i 1953... · conudrnnc lhto r«

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Page 1: I 1953... · conUdrnnc lhto r«

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Page 2: I 1953... · conUdrnnc lhto r«

Published for Employ� of

Arnerici!ln Wh�labrator

&. Equipment Corp .. Mahawako, Indiana

Vol. 12, No. 3-March, 1953

Joseph Flory, Editor

I• t�e PAI!ADE CeMI19 Yur /lay?

Have you been rcc-el vln& your PARAH reaularly� If not. ple.se let your &hop rvporter or your editor know about it, for that is the only way we have of knowin&:. Due to dr­cumtuu�t beyond our con trol, we sometimct are tore«! to mail them late, b ut we make cv&y t'nort to get thf:'m In the mall by the ftrst day of each monlh. We have al$o contactt'd the Mb�uawaka Posl�tcr, and he td­•ures u.s that PAAAOr: will not be un­n�rily delayed at that point. We wUI appr«:iate your help i n IC!tting u1 know if you fail to re«iVC! future iuUCl.

YOU 11t 1 PARADE ��� I tr at times readers of PARADE ff"t'l

that their ovm dc�rtmcnt is alighted in our pages. or that some individu-.1 ha.t done 80tnC!thlna: of interest without bfoing given cn:dlt, perhaps all the blame it not the fault of your rt'poru-r -or your editor. We honestly strive at all time. to be falr In our «>verage of people and ev<'nts. but. being hu­man. we might misll a ttory here and there. On the other hand. there •rt' new• Items which are passed up be­cauR you don't bring them to the at­tention of your $hop rt'porter. Your editor doet not mind admiuing that it Is his ambition to make PAI!AOC the best lndwtrial publication In this area -and to publlsh ln it those t hlnp which mean the most to the .VNitet't n umber or you. Wtth your cooperation we can accomplWl both th� a:oall. Remember at all times that PAJtAOtc ia not meant to be a "One Man Show" -or a "f'lVe Man Show," but something real wh1ch belona:s t o 11.11 of u.s.

Y 0 U T '' by Samuel Ulman

Youth is not a tnne of lift', It ill a stot� of mind. h Is not a mnuer of ripecheelu. red lips. a nd supplt' knct"s: It iii a temper or the wall, a quality of tht' lmaJination, a vigor of the Nnotionf. I t If. th� lre&hneu or tho.' deep tprinf$ of life. Youth mea.u � t<:mpc'ra�ntal predominnnee of �ur· age over timid1ty, gf the appetate of adventure over the lovo of eaw. This often exists in a man of 50 more than a boy of 20. Nobody Rf'OWS old by mereiy llvma: a numtK-r of years. People grow old only by desertina: their ideals. Yeal"5 wrinkle the skm; but to g1ve up enthusi:um. wrinkii.'S the soul. Worry, doubt, �:�elf-distrust. fear, and des:pau-the!$C! ·�the long, long Yt'at'l that bow the hc;�.rt and turn the g re<!nlna Jpirlt back to dust.

Wh<�th<'r SO or 15, there iJI In evtry human beln1'a heart the lure of won· dcr. the swe-et arrnu:emcnt at the stan and $\arllke thinp and tho ughts,. the undaunted cballenae of evenll, the

unfallma. childlike appetite for what rn:xt. and the joy of the gatM of liv· ing

You ur� u young as your faith, u old lUI your doubt; at youn1 as your "'lr-eonnden<'to, as old •• you fear; ;u young u your ho�. u old a• your dC'Spair.

In the central pJare of your l\cal'1 th�re is an everfi:rt'('n tr�: Its n11me ill Lovt'. So long u; it noori:ttoes you are youna. Wh('n it daea you nre old In thf" �n tral pis«- of your heart the� 18 a wlreleJ� station So lonfi: ;u Jt rc:«'1ves messages of beauty, hope, cheer. trandeur, rouragt-, and power from thf" f"arth, from men. and from the infinttf", !10 Jon& are you young.

Wh�n the Wlr('$ are down, tiOd all the- C(!ntral place of your heart il C'OVefN With ttw WOWS Of <'Ynl<'l$m and the Ice of �imism., then you are vown old, even at 20, and may C<xl have roerey upon your toul.

A Chnge tF Tillie n4 Pltce

One J<'Of'(l, and nlnNC<!n yean ago, our fath('f1 broug ht forth upon this nation a new tax. eonc:..-aved In det­perllltlon and dedicated to the propo­lition that all m('n are fair gam<'. Now we are engagt'd In a great mau or C'al· eulatlons. tc!t1n1 whether that tax­payer or any taxpayer, so confu!IE'd and 10 lmpov\!rished, e11n lonlf endu�. We are �� on 1-'orm UK(). We h.ave come to dcdtnte a laril!' portion of our inc:otne" to a final resting place wlth !host' men who her� ��:pe-nt their llv� that they may 'pend our money. It If altocether an.«ui$h and torture that we lhould do Uus, But In the !�sal sense we <'iln't evade. wt cannot cheat, we cannot under-ntimate this tax. The rollectors. clev�r and 5ly. w ho computed here, have gone far be­yond our power to add and subtract. Our cn:ditors will little note nor long remember what we pay here, but the

Bureau of lnternal Revenue can never fora�t what we report hefl!'. It is lor us taxpayers rather to be devoted here to the tax return which the

covemment has thus far ao nobly tpent. It Is rath<'r for u.s to be dedi­cated to the Cl't'at t.:J.sk n!mainlng be· fore u.s.. that from these vani$1\ing dollars we take in� d�otlon to the few remaining; that we here hiltta• ly tftOive that next yN�r wdl not find us in .a hlghtor income bracket. that lhlf \.llll:po.yer. underpaid, shall fl&ure out mo� dcductionf. and that tax­ation of the people by th4! eongrt'SII tor the JO\·�rnmcnt shall not cause our JOiveflC')' to perish.

......... ;J..f Whotev.r � SM;!EY STAN?

(Sc• PCI11C' lell">

Page 3: I 1953... · conUdrnnc lhto r«

AWECO Equipment i n t�l! Automotive Field

Whrn thl' •·ord Motor Company an� .-tall('(� two 1pn:U1l Wheclabr11to" �· «-ntly •n tM1r rww fO\Indry '" C�Vf'· 1.-nd. u wu a mnnonb� t'Vl"nt ft�r our �pany. It nM"aftl th.t Ford had



bouctn mor• than 100 machiMS for � an all tbe•r pl.anu, and �� wu proof that ttwoy "'·anted the brtlt on lM rn.rlt<rt for th&6 modt'rn found!')"

11M' milch� r.:h:rrcd to .,. twtn

o.. . ... M • 4J" W.fof8D.ing�d..,;ltl , .. ,...,..,...,.._IN•...dlft-

31"' ('OI'Illftuout �mbluU.. and a -48" Jt -&r WATB '""")' aft' lklW t'kanin.l four dd'l't-r'f'ftt �ru at lhtt llnw-od pumpt. watl"r f'f•DIW'ctauns, beanftl �pol and front C'O\�rs for turunc &ears At produc.1kln lt'lJ un&r way fOf' 11$4 F(}t'(l I and 1954 MMn.lry MJIIM'S, lldd1t10nal paru Will � tk•nltd In tht.'k unltt.

Our 48" x 48" WA TD thtU far has �n used onl_y to tll'ln s�.Kh cattlnJ• as ��o·{'tf! not completely t'l�an«l n\ th<' eontlnuout Tumblasu.. Thl!se t'Ulinrs � �ul� furtMr C'lt'anlnl afwr t'mt'tJ•ftJ from the sr umt be· cau. a numbt>r of C'O� nu�y M burned in, 1� U&tiJ\1$. � n')("ct$. wh1C'h •� a .mall pel'C'C'nU.ee- of the total nm. rtq\11,. about lh-e nunut" tn tht 41'" • •r for • utidactory Job.

Page 4: I 1953... · conUdrnnc lhto r«

If any or ut hllw � cu•hY or bfo. lf\1 tardy or at.rnt an unl"eUUO\8ble numbe-r of limN. Wf' m�t brfteftt by conUdrnnc lhto r«<rd or a croup whkh drlVH a c<�tU•d�rablr <mtance to work. Aa far at your ced1tor an lt'arn vt"ry few of our eommui.C'n aT1! ablw:>nt or tardy-and .ome: of tht'm Jive 40 mllc. distant.

It waa lmi)ONiblt' 14) roontact all our out.of-town rmpk>)'H'S. but we did lnquiT1! around for 10me timf' try1ng to aln��:le out the folk& that m1cht quahfy for ''tOp apot." We bc-lie\•e that th� mm from CromWI."Il. lnch&na, whlc:h • 40 mllH toUtbt-*"' of Mish­awaka. ha� ttwlt dtllmctiOn. If any­OM t-W daJ.ms to be the "'Champ .. pltuoe call It to our auntuon.

So. ft'lardlt'N ot •�alh« C'Ciftd.l­tionl. our rommutcn aeem to Cf't to �� )ob on ume-and they k-11\'tl hornt' In time .o lhat the)' may con­ftne lhemRIVft to lhf' hmiu of safe drivlnc. -opttt- l.i-. the- mcht � mtn, aaya lhllt not lone -..o when the r<*la ••ere t'Jt('('ptton.lly alippery, h(' left homt' bdoT1! noon 110 lMt he mlaht be on 1M job at • r. M.

Besides tha empiO)'l-'t't mentJoned ht'N! lhere are numeroua others, rom­inc from �ch pointS .. NilH. Ed· wardsburc, Buchanan, Elkhart, Go­�n. SyrKWe. t..pn .. Plymouth. and 8 ........

Wiw-n asked Wh)' they k� dTiVIJ\1 IUC'h d..Uncet our �uters ccrne up w1th vanou.t answers, but they all boll down to lhll: .. Well, •·e ean drn·e a lonl •·ay and aull ha\'t' � lt'Jt from our pay than 'A't' would 1f •·e ,.,·odr;ed In our OW1\ towns-and be'· stdn .,.., kiftd of hkt' to ••ork here."

,._ ,.,.... c.--11 � ...,, ,. r,.t�t . .... ...... '"" "<>�NY" "'"'· ....... �. who t­.. AWlCO 111 Qc,_., 19SIJ llll SdoW...Io, ».�"''I· ...... tool ""' ............. MfoJ Ill No­� ......... lt.50t111'--"•"''ooll" s .. -.s,..tSioo,o, ...... IM9.., .... •1ooN-""-,19.50

, _ b ••. , .... lfwll, ..... , (-- ,...,.. _\ .... ....._.,., ......... w •• � .... w w. ... . oocto'"'-"'9-•"""'tM_,.ur 0.. .. left � �- Moll., .,_. � . .... t-. � .. ,...,...... . .. 41 fl .. .-...l.llowil. ....... � ,....._ � ...... . ,.,_.--""'-"""'' ...

Page 5: I 1953... · conUdrnnc lhto r«

The Story Behind Our Liquamatte

Not � qo our ('l>m�ny ���o-u hoftorfll; by f'ffotWlnc: tht- Mode-m Defltnt Award pr'ftll'nted by On..lp N�..-s Maca:r.an� for O�'t'ra.ll ex�lknn- of th(- Wqu.am��t� Ment df'!IC'n·n Kkno••I�JC""nM"'n\, ��tohloC'h,.... tnH' an th11 �. u • tremrondow amount of rt'M'Ir<'h and t'ltPf'N�tAIIOn Mid lont" 1nto thi- df'SiJnlRI and conttruction of this �chine. Tht;� tlOr)' is an ouuta•\d•ng NUIImplt' of what ton 1w done whrn a group or 1ndlvlduall 1)00\ thClt knowledtt' and balle ldeu.

Our comp.ny had duM prclimmary t'xpcoriml"ntal work on liMo oa·t't blast mKhlM fllt' qu1te sonw t•nw prMW to the d<"a,nma of lh�.s Mw ON'. but no defin1tf' t'OI'It'hUtOnS h.-d �n arravt'd at '" rq:anl 10 coma mto prodUC1101'1

f'UUIII)' n was d('('Wi('(l th.at bl'ucor and mort' ('(IM!'"'ve �ulu f'OU.Id � ana•l\f'd •f • C'Oft\m.Jtttt', or ·-round tablt>, ..

"''('fe -lt'l up 1be nwmbft'l Wt'rc romPQtl'd of reprtknt..­tl"" of rMea�h. C'n&lr'K't'rlnJ, 11.1!� and rn•n•gemt"nt. We dt't'ktcd to enter W "'"' blut fleld only after tXtC�Ivo:­dl«u.Nion and l'f'tc!lltt'h

The potenllalnu�rket Wh C'Oitdully aut\'ll!:)'ed We made rk>kl tnpt: to Jnspt'C'l l� "'"allatrons of com�non. Th ... tnchndu.al problems of pott"nt�l t"WlomrTS ,. .... "' ttuched -'l!rkat tMy hked or duhhd about thoR C'On'IJW-tltl\• ... una\S tMn1n�

Our Pt'I"'Iffnc-1 0...5)flr11TK"nt It an anform.t�n burco.u­a clt>•rana housc for many vul('d problf"mt-tht' ronnect­lnJ hnk betw�n cmpiO)'t>o and manaacml•nt Ha1 l"h·�lf".

Arter many mH:tlnp. 1nd aftl.'r mock-uPJ w.N't' tn­tpt'('t('(i for 16P$)('1;1Untt. ton\·<-n""""'· ma,ntt>nllofK"c. lit'. 11 wa1 dt'(ided that thl'� wat 111 ddlnkte net"d of an lmpro'"t'd mAC'hllW in the WI;'! blilst !kid An order for l('nral unltt wa1 turned <wtr to thl' prod\K"tlon departMl'nt Sc-vc-nl ft"I1Ur6 ltlll �cd c:han1c f1�lly ca� prvdut"ll•"lf'l of tht" maC"hiM and the nw�rkt"hl\l!

1"hc- Uq�o���matte- wu fl7MNIIIy 1ntrodtla'd to tht> tncko in Orlobt-r. lll:il. and from that cbtt' on lb. ftnd1nas of tht> "round table"' ha\� 1x-m full) JU.tltkd..

Personnel Secretary

Pc>,..,.ncl 01l'«tor, and hit lol't�Wry, Uf'li• .,,;.,,.,;,,.-ark In clOIC' c:on)unctlon to k�p thl1 dt'partmt>nt OIK'ratlna 11 a hl11h lcVI•l of l'ffictency.

Tht' Person�! S«notary moat han the- f.cuhy of Jt'l· tlnJ alona wt'll v.·tth o\h4>r prop!(', lhC' mlal antKipatt' many of tht> qUftUons ,.hKh thry ha, .... in mind. aiH' m�. It \Uftt'S. havt' I •"()f'kl of pat�

Wllm IW"w t'mplo)"t'ft C'On1(> to A WECO, our St>c-n>tary 1ath('f'S many d<>tatls from tht'm whtt:h an! ""-"«"J<<'I"Y for rompr��ny l'ffOrd$. Sht> k«"Pt an a«UnHe $t\d up·l&--tht· m1nut� n'1'0rd on 1u�h matttrs 11 t-mploymMt, w•ttt ratc..'l. teruorlly, ln�ura�. a�atlcntt. tardLnt>M, totiiK'ntetllm, Ov("r· timt>, toeial .curit)f. R�poru tO hC"r tram l'mpiO)''-- rovcor tU<'h than .. as b1rths. d("llthl. chan&t of addrtU. mGrTlaJt', tiC'. Tt'llt lnto�UOft ll lht-n t"t..nntlord to tho propt":r <kpart.mtnU..

11\t' abow duUH al't" MO� or 181ot a -rtplar"' natu�. but tht' Sc>cn-tary ll ortcn ft<'t'd "'ath problt'ml of an .. ,,._. rt"''ular"' nature, many ot lh<-m f�Ultt amUIInJ- and pn-­"mal. Rc«ntly a woman mlPIO)'('t" phoned to ask. "Jull tdu:n •II dOML my m�rafl«" ro\·tr -I am gt.11n1 on a diC't, nnd would Ilk.- to know lr then· ll any provlaion for that'"H

Dl•lfa llt't'nu to bf tht> r�aht l)o"raon for lhla paruwltu' job. Shot' apent nearly two )'Hfll tn anotlu·r dCPirtiTK"nt of AWF.CO befol't' ta1u04 th!# jvb In October. ltiS

Page 6: I 1953... · conUdrnnc lhto r«

Steel Chips

INW 10me NWI·pohttnl mi.Nl•alllll· Ina �ntly on one of our AM ti\.!Shy d.IYI- �m·• r.-. .. t: ... _, p��rkt'd In a mud hoi<'. and upon lhln1unt what would hap�n in c:a� of a qui ck frH"t<', he d«lded to c:hangt' parking places.

Th�n th<r mud shna•na: sta.rtt'd Un· dtr all that mud wu i<'f'' A ht'avy foot on ttw au al\d a quldl tt-mper dkl no 1ood at all K., h.-t.• •·a11lt'd to ht'lp hit �-.-orttH ln d"'lfttl. ao tw tmt his m��11b" � to Cft,f'IC" and Ml� hun Jet out of tlw holco. 11111 IPIMMIIII hiS l:'&r w�IL 1'bc! f'oni c.me out of lbt' mud hoi• and Ray looked at If b� bad tallt'n 1n one

We 1\nd �� that Ray altO bu a quick lt!ml)t'r.

Whllt' lookiJ\1: for aomethlna d1lft'r· t'nt to JIVt' hlll wth.• for 111 annlvt'nary pl'ftrnt, IA:ri m- haJ h1t a nrw h11h lie .n out 1n war<'h of a bi1 bOuqud of r't'd ,__

How they tuf'Tiotd lruo a la� ... of btic:on, I couldn't undt'J'Itand, but &IIY· way, I suppo:te you a.n't nt ro.es, and bacon el!rtamly amelll cood (while frylna: that u.)

Foundry Shake Out

Out' to numt"rous nwnmn'lll u &.o 1M honH\7 and lnlt'Jnl)' of thta �­porter'a lntt'ntionl, In wr 1ti n1 thil t'Oiumn. thl:8 month Wt' will atart at the top and air a few of t� lf'lev­

ancn and answt'rt to thtm.

"l�y*' Ktolet.LU, ..,.. this Wf'ltlftlis done w1tb lhe ide-e tNt *>tnt day 1M rrportf'r ..,.ill be ablt' to blatkma•l mme orw for �h to sl)t'nd the �� of hta bfe fhtun.r Now �&ny" hved In Cb� dunnclbe Capone � and

naturally his thou4ht. •"' a littl� warpt'd alont this hnf''

Nat. thtTe ia ... ""' �.rv-.. lrr.i, who �u; havina hlS phya..q� <'On\pat'N to that of • Made truck. Now. what �H" C'OUid know that Walt f111kd to start ll'ftOkll\l cl.caret'" tn ltmot' to stunt hll cmwlh a littlt''"

\1 m ... r..l .. INI.)'J hil tiJhm& rf'puta• tlon was ru\1\t'd by n:omarka pr1nted ht'rt' Now, how would �ny reporter know that Mn. Olukie ,..., L'llling the �P frHUr w1th tlvf' pound ba,. wluk' AI waa brNkln& his lbh polH an L'l\'t' lnt'h blue! cdl•�

Then '"OI•W.,- ll..n:�l U)'l the �­portH" Is 1M pandfatht'r of "Baby­FACt'" Nelaon., tbt' pnp:tfl', --USf' n wu mentiOnt'd tha>t a mapzmoe f:u� to arr1vt' on unw It was annouf\t't'd that the f'.B.I. would probably be af· ter him but only to oonaratuJ.ate him on hi$ ulesmanlhip.

I �/ ....... � ..... �,.. �­

AwtCO Ill Mtrdl, lf)l �-ly . ..... w•o.....,�b.,.Woloor!l<o ........ ,..lft,. - � cS.r\ 11r0 .... ,...,.._ Det-1 -10f'k• h(o�M--1 V 4oftCi -.t h ........................ . ... �- ......... �wyp�e�oro.....-. .. _.......4 ...... 11o._"t ___ M>d._ -s..-. .................. lf'OIO ...... , .... _., ........... ,_ ... _

J.,., • ., .u ....... �l$ 1M con'II'IW'nll on hununc w1ld .- w11h a hot' now would an,.onoe know John wa• afBMI of L'ln! arms and wu USin& tM> t.o. for M"lf prot«tion?

The thort h.lin on the badr: of ,,..,

.....,.,,.,·� nrdc atand on l'nd, b«a� •t hall bN!n n�nlloncd here th•t ht' It taf'r)'ml qultl:' • bit of t'Xt'UII pound­·�· Now tht' ITIC"nlM>n of that was done only In the hopco that totM of Ne.l's frlenck would tell h1m about the · Fat Boy'a CharL ..

'nw'n our worth:r "Senator Snort'" calli th" rt'porlt'r "'Key Hole- W1MMII U" bini* of a little int'idt'nt tnvolv· 1n1 wtld duck._ When f'.ahi" 1,). to. .. lly and a tloc:k of w1ld dude, both try to w&dt' water on a moon lichtt'd road, wht'n then! il no water then•, that 11 M'WL Not news that Calvin would tr)' tbil but rw�·• that tM dut'lu wt"n:> 10 badly fooled

lnddmta.lly,lhllrqJOrtcrrc"tt'lt.:f'da Chrlltmat box beautifully wnpt)fd. 1:0t1ta1nina a kn-el)' f'OPt' 'n\ll of courMwaa tobt'USC'dfOf'abot.t anchor and not. fOf' J\ana•nl pu�

C t.ul"" Moo•••"r· mal:'hlftf' 1h0p nl,hta. and \!'"'"•"' '"'""'"'· machiM ahop, will be 1.1nalng tl d•lfcrent 10n1 for " t.'OUple of yt•ars. Both boyl lc'tt for the navy •·ebruary t. Cood luck to both of you.

....... '-"""'-"-'""Afl'lt"' If� . .. ..., ....... Cott o.p.r-t w .. ..,.._,....tby��f&etut"" .,nd�"'"llvoteo.tp .. -.htlyo•fl �.,.,·-·tv . ... ,_ hotlwlf,­•••nel"'-lwoltbw>dfoo.,_.,....�t�w l& ............... ....toefl.- ....... .... ........ . loM.,.,.._., .... Irtt...., -� ......... ........ ......... ......... .__....,_._..._"'(�� ..... �...- .... ��"¥

Page 7: I 1953... · conUdrnnc lhto r«


t�\\ IT Ill. "I'HI 'L'" , .. Thif. t1 � rnd� .,.uon, thto liN� of Nul � fan-.,.·dl. We-� LO J�u•e f'•Mi.l. of I)Lihnl, and tO Hwnran '1...-·

\IIIIi•"· now in F.lt'C'trJeal F.nlln«"rmg. another "Canny St'ot" who oo� to us by W11)' of Canada Wnh all thC! ScoUIN around Awr-:co nowadays, I'm Jooklnt forward to K"eina aome kilu on St Andre �A.•&' O.y!t

G1ft.t, lood wl&hN. and farewell to j10nd \hwrl• of OIIHnJ. (,.....,..;,... " ..... ni-'- of S.l"' and ''""'� """'.i� of Parts �rvtft', who h,•ft IW to takto up d1trtrt-nt .-pMrf11 of lifl'. w.·u nnss you all

It a�l'l th.at lhf' hut. JU)' wath � arro-a '* 11111 around- (M mw;t M cold In th�t Wdl�r•. u .... o�T�, "'' of Bllhn« ll now Mrs. F..d Hartlfoy, whde H.r .... (..W.Ln'� eyn 'l)al"lde to matctl lhto dl.lmvnd the &ot f'f'Oorn llarw:e Bob Wall��«> Jkuu kC't'JI an eyc on the budcct ror a wh1le Ed: lkovf'rly IICot .a excited whcn ahe lll'ft, lhc! for1ut her 1)11)' ldt II ly.nfC on her dHk' Uy ttk• way, how d•d the5e JU)'I &Cl in here th�y're both from Stucit•bAkel'l! Con1ratullltlons all.

'UI\ IU. "tiTt�'"' , .• Wi\h 111 the r�nt world·•halunJ l"'o'ents, it IS no· aM�.�nna to IC'arn from , • .,,., .., illi•-· now In Fort Knox. KC'n t�ky,lhat tM Atm¥ - .., st•ll ttw- army; and the �ry •·r�·nlflnlnt"" tOI)·ktCk Is; still C'alllt\1 U� hiM SomC'\hafl& muR hne � wron1-l know that t� •·<'"' thawllnd:t of buck pnvators out to ,et that I\IY <'H'1' a&nft' World War II br11.n Wh.lt happe-nt'd to the ll•• of lvt!nlftl that he should h\'e so lon1!

I'"'IMMOiow - • lhof-...N.Iorn .-t AM-CO _., ·• '-' ""'"' ... c­..._..,.Oo<l:_... ,._, ......... �N ,.., ....... ,_ c;........-""-'..._ "-,.. .... _ c__.,. • l .. ... .,, J.-. ... -''" ........ _ ..... .,.,.. twt.l.-too ww ...... ...._.. ....... _., __ ....,. ............ ,_....... ,,_..,._ .. tM ............ ..,_.,� ...

If the PAIIAut> hi tea('h�nl[ you, Pau l, IIC!nd ul a pac."tuf<' In your new tuit­wc:'ll run it In our picture- 1.allcry

••·\\t:·u K"O'' \01 \\Utf.t-:Q\1. I"C • , , h w� a \'C'fY Mondayu�h rnorn.lnl '" Enl•l'lftflnJ EvC'rythtt\1 "''II nondl.alant-f'\'t'n ttM- rat whkh stro!� th�h thto ck-p.nl'nC'nt WM IU\f\ll.arly latktnl m ambthon -\hat b unul n I"N('Md Ow EIC"dncal Dl"· .-�t. ,. hn-. J,.,. •=•••'"" our Elec· tncal £na,ant'C'r. vahantly atmf'd him· K'lf w 1lh a fty •-·atter and _.., forth &n hot puraut

&•niC'OI'\IotrVaiiV.O,Ie-t �ay simp­ly that Jun's tnumtkml ""C'"' opn\ to doubt - the popular IIC:"hool or thought bemt that hC' wu bo.•nt, not on �XIl"r­minaUon. but on ur11111 thl" rod'-'nt on to blgcer snd bNt1·r thlnp. llowevt'!r. u the- tv.o.ome rutohcd Into D\lst & t'umc Salt" relnforccmt'nU awaned Jim.

But let not the rat pau "unhonored and umUJ\1"· -In the twtli&ht ot h"' hr ... hC' �tabl1.1ht'd two very •ntt'rest­mg fxts; na�ly that ...,di .. IJ....,..I..ie n.n rumbly tk'.ar four tO&M obJtacln. ••thout t.nl1ntn ... and from a sutanc PQt;thOn "'' wht'e l�h) I�• an prod"'"' a thah C. '�'7 k1ud, \'rry kma. and �'7 lhnll. Jn'C'n the proPf"r provorat!Un' Pnct�l ,tokrra. pleue no«.

-..Q\MV.!' l\UHI.IJ • • • In order to

'- o. ........ ,.,... v....,.. --· c.- .. AWICO .., s.---... 19SI � ....... ._,.....,_�MI-•W,. o..t,.I...,_,_. , __ L__..., ................... _ ..... _. ..... _ ..,..._ ...... tv I.,..,.,._"-� .... __ ..... _.. .. �·--· .............. ,..,.. ............. .,. .. _ .................... -""'"""""'...., .. .... . .... .. ._.....

oonvu\C't 11 least my!M!If of tho supt>rl· orlty ot tht' femlnjne IPt'C:Ie•. I �1'\"h<'d for furtht'r proof, and found all mtC'I'l"t'tlnJ arttclt' tt'Vt'ahnx how a Chic11go lady, forsaken by hC'r hut• bond. found that tuh w•• nann1n1 low-a tOmmon wmphunt. Unfortu· natt'ly, ho1H'''«'I'. Uw lt'ntk'man van­btwod "'1thout • tn.n-. and nM t've-n the lonll �ndarnwno ���o·l"rt- able- to klrate tum for lht �f"POS'i"" of t'xtnct­mc��ryahrTM"tny

The- lady prOC"t't'de-d to tr1umph whck tht' law had flllkod-J.hto SIMP· b' ran an ach·t'M.*"'"C'nt 1n thto loorsl papn-, announnna her o��; n dNth. and wMn lht' "'('r centlMn��n tumo!d up to collm tht' msura�. h<' .... lkt'd stra1cht 1nto ttw Wl'lromtnc arms or the law. And 10 the lady JOt hcr ali· mony!

,\ \\01\U TO Tu•: \\ ,.,..: • . • It would apl)('ar that the bt'tt tk•lovcd male JS st 1ll ht' wno rNurru: at S:30 p.m dally, wllh • stt'P hut h•ht l-noul[h to show hto tUII lo\'t'l htS wlfl"; and JUSt ht'ny t'nOUih 10 .ttow that ht' hun't fOf'IOtltn the' lnl«'nC'S

You know. I •ondHtd "'hy I had to R41rdt for ln.-p•rattnn. unul I l'ftflll"m· bt'nd that nu.paratl<>n bC'I<onp lO Ow YOUt\1- and I "'u crow1n1 okl But, on ..-rond t�Jht. ,rv.,.,·•nc old bn't .o t.S-1t ,you tonJNk-r the •ht't'M· uve:

Page 8: I 1953... · conUdrnnc lhto r«

One of our youngest "'Old Timert"" with the present organh!:atlon b H11...ell U11rr. District Sales Manager In the Cincinnati district. The records show that he joined the company In March ol 1128. but Russ uys het actu.ally has �n nround for 37 years.

It was in August, 1916, th:lt he be· gan working for the old rompany In CJe,·clnnd. known a• The Sand M1X•

lng �hehinc Company, ond whkh wu making ol\ly the Sandeuucr. llit: tint job was to k�p the place dean, and to assist in filing gears. He lOon was put on as a helper In thl' assembling of Sandcuttcrs. He recalls that D••rlie ll<f't�ll•m wu Plant Supoi'rlntcndent at tht' time.

When the company wa.s mo\'00 to Chkago aft<'r the m<'racr w1th Elmer RiC'h. RIWI ldt tru! company but re· tumNI. In 1928. He reportt'd directly to .A...dN> F....., .... ., in Sch('n«'tad y to take up his duti('S. and le;1rn the routine of • atrvkt m11.n. lie cont.muNI: h'l the capacity of an (!tl.�tor untlll9:38, whl"n he was .cnt to F1s<:hCN 11'1 Sw1t:u:·r· land. t"we months later he returned to A�rica. It was at this time that .. ,....,. ,\nolno� de<:idcd It was time for me to go to work for a living and 1 was put on Sal� in the CIMinnati

territory on Apr il Fools Day, 1939.'"

Ruu hu known the ups and downs o l said work, and says he owt'l much ol hit MOdl"nne 5U� to the C'OOpt'r·

ation of the "folks back home in Mi&h· awaka." He citt'S th� callt' of a customer in Ohio, who at that time was not yet "landl"d." Ruu was bovine a IDU&h time, slnc:e two or thrt'e competuora were on the seene bcarina: down al110. Scnsin& the sale '"1om.: Olll the win· dow," he hurried bac.k to his hotel and eallt.-d "b. ••r .. rr long distan�. The Iauer Immediately co!INI r.hi" top lnl"n of this romp.any, and manaJ!cd to have them hold their (I("C':asion until thflo fol· lowang Wl"('k.

The rt"'ult 14•aa that Mr. Plat'!' came in per.an to Hamalton. 1nd •u�cd m ht!lplng Ruu :Utatch the order from u!'ldCr th(" !'I� of th(" coropclitort. This (1:01 him to "flrcd.up'" that he took Mr. Platr w ilh him the Nme aftcrnoon, and tiu.•y made another good sale O\"er m lnd1ana.

Ruu has a store ol unusual sales experiences. 10me good and othcrt bad. He tells of t.he one a couple of yean ago an which a party callcd on the phone and wanttld to know somc· thine about "that machine with httlc disc:s on it." H e t.alkcd with the man l one C!nough to dctl"rmme that he was n'f<'rrinR to a Multi Tab!�:, and quou.-d him a price, saying that ainc:C! It was 50 latt- in the day, he would call for an appcnntmcnt the next mornin�;. When Russ phoned the next mornin(l:, the man told him not to bothcr t'Om­ing down-that they would mail him


the order which htod already �n filled out'

But RI.ISS says the aalf"" whteh M mO!it hkuly will rernt•mb<or longer than all otht"n wu that /irlt one as an A WECO t(·p�ntatlve lie had toffif' bonw one warm d�y. ft.>elmiC ""WAY d own"" �U!K' he had �n w(ltkmg h!)rd lor two months w ithout • .al�. H e h:!.d picked I.IP 5amc i� crt>oatn In paJl(.'r cups for the f�;�.maly, HI$ wlf<' 11\('t hom to say that 3 w ire had tvmc. to RuSJ drol)pt>d the Ice cre am Ofl tht'! tllblc and t<lrt OP<"n the m�t:e. It was from """ "'"'"'""' aay in,c that he had nn .. Uy come through with 11 g(l(ld sal<'. Ruu tmd his family rejOiced­whilt' thi" •ce crc�J�m "just melted a­way,"

Tet Russ we say. '"Good luck. and we hope you arc around when a comes time to t"t'lebra\(' M) yt>ars with the company."

At times your artist and editor find thcmk"l\'� hard pressed to come up with an apPrQpn41te CO\'N Idea for PAJIAIIL tn seeking an 1dea for our Man:h rover. we c;ome across a hobby story which had bee-n pu bliU.cd m PARADE qu1te aoml" time ajO, and which a lao suggested a suitable: theme for our current ISSue.

The publi5h<'d story was aobout ont' of our plant suard.s. f.rno:.-1 t-'unt..f•tlu·r, al\d his hobby of �rvin� •nmWls •nd other �ubjc<"l$ out of wood. We felt th;.t &•nee most peoplor. 5peak of M an:h as the unpredictable mont h. 11 was perhaps only natur��l that the "Lion or L-Amb"' story came to mmd. We had the right Idea now, but u.mong all of Ernie's minla· turc mcnngerie there was no hon-and n.ot even a lamb.

Our probll"m was .tolvl"d when t:rnle kmd\y offcri"d to C'arve us the twet ammals. We set a deadline for lhe job. and hi!! beat 11 by a rcspectablc margin. We think he did a cood job on tht! two picc('S as &hown ��o••th h[m on thi!! COQver, but It ktrru •• 1f Emili! hasn't yl"l made up hiJ; mind llJ to wh1ch nmmal will hkely determine the roursc of the weath<'r In Mnrc:h.

Smce his hobby was mentioned In that older issue of PAIIADE, &mu�· has 11ddcd many new and unusual p1� to h111 <'OIIot-ctlon. lie MtunatH that ht! has done at lt11.st o hundn'd. lie hu 11ven away m<tn)' of them. <md they have: found thl'n'IKlvcs bt-mg carrtt.'d to far-away pln«'S by th<'ir new ownerJ.

While most of Ius spc.'C'1mens are of animals, !o.'rnle hu ronawt('rnbl�· or•g1n.ahty ln <'ar-.•lng out oth('r &UbJ('('U or ··human •nter(!llt"- luch ros Betty Grable playtng ba�ball

- '" a bathtng suit!

Page 9: I 1953... · conUdrnnc lhto r«

O u r New ll ._ .. • C'Oft'lmmclabk' an on tM

pert or our m��n.�mt'nt r'ftft1tly ,..Mn \My m aM �1bk' addlttOn&l pruir;. Inc fac&hties. Wh•le- many have lho•-n ttwoir •PPf't't'lallon of tht IW'W lot Ill the south t'nd of tht' prtmiSH. othll'n have not rracu•d •• favorably at a.hot!ld � l'li(l«ted

� of UJ wko an:o famlhar w1th P¥tkinll fac:llltl� furmJ.h"-'11 by some other lndmtrln In thi! area ran not help but rompar<', or nHheT rontral\, thC'Ir loU with our�;, ThC' M1sha\\•aka Polic.e De-portment haa rommendOO us for thlll IW'W proJK1, but at lhf' ume tin'M' they adv� ut that rc'Strict.ed pa�rkin1 of two to th.-- t-Jn will � M!'l up on M11hbonna llrffU 1f OUT wvrkwa do not take adnnUJC' of the �ny tot&.� t'OITIP'II'I)' nquestt aplll lh.lt f.nory JIE'f'll(lfi!Wl \IJoC lhe �th lol. and that oftkfo and rnJIM'l'r­lnl Colts u.w 1� north lol. Tht-y two.rtlly thank tt\ow who have thus far dmw lhNr part to �kC' this pro­j<flo.-

The- nt'W lOt II 300' X 400' and Will takl' cart' of 33'7 c·us without crowd­in• ApproxhmHt"ly t' x 20' It allow� for Nth car. and 11 25-foot driveway 11 provld"-'d both Rt th(' �o�.�uth and w�t t'ndJ In ordt•r to minim!� confusion in t'nterlna and lt'IIVInx the lot This ai'C'a 1s wt-ll·ll!lhled and surbc�. and at nljhl a plant auard rnakMI an fns�­llon trlp-..-.mt'llmt'll moi'C' The- total an\"ftlm«-nt fo.- tht' lot ""'U $1:1o,OOO. By followlna a f«-w nocubuons of th�

comp.ny in �p..rd to JNrlunjL ,...·e wUI be> hrlpanc lN tomp.ny, the- otbt:r employC!d-and ounel,-n.

How Secure

Is Your Chll

Sc'curlt.)' ls usually Kttained ll the forft-ati.lrt' of Ont''t J)t'rtOnal hbrrty, tM.it the� IS one kind we nn P.ln wathotlt PIY'"I a P'("nalty. Wt' a� re­ft>rnna to a Mmarkt·tabf4o abllny"­IOII'Wthlna whK'h nn �nd a jiiSt �rd '" W t'Omplc>x 10nal and fot(ltiOI'I'IK' world of today If n 1s too latfo (Of" IOfi"K" of us. •·• nn stJJI help �ke at P'*-•blt' hw our chaktrt'n to l.lkf" adnnlap of 1L

Thc-l'fl art' "pportunu� tn many

o u t P a rk i n g Lo t

,.,...,.. ,., .... �c.. 161c.M�·,,

Rc-Jda. but � of tht' �t. in the- opm• ion of unb.aSt'd obtt1vo,., he's In en· alnrtrlnjl. ThOM' who havt' thlldn'n in arad(' Khool, or ('\'('n In h1,tl tehool, o•·e il to the child tu rontadcr th� facts. and to further in\'{'IIUJIIlt' for details.

Anwr1t'a ntot_•<tJ enaln"'rs. Nt')lt Jurw 19,000 yo�o�na mt'n and womtn Will bl: lfllduatl'd from U. S enclnC"t'nnc .c:hoolt. and w1ll tontt'r poe.at!OOS at AlaJift: above- averace. &t thew al"l' not enou&h �Immediate demand b for .0.000 and an add1110nal 30.000 eac::h Y"" to cnt!N' tho. profNDMWL &­noUR tht' low b1rth rat" dunna the deprroaM�n has '""'lkd 1n '"""'u younc pcopk today. tlwn' .. htt� hkehiMMMII of the dt"mand bt'1n1 tUWd for aome ......

.., ... _ ..

Enaaf'ICC!rlnc tr��lnlna t'lln lnd to USI'ful and lntert't;Una •'Ork- from T.V Ol)t'rlltion to rockl'l doMaiJn-from 581('$Tmln.tup to c1ty plannlna. En&l· n<'f.'n t'an M'f\'t' rmmklnd In numer­ous fields· food. sh.-ltcr. t'IOthln1. traru:portatlon, l'ommunk-allon, heal and h&hl

Tht'� a� ept1t11dlf ll"'U to andac:ate •·hl'-tMr a youth 1.1 IIUl"d for tonJlne<>r­ana. and tht'rt" art- KholauhlPI fw t.t- .. -ho nn quahfy lndaatry b: r�o�lly •"'·are of the (T)'Inl need for all t� of "'l'n«"n.. and a.-. otrn-ana: attrxtn"t' ai'M't'flliVft as� from thHe Kholantup&. O!oir rountry 1\C"C!'Cb your help. Our youth nn·t all be> en&J· ""'n, but rf tMr ahv"' a �asonabk kamn.c tow-ard at. you nn hlflp them alon.c lhC' n.d to a prac:tsnl -"t'alnty.

Page 10: I 1953... · conUdrnnc lhto r«

Out at Bof'tn& Alrplant' Company tn SHttl� they don't ob)ta lO a CJHI MN:S of '"bot a1r" t'U'tulatl.nl about t� plant. ln r� th<'Y try to �tl$er"·� all they p.ou1bly can. for th�• a tbco: kind

of hot .1ir whkh t'Ult th<'•r heuina bill by $$400 a ye�r.

At one time! •wdull. ahavinp and hc.tt'd a1r wetf'dr11wn oil from arvund maduncs to a ey<'kJnt. type- rolkc\Or

When 11Hot Air" is VALUABLE

t>n tM roof. Drbn• wu f"t'moved., but the ..., arm all' ..., .... Vr.uttd at tM amr tlnw Now, thiS hHtll'd air 110ft lhrou.ah our Dustube Colltctor, additiOnal dual •• remo\·M, and th(' hot air It r«ydtd back Into the plant at the rill<' of -40,-000 coublt' feet or air l)f'r n�lnute and at a 70 dt>l� tc>rnl)f'NIIUr'C'

Thll dean alr ftltC'ft tM factory ,uat 1N!de � lar&C!' dot>r, and c:� to

• • • · - - ..._ dt.., ...d w-"


TJw old AYIJ\C. lt'a a amall world" b qu.lle oft<'n tru. 11 � fte.ttntly • •h"' �to.......t. our Di.strid S.Jn Manaa<'r an tM Loll An�les area was. an the plant of th<' Kaynar Manufat'· tur.nJ Com�ny to check the found&· !Ions for a 20 X a7 W A wh1c:h th(')' had pun:hll.kd lie wa• expec:tin• the �hine to arrn-co tt\at day, but h<' d1dn't e•I)C!ct to tf'e •n old A WECO employee 1n tht ptftOn ot Akolt Kt'l•


11"'- who f(Jfn'll;'rly .... orkt'd het'f' on th� pt'HSUtf' tank luw. Ttu.JI ex-tm• plo)"l"t' Is problibly bn"t f"C'mcrn�l'l'd by "*' folkt u � of the "'"* pop• ular of Colden Clovt' ChamJ» of sev­eral yean qo. IIC! latu fouaht as a profeuaonal tn the hNV)'•weight dt• vl�tion, but huna up th1.• alovet m 1940. I rc hu �non the well coast for�� tunt', but ,omed tht' Kaynar Company only • abort Omc 110. Alu .ends his ff'prds to all � okl frknd.$ 1\t',...,,

a IJ)'11trn of stee.m t'Oits. Whtn tM door IS operM'CI 1n wtnter the b4!at automatanlly &OH on, rals.•nJ tht tem­pcratu«' to 150 dt'Jf't'8. thtl' formm1 1 "cuMainM lnsidC' th� door. Ourm,g the surnmt'r, lrutcad of tht' clelln air be!· ln1 fOfft'd *k lnJidC! tl\to plant, It is routl."d OUlJidt'

So our Ou-ttu� IS not only k�ptnc 1M ltn'IOitphtono t'lran It Bor•na-rt Is h�lptna thtm AVe!' .o mud! In bnllnJ that the untt wdl PlY for ltHif tn lhl"f'C! ynn.

Page 11: I 1953... · conUdrnnc lhto r«



l.•rl lllatr,, Mathll\f' Shop. re­turntd to tiM' <'On\pany Janu..ry 7. hav•na bN-n d...-harlt'd from Rrvicco on � latt. day of It$! Bt-fore t'ntc:r­l.nJ Ow wrvi('O(' of ha C'O!Jntry on Un­C'Oin'a b•rthday �n ttsl, Cnl v.-u a n�d.-1 dnll �ntor on tM n�1ht atufL

PAIIAUe ft'PQrtcr, l.r.,• T .. rnrr, h.lndt"d m thla ltrm on C.rl '" her noa:ular rc-port, but wt• ft'h 11 wa1 1 story In llst'lr, 10 art' runn•na h along with Carl'a pktur�

C.rl r«'t'l,·<'d hll IMwc training .u Fort J.cklon. South Carolina w1th the 3111 Dtvwon and Llt4"r t(IOk part m a maMuver at ron llood, Tuu ({)pcor­auon Lone Jlorn).

Ff'OIJ'I Tu·aa has com�ny of 2:00 � 1\o•·n to C.mp �rt Rodl, Nt'veda, .1n C·l24a to Uokto �rt 1.n an atomw: bomb t'XI)t"nmt"nt (C)p.nuon B•l Shoe). Tht-y JPt"nt about tu.-o ••('lrkt m Ph"P&rllllon for the t'\'cnt w1th ttwnl k-t'tum JlVU'I them tn· �rv<'tkml M ""hat to do and •·M-n

Whm ttw> btl cby C'atnf' tht' bo>·• wt'rt' lntt.llll<'d In fox hoiHC2 In Ut'h}, � pLine t'arrymc th� bomb t'hmbed to 30,000 ,.,...., and •·untoad<'d;' the rmn on thl.' &1'0und lwmtc advlt(-d at thu1 point by loud IJ)('akl.'r Sc-rond' tkked away-until at J.� f�t th�)' """" the t"XpiOIIOn, and the VOJCC from the loud speakrr told Uw-m to look

C.rl .,.. 1t wu liO�lhln& hen:l to �Nbe a«Urlltt"l)' .. It looked to me hlr.• a a.ra� ball or � hot mo!�n mt"tal IOlnl up ln t.M air Ttw Jround lhoolr;, and t� Ve<'\IUJn Cr'ftllftl by th� t'xpkJN<�n Knt out c�t douds of dust •·hKh I"'NC'hc.'CI �-• d�ata� of four m11ft. Wht-n W dust had t"Crn­plc-tt'ly dra ... n back Wt" &dt our fox hoJn and pnl«'('((ecl. . . .


Our New York Sales Office

Our N� York S.IN � i1 a.ctually MM.-• WW..O.., s.u.t.wy e.f .._ Jonit.«< In lfobokt"n. New Jnwy, havtnc bet"n ,.._ 'f-". Ofl".c • mo\•td th('f't' rt't'C'ntly tor purpc:16ft of �ntnl IG«�ti6n. Thla wall allow our reprf'Sol'ntatn'ft tht'«- to more ti'I'«Uvely M"rvt' tht' �nc�aslna dt'mandt In th•t arra for A WECO products. Our om� ht'rt' In llobokrn wHI be [n tht' mldtt of tht' home oMct>� of many bia: in­dustrial con«rns with whom WI! do busint"Uo or which an potrntlal c-ustomcl"l.

It Ill lnlC'1"8tlna Lo notco that the attumula­lt'd wrvke l"ft'Drd of our Ptrton�l an lhat omt. Ui mo� than 80 yeal"l. The "V('tt"ra.n"

Of the IJ'OUP is I>••Od 1...,._" With .fO yHrt A WECO uperlt'f\C"f' bdland h1m. � ""b. by'" of tJw omt. .. f., JM• f'lrlo.N, Wllh a I&'TVK'e tof one yar h..-.... .-.h t. Hk-iq lt the OW. tnct MIJ\qt'r

YOUR WOR A Shp&hod workrn.aruhlp .,.. ••• jun as

much • n'lfttter of ro�rn 4000 )'NI'll .11110 •• It tl toda)'. ComiC back to the n:1�t:n of Hommut'flbl of Babylon, 2285 to %231 B C., Kholal'll find that h� ln­nitutt'd a law whu:h provided: "If a builder butldl a honw for a nuan, and hal not made his work 1tronc and th� ho� W f"ll"n and klllt'd the ow� of the �. tht"n that buiLdt'r ahall bt- put to dNth." Vnemploylnt'llt •­mona our prof�nal u:KUuont'n could be t«t�K'H to alm.t nothmc. if ., .... had a law hll• that, w1lh � •lnt' penalty 1.n.fhctC'd on all who turn out dan&eroualy 1mpcorf«t work.

In � build1n1 tradcos w� il • l'tory about a �r1.a1n cvntnctor 'lll'ho wu puthn& up a lfftt numbn" of

small framt' hou'"- ot cht'ap and ftuwy const.ruc:1lon. on a MOW Jubdi­vuion. Th� 'A·Ork wu bt>ifll rutlht'd. e\'ery man willlnt to work wtw) rould handle' a Nw and hammer w•• put on the job. In ord"r to have lhe houSH rt'ady for OC'C:UJ)InC")' be-for� winl�r Early one morn�n1 the fon"man telt'­phOMd t� rontranor.

•·&.y, boa.,., he bqan Ut"il<..'dly.�o� of tht'm nt'W houJet; ftll down lut nl&ht.'"

-Fe-U down.- �htd tbe Ulonaahed cornrac-tor ··Jiow did th.at happcon•"

-Well. • ne.r u I nn ftcccor u out." caplalntd tht furf"lflol«l. -.otnco of them bum n.Jl)mlcn lOok down � �eaf­fokllnl bdOft' the 5NJIX'rhanc..n cot the- 5NJpcr up."


Page 12: I 1953... · conUdrnnc lhto r«

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