i am beautiful

I am Beautiful Farwa Naeem bs eng sem3 Knock,knock. I rush to open the door. Whoa! Who's this? He totally looks like ..... And before I make that impossible connection alive in my mind, he says, "Hello, I am Albus Dumbledore, and I am here to see your parents." "Oh!"I manage to utter, " um----sure-- right this way please." "So you're saying I can do magic just like you and you want me to go to Hogwarts to study magic so that I can be a proper witch?" I ask him unbelievingly. "Yes, and a mighty good one too!" He says and I see that twinkle in his eyes. "Okay,now Al must have been doing some weird stuff lately but this is way too much!" My mom says with a worried glance towards me and the immediately. "Al, honey , you need to complete your homework." Ok that's my cue. Slowly, I get up and staring as much as I can at that long- bearded man, I walk out of there. I come in my room and turn to look at my books. Maths. Ugghh!! Hogwarts. Wow!! I think of Mum and Dad. Damn! They'll never allow it. "Al!" Mum calls, and I literally run to the drawing room, " Say goodbye to Mr. dumbledore, he's your headmaster now." I look at my parents completely shocked. Mr . Dumbledore offers his hand and I take it smiling, unable to hide all my teeth. "See you at Hogwarts, Alycia. I hope that you'll be a very good student." And before I can interrupt, he goes on, " I have explained everything you need to know and have to your parents. Good luck dear!" He smiles and turns to leave while I turn to look at my Dad, overwhelmed He gives me a soft smile and I hug him tightly . I'm in London. I look around, awed. Daigon Alley... Gringots.. Platform Nine and Three Quarters. "Al! Look where you're walking!" Mum shouts from somewhere behind me and I hastily straighten my pace...Hogwarts Express.. The boats,the lake...then finally, Hogwarts! Yipeee!! I scream with glee and that's where I wake up. I used to dream that when Iw as eight or ten . It isn't that it was my first bizarre dream I always dreamt like this ever since I cam remember . However, i mentioned this particular one because I used to think about it alot. I still do I would talk to myself for hours about it and I can clearly remember , at one point, my mum grew really worried about me as to why I kept on talking to myself like that. I find it funny because i just loved fantasising about myself in that magical world! Even then I knew it was childish and none of this could ever happen, but every time the doorbell rang, a part of me always hoped that a long- bearded man with blue twinkling eyes would be standing at the doorstep . Just thinking about that gave me satisfaction nothing else could. I never stopped dreaming. I tried to live in the practical world I really did. But whenever my homework was undone, I had to show

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Post on 26-May-2017




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Page 1: I Am Beautiful

I am Beautiful Farwa Naeem bs eng sem3Knock,knock. I rush to open the door. Whoa! Who's this? He totally looks like ..... And before I make that impossible connection alive in my mind, he says, "Hello, I am Albus Dumbledore, and I am here to see your parents." "Oh!"I manage to utter, " um----sure-- right this way please." "So you're saying I can do magic just like you and you want me to go to Hogwarts to study magic so that I can be a proper witch?" I ask him unbelievingly. "Yes, and a mighty good one too!" He says and I see that twinkle in his eyes. "Okay,now Al must have been doing some weird stuff lately but this is way too much!" My mom says with a worried glance towards me and the immediately. "Al, honey , you need to complete your homework." Ok that's my cue. Slowly, I get up and staring as much as I can at that long- bearded man, I walk out of there. I come in my room and turn to look at my books. Maths. Ugghh!! Hogwarts. Wow!! I think of Mum and Dad. Damn! They'll never allow it. "Al!" Mum calls, and I literally run to the drawing room, " Say goodbye to Mr. dumbledore, he's your headmaster now." I look at my parents completely shocked. Mr . Dumbledore offers his hand and I take it smiling, unable to hide all my teeth. "See you at Hogwarts, Alycia. I hope that you'll be a very good student." And before I can interrupt, he goes on, " I have explained everything you need to know and have to your parents. Good luck dear!" He smiles and turns to leave while I turn to look at my Dad, overwhelmed He gives me a soft smile and I hug him tightly .I'm in London. I look around, awed. Daigon Alley... Gringots.. Platform Nine and Three Quarters. "Al! Look where you're walking!" Mum shouts from somewhere behind me and I hastily straighten my pace...Hogwarts Express.. The boats,the lake...then finally, Hogwarts! Yipeee!! I scream with glee and that's where I wake up. I used to dream that when Iw as eight or ten . It isn't that it was my first bizarre dream I always dreamt like this ever since I cam remember . However, i mentioned this particular one because I used to think about it alot. I still do I would talk to myself for hours about it and I can clearly remember , at one point, my mum grew really worried about me as to why I kept on talking to myself like that. I find it funny because i just loved fantasising about myself in that magical world! Even then I knew it was childish and none of this could ever happen, but every time the doorbell rang, a part of me always hoped that a long- bearded man with blue twinkling eyes would be standing at the doorstep . Just thinking about that gave me satisfaction nothing else could. I never stopped dreaming. I tried to live in the practical world I really did. But whenever my homework was undone, I had to show test results to my parents , or after some silly fight with friends , I couldn't help dreaming . Dreaming about a world in which things were so different around me . Whenever I couldn't sleep at night , lying awake I would dream which made me so peaceful that I would fall asleep immediatley. I still dream, of course, and about the many things surrounding me. But now I have understood the real meaning of these meaningless dreams. They give me hope . I don't know how bizarre this may sound but these dreams light a fire inside me , making me push myself up when I'm feeling low. Motivating me to keep it together when I am about to break down. So now, they've become a part of me. A part which tells me I'm never alone , a part inside me which, even in the worst of situation , tells me that I can achieve anything I want. A partof me which screams ; I AM BEAUTIFUL ...