i bmal advertise.m.^, pm ople's p ite ss...

wj? Medicsal St« j. " O f ag..nu, ■ -^'‘iDi bbscrifei^ }, ' ;, general, w^X^,!,“*''«^li orabfe terms, b>r ?amJ N 4 io tbe?sii\vC . ■ ' Me^ue^tea to rrm negioet to |cic^pelt tlrem |:i ,_» g-i-^ ir»r«,. e-H ^ablel 1,‘W f*-9R A N t’ •J M weM Of s c ^ ' f r “"f»?: 5 i » p il,,X jb i‘S!l ^uiunea .asuatly calLdi b 13, 1S^3. m nT OF FGRTir^l Ot Extra Class No 27 **) <>60 51 53 207 #! ag-ain triumphantr expected 5 CombinatJll mdenpv A Prizro of 1:37,1} p^'s iu c k y Office—AigiJ C\imb. 8683if-* h O o m o . 5.;: G^i .66, a I * 6 4^ 46 a prize ofl nm.t appty to Keyfe^;? feellfurr the capitals. p »fU be Drawn cg^tsficf |e0, |2,6£2, SOofmjMLj |»d |00 of |o000. ^ilckeii |3.Q0 tjn triers $P,50. i) Irenr m .ney and all priri under tire control of YaU kvill be taken in pajmii iVl Asrent for the U>il>] p & M c I ntyre . insi. PaMf Irinqipalfy due. j |ed I St. O ct. by extent ftfijs fill.— And it isigoft * ‘■ ' » dtjifi and cannnf afford to jfor eiTBry small BILL. ^ »t cetem ony, the Billi •!•* bst of O ct. ready pay of iK ll. -■• I fcostoniers on short credjt^; U goot ^ bargains, will be I J 4 , 5 I E S P . S511TH. lepl. l«..l()33. 6^' _*O ^A »® i % AISODYNB COW* ■iy \nd Efficient remedy DIARRHEA. EEAMOBBUSaai hComplaiits generally5 kly l»-5retl\Bd exlensb’*]? iCofrjpluinS d»ring luplete success, it not i.t^i cure,b8t [eaves 3 in a. uaiiral and bealiwy . • ^ p n e is extensively *>ed by a giual number ® -. " de Physicims in lb** y refereucelo tM bib* •* f ine, •--'-EoSi ne ver fail m l Adults™ :s for use, medicines ar« - v| ,„ T .a|tfjs¥l 'w v lw t& x .U < .r,^ K«"‘f t S j i pt. 16, 1833. hereby is ...... y , ,u, , « a te the tic* J< :evnf-an ^lefof ^^.P^aecfinl Eoad, ftpta B»t^ atravvamla EmI D £l EY aNS, iirisean ; COTES^ ; |EL H. IST03 C. STEVHN-. ANR EOTTEE, tit A. A K M B W . cl 2ZER ■w-* .> . *•• >■ '■■ Vifc r". “ 1 M’' . 0 - ft ,4 v'»' .■>■ • * 0> Ulied £very Tiietday t^' . MECHANIC’S H. BaHvia, Cenesed County: ^ihg» I Bmal Advertise.m.^, ha\3or i EFAULT _ made HI »he payment of Ei«‘W nd M P i l U X ' o r . ' T H E T I l U E S PMOPLE'S PitESS . -T ... -*«- • '> ; ■ ihn heJli* Bl» l‘4en eentl, .Uy of IVcernbor, O ^ W IL |p,...lrcd HOd lico ' .lu-tlii U t<* potveruf sale, in ilus let Kliih.* Co'i'i'v of Genesee, mi th|wvel O v :.f tveenihe- in the year ,1% -% al !, vI;,. l - P M., m l-i>*er one «*f M o tfp g ei '=»of 4d c> ir —«!i»o‘!ited by William ^ >i (be ,tor base in the CoutiJ.SIoD en ,BY% red ERICK FOLLETT;] feATAVIA, NOVEMBER 26, i833i [VoL. 4 .- -No. 11. --- NE#^^SERlESi ‘4 A U L T having be^ e ill the payment of ibe sum of ihoui^d 6ve bundred one dollars end foutfeuts, secured by, and this day due en’iire of raoitgage, bearing.date nn st cfMarbbylo the year 1817# and re* coritid tojlther w*ith the power of sale, <m '•.to b-rver I’haips and LendOiel u |jW « n , daibf May, 1817, in Liber three of le ' / 0 tiiii io, of all tfiel page 239, in the Clerks Office •lO- ('.111.I ■■■ . - ....... . *1-1 o,. •ri f-I in J 'I'lM!” in Township wt®.''?* c, '..,!■ :. ,i ,- wu:.- of TovvHship?'^® ® liCoun'.Vot Genesee (io xvit :) oi.iuilnii.- Ihree hundred ^Eves und hiiy -^ev. n Ininriredib f t «« fcn-! V ml G^esei^Coimtyi E*«feuted by Leman i^tUestdver.of $heldon, in Genesee CounIy, to L|mi4t Chimnan, describing part of Lot Nuiabyr nine,(in Township number nine, in tlitilliird Range of Townships of the Holland Laptl Gmnpaiiy’s Lands; bounded East on ,,jgicrh!etin hundieths of an acrej rat Jhy.ii:!, iiHil tothe allotment of said toayn Iv Fhirtti Warner, which said morlgage, ;V:, davof .June 1807 was assigb|d Ln-ferH'i-v thf* said Oliver Phelps uiih.mWdlii.lc, TOer i diPii, Ifeudrik VoUenhoyen and-Klft* >i..i-i;:n.ii.>!tjenuifiok their executCU* niidis d h 'o t .M ao e , , , . r n. ' "4’®* distance therefrom ifs shall [(.(uicunm^ three btini ^ ^ . .„r -Untdin|ne hundred acres—Also part of Lot iiMnoer^mn in the same Township, boun^d South ani| East by the lines of the said L ot: North and W'e-t by lines parallel to the South and East fines, and one hundred and twenty Buds distant therefrom, containing ninety acres; and aboanother piece of Land, lieiiig part <»f Jjot nninher seventeen, in Township PJlinoer nine, the loiirlh Range of said TdWiislups,-bounded one liundredand Uven- ly^Rods uju tb“- E hs I, line, and North one bun- dt%d libd.tbirity Ihreh Rods and one Uiiid of a RudT dttfib® noilbRne ofsaid Lot West and Soutb lilies p»i|iltel with the East and Norllx li|ies of saidlbl; containing one hiiii •dredacr^s—and whi^h said iMorigage on the ^rst ^ny pt Pecemlie^, in fheyear 1820, was ^ssigbed and fransfci'lped by tlie said Lemuel Ihipman to Wilhem AVillink, Hendrick Vol- ^n hoyetiand RWger.^n Schimmelpenninck, liViry eiecutor|,)adni|nisiralors and assigns, •»u whlcli^atd it^rtga^e by other assignment-; liAtraiisfeifa'bainbeen assigned to the sub ‘ erswwhp areflie a's3ignees‘ajid owners ot tK gx virtu4"of an order or de- creeof sale made by Ebenezer Mix Surrogate of the county Of Genesee, on llie ... . . _ 14th day of October, A.O. 1833, the subscri- bers BieOutors of Ule last will and testament of Barns Loring,lafe pClhe town of Bergen in said county of Oenci^deceased, wiilseil at public ven.duc, onS^jirday the 7ih day <»f I E W E L- %F RZ.MTLITA- EY aOsODS, and W atchJl.-S, December nhxt at ten*o’clock in the fore- 't w Ollier as^gnmanfs and tranafprs e],a/ognedio the Sul.scribers w lioarf mvner> thereof— ^Noiweis Je here-i.V given that by virtue of «he contained in the said mortgage and oH ascvei«la^i^i?»‘06nts and in pursuance Siatitesiu such case raade «nd pro- >Will hes'iM public auction at the House in Balavia in the said County of eeoiiilie fourteenth day of December . 10 o'einck in the forenoon “ the west thesud Lot number fifieen,'* bounded as s, IVesl by Lot nuuifier 23, sixly-iwo • Norjh tiy a road one chain wide, 24 '27 links; East by aline parallel to It niP"* nnict! buiiiKiary' sixty-ons chains ;wo lin<s ami 8o^itl,^by lut- number 7 four chains seven links con* one hiJH'ired and fittv Acres. B(J, June, 18th. 1833 Wilhm Willinict Jv Walrm'e Van H&vkelomf Klclwfaas 'Van Beeftingky Jan Van EegJi«n, ^Vilhem Willinki Junior, 4.- peml ^hitnmdpenninck Rutger Jai^s son .C han dkcr AtTy. 41 i l F A U L T having been I niade in the payment of the sum of liiudred eiJ;h»^ dollars and forty nine ^enis, sei uivd by and this day due upon ienture of Mortgage, bearing dafe/the |h day of June, in the year 1817, and re- n together with the pow»*r of sale in the is Ortite of the County of Genesee, on Inth day of June in the year 1817, at on»^ |k P M. in Libur three of Mortgages, at Jo7d, excelled bv David llenniun of |m in liie said County of Genesee to tel ChiiKumi ofBichmoad in Hm comity farin, of all thU certain parcel ot Land, n Sheldon aforesaid, being part of lot p; thirty five in Towuship number nine Ifourfb range ot Townships on the Hoi ’orchase so called, boucided as follows, ,st and North by tUetiimsof said lot-- |o« tb® land co'jveyed fo James VVard, id Lemuel C'uipJrtHn, auuSouibby a line to th<‘ ''•orth tine of «|iid lot and such )r.c therefroiu as will coif ainsevenlj’ four 'td fifty iitnp hi'.iidre'lpsof an acre. |vh:. h said Mortgageo| the first day of Irnbepin the year eigfilfen hundred and |iy, was assi.:ned and (pn«ferred by the ^Lemuel Chit.mao t ) fvilhem Wil ink, Vo!>er»h'>ven aiid lutgBrJan Sehim .enninck, their execufjirs. odroinisfrators .assigns—And which-ail Mortgage by otli Iftiioments and traiisfeis lias been assigns Jo the subscrifiers whJare the assignee- iowiiers of the same 4 — Notice is there hmviiy given, that byjvirtueofihe ptiwer lamed in the said Mot^ag*^ and of the said £fnl assignments, and [rursuance of the pites in such case provmed, tll,P Said mort^ id premises will be -fd at pfiblic auction le Court Hotise in |afavia| in the said nty of Genesee, orffbn second day of r. next, at JO o’etocif in ILlie forenoon-- pd M»y 2 1 ,1833. ' JPUlinky IVdmm P^^ Heukchnij JVtp^/|(|l Yan Beeftinghj 10 game, polftais iben||)re hereby given. V^uenf illipower contained in the said ^ ofA# sfljid several.^signn.enti*. d ^ pui^miibceW^ in such case Bed Cbe'iaidiindrigaged premises will be ?frf®ptibfiC Auioon at the court House in 5^ ill the t^fdi'Oiipty of Genesee, on tiu in^ W Uli^ \Ytlltnk, Walraw Ian Heukelom, Nicoiaa^an Becfiingb, Jan Vai Seghen, WilhPiraratliiik, Junior, Gerrit %l^mei|mnninck nm^ iinne t^iflj-oupty 01 g t b ^ ^ *»f JApfitty next, at 10 o’clock in piefce itoorii r | i ikut|er, Jan’s Son. {handler, AUnt^i liev. C. REYES is now receiving from New York andJPbiladel phia, m SPRING noon, on the premises hereinafter described, j SUPPLY. He offers for sale— nil Ibe right and litle whereof the suid B;miS Gfold and Silver Patent Lever Watches, Lairing died seized, of, in ami to that certain Alarm, repeating, Lapine, Englfsh, Swiss, Fine' ■ farm or lot of l^md lying and being in said <^uartierand common Erech do. town of Bergen, known and distinguLhed as ^ Seals & Keys of every description, the south part oflot eleven In the eighih sec- and gilt curb Watch Chains, tion of township number two of the Triangu- Cufb and cable neck chains for Ladies, lar 'Tract-Beginning at the southeast corner-j Filigre and Solid seals and keys for do of said lot and I'unniiig Wdfsl on the south line Topaz, cameo, amethist, mosaic, pearl, cor- fhereof seventy one chains fifty links lo the nelion. co^knet, paste, all gold & giR southwest corner thereof-*-!hence running ' LAR RiNGfe north on the West line of said lot so far that by running east bounding on David P. Peters . , land lo the eastern bounds of said L»t ami _. find gilt riiN, - * , j Ibence soulhsi lv along the west bounds of a Diamond, pearl, {ramet, topaz, jet, chas'd and nighway to the place of beginning it shall , , piam gold finger rings, conlainsevenly acres. On whiab fil'in ihera pe?rl. and garnet, plain gold,gilt ami paste is about thirty five acres cleared and fenced, . . ,, . . „ u j one small far^m house a 30 by 40 feej, frame j barn and small orchard. Pearl, amethist, coral, corneliyefn, jet, topaz, gar- net, cameo, Hligrc, paste, plain, gold -BRIDG LORING, M AHl TABLE MER'RILL ERA5TUS tVlERRlLL. October 14, 1833 niustard Spoon S, ^ Sugar tongs do* Soup ladles do. All silver and plated butter knives, Plated decanter labels, , PMed, brass^ high and flat candlesticks, do. Snuffers and trays, common do. Plated and horn goggles with white and green Glasses, Plated Castors, fruit dishes do. TWXJTICT j lb hereuy g-ivcii to all persons having claims against the _____ ___ __ _______ _ ^ estate ofOliver Wilcox, late of the town of Ba- j All silVercoffin P a t e s , ^ county ot Genesee, dece sed, to All silver, plated, fine steel and commo^double e.xhibit the same with the vouchers thereof, to I and single ey’d spectacles, with white, the subscriber, executor of the said estate, j green, blue, purple and gray glasses, at the Store of Chatfield & Ti-idale ia the Vi!- ^op, and open top tiiiiubles lage of Batavia, on or before the 13th ot Nov. j gfeej and gilt top do. HENRY TISDALE Mayll9v 18.33. Executor. All silver, plated &, gilt ever'pointed pencils, Leads ofall sizes for do. Silver and plated tape neadles, do. tooth picks, Britannia coffije, tea, sugar & Cream pots, Toitois shell front, brxk and tleck combs, Horn do. with carv’d tops. Ivory, shell and pearl pocket tto. Gerdt Sckimrntfp ). H.CHANDLKtt, Junior, knitick Rutger Jan'nson 6m 13. E F A ll StT having been made in of the sum ..f |o hundred and fcir%thvee d«|J«rs and fifiy lo venis, now (^imed lb be diic upon a cer- ftn Indenlui-e oTOrrtgage, executed on the i>»n!ycighth. daf#A«Ra=it,in the year of our ,^rd On^tb^^SaMdigbl hundred and twenty fi^«,by Harriet his wife FthoTOwri^f county of Gene- fe^and SritittJffeviJ Yo*k,to Moses Rowe Kihe sarlb p l^ w b irh said Mortgage is ‘ ?Fd#d county of of Mortgages at fiage 39. Kotiee i% iherftehereby given, that by vir- |aiif of 4 contained in said t|igg of tbeSt at nte, the Finiws desfebedl in said Mortgage viz., aft iM certainM»fJan.dsUupie, lyingand be- I mw the Hfiddlebury, county of) iGeneseet ,beinga part of ItoUNo ib the second sec- tlion ofaaUy&feHt^eC^^^ *0 EUiCOtTs |sai4fc¥,»hM |ib!j^5 *b»9ws t^Begimug in llhi e^atreffif J#b»gbway, at the north east |#tiniCrof five; 4*lience South forty |Bhie five chains to a slakej iTriifcaca sMKilibrty one degrees, west two Thence Norlb forty nin^ cliaios to the centre of the. TO filougsaid highway. South ^.fotrlY e^j e^'^t 1 wo chaiiisj to the place lif one acre of Land. Land bounded* as follows :— *' South west corner of Village the South side of the high- '* itl Fj^liiog t>ne rod In t he dtrefctidn f'{ fSelMiiKbCl^|l Lut; Theucein a line jmranel l^ ly line of Yilhige iQt No- one, ^ Cutir, nnUUl strikes the before I pMiise?, be the same mbfe or fess, JdltGiubUc vendpe,,at the Mansion. Epf by James Holdem in the *»iOl wyomlitg.ift the ebnnty of Genesee, 1k* lhiri|elbd% «f t^mabOr next, at ten m ROWE, fcr BEINNER, hi* Attorney. A U L 'l ’ h a v in g ’ b e e n inale in the payi^erit of a certain sum of n^Oitey lecured to be p.iid by an indeu ,urrtol.Mmgage |>ear Dg date the twenty thir^djtW 0;|une. tn the year of our Lord, one tbuWicfe,vi^ht hundred and thirty ; Bxt^coM -1 4R,ichard D. VV. Gladding of ihti town Alejj^dndef, county of Ge fl ate New York, to Ira R|X E ry i^I^dgett, of the lowrre county ara \ d|‘i*‘esaid, and by the paid Rix'^d\.^odgett, assigned to on, Harvy ♦!Se'|uair'*of J^iid town of Alexan- der, and b4lle said; Harvey Seymour, assigned tdEni' ty Bhdgett of said town, who is the lob own^ and holder of said Vlortgage,4vhoh: said Mortgage and power of i«e l^iei'pin^contained, having been reconf^ iithe Gletk’s office in and fir the coil,^ o’0enf|ee, in Liber nine of Muitgag«|i atii^e —and on which^ there is t iaiiied h Ic mp at the time of the first puhwftioj of this notice, $193,49 cents o f p<tjp|i|)ii;v and intfresf. No- tice is tbeieffkie iven, that by virtue of a power of the said Mortgage, contained anl pqrsmnt to the Statutes in such case,miffle^d provided. I shall sell at public ve|du(;^Jlo the highest bid dcr,!it lhe"htiive;|f Blrdeley and Thomp- son, in the vilagj^of |lexander and coun ty aforesaid, ai||iite t||iieth day of Jan- uaiy next, betvd^h thi|iours of one and two o’clock intbb aft^noon of that day, thf’ premises int|fe afilesaid, Mortga'ffO, mentioned and l^Cftba thereto, as “ all that certain trac rt l4nmsU&ate, lying & being in the towi tfAlexin^ coun ly of Genesee, iillle StM^ of N. York; being part or par‘#|af a «rta|^ townsbii which on a map (C^rvey Vf divers tracts or townships of laii madl thy Hoi land Land Compinl by i^ep h JEff*icotl Surveyor, is disMt|ished\iy *J^iC)#nShip No. eleven, in ih t'w ic o n d 'ftf' Mill township, and whh||aid lr*rf of lAnd on a certain other nHj or si t;iKSE3EE t >tUNTV, J S urrogate' s O ffice v lll'O T IC E is hereby g'iven, I .la. .*-./• ^ . f AVA /*V j S7riXS*J. ailLi L /tiXA lJ pW ,XVX -.l. UX^» that a portion of ihe money arising; Wood and Horn Dressing do.. Wallets, irora the sale of the real estate of whu h Ji»bn pj^g ^nd common pocket and pen knives, C. Park died seized, has been l»rougiit into this j plated and black hooks and eyes, office, *nd wiit be dbtributed among the Plated hooks and ri gs, sun glasses, creditor* of suid esinte in the oluce aforesaid j sjef.} and morocco spectacle cases, on Monday the ninth day of December next, Razors and Straps (a fine article,) lU one o’clock in the Hflern-um. Lather brushes and boxes, EBENEZLR MiX, Surrogate. Plain arid cut seed and "iltbeads, wax do. Batavia, Oct. 21 1813___________________Scissors, dog collars, fish lines and hooks, ISDQTO'l'l G lii is llETCbv ti-iveil 1^ . ,. .. '■ .,, , / ♦ Pocket compasses, steel rfnd wooden busks, »'ie.o_rnadel.. -.eiag- Tooth I,rushes, toy vvatclieS, ..'atureofthis stato, ,.t the next session heieol, for the passage of'an act o .neorporati.m to „.atch do., watch bo.xcs, construct. Rail Road, frorn and eonmg.lmg With, the Tonnawanda Rad Road, at Bata, ija h brushes, battle doors and birds, via. m thecounty of Geticsec, to tlio city ol Buf- j„,_ ^ja^ds, spy glasses, falo, m the countv of Lnc< i _ . . > r j DAVID E. EV\N8,' JAMES B RISE AN, HiNMaAN HOLDEN, JOHN COTES, DANIEL H. CHANDLER, AUGUSTUS C. STEVENS, HEMAxN B. POTTER, JOHN G. CAMP, iMAJOR A. ANDREW?, EBENEZER JOHNSON, D avid burt , GUY H. G’OODiRIGH, WILLIAM B. ROCHESTER, EBENEZER WALDEN. . THOS C. LOVE. August 19, 4933. ____ PROSPECTUS OF THE XLir£lA£ X tSPOSX^OKV, Tianrxa vox.trsau. (First, Netb Series) Enlarged and Im- proved ; Devoted to polite Literature, such as Mor- al and Sentimental Tales, Biography, 'Travel ing Sketches, notices of new Publications, Poetry# Arousing Miscellany, Humorous and Historical Aoecdote.«, &.c. he. On Saturday, fheSlh of June, 1833, will issued the fitsl number of a new series o{ the Rural RRrosiTORY On issuing proptosals for the lenlh vol- ume, (First new series) of Ibe Repository, the poblish*er tenders his most sincere ackovvl- edgements to all Contributors, Agents and 3iib.sCribers, for the liberal suf)port wliich has induced him to offer ^lo bis patrons and the public generally, an enlarged and improved sheet at the same low and convenient rate as heretofore, which he does in thefuHe,st confi Pocket pistols, Henrings fk, Son’s bead and. sewing needles. Cigar cases, moriairand velvet bracelets, Fancy playing cards, bead bags, Read," silk, velvet, and leatlier purses, Watch nbou, fancy soap, W ax, wood and paper dolls, with moving eyes, Doll heads, 200 differ’nt kinds children’s tois, and a areat variety of other articles not men- tioned, for fear the columns of this sheet would not contain them. L A ^ M P S . Astral, Hull, Stand, Suspending and Side Lamps, Wicks and Glasses for do. M IL IT A S .Z G O O D S, --------- also such--------- ^ Gilt, Bras.s and Iron Scibbard SWORDS, Plated, gilt &. brass mount’d do. Sword belts & plates. Chains do., horseman’s pistols, Plated and gilt ball buttons. Infantry, Artiller y and Rifle coa and Vest do. White and V'ellovv spurs. U m s i ^ ' JK ItM ttiifi & osrs, D & WOODS, S^E STUFF^^^c. C O T E S >& S J E ^ T E R , jk RE receiving their Spring supplies, and now offer as i^ivt^rsal an assorts ment of articles in their line7 ss cain be found in any shop in the country. ** < -------among which are —^ Plasters of all kinds, Antimony, Annatlo, Extracts of Hyoseiamusi Alcohol, Calomel, Canthari^es, Jalap, Rose Water, Aqua Fortis# * Acids,-of all kinds, Borax^jBed PahSj Bottles and V|als, J*oland iStarch Emetic Tartar, Tartaric Acid, Tamarinds, Castor Oil, Croton 8i Olive Oil, All kinds of Essential Oils, Catheters, Silver and Elastifc Crocus Marlis, Cochineal, CoccLiliis Ihdicus, Caustic lunar & com. White waxl^oncerve of roses Carbonate of iron, Ethiop’s mineral GRllfluts,4&Iue, Ichthyocola, Sabina, Mapim, iSux Vomica, Tooth lust’s, Ipecac, Rhubard, Balsams of all kinds, Blue while Vitriol, Peruvian, Winter%'^innamon, Aiigustura, Simi|;6ubjf,& Cscarilla Barks, Cretfni T a tt^ Castor, Musk, English’Mqsl’d seed, Ens. Veneris, Emery, Ethbr, Antripl, Flo’s, Benzoin, Soda St SeidlitzPowders, Valerian, Seneka, Red and while precipitate. Phosphorus, Quassia, Colombo, Spigelia, Gentian, Curcuma, Scilla, Hellebore, Serp. Virg. rhei gaffengtal, Colchicum, Resin, Sarsaparilla, Red Sander.*. Venice Turpentine ' Copal, Shellac, Aloes, Gamboge, Myrrh., Arabic, Camphor,Opium, Kino, GlMfSr, ^fGalbanum, Ammoniac, Trag^anih. Thus, Guiac, O Mastic, Foetide, * ( Elastic, Scammony, Lanetts a cases, Magnesia, Nutmegs Surgeon’s Needles, Trocars, Syringes of all kinds, Breast Pipe.* Stramonia, Cicuta, Liquorice, &5c. Flowers of Zinc, Chamonri^Ie, Sennaj Rosemary &5c. Digitalis, Iodine, Indigo, Indelible Ink, Epsom Glauber Salts, Surgical Instruments, Sulpb. Quinine, Mace, Cayenne Pepper Ginger Root, Njtre, Rochelle, Soda, Succin, Tartar, Martis and Absyftth Salts Sulphur, Sealing Wax, Castile and Windsor Soap, Cardamom, Anise, Colchicum Si Fdenegre Seeds, Sago, Spermaceti, Spt. nitre U Lavender, Sponge, starch, Snh. Carb. Soda, Tapers, Smalts, Wafers, Tapioca, Acetate Morphine, 3eed-lac, Satidarac, Maccassar Oil, Sallrid Oil, Lemon Syrrup, &ic. Sic. A Li.r<CE ASSORTMENT _ __ - just' for G o M «p*S I## Pot and Pearl As1»S^*itajM«»K5».;^^ Ttiose indeblear* ft^ ;-? # P j^ ;« ^ rice past cue, are requeste^il* # !^ Ihisrc^ite^ Will pell, them: reluctaHceto ,pHt5ni>perrilSQa'a iririreri^ Batavia Aug. 8 1 ,1833i i. N ew JBstahlialwflieni. I f j T I H ^^feubscribte' JB- hs9 purchased the ejitjrf stock ofifiard-Ware belongio§ to the late A. BuFl, deceased, end fs now receiving a la^ge and splendid addilioo, which makes bis stock as complete as atliiiy Estjaib- tishment In ihe^^^lerD counfrj^,andbe wotlld cheerfully invite the patrons of A. Bull, and (he public in general, to call and examine ibis sto ^ and prices f as he is determined to sell as cheap as the cheapest for Cash or approved credit. His slock consists of * Old sable, swede§ a^d English bar Iron# ^Sbeel Iron, brazier’s rods, hoop &;baod Iron ’American, German, English blistered^ &n<t., Sanderson h Co’s cast steel# ANVILS and VICES# , 3d, 4d, qd, 8d, lOd, 12d, 20d, SOd, CtJT NAILS, (flat gripi a superior artipliCi) Bar and sheet Lead# block tin and zink. Shot, and the best Canister Powder# , Flints, superior TABLE CU'fLERY, bfiV# ery discriptioi^ Carving knives and forks, and steel?> Butcher knives, bread knives, shoe kn^Tii Pocket feutlery of ever^ description} Razors, with and without cases* Shears and Scissors# , j Brass ware of ail kinds for Cabinet Wnrfp Also a quantity of Glass Knobs, and ^ Furniture used by Cabinet makeicilt Butts, from 1 2 inch to 5 inches, Also, square Bu|is, door bandlei^ Knob and closeCLocks# Knob latches, Wood Locks, Mortise Locks of all kinds,- Janp»nnedtin ware of at I ,kinds, A splendid assortment ot Brass Aodirqni^ ^^Sboveis and Tongs, Fenders and Bell(|iW Saw Mill, Cross Gut and baud Saws. —Just receiving, also, a quantity of AJbilliDir i JOINER’S TOOLS, A large assortment of , .. HOLLOW WAttB, OF EVERY DESbRlPTlON. Glass of all kinds^ Rop%&. Bed Cords, TOGETHER WITH A LARGE ASSORTMEKf SADDLERY, Metalic Pumps, tog-ethepr wUh Lead Pipe, for the same, Sleigh Beils, Trace Chains, Coil Chain, an^ otber articles too numerous to mention. All of which he will sell, wholesale or retail^ at prices to suit purchasers. Also, Bush’s su- perior Cast Steel Axes, single or by the dojz- Also, Guile and Hawk’s superior COO^ Tr»r»T c ^ < \ r- & PER’S TOOLS, &c. Batavia, Nov. 10, 1832. L. Baiter. nlH Sw'ord swivals, holster tips, . . ' _ “ ifle Horsemen’s cap plates, Intantry, Artillery, Rifle’ a?d Y'hite & ytllow plume sockrts, do. Eagles, Priming wires and brushes. Copper Powder Flask^ Shot belts, percusion Jhps, Buckskin sword casA White, red, green 4^^black 12,16 — - 18, 20 & 22 plumes, White, red, green, blue & black^hathers, With red tops, dunce of meeting in an increased imtronage 1 »v itu icu lopa, a!i remnniation for bl, coo fob.d f,. «™c7wl7ompr„l’on,''a^r vie To " ^ T P i u l i o r r ^ e l S t l i S o t width., town^h^ip'hito Bfxiijiand L%^ intde'fbr p V of ekid which has stood the test of years, would seem superfluous, be will therefore only sa^’ that no inariv JJQP expense, consistent with a reasona- the said Holland Lffli' Coinijj^ny, by the compense.tion for his-labor, shall be spar- said’ .loseph Fillicorai disliifeuisbed by I promote their gratification hy its further being part of Lot NT^three, n the tenifi | improvement? tijjid that original contributions section of said To4|nip, and bofttided from aW^Wltiiery,iand choire Selections from as flo w 's :—Beginivlt nt. a-pist on the 1-iliG Nrt'l|tirto4icGlltj both Eijrop»*an and A- Bou.hevn b^unds-oftfetate ro.d ; ihende pab- bounds of Sliubaril \y|r^’s lafid# % south west corner th^r|sii I W t White and YellowA^ord. Vibliricellos, V76jmS from $2 to §40, Violin and vioiipello bows, Common and/ory ttpt D Flutes, E F G & ^tave do., Ivory & Wca tipt 8 brass & silver key’d do. C lanorA Plagediefs,' C &B Fifes, Kent cormnoii bugles^ Post Homs, H un^g horns# harmonicas, Sh^and tin tousick boxes, viol, violiVi and guitar strings, gle mouth pieces, violii|tail piecs & screws, Lefined rosSin, clarionet reeds, bow hair, seventy five degrvesi tlirdb | ges. It will be printed ill handsome style, on Refined rosgin,clanonet reeds, bow hair, twenty two links, Stake with ;{ Medium paper of n superior quality, V*ohn^^o^mitefio, kent^^^ iegtees, eat# four ................................... ..... « »- - iheiice north H new j aegtees, eai chains, llIX « fUuWhd a post o r t i y sdttfifffriiMjriuii j o f i H i f c u t e r u a i r thipnee shiitli «evthny ftvig^dii[c»»5| eait dri thfr f(Hith^rn botfiidf # tS^tate -roid. tf»T«U chains, iweifo Ikro Hhtll to lips placo of beginning; ||ntaim n^fne five teiubtof an ^ti;e, bethesinc niorc or lesa:~togetber»ih (Tiffar the liereditament^ liM IjpItStet * insT’ cce tht^ref GTbeloqgi Dotted August ]3, IH^ EiioRY B lodgi AMEllY THO^Al ' -k-: m i0t$- ]i 0 hereby given, that will be made to (be Legis- k ^ a fe for an act iocrefl.;!n|^ the Bank of Genesee One m I'-il mm- >N,Capbigrb IftANKLIN U F ACTOR Y .—Tf„ fully inform the pubhcY^ Prmterrin the western Upp»*rCanada, that the^l manufaqluie of PRIN^Mf^i establishment at WateiT'fb every variety of Ink, J<hi as well as Mr. TtieMuJpda /ourm^* at the leading pajiers hi the red with 1 nK from iheir Factd^ think ih ttw iifrw tj 'w h t f h : i t e ’- W tf# '1^', “’- j :- . •-y new bourgeois and brevier type, eai li nuii/ her containing al least one quarter more ny- ter than Heretofore; mnkins, at the enjjfrO' llie year, a neat and tasteful volume, Ibe/^n- lenls of which will be both arousing m- Atuctive to youth in future years. / n?]Qii^||||5*—The Tenth Vulun^» (First new series^'''*'* commence on ; June neJEt, at the low rate ot anniiDE in advance, or One ^ fhfly Centt, at the expiratidh of ihr^m^^nibs from theTitne of sabscribing. Axf person, who Will remit os Five Dollars^ee of postage, shall receive xix copies, ai#any person, who Wni remit nsTewDollart/ee receive Imlvt copies a# Ninth volume. oyN^ubscriptioua receiv- for less than vori Two«jT.«f qnbser’ iii^rs with the amount of iLfiaVoon after as c/^enwnt, tp hejuiblisher, is\oon after as LIAM B. STODDARD. Witt/, 18.33*. j&ttbef SutwcriptlonA. ►TICE is borefcy applicatioirwili be made to4heLe;g-? aaStjite, at the nex^ session fiiBrcr bsage of an act iricorporafihg a Seated iff ike x’lllajSe q f Batfi'Oia, to ifFirm ett tbd Meeiianics Bank pt pftwo htindfed tbeca net. fife, flute & drum preceptors, do. For extra key’d flutes, A "variety of Piano Forte Musick, Time pieces, Curtis &. Daiming’a celebrated eight daJy time pieces, German and alabaster, box and pillar do. One wooden clock vVnth high cherry case (cheap) A variety of flower vases a id tumblers, A good Ss-sortment of watch materials will be kept constantly on hand, such as White and colored lunett watch glasses, Fl.at, round and patent do. China and stone M%tch dials, Mainsprings, verged, gilt, steel ficgold watcH hands, Aijd all other articles necessary for repairing watches ant^ time pieces. Gold and Silver worked to order.- |C3=’Clocks and Watches of different kinds ciCTefully cleanei|;and repaired. ^,^’* ‘OLD GOLD and SILVER taken in ex- change for Goods# or monev. A LOTTERY Will draw every week^ Wednesday, through out the year. A fresh supply of Tickets will be received and for ^ale i» all tifie New York Lot- teries, managed by Yates £c Mclhtvre. Tick- ets varying frQJ§i.3;|o $20 each w eek^^G A StiL i d fbr P R I ^ S at all times, ft Hull’s Trusses, A GREAT VARIETY OE Tateut ^leAlcines, --------- SUCH AS ---------- La/not’s and Anderson’s (^ugh Drops Opodeldoc British Oil, Troinatic &,'Cephalic Snuff, Balsam of Life, Harlaem Oil, Lees’, Hooper’^, Davenport’s Anderson’s James’, Thayer’s and other Pills, Swaim’s Panacea, Bateman’s, Draps Indian Extract or Poladelphis, Godfrey’s Cordial, Fosgate’s A nodyne Cordittl . Thompson’s SiDavenport’sEye W ater, IfHEMTOJ^'S 4r Other ITGH OTJSTimEJfT PS efficacious as any that can,.be found, WELCH AILDJCAMENTUM. Also—‘The genuine, unadulterated, and original GERMAN ^YE WATER. A general assortment of Confectionary . SAL JERATUS. JVJVBA PASTE. A large and complete assortment of Paint and Graining Brushes. Sash Tools, Camel’s HaifPenQils, &[c. Linseed and Lamp Oils. Tur^eutlue. coARSB « rxxna paesttb --------- SUCH AS ---------- White Lead, do. ground in Oil .Red Lead, Spanish White Spruce Yellow, Crome fellow ^ Crome Green, PrusiansBlue Cochineal, Carmine,Lamp Black Rose Pink, Venetian Red,Kings YellUw Vermilioii, Turkey Umber Terra De Sienna, Yellow Ochre Verdigris, distilled and common Paints in Boxes, Glue, Resin, Smalts, Litharge, Copal Varnish Gold and Silver Leaf Gold Si5:e, Dr6b Lak^^', Stone Y ^bw , Spanish Browfl. LOG WOOD, NICARAGUA, CAAl- WOOD, FUSTIC, MADDER, RED TARTAR. Uc, We will sell our articles at vef^ redu- ced prices, and iPiend tomerit a confinfiw ance of that liberal patronage which we have hitherto received from Physicfplif Traders, and the public in general Batavia, July 2, 1833. __________ ................................ / , J -f 'I (T^rO R P£m A Zil5S. DR. RELFE S AROAIITICPILJ71S tT A V E been long celebrated as a roost jT i valuable and effleacious remedy against those general complaints peculiar to the fe- male portion ofsociety. Theycleansq, purify and promote a free and brisk circuiution oi| thfr blood, when become sluggish and languid from the afflicting aliments for which theso Pills are a safe and effectual specific, They assist the suspended operations of Ihb $angu- , Iferous system, when nature require^lf, attt£. rectlfy the irregular habits of the female whose sickly and palid ..coomebah^ becomes reanimated, and freshent^iitlSje tion ofihe heart, bad digeslion,, lodiflm^offobdi paips ofther'stomacli, shortness o f brecdh, apoi| every little motion, sinking ipii'its, attH ifs consequence, a deye^d dislike for exercise and - -are equally c o n d i ^ ^ |o ^ j ^ ||i ( ||f e ried ladieSj^xcCpr'id'* Cjf*e| o f . - heeffe ai^ ; X;- -*v" . which, - - . - - T" . i and vapon's^disrirdririi^^ wHo^ n ^ v b u s ^ l i ^ i ^ gDlai&, a id h a tu r a and^isuperalbbiiifi roel^nriholyiba^^^ the bo#;, j^inltiiayB^|h» general: comt m pm Hair, Bosfp%aad^5(|8^i appoinpaebt^ Medicibe|^4?^ mWiaV - V- ''T *•S^ J f yy W si ^-1 'J{! ' -1 f the oritsidispi^lat wM. iBej H lttSlig ceiviiig bi5 a w - ■■ V'-!

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Page 1: I Bmal Advertise.m.^, PM OPLE'S P itE SS iEFAULTnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn88074229/1833-11-26/ed-1/seq-1.pdfgame, polftais iben||)re hereby given. V^uenf illipower contained

wj? Medicsal St« j ." O f a g ..n u , ■ - ^ '‘ iDi

b b s c r i f e i ^ }, ' ; ,

general, w^X^,!,“*''«^li orabfe terms, b>r

?amJN 4 io tbe?sii\vC . ■' M e^ue^ tea to r rm negioet to |c ic ^ p e l t tlrem

|:i ,_» g-i- ir»r«,. e-H


1,‘W f * - 9 R A N t ’•J

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f r “" f » ? : 5 i» p i l , , X j b i ‘ S ! l^ u iu n e a .asuatly calLdi

b 13, 1S^3.

m n T O F F G R T ir^ l Ot Extra Class No 27 **)<>60 51 53 2 0 7 #!

a g - a in t r i u m p h a n t rexpected 5 Com binatJll

m d e n p v A Prizro of 1:37,1} p ^ ' s iu c k y Office—AigiJ

C\imb. 8683if-* h O o m o . 5.;: G i .66, a I *

6 4 ^ 46 a prize ofl

n m .t appty to Keyfe^;? feellfurr th e capitals. p »fU be Drawn cg^tsficf |e 0 , |2 ,6 £ 2 , SOofmjMLj |» d |0 0 of |o000. ilckeii|3 .Q 0 tjn trie rs $P,50. i) I r e n r m .ney and all priri u n d e r tire control of YaU kvill be tak en in pajmii


Asrent for the U>il>]p & M c I n t y r e . i n s i .

P a M fIrinqipalfy due. j|e d I St. O c t. by extent

ftfijs f i l l .— And it isigoft* ‘■'' »dtjifi and cannnf afford to

jfor eiTBry sm all BILL. ^ »t cetem ony , the Billi •!•*

b s t of O c t . ready pay of iKl l . -■• Ifcostoniers on short credjt ; U goot bargains, will be I J 4 ,5 IE S P . S511TH. le p l . l« ..l()3 3 . 6 ^ '

_ * O ^ A » ® i %A IS O D Y N B COW*

■iy\n d E ffic ie n t remedy

DIARRHEA. EEAMOBBUSaaihComplaiits generally5 kly l»-5retl\Bd exlensb’*]? iCofrjpluinS d»ring luplete success, it not

i.t^i cure,b8t [eaves3 in a. uaiiral and bealiwy . • ^

p n e is extensively *>ed by a giual number ® -. "

de Physicims in lb** y refereucelo tM bib* •* f ■ ine,

•--'-EoSine ver fail

m l Adults™:s for use,

m edicines ar« - v|

, „ T . a | t f j s ¥ l' w v l w t & x . U < . r , ^

K « " ‘ f t S j ipt. 16, 1833.

h e r e b yi s . . . . . . y , ,u,

, « a te , « the tic* J<:evnf-an ^lefof ^^.P^aecfinl

Eoad, ftpta B»t^atravvamla EmI

D £ l E Y aN S, i i r i s e a n ;


tit A. A K M B W . c l2 Z E R


. >. *•• >■'■■ Vifcr". “ 1

M’'. 0 -


,4 v'»' .■>■ •


Ulied £very Tiietday t '. M ECHA NIC’S H.

BaHvia, Cenesed County:


I Bmal Advertise.m.^,

h a \ 3 o riEFAULT _made HI »he payment of Ei«‘W n d

M P i l U X ' o r . ' T H E T I l U E S

■ P M O P L E 'S P i t E S S



-*«- •

'> ; ■

ih n heJli* Bl»l‘4en eentl, .Uy of IVcernbor, O ^ W

I L |p,...lrcd HOd lico '.lu-tlii Ut<* potveruf sale, in ilus let

Kliih.* Co'i'i'v of Genesee, mi th|wvel O v :.f tveenihe- in the year ,1% -% al!,vI;,.l- P M., m l-i>*er one «*f M otfpgei '=»of 4d c>ir —«!i»o‘!ited by William > i (be

,tor base in the CoutiJ.SIoD en

,B Y % r e d E R IC K F O L L E T T ;] feA T A V IA , N O V E M B E R 2 6 , i 8 3 3 i [VoL. 4 .- -No. 11.---NE#^^SERlESi

‘4 A U L T having b e ^e ill the payment of ibe sum of

ihoui^d 6ve bundred one dollars end foutfeuts, secured by, and this day due

en’iire of raoitgage, bearing.datennst cfMarbbylo the year 1817# and re*

coritid to jlther w*ith the pow er o f sale, <m'•.to b-rver I’haips and LendOiel u |jW «n , d a ib f May, 1817, in Liber three o fle ' / 0 tiiii io, of all tfiel page 239, in the Clerks Office•lO- ('.111.I ■■ ■ . - ....... . *1-1 o,.•ri f-I in J 'I'lM!” in Township wt®.''?*

c, '..,!■ :. ,i ,- wu:.- of TovvHship?'^® ®liCoun'.Vot Genesee (io xvit :)

oi.iuilnii.- Ihree hundred Eves und hiiy - ev. n Ininriredib f t ««

fcn-! V

ml G ^esei^C oim tyi E*«feuted by Leman i^tUestdver.of $heldon, in Genesee CounIy, to L|mi4t Chimnan, describing part of Lot Nuiabyr nine,(in Township number nine, in tlitilliird Range of Townships of the Holland Laptl Gmnpaiiy’s Lands; bounded East on

,,jgicrh!etin hundieths of an acrej rat Jhy.ii:!, iiHil tothe allotment of said toayn Iv Fhirtti Warner, which said morlgage, ;V:, davof .June 1807 was assigb|d Ln-ferH'i-v thf* said Oliver Phelps

uiih.mW dlii.lc, T O eri diPii, Ifeudrik VoUenhoyen and-Klft*

>i..i-i;:n.ii.>!tjenuifiok their executCU*

niidis d h 'o t .M ao e , , , . r n. ' "4’®* distance therefrom ifs shall[(.(uicunm^ three btini ^ . .„r -Untdin|ne hundred acres—Also part of Lot

iiMnoer^mn in the same Township, b o u n ^ d South ani| East by the lines of the said L o t: North and W'e-t by lines parallel to the South and East fines, and one hundred and twenty Buds distant therefrom, containing ninety acres; and aboanother piece of Land, lieiiig part <»f Jjot nninher seventeen, in Township PJlinoer nine, the loiirlh Range of said TdWiislups,-bounded one liundredand Uven- ly^Rods uju tb“- EhsI, line, and North one bun- dt%d libd.tbirity Ihreh Rods and one Uiiid of a RudT dttfib® noilbRne ofsaid Lot West and Soutb lilies p»i|iltel with the East and Norllx li|ies of said lb l; containing one hiiii

•dredacr^s—and whi^h said iMorigage on the ^rst ^ny pt Pecemlie^, in fheyear 1820, was ^ssigbed and fransfci'lped by tlie said Lemuel

Ihipman to Wilhem AVillink, Hendrick Vol- ^n hoyetiand RWger.^n Schimmelpenninck, liViry eiecutor|,)adni|nisiralors and assigns, •»u whlcli^atd it^rtga^e by other assignment-; liAtraiisfeifa'bainbeen assigned to the sub

‘ erswwhp areflie a's3ignees‘ajid owners ot

t K g x v i r t u 4 " o f a n o r d e r o r d e -c re e o f sale m ade by Ebenezer Mix

Surrogate of the county Of Genesee, on llie . . . . . _14th day of October, A.O. 1833, the subscri­bers BieOutors of Ule last will and testament of Barns Loring,lafe pClhe town of Bergen in said county of O e n c i^ d eceased , wiilseil at public ven.duc, o n S ^ jird a y the 7ih day <»f

I E W E L -% F R Z .M T LIT A - E Y aOsODS, andW a t c h J l . - S ,

December nhxt at ten*o’clock in the fore-

' t w Ollier as^gnmanfs and tranafprse],a/ognedio the Sul.scribers w lioarf

mvner> thereof— ^Noiweis Je here-i.V given that by virtue of «he contained in the said mortgage and oH ascvei«la^i^i?»‘06nts and in pursuance Siatitesiu such case raade «nd pro-

> Will hes'iM public auction at the House in Balavia in the said County of eeoiiilie fourteenth day of December . 10 o'einck in the forenoon “ the west thesud Lot number fifieen,'* bounded as s, IVesl by Lot nuuifier 23, sixly-iwo • Norjh tiy a road one chain wide, 24 '27 links; East by a lin e parallel to

It niP"* nnict! buiiiKiary' sixty-ons chains ;wo lin<s ami 8o^itl,^by lut- number 7

four chains seven links con*one hiJH'ired and fittv Acres.

B(J, June, 18th. 1833Wilhm Willinict JvWalrm'e Van H&vkelomf

Klclwfaas 'Van Beeftingky Jan Van EegJi«n,

^Vilhem Willinki Junior, 4.- peml ^hitnmdpenninck Rutger Jai^s son .Chan’dkcr AtTy. 41

i l F A U L T having beenI niade in the payment of the sum of liiudred eiJ;h» dollars and forty nine ^enis, sei uivd by and this day due upon

ienture of Mortgage, bearing dafe/the |h day of June, in the year 1817, and re- n together with the pow»*r o f sale in the is Ortite of the County of Genesee, on Inth day of June in the year 1817, at on» |k P M. in Libur three of Mortgages, at Jo7d, excelled bv David llenniun of |m in liie said County of Genesee to tel ChiiKumi ofBichmoad in Hm comity farin, of all thU certain parcel ot Land,

n Sheldon aforesaid, being part of lot p; thirty five in Towuship number nine Ifourfb range ot Townships on the Hoi ’orchase so called , boucided as follows,

,st and North by tUetiimsof said lo t-- |o« tb® land co'jveyed fo Jam es VVard, id Lemuel C'uipJrtHn, auuSouibby a line

to th<‘ ''•orth tine of «|iid lot and such )r.c therefroiu as will coif ainsevenlj’ four

'td fifty iitnp hi'.iidre'lpsof an acre. |vh:. h said Mortgageo| the first day of Irnbepin the year eigfilfen hundred and |iy, was assi.:ned and (pn«ferred by the ^Lemuel Chit.mao t ) fvilhem Wil ink,

■ Vo!>er»h'>ven aiid lutgBrJan Sehim .enninck, their execufjirs. odroinisfrators .assigns— And which-ail Mortgage by otli Iftiioments and traiisfeis lias been assigns

Jo the subscrifiers whJare the assignee- iowiiers of the same 4 — Notice is there

hmviiy given, that byjvirtueofihe ptiwer lamed in the said Mot^ag*^ and of the said £fnl assignments, and [rursuance of the pites in such case provmed, tll,P Said mort^ id premises will be - f d at pfiblic auction le Court Hotise in |a fa v ia | in the said nty of Genesee, o rffbn second day of r. next, at JO o’etocif in ILlie forenoon- -pd M»y 2 1 ,1833. '

JPUlinkyIVdmm P^ Heukchnij JVtp^/|(|l Yan Beeftinghj

10game, polftais iben ||)re hereby given.

V ^ u en f illipower contained in the said ^ ofA# sfljid several.^signn.enti*.

d ^ pui^miibceW^ in such caseBed Cbe'iaidiindrigaged premises will be

?frf®ptibfiC Auioon at the court House in 5 ill the t^fdi'Oiipty of Genesee, on tiu


W U li^ \Ytlltnk,Walraw Ia n Heukelom, N icoiaa^an Becfiingb,Jan Vai Seghen, WilhPiraratliiik, Junior,Gerrit % l^m ei|m nn inck

nm ^ iinne t^iflj-oupty 01 g t b ^ ^ *»f JApfitty next, a t 10 o’clock in p ie fce itoorii r |

iikut|er, Ja n ’s Son.

{handler, AUnt iliev.

C. R E Y E S is now receiving from New York andJPbiladel phia, m SPR IN G

noon, on the premises hereinafter described, j SU PPLY . He offers for sale— nil Ibe right and litle whereof the suid B;miS Gfold and Silver Patent Lever Watches,Lairing died seized, of, in ami to that certain Alarm, repeating, Lapine, Englfsh, Swiss, Fine' ■ farm or lot of l^md lying and being in said „ <^uartierand common Erech do. town of Bergen, known and distinguLhed as ^ Seals & Keys of every description, the south part o flo t eleven In the eighih sec- and gilt curb W atch Chains,tion of township number two of the Triangu- Cufb and cable neck chains for Ladies, lar 'T ract-Beginning a t the southeast corner-j Filigre and Solid seals and keys for do of said lot and I'unniiig Wdfsl on the south line Topaz, cameo, amethist, mosaic, pearl, cor- fhereof seventy one chains fifty links lo the nelion. co^knet, paste, all gold & giR southwest corner thereof-*-!hence running ' L A R RiNGfe north on the West line of said lot so far that by running east bounding on David P. Peters . ,land lo the eastern bounds of said L»t ami _ . find gilt riiN , - * , jIbence soulhsi lv along the west bounds of a Diamond, pearl, {ramet, topaz, jet, chas'd and nighway to the place of beginning it shall , , piam gold finger rings, conlainsevenly acres. On whiab fil'in ihera pe?rl. and garnet, plain gold,gilt ami pasteis about thirty five acres cleared and fenced, . . , , . . „ u jone small far^m house a 30 by 40 feej, frame j barn and small orchard.

Pearl, amethist, coral, corneliyefn, jet, topaz, gar­net, cameo, Hligrc, paste, plain, gold


October 14, 1833

niustard Spoon S, ^Sugar tongs do* Soup ladles do.All silver and plated butter knives,Plated decanter labels, ,PMed, brass^ high and flat candlesticks,

do. Snuffers and trays, common do.Plated and horn goggles with white and green Glasses,Plated Castors, fruit dishes do.

T W X J T I C T j lb h e r e u y g - iv c ii t oall persons having claims against the _____ ___ __ _______ _ ^

estate ofOliver Wilcox, late of the town of Ba- j All silVercoffin P a t e s , ^county ot Genesee, dece sed, to All silver, plated, fine steel and commo^double

e.xhibit the same with the vouchers thereof, to I and single ey’d spectacles, with white,the subscriber, executor of the said estate, j green, blue, purple and gray glasses,at the Store of Chatfield & Ti-idale ia the Vi!- ^op, and open top tiiiiubleslage of Batavia, on or before the 13th ot Nov. j gfeej and gilt top do.

H E N R Y T ISD A L E Mayll9v 18.33.

Executor.All silver, plated &, gilt ever'pointed pencils, Leads ofall sizes for do.Silver and plated tape neadles, do. tooth picks, Britannia coffije, tea, sugar & Cream pots, Toitois shell front, brxk and tleck combs, Horn do. with carv’d tops.Ivory, shell and pearl pocket tto.

Gerdt Sckimrntfp ). H.CHANDLKtt,

Junior, knitick Rutger Jan'nson

6m 13.

E F A l l S t T h a v i n g b e e nmade in of the sum ..f

|o hundred and fcir%thvee d«|J«rs and fifiy lo venis, now (^imed lb be diic upon a cer- ftn Indenlui-e oTOrrtgage, executed on the i>»n!ycighth. daf#A«Ra=it,in the year of our ,^rd On^tb^^SaMdigbl hundred and twenty fi^«,by Harriet his wifeFthoTOwri^f county of Gene-fe^and SritittJffeviJ Yo*k,to Moses Rowe K ihe sarlb p l ^ w b i r h said Mortgage is ‘ ?Fd#d county of

of Mortgages at fiage 39. Kotiee i% ih e r f te h e re b y given, that by vir- |a iif of 4 contained in said

t |ig g o f tbeS t at nte, theFiniws desfebedl in said Mortgage viz., aft

iM certainM »fJan.dsU upie, lyingand be- Im w the Hfiddlebury, county o f)

iG en esee t ,beinga part ofI to U N o ib the second sec-tlion ofaaUy& feH t^eC^^^ *0 EUiCOtTs |s a i4 fc ¥ ,» h M |ib ! j^ 5 *b»9ws t^B egim ug inl lh i e^atreffif J# b » g b w a y , at the north east |#tiniCrof five; 4*lience South forty|Bhie five chains to a slakejiTriifcaca sM Kilibrty one degrees, west two

Thence Norlb forty nin^ cliaios to the centre o f the.

T O filougsaid highway. South ^.fotrlY e j e ' t 1 wo chaiiisj to the place

lif one acre o f Land.Land bounded* as follows :—

*' South west corner of Villagethe South side of the high-

'* itl Fj^liiog t>ne rod In t he dtrefctidn f'{ fSelMiiKbCl^|l Lut; Theucein a line jmranel

l ^ l y line of Yilhige iQt No- one, ^ Cutir, nnUUl strikes the before

I pMiise?, be the same mbfe o r fess,JdltGiubUc vendpe,,at the Mansion.

E p f by Jam es Holdem in the *»iOl wyomlitg.ift the ebnnty of Genesee, 1k* lh iri|e lbd% « f t^mabOr next, at ten

m ROWE,fcr BEINNER, hi* Attorney.

A U L ' l ’ h a v i n g ’ b e e ninale in the payi^erit of a certain sum

o f n^Oitey lecured to be p.iid by an indeu ,u rrto l.M m gage |>ear Dg date the twenty thir^djtW 0 ; |u n e . tn the year o f our Lord, one tbuWicfe,vi^ht hundred and th irty ; Bxt^coM -1 4R,ichard D . VV. G ladd ing of ihti town Alejj^dndef, county o f G e

fl ate New Y ork , to Ira R|X E ry i^I^dgett, o f the lowrre county ara \ d |‘i*‘esaid, and by the paid R ix '^ d \.^ o d g e tt , assigned to on , H arvy ♦!Se'|uair'*of J^iid town o f A lexan ­der, and b4lle said; H arvey Seym our, assigned tdEni' ty B h d g e tt of said town, who is the lo b o w n ^ and holder o f said Vlortgage,4vhoh: said M ortgage and power o f i«e l^iei'pin^contained, having been reconf^ i ith e G letk’s office in and f i r the co il,^ o’0 e n f |e e , in L iber nine of M uitgag«|i a t i i ^ e —and on which^there is t iaiiied h I c m p a t the tim e of the first puhwftioj o f this notice, $193,49 cents o f p<tjp|i|)ii;v and in tfre s f . N o ­tice is tbeieffkie iv en , th a t by v irtue o f a pow er of the said M ortgage,contained anl pqrsmnt to the S ta tu te s in such case,m iffle^d provided. I shall sell a t public ve|du(;^Jlo the h ighest bid dcr,!it lhe"htiive;|f B lrdeley and T h o m p ­son, in the vilagj^of |lex an d er and coun ty aforesaid, ai||iite t | | i i e t h day o f Jan - ua iy next, betvd^h th i|io u rs o f one and two o’clock in tbb aft^noon o f th a t day, thf’ prem ises in t|fe afilesaid, Mortga'ffO, m entioned and l^ C ftb a thereto , as “ all that certain trac r t l4nmsU&ate, lying & being in the towi tfA le x in ^ counly of G enesee, iillle StM^ of N . Y ork ; being part or par‘# |a f a « r t a |^ tow nsbii which on a map (C^rvey Vf divers trac ts or tow nships of la i i m adl thy Hoi land Land C om pinl by i ^ e p h JEff*icotl Surveyor, is d isM t|ished \iy *J^iC)#nShip N o. eleven, in i h t ' w i c o n d ' f t f ' Mill tow nship , and w h h ||a id lr*rf o f lAnd on a certain o ther nHj or s i

t;iKSE3EE t >tUNTV, JSurrogate's O ffice v

l l l ' O T I C E i s h e r e b y g 'iv e n ,I . la. . * - . / • ^ . f AVA/* Vj S7riXS*J. ailLi L/tiXAlJ pW,XVX-.l. UX»that a portion of ihe money arising; Wood and Horn Dressing do.. W allets,

irora the sale of the real estate of whu h Ji»bn pj^g ^nd common pocket and pen knives, C. Park died seized, has been l»rougiit into this j plated and black hooks and eyes, office, *nd wiit be dbtributed among the Plated hooks and ri gs, sun glasses, creditor* of suid esinte in the oluce aforesaid j sjef.} and morocco spectacle cases, on Monday the ninth day of December next, Razors and Straps (a fine article,) lU one o ’clock in the Hflern-um. Lather brushes and boxes,

EBENEZLR MiX, Surrogate. Plain arid cut seed and "iltbeads, wax do. Batavia, Oct. 21 1813___________________Scissors, dog collars, fish lines and hooks,

IS D Q T O 'l'l G l i i i s llE T C bv ti-iv e il1 ^ . ,. .. '■ .,, , / ♦ Pocket compasses, steel rfnd wooden busks,

» 'ie.o_rnadel.. -.eiag- Tooth I,rushes, toy vvatclieS,..'a tu reofth is stato, ,.t the next session heieol,for the passage of'an act o .neorporati.m to „.atch do., watch bo.xcs,construct. Rail Road, frorn and eonmg.lmgWith, the Tonnawanda Rad Road, at Bata, i ja h brushes, battle doors and birds, via. m thecounty of Geticsec, to tlio city ol Buf- j„,_ ^ja^ds, spy glasses,falo, m the countv of Lnc< i _ . . > r j


. T H O S C. LOVE.August 19, 4933. _ _ _ _


X L i r £ l A £ X t S P O S X ^ O K V ,T i a n r x a v o x . t r s a u .

(First, Netb Series) Enlarged and Im­proved ;

Devoted to polite Literature, such as Mor­al and Sentimental Tales, Biography, 'Travel ing Sketches, notices of new Publications, Poetry# Arousing Miscellany, Humorous and Historical Aoecdote.«, &.c. he.

On Saturday, fheSlh of June, 1833, will issued the fitsl number of a new series o{ theRural RRrosiTORY

On issuing proptosals for the len lh vol­ume, (First new series) of Ibe Repository, the poblish*er tenders his most sincere ackovvl- edgements to all Contributors, Agents and 3iib.sCribers, for the liberal suf)port wliich has induced him to offer ^lo bis patrons and the public generally, an enlarged and improved sheet at the same low and convenient rate as heretofore, which he does in thefuHe,st confi

Pocket pistols, Henrings fk, Son’s bead and . sewing needles.

Cigar cases, moriairand velvet bracelets,Fancy playing cards, bead bags,Read," silk, velvet, and leatlier purses,W atch nbou, fancy soap,W ax, wood and paper dolls, with moving eyes, Doll heads, 200 differ’nt kinds children’s tois, and a areat variety of other articles not men­tioned, for fear the columns of this sheet would not contain them.

L A ^ M P S .A s t r a l , H u l l , S t a n d , S u s p e n d i n g

a n d S i d e L a m p s ,Wicks and Glasses fo r do.

M I L I T A S . Z G O O D S ,---------also such--------- ^

Gilt, Bras.s and Iron Scibbard SW ORDS,

Plated, gilt &. brass mount’d do. Sword belts & plates.Chains do., horseman’s pistols, Plated and gilt ball buttons. Infantry, Artiller y and Rifle coa

and Vest do.W hite and V'ellovv spurs.

U m s i ^ ' J K I t M t t i i f i& o s r s ,

D & W OODS, S ^ E STU F F ^^^c.■ C O T E S >& S J E ^ T E R ,

jk R E rece iv in g th e ir S p rin g supp lies , and now offer as i^ iv t^ rsa l an a sso rts

m en t o f a r t ic le s in th e ir line7 s s cain be found in any shop in th e co u n try . ** <

-------among w h ic h a r e —P la s te rs o f a ll k in d s, A n tim ony , A n n a tlo , E x tra c ts o f H yose iam usi A lcohol, C a lom el, C a n th a ri^ e s ,J a la p , R ose W a te r , A qua F o rtis# * A cids,-of all k in d s, B orax^jB ed P ahS j B o ttles and V |a ls , J*oland iStarch E m e tic T a r ta r , T a r ta r ic A c id , T a m a rin d s , C asto r O il,C ro ton 8i O liv e O il ,A ll k inds o f E ssen tia l O ils ,C a th e te rs , S ilv e r and E lastifc C rocus M arlis, C o ch in ea l,CoccLiliis Ihd icus, C austic lu n a r & com . W h ite w a x l^ o n c e rv e o f roses C a rb o n a te o f iron , E th io p ’s m in e ra l GRllfluts,4&Iue, Ich thyoco la , S ab in a , M apim , iSux V om ica, Tooth lu s t ’s, Ip ecac , R h u b a rd , B alsam s o f a ll k in d s, B lue w hile V itrio l, P e ru v ian , W in te r% '^ in n a m o n , A iigustu ra , S im i|;6ubjf,& C sca rilla B a rk s ,C retfni T a t t ^ C a s to r, M usk,E ng lish ’ M qsl’d seed , E n s . V en eris , E m ery , E th b r , A ntripl, F lo ’s, B e n zo in , S o d a St S e id litz P o w d e rs , V a le rian , S e n e k a , R ed and w hile p rec ip ita te . P hosphorus, Q u ass ia , C olom bo, S p ig e lia , G en tian , C u rcu m a, S c illa , H ellebore , S e rp . V irg. rhei gaffengtal, C o lch icum , R esin , S a rsa p a rilla ,R ed Sander.*. V enice T u rp e n tin e

' C opal, S h e llac , A loes, G am boge, Myrrh., A rab ic , C am p h o r,O p iu m , K in o ,

G lM fSr, ^ fG a lb a n u m , A m m oniac,T r a g ^ a n ih . T h u s , G u iac ,

O M astic, F o e tid e ,* ( E la s tic , S cam m ony ,

L a n e t t s a cases, M agnesia, N u tm egs S u rg e o n ’s N eedles, T ro ca rs ,S y ringes o f all k inds, B reas t Pipe.* S tra m o n ia , C icu ta , L iquorice , &5c. F low ers o f Z in c , Chamonri^Ie, S e n n a j R osem ary &5c. D ig ita lis ,Io d in e , Ind igo , Indelib le In k ,E psom G lauber S a lts ,S u rg ica l Instrum ents, S u lp b . Q u in in e , M ace, C ay en n e Pepper G inger R oo t, N jtre , R o ch elle , S oda ,

S u cc in , T a r ta r , M artis and A bsyftth S a lts S u lp h u r, S ea lin g W ax ,C astile and W indsor Soap , C ardam om , A nise, C olchicum Si F d e n e g re S e e d s , S ago , S perm aceti,S p t. n itre U Lavender, S p o n g e , s ta rch , Snh . C arb . Soda, T a p e rs , S m alts , W afers, T ap io ca , A ce ta te M orph ine , 3eed -lac , Satidarac ,M accassar O il, Sallrid O il ,L em on Syrrup , &ic. Sic.


_ __

- j u s t '

for G o M « p * S I # # Potand Pearl As1»S^*itajM«»K5».;^^■ Ttiose indeblear* f t ^ ; - ? # P j ^ ; « ^ rice past cue, are requeste^il* # ! ^

Ihisrc^ite^ Will pell, them :reluctaHceto ,pHt5ni>perrilSQa'a iririreri^

Batavia Aug. 8 1 ,1833ii .

N e w J B s t a h l i a l w f l i e n i . If j T I H ^ f e u b s c r i b t e 'J B - hs9 purchased the e jitjrf

stock ofifiard-W are belongio§ to the late A. BuFl, deceased, end fs now receiving a la^ge and splendid addilioo, which

makes bis stock as complete as a tliiiy Estjaib- tishment In ihe^^^lerD counfrj^,andbe wotlld cheerfully invite the patrons o f A. Bull, and (he public in general, to call and examine ibis s t o ^ and prices f as he is determined to sell as cheap as the cheapest for Cash or approved credit. His slock consists of *

Old sable, swede§ a^d English bar Iron# ^Sbeel Iron, brazier’s rods, hoop &;baod Iron ’ American, German, English blistered^ &n<t.,

Sanderson h C o’s cast steel#ANVILS and VICES# ,3d, 4d, qd, 8d, lOd, 12d, 20d, SOd, CtJT

NAILS, (flat gripi a superior artipliCi) Bar and sheet Lead# block tin and zink. Shot, and the best Canister Powder# , Flints, superior TABLE CU'fLERY, bfiV#

ery discriptioi^Carving knives and forks, and steel?> Butcher knives, bread knives, shoe kn^Tii Pocket feutlery of ever^ description}Razors, with and without cases*Shears and Scissors# , jBrass ware of ail kinds for Cabinet Wnrfp Also a quantity of Glass Knobs, and ^

Furniture used by Cabinet makeicilt Butts, from 1 2 inch to 5 inches,Also, square Bu|is, door bandlei^Knob and closeCLocks#Knob latches, Wood Locks,Mortise Locks of all kinds,- Janp»nnedtin ware o f at I ,kinds,A splendid assortment ot Brass Aodirqni^

^^Sboveis and Tongs, Fenders and Bell(|iW Saw Mill, Cross Gut and baud Saws.

—Just receiving, also, a quantity o f AJbilliDir iJO INER’S TO O LS,

A large assortment of , ..


Glass of all kinds Rop%&. Bed Cords,


Metalic Pumps, tog-ethepr wUh Lead Pipe, for the same,

Sleigh Beils, Trace Chains, Coil Chain, an^ otber articles too numerous to mention.

All of which he will sell, wholesale or retail^ at prices to suit purchasers. Also, Bush’s su­perior Cast Steel Axes, single or by the dojz-

Also, Guile and Hawk’s superior COO^Tr»r»T c <

\ r -



Batavia, Nov. 10, 1832.L. Baiter.

n lH

Sw'ord swivals, holster tips, . . ' _ “ ifle

Horsemen’s cap plates,Intantry, Artillery, Rifle’ a?d

Y 'hite & ytllow plume sockrts, do. Eagles,

Priming wires and brushes. Copper Powder Flask^Shot belts, percusion Jhps,

„ Buckskin sword casAW hite, red, green 4 black 12,16

— - 18, 20 & 22 plumes,W hite, red, green, blue & black^hathers,

W ith red tops,dunce of meeting in an increased imtronage 1 »v itu icu lopa,a!i rem n n ia tio n for bl, coo fob.d f , .

«™ c7w l7om pr„l’o n , ' 'a ^ r vie To " ^ T P i u l i o r r ’

^ e l S t l i S o t width.,

town^h^ip'h ito B fxiijiand L%^ in td e 'f b rpV o f ekid which has stood the test of years, would seem

superfluous, be will therefore only sa ’ that no inariv JJQP expense, consistent with a reasona-

the said Holland Lffli' Coinijj^ny, by the compense.tion for his-labor, shall be spar- said’ .loseph Fillicorai disliifeuisbed by I promote their gratification hy its furtherbeing part of Lot NT^three, n the tenifi | improvement? tijjid that original contributions section of said T o 4 |n ip , and bofttided from aW^Wltiiery,iand choire Selections from as f lo w 's :—Beginivlt nt. a-pist on the 1-iliG Nrt'l|tirto4icGlltj both Eijrop»*an and A- Bou.hevn b^unds-oftfetate ro.d ; ihende pab-

bounds o f Sliubaril \y|r^’s lafid# % south west corner th r|sii

I Wt

W hite and YellowA^ord.

Vibliricellos, V76jmS from $2 to §40,Violin and vioiipello bows,Common and/ory ttpt D Flutes,E F G & ^ ta v e do.,Ivory & Wca tipt 8 brass & silver key’d do. C la n o rA Plagediefs,' C & B Fifes,Kent cormnoii bugles^ Post Hom s, H u n ^ g horns# harmonicas,S h ^an d tin tousick boxes,

viol, violiVi and guitar strings, gle mouth pieces, violii|tail piecs & screws,

Lefined rosSin, clarionet reeds, bow hair,seventy five degrvesi tlirdb | ges. It will be printed ill handsome style, on R efined rosgin,clanonet reeds, bow hair,tw en ty tw o links, Stake with ;{ Medium paper of n superior quality, V*ohn^^o^mitefio, kent^^^

iegtees, eat# four ................................... ..... « » - -iheiice north H n e w j aegtees, eai chains, llIX « fU uW hd a post o r t i y sdttfifffriiMjriuii jo f iH i f c u te r u a i r thipnee shiitli «evthny ftvig^dii[c»»5| e a i t dri thfr f(Hith^rn botfiidf # tS ^ ta t e

-ro id . tf»T«U chains, iweifo Ikro Hhtll to lips p laco o f beginning; | |n t a i m n ^ f n e

five te iu b to f an ^ti;e, b e th e s in c niorc or l e s a :~ to g e tb e r » ih (Tiffar th e liereditam ent^ liM IjpItStet

■ * ’ insT’cce tht^ref GT beloqgi Dotted A ugust ]3 , IH

EiioRY B lodgi A M E l lY T H O ^ A l

' -k-:mi0t$-

]i 0 hereby given, thatwill be made to (be Legis-

k ^ a fe for an act iocrefl.;!n|^ the Bank o f Genesee One


I'-ilm m -



fully inform th e pubhcY ^ P rm te r r in th e western Upp»*rCanada, th a t th e^ l m anufaqluie o f PR IN ^M f^i establishm ent a t WateiT'fb every variety o f In k , J<hi as well as M r.T tieM uJpda /ourm ^* a t the lead ing pajiers h i th e red w ith 1 nK from ih e ir Factd^ th ink i h t t w i i f r w t j 'w h t f h : i t e ’- W tf#'1 ^ ',

■■“’-j:- . •-y „

new bourgeois and brevier type, eai li nu ii/ her containing al least one quarter more ny - ter than Heretofore; m nkins, at the enjjfrO' llie year, a neat and tasteful volume, Ibe/^n- lenls of which will be both arousing m- Atuctive to youth in future years. /

n ? ]Q ii^ ||||5 * —The Tenth Vulun^» (First new series^'''*'* commence on

; June neJEt, at the low rate ot anniiDE in advance, or One ^ fh flyCentt, a t the expiratidh of ihr^m^^nibs from theTitne of sabscribing. A x f person, who Will remit os Five D ollars^ee of postage, shall receive xix copies, a i#any person, who Wni remit n sT ew D olla rt/ee receive Im lv t copies a #Ninth volume. oyN ^ubscrip tioua receiv-

for less than voriTwo«jT.«f qnbser’iii rs with the amount of

iLfiaVoon after as c /^ e n w n t, tp hejuiblisher,is\oon after as LIAM B. STODDARD. Witt/, 18.33*.

j& t tb e f


►TICE is borefcyapplicatioirwili be made to4heLe;g-?

aaStjite, at the nex^ session fiiBrcr bsage of an act iricorporafihg aSeated iff ike x’lllajSe qf Batfi'Oia, to

i f F irm e tt tb d Meeiianics Bank pt p ftw o htindfed tbeca

net. fife, flute & drum preceptors, do. For extra key’d flutes,

A "variety of Piano Forte Musick,T im e pieces, Curtis &. Daiming’a celebrated

eight daJy tim e pieces,German and alabaster, box and pillar do.One wooden clock vVnth high cherry case (cheap)A variety of flower vases a id tumblers,A good Ss-sortment of watch materials will be

kept constantly on hand, such as W hite and colored lunett watch glasses,Fl.at, round and patent do.China and stone M%tch dials,Mainsprings, verged, gilt, steel ficgold watcH

hands,Aijd all other articles necessary for repairing watches ant^ time pieces. Gold and Silver worked to order.- |C3=’Clocks and W atches of different kinds ciCTefully cleanei|;and repaired. ^,^’*‘OLD GOLD and SILV ER taken in ex­change for Goods# or monev.

A L O T T E R YW ill draw every week^ W ednesday, through out the year. A fresh supply of Tickets will be received and for ale i» all tifie New York Lot­teries, managed by Y ates £c M clhtvre. T ick­ets varying frQJ§i.3;|o $20 each w eek^^G A S tiL i d fbr P R I ^ S a t all times, f t

H u ll’s T r u s s e s ,A G R E A T V A R I E T Y O E

T a teu t ^ le A lc in e s ,--------- S U C H A S ----------

L a/not’s and A n d erso n ’s ( ^ u g h D ro p s O podeldoc B ritish O il,T ro inatic &,'C ep h a lic S n u ff,B alsam o f L ife , Harlaem O il,L ees’, H ooper’^, D avenpo rt’s A n d erso n ’s

Ja m e s ’, T h a y e r’s and o th er P ills , S w a im ’s P an acea , B a te m a n ’s, D ra p s In d ian E x tra c t or P o la d e lp h is ,G odfrey ’s C o rd ia l,F osga te ’s A nodyne C ordittl . T h o m p so n ’s S iD avenport’s E y e W a te r ,

IfH E M T O J^'S 4r Other IT G H OTJSTimEJfT PS efficacious as any th a t can,.be found,

W E L C H A IL D JC A M E N T U M .A lso—‘T h e genu ine , u n ad u lte ra ted , and

o rig ina l G E R M A N ^ Y E W A T E R .A general asso rtm en t o f

Confectionary .S A L J E R A T U S . J V J V B A P A S T E .A la rg e and com plete asso rtm en t o f P a in t

and G ra in in g B rushes.S ash T o o ls , C am e l’s H aifP enQ ils , &[c.

Linseed and Lamp Oils.T u r ^ e u t lu e .

coA R SB « rxxna pa e st t b--------- S U C H A S ----------

W hite Lead, do. ground in O il .Red Lead, Spanish W hite Spruce Yellow, Crome fe llo w ^C rom e G re en , P ru s ian sB lu e C o ch in ea l, C a rm in e ,L a m p B lac k Rose P in k , V en etian R e d ,K in g s YellUw V erm ilio ii, T u rk e y U m ber T e rra D e S ie n n a , Y ellow O c h re V erd ig ris, d istilled and com m on P a in ts in B oxes, G lue , R e s in ,S m alts , L ith a rg e , C o p a l V a rn ish Gold and S ilv e r L e a f G old Si5:e, D r6b Lak^^',S to n e Y ^ b w , S pan ish B row fl.LO G W O O D , N IC A RA G U A , CAAl-

W O O D , F U S T IC , M A D D ER , R E D T A R T A R . Uc,

W e will sell our a rtic les a t ve f^ red u ­ced prices, and iP iend to m e r it a confinfiw ance o f th a t liberal pa tronage w hich we have h ithe rto received from P hysicfp lif T ra d e rs , and th e public in g e n e r a l

B atav ia , Ju ly 2, 1833.__________ ................................ / , J -f 'I

( T ^ r O R P £ m A Z i l 5 S .DR. RELFE S AROAIITICPILJ71S tT A V E been long celebrated as a roost

j T i valuable and effleacious rem edy against those general complaints peculiar to the fe­male portion ofsociety. Theycleansq, purify and promote a free and brisk circuiution oi| thfr blood, when become sluggish and languid from the afflicting aliments fo r which theso Pills are a safe and effectual specific, T hey assist the suspended operations of Ihb $angu- , Iferous system, when nature require^lf, attt£. rectlfy the irregular habits o f the female whose sickly and palid ..coom ebah^ becomes reanimated, and f r e s h e n t^ i i t lS je

tion of ihe heart, bad digeslion,, lodiflm^offobdi paips ofther'stomacli, shortness o f brecdh, apoi| every little motion, sinking ipii'its, attH ifs consequence, a deye^ddislike for exercise and --are equally c o n d i ^ ^ | o ^ j ^ | | i ( | | f eried ladieSj^xcCpr'id'* Cjf*e| o f . -heeffe a i^ ;

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and vapon's^disrirdririi^^ wHo^ n ^ v b u s ^ l i ^ i ^ gDlai&, a idhatu ra and^isuperalbbiiifir o e l ^ n r i h o l y i b a ^ ^ ^the bo # ;, j^inltiiayB^|h»general:

c o m t m p mHair, Bosfp%aad^5(|8^iappoinpaebt^Medicibe|^4?^


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