i am a brand

Angela Brockington I am a Brand SCAN HERE!

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Post on 07-Jul-2015




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Page 1: I am a brand

Angela Brockington

I am a Brand


Page 2: I am a brand


A characteristic that makes a brand view me equally to the rest of my competition is creativity.

In today’s world it’s full of creative people who could do other things better than me or the next

person. One of the major attributes that companies are looking for especially in the field of

marketing and advertising is candidates who are full of creativity.

Another characteristic that I know I have as well as others in the marketing and advertising

industry is individuals that are hard workers. Going through school and seeing the projects that

have been done by others has shown that I’m not the only hard worker and if I and others are

putting the much work into school related activities. There is no telling how hard they will work

when it comes to an actually job.


The attribute that makes me different from others is that I’m strong-willed. In which I get from

my mother. I’ve always been around individuals my whole life that have no matter what is going

or what people are saying just push through and have a determination like no other. I see that in

myself as I mature and make my way into life. I put my all into everything that I do whether it is

school, work, or even at home. I’m a really determined person and I don’t like to give up because

I always want to put my best foot forward.

Ambition is a characteristic that I hold very high for myself because I have so many reasons to

keep me motivated and a strong desire to achieve all I can in life. I have been very ambitious

when it comes to school especially in projects I don’t like to give half of me when it comes to

work and projects. I can be very hard on myself about those type of things. Especially, when I

know that I can do better than what I did before.

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The third attribute that sets me apart of my peers that can surprise a company is my out-of-the-

box and quick on my feet thinking. I like to see things from different perspectives and try to see

what else different can be done. In today’s fast pace and technology growing world everybody is

trying to create and find new things constantly. So I have to look at things with a different eye

and come up with things that may be a little crazy or outlandish but, still a good idea at the end

of the day.

Brand Mantra

Create. Organize. Invent

The way I came up with my brand mantra was like my way of seeing life. Life will throw

situations and curveballs your way you to create a solution for those situations and curveballs.

Put all those creations that you have come up with into a format or organize them so that you

have a set plan to carry out those creations, then after you have created, organize, invent or

commence those ideas into real life so that you can handle or deal with the everyday conditions

and curveballs that life is going to always through at you. This is what I have used and came up

with the in situations so that things just don’t go haywire and out of control. Just the same way if

I was working for a company and something happen or went wrong or just trying to find

something new me or whomever I’m working with would have to create, organize, and invent

new things and solutions to bring into the world.

Brand Elements


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“Making businesses better one idea at a time”

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Evaluation of brand elements

Out of the three brand elements that I have chosen to use they do not meet all six of the criterias

for choosing a brand elements.


I feel my brand has memorability because it stands out with the colors and having a X as a logo it

kinds of reminds you of the X’s that you have when you are creating, organizing, and inventing

plays for sports. I would think that it would only be fitting since I want to go into sport



I feel out of the brand element that I have chosen that based on the colors and the words that I

used my logos and packaging has great visual appeal the colors stand out and catch your eyes

like they pop. The colors look fun and attractive.


I do feel that I have the ability to go from one product or company to another without having any

issues and can work against any of the market segments that is thrown its way.


Seeing how the brand itself is me I know that I can adapt and be updated the same with the three

brand elements that I have chosen can do the same as well. We live in a world where technology

and industries change and adapt every day. My brand will be able to do so as well.

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Thank you hope you enjoyed!