i.' 7; nathre a third o your time is, or shold be spent in ......itcing les.g i want you to...

l `mot w .. I.' A Third o Your Time Is, or Shold be Spent in Bed Why not, then have your Bed Room Furniture of the comfortable kind. Just as well to have it stylish too, which can and will be the case if your furniture is purchased from The Mon- roe Furniture Company. ~ - Bed Room Suits as as low as $18.00, well made anQ nice- ly finished. Also a complete line of all f the newest patterns in Colo- ` nial, Louis XIV, Napolean, i etc., in all the new woods and finishes. It is not too EARLY to begin thinking about your summer needs. How about a new Refrigerator for this summer? We have two cars bought, so are in a position to fill your wants to your advan- tage.. Write us today. YOU WILL ENJOY TRADING AT THE WHOLESALE EDRETAIL 11 Norh M Sen St. Mnroes 132-138 North Second St. Monroe, Louisiana. UgloQ001 OALDWELL WATCHMANA M chill J. W. Butler of Riverton, was Mr. a visitor Tuesday. Lov Mr. W. B. Grayson of Grayson, R was a business visitor Wednes- M -day. E. I Sick headach results from a disorder- l]att ed condition of the stomach, and can be cured by the use Chamberlain's exte Stomach and Liver Tablets. Try it. Cart For sale by all druggists.pla Mr. S. W. Dunn was a visitor yo Mdnroe Wetlnesday. Jo Iwas here on business e nes ay. toe al Now is the time to get rid of your thonj Srheumatism. You will find Chamber- "At Slain's Liniment wonderfully effective. and One application will convince you of its burn merits. Try it. For sale by all drug- bur gutspiles gists. Mr. A. J. Kelly of Possum T 'Bend plantation, was in town fall Tuesday. pea Rub- y-Tism will cure you. nex M. Jarrell, the cheap merchant ' of Columbia, was visitor to Mon- wil' roe Wednesday. da3 Dir Miss O'Ine Godfrey, after an gr extended visit to Monroe and is c Bastrop, is again at home. Mr. J. F. Dunn of Glen Ella, was a business visitor Tuesday. nes Mr. J. T. Hawkins, the hust- mi ling lumberman of Riverton, was mo a business visitor Monday. What Texans Admire is hearty, vigorous life, according to Hu h Td lman, of San Antonio. "We anV" he writes, "that Dr. King's New Life Pills surely put new life and ener- 80' into a person. Wife and I believe an they are the best made." Excellent for stomach, liver or kidney troubles. 25 cents at all druggists. "Baby" Cudd, the popular oil man of Monroe, was a business of visitor, Wednesday. de Mr. P,. F. Claunch, member P elect to the police jury from ward ye 8, was in town Monday. Itcing les.g I want you to know how much good your Hunt's Cure has done me. I had suffaered with itching piles fifteen years, c and when I was traveling through o Texas a man told me of your Hunt's Cure. I got a 5c box andit curedme. 8 John Bradley, Caney, Kans. H. H. Blanks of Monroe, wasa business visitor Monday. O Mr. Burrel Hamilton, the pop- ular assistant poqtmaster, is visit- ing his sister in LaSalle parish. The police jury met in regular session Monday. and transacted a routine business. Mrs. A J.. 3DeLaune, of Rochelle, is visiting the home of her father, Mr. D). J. Dunn. Miss Marion Aessie, the pretty daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Thorhil, who has been teaching 'at Addis,a is again at home to the dlislgt of her many friends. 1inaiL Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ray and good children are visiting the home of susta Mr. Ray's sister, Mrs. S. M. conve Love, near Mt. Pleasant. tion f berlai Rub-My-Tism will cure you. reliat creas Mrs. H. F. Coleman and Mrs. stren the w E. W. Htchey of Kelly, left the ural i latter part of the week for an all dr extended visit in St. Louis and Th Carthage, Missouri, and other at th places of interest. day day: Helps a Jadge Baad Fi. sions Justice EUli Cherry, of Gillis Mills, will i tors and long resisted all remedies. "I thet bthonght it was a cancer," he wrote,. "At last 1 used Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and was completely cured." Cures burns, boils, ulcers, cuts, bruises and 01 piles, 25 cents at all druggists. med I The back water cottinues to in t 1 fall and will completely disap- left pear from our streets within the a be next week. peai Cop t The Grayson Sunday School war -will observe Childrens' Day Sun- cov day with appropriate exercises. Dinner will be spread on the d ground, and a general invitation Si is extended to everybody, has citit No Calomel Necessary. hell The injurious effect and unpleasant- irre Y ness of taksng calomel is done away with by Simmons' Liver Purifier, the ing mildest known liver medicine, yet the Am Ls most thorough in action. Put up in yellow tin boxes only. Price 25c. Tried once, used always. Ti For Sale. Ligi ve My farm situated one mile P . south of Grayson, well improved omi ve and good water. ent L. D. McKeithen, has Grayson, La, on oil Mrs.Elizabeth Meredith,widow 'ss of Asa M. Meredith, died sud- 2 denly at her home near Cotton )er Plant, Sunday night in the 79th ird year of her age. She was buried Monday in the family burying cil ground at Mt. Pleasant church. bi hod 5 or 6 doses 666 will break any ars, case of Chills and Fever; it acts nc ugh on the liver better than Calomel, me. and does not gripe or sicken. 25c. ti ans. as a Mrs. Soucier died at the home n, of her nephew, Mr. C. A. Hebert, of this town, Saturday evening )op- June 1, 1912, after an illness of isit- t- several weeks. Deceased was82 of ' years of age, and had been in P ular failhng health for some time. She h eted was an estimable lady and has p many friends to mourn her death. c of Srdli. a of Sprained back and sore muscles through off their soreness when Hunt's C Lightning Oil is applied. For releving t .ety pai of any kind there is nothing bet- a ter, and those people who have tried it * P. for neuralgia and rheumatism are loud a hing in its praise. For wire cuts Hunt's ? th htning Oil is especially fine as it i 0the esaway the inflamation and causes ( rapid healing. 25c and S0c bottle, $Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Humphries and children, Marbrey and Chris- tine, after having spent several days with their parent, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. K. Humphries of Kel- ly, returned on last Friday to their home at Good Pine, La., where Mr. Humphries resumed his work as salesman in the conm- missary. We hear that he is quite a popular salesman there, and we congratulate him upon such success. How's This? We offer One Hundred I)ollars Re- wardl fur a:y case of Catarrh that can- not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be- lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. National Bank of Commerce. Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter- nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa- tion. At the mass meeting held at the court house last Thursday the following officers were select- ed to serve our town until next election, to-wit: Mayor, G. L. Alford; councilmen, N. L. How- er, J. D. Yarborough, J. T. Hamilton, W. A. Brandin and W. H. Waggoner. A committee was appointed to draft a new charter and present the same to our Representative at once. I: there ahything in all this world that is of more importance to you than good digestion? Food must be eaten to sustain life and must be digested and converted into blood. When the diges- tion fails the whole body suffers. Cham- berlain's Tablets are a rational and reliable cure for indigestion. They in- crease the flow of bile, purify the blood, strengthen the stomach, and tone up the whole digestive apparatus to a nat- ural and healthy action. For sale by all druggists. . The council and mayor selectedf at the mass meeting last Thi day have received their commis- sions, and it is hoped that they will immediately qualify and 5 ee e the town cleaned up generally. Lost or Strayed. I One mouse colored mare mule, medium size, getting little gray in the face and a little lame in left hind leg when traveling; had a bell on when last seen. Disap- peared about May 30th from nar Copenhagen prairie. Liberal re- I ward will be paid for lr re- - covery. Frank Jauies, Columbi, La. Since the war over theF G. has broken out in Mon , its citizenshave a chance to fin utif hell and high walr are re y as t irresistible as the proverbi say- ~ ing indicates.-Lake parles re American. Stands Ahead . There is something about nt's Lightning Oil that no other l1ent 4 possesses. Others may be goodut it is surely the best. It does all rec- ommend it for. and more. For ins, cnts, bruises, burns, aches and a it has no equal on earth. It stand end a. on my medicine shelf. Very truly yours, T. J. Browni Livingston, - 25e and 50e bottles. on --- th Notice. ed Notice is hereby given t he a ng citizens of the Village of - < bh. biaa, Parish of Caldwell, te of Louisiana, will make a - tion to the General ly now in session at Baton e, La., through their repre - tive, J. E. MeClanahan, a new charter. J. R. Brown, Ma of Every Citizen S82 of Columbia should have - in phone service in their bu 3he houses and residences. Th has phone is a necessity as we th. convenience. You cannot to be without one. Our ion tance service, with which ite connected, affords conp ving tion with every importan bet- and town in the United ~ and Canada. Reasonable ant's service unexcelled. For fu I as it information, call manager. F muses CUMBERLAND TELEPHONE TELEGRAPH Co.. (IC). 7; NAThRE MADE R,A Cz 0//EAL REL/IEVEAND CURE 1Y rll-#asskrrr icistlemis/r For all Disorders of the STOMACH, KIDNEYS LIVER. or BOWELS. Take it when sick to make you well. Take it when well to keep you so. It's a fine tonic and up-builder. lR-A- Cto WORKS MIRACLES 50 CENTS At ANY DRUGGISt IHE MIRACO CO. LTD, SHREVEPORT, LA. Probable Decrease in Cotton Acreage. The Memphis-Appeal of June 3; says: Reports of correspondents to date of May 28 and 2i) indicate a probable decrease in the acreage planted to cotton this season of 6 per cent. The figures arc, how- ever, more than usually indeter- minate, as considerable planting remains to be done over wide areas. Correspondents' estimates on the condition of the crop, as compared to normal, indicate a per centage of 80 to 83. Cotton is later than last year in all States save the two Carli- nas and Texas, and over the whole belt the land preparation isless than thorough, and plant- ing was begun at a later date than last year, Rapid germination has, how- ever, done much to restore the ane lost; the plant is generally healthy and growing thriftily, ad where it is advanced enough citivation is making normal rogress. In detail, conditions ow as follows: South Carolina, acreage de. reased 9 per cent. Alabama, acreage decreased 1I r cent. Mississippi, acreage decrease( per cent. Missouri, acreage decreased 11 per cent. Arkansas, acreage decrease( 11 per cent. Louisiana, acreage increased I per cent. Oklahoma, acreage decreasec 11 per cent. Texas, acreage increased 1i per cent. Georgia, acreage decreased 11 per cent. Virginia, increased 5 per cent. In the House the other day, Legislator Jones of Baton Rouge, proclaimed that if he made any reference to the Red Necks of North Louisiana he said it in jest and begged the pardon of Legis- latpr McClanahan and other North Louisiana legislators. Thereupon the incident was clos- ed. We see no reason why the Red Necks of North Louisiana should be offended at any quibs from the Red Heads of Red Stick.-Lake Charles American. Bring us yonr job work. Notice. I have a mammoth thorough- bred Missouri Jack, weight 800 pounds. This'jack is "license" and I will serve him from now on at $10. Ialso have athorough bred Kentucky Stalion, weight 1000 pounds, which I will serve at $10. Colts guaranteed or no pay. Parties desiring the service of these two thorougbred ani- mals, will address W. J. Elder, Feb 2 3-6m Holum, La. KI LLnrnCOUGH AND CURErtKLUNOS wi DRKIl NC'S NJDIROCWRY 1 HANDA A LWL1 TIJBLES r~brU H_~gar~swimemiemer(mmar~ 6(/ARAiryg~i, JA;I7yFCtORV so ewet sxLE)R:rtsmaciro ar' I have a few thoroughbred )Uroc Jersey Pigs for sale. ?rice, one for $8, two rfor $15. W. H. Hall, April 12-4t Kelly, La. Alexandria Steam Laundry. J. N. KRAMER, Prop. Shirts- ------- C-...- - -- - -- - _ 10 Shirts, negligee------------- --- 10 Shirts, plaited, puttff or fancy. -_ 12 1 Collais -o- - Collars, Huster Brown or fancy ..- 5 Cilffs, per pair..- ---------------- 5 Waists .------- 15 to 25 Ties ---- ---- ------------------ 5 Drawers-------------.----- . 6 to 8 Unders;hirts - ----- -6 to 8 Night Shirts 10 Socks, per pair------------_5 5 ItlandKLrchiels - - - ----- 3J n 'Handkerchiefs, silk---- ---------- 4 Vests 20 Coats, linen----------------------2 a P'ants, linen . - ------------------- 25 ( Overalls ----- __--------- -_ -12c Jumplers ---------------------- 121c lo)els ---- -..------- 3 to 5 Table Cloths --------------- 10 to 25 Sheets ------------------------ 10 Pillow Cases --------------- 3 to 10 Napkins - --------------------- 21 ( ned Spreads..-------------- 10 to 25 n c Cleaning and Pressing Steam Process. Suits .__--------------------._ $2 50 I e Coats ------------------------- 1 25 Pants- _ ---------------------- 75 Vests_0--- ---------- 50( 0 Overcoats--- ------------------ 2 00 a Skirts ---------------.. 1 00 and up SWaists- ------------------ 1 00 and up 6 Cleaning and Pressing--Dry Process. Suits----------------------$1 50 ' Coats----------.. .... . ... .. 75 r- Pants ---- _- ---- ------ _ -.- i 0 Vests - ----- --------------- _ 25 g Skirts ----------------- 50c and up le Waists----------.-----.50c and up( s Cleaning and Dyeing. Suits----- - ___------------------__ $3 50 Coats-----------------------_ - 1 75 a Pants------ --------------- _ _1 00 Vests----- -__-----------------75 3)vercoats ____ _3---------------- 00 ir Skirts-----------------1 50 and up Waists-----------.. .-- 1 50 and up Prompt delivery and Shipments. le F. D. MEREDITH, Agt., in Columbia Barber Shop. Subscribe for The Watchman, te only one dollar a year. v- Sheriff's Sale. 1e Thirtieth Judicial District Court, ly Parish of Caldwell, State of Louisiana, ;h A. J. MoDaniel Vs. -No. 1250. at Heirs of Mrs. Jane McDaniel, Dec'd. .S By virtue of a writ of sale issued and to me directed by the honorable court aforesaid, I will offer for sale at public e- auction to the last and highest bidder, at the court hovse door of this parish in the town of Columbia, Parish of 12 Caldwell, on Saturday, June 22, 1912, ed between legal hours, the following de- scribed property, to-wit: South half of southwest quarter of twelve ridian, cont ing eighty ii't' rea o land, 15 more or less. Said property to be sold as the prop- erty of the common owners thereof, ed and will be sold for cash, according to law, in order to effectapartitionamong the various owners, the proceeds of said l 5 sale to be divided among the owners thereof, as recognized in judgment ren- dered and signed in the above styled ad cause, after paying all costs. May 17 W. C. WELCH. Sheriff. [0 Send us your orders for any I and all kinds of job work. We Li will save you money and give satisfaction. Keeps the Wheels Moving S OMETHING ;broken down? Maybe it it's the plough or the mowing machine. What's to be done? Delay means loss. The nearest supply depot may be miles away. It may be that the necessary part can only be obtained in some distant city. The Bell Service does the work. The farmer gets into quick communication with the dealer and shipment is mado without delay. .No wonder the enterprising farmer regards the Bell Service as an essential to success. Are you trying to get along without it? If so, consult our local manage. Cumberland Telephone & Telegraph Company. GUS L. ALFORD Attorney-at-Law Columbia, - - - Louisiana. Will practice in all the courts of the 5th Judicial District and Supreme of the State. George Wear. Francis E. Jones WEAR & JONES Attorneys-at-Law Jena, La. P. 0. Box 96 Will do a general civil and crimi- nal practice in the District Courts in the Parishes of Caldwell, Winn and LaSalle and the Lupreme Court of Louisiana. DR. S. H. BROWN Physicians and Surgeon ;Columbia, L.. Office at City Drug Store. All calls given prompt attention. IRBY B. MAY, PHG. M. D. (Successor to 1)r. J. Q. Graves) Office, Columbia Drug Store, COLUMBIlA, LA. D. 0. SHERMAN, M. D. SPhysician and Surgeor. COLUMBIA, - - LOUISIANA Office, Woodmen IBuilding. CEDAR POULTRY FARM Grayson, La. I have pure bred Mamoth SBronze Turkeys for sale. SToms $5.00, and hens $3.00. w. B. Grayson. REAL ESTATE Lands of all Description Bought and Sold John R. BROWN, Colonbia, La Sheriff's Sale. Thirtieth Judicial District Court, Parish of Caldwell, State of Louisiana. Brewer and Corcoran, Vs.-No. 1258. t Minor Heirs of Rosa Fife Duke, Dec'd. c By virtue of a writ of sale issued and to me directed by the honorable Scourt aforesaid, I will offer for sale at f public auction to the last and highest bidder, at the court house door of this parish in the town of Columbia, parish of Caldwell, on Saturday, June 22, 1912. of between legal hours, the following de- ,e scribed pro rty, to-wit: 1, south-wet r f ter of section thirty-one; north haf of . north-west quarter. south-east quarter Pof north-west quarter and north half of o south-west quarter of section thirty two, in township twelve north, rang five east, Louisiana Meridian; contam- sing 320 acres ofland more or lesas. y a property to be sold as the propf 11 erty of the common owners thereof and will be sold for cash, according tolai, in order to effect a partition among the various owners, the proceeds of said y sale to be divided among the owners thereof, as recognized in judgment ren- dered and signed in the above styled - cause after paying all costs. may 17 W. C. WELCH, Sheriff. SCHOOL OF BUSNES" SWLE COLLEGES NEW ORLEANS, LA. ! $hooldbedi entebe ttratutnrto r them or urau bhu~aas. YOU ~ rcnrur rcutaction, lsae Imtaor"r mert nepagatmet. Complete Couk Sah, College Stoc aa& Wholwj [o marepregeatattons t ecan g dents. Thtough the uc des of i t 33000 fonmcs etudeaa.t Soul. C."-e Acrncogabed-tL4 wmw ~mm A~ab, haetle('1S)7du WU4 1&bo la , - ssdf alo QUO.L 07 & O*$,

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Page 1: I.' 7; NAThRE A Third o Your Time Is, or Shold be Spent in ......Itcing les.g I want you to know how much good your Hunt's Cure has done me. I had suffaered with itching piles fifteen

l `mot w ..


A Third o Your Time Is, or Shold be Spent in BedWhy not, then have yourBed Room Furniture of thecomfortable kind. Just aswell to have it stylishtoo, which can and will bethe case if your furniture ispurchased from The Mon-roe Furniture Company.

~ - Bed Room Suits as as low as$18.00, well made anQ nice-ly finished.Also a complete line of all

f the newest patterns in Colo-` nial, Louis XIV, Napolean,i etc., in all the new woods

and finishes.It is not too EARLY to

begin thinking about your summer needs. How about anew Refrigerator for this summer? We have two carsbought, so are in a position to fill your wants to your advan-tage.. Write us today.



11 Norh M Sen St. Mnroes132-138 North Second St. Monroe, Louisiana.



J. W. Butler of Riverton, was Mr.a visitor Tuesday. Lov

Mr. W. B. Grayson of Grayson, Rwas a business visitor Wednes- M

-day. E. ISick headach results from a disorder- l]att

ed condition of the stomach, and canbe cured by the use Chamberlain's exteStomach and Liver Tablets. Try it. CartFor sale by all druggists.pla

Mr. S. W. Dunn was a visitoryo Mdnroe Wetlnesday. Jo

Iwas here on business e nes ay. toeal Now is the time to get rid of your thonj

Srheumatism. You will find Chamber- "AtSlain's Liniment wonderfully effective. and

One application will convince you of its burnmerits. Try it. For sale by all drug- bur


Mr. A. J. Kelly of Possum T'Bend plantation, was in town fallTuesday. pea

Rub- y-Tism will cure you. nex

M. Jarrell, the cheap merchant 'of Columbia, was visitor to Mon- wil'

roe Wednesday. da3Dir

Miss O'Ine Godfrey, after an grextended visit to Monroe and is cBastrop, is again at home.

Mr. J. F. Dunn of Glen Ella,was a business visitor Tuesday. nes

Mr. J. T. Hawkins, the hust- mi

ling lumberman of Riverton, was moa business visitor Monday.

What Texans Admireis hearty, vigorous life, according toHu h Td lman, of San Antonio. "WeanV" he writes, "that Dr. King's NewLife Pills surely put new life and ener- 80'

into a person. Wife and I believe anthey are the best made." Excellentfor stomach, liver or kidney troubles.25 cents at all druggists.

"Baby" Cudd, the popular oilman of Monroe, was a business ofvisitor, Wednesday. de

Mr. P,. F. Claunch, member Pelect to the police jury from ward ye8, was in town Monday.

Itcing les.gI want you to know how much good

your Hunt's Cure has done me. I hadsuffaered with itching piles fifteen years, cand when I was traveling through oTexas a man told me of your Hunt'sCure. I got a 5c box andit curedme. 8

John Bradley, Caney, Kans.

H. H. Blanks of Monroe, wasabusiness visitor Monday. O

Mr. Burrel Hamilton, the pop-ular assistant poqtmaster, is visit-ing his sister in LaSalle parish.

The police jury met in regularsession Monday. and transacted aroutine business.

Mrs. A J.. 3DeLaune, ofRochelle, is visiting the home ofher father, Mr. D). J. Dunn.

Miss Marion Aessie, the prettydaughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. P.Thorhil, who has been teaching

'at Addis,a is again at home to thedlislgt of her many friends.

1inaiLMr. and Mrs. J. E. Ray and good

children are visiting the home of sustaMr. Ray's sister, Mrs. S. M. conve

Love, near Mt. Pleasant. tion fberlai

Rub-My-Tism will cure you. reliatcreas

Mrs. H. F. Coleman and Mrs. strenthe w

E. W. Htchey of Kelly, left the ural ilatter part of the week for an all dr

extended visit in St. Louis and ThCarthage, Missouri, and other at thplaces of interest. day


Helps a Jadge Baad Fi. sionsJustice EUli Cherry, of Gillis Mills, will i

tors and long resisted all remedies. "I thetbthonght it was a cancer," he wrote,."At last 1 used Bucklen's Arnica Salve,and was completely cured." Curesburns, boils, ulcers, cuts, bruises and 01piles, 25 cents at all druggists. med

I The back water cottinues to in t1 fall and will completely disap- left

pear from our streets within the a benext week. peai

Copt The Grayson Sunday School war

-will observe Childrens' Day Sun- covday with appropriate exercises.Dinner will be spread on the

d ground, and a general invitation Siis extended to everybody, has

cititNo Calomel Necessary. hell

The injurious effect and unpleasant- irreY ness of taksng calomel is done awaywith by Simmons' Liver Purifier, the ingmildest known liver medicine, yet the Am

Ls most thorough in action. Put up inyellow tin boxes only. Price 25c.Tried once, used always.

TiFor Sale. Ligi

ve My farm situated one mile P. south of Grayson, well improved omi

ve and good water. entL. D. McKeithen, has

Grayson, La, on

oil Mrs.Elizabeth Meredith,widow'ss of Asa M. Meredith, died sud- 2

denly at her home near Cotton)er Plant, Sunday night in the 79third year of her age. She was buried

Monday in the family burying cilground at Mt. Pleasant church. bi

hod 5 or 6 doses 666 will break anyars, case of Chills and Fever; it acts nc

ugh on the liver better than Calomel,me. and does not gripe or sicken. 25c. tians.

as a Mrs. Soucier died at the home n,of her nephew, Mr. C. A. Hebert,of this town, Saturday evening

)op- June 1, 1912, after an illness ofisit-

t- several weeks. Deceased was82 of' years of age, and had been in P

ular failhng health for some time. She heted was an estimable lady and has p

many friends to mourn her death. cof Srdli.

a of Sprained back and sore musclesthrough off their soreness when Hunt's CLightning Oil is applied. For releving t.ety pai of any kind there is nothing bet- ater, and those people who have tried it

* P. for neuralgia and rheumatism are loud ahing in its praise. For wire cuts Hunt's ?

th htning Oil is especially fine as it i0the esaway the inflamation and causes (

rapid healing. 25c and S0c bottle,

$Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Humphriesand children, Marbrey and Chris-tine, after having spent severaldays with their parent, Mr. andMrs. Jas. K. Humphries of Kel-ly, returned on last Friday totheir home at Good Pine, La.,where Mr. Humphries resumedhis work as salesman in the conm-missary. We hear that he isquite a popular salesman there,and we congratulate him uponsuch success.

How's This?We offer One Hundred I)ollars Re-

wardl fur a:y case of Catarrh that can-not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.

F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.We, the undersigned, have known F.

J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be-lieve him perfectly honorable in allbusiness transactions and financiallyable to carry out any obligations madeby his firm.

National Bank of Commerce.Toledo, Ohio.

Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter-nally, acting directly upon the bloodand mucous surfaces of the system.Testimonials sent free. Price 75 centsper bottle. Sold by all druggists.

Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa-tion.

At the mass meeting held atthe court house last Thursdaythe following officers were select-ed to serve our town until nextelection, to-wit: Mayor, G. L.Alford; councilmen, N. L. How-er, J. D. Yarborough, J. T.Hamilton, W. A. Brandin andW. H. Waggoner. A committeewas appointed to draft a newcharter and present the same toour Representative at once.

I: there ahything in all this worldthat is of more importance to you thangood digestion? Food must be eaten tosustain life and must be digested andconverted into blood. When the diges-tion fails the whole body suffers. Cham-berlain's Tablets are a rational andreliable cure for indigestion. They in-crease the flow of bile, purify the blood,strengthen the stomach, and tone upthe whole digestive apparatus to a nat-ural and healthy action. For sale byall druggists. .

The council and mayor selectedfat the mass meeting last Thiday have received their commis-sions, and it is hoped that theywill immediately qualify and

5 ee ethe town cleaned up generally.

Lost or Strayed.

I One mouse colored mare mule,medium size, getting little grayin the face and a little lame inleft hind leg when traveling; hada bell on when last seen. Disap-peared about May 30th from narCopenhagen prairie. Liberal re-I ward will be paid for lr re--covery. Frank Jauies,

Columbi, La.

Since the war over theF G.has broken out in Mon , itscitizenshave a chance to fin utifhell and high walr are re y ast irresistible as the proverbi say-~ ing indicates.-Lake parlesre American.

Stands Ahead .There is something about nt's

Lightning Oil that no other l1ent 4

possesses. Others may be goodut itis surely the best. It does all rec-ommend it for. and more. For ins,cnts, bruises, burns, aches and a ithas no equal on earth. It stand enda. on my medicine shelf.

Very truly yours,T. J. BrowniLivingston,

-25e and 50e bottles.on ---

th Notice.ed Notice is hereby given t he ang citizens of the Village of - <

bh. biaa, Parish of Caldwell, teof Louisiana, will make a -

tion to the General lynow in session at Baton e,La., through their repre -

tive, J. E. MeClanahan, anew charter.

J. R. Brown, Ma

of Every Citizen

S82 of Columbia should have -

in phone service in their bu3he houses and residences. Thhas phone is a necessity as we

th. convenience. You cannotto be without one. Our iontance service, with which

ite connected, affords conpving tion with every importanbet- and town in the United

~ and Canada. Reasonableant's service unexcelled. For fu Ias it information, call manager. F




1Y rll-#asskrrr icistlemis/rFor all Disorders of the


Take it when sick to makeyou well. Take it whenwell to keep you so. It's afine tonic and up-builder.




Probable Decrease in CottonAcreage.

The Memphis-Appeal of June3; says:

Reports of correspondents todate of May 28 and 2i) indicate aprobable decrease in the acreageplanted to cotton this season of 6per cent. The figures arc, how-ever, more than usually indeter-minate, as considerable plantingremains to be done over wideareas. Correspondents' estimateson the condition of the crop, ascompared to normal, indicate aper centage of 80 to 83.

Cotton is later than last yearin all States save the two Carli-nas and Texas, and over thewhole belt the land preparationisless than thorough, and plant-ing was begun at a later datethan last year,

Rapid germination has, how-ever, done much to restore the

ane lost; the plant is generallyhealthy and growing thriftily,ad where it is advanced enoughcitivation is making normal

rogress. In detail, conditionsow as follows:South Carolina, acreage de.

reased 9 per cent.Alabama, acreage decreased 1Ir cent.Mississippi, acreage decrease(per cent.

Missouri, acreage decreased 11per cent.

Arkansas, acreage decrease(11 per cent.

Louisiana, acreage increased Iper cent.

Oklahoma, acreage decreasec11 per cent.

Texas, acreage increased 1iper cent.

Georgia, acreage decreased 11per cent.

Virginia, increased 5 per cent.

In the House the other day,Legislator Jones of Baton Rouge,proclaimed that if he made anyreference to the Red Necks ofNorth Louisiana he said it in jestand begged the pardon of Legis-latpr McClanahan and otherNorth Louisiana legislators.Thereupon the incident was clos-ed. We see no reason why theRed Necks of North Louisianashould be offended at any quibsfrom the Red Heads of RedStick.-Lake Charles American.

Bring us yonr job work.

Notice.I have a mammoth thorough-bred Missouri Jack, weight 800

pounds. This'jack is "license"and I will serve him from nowon at $10. Ialso have athoroughbred Kentucky Stalion, weight

1000 pounds, which I will serveat $10. Colts guaranteed or nopay. Parties desiring the service

of these two thorougbred ani-mals, will address

W. J. Elder,Feb 23-6m Holum, La.


wi DRKIl NC'SNJDIROCWRY1 HANDA A LWL1 TIJBLESr~brU H_~gar~swimemiemer(mmar~6(/ARAiryg~i, JA;I7yFCtORVso ewet sxLE)R:rtsmaciro ar'

I have a few thoroughbred)Uroc Jersey Pigs for sale.?rice, one for $8, two rfor $15.W. H. Hall,April 12-4t Kelly, La.

Alexandria Steam Laundry.J. N. KRAMER, Prop.

Shirts- ------- C-...- - -- - -- - _ 10Shirts, negligee------------- --- 10Shirts, plaited, puttff or fancy. -_ 12 1Collais -o- -

Collars, Huster Brown or fancy ..- 5Cilffs, per pair..- ---------------- 5Waists .------- 15 to 25Ties ---- ---- ------------------ 5Drawers-------------.----- . 6 to 8Unders;hirts - ----- -6 to 8Night Shirts 10Socks, per pair------------_5 5ItlandKLrchiels - - - ----- 3J n'Handkerchiefs, silk---- ---------- 4Vests 20

Coats, linen----------------------2 aP'ants, linen .- -------------------25 (Overalls -----__--------- -_ -12cJumplers ---------------------- 121clo)els ---- -..------- 3 to 5Table Cloths --------------- 10 to 25Sheets ------------------------ 10Pillow Cases --------------- 3 to 10Napkins - ---------------------21 (ned Spreads..-------------- 10 to 25

n cCleaning and Pressing Steam Process.Suits .__--------------------._ $2 50 I

e Coats ------------------------- 1 25Pants- _ ---------------------- 75Vests_0--- ---------- 50(

0 Overcoats--- ------------------ 2 00a Skirts ---------------.. 1 00 and up

SWaists- ------------------ 1 00 and up

6 Cleaning and Pressing--Dry Process.Suits----------------------$1 50

' Coats----------.. .... . ... .. 75r- Pants ----_- -- -- -- -- --_ -.- i 0

Vests - ----- ---------------_ 25g Skirts ----------------- 50c and uple Waists----------.-----.50c and up(

s Cleaning and Dyeing.Suits----- - ___------------------__ $3 50Coats-----------------------_ - 1 75

a Pants------ ---------------_ _1 00Vests----- -__-----------------753)vercoats ____ _3---------------- 00

ir Skirts-----------------1 50 and upWaists-----------.. .--1 50 and up

Prompt delivery and Shipments.le F. D. MEREDITH, Agt.,

in Columbia Barber Shop.

Subscribe for The Watchman,te only one dollar a year.

v- Sheriff's Sale.1e Thirtieth Judicial District Court,ly Parish of Caldwell, State

of Louisiana,

;h A. J. MoDanielVs. -No. 1250.at Heirs of Mrs. Jane McDaniel, Dec'd.

.S By virtue of a writ of sale issued andto me directed by the honorable courtaforesaid, I will offer for sale at public

e- auction to the last and highest bidder,at the court hovse door of this parishin the town of Columbia, Parish of

12 Caldwell, onSaturday, June 22, 1912,

ed between legal hours, the following de-scribed property, to-wit:

South half of southwest quarter oftwelve

ridian, cont ing eighty ii't' rea o land,15 more or less.Said property to be sold as the prop-

erty of the common owners thereof,ed and will be sold for cash, according tolaw, in order to effectapartitionamongthe various owners, the proceeds of saidl 5 sale to be divided among the ownersthereof, as recognized in judgment ren-dered and signed in the above styled

ad cause, after paying all costs.May 17 W. C. WELCH. Sheriff.

[0 Send us your orders for any Iand all kinds of job work. WeLi will save you money and givesatisfaction.

Keeps the Wheels MovingS OMETHING ;broken down? Maybe it it'sthe plough or the mowing machine.What's to be done? Delay means loss.The nearest supply depot may be miles away. It may

be that the necessary part can only be obtained in somedistant city.

The Bell Service does the work.The farmer gets into quick communication with the

dealer and shipment is mado without delay..No wonder the enterprising farmer regards the Bell

Service as an essential to success.Are you trying to get along without it?If so, consult our local manage.

Cumberland Telephone &Telegraph Company.

GUS L. ALFORDAttorney-at-Law

Columbia, - - - Louisiana.Will practice in all the courts of the

5th Judicial District and Supremeof the State.

George Wear. Francis E. Jones

WEAR & JONESAttorneys-at-Law

Jena, La. P. 0. Box 96Will do a general civil and crimi-nal practice in the District Courtsin the Parishes of Caldwell, Winnand LaSalle and the LupremeCourt of Louisiana.

DR. S. H. BROWNPhysicians and Surgeon

;Columbia, L..Office at City Drug Store. Allcalls given prompt attention.

IRBY B. MAY, PHG. M. D.(Successor to 1)r. J. Q. Graves)

Office, Columbia Drug Store,COLUMBIlA, LA.

D. 0. SHERMAN, M. D.SPhysician and Surgeor.

COLUMBIA, - - LOUISIANAOffice, Woodmen IBuilding.


I have pure bred MamothSBronze Turkeys for sale.

SToms $5.00, and hens $3.00.w. B. Grayson.

REAL ESTATELands of all Description

Bought and SoldJohn R. BROWN, Colonbia, La

Sheriff's Sale.Thirtieth Judicial District Court,

Parish of Caldwell, Stateof Louisiana.

Brewer and Corcoran,Vs.-No. 1258.t Minor Heirs of Rosa Fife Duke, Dec'd.

c By virtue of a writ of sale issuedand to me directed by the honorableScourt aforesaid, I will offer for sale at

f public auction to the last and highestbidder, at the court house door of thisparish in the town of Columbia, parishof Caldwell, on

Saturday, June 22, 1912.of between legal hours, the following de-

,e scribed pro rty, to-wit:

1, south-wet r fter of section thirty-one; north haf of

. north-west quarter. south-east quarterPof north-west quarter and north half of

o south-west quarter of section thirtytwo, in township twelve north, rangfive east, Louisiana Meridian; contam-sing 320 acres ofland more or lesas.

y a property to be sold as the propf11 erty of the common owners thereof andwill be sold for cash, according tolai, inorder to effect a partition among thevarious owners, the proceeds of saidy sale to be divided among the ownersthereof, as recognized in judgment ren-dered and signed in the above styled-cause after paying all costs.may 17 W. C. WELCH, Sheriff.


! $hooldbedi entebe ttratutnrtor them or urau bhu~aas.YOU ~ rcnrur rcutaction, lsae Imtaor"rmert nepagatmet. Complete CoukSah, College Stoc aa& Wholwj[o marepregeatattons t ecan gdents. Thtough the uc des of i t33000 fonmcs etudeaa.t Soul. C."-eAcrncogabed-tL4 wmw ~mm

A~ab, haetle('1S)7duWU4 1&bo la , - ssdfalo QUO.L 07 & O*$,