i and workings bro m bum - library of congress · proving the national ... lunar eclipse the...

THE EVENING TIMES WASHINGTON SATURDAY OCTOBER 18 1902 Fi = WORKERS AND WORKINGS OF THE DEPARTMENTS Secretary Hitchcock to Go to St Louis Preparation of His Annual Report Assistant Secretary Miles Lectures at National University Law School DEPARTMENT Secretary Hitchcock will go to St Louis within a few days preparatory to casting vote at the polls seat mouth days and then return to Washington Reports are now being received by the Secretary from the General Land Office agents and he is accumulating data from correspondence and records with which to begin his annual report to Congress One of the most interesting features of his report will be the chap tfr which concerns the illegal of the public domain in the West and the satisfactory progress that has been made against consolidated cattle and fencing syndicates whose agents are said to have outrageously infringed on the rights of individual farmers by usurping without the slightest claim fertile grazing land for their own greedy purposes and defied the authorized agents of the department when notices were served on them to vacate Acres and acres of this land were evacuated in the past summer as a result of the stern action directed by the Secretary along lines formed in his consultations with President Roosevelt last spring The grazing season having closed cattle are aoir being coralled and there are fewer disputes between cattle and sheep men in the West to worry the Secretary Queen LIHuokalanl is still agitating her claim to secure some reimburse- ment for the crown lands she lost when the Hawaiian Islands were annexed to the United States At the last session of Congress there was a bill introduced- in behalf of her highness on these grounds but after short discussion it was removed to the files in the archives of the lupitol to die with hundreds of other appropriation bills More than that there was little favorable comment- on the measure With this in view of the Interior Department who have heard semiofficially that Queen liiliuokalani intends to present a claim to the Secretary for the purpose of hav- ing him recommend to Congress that its payment be authorized emphatically assert that there is no hope for the former queen finding support in her contention unless she has found better foudatiou for her claim than has been published heretofore- W Bertrand Acker chief clerk of the miscellaneous division of the Interior Department made public today the of ficial annual of Major O I Hein Third United States Cavalry act- Ing superintendent of the Yellowstone National ParK It was only six pages long but the paragraphs stretched into chapters would make fine material for an amateur novel about the life on national reserves In the West Troops and F were assigned to duty under Major Hein These troopers traveled aboiy mil s in th r searches for sportsmen busting ontbe to drive sheep and cattle out of the park and to extinguish numbers of forest fires that were discovered last year These fires are believed to have been of incendiary origin Eight bands of sheep numbering 22000 head and several hundred horses and cattle were driven beyond the park limits Forty six rifles twentythree shotguns and seventeen revolvers were taken from un lawful hunters Major Hein reports that the streams abound with fish and also that there have heen many applications from private corporations for permis sion to make surveys in the park for establishing hydraulic plants to gen- erate electric currents to be aced by railways and lighting companies in cities fifty to two hundred miles away Thomas Ryan First Assistant Secre- tary of the Interior Department has gone to his home in Kansas where he will probably make several stump speeches After voting he will return to Washington TREASURY DEPARTMENT Milton E Ailes Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Department has accepted- an invitation to a series of lec- tures at the National University Law School in the city He wil six consecutive addresses to the students on the Jurisdiction and practice of the Unl ted States Treasury Department en titled The Treasury Department Its Scope and Organization The Collec tion Management Custody and Dis- bursement of the Revenue System The Jurisdiction of the Comptroller of Currency Jur isdiction of the Auditors of the Treas- ury and The National Banking Sys tern Prof Ailes lectures at this in Etitntion last year were instructive and entertaining With other YantgjMw two came to Washington to attend Grand Army encampment whose experi- ence stilt tb subject f reference by people in offices on the north side of the Treasury Department Prew ably they ware man and wife They walked side by side from the corner pot t Fifteenth Street and Pennsylvania to the wide steps leading to the north en- trance of the building All toe way the woman hobbled as if she club- footed Reaching the stony st ps lay INTERIOR hi He will away only two or three i occupa- tion I I report E delayer make The the th Is he I remain t of- ficials c 4514 unlawfully re- serve Ac- counting per were soar a ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ down and began to cry Squeezing her feet she appealed to her companion for assistance He removed the shoe first and then the other one With tho two and new highheeled and scalloped the man with reddened face walked to the oldtime fountain in the center of the entrance way and soaked the shoes in the basin that was nearly filled by the sprinkliu and water He returned to the suffer- ing woman She pulled one shoe on then screamed The man showed signs of anger and exclaimed well The Hale woman stretched her less from undr her skirts and ran with short steps to the basin where she dipped in her stockingcovered feet first one and then the other She returned to her husband who held the stores Each tried hard 10 get the wet feet in wet shoes Policemen who had noticed the government fountain put to such a pe- culiar use turned their backs on the scene faces beamed with smiles In the Treasury windows and alas they went away the man grumbling Ill never buy you another pair of new shoes nor take you to a G A R encampment again Horace A one of the Assistant Secretaries of the Treasury Department has been informed by the health depart- ment of New York city that some new provision must be made for taking care of immigrants afflicted with contagious diseases Such cases heretofore have been treated by the city board of health But its hospital is overcrowded Mr Taylor intends to go to New York within- a short time to hunt a suitable location for a hospital for this class of immi- grants W W Brown Auditor of the Navy Department has gone to his home at Bradford Pa for a vacation Letters have been received at the de partment within the past two days from Colonel Ewing deputy auditor of Navy Department saying that he is more rapidly and expects now to return to the department within two weeks Major William Howard Mills of ths office of the navy pay and aliottmeat divisicn has secured a vacation ia which time he will attend the meet ings of the executive committee of the local Grand Army Corps in connection with the finances of the reception In the temporary absence of D W Harrington chief of the division of gen eral accounts Sherman Platt is acting chief clerk Secretary Shaw has appointed a cone mission to select a site for a new ma rine hospital at Pittsburg including Dr L L Williams assistant surgeon of the marine hospital service the collector of customs at Pittsburg and B F Whoa ton assistant chief at division of engineering and rafting R S Person Auditor of the Interior Department has gone to South Dakota- to vote Warren S Bickford has received permanent appointment as electrical draftsman after having served his six months probation satisfactorily Victor Lyle of the Treasury Depart meat is III at the Providence Hospital MUSEUM The head curators of the National are constructing exhibits for the St Louis Exposition The Gov- ernment building in St Louis is the largest exhibition building ever erected for similar purposes being S90 feet long and 175 deep It Is estimated that the building will cost 456 ftW Notwithstanding the settling of the coal strike Superintendent J E Wat- kins of the National Museum is continu ing his experiments with oil ts a heat ing fluid Mr Watkins is consulting ex- perts from the Standard Oil Company In the hope of securing some plan for prac- tical oil heating burners in case there may be another coal famine CENSUS OFFICE Director Merriam left Washington the first of this week for as official visit to several cities in the South William A Neal Jr of the Census Of- fice will go to Missouri in a few to obtain statistics pertaining to light Jag and power devices He recently re turned from a similar tour in the South POSTOFFICE DEPARTMENT In office of James T Metcalf su perinteadont of the money order divi- sion a letter has been received from the Brazilian postal authorities ex- pressing the desire to enter into an agreement to exchange money orders with this country On the lat of next January the necessary arrangements will have bees made aad the two coun- tries will exchange orders there- after W Ford of appointment di- vision has mrraaged to toile hunting trip within a toys rig shoesshIning the Taylor Mu- seum at work daY the Edgar the few it bubb- ling the im- proving the NATIONAL latency a a ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ m mi M OFFICE None of Those Offered Meet Requirements Postmaster General Payne will In the near future designate an official of the Postoffice Department to go tc New York and look overthe sites for the new in that city which have been offered for sale to the Government The Secretary of the Treasury will also name an official to consider the sites and while the reports of the two inspectors will be made to their re- spective chiefs they will be jointly con- sidered by the commission named by Congress to select the site So far thirteen offers of sites have been re- ceived at the Postoffice Department but inasmuch as none of them was accom- panied by certified checks they are not considered by Treasury officials as being formal offers Nevertheless these sites will be con sidered Ly the Postoffice official as signed to the duty with a view to their adaptability to the needs of the pow York office It is not believed that any of the plots so far tendered meet the re quirements of the proposed new office It Is desired to have a situ which Is bounded by four streets and none of those offered for sale has this advan- tage As a result of this unsatisfactory sit uation the Architect of the Treasury has inserted advertisements in a number of New York papers asking for formal proposals and it is hoped that other offers will be received for sites which have the advantage desired AT ECLIPSE Crater Linne Covered With Hoarfrost CAMBRIDGE Mfss Oct 13 Sub- stantiation of important theories was obtained by Harvards astronomical au- thorities in their observations of th 2 lunar eclipse The observations con- cerned themselves principally with tho crater Linne and were carried on by Prof W H Pickering who carefully measured the area around the crater be- fore and after the eclipse with a mi- crometer and confirmed all his past ob that the bright grew no- ticeably IK area during the time ot maximum darkness For many years It has been noticed that tbe area around Linne has been gradually changing its form and many conjectures as to the reason have been advanced Prof Pickering has alway maintained that the light from the spot Is that of hoarfrost though he has real ized that it may be reflected light The fact that the spot grew perceptibly larger when the suns heat was cut off last night by the interposition of the earth confirms Prof Pickering in his hoarfrost theory He is now practically settled upon that point and hopes with this as a basis to work out a pet theory of his own concerning the earths big satellite What this theory is he wll not say As far as photographs and the making of occultations were concerned the ef torts of Harvards observers were vir tually failures This was due to the clouds which obscured the moon during the critical period of Its full eclipse anj it came as a severe disappointment to the professors engaged in visual anti photographic observation THE PURSUIT OF KLEIN No Further Efforts Will Be Made for His Return BALTIMORE Oct the monthly meeting of the directors of the Mary- land State Hospital for the Insane at Spring Grove yesterday afternoon it was decided that no further tarps shall be- taken to secure return of George KleIn to the institutio- nIt having been decided by the Vir ginia judge said one of the officers of the institution yesterday that the State Maryland cannot compel him to return and the same authority having refused to demand ban for Kleins ap- pearance before the supreme court In- case we should appeal there we concluded that pursuing him further would be simply chasing a shadow It we appealed under present Klein might be In California when the time for trial arrived When the man was acquitted In court here of the charge of murder on the plea of insanity he was sent to this In- stitution that the State of Maryland might be protected from him not b permitted to return and the onds of justice are stilt accomplisher though not in the manner intended His escape wa doubtless deliberately planned and executed by his relatives I SEARCH FOR SITE FOR rest ftke HARVARD DISCOVERIES THE LUNAR spo I OIREGTORS ABANDON 18At the o I ran I serrations circu- mstance 1 e I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ WILL BE End of Coal Strike Difficult Problem- The prospective settlement of tho an- thracite coal strike will it is said at the Navy Department remove an uncer- tainty relative to the naval maneuvers planned for this winter It was feared at one time by the officials at the de- partment that it be necessary to abandon several of the imoprtant prob- lems planned for the Caribbean neuvers because of the shortage in the supply of bituminous coal as a result of the anthracite strike Early last spring Rear Admiral Brad- ford chief of the bureau of equipment of the Navy Department made large con tracts for an adequate supply of coal at normal prices for the navy during the coming winter Recently however sev- eral of the bituminous operators have found it impossible to fulfill their con tracts with the navy A large supply of coal is on hand at Key West and San Juan Porto RIco but this Is hardly sufficient to supply the ordinary needs of the naval vessels in those waters One of the problems planned for the winter maneuvers was the convoying and carrying of coal In colliers from Nor- folk to Culebra Island In the West In dies It was feared that this problem would have to be abandoned but the end of the strike will probably make it pos sible to continue the original TIED IN GlASS BATTLE Rev Smith Roughly Han- dled by Freshmen KANSAS CITY Mo Oct 18 High school students in Argentine a suburb of Kansas City have fought a class bat- tle every day this week The students captured the Rev E B Smith yesterday afternoon tied him to the rail fence and kept him prisoner two hours because he sympathized with the sophomore class in its contests with the other classes The freshmen turned the hose on the sophomores and bound one of them in the manhole of a sewer The battles re- sulted from attempts by the sophomores- to paint their class numerals on the roof of the smelter M ARE IN A Company terday a Coincidence CHICAGO Oct 18 The Incorporation- in Trenton N J yesterday of the United States Packing Company was looked upon in some circles as the nu- cleus around which the great packing concerns of the country were to be gathered into the long foreshadowed meat trust Packers in Chicago were positive antI unequivocal in their denials They were ready to admit that the coincidence of title and time was strange but never theless they pleaded not guilty It is certainly news to me saM J O Armour whose firm was named as the head of the merger and who has been picked according to general report for president If anything is being done on those lines I know nothing about it I do not know whether there was a corporation known as the United States Packing Company Incorporated In New Jersey today said Arthur Meeker of Armour Co When assure 2 there was no mistake about the incorporation of the company Mr Meeker said If such- a concern was incorporated it has noth ing to do with Armour Co or any of Its Interests It may or may not be a bona tide corporation I think I would know if anything of that sort was being done said Manager Connybeare or the Thomas J Lipton Company and I am certain there IK nothing In the story A DISTRESSING ACCIDENT KINGWOOD W Va Oct 18 Ell Moore a prominent farmer was fatally injured and his son Walter was killed by the bursting of an improvised cider mill near yesterday They had taken in old millstone and rigged it up in threshing machine for an apple crusher They attached steam power and the mill revolved so rapidly the stone burst in pieces hitting both men The son was Instantly killed by a piece of stor hitting him on the head and the fattier cannot recover Both were highly In the community NAVAL MANEUVERS t ould ma- l plan PASTORCAPTUREO AND MEAT PAGKERS DENY IncorporatedYes bare a es- teemed ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Lansburgh Bro Special Purchase- of Mens Half Hose Our buyers broom has swept these special lots together 3670 pairs of Full Regularmade Half Hose double heel and toe in unbleachoJ fast black and guaranteed browns and tans Sold regularly at iSc a pair This Sale I2c Pair 2580 pairs of Fine Gauge Fancy Half Hose In all new and pretty effects sizes 9 to 11 Sold regularly at 35c and 25c This Sale I9c Pair 540 pairs Lisle Thread Half Hose con- taining very light weight with very strong thread Just the thing if you re quire thin footwear Here in black and brownThis Sale 25c Pair Mens Department Upper Entrance Lansburgh Brp 420 to 426 Seventh Street FOR THE TOILET f A Most Marvelous Toilet Preparation j Positively does away with the of Dandruff Cures Hair Oils Cosmetics Smlpe Medicinal S and Complexion Remedies A pin but marvelous preparation which p lU baldness dand ruff loss dryness or premature gr yn of the hair the spread ol disease and 7 improve the complexion- i Does its uork instantly A few drops on the hair and a wonder j ful shampoo is instantly produced A few drops on a sponge and you have i a lather for the bath T- i inn lather immediately to actors and actresses for i- j cleaning up after the performance i Cleanses the skin as you never saw it done t j a soap For manicuring put a few drops of Latoflo in the water It softens Slid cleanses the nails For general sanative purposes Latciia 4 is troeqwlcd For affecttens apply a hecny lath of and allow it to remain on it no equal Chafing cured by its ute i Latolia is a perfect flesh food supply i in the oil it demands to prevent dry ness chapping and other unsightly It supplier to the hair the oil required to make it soft and instead dry stiff and unmanageable Barbers and hair f dressers are delighted with it Miss Marie Schultz the Celebrated- I Contralto Says I idly that I greatly worried Xbthin i did any good After three I with Lziflia it stopped coming out the irritation and were gone and J i my hair was in fine condition I recom woman for 1 the hair and bath I J Iatolia is used and recommended by I i physicians everywhere test proves i It is unequaled I I Delightful Fragrant Antiseptic I Cleansing I FOR SALE BY HENRYEVANS f WASHINGTON T FREE SAMPLES REFUSE SCBSTnTTES New York I oclS1922262931 4 CURTAIN r M STRETCHER This week we are a strong sub etantial Curtain Stretcher with Q C at the reduced price of O BOWEHS NEW HARDWARE STORE SOS XInth St N W I l ins T f I Creams Flesh Foods Shaving t I 1 f f I A few in a clean mug i enav i I f I HiD I f overnight For and i effect f t t f i Yy hair had been coming out SO rap was i I could find that was recommended for the hair f jttbh man or j f I f f f THE LATOILA CO t eo OUR C offer t 1 Cold i i LATOILA I I drops shaving L stirred a amst brush produce Z itehinga irritation i wavy sham- poos mind it to everyone r I- F lase ¬ ¬ Watch This Space FOR MUSIC BARGAINS F DROOP SOiiS AVE I Xanders- MELLBSTON i5c bottle 5Oc tall pint WIld Cherry Cordial that vanquishes colds chest affections and cough Quality HouSB t E 025 PL Chris as s9 doz The 1i Pt 105 7th Phone BAG PETER BUM Credit for AH Washington RUGS CARPETS DRAPERIES CROCKERY FURNITURE EASY TERMS FREE i NO NOTES NQ INTEREST- We make lay and line Carpets and all floor covering entirely free of cost We do not even charge for the waste occasioned In figures For these reasons claim that we Carpet your floors for loss money than any other house in Washington We are complete furnishers eluding Gas and Oil Heating and Cooking Stoves Crockery Parlor Bedroom and Diningroom Furcl ture Lace Curtains Portieres etc Payments to suit or monthly 817819821823 SEVENTH STREET t Between H and I Sts 4 Your Floor FOR CarpetedFO- R TO 475 Fine Rags from loom to home Send for Catalogue KETS10XE RUG COMPANY G55 Bourse Philadelphia Pa oc5 Teeth extracted pxialessl Gold Crowns IDUngs and at moderate prices Electric fans DR PATTONS UNION DENTAL PARLORS 010 F St N W Second Floor When in Doubt Buy at House Herrmanns AND Economical Safe Convenient and Clean We have a large assortment of all the best makes in sues and Our special is a large reliable Oil inter for only I I t j- ON j I C 1- I lJtj I t I youweekly t I 1 i 0 0 I 0 Set ofT th RBfi I WI IIRII- M I- I D I GAS I Oil m HEATERS B II JSft style I S L s A match- ing w- et can in- s GROil1 f- I seas r I all I p c b 1 + = Extract your Teeth positively without pain Ani make you new set which will look raturtl be yet strong and best of all contain our DOUBLE StCTIOX For an ei low rats call at ones WORE GUAR ANTEEDVERO DENTISTS Main Office tS h and Pa are Jill F st Hours 8a la to S p m Sunday 9a m to 12 JB I 3049 J Ii- I CASH OR CREDIT 1- 1II Complete 1 B House Herrmann 901903 Sayenth Ii RSFR HF I EYE ST B- EBJlIiS WE WILL I a Horn Furwishers- i St- Ct H I lih ¬ = = = AMUSEMENTS WASHIHBTQHS I LEADING THEATER MATINEE TODAY Kc Me 75c and THE DIG MUSICAL COMEDY Star Cut D Morton Edna Dorrra- Swenae Willis Geraldine Fair and Mayan Gehruc J hn Keefe John Marble and Bert Thayw WHEN REUBEN TO TOWN NEXT WEEK SEATS sow OX SALE The Greatest American Play j Metropolitan Production Intact I WEDNESDAY AT LAinA AFTERNOON 415 LL AND FAMOUS BAWD Direct from a triumph of 12S consecutive nights in New York city SEATS NOW OX SALE TONIGHT AT 816 MAT TODAY AT 2 The only theater In Washington offering exela- S ly Auiericcn and foreign stars of first rank HELDI- n F ZIEGFELD JRS Production of The Little Duchess Incidental o the Performance SAHARETT- he Celebrated International Dancer SECT TVEEK SEAT SALE sow OPEN In the Famous Stanley TVeynwn Romance A GENTLEMAN OF FRASCE NATIONAL THEATERSpecial Only appearance in Washington TUESDAY OCT 21 215 PM AXD HIS ITALIAN GRAND OPERA COMPANY of 160 people Conducting his own operas ZANETTO and GAYALLERIA RUSTIGANA Grand orchestra and chorus Tickets now sell- ing at T Artuhr Smiths 1327 F st nw Prices 3 4 f 5 Weber Piano Used e5- I LAFAYETTE MATINEES THIS WEEK Mon Wed BIJOU MUSICAL COMEDY CO Sat BEST SEATS Otis Harlan OKr ManrMarble J THE FOUR MORTOXS 0 THEilCSICAIrCOLBYS- WCCOLOS MIDGETS 9SFSO BOYCE A D WILSON ETC Kcxt Week Cba T Aldrich Hallen had NOVELTY IS KEYNOTE Matinees Tues ThUrs and Sat Best Seats 25c EVENINGS RESERVED SEATS 25c AND 50c A That Pleases Everybody TWO LITTLE WAIFS Next Week Lost River THE DAINTY DUCHESS Presenting a Musical Extravaganza THE DCCKESS AT HOME aA- BOroCET OF BEAUTIES JTcst Week Strictly a Family Tneater THIS WEEK- A SCAMMOSS COMPANY THAT DROLL COMEDY DRAMA TRACKED NIGHT PRICES Me SO lOc had 50o HALLS OF THE ANCIENTS Yea York Ave nwf near Illustrating the public and domestic life 3 An tore of floor space WOX DEKFUI Ii THE WORLD This WEEK SUPERB MOTION PICTUREfl from all parts of the world Coronation of KING EDWARD WAR SCENES McKKJLEr SCENES MAGIC SCENES the PRESIDENT and MISS ALICE ROOSEVELT and PHISC2 HENRY at the launching of Kaisers yacht etc Orchestra Admission Sic Ch11 drens Matinee Wed and Sat 230 PLEASES LADIES WHO ADMIRE Perfect fitting garments and the best of work- manship will do well by calling upon A S GREENBAUML- ADIES TAILOR 715 11TH ST X W COLUMBIA I I wo 1y I Budd Rosa ARIIO NA OCT I CUSS iU I i I UltJl4b the KYLE BELLEW- I MASCAGNI- I t lost n J little Chip Sf d Jane lenox raye TonJ Hart J ZJrC or Stolen aa f z ot opens i SoW Tel 1S30 Next WeekThe Great Ruby OHiSEJS Daily Mat 250- I POLITE VAUDEVILLE 25C 500- i I COME I1ll rnoI8 8STERS- I I Fuller Reno and Richards and others i MUKUDB I Play KERNAN S Matinee Daily 25c t Best ALL THIS WEEK a Devices Owe Company j MAT DAILY IWiI 100 and BEST Q 4 SIDE And ts REPRODUCTIONS Li TIlE S GORE i M ARTISTIC r t I i OPERA HOUSE EVENINGS roan sEAr had a bOC- AllBeserved Companf- al cc EBB S LW r Ameta 1 20a E P II RE SEATS Ja lath the the TAILOR > ¬ ¬ > 2 Company Light Biscuit Light Pastry Light Cakes Light Work Light Cost SURE and Quickasawink f errors are Lard to I The H O l A broken and dough mend e I 1- 1YN r Q

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OF THE DEPARTMENTSSecretary Hitchcock to Go to St Louis Preparation of

His Annual Report Assistant Secretary Miles

Lectures at National University Law School

DEPARTMENTSecretary Hitchcock will go to St

Louis within a few days preparatory tocasting vote at the polls seat mouth

days and then return to WashingtonReports are now being received by theSecretary from the General Land Officeagents and he is accumulating datafrom correspondence and records withwhich to begin his annual report toCongress One of the most interestingfeatures of his report will be the chaptfr which concerns the illegal

of the public domain in the Westand the satisfactory progress that hasbeen made against consolidated cattleand fencing syndicates whose agents aresaid to have outrageously infringed onthe rights of individual farmers byusurping without the slightest claimfertile grazing land for their own greedypurposes and defied the authorizedagents of the department when noticeswere served on them to vacate Acresand acres of this land were evacuatedin the past summer as a result of thestern action directed by the Secretaryalong lines formed in his consultationswith President Roosevelt last springThe grazing season having closed cattleare aoir being coralled and there arefewer disputes between cattle and sheepmen in the West to worry the Secretary

Queen LIHuokalanl is still agitatingher claim to secure some reimburse-ment for the crown lands she lost whenthe Hawaiian Islands were annexed tothe United States At the last sessionof Congress there was a bill introduced-in behalf of her highness on thesegrounds but after short discussion itwas removed to the files in the archivesof the lupitol to die with hundreds ofother appropriation bills More thanthat there was little favorable comment-on the measure With this in view

of the Interior Department whohave heard semiofficially that Queenliiliuokalani intends to present a claimto the Secretary for the purpose of hav-ing him recommend to Congress that itspayment be authorized emphaticallyassert that there is no hope for theformer queen finding support in hercontention unless she has found betterfoudatiou for her claim than has beenpublished heretofore-

W Bertrand Acker chief clerk of themiscellaneous division of the InteriorDepartment made public today the official annual of Major O IHein Third United States Cavalry act-Ing superintendent of the YellowstoneNational ParK It was only six pageslong but the paragraphs stretched intochapters would make fine material foran amateur novel about the life onnational reserves In the West Troops

and F were assigned to duty underMajor Hein These troopers traveledaboiy mil s in th r searches forsportsmen busting ontbe

to drive sheep and cattle out ofthe park and to extinguish numbers offorest fires that were discovered lastyear These fires are believed to havebeen of incendiary origin Eight bandsof sheep numbering 22000 head andseveral hundred horses and cattle weredriven beyond the park limits Fortysix rifles twentythree shotguns andseventeen revolvers were taken from unlawful hunters Major Hein reports thatthe streams abound with fish and alsothat there have heen many applicationsfrom private corporations for permission to make surveys in the park forestablishing hydraulic plants to gen-erate electric currents to be aced byrailways and lighting companies incities fifty to two hundred miles away

Thomas Ryan First Assistant Secre-tary of the Interior Department hasgone to his home in Kansas where hewill probably make several stumpspeeches After voting he will returnto Washington

TREASURY DEPARTMENTMilton E Ailes Assistant Secretary of

the Treasury Department has accepted-an invitation to a series of lec-tures at the National University LawSchool in the city He wil sixconsecutive addresses to the students onthe Jurisdiction and practice of the Unlted States Treasury Department entitled The Treasury Department ItsScope and Organization The Collection Management Custody and Dis-bursement of the Revenue

System The Jurisdiction ofthe Comptroller of Currency Jurisdiction of the Auditors of the Treas-ury and The National Banking Systern Prof Ailes lectures at this inEtitntion last year were instructive andentertaining

With other YantgjMw twocame to Washington to attendGrand Army encampment whose experi-ence stilt tb subject f referenceby people in offices on the north sideof the Treasury Department Prewably they ware man and wife Theywalked side by side from the corner pott Fifteenth Street and Pennsylvania to

the wide steps leading to the north en-

trance of the building All toe way thewoman hobbled as if she club-footed Reaching the stony st ps lay


hiHe will away only two or three



















4514unlawfully re-






















down and began to cry Squeezing herfeet she appealed to her companion forassistance He removed the shoefirst and then the other one With thotwo and new highheeledand scalloped the man with reddenedface walked to the oldtime fountain inthe center of the entrance way andsoaked the shoes in the basin that wasnearly filled by the sprinkliu and

water He returned to the suffer-ing woman She pulled one shoe onthen screamed The man showed signsof anger and exclaimed wellThe Hale woman stretched her lessfrom undr her skirts and ran with shortsteps to the basin where she dipped inher stockingcovered feet first one andthen the other She returned to herhusband who held the stores Each triedhard 10 get the wet feet in wetshoes Policemen who had noticed thegovernment fountain put to such a pe-

culiar use turned their backs on thescene faces beamed with smiles In theTreasury windows and alas they wentaway the man grumbling Ill neverbuy you another pair of new shoes nortake you to a G A R encampmentagain

Horace A one of the AssistantSecretaries of the Treasury Departmenthas been informed by the health depart-ment of New York city that some newprovision must be made for taking careof immigrants afflicted with contagiousdiseases Such cases heretofore havebeen treated by the city board of healthBut its hospital is overcrowded MrTaylor intends to go to New York within-a short time to hunt a suitable locationfor a hospital for this class of immi-grants

W W Brown Auditor of the NavyDepartment has gone to his home atBradford Pa for a vacation

Letters have been received at the department within the past two days fromColonel Ewing deputy auditor ofNavy Department saying that he is

more rapidly and expects nowto return to the department within twoweeks

Major William Howard Mills of thsoffice of the navy pay and aliottmeatdivisicn has secured a vacation iawhich time he will attend the meetings of the executive committee of thelocal Grand Army Corps in connectionwith the finances of the reception

In the temporary absence of D WHarrington chief of the division of general accounts Sherman Platt is actingchief clerk

Secretary Shaw has appointed a conemission to select a site for a new marine hospital at Pittsburg including DrL L Williams assistant surgeon of themarine hospital service the collector ofcustoms at Pittsburg and B F Whoaton assistant chief at division ofengineering and rafting

R S Person Auditor of the InteriorDepartment has gone to South Dakota-to vote

Warren S Bickford has receivedpermanent appointment as electricaldraftsman after having served his sixmonths probation satisfactorily

Victor Lyle of the Treasury Departmeat is III at the Providence Hospital

MUSEUMThe head curators of the National

are constructing exhibitsfor the St Louis Exposition The Gov-ernment building in St Louis is thelargest exhibition building ever erectedfor similar purposes being S90 feet longand 175 deep It Is estimated that thebuilding will cost 456 ftW

Notwithstanding the settling of thecoal strike Superintendent J E Wat-kins of the National Museum is continuing his experiments with oil ts a heating fluid Mr Watkins is consulting ex-perts from the Standard Oil Company Inthe hope of securing some plan for prac-tical oil heating burners in case theremay be another coal famine

CENSUS OFFICEDirector Merriam left Washington the

first of this week for as official visit toseveral cities in the South

William A Neal Jr of the Census Of-fice will go to Missouri in a fewto obtain statistics pertaining to lightJag and power devices He recently returned from a similar tour in the South

POSTOFFICE DEPARTMENTIn office of James T Metcalf su

perinteadont of the money order divi-sion a letter has been received fromthe Brazilian postal authorities ex-

pressing the desire to enter into anagreement to exchange money orderswith this country On the lat of nextJanuary the necessary arrangementswill have bees made aad the two coun-tries will exchange orders there-after

W Ford of appointment di-

vision has mrraaged to toile huntingtrip within a toys






seum at work



Edgar the
































None of Those Offered MeetRequirements

Postmaster General Payne will In thenear future designate an official of thePostoffice Department to go tc NewYork and look overthe sites for the new

in that city which have beenoffered for sale to the Government

The Secretary of the Treasury willalso name an official to consider thesites and while the reports of the twoinspectors will be made to their re-spective chiefs they will be jointly con-sidered by the commission named byCongress to select the site So farthirteen offers of sites have been re-ceived at the Postoffice Department butinasmuch as none of them was accom-panied by certified checks they are notconsidered by Treasury officials as beingformal offers

Nevertheless these sites will be considered Ly the Postoffice official assigned to the duty with a view to theiradaptability to the needs of the powYork office It is not believed that anyof the plots so far tendered meet the requirements of the proposed new officeIt Is desired to have a situ which Isbounded by four streets and none ofthose offered for sale has this advan-tage

As a result of this unsatisfactory situation the Architect of the Treasuryhas inserted advertisements in a numberof New York papers asking for formalproposals and it is hoped that otheroffers will be received for sites whichhave the advantage desired


Crater Linne Covered WithHoarfrost

CAMBRIDGE Mfss Oct 13 Sub-

stantiation of important theories wasobtained by Harvards astronomical au-

thorities in their observations of th2

lunar eclipse The observations con-

cerned themselves principally with thocrater Linne and were carried on byProf W H Pickering who carefullymeasured the area around the crater be-

fore and after the eclipse with a mi-

crometer and confirmed all his past obthat the bright grew no-

ticeably IK area during the time otmaximum darkness

For many years It has been noticedthat tbe area around Linne has beengradually changing its form and manyconjectures as to the reason have beenadvanced Prof Pickering has alwaymaintained that the light from the spotIs that of hoarfrost though he has realized that it may be reflected light Thefact that the spot grew perceptiblylarger when the suns heat was cut offlast night by the interposition of theearth confirms Prof Pickering in hishoarfrost theory He is now practicallysettled upon that point and hopes withthis as a basis to work out a pet theoryof his own concerning the earths bigsatellite What this theory is he wllnot say

As far as photographs and the makingof occultations were concerned the eftorts of Harvards observers were virtually failures This was due to theclouds which obscured the moon duringthe critical period of Its full eclipse anjit came as a severe disappointment tothe professors engaged in visual antiphotographic observation


No Further Efforts Will Be

Made for His Return

BALTIMORE Oct the monthlymeeting of the directors of the Mary-

land State Hospital for the Insane atSpring Grove yesterday afternoon it wasdecided that no further tarps shall be-

taken to secure return of GeorgeKleIn to the institutio-

nIt having been decided by the Virginia judge said one of the officers ofthe institution yesterday that theState Maryland cannot compel him toreturn and the same authority havingrefused to demand ban for Kleins ap-pearance before the supreme court In-case we should appeal there weconcluded that pursuing him furtherwould be simply chasing a shadow Itwe appealed under present

Klein might be In Californiawhen the time for trial arrived

When the man was acquitted In courthere of the charge of murder on theplea of insanity he was sent to this In-stitution that the State of Marylandmight be protected from himnot b permitted to return and the ondsof justice are stilt accomplisher thoughnot in the manner intended His escapewa doubtless deliberately planned andexecuted by his relatives



rest ftke







































End of Coal StrikeDifficult Problem-

The prospective settlement of tho an-

thracite coal strike will it is said at theNavy Department remove an uncer-tainty relative to the naval maneuversplanned for this winter It was fearedat one time by the officials at the de-

partment that it be necessary toabandon several of the imoprtant prob-lems planned for the Caribbeanneuvers because of the shortage in thesupply of bituminous coal as a result ofthe anthracite strike

Early last spring Rear Admiral Brad-ford chief of the bureau of equipment ofthe Navy Department made large contracts for an adequate supply of coal atnormal prices for the navy during thecoming winter Recently however sev-eral of the bituminous operators havefound it impossible to fulfill their contracts with the navy A large supplyof coal is on hand at Key West and SanJuan Porto RIco but this Is hardlysufficient to supply the ordinary needsof the naval vessels in those waters

One of the problems planned for thewinter maneuvers was the convoying andcarrying of coal In colliers from Nor-folk to Culebra Island In the West Indies It was feared that this problemwould have to be abandoned but the endof the strike will probably make it possible to continue the original


Rev Smith Roughly Han-

dled by Freshmen

KANSAS CITY Mo Oct 18 Highschool students in Argentine a suburbof Kansas City have fought a class bat-tle every day this week

The students captured the Rev E BSmith yesterday afternoon tied him tothe rail fence and kept him prisonertwo hours because he sympathized withthe sophomore class in its contests withthe other classes

The freshmen turned the hose on thesophomores and bound one of them inthe manhole of a sewer The battles re-sulted from attempts by the sophomores-to paint their class numerals on the roofof the smelter


Companyterday a Coincidence

CHICAGO Oct 18 The Incorporation-in Trenton N J yesterday of theUnited States Packing Company waslooked upon in some circles as the nu-

cleus around which the great packingconcerns of the country were to begathered into the long foreshadowedmeat trust

Packers in Chicago were positive antIunequivocal in their denials They wereready to admit that the coincidence oftitle and time was strange but nevertheless they pleaded not guilty

It is certainly news to me saMJ O Armour whose firm was named asthe head of the merger and who hasbeen picked according to general reportfor president If anything is beingdone on those lines I know nothingabout it

I do not know whether there was acorporation known as the United StatesPacking Company Incorporated In NewJersey today said Arthur Meeker ofArmour Co When assure 2 there wasno mistake about the incorporation ofthe company Mr Meeker said If such-a concern was incorporated it has nothing to do with Armour Co or any ofIts Interests It may or may not be abona tide corporation

I think I would know if anything ofthat sort was being done said ManagerConnybeare or the Thomas J LiptonCompany and I am certain there IKnothing In the story


Moore a prominent farmer was fatallyinjured and his son Walter was killed bythe bursting of an improvised cider millnear yesterday They had taken inold millstone and rigged it up inthreshing machine for an apple crusherThey attached steam power and themill revolved so rapidly the stone burstin pieces hitting both men The sonwas Instantly killed by a piece of storhitting him on the head and the fattiercannot recover Both were highly

In the community
































Lansburgh Bro

Special Purchase-of Mens Half Hose

Our buyers broom has sweptthese special lots together3670 pairs of Full Regularmade Half

Hose double heel and toe in unbleachoJfast black and guaranteed browns andtans Sold regularly at iSc a pair

This Sale I2c Pair2580 pairs of Fine Gauge Fancy Half

Hose In all new and pretty effects sizes9 to 11 Sold regularly at 35c and 25c

This Sale I9c Pair540 pairs Lisle Thread Half Hose con-

taining very light weight with verystrong thread Just the thing if you require thin footwear Here in black and

brownThis Sale 25c PairMens Department Upper Entrance

Lansburgh Brp420 to 426 Seventh Street


f A Most Marvelous Toilet Preparation jPositively does away with the ofDandruff Cures Hair Oils Cosmetics

Smlpe Medicinal S and ComplexionRemedies A pin but marvelouspreparation which p lU baldness dandruff loss dryness or premature gr ynof the hair the spread ol disease and

7 improve the complexion-

i Does its uork instantlyA few drops on the hair and a wonder

j ful shampoo is instantly producedA few drops on a sponge and you have

i a lather for the bath T-

i inn lather immediatelyto actors and actresses for i-

j cleaning up after the performancei Cleanses the skin as you never saw it

done t j a soapFor manicuring put a few drops of

Latoflo in the water It softens Slidcleanses the nails

For general sanative purposes Latciia4 is troeqwlcd

For affecttens apply a hecny lathof and allow it to remain on

it no equal Chafing cured by its ute iLatolia is a perfect flesh food supply i

in the oil it demands to prevent dryness chapping and other unsightlyIt supplier to the hair the oil requiredto make it soft and instead drystiff and unmanageable Barbers and hair

f dressers are delighted with itMiss Marie Schultz the Celebrated-

I Contralto Says I

idly that I greatly worried Xbthin idid any good After three I

with Lziflia it stopped coming outthe irritation and were gone and J

i my hair was in fine condition I recomwoman for 1

the hair and bath IJ Iatolia is used and recommended by Ii physicians everywhere test provesi It is unequaled II Delightful Fragrant Antiseptic

I Cleansing




New York IoclS1922262931 4


This week we are a strong subetantial Curtain Stretcher with Q Cat the reduced price of O



lins T

f ICreams Flesh Foods Shaving




I A few in a clean mug ienav




f overnight For and

ieffect f


f i

Yy hair had been coming out SO rapwas

i I could find that was recommended forthe hair

f jttbhman or












drops shavingL stirred a amst brush produce

Zitehinga irritation



mind it to everyone










i5c bottle 5Oc tall pintWIld Cherry Cordial that vanquishes coldschest affections and cough

Quality HouSB t

E025 PL


s9 doz The

1i Pt 105 7thPhone BAG

PETER BUMCredit for AH Washington






NQ INTEREST-We make lay and line Carpets

and all floor covering entirely freeof cost We do not even chargefor the waste occasioned In

figures For these reasonsclaim that we Carpet yourfloors for loss money than anyother house in Washington

We are complete furnisherseluding Gas and Oil Heating andCooking Stoves Crockery ParlorBedroom and Diningroom Furclture Lace Curtains Portieres etcPayments to suit ormonthly


SEVENTH STREETt Between H and I Sts 4

Your FloorFOR



TO 475Fine Rags from loom to home

Send for CatalogueKETS10XE RUG COMPANYG55 Bourse Philadelphia Pa


Teeth extracted pxialesslGold Crowns IDUngs and

at moderate pricesElectric fans DR PATTONS UNION DENTALPARLORS 010 F St N W Second Floor

When in Doubt Buy at

House Herrmanns


Economical Safe Convenient

and Clean We have a largeassortment of all the bestmakes in sues and

Our special is a large reliableOil inter for only



t j-

ON j


C 1-

I lJtj




youweekly tI

1 i

0 0 I 0

SetofT th










match-ing w-









all I

p c





Extract your Teeth

positively without pain

Ani make you new set which will lookraturtl be yet strong and best of allcontain our DOUBLE StCTIOX For an ei

low rats call at ones WORE GUAR

ANTEEDVERO DENTISTSMain Office tS h and Pa are Jill F stHours 8 a la to S p m Sunday 9 a m

to 12 JB


3049 JIi-I CASH OR CREDIT 1-1II Complete

1 BHouse Herrmann

901903 Sayenth




Horn Furwishers-







= =





Star CutD MortonEdna Dorrra-Swenae WillisGeraldine Fair

andMayan GehrucJ hn Keefe

John Marbleand Bert Thayw




NEXT WEEK SEATS sow OX SALEThe Greatest American Play

j Metropolitan Production Intact



Direct from a triumph of 12S consecutive nightsin New York city



The only theater In Washington offering exela-S ly Auiericcn and foreign stars of first rank

HELDI-n F ZIEGFELD JRS Production of

The Little DuchessIncidental o the Performance

SAHARETT-he Celebrated International Dancer


In the Famous Stanley TVeynwn Romance


NATIONAL THEATERSpecialOnly appearance in Washington


AXD HIS ITALIAN GRAND OPERA COMPANYof 160 people Conducting his own operas


GAYALLERIA RUSTIGANAGrand orchestra and chorus Tickets now sell-

ing at T Artuhr Smiths 1327 F st nw Prices3 4 f5

Weber Piano Used e5-



BEST SEATS Otis HarlanOKr ManrMarble J


9SFSO BOYCE A D WILSON ETCKcxt Week Cba T Aldrich Hallen had



Matinees Tues ThUrs and SatBest Seats 25c

EVENINGS RESERVED SEATS 25c AND 50cA That Pleases Everybody

TWO LITTLE WAIFSNext Week Lost River

THE DAINTY DUCHESSPresenting a Musical Extravaganza



Strictly a Family TneaterTHIS WEEK-




HALLS OF THE ANCIENTSYea York Ave nwf near

Illustrating the public and domestic life 3An tore of floor space WOX


from all parts of the world Coronation ofKING EDWARD WAR SCENES McKKJLErSCENES MAGIC SCENES the PRESIDENTand MISS ALICE ROOSEVELT and PHISC2HENRY at the launching of Kaisers yachtetc Orchestra Admission Sic Ch11drens Matinee Wed and Sat 230


LADIES WHO ADMIREPerfect fitting garments and the best of work-manship will do well by calling upon




wo 1y

I Budd Rosa


CUSSiU Ii I UltJl4b






lostnJlittle Chip

Sf dJane lenox rayeTonJ Hart JZJrCor Stolenaa

f z ot opensi SoW Tel 1S30 Next WeekThe Great Ruby

OHiSEJS Daily Mat 250-



I COMEI1ll rnoI8 8STERS-


I Fuller Reno and Richards and others




KERNAN S Matinee Daily 25ct Best



Devices Owe Company


IWiI 100 andBEST









r tI i



had abOC-

AllBeserved Companf-alcc


LW r













2 Company

Light Biscuit Light Pastry Light CakesLight Work Light Cost SURE and

Quickasawink f

errors are Lard to


The H O l

A broken and doughmend




