i ag- day saturday january i a - university of...

M UTILATE D THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL WEDNESDAY 1 r ECEMBER 29 1909 LIcy tb E aG- rk r f o he John White S e comes into the z ne long pleasant J out r eason is that they are d for beauty comfort- ear and tear 00 to 700 hese are the days when- n want warm clothes not sly right but quickly Our clothing fits and is thoroughly well made and in the feest styles accepted by authorities on Mens Wear The name The John White Store is proof posi ¬ tive that they will hold their shape to the last thread 1500 to 3500 Another shipment of Mufflers that button at the neck just received Black Gray Light Blue White Maroon and Navy 50c You havent overlooked buying a pair of our Dollar loves Just as serviceable to use- r driving as for walking Tuxedo shirts just re ed A pippin too for 100 ILL BE OPEN ALL r JAN 1st- Tohn White Store tore With the Reputation 15207 S PaJafox St 0= = = = = H AMUSEMENTSL- ast II- c W = = c = = Nights Play- e Red Mill disappointed prob J1e largest house of the season ° QRera house last night y the nationwide reputation x = lay by Montgomery and dvertlsed the show to the Imost filling the opera redeeming feature of the r wasthe work of Bert O ankle Woods as Con Kid Conner al numbers for the most jailed for applause what that was given- b Swor and Woods num Merry Widow Widow as agreeably t rightly and vivacious asl op an engagement at the I January 4 membered that the man age tune local theater impor coul for seats which had et at the time tried to Wad son of The Merry sable This was impos ties time Other communi rOdU ng for the big Savage bookJ other theaters had Ameri the owner of the got w to the operetta was beat fhi031106 So the next one the local man- ly lIgemen atIon was immediate made rn booking This was L The cFHARD SAID merit t judges of by the 1m forcibly illustrated- mous demand for the fa- is ¬ VTNOlin Iron tonic known Its over mSfiODstrated over and down the run wea tome and to OVer worthless troubles While entIrely the are disappearing the demand for prOOf ot is tl a increasing is ample- Pharnlaoy tic merit Whites- ela P Fla R lPI The Stores Will Remain Open All Day Saturday January 1st t At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the jj Merchants Association it was deemed advisable that on account of New Year coming as it does on I Saturday it would be impracticable for the merchants- to close their places of business The Merchants Association- BY HENRY HORSLER 1 Secretary < L TURKEY SHOOTINGA- LL THIS WEEK 210 N TARRAGONA ST granted and the production is traveling this way again while the advance de ¬ mand for reservations is greater even than it was before The Merry Widow leaves no one disgruntled Thats how those who have seen it once want to go again Henry W Savage more than meets with the reality what his representa- tives ¬ say about his productions and so there are never any disappointed- ones What sounds like exaggeration about the perfection of the ensemble I turns out to be under the facts rather than over them and thus the confi I dence of the public is increased and the best advertisers of The Merry Widow are those who have paid their money and have gone to see it They all turn press agents and that is why the likelihood is that there will be a greater success achievedby this pro ¬ duction when it comes to the opera house for its second engagement than was won during the extraordinary sea ¬ son which has become a high light in the history of the local theater- At the Orpheum Today Today Is ladies souvenir day at the i Orpheum and every lady who visits I this popular place of amusement will receive i handsome piece of glass ¬ ware absolutely free and hereafter every Wednesday will be the day set aside as ladies and childrens souvenir matinee day The management has arranged a special program and every lads or child who visits the Orpheum today and feels they have not re- ceived their moneys worth both in show and souvenir can walk to the box office and their money will be cheerfully refunded Mascot the famous horse with the human brain is appearing at the Or ¬ pheum daily How did he do it The wise ones are puzzling their heads over the wonderful performance put on by the human horse Mascot which was featured at chautauqua Monday afternoon and night To many the subject Do animals reason has been solved beyond a doubt But the more skeptical refuse- to believe their own eyes and are firmly convinced that there are some hidden communication Between the noble animal and his Hiberian mas ¬ ter Anyhow all agree that the horse- is a marvel of intelligence ind that he has been trained to a nicety Mascot told time to a second addea columns of figures that some in the audience could not calculate picks out the democrats from the republic- ans ¬ the sheep from the goats could tell a spinster from a married wo ¬ man a bachelor from a benedict could spoon to perfection play ball like a professional eat candy like a conniseur count like a mathematician- and in short display all the psychical phenomena that go to make up the sum total of a human mind- If troubled with indigestion consti- pation ¬ no appetite or feel bilious give Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets a trial and you will be pleased with the result These tablets invig ¬ orate the stomach and liver and strengthen the digestion Sold by all druggists THE FUNERAL OF ALBERT GONZALEZ- The remains of AlberttfGonzalez the bright little son of Mr and Mrs Manuel Gonzalez were placed at rest yesterday afternoon a large concourse- of sorrowing friends and relatives at ¬ tending the funeral services at the family home No 247 East Intendencia street and later following the remains- to the cemetery where many hand ¬ some floral tributes were placed upon the newlymade mound The little boy had reached the age of a little over four years and nis death is a severe blow to the parents BORE NAME SIMILAR TO THAT OF PROMINENT MAN Mike OLeary For Safe Keeping That was the entry on the city jail blotter last night Friends who hap ¬ pened to drift into the station house- on business and who are acquainted- with the widelyknown and prominent business man bearing a like name be ¬ gan to wonder what was the matter with their friend who keeps a store- on West Zarragossa street After screwing up enough courage to make inquiry they were informed that the Mike OLeary on the books was not the one of their acquaintance but that of a jolly Irish seaman who made the jail through force of cir ¬ cumstances last week a visit and who had come back again on another charge Then a sigh of relief was breathed TWO FIRE ALARMS IN SAME PORTION OF CITY A fire alarm was sent in from box IS at 326 oclock yesterday after ¬ noon for a small blaze at No 9 North DeVilliers street at the home of Jo Wilkins The fire as on the insido- of the house and the damage was very slight Shortly after 4 oclock another fire alarm came from the same box for- a small fire at the home of Edwin Fox on West Garden street In this case also the fire damage was slight THE S j d L r- 1SEllil A- jo f J 4 a t Xf a a4- MCX4Zz fSTfr eft ell l Tfcoussnds of- as T orn 4o 2ci p to rl- D their guiding sisr wear It is al- ii ¬ i 3t S tip ker qfrJ S- r never fails 7tf pjflokrin- cjenr ser- vice at mini ¬ mum expense r I A Henry White Bro I Pensacoas Authority on Mens and Boys Wear Palafox and Intendencla St I I D 0Z = R Bit SOUVENIR MATiNEEA- T Tie Orpiwum Todayl- or i Ladies and Children Every idy gets a Handsome Souvenir worth twice the price of admission MASOT =The Horse with the Human Brain Reads Writes and Adds He is the Vender of the Age Big Amateur Night Friday 1 a I Stops Eczema or I Itching Piles I instantly I A Free Package of Dr Hebras Ungoid Sent To Any Sufferer To Prove Its Wonderful Effects I Dr Hebras Ungoid is truly wonderful- in Its results in any case of eczema or other disease that itches and irritates- like i f d G e d psoriasis barbers itch tetter ring ¬ worm dandruff and Itching piles Vngoi stops the terrible itching the very moment it is applied tncnd is also an infallible remedy for itching piles stopping instantly that un- reachable soultnrmcnting itching- J Arnod of Holland City Mich says tTngold will do miracles Dr Hebras Ungoid is sold at drug stores at 50c a box under a positive guarantee to refund your money if you are not completely satisfied- If you want to try it first send your name and address to the G C Bittner Co Toledo Ohio and you will get a free trial package by return mail If your druggist has no 50c boxes on hand send your remittance to the above company Always send name of your druggist- For sale in Pensacola by W A DATem berte Druggist and Apothecary 121 S Palafox Street HELD MEET AT BARRANCAS ON FORTODAYF- T1 EVERY COMPANY WILL BE REP ¬ RESENTED IN EACH OF THE SEVERAL EVENTS AND MUCH INTEREST IS BEING TAKEN BY THE MEN Today is field day at Fort Barrancas- and by nightfall the winners of the various events will be announced Good weather is promised clear and I cool which is exactly the brand of weather desired for events of this nature Each company stationed at Fort I Barrancas has picked its best men for each of the events and the outcome- is eagerly anticipated by the members- of the companies The entries are as follows Fifteenth Company- One hundred yard dasnpyt Sam- uel ¬ E Midkiff Pyt Guy H Crane Shot putPvt Carl Lentz Pvt Wil ¬ I liam H Frazer Tug of warFirst Sgt Lawrence L Stallworth Capt Sgts Ross J Ken ¬ nedy Jesse A Haxton Cook Lillard- H MePeak Pvts William II Frazer Erich O Rosen Frank A Preske Adam Rch Carl Lentz Running high jump Sgt Ross J Kennedy Pvt Walter L Daniels Pvt John Wilson Eight hundred yard relay raceSgts- Ross J Kennedy Jvts Hans Boeck man Nathan D Woolley Daniel R Hood Corp Bernhard C Ferguson Pvt B Copeland Pvt John Glaser Pvt Edward L Harris Wall scaling contestSgt John w Smith Capt dps Bernhard C Fer fnison Robert L Bradley Felix Pra gF r Edward L Ramsey Cook Lillarrt- T MoPeak Mus Verner Baker Pvts John B Copeland Charles Posey Cross country runCpls HObert L Bradley Edward L Ramsey Pvts Hans Eoeckman Charles Posey j Twentieth Company- One hundred yard dash Pvts John F Able Edward Dolloff James A Ban field I Shot put Mech George LenIngcr Pvt George H Merrick I Tug of war Captain Sgt Thomas- P I Casry Sergt Ladislar3 Witek Meoh Gorge Leninger Pvts John W Haynes George H Merrick George W Kendrick George J Sullivan Fred Williams Sergt Ray Perkins Running high jumpSergt George- H Freeman Corpl Norris B Rippl Pvts Ermine King Roger White Eight hundred yard relay race Corpl Norris B Rippl Pvts John E Abel James A Banfield Edgar L Dolloff Wall scaling contestSergt George- H Freeman Corpl Joseph A Joseph- sen Corpl Leonard Haus Mech Earl Newman Pvts Clarence E Burmeis- ter Leslie K Flint Daniel A Mur- phy ¬ Clarence O Porter Roger White Cross country run Corpl Charles- D Gibson Ccrpl Norris B Rippl Pvts Daniel B Butler James A Banfield TwentySecond Company- One hundred yard dashCorpl Per- t > r A Knauer Pvts George L in- field Grover Womack Shot putPvts Edward L Hamric Joseph J Jacobs Tug of warPvt Thomas Price Capt Ccrpl Herman Power Corpu William J Moulton Cook Walter Kel- ly Pvts Adolph Pelles Guy C Smith Edward L Hainric Nathaniel M Ay cock Benjamin Watts Running high jumpSergt Wade R Courtney Pvts William tam Arthur Tussing Eight hundred yard relay race Corpl Thomas Tarrants Capt Corpl John E McNamee Corpl Peter A Knauer Pvts Gilbert R Nettleton Richard L i Fagot Elbert E Mullin Gtorge LV Winfield Joseph J Geier Grover Womack Wail scaling contest Corpl William R Shipp Capt Pvts Lonzo D Hill Richard C Connor John W McIntyre I Harry R Haddon Roy Gardner An ¬ derson Fonteno John Baker Thurman Frame Cress country run Pvts George L infield William Tomas Anderson Fontenot SeventySeventh Company- One hundred yard dashCorpl Robert T Sneed Corpl Leroy Ed mond Pvt Robert G Miller Shot putSergt George Long Corpl Guy W French Tug of warSergt George M Bowen Corpl Cornelius Leonard Cook Charles A Sherman Pvts Jesse Beg Icy Leroy Grissom Horace HawKlns Roy Jolley Harley F Miller Sergt Bernard F Glynn Capt Running high jump Sergt George Long Mechanic Charles A Canaday Pvt Jesse Begley Eight hundred yard relay race Corpl Robert T Sneed Corpl Leroy Edmond Corpl Harley Wright Me- chanic ¬ John B Willoughty Mechanic Charles A Canaday Pvts Jeff Hart Robert G Miller Grover F Levismier Wall scaling contest Hergt Ber- nard ¬ F Glynn Corpl Guy W French Musician Vance L Bratton Mechanic John B Willoughby Pvts William J McGuire Edwin F Richards Ernest- J McCord Jesse Thompson Herbert- E Winslow Cross runPrivates David Gomez William J McGuire Musician Vance L Bratton 163rd Company- One hundred yard dash Pvts Virgil- C Prestwood Roy Sammons Shot put Pvts Stephen F Fields Myron S Polkinghorn Lemiel Kelly Sergt Colbert M Frazier Tug of warSergts Frank M Naber Capt George W Norris Colbert M Frazier FranK Cermack Corpl Thomas- E Ellis Corpl William J Stewart Pvts Lemiel Kelly Stephen C Fields Claud Stinson David G Brown Myron S Polkinghorn Running high jumpCorpl James J Quicksall Pvt Ben H McKell Eight hundred yard relay race Sergt Robert L Slatten Corpl James- J Quicksall Musician Otto Montgom- ery ¬ Pvt Virgil C Prestwood Sergt Frank M Naber Corpl Oscar L Mears Pvts Ben H McKell Roy Sam mons Wall scaling contest Corpl Oscar- L Mears Capt Pvts Claud L Brown Ben H McKell Virgil C Prest ¬ wood Lytt C Kelley John Robinson Oral P Fournier John M Steagall David G Brown Cross country runSergt Kooert- L Slatten Pvts Virgil C Prestwood- Jay R Miller- Chamberlains Cough Remedy is a- wry valuablte medicine for throat and lung troubles quickly relieves and cures painful breathing and a dangerously sounding cough which in ¬ dicates congested lungs Sold by all dealers NOTICE- All water rents will be due Jan 1 1910 payable at I office City Hall If paid be j fore 10th of January a dis ¬ count of 5 per cent will be al ¬ lowed If not paid by Jan- uary ¬ 31st the water will be shut off and 100 penalty I charged for turning on again Pensacola Water Works I 6L A Little howe I of Your Own- A i little house of ones own is far more envJcble than paying rent for a palace belonging to another Our popular plan of loans Is so liberal that It places It in the power of the rent payer to i become the owner of a home at a i cost within his means- If you want money to buy or build a home or to improve va vant lots or other property come lets talk It over Were helped hundreds like you on the road to independence in our twentytwo- years i of successful business in Pensacola Pensacola Home and i Savings Association- R M CARY Secretary 14 East Government Street I New Years Nuts Fruit Cakes Mince Meat Candies Groceries Everything Marine Grocery Co- V J VIDAL Manager Prone 725 604608 South Palafox St j I BE A HUB DRESSED MAN I 1 a I PALAFOX ST AT GOVERNMENT I PENSACOLA FLA BENJ C HEINDERG Proprietor t Regal Shoes Cluett Shirts John B Stetson Hats Suits Made to Order I I NEW THEATERBI- LL FOR WEEK DEC 27th MINOR VINCENTA clever Comedy ream GOLDEN GREYSinging and Talking Extra Fine DIXIE WARFiELDThe Clever Soubrette I AMATEUR NIGHT THURSDAY NIGHT Ring Phone 4 t- our wagons go everywhere and your i linen will come back white and clean having been washed in the most sani ¬ tary way and ironed by the NEW r PRESS IRONING device that saves + your clothes t DONT FORGETWe are the only laundry that was for white people exclusively STAR LAUNDRYSa- ve your washing for us Well save your clothes foryou Have You Had Ou- rRepresentative you a proposition on the light atna- ke your Store House or Office any reason you have not been the REFLEXOLIER SYSTEM OF and how well pleased every with the cost and quality of their illumination CALL 113 and let us hao our representative call on y- ouPENSACOLA GAS CO Phone 148 25 and 27 E Garden Street r = THE WEATHER IN PENSACOLA Furnished by local office United States weather bureau for The Pen ¬ sacola Journal of Dec 29 1909- Maximum temperature yesterday 52 degrees at 3 p m Minimum temperature yesterday 38 degrees at 7 a m Mean temperature yesterday 45 de ¬ grees Normal temperature yesterday 53 degrees Departure from normal yesterday minus 8 degrees Average maximum temperature for this date 60 degrees Average minimum temperature for this date 43 degrees Accumulated deficiency of daily mean temperature since first of the month 84 degrees- Accumulated excess of daily mean temperature from January 1 to first of month 217 degrees Total rainfall from 7 a m to 7 p m yesterday 0 inches Total rainfall since first of month S56 inches Normal rainfall for this month 417 inches Total deficiency of rainfall from January 1 to first of the month 160 inches FARMERS PROTECTIVE UNION- IS TO MEET SATURDAY Special to the Journal Cottage Hill Fla Dec 28The i Farmers Protective Union will meet- in regular session at this place Sat- urday ¬ Jan 1 1910 at 2 oclock p m and render the followIng program Strawberry CultureFrank Maxey Commercial Fertilizer Mr Ingling Fruit Canning Mrs S N Thomp ¬ sonThese meetings are arousing mach interest among the good people of this place and the members will derive a great deal of benefit from this source to say nothing about the benefit this organization will do the community I YOUR HOME r i I Isnt there something around It 4 that would Improve either the appearance or the living comforts- A broken sash a door where Im ¬ provement could be made a fire place where a beautiful but com- paratively ¬ Inexpensive mantle will Improve the room fifty per cent In appearance Think Aid if any part of your home can be repaired or Improved- In any way phone us and we will lift the burden of the details from you rshouldera- K G DeSILVA CO Phone 11 1 BOWLING ALLEYSO- pen from 9 a m till midnight- For ladles and gentlemen WEST ROMANA STREET Every Medicine Adverbs ¬ ed in This Paper For Sale at CRYSTAL PHARMACY b SUBSCRIBE FOR THE JOURNA i

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he John WhiteS e comes into the

z ne long pleasantJ outr eason is that they are

d for beauty comfort-ear and tear

00 to 700hese are the days when-

n want warm clothes notsly right but quicklyOur clothing fits and is

thoroughly well made and inthe feest styles accepted byauthorities on Mens Wear

The name The JohnWhite Store is proof posi ¬

tive that they will hold theirshape to the last thread

1500 to 3500

Another shipment ofMufflers that button at the

neck just receivedBlack Gray Light Blue

White Maroon and Navy50c

You havent overlookedbuying a pair of our Dollarloves

Just as serviceable to use-

r driving as for walking

Tuxedo shirts just reed A pippin too for100ILL BE OPEN ALLr JAN 1st-

Tohn White Storetore With the Reputation15207 S PaJafox St

0 = = = == H





= = c = =

Nights Play-e Red Mill disappointed prob

J1e largest house of the season°QRera house last night

y the nationwide reputationx= lay by Montgomery and

dvertlsed the show to theImost filling the opera

redeeming feature of ther wasthe work of Bert Oankle Woods as Con Kid

Conneral numbers for the mostjailed for applause what

that was given-b Swor and Woods num

Merry WidowWidow as agreeablyt rightly and vivacious asl

op an engagement at theI January 4

membered that the managetune local theater imporcoul for seats whichhad et at the time tried toWad son of The Merrysable This was imposties time Other communirOdU ng for the big SavagebookJ other theaters hadAmeri the owner of thegot w to the operetta wasbeat fhi031106 So the next

one the local man-lylIgemen atIon was immediatemade rn booking This wasL

The cFHARD SAIDmerit t judges ofby the 1m forcibly illustrated-mous demand for the fa-


VTNOlin Iron tonic knownIts

over mSfiODstrated over anddown the runweatome and to OVerworthless troubles WhileentIrely the are disappearing

the demand forprOOf ot

is tla increasing is ample-Pharnlaoy tic merit Whites-

elaP FlaR


The Stores Will Remain Open

All Day Saturday January 1stt

At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the jj

Merchants Association it was deemed advisablethat on account of New Year coming as it does on ISaturday it would be impracticable for the merchants-to close their places of business

The Merchants Association-BY HENRY HORSLER1 Secretary

< L



granted and the production is travelingthis way again while the advance de ¬

mand for reservations is greater eventhan it was before

The Merry Widow leaves no onedisgruntled Thats how those whohave seen it once want to go againHenry W Savage more than meetswith the reality what his representa-tives


say about his productions andso there are never any disappointed-ones What sounds like exaggerationabout the perfection of the ensemble I

turns out to be under the facts ratherthan over them and thus the confi Idence of the public is increased andthe best advertisers of The MerryWidow are those who have paid theirmoney and have gone to see it Theyall turn press agents and that is whythe likelihood is that there will be agreater success achievedby this pro ¬

duction when it comes to the operahouse for its second engagement thanwas won during the extraordinary sea ¬

son which has become a high light inthe history of the local theater-

At the Orpheum TodayToday Is ladies souvenir day at the iOrpheum and every lady who visits I

this popular place of amusement willreceive i handsome piece of glass ¬

ware absolutely free and hereafterevery Wednesday will be the day setaside as ladies and childrens souvenirmatinee day The management hasarranged a special program and everylads or child who visits the Orpheumtoday and feels they have not re-ceived their moneys worth both inshow and souvenir can walk to thebox office and their money will becheerfully refunded

Mascot the famous horse with thehuman brain is appearing at the Or ¬

pheum daily How did he do it Thewise ones are puzzling their headsover the wonderful performance puton by the human horse Mascotwhich was featured at chautauquaMonday afternoon and night

To many the subject Do animalsreason has been solved beyond adoubt But the more skeptical refuse-to believe their own eyes and arefirmly convinced that there are somehidden communication Between thenoble animal and his Hiberian mas ¬

ter Anyhow all agree that the horse-is a marvel of intelligence ind thathe has been trained to a nicety

Mascot told time to a second addeacolumns of figures that some in theaudience could not calculate picksout the democrats from the republic-ans


the sheep from the goats couldtell a spinster from a married wo ¬

man a bachelor from a benedictcould spoon to perfection play balllike a professional eat candy like aconniseur count like a mathematician-and in short display all the psychicalphenomena that go to make up thesum total of a human mind-

If troubled with indigestion consti-pation


no appetite or feel bilious giveChamberlains Stomach and LiverTablets a trial and you will be pleasedwith the result These tablets invig ¬

orate the stomach and liver andstrengthen the digestion Sold by alldruggists


The remains of AlberttfGonzalez thebright little son of Mr and MrsManuel Gonzalez were placed at restyesterday afternoon a large concourse-of sorrowing friends and relatives at ¬

tending the funeral services at thefamily home No 247 East Intendenciastreet and later following the remains-to the cemetery where many hand ¬

some floral tributes were placed uponthe newlymade mound

The little boy had reached the ageof a little over four years and nisdeath is a severe blow to the parents


Mike OLeary For Safe KeepingThat was the entry on the city jailblotter last night Friends who hap ¬

pened to drift into the station house-on business and who are acquainted-with the widelyknown and prominentbusiness man bearing a like name be ¬

gan to wonder what was the matterwith their friend who keeps a store-on West Zarragossa street Afterscrewing up enough courage to makeinquiry they were informed that the

Mike OLeary on the books was notthe one of their acquaintance butthat of a jolly Irish seaman whomade the jail through force of cir ¬

cumstances last week a visit and whohad come back again on anothercharge Then a sigh of relief wasbreathed


A fire alarm was sent in from boxIS at 326 oclock yesterday after¬

noon for a small blaze at No 9 NorthDeVilliers street at the home of JoWilkins The fire as on the insido-of the house and the damage wasvery slight

Shortly after 4 oclock another firealarm came from the same box for-a small fire at the home of EdwinFox on West Garden street In thiscase also the fire damage was slight


j d L r-1SEllil A-




a t Xf a a4-

MCX4Zz fSTfreft ell l

Tfcoussnds of-



orn 4o 2ci p to rl-


their guidingsisrwear It is al-



i 3t S tip ker qfrJ S-

rnever fails 7tf

pjflokrin-cjenr ser-

vice at mini¬

mum expense


I A Henry White BroI

Pensacoas Authority on Mensand Boys Wear

Palafox and Intendencla StI


D0Z =R


Tie Orpiwum Todayl-or


Ladies and ChildrenEvery idy gets a Handsome Souvenir worth twice the price of admissionMASOT =The Horse with the Human Brain Reads Writes and Adds

He is the Vender of the Age Big Amateur Night Friday



I Stops Eczema orI Itching PilesI instantlyI

A Free Package of Dr Hebras UngoidSent To Any Sufferer To Prove Its

Wonderful EffectsI Dr Hebras Ungoid is truly wonderful-

in Its results in any case of eczema orother disease that itches and irritates-





e d

psoriasis barbers itch tetter ring ¬

worm dandruff and Itching pilesVngoi stops the terrible itching the

very moment it is appliedtncnd is also an infallible remedy for

itching piles stopping instantly that un-reachable soultnrmcnting itching-

J Arnod of Holland City Mich saystTngold will do miraclesDr Hebras Ungoid is sold at drug

stores at 50c a box under a positiveguarantee to refund your money if youare not completely satisfied-

If you want to try it first send yourname and address to the G C BittnerCo Toledo Ohio and you will get a freetrial package by return mail If yourdruggist has no 50c boxes on hand sendyour remittance to the above companyAlways send name of your druggist-

For sale in Pensacola by W A DATemberte Druggist and Apothecary 121 SPalafox Street










Today is field day at Fort Barrancas-and by nightfall the winners of thevarious events will be announcedGood weather is promised clear and I

cool which is exactly the brand ofweather desired for events of thisnature

Each company stationed at Fort I

Barrancas has picked its best men foreach of the events and the outcome-is eagerly anticipated by the members-of the companies The entries are asfollows

Fifteenth Company-One hundred yard dasnpyt Sam-


E Midkiff Pyt Guy H CraneShot putPvt Carl Lentz Pvt Wil ¬


liam H FrazerTug of warFirst Sgt Lawrence L

Stallworth Capt Sgts Ross J Ken ¬

nedy Jesse A Haxton Cook Lillard-H MePeak Pvts William II FrazerErich O Rosen Frank A PreskeAdam Rch Carl Lentz

Running high jump Sgt Ross JKennedy Pvt Walter L Daniels PvtJohn Wilson

Eight hundred yard relay raceSgts-Ross J Kennedy Jvts Hans Boeckman Nathan D Woolley Daniel RHood Corp Bernhard C FergusonPvt B Copeland Pvt John GlaserPvt Edward L Harris

Wall scaling contestSgt John wSmith Capt dps Bernhard C Ferfnison Robert L Bradley Felix PragF r Edward L Ramsey Cook Lillarrt-T MoPeak Mus Verner Baker PvtsJohn B Copeland Charles Posey

Cross country runCpls HObert LBradley Edward L Ramsey PvtsHans Eoeckman Charles Posey j

Twentieth Company-One hundred yard dash Pvts John

F Able Edward Dolloff James A Banfield I

Shot put Mech George LenIngcrPvt George H Merrick I

Tug of war Captain Sgt Thomas-P


Casry Sergt Ladislar3 WitekMeoh Gorge Leninger Pvts John WHaynes George H Merrick GeorgeW Kendrick George J Sullivan FredWilliams Sergt Ray Perkins

Running high jumpSergt George-H Freeman Corpl Norris B RipplPvts Ermine King Roger White

Eight hundred yard relay raceCorpl Norris B Rippl Pvts John EAbel James A Banfield Edgar LDolloff

Wall scaling contestSergt George-H Freeman Corpl Joseph A Joseph-sen Corpl Leonard Haus Mech EarlNewman Pvts Clarence E Burmeis-ter Leslie K Flint Daniel A Mur-phy


Clarence O Porter Roger WhiteCross country run Corpl Charles-

D Gibson Ccrpl Norris B Rippl PvtsDaniel B Butler James A Banfield

TwentySecond Company-One hundred yard dashCorpl Per-

t > r A Knauer Pvts George L in-

field Grover WomackShot putPvts Edward L Hamric

Joseph J JacobsTug of warPvt Thomas Price

Capt Ccrpl Herman Power CorpuWilliam J Moulton Cook Walter Kel-ly Pvts Adolph Pelles Guy C SmithEdward L Hainric Nathaniel M Aycock Benjamin Watts

Running high jumpSergt Wade RCourtney Pvts William tam ArthurTussing

Eight hundred yard relay raceCorpl Thomas Tarrants Capt CorplJohn E McNamee Corpl Peter AKnauer Pvts Gilbert R NettletonRichard L i Fagot Elbert E MullinGtorge LV Winfield Joseph J GeierGrover Womack

Wail scaling contest Corpl WilliamR Shipp Capt Pvts Lonzo D HillRichard C Connor John W McIntyre


Harry R Haddon Roy Gardner An ¬

derson Fonteno John Baker ThurmanFrame

Cress country run Pvts George Linfield William Tomas AndersonFontenot

SeventySeventh Company-One hundred yard dashCorpl

Robert T Sneed Corpl Leroy Edmond Pvt Robert G Miller

Shot putSergt George Long CorplGuy W French

Tug of warSergt George MBowen Corpl Cornelius Leonard CookCharles A Sherman Pvts Jesse BegIcy Leroy Grissom Horace HawKlnsRoy Jolley Harley F Miller SergtBernard F Glynn Capt

Running high jump Sergt GeorgeLong Mechanic Charles A CanadayPvt Jesse Begley

Eight hundred yard relay raceCorpl Robert T Sneed Corpl LeroyEdmond Corpl Harley Wright Me-chanic


John B Willoughty MechanicCharles A Canaday Pvts Jeff HartRobert G Miller Grover F Levismier

Wall scaling contest Hergt Ber-nard


F Glynn Corpl Guy W FrenchMusician Vance L Bratton MechanicJohn B Willoughby Pvts William JMcGuire Edwin F Richards Ernest-J McCord Jesse Thompson Herbert-E Winslow

Cross runPrivates DavidGomez William J McGuire MusicianVance L Bratton

163rd Company-One hundred yard dash Pvts Virgil-

C Prestwood Roy SammonsShot put Pvts Stephen F Fields

Myron S Polkinghorn Lemiel KellySergt Colbert M Frazier

Tug of warSergts Frank M NaberCapt George W Norris Colbert MFrazier FranK Cermack Corpl Thomas-E Ellis Corpl William J StewartPvts Lemiel Kelly Stephen C FieldsClaud Stinson David G Brown MyronS Polkinghorn

Running high jumpCorpl James JQuicksall Pvt Ben H McKell

Eight hundred yard relay raceSergt Robert L Slatten Corpl James-J Quicksall Musician Otto Montgom-ery


Pvt Virgil C Prestwood SergtFrank M Naber Corpl Oscar LMears Pvts Ben H McKell Roy Sammons

Wall scaling contest Corpl Oscar-L Mears Capt Pvts Claud LBrown Ben H McKell Virgil C Prest¬

wood Lytt C Kelley John RobinsonOral P Fournier John M SteagallDavid G Brown

Cross country runSergt Kooert-L Slatten Pvts Virgil C Prestwood-Jay R Miller-

Chamberlains Cough Remedy is a-wry valuablte medicine for throatand lung troubles quickly relievesand cures painful breathing and adangerously sounding cough which in ¬

dicates congested lungs Sold by alldealers

NOTICE-All water rents will be

due Jan 1 1910 payable at I

office City Hall If paid be j

fore 10th of January a dis¬

count of 5 per cent will be al¬

lowed If not paid by Jan-uary


31st the water will beshut off and 100 penalty I

charged for turning on againPensacola Water Works

I6L A Little howe


of Your Own-A


little house of ones own isfar more envJcble than payingrent for a palace belonging toanother Our popular plan ofloans Is so liberal that It places It inthe power of the rent payer to i

become the owner of a home at a i

cost within his means-If you want money to buy or

build a home or to improve vavant lots or other property comelets talk It over Were helpedhundreds like you on the road toindependence in our twentytwo-years i

of successful business inPensacola

Pensacola Home andi

Savings Association-

R M CARY Secretary

14 East Government Street


New Years


Fruit Cakes

Mince Meat




Marine Grocery Co-

V J VIDAL Manager

Prone 725 604608 South Palafox St









BENJ C HEINDERG Proprietor tRegal Shoes Cluett ShirtsJohn B Stetson Hats Suits Made to Order



MINOR VINCENTA clever Comedy ream

GOLDEN GREYSinging and Talking

Extra Fine

DIXIE WARFiELDThe Clever Soubrette


Ring Phone 4 t-

our wagons go everywhere and youri linen will come back white and clean

having been washed in the most sani¬

tary way and ironed by the NEWr

PRESS IRONING device that saves+

your clothes t

DONT FORGETWe are the only laundry that wasfor white people exclusively

STAR LAUNDRYSa-ve your washing for us Well save your clothes foryou

Have You Had Ou-

rRepresentativeyou a proposition on the lightatna-keyour Store House or Office

any reason you have not beenthe REFLEXOLIER SYSTEM OF

and how well pleased everywith the cost and quality of their

illumination CALL 113 and let us haoour representative call on y-

ouPENSACOLA GAS COPhone 148 25 and 27 E Garden Street

r =


Furnished by local office UnitedStates weather bureau for The Pen¬

sacola Journal of Dec 29 1909-Maximum temperature yesterday 52

degrees at 3 p mMinimum temperature yesterday 38

degrees at 7 a mMean temperature yesterday 45 de ¬

greesNormal temperature yesterday 53

degreesDeparture from normal yesterday

minus 8 degreesAverage maximum temperature for

this date 60 degreesAverage minimum temperature for

this date 43 degreesAccumulated deficiency of daily

mean temperature since first of themonth 84 degrees-

Accumulated excess of daily meantemperature from January 1 to first ofmonth 217 degrees

Total rainfall from 7 a m to 7 pm yesterday 0 inches

Total rainfall since first of monthS56 inches

Normal rainfall for this month 417inches

Total deficiency of rainfall fromJanuary 1 to first of the month 160inches


Special to the JournalCottage Hill Fla Dec 28The i

Farmers Protective Union will meet-in regular session at this place Sat-urday


Jan 1 1910 at 2 oclock p mand render the followIng program

Strawberry CultureFrank MaxeyCommercial Fertilizer Mr InglingFruit Canning Mrs S N Thomp¬

sonThese meetings are arousing machinterest among the good people of thisplace and the members will derive agreat deal of benefit from this sourceto say nothing about the benefit thisorganization will do the community




Isnt there something around It 4that would Improve either theappearance or the living comforts-

A broken sash a door where Im ¬

provement could be made a fireplace where a beautiful but com-


Inexpensive mantle willImprove the room fifty per cent Inappearance

Think Aid if any part of yourhome can be repaired or Improved-In any way phone us and we willlift the burden of the details fromyou rshouldera-


Phone 11


BOWLING ALLEYSO-pen from 9 a m till midnight-

For ladles and gentlemenWEST ROMANA STREET

Every Medicine Adverbs¬

ed in This Paper For Saleat CRYSTAL PHARMACY


