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  • 8/22/2019 Hylands Baby


    Hylands Homeopathic Medicationsfor Healthy Babies & Kids

    Ready, Set, Grow!

  • 8/22/2019 Hylands Baby


    Because theyre safe & naturaland they workparents dependon Hylands homeopathicmedicines.Babies are amazing. Every day brings something new. A

    smile that sends you straight to heaven, a cry that breaks

    your heart in two. Blink and you miss it. Theyre growing by

    leaps and bounds.

    What happens when that something new is an ailment

    you dont know how to deal with? Colic at 3 weeks? Your 2

    year-old has a sudden earache?

    Medicines for babies can be tricky.Are they healing or masking symptoms?What about side effects?Hylands sae & natural homeopathic medicines work or many common

    ailments. Theyre ormulated rom natural plant and mineral sources

    so you dont have to worry about side eects, dosage issues or giving

    the wrong medicine.

    And they work. From teething to colic, diaper rash to coughs, Hylands

    has been keeping babies and kids healthy since 1903.

    I Hylands is todays something new or you, welcome to our

    amily o sae & natural homeopathic medicines. I youre an old riend,welcome back.

    2 3

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    No sound on earth is worse thanyour baby crying.

    Spencer started waking up every night at 7 minutes past 3,

    screaming. He didnt seem to be in pain. Was it nightmares?

    As a parent, you know your child and you get used to being able

    to give him what he needs. For Jim and me, this was really

    hard. It went on or months, every night.

    We took him to doctors, we were bringing in some pretty

    heavy medicinal guns. Then we ound Hylands Calms

    Fort 4 Kids.

    Jim read the label and saw it was or causeless crying.

    We thought, OK, lets try it.

    We gave Spencer one dose the rst night. At 8 minutes

    past 3, we both woke up. Silence. We thought something

    must be wrong. But Spencer was ne and that was it.

    Peaceul nights ever since.

    Were both so glad we could help our young son with

    medicine that doesnt carry the risk o side eects.

    And that works!

    Jim DeArmond & Michelle DeArmondCivil engineer Registered Nurse,Fort Wayne, IN lactation consultant4

    How Homeopathy WorksThe active ingredients in Hylands homeopathic medicines work to

    stimulate the most eective healing orce knownyour childs

    own natural deenses.

    I given in much larger doses, these active homeopathic

    ingredients could actually create the symptoms we make

    sure they work to alleviate.

    Because the doses o active ingredients are so small

    nearly undetectablethey are sae or babies and

    children, as well as adults.

    Its the act that they are so careully ormulated that

    enables Hylands Medicines to trigger the bodys

    deenses, and usually in a very short time your child

    is experiencing relie.

    Mark S. Phillips,Pharmacist and

    Hylands Chief Operating Ofcer

    www.hylands.comToll Free 1 800 624 9659

  • 8/22/2019 Hylands Baby


    C-Plus Cold TabletsContain 4 homeopathic medicines

    specially ormulated to relieve the

    symptoms o a childs common colds,

    including coughing, sneezing, stuy

    nose, runny eyes and nose, headache,

    and vomiting. Our tablets provide sae

    & natural relie that wont sedate your

    child. A great complement to Hylands

    Vitamin C Tablets.

    Vitamin C TabletsOur 25 mg tablets provide 55 % o the

    RDA (recommended daily allowance)

    or a 2 year-old. They dissolve under the

    tongue and have a pleasing lemony taste.

    Use together with C-Plus Cold Tablets

    at the rst sign o kids cold symptoms.

    Vitamin C Tablets are non-homeopathic.

    Teething Tablets & GelBabies gums are sot but their teeth are

    hard, and when those little teeth push

    through, expect irritation, swelling, and no

    warning. Hylands Teething Tablets are the

    best selling natural pain reliever or inant

    teethers. They also work to calm irritabil-

    ity and support the movement and stability

    o healthy teeth. Teething Tablets dissolve

    easily in your babys mouth or in a teaspoon

    o water, or you can bring relie right ontotheir gums by gently rubbing with Hylands

    Teething Gel. Teething Gel is ree o articial

    favors, dyes, parabens and alcohol.76

    www.hylands.comToll Free 1 800 624 9659

    2+SAFE AGE

    1+SAFE AGE

  • 8/22/2019 Hylands Baby


    Colic TabletsNew research points strongly to gas pain

    as the cause o colic, and these tablets

    are ormulated to relieve abdominal pain

    caused by gas, as well as the crying and

    irritability that comes with colic. Dont

    be surprised or alarmed i a colicky baby

    quickly calms and alls asleep ater taking

    these tablets. They also dissolve easily

    in a small amount o water and are sae

    or the very youngest inants.

    Juliana at 3 weeksJuliana was severely colic at 3 weeks. I had no idea what was going on. It was the worst thing Ive

    ever had to deal with.

    She would start crying between 3 and 4 p.m. and scream non-stop until 9 or 10. Then she would pass

    out. Her pediatrician didnt know what to do. The Hylands Colic Tablets were the only thing that helped.

    So when she started teething guess what I did? She loves to lick Hylands Teething Gel o her

    hand. I keep tubes in 4 dierent places, everywhere we go. I dont ever want to be without it.

    Neither does Juliana!

    Amber Heater

    Stay-home mom, Easton, PA




    Diaper OintmentAlmost every baby gets diaper rash. To

    prevent it, change diapers as oten as

    possible and to treat it, use our Diaper

    Ointment with Calendula. Derived rom

    marigolds, Calendula stimulates babys

    tender skin to heal. The ointments

    petrolatum base orms a protective barrier

    to help keep babys bottom dry. No colors

    or ragrances, just ast soothing relie.

    www.hylands.comToll Free 1 800 624 9659

  • 8/22/2019 Hylands Baby



    Bedwetting TabletsContain homeopathic ingredients that

    help children gain bladder awareness

    and control. They are a sae & natural

    way to help your child realize his bladder

    is ull and either wake and go potty or

    control the urge until morning. Small

    tablets that dissolve easily in the mouth,

    Hylands Bedwetting Tablets solve a

    vexing amily challenge.

    Bumps n Bruiseswith Arnica (tablets & ointment)and down will come baby, cradle and

    all. Like the cradle in the nursery rhyme,

    toddlers will all. Bumps n Bruises

    contains Arnica Montana, the widely

    used homeopathic remedy or most pain,

    bruises and swelling caused by alls and

    other injuries. The tablets contain three

    additional sae & natural medicines or

    sprains, soreness and injuries to nerve-

    rich areas like tiny ngers. They dissolveinstantly in the mouth. Rub the ointment

    on bruised or sore areas or ast, soothing

    relie. *Do not use on open wounds.

    At the playgroundMy husband is a doctor so choosing medicines or our three

    children is his job. He knows Hylands are sae or kids, and they

    work. But giving it to them at inconvenient times, like when

    were on the playground, is my job. You dont want to be digging

    or bottles when youve got a crying, teething baby chewing on

    her hands. I got two small vials and put them on my key ring.

    Teething Tablets go in the blue one and Bumpsn Bruises in

    the red one. The art o being a mom is staying one step ahead

    o the kids.

    Shannon BrousseauStay-home mom & designer/seamstress

    Altadena, CA

    The art of being a momis staying one step ahead

    of the kids.

    www.hylands.comToll Free 1 800 624 9659

    3+SAFE AGE

    1+SAFE AGE


  • 8/22/2019 Hylands Baby


    12 13

    Earache Tablets and DropsRelieve ear pain, throbbing, ever and irritability that accompany an earache.

    Tablets and drops are to be used in the 48 hours ater an earache is diagnosed

    by your physician. This common watchul waiting period beore antibiotics

    are prescribed can be hard on a child and amily.

    Hylands Earache Tablets and Drops are perect because they are sae

    & natural, and work to relieve an earaches nasty symptoms. Earache Drops

    also relieve pain and itching rom swimmers ear. (Tablets include bookletexplaining causes and treatment o earaches. To review this inormation,

    go to www.hylandsearache.com.)



    Kids KitIncludes 6 o the most requently used

    homeopathic medicines or childrenour

    Greatest Hits or Kids. Selected especially

    or children by a renowned homeopathic

    physician, the kit includes medicines or

    colds, evers, bruises, coughs, teething,

    irritability and runny noses750 doses in

    all! Also includes a tube o Hylands Bumps

    n Bruises ointment or rubbing on small

    hurts. Comes with an authoritative booklet

    that helps you choose the right medicineor dozens o symptoms kids typically

    encounter. Master the art o parenting by

    being prepared with Hylands Kids Kit.

    Cough Syrup with HoneyRelieves you rom the guesswork that

    comes with giving kids heavy cough

    medicine. Careully ormulated with 4

    sae & natural homeopathic medicines,

    our cough syrup works on a variety o

    cold-related coughs. It stimulates the

    bodys natural healing process rather than

    simply suppressing a cough, so you can

    give it anytime. The simple syrup with

    honey sweetness is as easy or kids to

    take as it is or you to give. Contains noalcohol. *Because the syrup contains

    honey, it should not be given to children

    under the age o 1.

    Hylands Infant Earache Drops are recommendedby trusted pediatrician, Dr. Jim Sears.

    www.hylands.comToll Free 1 800 624 9659

    1+SAFE AGE

  • 8/22/2019 Hylands Baby



    Theyre on to soccer eldsand monkey bars. Our safe& natural medicines help

    you stay prepared.

    Hylands line of Medicines 4 Kids are

    formulated to address common ailments

    in children ages 2 to 12.



    www.hylands.comToll Free 1 800 624 9659

    Allergy Relief 4 KidsFinally... a daytime/nighttime, indoor/outdoor

    allergy relie solution or kids! Relieves kids

    common allergy symptoms including watery

    eyes, runny nose, stuy nose, sneezing, itchy

    eyes and nose, dark circles under the eyes

    and hives. All natural, gentle, sae and eective.

    Calms Fort 4 KidsIncludes 8 homeopathic medicines that

    target the causes o sleeplessness in

    children. Relieves restlessness, night

    terrors, growing pains, causeless crying,

    and sleeplessness due to vacation travel.

    Also addresses lack o ocus. Our sae

    & natural homeopathic medicine calms

    children so they achieve a balanced state o

    restulness, as opposed to harsher medicines

    that sedate children producing a deep butnot restul sleep and morning sluggishness.

    Free o aspirin, acetaminophen and


    Snifes n Sneezes 4 KidsContains zinc gluconate, an active ingredient

    shown to shorten the duration o colds by

    nearly hal. Four homeopathic medicines

    contained in this medicine work to relieve

    your childs worst cold symptoms: runny

    nose, sneezing, sore throat, cough and head-

    ache. Made with sae & natural ingredients

    that wont sedate your child so you can give

    it day or night. Sae to give with any other

    medication. Tablets dissolve almost instantlyin the mouth or in a teaspoon o water.

  • 8/22/2019 Hylands Baby



    Complete Flu Care 4 KidsIs the sae, versatile fu medication or

    children that works in two ways. First,

    when given at the onset o symptoms it

    heads o the fu. Second, i the fu beats

    you to the punch, it relieves ever, head-

    ache, body aches and chills. Our complete

    fu care ormula is a combination o 6 sae

    & natural homeopathic medicines you

    can give your child day or night with no

    ear o side eects, reactions with othermedicines or morning grogginess other

    medicines produce. Free o aspirin,

    acetaminophen and diphenhydramine.

    Coldn Cough 4 KidsHylands Cold n Cough 4 Kids is a great

    solution or multi-symptom cold relie or

    your children. Our 100% natural ormula

    oers sae and eective relie o common

    cold symptoms, including sneezing, sore

    throat, and congestion. This homeopathic

    ormula is sae or kids 2 years old and up

    and comes in a great tasting sugar-ree base

    that they wont mind taking. When colds

    strike, trust Hylands Cold n Cough 4 Kidsto relieve the many symptoms o the

    common cold.

    Cough Syrup with 100%Natural Honey 4 KidsHylands Cough Syrup with 100% Natural

    Honey 4 Kids is a sae, eective and

    natural solution to ease your childs cough.

    Our powerul powerul homeopathic ormula

    is in a 100% natural honey base. Not only

    is honey traditionally used to help relieve

    cough symptoms, kids love the sweet natural

    favor. Hylands Cough Syrup with 100%

    Natural Honey oers soothing relie or manydierent kinds o cough and chest congestion.



    www.hylands.comToll Free 1 800 624 9659

    Cold Relief withZinc 4 Kids

    These convenient and easy to take quick-

    dissolving oral strips are just what Mom

    ordered! There is no mess and no uss!

    Our medicated strips relieve symptoms

    o the common cold in children including

    runny nose, sneezing and sore throat.

    Works without sleepy or stimulant

    side-eects. Natural, sae and

    gentle ormula.

  • 8/22/2019 Hylands Baby





    Leg Cramps with QuinineRelieves symptoms o cramps and pains in

    the lower back, legs, calves and eet, that

    can prevent you rom sleeping, standing,

    moving, even working. The only over-the-

    counter medicine ormulated with sae

    amounts o quinine, this medicine is

    eective in relieving late night charley horse

    cramps. Hylands Leg Cramps medicine

    contains no sedatives so you can take it

    day or night.

    Backache with ArnicaOur all-purpose back pain reliever

    includes Arnica Montana, called natures

    leading analgesic. Arnica stimulates the

    bodys healing responses, and shortens

    the duration o soreness and pain in

    the lower back. Two other homeopathic

    ingredients help relieve shooting back

    pains and pain that prevents erect walking.

    All-natural ingredients, sae or children

    and adults, and can be taken with allother medications.


    Poison Ivy/Oak TabletsA must or the rst-aid kit especially on

    hikes and camping trips. This homeo-

    pathic medicine does more than curtail

    symptoms. Works to relieve intense

    itching, stinging, burning and swelling

    that leaves skin red and swollen. Helps

    heal blisters and the oozing and crusting

    that can ollow. Sae or kids as well as

    adults, and sae or use with other


    To view Hylands full product line, visit www.hylands.comToll Free 1 800 624 9659

    Calms Fort

    Diapers, eedings, new shoes, a college

    und... raising kids is stressul! I parenting

    leaves your nerves rayed, or nds you

    occasionally sleepless, Calms Fort is

    a sae & natural homeopathic medicine

    just or you. Its nine specially ormulated

    active ingredients relieve restless sleep

    due to exhaustion, stress, nervousness

    or irritability. The ormula contains no

    sedativesso you can still hear the kids ithey stir at night, and wake up rereshed

    and ready to go in the morning.

    6+SAFE AGE

    6+SAFE AGE

    6+SAFE AGE

  • 8/22/2019 Hylands Baby





    Once people experience the powerul healing properties o

    homeopathic medicines, they usually want to know what other

    ailments our medicines can help them with. Realizing that there

    is a ull array o Hylands homeopathic medicine is step one

    toward making Hylands the rst line o deense or your

    amilys health. Start by reading the box labels and matching

    the symptoms your amily member is experiencing with those

    listed under Uses/Purpose and ater the Latin name o the

    active ingredients. Many people eel empowered to discover

    our entire range o sae and natural homeopathic medicines

    they can use or so many conditions.

    Ask the PharmacistHow do I know how much of the medicine to give my

    child? Is there any danger if I make a mistake?

    Directions or use are printed on each bottle or tube and also

    on the box. For the best results, ollow the directions as you

    would with any medicine.

    At Hylands, were parents too. We know moms and dads are

    not always at our sharpest when our children are sick. Mistakes

    can happen. Its reassuring to know that Hylands homeopathic

    medicines are among the saest OTC medications on the

    market. Because our active ingredients are ormulated in trace

    amounts, its nearly impossible or a child to ingest enough to

    cause a negative reaction.

    Choosing the RightHomeopathic Medicine

    My child is lactose intolerant and I notice the tablets contain lactose. Is that a problem?

    No. The inactive ingredient in Hylands tablets, Lactose N.F. (stands or National Formulary)

    is a pharmaceutical grade lactose. While it is ormulated rom cows milk, it is completely

    puried o milk proteins making it sae or lactose intolerant and dairy allergic people,

    including inants and children.

    My child takes prescription medication. Is there a chance that your medicines will

    interfere or cause a reaction?No. While the active ingredients in Hylands medicines are

    eective, as with all homeopathic medicines, they are used in such tiny amounts that they aresae to take in combination with any other medication. This is true or inants and children as

    well as adults.

    Why dont Hylands homeopathic medicines have child-resistant caps?Because they

    are completely sae. The active ingredients in our homeopathic medicines are ormulated

    in such minute amounts that a child would have to ingest a vast amountthousands o doses

    in most casesin order to have a negative reaction.

    Why dont Hylands homeopathic medicines have expiration dates?Because they dont

    expire. I they are stored properly (keep away rom moisture and direct sunlight) they will

    last and be eective indenitely. They have been exempted rom expiration dating guide-

    lines by the FDA (CFR 211.137). (The numbers imprinted on the edge o the labels are lot

    numbers enabling us to track our products.)

    Are Hylands homeopathic medicines regulated?Yes, the manuacturing andmarketing o Hylands Homeopathic Medicines are regulated as drugs by the ederal

    Food & Drug Administration (FDA). The FDA has regulated homeopathic medicines

    since 1938.

    www.hylands.comToll Free 1 800 624 9659

    1 Active ingredients The Latin names o our active ingredients appear because that is their

  • 8/22/2019 Hylands Baby





    1Active ingredients The Latin names o our active ingredients appear because that is theirocial name in the recognized compendium. Eighty percent o our active ingredients come rom

    plants or botanicals; about 15 percent come rom minerals; the rest come rom other natural sources.

    2The numbers (3x, 6x)ollowing our active ingredients indicate the potency o thehomeopathic medicine. The higher the number, the higher the potency. But even our highest

    potencies result in only trace amounts o the active ingredient used in the medicine; or

    instance, 3x stands or 0.0003mg o active ingredient.

    3HPUS stands or Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia o the United States, which contains ocialstandards or preparations o homeopathic medication to assure quality and consistency

    among dierent homeopathic manuacturers.

    4Uses States the symptom the homeopathic medicine is designed to relieve. The purposeor each active ingredient is listed ollowing its Latin name. Some ingredients are eective or

    multiple ailments and you may notice they are used in dierent homeopathic medicines.

    5Warnings This section highlights any drug interactions and species the duration oacceptable treatment, maximum doses per period, and symptoms to look or that may

    mean that other medical help is required.

    6In Case of Emergency Homeopathic medicines are generally sae and non-toxic,however in cases o over-ingestion it is best to call a proessional. Hylands has a

    pharmacist available at all times, reachable by calling 1 800 624 9659.

    7Directions We recommend ollowing the directions as listed on the label, or the bestpossible results.

    8Inactive ingredientAll o our tablet products contain Lactose NF. The NF standsor National Formulary, indicating pharmaceutical grade lactose, which is milk sugarrom cows milk completely puried o milk proteins. Thereore, dairy allergic and

    lactose intolerant people can saely take the medicine without ear o reaction.22

    HPUS 3

    Inactive ingredient8

    Active ingredients1

    The numbers (3x, 6x)2

    In Case of Emergency6



    How to Read Hylands Drug FactsWhere to nd important information


    www.hylands.comToll Free 1 800 624 9659

  • 8/22/2019 Hylands Baby


    Hylands medicines for children are widely available at natural foods stores, drug stores,

    pharmacies, groceries, and supercenters.

    Product Information 1 800 624 9659 To order 1 866 624 9695 Web Hylands.com

    Hylands Inc., P.O. Box 61067, Los Angeles, CA 90061