv ^ at of another'ii '\ e '^ know 1 j SHANKLAND BILL KILLED (ret three ounces o^fdhwrv svr «P sarsaparllla comnnnfl w"ort-° U nlw con joound fluid'balm- houri: then £? t d J* ^- d tW0 pound essence cardiol m!nc» tincture ""cardiol ^nd ounce tincture cadomene (not * one com- cardamon) mix all sliake well and take after oaeh meai Pound together a teaspoonful n ^il, nnp at night. ww amfma' 1 " , no "Plates what- ana may nisn bp u*pd hv women who buffer with their 5S, *«th absolute certainty ' prompt and lasting benefits. Representative Deplore* ...Used by Both Sides in Circu lating Petition—Report r " ' > Carries. headache, dullness, head and nose stuffed up, fererishness, sneezing, running of the nose^ core throat, muc- ous catarrhal. discharges, soreness, stiffness, rheumatism pains and other distress begin to leave after the very first dose. . Pape's Cold Compound is the result °' three years- research at a cost of Methods j more than flfty th0U8and dollars, and contains no quinine which we have conclusively demonstrated is not ef- fective in the treatment of colds or G. Oliver RISKS, the violinist: was | especially artistic in his numbers glv-i ing one of De Beriot's works. | The solos were sung by .Mlss ! Xellie Foster in very pleasing tone: and style. The accomiiauist, Missj Ruth Anderson, is accompanist, foi, the glee club, ^nd her rendition of the various selections was much ad- mired by the audience. j The glee club singers, nineteen j young men, are among the best," and, he several varsity songs, and rollick-' ^6 -mm Send for the KC 'S BOOK. Its FREE. v+v+++^++^ ++++++++++++++ + grippe. Take this harmless Compound as I ,ng dell very of the livelier numbers directed, with the knowledge that ! am ' s - vni P at,let| c singing of classical there is no other medicine made any- ! music wa s the cause for continuous J he Iowa Anti-Saloon league does 1 where else in the world, which will encoreR - not want a change in the present j cure your cold or end Grippe misery j Miss ln Sersoirs readings were clev- laws that would take from it the vast ! as promptly and without any other as- 1 erl - v interpreted, and proved diversify- revenues that are pouring into its j sistance or bad after-effectB as a 25 tills " jcent package of Pape's Cold Corn- Representative Shankland made the Pound, whicn any druggists in the world can supply. ' i r Ing at the gas this city. company's plant in Edward Connor was born in Phila-! delphia, Pa., June 7, 18G1. During his life he had lived at various places throughout the countfy. He was mar- ried to his first wife, who preceded him in death, December 28, 1S90, at Bell Flower, 111. To Mrs. Grace Con nor, the wife who survives, he was wedded November U». ] GOG. D. h. Seymour- •T- C. Stevens—Albia. Townsend—Dave.. r _. Geo. W. Wright—Keokuk. C. R. Worley—Chillicotbelv OPIUM TRADE D n Tioort 9 t a tement yesterday afternoon before ciaS 5oS~F»r^ q l ,a - tl,e house ln support of his bill chang- Clark Ross Farmington. ing the method of securing consent to -Richland.aell intoxicating liquors from the pe- T a , , . . 'I»\/|tition to the ballot. 1 S " Townse ud Davenport, Mr. Shankland accused the anti-sa- loon league of supporting temper- " , - ance for the revenue they obtain from'It. In an eloquent speech he de- ;»<S;s3(§a:: clared the ballot to be the only fair BY TNTRKR UTTT T ! means of securing a fair sentiment of j the people in regard to temperance Imoorta" rv "Z . . j questions. He deplored the iniquitous ' ® , Dr "0 , Fr ° rri lnd,a to i methods used by both sides in the cir- * Top,c for " ! culation of consent petitions and de- Censure. r , ; clared that the passage of the bill j would assist in doing away with sa- loons. Majority Report Carries. Following the discusion, the house killed the bill by refusing to adopt the minority report of the house com- mittee on the suppression of intem- perance recommending the bill tor passage. The majority report, disap- proving the bill, was adopted. The de- bate occurred on the question of v> V HAS SERVED i$k * r ^ r \v iff *i b, 'Vi WELL WASHINGTON, MaAh 31.—Presi- dent Taft may want peace and friend- Mr. Connor was a member of the wi f h D G f eat Britain, but the Iuter- Christian church and a good man o!^«! Bureau here, is dead moral character. For those whom he i R ,i B " because of hls °' )ium worked, he was steady and lonscien i ° pera , ,1 nS Caina " tious in the discharge of his duties. I h V Wni SPe ^. ^ s ' at ement just issued Besides the wife there survive the i tbt. n ' ur '^ ra ' s J 11J ® rintenden t of followinz children fwa : Bureau, Great Britain is severely rono^ing children, two daughters, censured for her tacit acquiescence in Mary and Rose, three sons, William, i ni B imn«v»an«„ <> r j- ,"«<•= uovuncu uu mo ijutm Krnest and George, p.nd two step-' china ,f lan 0|)lum mto adopting the minority report, daughters, Edit and Tiny. : " "*^ ' ! IT.l" 51 ^^ i uatiollal ! "I Lave never seen such cowardly Mr. Connor was left an orphan I . in c! ff asalns tle . "" us- ^ tTie , a tta. c ics, resorted to in an attempt to -when a small child and no other ! nnf,Ll^T' " t , " te 1 r ° at,onal .««-1 k!U a bill," said Mr. Shankland r^ known relatives are thought to be rioWnto n 10n a Peking appointed j f er ring to the circulars and letters tnougnt to aelegates to urge upon the British j that have been distr ibuted bv the an- Government abrogation of the agree- tl . Balo<m lea gue. ment which would permit the sale of Paul Steps From Office of 6. Cornet, Polka Brilliant, "Bride of ' 5 - wivA Luetftke City Collector Today After v.. Six Years of ' $ v Service. The program given by the Weslyan Glee Club follows: 1. Life of Youth Geible Glee Club. 2. Violin Fantasie. "Scene de Bal- Uo Berioti G. Oliver Riggs. { | 3. (a) Supplication Mohring! j (b)Old Black Joe .... Foster-Parks^ I Glee Club. I 14. Reading, "The Going of the I j White Swan" TJ. S. Gilbert' Miss Ingersoll. i [ 5. The Chase Mathel GI«e Clnb. r JVi-s. o/ane JWKenzieXill Read Carefulty Iu tlie wonderful IC C Cook's Book.Mrs. Janet ^TcKenzic Hill, of Boston Cookinj? School fame, tcll.-i every liousewitcliow to become an expert cook—how to prepare such appetizing dishes the family will go simply Nvikt over what you set before them. J The K C Cook's Book is illustrated ln 9 colors, contains 90 te9ted and proven recipes that will be successful eiay /fWifthe few simple suggestions are followed. The K C Cook's Book lias been prepare*I - at an expense of many thousands of dollars, and if purchased at a store would easily cost 50 cents, yet we give it absolutely free as we want you to know exactly what K C Baki:i£ Towder is and what it will do for you in your own kitchen. You need this won- derful book—it is of vital importance to every housewife. 5®?vcan GUARANTY J AQUBS MFG. CO. Dept. 1^0 Chicago. I enclose certificate Srim tlie look sHool? Name How to get the CooK's BGGK Write your name and address piamly on this coupon. At- tach the colored certificate packed in 25-cent cans, sending both to us. You will be micMy Kind you did. Jaaues Mfg. Co. Chicai* 1 Address. JA QUES MFG. CO- ^CHJCAOO CAN GUAF 23 ii living, aside from his immediate fani Ily. Funeral arrangements have not yet feeen made. IS GENERAL REGRET Would Have Retired the First of Feb- ruary but Special Tax Work" Prevented—County Treasur- f er, Collector. 1 | th e Waves" Herbert 1,. Clark G. Oliver Riggs. <• (a) Eileen Alanna Thomas (b) The Maiden's Answer A Von Othegraven 8. Reading, "At the Sign of the Cleft Heart" Jeanette Garrison Miss Ingersoll. 9. The Sword of Ferrara Billiard > Glee Club. r r t Dodge's Theatre. Worth Weight in Gold. Abingdon, Va.—Mrs. Jennie McCall, of this place, says, "I had been troub- led with female complaints for over ten^years. i could not walk or stand on ray feet, and had been almost con-! lined to the house for a long time. 1' began to take Cardul, the woman's! tonic, and now I can walk anywhere I want (o go. Cardul is worth it's weight in gold." This Is a high estl-i mate on a plain, herb medicine, yet there are thousands of women who Tonight, at Dodge 8 will be shown: would gladly pav this price for a j the greatest picture of them all. It; remedy to relieve their suffering. I Is a Kalem picture called "The Irish Cardui has helped others Whv not Honeymoon," and shows a scenc or, you? Try it. Your druggist sells it, , a bridal tour through the beautiful; in ?1 bottles. ] i scenic sections of the Emerald Isle. s I , Tt is Very Low Fares Because Keokuk has assumed KEOKUK MEN v Indian oninm in Phii « f„r l "There Is not an anti-saloon league ™" muK " H8 a8 s"" le a rue LJ™! T?" r ^ J! Il'L ? S : in the fnited States that advocates cot T ,s8,on f ? rnl oC cll >" government a scenic picture with a tlle : comedy mingled with scenes FEDERAL JURORS longer. The Cmnese Government has .. , . prohibited opium smoking after one i l T he petlt on me , thod except that of vear , j Iowa. I do no know why the Iowa Anti-Saloon league favors it. unless it is well organized and and necessarily gives up its special charter, City Collector Paul Luedtke little: that Weir Bridge follows. The act of "In 190C," Dr. Crafts declared, fol- , lowing a resolution of the British!, 18 e ^ ause 1 Parliament requesting the Government Drawing of Grand and Made at Ottumwa Iowa. has plenty of money pouring into its tills, it does not want. Petit Jurymen I " bl ' ! "S Indo-Chinese opium trade ^ ^ ^ 1(J "' take Zwy t* nwa i to a speedy close, the Chinese Govern-: " ee oum tahe avva5 l " nwa '- - I ^.-^.1 .,,.,1,,,.,.; ; vast rever.ue. to make a : lis j retires involutarilv from the office j tua ' scenes taken in Ireland, and you which lie has held with such nnej oan see tlle a °tual feat of kissing credit to himself for the past balf! tlle Blar ney Stone. dozen years. j This picture is something like the What he will do Mr. Luedtke has | r),cture tllat shown some time not yet d«oi<letl, but he may i ag0 "The l.ad Fronn Old Ir»v am supported bv the temperance ! retm 10 the German printing busi- \ ' and ". The story of the Irish honey .people in Polk countv—I mean the I nes8, liavin K l)een engaged In that vo-l moon «s follows: suppression of all poppy raising and ,' peop)e who are temperance people cation before S ave his best efforts! T.arry Malone and Maggie McClus Vise of the drug during ten years, dur-. fQr princjple and 1)ot thoge who are pto Keokuk and became one of the " ^ have made the land of the Shamrock guiding a boat down these Rapids ^®" s - , . ! requires no little skill. Dublin is next: he scenes in this picture are ac-' visited and our friends decide to see^ merit ordered the closing of opium' dens in six months, and the gradual ; OTTUMWA, March :i I :--The grand vl jurors f-nlected for service j I)g whieh period also the British . g hecomtHg. 6 of the federal; Government agreed to decrease the , , re ^" ue f on, - v - court have been notified and will re- ; export of opJuin t0 ch!na to the same ,r I believed that this bill, , pass- port here the first day of the torn,. dcpreei if durin tUrec vears trial ,ed, won d establish saloons in all parts The jurors follow:*-. * - _..i .i iof the state. 1 would not. advocate its most efficient and best officials cit.v has ever known. the key get married and for a honeymoon the city from the top of a bus. No American would think of visiting Ireland without making a trip to "Glencairn," the home of Richard C'ro- ker, Esq., Tammany's Great Old Chief. Our couple called on Mr. Cro- ker and were pleasantly entertained ; Returning to America Larry and Mag- gie take up a position in the bow, of the steamer watching for the Bar-i tholdl Statute of Liberty, a sight:! which gladdens their heart and means! Grand Jurors. ,, •_ •T. E. Anderson—Moulton. - * Win. Bankhead—lxickridge. Henry Boyd—Columbus Junction. W. w. Barker—Mt. 7Aort. F. Conrad—Keota. C. T„ Cox, Sr.—Fairfield. •1. W. Edgar—New T.ondon/ : •1- T. Erickson—Keokuk. C. S. Frescoln—Batavia. W. H. Grimes—Albia. P. H. Hyncs—Avery. ' •I. G. Hebble—Princeton. Cliarles Ingles—Talleyrand, •las. F. Jordan—Moulton. W. T. Kirkpatrick—Hedrick. J.A .• Keith—Wnyland, Thomas Lynch—TJldon. ; G. W. Matt.ern—Donnellson. Samuel Bail—Birmingham. !">• M. Ritter—Morning Sun. fieorg. n Repz—Donnellson. W. B. Simpson—Davenport. Herman Spaan—Keokuk. E. I,. Trevitt.—West Point, v ^ . E. Whiled—Albia. ^ ; Petit Jurorsi v Harry Armstrong—Grinnell. Henry Calston—Fairfield. Br. W. Bryan—Centervillc. Charles Cutright—Washington, F. I). Chlpps—Monroe. •Joseph Day—Mt. Union;"" Walter Duke—Richland C. M. Forrest—Lovilia. R- IT. Gray-r-GrLnnell. , Robert Graves—Ilillsboro. C. S. Humeston—-Humeston. •T. W. ITin'es—Columbtis Junction. R. H. I^e—Salem. . Ghas. SIcCormick—Columbus tion. China reduced not less that one tenth, . , .. « passage- ihe only fair method Is the ballot. I believe the petition method trip decide to journey through the home country of their ancestors. The first of February this year was ! Through a shower or rice thev leave; Home Sweet Home. set. as the date for the retirement, of! their New York home In an autonio- This picture will no doubt attract 1 the city collector. But shortly before | bile, drive to the pier and board the wide attention and should be witness-! that time came the commissioners; steamship Baltic in which they cross ed by all. Two complete shows to- a year. '•nisteatl of reducing three tenths. | hag doT)e 1110re f0 demoralize" Iowa j discovered that a lot of special tax| the ocean. Arriving In Cork, Ireland, ; night at the regular hours, 7:43 and China has now reduced its own POPPV' tl)an a| , oth€r causes combined. Metb- j work was confronting them anu that! they decide to see the city from the !):00 o'clock. cultivation and opium trade seven ods are resorted to in the circulating no other could attend to the business j celebrated Queen's College Road. tenths in three years and has shown j and oppo8ing consent petitions that i of clearing all back accounts as well j From this road they have, a wonderful The Colonial Tonight. sue l en usiasm in ?e orm, "{would bring a blush of shame to any > as I 5au ' I^uedtlte, so he was retained j panoramic view of the old city. They A feature program at the Colonial spite of the sale of British opium all I fajr.minded - citizen. Intimidation, ! April first. j next charter a jaunting car and ride Theatre tonight, Including "l.ittlc thc while, that the new Chinese I ariia-j fraiids> threats blackmail and coer-1 During the time of his retention; out to Blarney Castle on the old. Mary" in a Feature Imp picture en- inent. has alreadyjlecreed opium l ir0 ' | Cj 0 n are used on both sides. ! during the two months Mr. Uvedtke, Blarney Road. Arriving at Blarney; titled "The Dream and a Tough Ten §3? J : to March 10 to April 10 and you can go in Rock Island clean, comfortable, easy- riding through tourist sleep- ing cars—an ideal way of making the trip across thc continent. Two excellent routes. Southern and Scenic **!>} via El Paso along the bor- ders of Old .Mexico or through the Colorado Stock- les and Salt i^ake City. A reduction made in tipper berth rates. Ask for free folder "Across the Continent in a Tourist Sleeping Car. - ' S. F. BOYD, Div. Pass Agt. Davenport, la. T. R. BOARD Tkt Agent. Keokuk. : you believe that great public ques- tions should be settled by the ballot and if you believe in honesty and fairness, vote for this bill." hibition to take effect In one year "The Chinese Government has re-; cently asked the British Government j to release it from the ten years agree-j ment and also from the opium treaties j secured by three opium wars, but the j British Government lias persistently! refused China's request. It is strongly! ^ supported by the British people in j Etiquette and Good Manners, numerous petitions, although India has j Etiquette and good manners are received ns much revenue In three | often confused In the minds of many years as was expected In ten." j people. The former may be learned i from books, for It is simply a set of foot or instep apply Chamberlain's { conventional rules laid down Tor the Liniment and you will get quick re external guidance of society. But liei It costs but a quarter. Why something more is necessary for suffer' For sale bv all dealers. ! rea "- T K ood manners. They must come i from the heart; they are the product off. These men have been used in "If you believe in true reform. If'has successfully cleared up the great-! Castle Larry performs the celebrated i derfOot," a great cowboy picture. The 1 laying railroad tracks and doing pre- you believe in honesty in politics, if 1 er part of the $500 owed the city by teat of kissing the Blarney Stone,'story of the dream is as follows: | limiuary work of this kind, which is ; tax payers, for cutting of weeds and ; quite a hazardous undertaking. A day; Will Herbert has grown weary ot, now completed. No more men will special tax assessments for work on Is spent, at the beautiful Muckross! the cute ways and soft voice of his! lie employed until the power house | properties. j Abby, Klllarney, and tlv Mr. Luedtke became city j first under the James Cameron admin-1 picturesque Gap of Dunloe. They one of the girls in his employ to din- 1 the power house can be started. Then istration six years ago. During that! next visit Serpent Lake. This re-; nor, which invitation is readily ac-! several hundred more men will be en- period of time he has been both a 'markable body of water is one of thejcepled. Will becomes under the in-1 gaged. pleasant and capable official and it Is sight seeing places of the Emerald duence of wine, and upon his return! —On account of the painting and , following beautiful and affectjonatc little wife,! coffer-dam has been completed and collector j day a drive Is enjoyed through the and longs for excitement. He invites,! water pumped out so that work on TUMOR REMOVED FROM THE BRAIN, of character. Triumph for Surgery In Difficult Oper- ation Performed Upon Young Lady In the West. CROUP CONQUERED Every Mother Should Read and member This. Re- witli deep regret that lie Is to step ( from office. County Treasurer Collects. As stated in The Gate City several months ago, the county treasurer be- comes the receiver of all city tax money hereafter, with the abolishment of the city collector's office. Keokuk, It. iB known, had always been a special chartered clt.v, but when the commission form of govern- ment was adopted, etnered as a city under the general incorporation law. There are few cities ln the state having special charter today, perhaps a half dozen. SPOAKNE, Wash.. March !t1.—Mod-: j n an y ] lome where a child has a f em surgery achieved a signal triumph tendency to croup, a bottle of IIY- I when the removal of a tumor from the . oMEI * (pronounce it High-o-me) J pituitary gland of the brain, a rare I should be kept cons tantly on hand. ; derfu , impr0Tement and four bottles land difficult operation, wasi success-; A sudden attack of croup with dif-1 cured me completely. Since being i (fully performed at Sacred Heart ho* i flcult breathing and extreme distress, cupefl T have recommended Foley! ' pital in Spokane. The patient, Miss ; , s apt t0 come on at any time. j Kidney pnls to many of my ra llroad ! ? -T. M. Morrow—Douds-Leando. ? James Prather—Slgourcey. f E - J. Ramsey—Keota. Wm. Rose—Fort Madison. Killed Himself Over Love. MARSHFIELD, Mo., March 31.— , The Power June-1 Maude Rupp, formerly of Evanston, The course to be pursued is plain., frlends Wilkinson & Co. I W.vo., who was three months in prep- j g eI)( j f or your doctor at once, and in j ' aration. was on the table four hours.; t j ie meantime drop 30 drops of HY- She rallied quickly and recovery is ex-; QMEI into a bowl of boiling water,, pected. The Halstead operation, first > add hold the child's head over it, cov-; on performed in Chicago, was carried out ith t(wel or c]ot h, so that onfy i Frederick ^ bv Dr. D. LaBeau, assisted by Drs. , he air fllled with Hyomel vapor Is t0 , ^ I * rB ^* ld H E Wheeler. H. P. Marshall and O.. ^^d ; « bot and k lled hlmse1 ^' . A 4 ' ove f" air ! M. Slate and Sister Nezette. and was ; Thig met hod of treatment has saved ,s said t0 ha ^ e P 10 ™!^ the suicide., witnessed by 35 physicians and 50 ; a child's life a.nd mothers of Behind A day's good work— 1 Si.* le-Nuts FOOD "There's a Reason" nurses. Among the visiting surgeons | CI -oupy children should see to it that of note were Dr. Solomon W. Shaef-; j^yoMEI is always on hand. Ful 1 er of Johns Hopkins University, Balti- j j n " struc tions for prompt relief more, and Dr. K M. Welty demon-, crQup jg {n eaf . h packag€< j stt-ator of surgery ini the Jefferson. ^ _ Uc boUle of HYOMEI is all you j Medical College, Philadelphia. Ihe disease, known as acromegalia rare and fatal in the majority of in- THE GREATEST results in cases of wealc di- gestion are obtained from SCOTT'S EMULSION ful. I got a supply of Foley Kidney! because when ordinary foods Pills and the first bottle made & won- (J0 no{ digest, it provides the needed nourishment in highly concentrated form. Scott's Emulsion is so easily digested that its strength is rapidly absorbed by the youngest babe or most delicate adult. SCOTT'S EMULSION is the food that strengthens the race, ALL DRUGGISTS Isle. Maggie tells Larry they must.'home proves exceedingly disagreeable; repairing which will be in progress have a sail on the beautiful Lakes of, to his wife. Then Will falls on ajthe first of next week at the High Killarney. Next In order is Middle; couch and goes to sleep—and dreams, school, the school board has allowed Lake with Its rugged rocky sides and He dreams that his wife has been un- the Woman's Club the use of tho the remarkable Colleen Bawn Rock; faithful to him. He sees lier at the! assembly roonn of the new Washing- about which many legends have been ! cafe with a gentleman friend. Enraged, 1 'on school, Ninth and Concert streets, written. Shooting th e Rapids underlie hurries home, procures his gun,! for Professor Beach's lcctur© on tree I and pressing it against his heart, pulls; culture. Every one interested in the " j thc trigger and falls upon the couch. | beauty of Greater Keokuk should I He awakens lying on thc floor at the! hear this lecture next Tuesday even- j foot of the couch. When convinced : Ing nt S o'clock. No admission will | that, it was only a horrible night- be charged. ^ ' mare, his heart, is filled with joy, audi with penitence for his own misdeeds,! f he begs and receives the forgivlness: Bank's Vast Business. 5i! - of his wife. j Each day the Bank of England Alls Don't miss Little Mary and the cow- 60 ledgers Tn keeping the accounts, boy's tonight at the Colonial Theatre. CITY NEWS. PIMPLES is | need in treating croup. This Is^kiiown ln all drug stores as Extra Bottle After the Moffat Road. I DENVER, March 31.—It is reported; or here that the same group of financiers j i who now control the Missouri Pacific j: are negotiating for the' purchase or the Moffat road. —Work of taking sand out of the; Des Moines river for the Water Power j . , . ,. , Compan will begin immediately. The I ''. I . tr ! e ! . al k , m ° f 1o ° T , e T d ' e ? , , ^ u which failed to do me any good, but I La Crosse Dredging Company has the ; have fonnd the right ft, io £ *t ]ast . My I contract, and today this company's I f ace was f u u c f pimples and black-heads, i outfit, including dredges and barges After taking Cascarets they all left. I am i arrived from the north. Its contract continuing the use of them and recom- | calls for the sand being taken from mending them to my friends. I feel fine ! ._ i wnen I rise in the morning. Hope to the river bottom and dumped on he a chance to reC0 mmend Cascarets " j shore. FVom there it will be handled' 1 by the Water Power company. At tlie fred C. Witten, 76 Elm St., Newark, N. J. J offices here today it was announced i that flfty men who have been working | on the Iowa division have been laid -itf, Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Cood., Do Cood. Never Sicken.Weaken or Grip*.' ll)c, 25c. 50c. Never sold In bulk. The genii-j -ff. Ine tablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed to -J- cure or yoar mon«y back. 92? ; stances. It causes the feet, hands and nose to swell to several times i their natural proportions, distorts the j features and results in blindness and j paralysis. Only 15 operation 5 . a,e I known to medical science. Hyomei Inhalent. Wilkinson & Co., and druggists everywhere sell it. Breathe HYOMEI. It is guaranteed to cure catarrh, croup, sore throat, bronchitis, coughs and or mon- ey bac'" Reuff Mu6t Serve. SAN FRANCISCO, March 31.—Un- less the federal court intervenes, which seems very unlikely Abe Reuff must serve his term in prison on the charge of bribery. * for backache* rheumatism! kidney or bladder trouble, and urinary irregularities. gflUy's Kidney Pflls oarifrthe blood* restore lost vitality and vigor. Refuse substitutes* ros SALS BY WXUONSON * 00. AND J. 7. KBGDAXSGH & SONS.

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FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 1911


> Every Man Read This


\ ;i.

Employe of Government Dry Dock

Succumbed at the Family Home

^ 1515 Franklin

Street. - >••


JUV" t0 throughout the p»J« reputation peculiar propetigiltv , Its norva force nnJ ' t0 for«fv the *"<1 fc cons«>niiir!»'*enerat p health netism. so P^?,V?rs?2Rl

?«!• of everv noil!-i , the haPP«" It Is claimed^ tJ. be­

ing to those who Je ,a b,ess-'mparlred, ®re Physically nervou* anfl S?V despondent. °f the limbs. <Ti77inp««Veh t re7 ,bl , r ,B

Pltatlon, cold hand,= n ,he,art - Pal-somnla, fea° "S ld» in<3 feet, ln-laity I,, venturing i cause, tlm-abllltj- to act rafton.n Be,,eral

So. Also of vf l0«nta,1K"" „others

writers. nrofp,*|n„oi ben«f l t to workeri .nd i ,. "? ,, men ' offlc8 etv'i in. i ths victims of soct-

yS .Lati.hou™ and over-irirtn -




Anti-Saloon Men Are Accused of Be

• ng in for Money They Obtain

From Prosecuting Liquor

Cases. , .iVji «* iy* f-"'; 1 - #

j Glee Club Singers Highest Class of

Proves Quinine is Never Effective In i A AH a *" ter** ,n8r8-the Cure of a Severe Cold or ! a, ,di tori"m «< the Trinity)

1 • 11 the Grippe - church. listened to the highlvt I •?•:< ' ' , meritorious program of the Iowa Wes-'

I Nothing else that you can take will ,*nan G1*e c |u»> l"t nl«ht»

i break your cold or end grippe so ', , 8€Vcral liferent occasions of promptly as a do;e of Pape's Cold ®. Je

l*r,8 ' slee c,ub 8ln8ers have Compound every two hours until three i " lade their appearance in Keokuk anil consecutive doses are taken. ' can be tni ly sald that th« entertain-

The most miserable neuralgia pains,! raent ' 'ast n iBht was thc Peer of t l10se ! preceding.

K k > •

' ' ... _ >.;; : ' 4 *•>»£

Came to Keokuk Over Six Years Ago

, . , and Worked for the Gas

Company Pre-

vlously. ' •

After three months Mness from heart trouble, Edward Connor died at his home. 1515 F-ankliu. street, this morning at 2:46. During the greater part of the time Mr. Connor was in­disposed, he had been confined to his lied and had. suffered greatly during the past month and at times was un­conscious.

The deceased came to Keokuk February 17, 1905. Up until the time he was taken sick, lie had been em­ployed at the government dry dock, engaged as creosote workman. Pre-\ Ions to that time he had been work-

pence in wlneK'llqudrS,

home ser-eretlv ^ at of another'ii '\e '^ know 1 j SHANKLAND BILL KILLED

(ret three ounces o^fdhwrv svr «P sarsaparllla comnnnfl w"ort-°Unlw conjoound fluid'balm-houri: then £? t

d J* ̂ -d tW0

pound essence cardiol m!nc» tincture ""cardiol ^nd ounce tincture cadomene

(not — * one

com-cardamon) mix all

sliake well and take after oaeh meai

Pound together a teaspoonful n^il,nnp a t night. ww amfma'1" ,no "Plates what-ana may nisn bp u*pd hv women who buffer with their 5S, *«th absolute certainty ' prompt and lasting benefits.

Representative Deplore*

.. .Used by Both Sides in Circu

lating Petition—Report

r " ' > Carries.

headache, dullness, head and nose stuffed up, fererishness, sneezing, running of the nose^ core throat, muc­ous catarrhal. discharges, soreness, stiffness, rheumatism pains and other distress begin to leave after the very first dose. .

Pape's Cold Compound is the result °' three years- research at a cost of

Methods j more than flf ty th0U8and dollars, and contains no quinine which we have conclusively demonstrated is not ef­fective in the treatment of colds or

G. Oliver RISKS, the violinist: was | especially artistic in his numbers glv-i ing one of De Beriot's works. |

The solos were sung by .Mlss!

Xellie Foster in very pleasing tone: and style. The accomiiauist, Missj Ruth Anderson, is accompanist, foi, the glee club, ^nd her rendition of the various selections was much ad­mired by the audience. j

The glee club singers, nineteen j young men, are among the best," and, he several varsity songs, and rollick-'



Send for the KC




grippe. Take this harmless Compound as I ,ng dellvery of the livelier numbers

directed, with the knowledge that !am ' s-vniPat , let |c singing of classical there is no other medicine made any- ! music was the cause for continuous

J he Iowa Anti-Saloon league does 1 where else in the world, which will encoreR-not want a change in the present j cure your cold or end Grippe misery j Miss lnSersoirs readings were clev-laws that would take from it the vast !as promptly and without any other as- 1 e r l-v interpreted, and proved diversify-revenues that are pouring into its j sistance or bad after-effectB as a 25 t i l ls " jcent package of Pape's Cold Corn-

Representative Shankland made the Pound, whicn any druggists in the world can supply. ' i r

Ing at the gas this city.

company's plant in

Edward Connor was born in Phila-! delphia, Pa., June 7, 18G1. During his life he had lived at various places throughout the countfy. He was mar­ried to his first wife, who preceded him in death, December 28, 1S90, at Bell Flower, 111. To Mrs. Grace Con nor, the wife who survives, he was wedded November U». ] GOG.

D. h. Seymour-•T- C. Stevens—Albia.

Townsend—Dave.. r _. Geo. W. Wright—Keokuk. C. R. Worley—Chillicotbelv


D n Tioort 9tatement yesterday afternoon before ciaS 5oS~F»r^ql ,a- t l ,e house ln support of his bill chang-Clark Ross Farmington. ing the method of securing consent to

- R i c h l a n d . a e l l i n t o x i c a t i n g l i q u o r s f r o m t h e p e -T a , „ , . . 'I»\/|tition to the ballot. 1

S" Townseud Davenport, Mr. Shankland accused the anti-sa-loon league of supporting temper-

" , -ance for the revenue they obtain from'It. In an eloquent speech he de-

;»<S;s3(§a:: clared the ballot to be the only fair BY TNTRKR UTTT T !means of securing a fair sentiment of

j the people in regard to temperance Imoorta" rv "Z . . j questions. He deplored the iniquitous

' ® ,Dr"0 ,Fr°rr i lnd,a toi methods used by both sides in the cir-* Top,c for " ! culation of consent petitions and de-Censure. r , ; clared that the passage of the bill

j would assist in doing away with sa­loons.

Majority Report Carries. Following the discusion, the house

killed the bill by refusing to adopt the minority report of the house com­mittee on the suppression of intem­perance recommending the bill tor passage. The majority report, disap­proving the bill, was adopted. The de-

• bate occurred on the question of

v> V


r ^ r\v i f f * i b , 'Vi


WASHINGTON, MaAh 31.—Presi­dent Taft may want peace and friend-

Mr. Connor was a member of the wifhD

Gfeat Britain, but the Iuter-Christian church and a good man o!^«! Bureau here, is dead moral character. For those whom he i R ,i B" because of hls °') ium

worked, he was steady and lonscien i °pera, ,1,°nS Caina" tious in the discharge of his duties. I hV Wni SPe^. ̂ s 'atement just issued

Besides the wife there survive the i tbt. n 'ur '^ra ' sJ11J®r intendent of

followinz children fwa : Bureau, Great Britain is severely rono^ing children, two daughters, censured for her tacit acquiescence in Mary and Rose, three sons, William, i niB imn«v»an«„ <> r j- • • ,"«<•= uovuncu uu mo ijutm Krnest and George, p.nd two step-' china ,f lan 0 | ) lum mto • adopting the minority report, daughters, Edit • and Tiny. : " "*^ ' ! IT.l"51^^ i

uat iol lal! "I Lave never seen such cowardly Mr. Connor was left an orphan I . inc! ff asalns t le. ""us- ^ tTie , atta.cics, resorted to in an attempt to

-when a small child and no other! nnf,Ll^T' " t ," te1

r°at ,onal .««-1 k!U a bill," said Mr. Shankland r^ known relatives are thought to be rioWnto n 10n a Peking appointed j ferring to the circulars and letters

tnougnt to aelegates to urge upon the British j that have been distributed bv the an-Government abrogation of the agree- t l.Balo<m league. ment which would permit the sale of

Paul Steps From Office of 6. Cornet, Polka Brilliant, "Bride of

' 5 -

wivA Luetftke

City Collector Today After

v.. Six Years of

' $ v Service.

The program given by the Weslyan Glee Club follows: 1. Life of Youth Geible

Glee Club. 2. Violin Fantasie. "Scene de Bal-

Uo Berioti G. Oliver Riggs. {

| 3. (a) Supplication Mohring! j (b)Old Black Joe ....Foster-Parks^ I Glee Club. I 14. Reading, "The Going of the I j White Swan" TJ. S. Gilbert'

Miss Ingersoll. i [ 5. The Chase Mathel

GI«e Clnb.

r JVi-s. o/ane JWKenzieXill

Read Carefulty Iu tlie wonderful IC C Cook's Book.Mrs. Janet ^TcKenzic Hill, of Boston Cookinj? School

fame, tcll.-i every liousewitcliow to become an expert cook—how to prepare such appetizing dishes the family will go simply Nvikt over what you set before them. J

The K C Cook's Book is illustrated ln 9 colors, contains 90 te9ted and p r o v e n r e c i p e s t h a t w i l l b e s u c c e s s f u l e i a y /fWifthe few simple suggestions are followed.

The K C Cook's Book lias been prepare*I -at an expense of many thousands of dollars, and if purchased at a store would easily cost 50 cents, yet we give it absolutely free as we

want you to know exactly what K C Baki:i£ Towder is and what it will do for you in

your own kitchen. You need this won­derful book—it is of vital importance

to every housewife.

5®?vcan GUARANTY

JAQUBS MFG. CO. Dept. 1^0


I enclose certificate Sr im tlie look sHool?


How to get the CooK's BGGK

Write your name and address piamly on this coupon. At­tach the colored certificate

packed in 25-cent cans, sending both to us.

You will be micMy Kind you did. Jaaues Mfg. Co.


1 Address.




living, aside from his immediate fani • Ily.

Funeral arrangements have not yet feeen made.


Would Have Retired the First of Feb­

ruary but Special Tax Work"

Prevented—County Treasur- f

er, Collector. • 1

| • the Waves" Herbert 1,. Clark G. Oliver Riggs.

<• (a) Eileen Alanna Thomas (b) The Maiden's Answer

A Von Othegraven 8. Reading, "At the Sign of the

Cleft Heart" Jeanette Garrison Miss Ingersoll.

9. The Sword of Ferrara Billiard > Glee Club.

r r t

Dodge's Theatre.

Worth Weight in Gold. Abingdon, Va.—Mrs. Jennie McCall,

of this place, says, "I had been troub­led with female complaints for over ten^years. i could not walk or stand on ray feet, and had been almost con-! lined to the house for a long time. 1' began to take Cardul, the woman's! tonic, and now I can walk anywhere I want (o go. Cardul is worth it's weight in gold." This Is a high estl-i mate on a plain, herb medicine, yet there are thousands of women who

Tonight, at Dodge 8 will be shown: would gladly pav this price for a j the greatest picture of them all. It; remedy to relieve their suffering. I Is a Kalem picture called "The Irish Cardui has helped others Whv not Honeymoon," and shows a scenc or, you? Try it. Your druggist sells it,

, a bridal tour through the beautiful; in ?1 bottles. ] i scenic sections of the Emerald Isle. s I , Tt is

Very Low Fares

Because Keokuk has assumed


Indian oninm in Phii « f„r l "There Is not an anti-saloon league ™"muK "H8 a8s"" lea rue LJ™! T?" r ^ J! Il'L ? S: in the fnited States that advocates cotT , s8,on f?rnl oC cll>" government

a scenic picture with a t l le: comedy mingled with scenes


longer. The Cmnese Government has .. , . prohibited opium smoking after one i l

Th e p e t l t o n m e , t h o d e x c e p t t h a t o f

v e a r , j Iowa. I do no know why the Iowa Anti-Saloon league favors it. unless it

is well organized and

and necessarily gives up its special charter, City Collector Paul Luedtke

little: that Weir Bridge follows. The act of

"In 190C," Dr. Crafts declared, fol- • , lowing a resolution of the British!,18 e^ause 1

Parliament requesting the Government Drawing of Grand and

Made at Ottumwa Iowa.

has plenty of money pouring into its tills, it does not want.

Petit Jurymen I " bl '!"S Indo-Chinese opium trade ^ ^ ̂1(J"' take Zwy t* nwa i to a speedy close, the Chinese Govern-: "ee oum tahe avva5 l" nwa '- - I ^.-^.1 .,,.,1,,,.,.; ; vast rever.ue.

to make a : lis j

retires involutarilv from the office j tua ' scenes taken in Ireland, and you which lie has held with such nnejoan see t l le a°tual feat of kissing credit to himself for the past balf! t l le Blarney Stone. dozen years. j This picture is something like the

What he will do Mr. Luedtke has |r) ,cture t l lat shown some time not yet d«oi<letl, but he may iag0 "The l.ad Fronn Old Ir»v

am supported bv the temperance ! retm '» 10 the German printing busi- \ 'and ". The story of the Irish honey .people in Polk countv—I mean the I nes8, l iavinK l )een engaged In that vo-lmoon «s follows:

suppression of all poppy raising and ,'peop)e who are temperance people cat ion before Save his best efforts! T.arry Malone and Maggie McClus Vise of the drug during ten years, dur-. fQr princjple and 1)ot thoge who are pto Keokuk and became one of the " ^

have made the land of the Shamrock guiding a boat down these Rapids ^®"s- , . ! requires no little skill. Dublin is next:

he scenes in this picture are ac-' visited and our friends decide to see^

merit ordered the closing of opium' dens in six months, and the gradual ;

OTTUMWA, March :i I :--The grand

vl jurors f-nlected for service • jI)g whieh period also the British . g hecomtHg.6™ of the federal; Government agreed to decrease the , ,re^"ue


court have been notified and will re- ; export of opJuin t0 ch!na to the same ,r I believed that this bill, , pass­

port here the first day of the torn,. dcpreei if durin tUrec vears t r ial ,ed, won d establish saloons in all parts The jurors follow:*-. * - • _..i .i iof the state. 1 would not. advocate its

most efficient and best officials cit.v has ever known.

the key get married and for a honeymoon

the city from the top of a bus. No American would think of visiting

Ireland without making a trip to "Glencairn," the home of Richard C'ro-ker, Esq., Tammany's Great Old Chief. Our couple called on Mr. Cro-ker and were pleasantly entertained ;

Returning to America Larry and Mag­gie take up a position in the bow, of the steamer watching for the Bar-i tholdl Statute of Liberty, a sight:! which gladdens their heart and means!

Grand Jurors. , , •_ •T. E. Anderson—Moulton. - * Win. Bankhead—lxickridge. Henry Boyd—Columbus Junction. W. w. Barker—Mt. 7Aort.

F. Conrad—Keota. C. T„ Cox, Sr.—Fairfield. •1. W. Edgar—New T.ondon/ • :

•1- T. Erickson—Keokuk. C. S. Frescoln—Batavia. W. H. Grimes—Albia. P. H. Hyncs—Avery. ' •I. G. Hebble—Princeton. Cliarles Ingles—Talleyrand, •las. F. Jordan—Moulton. W. T. Kirkpatrick—Hedrick. J.A .• Keith—Wnyland, Thomas Lynch—TJldon.

; G. W. Matt.ern—Donnellson. Samuel Bail—Birmingham. !">• M. Ritter—Morning Sun. • fieorg.n Repz—Donnellson. W. B. Simpson—Davenport. Herman Spaan—Keokuk. E. I,. Trevitt.—West Point, v ^ . E. Whiled—Albia.

^ ; Petit Jurorsi v Harry Armstrong—Grinnell.

Henry Calston—Fairfield. Br. W. Bryan—Centervillc. Charles Cutright—Washington, F. I). Chlpps—Monroe. •Joseph Day—Mt. Union;"" Walter Duke—Richland C. M. Forrest—Lovilia.

• R- IT. Gray-r-GrLnnell. , Robert Graves—Ilillsboro. C. S. Humeston—-Humeston. • •T. W. ITin'es—Columbtis Junction. R. H. I^e—Salem.

. Ghas. SIcCormick—Columbus tion.

China reduced not less that one tenth, . , .. « passage- ihe only fair method Is the

ballot. I believe the petition method

trip decide to journey through the home country of their ancestors.

The first of February this year was ! Through a shower or rice thev leave; Home Sweet Home. set. as the date for the retirement, of! their New York home In an autonio- This picture will no doubt attract1

the city collector. But shortly before | bile, drive to the pier and board the wide attention and should be witness-! that time came the commissioners; steamship Baltic in which they cross ed by all. Two complete shows to-a year.

'•nisteatl of reducing three tenths. | hag doT)e 1110re f0 demoralize" Iowa j discovered that a lot of special tax| the ocean. Arriving In Cork, Ireland, ; night at the regular hours, 7:43 and China has now reduced its own POPPV' t l )an a |, oth€r causes combined. Metb- j work was confronting them anu that! they decide to see the city from the !):00 o'clock. cultivation and opium trade seven ods are resorted to in the circulating no other could attend to the business j celebrated Queen's College Road. tenths in three years and has shown jand oppo8ing consent petitions that i of clearing all back accounts as well j From this road they have, a wonderful The Colonial Tonight. sue l en usiasm in ?e orm, "{would bring a blush of shame to any > as I5au ' I^uedtlte, so he was retained j panoramic view of the old city. They A feature program at the Colonial spite of the sale of British opium all I fajr.minded - citizen. Intimidation, ! April first. j next charter a jaunting car and ride Theatre tonight, Including "l.ittlc thc while, that the new Chinese I ariia-jfrai ids> threats blackmail and coer-1 During the time of his retention; out to Blarney Castle on the old. Mary" in a Feature Imp picture en-inent. has alreadyjlecreed opium l i r0 ' | Cj0n are used on both sides. ! during the two months Mr. Uvedtke, Blarney Road. Arriving at Blarney; titled "The Dream and a Tough Ten

§3? J :


March 10 to April 10 and you can go in Rock Island

clean, comfortable, easy-riding through tourist sleep­

ing cars—an ideal way of

making the trip across thc continent.

Two excellent routes.

Southern and Scenic


via El Paso along the bor­ders of Old .Mexico or through the Colorado Stock-les and Salt i^ake City. A reduction made in tipper berth rates.

Ask for free folder "Across the Continent in a Tourist Sleeping Car.- '

S. F. BOYD, Div. Pass Agt. Davenport, la. T. R. BOARD Tkt Agent.

Keokuk. :

you believe that great public ques­tions should be settled by the ballot and if you believe in honesty and fairness, vote for this bill."

hibition to take effect In one year "The Chinese Government has re-;

cently asked the British Government j to release it from the ten years agree-j ment and also from the opium treaties j secured by three opium wars, but the j British Government lias persistently! refused China's request. It is strongly! ^ supported by the British people in j Etiquette and Good Manners, numerous petitions, although India has j Etiquette and good manners are received ns much revenue In three | often confused In the minds of many years as was expected In ten." j people. The former may be learned

— i from books, for It is simply a set of foot or instep apply Chamberlain's { conventional rules laid down Tor the Liniment and you will get quick re external guidance of society. But liei It costs but a quarter. Why something more is necessary for suffer' For sale bv all dealers. ! rea"-T Kood manners. They must come

i from the heart; they are the product

off. These men have been used in "If you believe in true reform. If'has successfully cleared up the great-! Castle Larry performs the celebrated i derfOot," a great cowboy picture. The1 laying railroad tracks and doing pre-

you believe in honesty in politics, if1 er part of the $500 owed the city by teat of kissing the Blarney Stone,'story of the dream is as follows: | limiuary work of this kind, which is ; tax payers, for cutting of weeds and ; quite a hazardous undertaking. A day; Will Herbert has grown weary ot, now completed. No more men will special tax assessments for work on Is spent, at the beautiful Muckross! the cute ways and soft voice of his! lie employed until the power house

| properties. j Abby, Klllarney, and tlv Mr. Luedtke became city

j first under the James Cameron admin-1 picturesque Gap of Dunloe. They one of the girls in his employ to din-1 the power house can be started. Then istration six years ago. During that! next visit Serpent Lake. This re-; nor, which invitation is readily ac-! several hundred more men will be en-period of time he has been both a 'markable body of water is one of thejcepled. Will becomes under the in-1 gaged. pleasant and capable official and it Is sight seeing places of the Emerald duence of wine, and upon his return! —On account of the painting and

, following beautiful and affectjonatc little wife,! coffer-dam has been completed and collector j day a drive Is enjoyed through the and longs for excitement. He invites,! water pumped out so that work on


of character.

Triumph for Surgery In Difficult Oper­ation Performed Upon Young

Lady In the West.


Every Mother Should Read and member This.


witli deep regret that lie Is to step (

from office.

County Treasurer Collects. As stated in The Gate City several

months ago, the county treasurer be­comes the receiver of all city tax money hereafter, with the abolishment of the city collector's office.

Keokuk, It. iB known, had always been a special chartered clt.v, but when the commission form of govern­ment was adopted, etnered as a city under the general incorporation law.

There are few cities ln the state having special charter today, perhaps a half dozen.

SPOAKNE, Wash.. March !t1.—Mod-: jn any ] lome where a child has a f em surgery achieved a signal triumph tendency to croup, a bottle of IIY-I when the removal of a tumor from the . oMEI * (pronounce it High-o-me)

J pituitary gland of the brain, a rare I should be kept constantly on hand. ; derfu, impr0Tement and four bottles land difficult operation, wasi success-; A sudden attack of croup with dif-1 cured me completely. Since being i (fully performed at Sacred Heart ho* i f lcul t breathing and extreme distress, cupefl T have recommended Foley! ' pital in Spokane. The patient, Miss ; ,s apt t0 come on at any time. j Kidney pnls to many of my rallroad !

? -T. M. Morrow—Douds-Leando. ? James Prather—Slgourcey. f E- J. Ramsey—Keota.

Wm. Rose—Fort Madison.

Killed Himself Over Love. MARSHFIELD, Mo., March 31.— ,

The Power

June-1 Maude Rupp, formerly of Evanston, • The course to be pursued is plain., fr lends_» Wilkinson & Co. I W.vo., who was three months in prep- j geI)(j for your doctor at once, and in j ' aration. was on the table four hours.; tj ie meantime drop 30 drops of HY-She rallied quickly and recovery is ex-; QMEI into a bowl of boiling water,, pected. The Halstead operation, first > add hold the child's head over it, cov-; on performed in Chicago, was carried out i th t (wel or c]oth, so that onfy i Frederick ^ bv Dr. D. LaBeau, assisted by Drs. ,he air fl l led with Hyomel vapor Is t0, ^I*rB^* ld

H E Wheeler. H. P. Marshall and O.. ̂ ^d ; «bot and k l led hlmse1^' . A4 'ove f"air! M. Slate and Sister Nezette. and was ; Thig method of treatment has saved , s said t0 ha^e P10™!^ the suicide., witnessed by 35 physicians and 50 ; a child's life a.nd mothers of

Behind A d a y ' s g o o d w o r k — 1


le-Nuts FOOD

"There's a Reason"

nurses. Among the visiting surgeons | CI-oupy children should see to it that of note were Dr. Solomon W. Shaef-; j^yoMEI is always on hand. Ful 1

er of Johns Hopkins University, Balti- j jn"structions for prompt relief more, and Dr. K M. Welty demon-, c r Q u p j g { n e a f .h p a c k a g € < j

stt-ator of surgery ini the Jefferson. ^ _Uc boUle of HYOMEI is all you j

Medical College, Philadelphia. Ihe disease, known as acromegalia rare and fatal in the majority of in-

THE GREATEST results in cases of wealc di­gestion are obtained from S C O T T ' S E M U L S I O N

ful. I got a supply of Foley Kidney! because when ordinary foods Pills and the first bottle made & won- • (J0 no{ digest, it provides the

n e e d e d n o u r i s h m e n t i n highly concentrated form.

Scott's Emulsion is so easily digested that its strength is rapidly absorbed by the youngest babe or most delicate adult.

S C O T T ' S E M U L S I O N is the food that strengthens the race, ALL DRUGGISTS

Isle. Maggie tells Larry they must.'home proves exceedingly disagreeable; repairing which will be in progress have a sail on the beautiful Lakes of, to his wife. Then Will falls on ajthe first of next week at the High Killarney. Next In order is Middle; couch and goes to sleep—and dreams, school, the school board has allowed Lake with Its rugged rocky sides and He dreams that his wife has been un- the Woman's Club the use of tho the remarkable Colleen Bawn Rock; faithful to him. He sees lier at the! assembly roonn of the new Washing-about which many legends have been ! cafe with a gentleman friend. Enraged,1 'on school, Ninth and Concert streets, written. Shooting the Rapids underlie hurries home, procures his gun,! for Professor Beach's lcctur© on tree

I and pressing it against his heart, pulls; culture. Every one interested in the " j thc trigger and falls upon the couch. | beauty of Greater Keokuk should

I He awakens lying on thc floor at the! hear this lecture next Tuesday even-j foot of the couch. When convinced : Ing nt S o'clock. No admission will | that, it was only a horrible night- be charged. ^ ' mare, his heart, is filled with joy, audi

with penitence for his own misdeeds,! f he begs and receives the forgivlness: Bank's Vast Business. 5i! -of his wife. j Each day the Bank of England Alls

Don't miss Little Mary and the cow- 60 ledgers Tn keeping the accounts, boy's tonight at the Colonial Theatre.


i s | need in treating croup. This Is^kiiown ln all drug stores as Extra Bottle

After the Moffat Road. I DENVER, March 31.—It is reported;

or here that the same group of financiers j

i who now control the Missouri Pacific j:

are negotiating for the' purchase or the Moffat road.

—Work of taking sand out of the; • Des Moines river for the Water Power j . , . ,. , Compan will begin immediately. The I ' '.I. t r!e! .al k,m °f 1o° T,eTd 'e?

, , ^ u which failed to do me any good, but I La Crosse Dredging Company has the ; have fonnd the r ightft, io£ * t ]ast. My

I contract, and today this company's I face was fuu cf pimples and black-heads, i outfit, including dredges and barges After taking Cascarets they all left. I am i arrived from the north. Its contract continuing the use of them and recom-| calls for the sand being taken from mending them to my friends. I feel fine ! • ._ i wnen I rise in the morning. Hope to the river bottom and dumped on he a chance to reC0mmend Cascarets "

j shore. FVom there it will be handled' 1 by the Water Power company. At tlie

fred C. Witten, 76 Elm St., Newark, N. J.

J offices here today it was announced i that flfty men who have been working | on the Iowa division have been laid

-itf, Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Cood., Do Cood. Never Sicken.Weaken or Grip*.' ll)c, 25c. 50c. Never sold In bulk. The genii-j • -ff. Ine tablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed to -J-cure or yoar mon«y back. 92?

; stances. It causes the feet, hands and nose to swell to several times

i their natural proportions, distorts the j features and results in blindness and j paralysis. Only 15 operation5 . a,e

I known to medical science.

Hyomei Inhalent. Wilkinson & Co., and druggists everywhere sell it. Breathe HYOMEI. It is guaranteed to cure catarrh, croup, sore throat, bronchitis, coughs and or mon­ey bac'"

Reuff Mu6t Serve. SAN FRANCISCO, March 31.—Un­

less the federal court intervenes, which seems very unlikely Abe Reuff must serve his term in prison on the charge of bribery. *

for backache* rheumatism! kidney or bladder trouble, and urinary irregularities. gflUy's Kidney Pflls oarifrthe blood* restore lost vitality and vigor. Refuse substitutes*