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HyperWorks 13.0 HWD Introduction 3 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering, Inc.

Table of Contents

HyperWorks Desktop Introduction Post Processing for Finite Element Analysis

Chapter 1 - HyperWorks Desktop Environment .................................................... 9

1 - Elements of the Graphics Interface .................................................................. …10

2 - Page and Window Controls ............................................................................. …15

3 - Session Browser .............................................................................................. …17

4 - HyperWorks Desktop Files .............................................................................. …18

Exercise 1a - Learning to Use the HyperWorks Desktop Interface ....................... …20

Chapter 2 - Animation and View Controls ........................................................... 27

1 - Loading Model Files ......................................................................................... …28

2 - Using the Animation Controls .......................................................................... …31

2.1 - Controlling the Animation .............................................................................. …31

2.2 - Selecting a Loadcase ................................................................................... …32

3 - Controlling the Model View .............................................................................. …33

Exercise 2a - Load, Animation and Review a Model ............................................. …35

4 - Browsers and Entity Attributes ......................................................................... …42

4.1 - Browsers ....................................................................................................... …42

4.2 - Display Controls & Browser Modes .............................................................. …43

4.3 - Results Browser Views ................................................................................. …44

4.4 - Results Browser Context-Sensitive Menu ..................................................... …53

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5 - Masking Elements ........................................................................................... …54

6 - Creating and Using Sets ................................................................................. …56

6.1 - Visualization Toolbar > Sets ......................................................................... …56

Exercise 2b - Applying Entity Attributes, Masking, and Creating Groups ............. …59

7 - User Defined Systems .................................................................................... …70

7.1 - User Defined Coordinate Systems ............................................................... …70

7.2 - HyperView Coordinate Systems................................................................... …72

7.3 - HyperView System Review Dialog ............................................................... …73

8 - Graphical Manipulators ................................................................................... …74

8.1 - Display State of Graphical Manipulators ...................................................... …74

9 - Symmetry ........................................................................................................ …78

Chapter 3 - Strength Analysis ............................................................................... 81

1 - Contour Plots .................................................................................................. …82

1.1 - Contour icon & Contour from the menu bar. ................................................ …82

1.2 - Post-processing Stress Results Using the Contour Panel. ........................ …102

1.3 – Contour using Results Browser ................................................................. …104

2 - Tensor Plots .................................................................................................. …108

2.1 - Tensor icon & Tensor from the menu bar. .................................................. …108

2.2 - Tensor using Results Browser. .................................................................. …114

3 - Querying Results........................................................................................... …116

3.1 – Advanced Query ........................................................................................ …119

4 – Annotating Model Results ............................................................................ …124

4.1 – Notes ......................................................................................................... …124

4.2 – Measures .................................................................................................. …131

5 – HyperWorks Results Math ............................................................................ …147

5.1 – Results Math Templates ............................................................................ …148

5.2 – HyperView Expression Builder .................................................................. …149

5.3 – Results Math & HyperView Results Browser ............................................. …153

6 - Derived Load Cases ...................................................................................... …154

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6.1 - Steps .......................................................................................................... …155

6.2 - Linear-Superposition ................................................................................... …156

6.3 - Envelope ..................................................................................................... …157

6.4 - Derived Load Cases & HyperView Results Browser ................................... …159

Exercise 3a - Post Processing a Strength Analysis ............................................ …160

Exercise 3b - Using Result Math for a Strength Analysis .................................... …171

7 – Free Body Diagrams (FBD) .......................................................................... …179

7.1 – FBD Overview ............................................................................................ …179

7.2 – FBD Utility .................................................................................................. …179

7.3 – FBD Solver Interfacing ............................................................................... …187

Chapter 4 - Plotting Basics ................................................................................. 189

1 - HyperGraph 2D Introduction .......................................................................... …189

2 - HyperGraph 2D - GUI .................................................................................... …192

2.1 - HyperGraph 2D - Browsers......................................................................... …193

2.2 - HyperGraph 2D - Toolbars.......................................................................... …200

3 - Plotting XY Data ............................................................................................ …204

4 - Evaluating Curve Data and Curve Referencing ............................................. …209

4.1 – Creating and Defining Curves .................................................................... …209

5 - Changing Curve Display Attributes ................................................................ …213

5.1 - Curves Attributes ........................................................................................ …214

5.2 - Legends ...................................................................................................... …217

5.3 - Notes .......................................................................................................... …218

5.4 - Axes ............................................................................................................ …221

5.5 - Headers and Footers .................................................................................. …223

5.6 - Datum Lines ................................................................................................ …224

5.7 - Coordinate Info ........................................................................................... …226

5.8 - Options: Setting Default Parameters for XY Plots ....................................... …227

5.9 - Style Sheets ................................................................................................ …230

6 - Curve Filtering ............................................................................................... …231

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Exercise 4a - Creating and Editing XY Plots from Data Files ............................. …233

Exercise 4b - Multiple File Plotting to plot multiples curves in one plot .............. …239

Exercise 4c - Perform Math on Curves Using the Plot Browser ......................... …244

Exercise 4d - Modifying Plots with the Plot Browser .......................................... …252

Exercise 4e - Using Unit Scaling and Plot Browser ............................................ …262

Chapter 5 - Modal & Frequency Response (NVH) Analysis .............................. 267

1 - Viewing Deformed Shapes ............................................................................ …267

2 - Contour Plots of Complex Results ................................................................ …271

2.1 – Complex Results Introduction.................................................................... …271

2.2 – Complex Results in HyperView ................................................................. …273

3 - Creating Measure of Contour vs. Angle ........................................................ …275

4 - Creating Complex & Polar Plots .................................................................... …277

4.1 - Complex Plots ............................................................................................ …277

4.2 - Polar Plots .................................................................................................. …280

5 - Strain Energy Summation using Result Math ................................................ …283

6 - NVH Post Processing Utilities ....................................................................... …287

6.1 - NVH User Profile ........................................................................................ …287

6.2 - Modal/Panel Participation Utility ................................................................. …289

6.3 - Order Analysis Utility .................................................................................. …301

6.4 - Waterfall Charts ......................................................................................... …306

Exercise 5a - Post Processing of a Forced Frequency Response Analysis ....... …309

Exercise 5b - Calculating the Part Total Strain Energy....................................... …317

Chapter 6 - Crashworthiness .............................................................................. 323

1 - Measures – Distance Between and Position ................................................. …324

2 - Section Cuts .................................................................................................. …328

3 - Vector Plots ................................................................................................... …334

4 – Tracking System ........................................................................................... …339

5 - Tracing .......................................................................................................... …344

6 - Exploded Views............................................................................................. …346

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HyperWorks 13.0 HWD Introduction 7 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering, Inc.

7 - Synchronizing Data and Windows ................................................................. …349

8 – Overlaying Images and Videos ..................................................................... …354

9 – Exporting a Deformed Shape ........................................................................ …366

10 - Crash Tools for Plotting ............................................................................... …367

10.1 - Vehicle Safety Tools ................................................................................. …367

10.2 – Bar Charts ................................................................................................ …369

10.3 – Collision Detection ................................................................................... …371

Exercise 6a - Post Processing Crash Analysis Results ...................................... …374

Exercise 6b - Synchronize Animation and Video Overlay ................................... …385

Chapter 7 - Publishing Results and Advanced Topics ..................................... 395

1 - Result Presentation ....................................................................................... …396

1.1 - Capturing Images/Videos ............................................................................ …396

1.2 - Publish to HTML or PowerPoint .................................................................. …397

2 - Report Templates .......................................................................................... …403

2.1 - Template and Flexible Reports ................................................................... …404

2.2 - Report Templates Toolbar .......................................................................... …405

2.3 - Parameter Browser ..................................................................................... …407

3 – HyperWorks Tools ........................................................................................ …409

3.1 - HyperView Player ....................................................................................... …409

3.2 - HvTrans ...................................................................................................... …413

3.3 - HgTrans ...................................................................................................... …415

Exercise 7a - Result Presentation and HyperView Player .................................. …416

Exercise 7b - Using HvTrans .............................................................................. …426

Exercise 7c - Creating and Parameterizing Report Templates ........................... …429

Chapter 8 - Improve Designs with HyperStudy: Explore, Study, Optimize ..... 439

1 – HyperStudy Introduction ............................................................................... …439

2 – HyperStudy Benefits ..................................................................................... …440

HyperStudy Tutorial - Working with a Parameterized File ................................... …444

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HyperWorks 13.0 HWD Introduction 8 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering, Inc.

Appendix A - HyperWorks Desktop Customization .......................................... 451

DEMO A1 - HyperMesh Desktop Customization .................................................... 451

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Chapter 1: HyperWorks Desktop Environment

HyperWorks 13.0 HWD Introduction 9 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering, Inc.

Chapter 1

HyperWorks Desktop Environment

HyperWorks Desktop is an integrated user environment for modeling and visualization. It can be used for finite element and multi-body dynamics simulations. It combines several applications in one environment. HyperMesh is available in the Desktop as well as in the traditional standalone mode.

HyperWorks Desktop belongs to the HyperWorks software suite and consists of the following applications:

HyperMesh – Universal finite element pre- and post-processor

HyperView – High performance finite element and mechanical systems post-processor, engineering plotter, and data analysis tool

MotionView – Multi-body dynamics pre- and post-processor

HyperGraph (2D & 3D) – Engineering plotter and data analysis tool

MediaView – Video viewer

TextView – HTML-based text editor

Table View

The applications interact with each other. For example the view (rotations, pan, zoom) between HyperMesh and HyperView can be synchronized, or HyperView, MediaView and HyperGraph time history animations are synchronized.

The open environment allows for customization of the user interface, report and process automation.

Results obtained from solvers like OptiStruct, RADIOSS, NASTRAN, ABAQUS, LS-DYNA, ANSYS etc… can be viewed, analyzed and plotted using these applications. The open architecture of HyperWorks Desktop coupled with its automation capabilities allow for an easy, quick, and complete understanding of your analysis results. This chapter helps you in getting a better understanding of the interface, the tools, and the terminologies that you come across while working with HyperWorks Desktop.

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Chapter 1: HyperWorks Desktop Environment

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This chapter contains:

Elements of the Graphics Interface

Page and Window Controls

Session Browser

HyperWorks Desktop Files

1 - Elements of the Graphics Interface The main elements of the HyperWorks Desktop Graphics Interface are shown in the image below.

Menu bar

Windows style pull-down menus that allow you to access the HyperWorks Desktop functions and tools are located along the top of the screen. The top-level menu choices vary, based on the active application in the current window.

Graphics area

Models, plots, animations, and text are displayed in this area. It can be divided into multiple windows.

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Panels containing tools associated with the active application can be accessed using the toolbar buttons. Panels are also accessible from the menu bar. See Select Application Menu for the various toolbar types.


Most operations are performed using the panel options.

Tab Area

The Tab Area is the portion of the graphical user interface that contains the browsers and other functionality not shown in the panel area. The Tab Area can be moved to either the left or right side of the graphics area, or both, or it can be hidden completely.

Message bar

The current load case and simulation, as well as model statistics, are displayed along the bottom of the screen.

Select application menu

This menu allows you to change the active HyperWorks Desktop application in any window. The options are: HyperMesh, HyperView, HyperGraph, MediaView, TextView, MotionView, HyperGraph 3D, and FE Model. A description for each application is included below.

Select Application Menu

You can select one of the following applications from the Select application menu. Loading each application changes the toolbar and menu bar settings. The table below describes the purpose of each application and shows the changes in their corresponding tool bar.

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Chapter 1: HyperWorks Desktop Environment

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HyperMesh is a high-performance finite element pre- and post-processor for major finite element solvers, which allows engineers to analyze design conditions in a highly interactive and visual environment. HyperMesh’s user-interface is easy to learn and supports the direct use of CAD geometry and existing finite element models, providing robust interoperability and efficiency. Advanced automation tools within HyperMesh allow users to optimize meshes from a set of quality criteria, change existing meshes through morphing, and generate mid-surfaces from models of varying thickness.


HyperView is a complete post-processing and visualization environment for finite element analysis (FEA), multi-body system simulation, video, and engineering data. Amazingly fast 3-D graphics and unparalleled functionality set a new standard for the speed and integration of CAE results post-processing. HyperView enables you to visualize data interactively as well as capture and standardize your post-processing activities using process automation features. HyperView also saves 3-D animation results in Altair's compact H3D format so you can visualize and share CAE results within a 3-D web environment using HyperView Player.

HyperGraph 2D

HyperGraph 2D is a powerful data analysis and plotting tool with interfaces to many popular file formats. Its sophisticated math engine is capable of processing even the most complex mathematical expressions. HyperGraph 2D combines these features with high-quality presentation output and customization capabilities to create a complete data analysis system for any organization.

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HyperGraph 3D

HyperGraph 3D offers a 3-D plotting environment that is fully integrated with HyperWorks, for managing, reviewing, and analyzing 3-D plots such as, waterfall, surface, and 3-D line data.


MediaView plays and displays video files and static images. Playback of video files is synchronized with HyperView model animations plus HyperGraph plots for data comparison and analysis. Video playback can be automatic or manually controlled. During manual playback, videos can be controlled by clicking on XY curve locations to see the corresponding frame in the video.


TextView provides both powerful math script processing plus a text editor. It is an integrated application in HyperWorks Desktop. TextView’s math scripts can reference vector data from HyperGraph and HyperGraph 3D windows for automating data processing and data summary.


TableView creates an Excel-like spreadsheet inside of HyperWorks Desktop. You can use Templex expressions inside of a cell to synchronize with HyperGraph and create summary tables that update accordingly using report templates. Value-dependent formatting allows for the easy detection of critical key point indicators (KPI's). Basic spreadsheet functionality to format and edit the table cells is also available.


MotionView is a general purpose pre- and post-processor and visualization tool for mechanical system simulation including industry-leading capabilities for assembly management, data management and flexbody modeling. It provides the ability to create hierarchical models to any depth through the re-use of system definitions including leveraging its native parametric data capability. MotionView provides an efficient and easy to use interface including a large number of modeling utilities to maximize users’ productivity. In addition, through the use of its TCL automation layer, MotionView enables users to create and re-use scripts and custom user interfaces. MotionView is integrated in a single environment that also includes state of the art post-processing, DOE and optimization, and math processing capabilities.

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Online Help

HyperWorks Desktop offers comprehensive documentation in the online help.

The Help can be accessed through the menu bar or the use of the “h” , keyboard (help documentation is “intelligent”, opening in the section representing the panel that the user is actively in).

Help also contains detailed tutorials on many advanced functions.

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2 - Page and Window Controls The Page Controls toolbar is available for all HyperWorks Desktop applications, and is used to manage pages, change page layouts, and manipulate individual windows:

Next Page Browse forward through the pages.

Previous Page Browse backward through the pages.

Add Page Adds a new page to the session.

Delete Page Adds a new page to the session.

Page Window Layout

Displays a pop-up menu containing 20 page layouts that can be applied to the displayed page.

Expand/Reduce Window

In a multi-window display, use this feature to enlarge or reduce the selected window.

Swap Windows In a multi-window display, use this feature to

rearrange window order.

Synchronize Windows

Allows you to select individual windows to be synchronized for viewing and rotating.

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In addition to the Page Control toolbar, there is also the Page Edit toolbar. This toolbar is used to copy and paste various pages and windows.

Cut Page Cuts out the currently selected window.

Copy Window Copies the currently selected window.

Copy Page Copies the currently selected page.

Paste Window Pastes the saved window in the currently selected


Paste Page Pastes the saved page in the currently selected page.

Overlay Window

Overlays the saved window on the currently selected window.

Overlay Page Overlays the saved page on the currently selected


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3 - Session Browser

The Session Browser displays the current session and all of the pages and windows it contains in a hierarchical view (using the session as the root).

In addition to displaying the current session, the window Layout and Client within the window can also be changed. There is a check box for Show Page Title to easily control the display of the page title. There is also a check box for Publish to indicate which pages should be exported when Publish Session is selected. Finally there are two columns for Save Model File and Session Data Type.

Clicking the right mouse button on a session, page, or window within the browser’s tree structure allows you access to a variety of options. The visibility of browser context menu items is dependent on the current selection - only functions valid for the selected items are activated. Options selected in an empty space apply to the entire model. For example, Create will create a new page, Delete will delete the selected page, and Erase will clear the contents in the selected window. Other options include Rename which renames the selected page, and Make Current, which allows you to select which page or window will be the current page/window.

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4 - HyperWorks Desktop Files

Session File (MVW)

A session file is a text file that contains a structured list of statements. The statements include instructions for page layout and window content, such as graphic and plot information. A session file is generated whenever you save a work session. Session files can also be created outside of the program using any text editor or generated from other applications. Session files have the MVW default extension.

Session files can be opened in HyperView, MotionView, HyperGraph 2D, HyperGraph 3D, TextView and MediaView.

To save a session to a session file, from the File menu select Save As > Session OR .

To open the file, select File > Open > Session OR .

Application/Model Files

Each application in the HyperWorks Desktop can load and save its own set of files. Application specific files are accessed in the Applications’ user interfaces provided in the panel area of the HyperWorks Desktop.

HyperView To open a model, from the File menu select Open > Model OR .

HyperGraph To open a plot, from the File menu select Open > Plot OR .

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Preference Files

The preference file is a script file that is read each time a HyperWorks Desktop application is started. It specifies default user settings such as the window type, printer, page layout, the autosave interval, and the order in which colors are assigned.

A standard preference file for all HyperWorks Desktop applications exists in the installation directory and is read every time HyperView is started. On Windows, the file is named

preferences.mvw, while on UNIX, it is named .preferences.mvw. Your own preference

files can be created and registered under the File menu, select Load > Preferences File in the HyperWorks Desktop. Depending on the setting, your own preferences files either overwrites or appends settings defined in the standard preference file. For example color settings overwrite the defaults but registering new readers appends to the supported file list.

Preference Files File > Load > Preference File

The following Preferences dialox box will be open:

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Exercise 1a - Learning to Use the HyperWorks Desktop Interface

In this exercise, you will:

Work with session files

Develop an understanding of the graphics interface

Use the page and window controls

Step 1: Open the session file …\Model-files\1a-truck\truck.mvw

1. From the menu bar select File > Open > Session.

2. Select the file ...\Model-Files\1a-truck\truck.mvw and click Open.

A HyperWorks Desktop page featuring multiple windows with different applications

Step 2: Add pages and navigate between them using the Page controls.

1. Click the Add Page button, , to add a second page.

Observe the changes to the page counter.

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2. Add one more page.

3. Click the icons, and , to navigate to the next page and previous page, respectively.

4. Go to page 1.

Step 3: Use the Session Browser to add, rename and navigate between pages.

1. In the Tab Area, click on Session to make the Session Browser active.

2. Right click on Displacement and select Rename.

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3. Type Page 1 and press ENTER to rename page 1.

4. Add a fourth page by right clicking in the Session Browser and selecting Create.

The new page is displayed as Untitled and becomes the active page in the graphics area.

5. Display the name of page 4 at the top of its page by activating the Show Page Title check box.

6. Right click on the name Untitled (ID 2) and select Make Current to display page 2.

Step 4: Use Page Layout to create a four window layout.

1. Make sure to be on page 2. Select the downwards arrow next to the Page Layout button

to open the Page Layout options.

2. Click the four window layout .

The border of the upper left window in the four-window layout is cyan to indicate it is the active window.

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Step 5: Change the applications in windows 2-4 on page 2.

1. Make window 2 active.

2. From the Select application menu, select HyperGraph 2D to change the window type for window 2 from animation to plot.

The toolbar changes to reflect the plot window mode.

3. Activate window 3.

4. Change the window type for window 3 from HyperView to MediaView.

5. Click on window 4 to make it active.

6. Change the window type for window 4 from HyperView to TextView.

7. Go to page 1.

Step 6: Use Swap Windows to change the order of windows on page 1.

1. Activate Page1 > window 2 (plot window).

2. Click the Swap Windows button .

The contents of windows 2 and 1 are exchanged.

When there are only two windows on a page and you click the Swap Windows button, the windows are automatically swapped.

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Step 7: Expand window 2 to the graphics area.

Use the Expand/Reduce Window button to temporarily expand the HyperView window to fill the entire graphics area. This allows you to see a larger view of the model without changing the window layout.

1. Make window 2 (animation) active.

2. Click the Expand/Reduce Window button .

The Expand/Reduce Window button changes to . This button acts as a toggle.

3. Click the button again to return to the original display.

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Step 8: Save the session to a session file.

1. From the File menu, select Save As > Session.

2. Specify a path and the name 1a-practice for the *.mvw file and click Save.

Step 9: Clear the data from the session.

1. From the File menu, select New > Session .

2. Answer Yes to the pop-up message "This operation will discard current session data. Continue with new session? "

Step 10: Open the session file practice.mvw.

1. Open the session file 1a-practice.mvw.

2. Notice the contents of the session. It contains the number of pages and the window layouts you created in the previous steps of this exercise.

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Chapter 2

Animation and View Controls

This chapter covers the tools within HyperWorks Desktop that control the animation and manipulate the view of the model. This includes rotating and zooming, as well as masking elements, turning on/off components, and creating groups.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Loading Model Files

Using the Animation Controls

Controlling the Model View

Browsers and Entity Attributes

Masking Entities

Creating and Using Sets

User Defined Systems

Graphical Manipulators


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1 - Loading Model Files The open architecture of HyperView allows for loading and viewing result files obtained from several sources. Based on the solver type of the files and the results you would like to visualize and analyze, there are different ways to load the input deck and their corresponding results into HyperView. This chapter guides you through the various ways you can load your files and the various tools available for viewing the model according to your interest.

To access the Load Model panel:

Click the Open Model button from the Standard toolbar.


From the menu bar, select File > Open > Model

The Load Model panel allows you to load the result files along with the model files. If the result file already contains the model definition, it is not a requirement that you load the model file along with the results. However, when only result files are loaded, the component definitions such as name and color are not preserved. The solver definition for component names along with the default color settings is loaded. You can also choose to load only a model or result file.

There are 3 options in this panel: Overlay, Result math template, and Reader Options.

The Result math template allows you to select a template to be loaded into the Derived Result panel. The options are Standard, Advanced, NVH, Composite or None.

The Reader Options… button opens a window where different options can be specified for the different results readers:

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Activating the Overlay check box in the panel allows you to load multiple models and their results into a single window. You can then set the active model in the window from the Results Browser.

This is done by selecting the model from the model list in the Results Browser.

Within the Results Browser, there is a Files View. To turn on the Files View, click the icon

. This adds the Files listing to the top of the Results Browser. The right click functionality of the Results Browser is also available in the Files listing. This means that you can also right click on a file and select Make Current to determine the active model.

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Supported Solver Result File Formats

The tables below show some of the solvers results file formats supported by HyperView:

FEA Solver File Format/ File Extension

Natran .op2, .xdb

OptiStruct .op2, .h3d

Abaqus .odb

Ansys .rst, .rth, .rmg

I-DEAS .unv

LS-DYNA .d3plot, .ptf


MARC .t16


NIKE 3D .n3plot


HyperMesh .res

Altair Hyper3D .h3d




CFD (Ensight) .encas, .case

MBD Solver File Format/ File Extension

ADAMS .gra

Altair Flx .flx

DADS .def, .bin

Altair Hyper3D .h3d

MADYMO .kin3, .kn3, .fai

MotionSolve .mrf

In addition to the solver result file formats supported through direct readers, HyperView supports additional solver formats via result translators.

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2 - Using the Animation Controls Within HyperWorks Desktop, there are tools to control the animation of the model as well as the current load case. In this section, the Animation toolbar as well as the Results Browser are shown.

2.1 - Controlling the Animation

The Animation toolbar is used to animate and control the animation rate of your model. This toolbar can to displayed by selecting View > Toolbars > HyperWorks > Animation.

The first item in the toolbar allows you to select the animation mode; Transient, Modal, or Linear:

The next 5 items start/stop the animation or move incrementally through the animation:

There are two slider bars on the Animation toolbar. The top slider bar indicates the current time step. This slider can be positioned to any time by simply moving the slider to the appropriate location. The bottom slider controls the animation rate. Moving the slider to the left slows down the animation rate, while moving the slider to the right speeds up the animation rate.

The final item in the Animation toolbar is the Animation Controls bottom .

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Animation Controls panel for transient

This provides additional options not included in the Animation toolbar. Setting the Time Scales, viewing the Frame Rate, and setting the Increment amount can also be done in this panel.

2.2 - Selecting a Loadcase

The Results Browser is located in the tab area and allows you to view the HyperView model structure while providing find, display, and editing control of entities. Many of these options will be discussed later in this material. The Results Browser also allows you to select the current Loadcase and the current Time/Angle/Step.

Also within the Results Browser is the Load Case View (shown below). The Load Case View is a hierarchical listing of all available load cases and simulations. The current load case and simulation are shown in bold and you can select any load case or simulation by right clicking and selecting Make Current.

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3 - Controlling the Model View There are three different toolbars for view controls; the Standard Views toolbar, the 3D View Control toolbar, and the 2D View Control toolbar. The 2D View Control is available while in HyperGraph and MediaView, while the Standard Views and the 3D View Controls toolbars are are available in HyperMesh, HyperView, and HyperGraph3D.

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Exercise 2a - Load, Animate and Review a Model

This exercise uses the file bumper_0000.rad and the corresponding bumperA001.

Step 1: Load the solver input and result files, bumper_0000.rad and


1. From the Standard toolbar, select the New Session button, , to delete the contents of the current HyperWorks Desktop session.

2. Select Open Model to load the Load model panel:

3. Click the Load model file browser, , open the file bumper_0000.rad located in ..\Model-files\2a-bumper\.

4. Click the Load results file browser, , open the file bumperA001 located in


5. Click Apply to load the model data from the results file along with the input data.

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Step 2: Animate the model.

1. Click the Animate Start/Pause button, , to animate the window.

2. Click the button again to stop the animation.

3. Click on the triangle next to the first button and note the various animation types available.

Animation Types

A brief description of each animation type is given below:

Transient Displays the model in its time step positions as calculated by the analysis code.

Modal Creates and displays an animation sequence starting and ending with the model’s original position. The deforming frames are calculated based on a sinusoidal function.

Linear Creates and displays an animation sequence starting with the original position of the model and ending with the fully deformed position. An appropriate number of frames are linearly interpolated between the first and last positions.

Step 3: Animate from time 0.00 to 0.03.

4. Click the Animation Controls button, .

5. Click the first arrow next to Current time, , to display the page at time 0.

6. Set the Animate end time to 0.04 by entering 0.03 into the text field.

7. Move the slider bar under Max Frame Rate: down, to slow down the animation.

8. Animate the model.

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Note the model animates between 0 and 0.03.

9. Stop the animation.

10. Click the Animate end forward arrow until the slider bar reaches the end of the animation.

11. Change the animation type to Set Linear Animation Mode and note the difference in the panel.

Animation Controls panel for Set Linear Animation Mode.

12. Change the animation type back to Set Transient Animation Mode, .

Step 4: Choose a specific time step using the Results Browser.

The active load case and simulation are displayed in the Results Browser:

1. Click on the dropdown for the Loadcase Selector. Notice that there is only one Loadcase in model.

2. Select Time = 3.0002e-002 under the Loadcase Selector in the Results Browser.

3. Use the arrows to the left of Time = 3.0002e-002 to move through the time steps.

You can also move through loadcases/subcases and modal shapes using the Results Browser.

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4. Set the current time to Time = 0.00000.

Step 5: Use the view controls.

The view controls for the animation window are contained in the 3D View Controls toolbar and the Standard Views toolbar.

1. Within the 3D View Controls toolbar (shown below), left click on the Dynamic Rotate

Mode button, , then left click in the graphics area and drag your mouse to rotate the model.

If the 3D View Controls toolbar is not visible, select View > Toolbars > HyperWorks > 3D View Controls to turn on its display.

2. Left click on the Pan button, , and then left click and drag your mouse in the graphics area to pan the model.

3. Left and right click on the arrows, , , to rotate the model, left/right, up/down, and clockwise/counter clockwise.

4. Left click on the Zoom button, , to zoom in and right click on it to zoom out.

5. Within the Standard Views toolbar (shown below), select the Fit button to fit the model to the window.

If the Standard Views toolbar is not visible, select View > Toolbars > HyperWorks > Standard Views to turn on its display.

6. Click the XY Top Plane View button to view the model in the Top view.

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7. Within the Results Browser, right click and select Create > View.

This creates a new folder called Views with a single saved view called View 1.

8. Within the Standard Views toolbar, select the Isometric View button, , to change the view to the Isometric view.

9. Right click on Views in the Results Browser and select Create > View.

This creates a second view named View 2.

10. Click on the icons next to View 1 and View 2 to recall the selected view.

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Step 6: Use the mouse controls

1. While holding in the ctrl key and the left mouse button, drag the cursor to rotate the model.

2. While holding in the ctrl key and the right mouse button, drag the cursor to pan the model.

3. While holding in the ctrl key and the middle mouse button, circle a portion of the model to zoom in.

4. While holding in the ctrl key, spin the mouse wheel to zoom in at the cursor location

5. While holding in the ctrl key, click the middle mouse button to fit the model to the screen.

Step 7: Change the Window Layout and load files.

1. Click the drop down next to the Page Window Layout button .

2. Select the two window layout .

3. Activate the new window.

4. Load the bumper_0000.rad and bumperA001 files in the new window by clicking

Apply in the Load Model panel.

Step 8: Change the view in multiple windows simultaneously using Synchronized View.

1. From the Page Controls toolbar, select the Synchronized View button, .

This opens a window that allows you to select which windows should be synchronized.

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2. Both windows are selected by default, so simply click OK.

3. Select the YX Rear Plane View to display the rear view for the two windows.

4. Click the Isometric View button and zoom in/out the model to change the view.

5. Click the Synchronized View button to turn off the synchronization.

6. Make the left window active by clicking in it and then rotate the model.

Only the model in window 1 in the graphics area rotates.

Step 9: Save the session to a session file.

1. From the File menu, select Save As > Session.

2. Specify a path and the name 2a-practice for the *.mvw file and click Save.

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4 - Browsers and Entity Attributes In this section, you will learn how to:

Use the Browser and Entity Attributes

4.1 - Browsers

• Browsers display information in a tree view; collectors such as components or groups

appear at the top level of the hierarchy, while collected entities such as elements or

surfaces display as "children" nested within the collector to which they belong.

• Different browsers are customized for usage with regard to the types of parts that you want

to work with.

• Most browsers have similar basic functionality for sorting entities, filtering entities, and

finding entities and include a context-sensitive right-click menu and sets of control


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4.2 - Display Controls & Browser Modes

These controls affect which entities display in the graphics area, and how they display (such as shaded or wireframe).

The Global Display Tools can be used to turn the display of large numbers of entities on and off.

The Local Display Controls affect the visual style of individual entities (such as shaded or wireframe) within the tree list.

Entity Display Icons


Display Mode

The Action Mode Tools allow you to turn entities' display on and off individually, isolate certain entities so that only they appear in the graphics area, or add entities to panel collectors.

The Sorting Entities allows you to sort the entities in a folder by clicking on the heading of each column.

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4.3 - Results Browser Views

Within the Results browser there are five predefined browser view modes (which are accessed via the first row of icons within the Results browser):

Files View

Files View displays all loaded model files and allows you to:

• Change the visibility of models

• Delete models

• Change the current model

• View the model status on the current model or on the marked model file

• Click to close the Files view

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Model View

Model View displays all loaded model files and allows you to:

• Standard view mode for the Results browser.

• Tree-like display of all entities within the model (assemblies, components/parts, systems, entity sets/groups, and streamline components) as well as all tracking systems, measures, notes, section cuts, available load cases and simulations, derived load cases, plot styles, results, and views.

• Right click functionality - Show/Hide, Isolate/Isolate Only, etc.

• This view also includes full display control for all applicable entities (same as in Component view):

• Load Cases

• Plot Styles

• Results

• Views

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• Global Display Controls Tools.

• Change the Color and Shading Method of Components.

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Model View + Entity Editor

• The Entity Editor section of the Results browser allows you to view and edit various entity conditions/properties. Click on an entity in the upper portion of the browser to automatically display the properties assigned to that entity in the Entity Editor (located in the lower half of the browser).

• The Model view must be active within the Results browser in order to access the Entity Editor.

• The Entity Editor is turned on and displayed in the browser by default; however you can hide the editor by clicking on the show/hide toggle.

• The Entity Editor can be resized vertically and horizontally by clicking on the line that separates the editor from the browser or graphics area.

• The entity categories/properties that are displayed under the Name and Value headers will vary, depending upon the type of entity that is selected (Components/Parts, Measures, Notes, Section Cuts, Sets).

• Any changes made to an entity property will automatically be applied to the model as you enter the information.

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• Change Attributes or Create Entities needed.

• Components/Parts Attributes.

• Sets Attributes

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• Section Cuts Attributes

• Notes Attributes

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Component View

• This Component View turns off all other entities in the browser and lists only components in a flat list (by default).

• Assembly hierarchy and systems can also be configured to show in this view by selecting the options in Configure Browser > Entities > Entity Type.

• This view includes full display control for all applicable entities (same as in Model view).

• Colors Model “by Component”

• Quickly Sort by Name, ID, Color, or Property

• Display State Icons (Geometry and FE: ON/OFF Single Picking)

• Global Controls to Operate on all Components (All, None, Reverse)

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Load Case View

• The Load Case View is a hierarchical listing of all available load cases and simulations

• You can create a new derived load case by using the browser context menu. If you create a derived load case the currently selected load cases and/or simulations will automatically be added to it.

• Once a derived load case is created you can rename it by using the Rename option in the browser context menu.

• You can also add simulations and/or load cases using the drag & drop method.

• You can change the scale factor on the simulations by selecting the simulation and right-clicking in the scale factor column.

• Derived load cases can also be deleted by using the Delete option in context menu.

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Result View

• The Result View shows a hierarchical view of available results on the current load case. The result types are grouped by their type, and are broken up into scalar, vector, and tensor folders.

• Result types and components have a checkbox next to them indicating the type of result plot it will apply by clicking it. The result plot will be based on the current plot style.

• A plot style is basically a predefinition of settings applied on plot. You can change the current style by clicking the drop-down arrow next to the plot button in the Quick Plot browser toolbar.

• The predefined plot styles come initially from a file in your HyperWorks installation directory. You can export your own plot styles and make them your default by bringing up the browser context menu and clicking Export Plot Styles. The styles will be written out in XML format to a file you define.

• You can use these styles as your own default by changing the DefaultPlotStyles line in your preference file.

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4.4 - Results Browser Context-Sensitive Menu

• Clicking the right mouse button on a folder or entity/item within the browser’s tree structure allows you to change a variety of options. The visibility of browser context menu items is dependent on the current selection. Result types and components have a checkbox next to them indicating the type of result plot it will apply by clicking it. The result plot will be based on the current plot style.

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5 - Masking Elements In this section, you will learn how to use the HyperView Display toolbar and Mask panel.

Display Toolbar

This toolbar is turned on by selecting View > Toolbars > HyperView > Display. By default, this toolbar is displayed vertically on the left side of the graphics window.

Below the masking tools within this toolbar are highlighted:

The Mask panel ( ) allows you to mask elements, components, and systems to reduce the number of entities displayed on the screen. With fewer entities displayed on the screen, it is easier to pick the necessary elements or visualize important areas of a model.

The options on the left side of the Mask panel apply to the entity type designated by the input collector (Elements, Components, Systems, or Assemblies). You can mask or unmask a defined selection set or all entities of that type. Once a set is defined by using the input collector or by picking entities from the screen, you can mask or unmask the entire set of entities using Mask Selected or Unmask Selected. If you use the quick window selection to select entities, the active Action option (Mask or Unmask) is automatically applied to the entities inside the window.

When a component is completely masked, the display status updates in the model. When a component is partially masked or displayed on the screen, the display status is on. The display status is shown in the Results Browser or the Entity List Tree in the Entity Attributes panel.

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The options on the far right of the panel can be used to globally mask or unmask all entities in the results browser. The options are:

Mask All Masks all elements, components, and systems

Unmask All Unmasks all elements, components, and systems

Mask Not Shown Masks the displayed elements or systems that are not shown in the graphics area

Unmask Shown Unmasks previously masked entities that currently fit into the graphics window

You can apply a mask to all models in the view by activating the Apply to all models option, located in the lower left corner of the Mask panel. This option is only available if the Overlay option on the Load Model panel is activated, and more than one model has been loaded in the window. If the Apply to all models option is not activated, the mask will be applied to the active model only.

The other masking tools within the Display toolbar are listed below with a description of their functionality:

Reverse Elements

• Reverses the mask state of all elements currently displayed.

Unmask Adjacent

• Unmasks the row of elements adjacent to the currently displayed one. If some of the unmasked elements reside in components which are currently not displayed, those components will also be unmasked.

Unmask All

• Unmasks all elements, components, and systems.

Mask Not Shown (left mouse button)

• Masks the displayed elements or systems that are not shown in the graphics area.

- OR -

Unmask Shown (right mouse button)

• Unmasks previously masked entities that currently fit into the graphics window.

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6 - Creating and Using Sets In this section, you will learn how to:

Create a set

Display sets

Import and export created sets

Using the Set panel, you can create, import, and export sets (or groups) of components, elements, and nodes.

You can Create and Review Sets in the following ways:

6.1 - Visualization Toolbar > Sets

You can create as many sets (groups) as you want, and the same entity can exist in multiple sets.

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Sets List

The Sets List is on the left-most side of the panel. Activating the check box next to the set will display it in the graphics area. The set type is also shown in this listing. You can sort the items in the Sets list by clicking on the Sets or Type headings.


Sets are assigned a color and every entity within that set is displayed in the selected color when the set is turned on. There is the option to turn on the display of the ID by selecting Show ID. There are also different Draw styles for each entity selected. For example, when Components are selected, the Draw style options are shaded or wire.

The Draw size allows you to change the thickness of the wire and the size of the point/sphere being drawn for the active set.

Entities can either be added or removed from the set. This is determined by selecting the Action as either Add or Remove. Finally, a set can be emptied by selecting Clear.

Another nice feature of this panel is the Number of entities field. This lists the number of entities in the active set.

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You can import HyperView group definition files, Animator3 session files, LSPost group files, or Patran session files into HyperView by selecting the Import button. This opens the following window:

From the Select format drop-down menu, the file type to be imported is selected. In order to import an Animator3, Patran session, or LSPost group file, you must first load a model. You can import more than one of these file into the same session.


To export a HyperView Group definition file, click on the Export button.

The file types that are supported for export are HyperView, Patran, Nastran, and Optistruct. HyperView group definition files can be edited.

This opens the following window:

In addition, the contents of a saved set file can be added, removed, or modified using the session file.

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Exercise 2b - Applying Entity Attributes, Masking, and Creating Groups

This exercise uses the model file, C2500R-V8-Altair-2013_0000.rad and the

corresponding C2500R-V8-Altair-2013A001 file as the results file.

Step 1: Turning components on and off from the Results Browser.

1. Load the …\Model-files\1a-truck\C2500R-V8-Altair-2013_0000.rad model file

and the C2500R-V8-Altair-2013A001 results file from the 1a-truck folder.

2. In the Results Browser, click to activate the Show/Hide mode.

3. Right-click on the bed of the truck in the graphics area.

The component is hidden from display.

4. Left-click in the area of the truck bed to show the component.

Note: Holding down the left mouse button will generate a wire frame highlight of a hidden component.

5. Expand the tree under Components by clicking the ‘+’ icon in the Results Browser.

6. Right-click on SHELL: BED, and select Hide or uncheck the “Visibility” option from the Entity Editor.

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The component is no longer displayed in the graphics area.

7. Right-click on SHELL: BED and select Show.

The component is turned back on.

8. Select the Components folder.

9. Click the Display none button to turn off all components.

10. Click Display all to turn on the display of all components.

Step 2: Isolating components using the Results Browser.

1. Click to activate the Isolate tool.

2. Click on SHELL: BED in the HyperView Results Browser.

The component is isolated in the graphics area.

3. Click again to deactivate Isolate.

4. Right-click on SHELL: CABIN and select Isolate.

The cabin is isolated in the graphics area.

5. Right-click on the Components folder and select Show.

All components are displayed in the graphics area.

Step 3: Changing the display style and attributes from the Results Browser.

1. Right-click on the Style icon for SHELL: BED.

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2. Select the Shaded mode from the display Style pop-up menu.

3. Right-click on the color box for the SHELL: BED component.

4. Select a new color from the color palette.

The color of the component is changed.

Step 4: Masking and Unmasking elements using the graphics area.

1. Click the Mask panel button on the toolbar.

2. Verify that the entity input collector is set to Elements.

3. Under Action, verify that the Mask option is turned on.

4. Press the SHIFT key and the left mouse button, and drag the mouse in the graphics area, to draw a window over a specific area of the model.

5. Release the mouse button.

The elements that were chosen, using the quick window selection mode, are masked and are no longer displayed on the screen.

6. Under Action, turn on the Unmask option.

7. Press the SHIFT key and the left mouse button, and drag the mouse in the graphics area, to draw a window over the area of the model where the elements are currently masked.

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8. Release the mouse button.

The elements enclosed in the window are unmasked.

9. Click the Unmask All button, to unmask all elements of the model.

10. Change the entity input collector from Elements to Components.

11. In the graphics area, pick the truck bed and the right rear tire of the model.

12. Click the Mask Selected button.

13. Press the SHIFT key and the left mouse button, and drag the mouse in the graphics area, to draw a window over a specific area of the model.

14. Release the mouse button.

The components enclosed in the window are masked.

Note: You can also use the quick window selection mode to choose alternate selection methods.

15. Turn the Unmask option on.

16. Press the SHIFT key and the left mouse button, and drag the mouse in the graphics area, to draw a window over the area of the model where the elements are currently masked.

Upon release of the mouse button, the masked components enclosed in the window are unmasked.

17. Click the Unmask All button, to unmask all selected components.

Note: When you load more than one model using the Overlay option, the Apply to all models option is made available. This option allows you to mask entities across all models when activated. If the Apply to all models option is not activated, the mask is applied only to the active model.

Step 5: Masking elements using the entity input collector.

1. Under Action, turn the Mask option back on.

2. Verify that the entity input collector is set to Components.

3. In the graphics area, pick the roof of the truck.

4. Click on Components, to access the extended entity selection menu.

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5. Select By Attached from the selection list.

6. Click the Mask Selected button.

7. Click the Reject button.

The masked components are rejected and unmasked.

Step 6: Create and export a set (group) of components.

1. Click Model > Create > Sets, a new set will be created in the Model View and it will be highlighted.

2. Left click on it to define this set in the Entity Editor.

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3. Go to the Label field of the new set and rename it as truck1.

4. Go to the Entity IDs field to define the set.

5. Verify that the Selection option is set to Components.

6. In the graphics area, pick the truck bed and the rear tire of the model.

7. The chosen entities are added to the set truck1. Make visible this set, check the option “Visibility”.

Observe that the feature lines of the chosen components are the same color as the color that is displayed in the Color box, in the panel area.

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8. Add another set, and rename it truck 2.

9. Go to the Entity IDs field to define the set.

10. Verify that the Selection option is set to Components.

11. In the graphics area pick the side door and the roof of the truck.

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12. The chosen entities are added to the set truck2. Make visible this set, check the option “Visibility”.

Observe that the feature lines of the chosen components are the same color as the color that is displayed in the Color box, in the panel area.

13. Go to the Color field to change the color.

Observe the difference in the feature lines of the components in the set (group) truck 2.

Note: If you would like to change the color of the feature lines for the chosen components, simply click the color box and select a new color from the color palette.

14. Go to the Draw Style field to change it. Select shaded from the list.

Observe that the components are now shaded the color defined in the set “truck2”.

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15. From the Visualization toolbar , select the Set icon to open the Set panel.

16. Click Export…, to export the created sets (truck1, truck2).

The Export Sets dialog is displayed.

17. Verify that Select format is set to HyperView.

18. Click on the file browser icon .

19. Enter groups.txt as the file name.

20. Click Save.

21. Click OK to close the Export Sets dialog.

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Step 7: Import a created set.

1. From the File Menu, select New > Session to start a new HyperView session.

Answer Yes to the question "This operation will discard all current session data. Continue with new session?".

2. Load the C2500R-V8-Altair-2013A001 results file from the 1a-truck folder.

3. Go to the Set panel.

4. Click Import… to import a saved set.

5. Verify that Select format is set to HyperView.

6. Click on the file browser icon .

7. Select the groups.txt file.

8. Click Open.

9. Click OK to import the selected file and close the Import Sets dialog.

Observe that both the truck1 and truck2 sets are imported.

Activating either of the check boxes, using Entity Editor, will display the components, feature lines, and colors of each set (group) on the screen accordingly.

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Step 8: Viewing the components in a set from the Results Browser.

1. From the Results Browser, right-click on the Components folder and select Hide.

2. Right-click on the Sets folder and select Hide.

3. Expand the Sets folder.

4. Right-click on the truck1 set and select Show.

5. Right-click on the truck2 set and select Show.

The truck1 and truck2 imported sets are now displayed.

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7 – User Defined Systems This section will cover:

User Defined Coordinate Systems

HyperView Coordinate Systems & System Review Dialog

7.1 - User Defined Coordinate Systems

The User Defined System dialog allows you to define your own coordinate systems and save the origin and orientation of these systems as a Session file or a Report.

The dialog can be accessed three different ways:

From the Model menu select Create > Systems.

Right-click anywhere within the graphics area and select Create > System from the context menu.

Right-click in a blank area within the Results browser and select Create > System.

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If your model contains user defined systems, you can right-click on one of the existing systems and select Create > System, Edit, or Delete, from the context menu.

Results Browser User Defined Coordinate Systems Context Menu

When creating the system, there are three different types available.

These are Rectangular (X, Y, Z), Cylindrical (R, Theta, Z), and Spherical (R, Theta, Phi).

Once the Type has been set, the Method by which the coordinate system is to be created is selected. There are two options for this: By node or By coordinates.

The By node option allows you to graphically select the nodes that define the Origin, X-Axis, and XY-Plane.

When By coordinates is selected, the coordinates for the Origin, X-Axis, and XY-Plane are specified.

You can also Edit a user defined coordinate system.

Results Browser, right click on a system and select Edit.

When a system is edited, the Type can be changed or the nodes defining the system can be modified by selecting new nodes.

Only user defined coordinate systems can be modified.

Coordinate systems from the input deck cannot be modified, they can only be reviewed.

If a system from an input deck is selected, the following will be displayed in the System window:

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One of the things done with a user defined system is performing a stress transformation using that system.

This is done using the Contour panel and the Resolved in option.

The available options for Resolved in are the Analysis System, Global System, and User Defined System.

When the User Defined System is selected, the System selector becomes active so that the system can be selected graphically or by its ID.

7.2 - HyperView Coordinate Systems

In the Contour, Iso Value, Tensor Plot, Vector Plot and Deformed panels you can select the result coordinate system to be used to process results.

Subsequent options are dependent on the current averaging method.

The available coordinate systems are:







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7.3 - HyperView System Review Dialog

The System Review dialog allows you to review the orientations of various element systems (1D, 2D, or 3D), as well as material and ply systems.

Reviewing these systems enables you to assess the integrity of model and understand the results in significance to the system of interest.

The system plots (many options to customize appearance) can be overlaid with Vector and Tensor plots to confirm that the results and their orientations are accurate.

The dialog can be accessed in different ways:

System (review dialog) icon , Results toolbar

From the Results menu select Plot > System (menu bar)

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8 - Graphical Manipulators A graphical manipulator allows you to modify specific items directly in the graphics area using interactive tools.

Graphical manipulators are currently supported in the Section Cut panel, the Streamlines panel, and the Image Planes tab.

To use graphical manipulators, select them with the mouse and drag them to perform an operation. Each manipulator will have different operations available.

For example, to translate a section cut along an axis, select the arrow pointing in the desired direction and drag it with the mouse.

8.1 - Display State of Graphical Manipulators

Graphical manipulators are convenient for moving, changing orientations, and resizing entities where applicable. Only one manipulator can be active at any time (be it for section cuts, streamline rakes, or image planes). Since the manipulator modifies a specific item, like a section cut out of many section cuts in the model, the context to show or hide is dependent upon certain rules.

A manipulator is displayed every time a new entity (section cut, streamline/rake, image plane) is created. If a manipulator is already shown on the screen for another entity, the creation process will hide that manipulator and display the manipulator for the new entity.

The manipulator is automatically hidden every time the display of the entity to which it is attached is turned off.

Context Menu > Show Manipulator:

Available in the Results browser and also as a right-click menu option in the Section Cut and Streamlines panel. Displays the manipulator for the selected item.

If the individual item is not currently displayed, the manipulator and item are turned "on" using the Show Manipulator context menu option.

If a manipulator is displayed elsewhere, the context menu activation will hide the old item and make the current object and its selection the active one.

Once activated using the context menu, the manipulator display can be turned “off” by using the Hide Maniplator right-click context menu option or whenever a new entity (section cut, streamline/rake, or image plane) is created.

Context Menu > Hide Manipulator:

Available in the Results browser and also as a right-click menu option in the Section Cut and Streamlines panel and Image Planes tab. Hides the manipulator for the selected item.

Available in the graphics area right-click context menu. Turns off the display of any manipulator that is currently active.

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Below you can find some Manipulators available:

Using the Set panel, you can create, import, and export sets (or groups) of components, elements, and nodes.

Two Directional Manipulator

The Two Directional manipulator is available for X-Axis, Y-Axis, Z-Axis section cuts only.

The Two Directional manipulator is available in the Streamlines panel for evenly distributed Area rakes only.

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Three Directional Manipulator

The Three Directional manipulator is available for N1, N2, N3 and Normal to screen section cuts. This manipulator allows free rotations and translations in a 3-D space for relocating and reorienting cross sections.

The Three Directional manipulator is available in the Streamlines panel for Plane rakes.

Line Manipulator

The Line manipulator is available in the Streamlines panel for Line rakes only.

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2D Manipulator

The 2D manipulator is a rectangular planar area encompassing the image/video selected (with four corner square handles and two centered arrows).

2D Image Plane Manipulator

3D Manipulator

The 3D manipulator (which is made up of three centered arrows, arc handles, and square handles) allows you to make incremental adjustments to the rotating plane or move the image plane in 3-D space. This manipulator is created based upon the nodes specified using the 2 Point node input collector (N1N2 and IN1IN2) or the 3 Point node input collector (N1N2N3 and IN1IN2IN3).

3D Image Plane Manipulator

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9 - Symmetry Symmetry visualization allows partially modeled geometry to be shown in full extent by reflection and or duplication.

The Symmetry dialog allows you to define options which can be used to visualize what a whole model would look like when you are only using a half, quarter, or a partial segment of the model.

Symmetry – multiple planes of reflection

Rectangular and Circular copy

User defined reference planes of reflection and copy

Order dependent duplication (reflect, copy)

Example of a sports car half-model with streamlines and particle tracing displayed (on the left) and its symmetric reflection (on the right).

You can also select individual parts for symmetry visualization, instead of an entire model.

The visualization mode is valid for quasi-static, modal, and transient analyses animations, with any result plot (contour/vector/tensor/iso) also duplicated on the symmetric geometry.

In addition, the mirror reflection and rectangular/circular array order can be controlled as relevant for the analysis.

To access the Symmetry dialog, click Symmetry on the Visualization toolbar, or select the Symmetry option from the Model view menu (Model > Symmetry).

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Symmetry dialog - Rectangular tab Symmetry dialog - Circular tab

The various options available in the dialog allow you to define multiple planes of symmetry and also pick a coordinate system to reflect or copy in rectangular/circular manner.

See Online Help > Symmetry dialog for additional information regarding using this dialog.

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Chapter 3

Strength Analysis

This chapter covers the topics that are generally used when viewing results from a strength analysis.

Various panels and tools will be explored to allow you to interpret the results.

HyperView with its open architecture generally reflects the results as shown by the native post-processor.

However, the options available to you vary from panel to panel based on the file loaded and the result type you are interested in.

This chapter helps you understand the various panels that can be used and customized by you to visualize and interpret your strength results.

This chapter will cover the following topics:

Contour Plots

Tensor Plots

Querying Results

Creating Annotations & Measures

Result Math

Derived Load Cases

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1 - Contour Plots A contour plot generates color bands on the model, based on the values found in the results file. A contour plot can be created from tensor, scalar, vector, or complex results.

There are different ways to contour results in HyperView:

• Contour icon on the Results toolbar

• Results > Plot > Contour from the menu bar

• Results browser > Result View > Plot > Contour

There are advantages to using each tool.

Below a look at each tool is shown and the advantages are discussed.

1.1 - Contour icon & Results > Plot > Contour from the menu bar.

The Contour panel allows you to create contour plots of a model and graphically visualize the analysis results.

In the Contour panel you can view vector, tensor, or scalar type results.

To access the Contour panel either click the Contour icon on the Results toolbar, or select Results > Plot > Contour from the menu bar.

The options in the panel will vary, depending on the type of model and results files that are loaded.

This panel, like most panels in HyperView, works from left to right.

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First the Result type is defined, then the Selection and Resolved in system is selected, and finally the Averaging method is defined.

After these setting, the display and legend options are defined.

Result type

This section allows you to select the result data type and the corresponding data component type that should be used to calculate contours.

Use the first drop-down menu under Result type to select one of the available result types.

The options change depending on the currently loaded result file.

Each result type is followed by a letter that indicates the category to which it belongs:

(t) indicates a tensor-type result, such as stress or strain tensors.

(v) indicates a vector-type result, such as displacement, velocity, and acceleration.

(s) indicates a scalar-type result.

(c) indicates complex results.

The expansion button opens the Choose From List dialog where you can filter result types for quick selection.

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The second drop-down menu in the Result type section allows you to choose the data component type (X, Y, Mag, …). The list of available components is based on the selected result type.

For example:

There is also an option, Layers that allows you to allows you to calculate and display how many layers/plies are in each element.

When used with a Value Filter, the Count aggregation mode will return the number of layers that meet the specified criteria. This can be a useful tool when trying to determine how many layers/plies are failing or exceeding certain threshold criteria.

The contour will be applied to all layers defined in the model. If an element has no layer definition, as in a mass or solid, the contour is also displayed regardless of which layer is selected.

The Count option can be used in conjunction with the Layer filter and the Value filter options (located in the middle of the panel), in order to further specify or define the plies/layers to be included in the count results (see the examples below):

Contour example with the Count option applied

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Contour/Iso example with the Count option and an iso value applied

The final option available under the Result type heading is the Use corner data checkbox. This option is only active when corner data is available in the results file. When this option is selected, HyperView displays color bands by interpolating available corner results within each element. This allows for a discontinuity of the result distribution across element boundaries to be seen.

Mid-side Node Elemental Results in Contour

Mid-side nodes refers to the nodes in between the corner nodes of the 2nd order elements. HyperView presents all the corner and mid-side node results when the Use Corner Data option is checked in the Contour panel. However, if the solvers do not output mid-side node results (such as NASTRAN and Optistruct), HyperView will calculate the middle node stress and strain as follows:

The stress and strain tensor of the middle nodes are the average of the corner nodes tensor.

Note: The mid-side nodes in the example above are: A5, A6, A7, and A8

Invariant values of the mid-side nodes (vonMises and principal) are calculated using their tensor values.

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Before creating a contour plot, you may pick one or more entities from the model. You can do this by picking entities directly from the screen, using the quick window selection, or clicking the Elements, Components, or Assemblies input collector and using the extended entity selection menu.

If no selection is made, the contour will be applied to displayed components or elements by default.

Resolved in

This drop-down menu allows you to select the result coordinate system to be used to contour the results. The available options are dependent on the current selection for the Averaging method.

You can select the analysis, element, or global coordinate system as well as a user-defined system. The System input collector is enabled when User System is selected.

Global System (proj: none): Transforms to the global system.

(proj: none) indicates that no projection rule is selected for shells. When a projection rule is selected (using the Projection Rule… button) it is displayed, for example, (proj: y, x).

Elemental System: Transforms results to the element coordinate system. In HyperView, the element coordinate system is defined by element connectivity.

Material System: Transforms to the material system. This option is only available when the Result-Math template > Advanced is selected in the Load Model panel and a solver input deck is loaded.

Ply System: Transforms to the ply system. This option is only available when the Result-Math template > Advanced template is selected in the Load Model panel and a solver input deck is loaded.

Analysis System: Displays the vector and tensor results as they are output from the solver.

User System: This option is available when the results file contains a user-defined coordinate system. Click the System input collector to select a system by ID or pick from the screen. Note: Markers can also be selected for MBD models.

(proj: none) indicates that no projection rule is selected for shells. When a projection rule is selected (using the Projection Rule… button) it is displayed, for example, (proj: y, x).

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Use tracking system: If a tracking system has been activated in the Tracking panel, the Use tracking system option is enabled. If you activate this option, the results will be transformed and resolved in the activated tracking system. This option is not available if you are using the Modal or Linear Static animation mode.

Averaging Method

Nodal averaging of elemental results is available in HyperView. Nodal averaging of elemental results at a node refers to the average of all the element corner results passing through that node. If no corner results are available for an element, centroidal results will be used to calculate the nodal average.

In the example below, four elements are passing through Node 400. The average result at Node 400 is equal to:

There are several options for the Averaging Method within the Contour panel; None, Simple, Maximum, Minimum, Advanced, Difference, Max of corner and Min of corner.

None: No averaging method is used. Color will be displayed in element-based results, a solid color for centroid results, or multiple color bands within an element.

Simple: Simple averaging means that tensor and vector components are extracted and the invariants are computed prior to averaging.

Maximum: Extracts the maximum values from the surrounding elements attached to a node. The tensor and vector components are extracted and the invariants are computed for each element (or corner) prior to averaging to a node. For results components, the corresponding components from each element corner (or centroid) are extracted and then the maximum value is assigned to the shared node. For invariants, the corresponding invariants are calculated from each tensor at the element corners and then the maximum value is assigned to the node.

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Minimum: Extracts the minimum values from the surrounding elements attached to a node. The tensor and vector components are extracted and the invariants are computed for each element (or corner) prior to averaging to a node. For results components, the corresponding components from each element corner (or centroid) are extracted and then the minimum value is assigned to the shared node. For invariants, the corresponding invariants are calculated from each tensor at the element corners and then the minimum value is assigned to the node.

Advanced: Tensor or vector results are transformed into a consistent system and then each component is averaged separately to obtain an average tensor or vector. The invariants are calculated from this averaged tensor or vector.

Difference: The nodal difference is the difference between the maximum and minimum corner results at a node. For tensor/vector components, the corresponding components from each element corner are extracted and the difference is calculated. For invariants, the corresponding invariants are computed from each element corner and then the difference is calculated. The sign of a value is considered in the difference calculation. For example, the difference for the values, 200, 400, -100, and -500 is 900.

Max of corner: Extracts the maximum value from all the corners of an element and the value is shown at the centroid of the element. The tensor and vector components are extracted and the invariants are computed for each corner prior to assigning to the element centroid. For result components, the corresponding components from each corner is extracted and then the maximum value is assigned to the element centroid. For invariants, the corresponding invariants are calculated from each tensor at the element corners and then the maximum value is assigned at the centroid. This averaging option is only available when the Use corner data option is checked. The Variation option is automatically disabled for this averaging method.

Min of corner: Extracts the minimum value from all the corners of an element and the value is shown at the centroid of the element. The tensor and vector components are extracted and the invariants are computed for each corner prior to assigning to the element centroid. For result components, the corresponding components from each corner is extracted and then the minimum value is assigned to the element centroid. For invariants, the corresponding invariants are calculated from each tensor at the element corners and then the minimum value is assigned at the centroid. This averaging option is only available when the Use corner data option is checked. The Variation option is automatically disabled for this averaging method.

Extreme of corner: Extracts the extreme value from all the corners of an element and the value is shown at the centroid of the element. The tensor and vector components are extracted and

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the invariants are computed for each corner prior to assigning to the element centroid. For result components, the corresponding components from each corner is extracted and then the extreme value is assigned to the element centroid. For invariants, the corresponding invariants are calculated from each tensor at the element corners and then the extreme value is assigned at the centroid. This averaging option is only available when the Use corner data option is checked. The Variation option is automatically disabled for this averaging method.

Variations (%): The Variation % is the relative difference at a node with respect to all nodes in the selected components. The formula is described as follows:

You can activate Variation (%) in the Contour panel and select a specific variation percentage to control the nodal averaging calculation.

If Variation (%) is off, the average results are calculated for all nodes. In this case, the results are node bound, meaning you can query results at a node from the Query panel.

If Variation (%) is on, the average results are calculated for only some nodes, depending on the variation (%) you have defined.

If the variation percentage is below the designated value at a node, nodal average at that node is calculated. Otherwise, corresponding element corner results at that node are used for contour plotting.

100% Variation indicates all nodes will have average results; 0% Variation indicates no nodes will have average results. In this case, the results are element bound, meaning you can only query results at an element from the Query panel.

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Averaging Options

The averaging options allow you to limit the averaging of results to only a group of elements that are considered to be bound by same feature angle or face.

Typically averaging is performed for all connected elements in a part without any regard for adjacent elements that are modeled around sharp edges or T-connections.

Click Averaging Options (located in the middle of the panel) to display the Averaging Options dialog.

Note: Feature angle averaging is only applicable when the Simple or Advanced averaging methods are used, and no Variation is selected. As the nodes shared by elements that do not meet the feature angle criteria can have different values on either side of the feature angle, the output is always presented as corner bound values on each element.

The options available are:

Feature angle averaging: Activate this option to specify the threshold value for elements to be considered as part of the same feature by specifying a Feature angle value. All of the adjacent elements whose normals are less than or equal to the threshold value are averaged. The output of this contour is always corner based data (no centroid values).

A feature angle average calculation example is shown below:

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Result at common node 3440:

•E 3115, average of corner nodes for element 3115 and 3117

•E 3121, average of corner nodes for element 3121 and 3124

•E 3117, average of corner nodes for element 3115 and 3117

•E 3124, average of corner nodes for element 3121 and 3124

Feature angle: Allows you to specify the value to be used in the Feature angle averaging calculations. The default is 30 degrees. All of the elements whose normals are less or equal to the specified threshold value are averaged. The value can range from 0 to 180 degrees.

For element feature angle calculation, the current model position is used. Only shell elements feature angles are considered, therefore all solid and beam elements will be included in the averaging calculation (see the example below):

The result at common node 20983 = the average of corner nodes for all four elements.

Ignore flipped normals: This option is checked by default (for feature based averaging) to allow for any modeling discrepancies to be disregarded.

Consider the picture and description below which shows two adjacent elements whose normals are flipped as a consequence of a model setup discrepancy:

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In the example above, the feature angle threshold for averaging is set at 30 degrees. The image on the left side has an angle between adjacent element normals close to 180 degrees and therefore does not meet the criteria of the 30 degree threshold. The image on the right has the angle between normals less than 30 degrees, and the threshold criteria for feature angle is satisfied. However, this could be a modeling discrepancy that should be accounted for, perhaps allowing the averaging of values for elements on the left image, but not allowing averaging of elements on the right image. This can be accomplished by activating the Ignore flipped normals option.

If strict adherence to the angle between adjacent element normals is to be enforced, then uncheck this option.

See the examples provided below:

Envelope trace plot

This option allows you to trace the results from envelope subcases or simulations depending on the option selected. For this option to be enabled, an envelope derived load case needs to be created. Once it is created and it is the current subcase, the options available are:

None – No Envelope subcases or simulations are tracked

Subcase – The results are tracked from an Envelope subcase

Simulation – The results are tracked from an Envelope simulation.

Below is an image of an envelope Subcase tracing. Notice how the contour plot represents only two values. These values correspond to either Subcase 1 or Subcase 2. Where the contour plot represents Subcase 1, this indicates that the value in the envelope subcase comes from Subcase 1. While when Subcase 2 is contoured, the result comes from Subcase 2.

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Value Filter

The Value filter available in the Contour panel allows you to specify threshold criteria for processing results only in a specific range. The Value filter discards any values not meeting the specified criteria.

There are three possible modes to specify a criteria: greater than or equal to (>=), less than or equal to (<=), or a Range.

The results will be displayed on entities (like nodes, elements, or systems) only when the value criteria is met. By default, no filter is applied (None).

The Value filter is similar to that of an iso surface when processing results, with the difference being that no result is shown for the entities that do not meet the criteria (instead of removing those entities from display).

The Value filter can be a useful tool for isolating the 'hotspot' areas. Using this filter along with the Count aggregation mode, allows you to count the number of layers meeting a certain criteria (for example, counting the number of plies exceeding a failure index).

The Value filter options allow you to specify threshold criteria for processing results only in a specific range.

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Any entities having values outside of filter parameters will be displayed as gray in the graphics area.

The Value filter options can be used in conjunction with the Count and Layer filter , in order to determine which layers/plies are failing or exceeding certain threshold criteria.

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Display Options

The Display options change the appearance of the contour colors and are automatically applied to the model as you enter information.

Discrete color produces discrete color bands on the contour plots with distinct boundaries between the contour levels. This option uses a texture mapping capability in your graphics card. If your graphics card does not support texture mapping, the performance may slow down.

Interpolate colors interpolates the contour colors from the undeformed shape (with a zero value) to the result variable reported from the solver. If you do not select Interpolate colors, the contour colors remain the same for all frames. This is only applied to modal and linear static animation.

Legend Threshold

Legend values can be changed using the Legend threshold options.

A new maximum value can be entered by activating the Max checkbox and entering a new value. The same is true with the Min option.

The Multiplier option is used to scale all the result values. An additional line will be added to the legend if a multiplier value is entered.

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Another option is the Offset value. The Offset value affects the contour value, contour min/max, and the legend min/max. An additional line will be added to the legend if an Offset value is entered.

The Offset value option can be useful for:

Converting temperatures from Kelvin to Celsius

Converting temperatures from Kelvin to Fahrenheit (by using the Offset and Multiplier options)

Calculating factor of safety as (1-stress/allowable stress), etc.

NOTE: The Multiplier takes affect first, therefore you can perform operations like y=mx+C on the contour (where m is the Multiplier and C is the Offset).

There is also the Edit Legend option. The Edit Legend dialog allows you to change the color band, format, and descriptions for the legend.

Available options include setting the Legend Type to Fixed Scale or Dynamic Scale. Fixed Scale displays a global maximum and minimum value in the legend for all the timesteps. Dynamic Scale changes the legend with respect to the maximum and minimum values of each time step or simulation. The Position of the legend can also be changed. The Interpolation type can also be changed to Linear or Log.

The Values and Colors of the legend can also be edited. The Numeric format can be set to Scientific, Fixed, or Auto. There are also fields for entering the Numeric precision and Number of levels for the colors. The Reverse button reverses the legend values assigned to the contour bands while Interpolate allows you to interpolate the colors in between the two colors that you select. After clicking Interpolate, use the legend within this dialog to select a

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color to interpolate from and a color to interpolate to. When you select Interpolate, the program displays contour colors for each frame based on the linearly interpolated values between the zero value in the undeformed shape and the solver reported values. You can also click on the number next to the color band and enter a new value for the color band.

There are also options for entering the legend header and footer information, including text, font, font size, and font style. You can also save the changes you made to the legend by selecting Save. This will save a .tcl file with all the legend settings so that these settings can be applied to another HyperView session. The .tcl file is applied to a new session by selecting Import and locating the .tcl file. You can also set a default legend .tcl file within the preference file. Please refer to the Online Help for additional information.

Result display control

The set of options under Result display control allow you to manage the result display.

The first option, Overlay result display, allows contour, tensor, and vector results to be overlaid in the same window when it is activated.

Clear Contour clears the contour and returns the model to its original state.

Create Plot Style allows you to create a contour plot style (based on the settings currently applied to the model). This option will be further discussed in the section on the Results Browser.

Show IsoValue toggles on/off the display of the Iso values.

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Projection Rule

The Projection Rule allows you to select the primary and secondary axes used in the projection to another coordinate system. These axes can either be from the global system or from a user defined system that is specified in the Resolved in field.

For shell (or planar) elements, results in any 3D coordinate system can be projected onto the element plane. For averaged nodal results, the projection plane is called the nodal projection plane, which is the average of all element planes at that node.

In a projected coordinate system in HyperView, the local x and y axes will always lie on the projected plane and local z-axis will be perpendicular to the plane.

The Projection Rule defines how the local x axis is obtained. Since the local z axis is always known (from the normal direction of the plane), the y axis is obtained by the cross product of local z and local x.

In order to have a projected coordinate system, you must pick a 3D reference coordinate system from the resolved in pull down menu.

This reference coordinate system can either be a global or a user-defined system. Then, the Primary axis (of the reference coordinate system) will be projected on the element plane to obtain the local x axis. If the Primary axis is perpendicular to the element plane, the Secondary axis will be projected to obtain the local x axis.

You have the option to pick the Primary and Secondary axis from the Projection Rule dialog.

For example if you are projecting the YZ plane, the Primary axis is the Y axis and the Secondary axis is the Z axis.

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Query Results…

The Query Results… button opens the Query panel where you can view and export properties and other information related to nodes, elements, components, and systems contained in the active model.


When you are finished making all your selections, create a contour plot by clicking Apply in the lower middle section of the panel.


After a contour is applied, you can click Cache to add this result to an internal cache.


This can be used to cache all of the results that are likely to be viewed multiple times in a given session, thereby avoiding re-computation and allowing you faster switching between scalar results.

The Cache/Delete Cache button (located in the lower middle section of the Contour panel) will be disabled whenever the panel shows information that does not match the currently contoured result. You must apply a particular contour result which matches the information on the panel in order for the button to be enabled.

Note: This feature is only available for scalar results (and for scalar components of vectors and tensors).

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Cached results are identified internally based on a unique identifier. This unique identifier (checksum) is based on the following parameters below:

• Data type

• Data component

• Layer

• Corner data

• Result system

• Averaging method

• Envelope trace plot

• Value filter

• Layer filter

• Tracking system

• User defined system

• Projection rules

• Selection set

HyperView will automatically re-compute the data whenever any of the above parameters are changed.

Creating Cached Results

Only the currently active contoured result may be added to the internal cache (using one of

the following methods):

• From the Contour panel, click Cache.

• From the graphics area context menu, right-click and select Create > Cached Result > Contour.

• From the browser white space context menu, right-click and select Create > Cached Result > Contour.

Note: Whenever a result is cached, it is computed for each frame the first time a frame is loaded, thereby making the time taken for the first time load greater. The times for all subsequent loads will be significantly reduced

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Applying Cached Results

All created cached results are displayed in the Results browser as a flat list in a separate folder named Cached results.

The names listed in the browser are a combination of the data type and the component. When there is more than one combination of the same data type and component (for example, with different layers or averaging types), a number in parentheses will be added next to the name (as shown in the example above).

Cached results can be applied or turned off by toggling their corresponding icons (located next to each line item in the tree view).

• A bold icon next to a cached result indicates that it is currently applied.

• A dimmed icon next to a cached result represents that it is currently turned off/not applied.

You can quickly switch between (or apply) cached results by clicking on the data item icon in the browser, or by right-clicking on the data item in the browser and selecting Plot > Contour.

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Deleting Cached Results

The Cache button automatically changes to Delete cache whenever the result information matches the currently contoured result and the result has been previously cached.

HyperView will hold the cached data until it is deleted (using one of the following methods):

• From the Contour panel, click Delete cache.

• From the browser data item context menu, right-click on the item and select Delete.

• To delete all of cached results simultaneously, right-click on the Cached results folder in the browser and select Delete from the context menu.

Cached results are automatically deleted whenever the active subcase is changed or a currently active derived subcase is modified, a new session is started, or a model is deleted.

See the Online Help >Caching Results topic for additional information.

1.2 - Post-processing Stress Results Using the Contour Panel

HyperView displays the following result data available in the result file:

Centroid data - the centroid is the integration point or the available value that has already been averaged by the solver (depending on the solver).

Integration points or Nodes (depending on the solver) - these results are "element bound", meaning that each is the contribution of the specific element to that node; therefore it is the corner data of that element.

The Use corner data option in the Contour panel allows you to display color bands by interpolating available corner results within each element. In addition, you can also use the Averaging method drop-down menu to select the result coordinate system to be used to contour the results.

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Use corner data - controls if centroidal values or corner data is used for the visualization of values at an element.

Averaging method - controls in which way this data (centroidal or corner data) is visualized at the shared element nodes.

See the Online Help > Post-processing Stress Results Using the Contour Panel topic

for additional information.

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1.3 - Contour using Results Browser

Within the Results Browser there is the Result View. The Result view shows a hierarchical view of available results for the current load case. The result types are grouped by their type, and are broken up into Scalar, Vector, and Tensor folders. You can expand the folder to see all of the details for each result type. For example, each of the Scalar, Tensor, and Vector folders are expanded to see the Result Type within the folders.

By selecting one of those Result Types (for instance, Stress), the different Components are shown:

To apply a contour plot using the Results Browser, simply click on the icon to the left of the result to be used for the contour.

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For example, in the plot below, the vonMises component for Stress is contoured.

The Layer selector allows you to quickly go through the various layers of the current result plots (contour, tensor, or vector). This selector is located at the bottom of the browser, and is available in the Result view only.

The Layer selector list is refreshed whenever a data type or the component of the data type is selected in the tree.

You can change the current layer by clicking the up/down arrows on the Layer selector, or by using the drop-down menu to select a layer from the layer list. A contour plot of the selected result and layer will automatically be applied whenever the layer is changed. In the example above with the component vonMises Stress contoured, the Layer is set to Max. Using the same model as the image above, the Layer selector is changed to Min, so that the Min layer of the vonMises stress is plotted:

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Also within the Results Browser is a folder named Plot Styles. Plot Styles are a collection of predefined settings for a contour, vector, or tensor plot.

For example, using the Contour panel, various aspects of a contour such as averaging method, display options, and result type are set.

To create a Plot Style, the Contour panel is used to create a contour plot. Once the contour is displayed in the Graphics Area, the Create Plot Styles… button can be selected:

This allows you to save settings that you use often.

For example, above the plot style Simple Averaging was created.

We can also create another plot style called My Defaults that specifies that no averaging should be done.

Using the Result View in the Results Browser, the Current Plot Style can be set either using the Quick Plot toolbar (shown below) or by right clicking on the plot style and selecting Make Current.

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Once a contour plot style is selected as Current, the settings in that plot style will be used when a result type is selected for contouring.

For example, the image below to the left uses the Default Contour plot style that is loaded into each HyperWorks Desktop Session, while the image to the right uses the Simple Averaging plot style that we previously created.

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2 - Tensor Plots Tensor plots allow you to view the tensor plots of stress and strain directions and magnitudes for various solvers from elemental values.

There are different ways to create tensor results in HyperView:

• Tensor icon on the Results toolbar

• Results > Plot > Tensor from the menu bar

• Results browser > Result View > Plot > Tensor

2.1 - Tensor icon & Results > Plot > Tensor from the menu bar.

Many of the options in the Tensor panel are similar to the Contour panel.

Working left to right within the panel, the first options are for the results being selected.

Result type

Select the result data type that should be used to display the tensor plot. Only tensor result type data, indicated with a (t), are available for selection.


Create a tensor plot for a specified element layer when a layer definition is available for an element. The settings will be applied to all layers defined in the model. If an element has no layer definition, as with solids, the tensors are displayed regardless of layer selection. The options that control how layers will be displayed are:

Solver specific layer options - Solver dependent label(s). For example, Z1 and Z2 indicates the lower and upper layers of shells in a Nastran model.

Layer Filter - Reduce the layer list available for the data types which have layers (for example, plies in composite stress/stains or any vector result with layers).

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Use corner data

When corner data is available and Average at node is checked, the Use corner data option is enabled. If the option is activated, corner data is used to calculate the tensor averaging to nodes.


Before creating a tensor plot, you must pick one or more entities from the model. You can do this by picking entities directly from the screen, using the quick window selection, or clicking the Elements or Components input collector and using the extended entity selection menu. See Selecting Entities Using the Input Collector for more information.

Resolved in

This drop-down menu allows you to select the result coordinate system that will be used to plot the results. You can select the analysis, element, or global coordinate system as well as a user-defined system. The System input collector is enabled when User System is selected.

Global System (proj: none): Transforms to the global system.

(proj: none) indicates that no projection rule is selected for shells. When a projection rule is selected (using the Projection Rule… button) it is displayed, for example, (proj: y, x).

Elemental System: Transforms results to the element coordinate system. In HyperView, the element coordinate system is defined by element connectivity.

Material System: Transforms to the material system. This option is only available when the Result-Math template > Advanced is selected in the Load Model panel and a solver input deck is loaded.

Ply System: Transforms to the ply system. This option is only available when the Result-Math template > Advanced template is selected in the Load Model panel and a solver input deck is loaded.

Analysis System: Displays the vector and tensor results as they are output from the solver.

User System: This option is available when the results file contains a user-defined coordinate system. Click the System input collector to select a system by ID or pick from the screen. (proj: none) indicates that no projection rule is selected for shells. When a

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projection rule is selected (using the Projection Rule… button) it is displayed, for example, (proj: y, x).

Average at node

Average at node averages elemental tensors to nodes. If no tensors are available at corners, tensors from centroidals will be used. You can enable HyperView to use corner tensors by checking User corner data. Since average tensor to node is required to transfer all the tensors to a uniform system for accurate calculation, only the global system or one user-defined system is allowed when Average at node is selected.

When averaging at nodes is activated for elemental results, the results for the nodes shared by two or more components will not be averaged. HyperView assumes that different components are defined with different properties or materials, therefore the elemental results are not averaged across the component boundary.

Tensor format

Select the tensor format for the plot by selecting Principal or Component.


Load or display any component of a tensor by checking the options:

If you select Principal - the P1(Major), P2(Mid), or P3(Minor) options are available.

If you select Component - the XX, YY, ZZ, XY, YZ, and ZX options are available.

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The shear components of a Strain tensor, XY, YZ, or ZX, are typically available from different solvers in either the Engineering shear form or the Tensor shear form. The relationship between the two forms is that Engineering shear form is twice that of Tensor shear form. Whenever the strain tensor has to be transformed, or the principals and VonMises need to be calculated, the shear components in Tensor shear form are applied. A HyperView tensor plot always represents the shear components of the Strain in the Tensor shear format, in order to represent a complete tensor. The Contour panel however, will show the shear components of the strain tensor as they are output from the solver. Check the corresponding Solver documentation to understand what form the shear strains are output.

Display options

Size scaling - After you have applied tensor settings to a model, you can change the tensor display by scaling the size of the tensor. The size scaling only applies to the normal components (XX, YY, ZZ). Shear components are drawn inside, proportional to the element size.

By Magnitude - The tensor size is displayed relative to the value of the tensors. Scale value allows you to increase or decrease the size according to a scaling value.

Normalized - The tensor is stretched or reduced according to the element size so that the largest component fits in the element.

Draw mode - After applying a tensor to the model, you can change the tensor drawing mode to either of the following:

Regular - Common data types like stresses and strains in the tensor format are shown with arrows (default). Shear components are drawn as opposing arrows in the plane in which they are acting. Shell element forces are recommended to be drawn in this mode also.

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Moment - Shell element moments are appropriate to draw in this mode.

Color by - After you display tensors on a model, you can change the tensor color based on either direction or value. To change a color, click the color box next to the direction to display the color palette.

Value - Applies colors based on values and the legend settings

Direction - Changes the colors for the P1 (Major), P2 (Mid), or P3 (Minor) directions. To change a color, click the color box to display the color palette. Select a different color.

Principal values - Displays the values of individual principals (P1, P2, P3) at the tips of the arrows. This option is only available if the Tensor format is set to Principal.

Normal values - Displays the values of individual normal components (XX, YY, ZZ).

This option is only available if the Tensor format is set to Component.

Shear values - Displays the values of individual shear components (XY, YZ, ZX).

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This option will only be active if the Tensor format is set to Component.

The displayed text for the components varies by the selected Draw mode:

Regular - XX, YY, ZZ, XY, etc.

Moment - Mx, My, Mz, Mxy, etc.

Legend threshold

Max - Enter the value to be assigned to the highest color in the contour plot. Activate

the Max check box to apply the value.

The new value is also changed in the Values section of the Edit Legend dialog.

If a value entered for threshold Max is invalid, it will not be applied and the panel will be

updated to reflect the actual state.

Min - Enter the value to be assigned to the lowest color in the contour plot. Activate the Min check box to apply the value.

The new value is also changed in the Values section of the Edit Legend dialog.

If a value entered for threshold Min is invalid, it will not be applied and the panel will be updated to reflect the actual state.

Multiplier - Enter the multiplier for scaling all the result values

The other options in the panel (Edit Legend, Result display control, Projection Rule and Query Results) all function the same way as the Contour panel. Please refer to Section 1 for a detailed look at these options.

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2.2 - Tensor using Results Browser

Tensor plots can also be created using the Results Browser.

To create a tensor plot, simply right click in the Results Browser > Result View >Tensor folder and select Plot>Tensor.

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Plot styles are applied in the same manner as with contour plots. Also, contour, tensor, and vector plots can both be applied at the same time on the same model.

To clear any of the created plots, simply right click in the Results Browser > Result View, select Clear Plot and then the plot type to clear.

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3 - Querying Results The Query panel allows you to view and export properties, as well as other information, for nodes, elements, components, and systems contained in the active model.

The Query panel can be accessed using the icon in the Results toolbar or by selecting Results > Query from the menu bar.

To query entities in the active model: define a selection set using the input collector or by picking entities directly on the model (the selected entities are highlighted in the graphics area), check categories in the list, and click the Apply button.

The requested information is displayed in a table . The cells within the table are disabled and cannot be changed. However, you can copy and paste highlighted cells into other programs using CTRL + C and CTRL + V for copy and paste, respectively.

The input collector and the option list allow you to define the selection set to be queried:

Input Collector - The input collector allows you to define a selection set for which you would like to display information

Option List - Below the input collector and on the left-most side of the panel is the option list. You can activate the check box next to the information you would like displayed in the table.

Below you can see the options available in the option list, these can change, depending on the current input collector:

Model Identifier - Displays the source of the data in the table. For instance, p1w1m1 means that the data comes from model 1, which is located on page 1 in window 1. This option is for nodes or elements.

Nodes - Node ID, Node Pool, Reference System, Analysis System, Node Coordinates, Part ID, Part Pool, Part Name, Part Color, Original Data, Load Case, and Simulation Step.

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The Contour (value) and Contour Resolved-In System options are available if a contour has been applied to nodes or averaged to nodes.

The Vector (value) and Vector Resolved-In System options are available if a vector plot has been generated at nodes.

The Tensor (value) and Tensor Resolved-In System options are available if a tensor has been applied to nodes.

Elements - Element ID, Element Pool, Element Config, Element Connectivity, Element Normal, Element Centroid, Part ID, Part Pool, Part name, Part Color, Load Case, and Simulation Step.

The Contour (value) and Contour Resolved-In System options are available if a contour has been applied to elements for centroid or corner results.

The Tensor (value) and Tensor Resolved-In System options are available if a tensor plot has been generated at the element centroid.

Components - Part ID, Part Pool, Part name, Part Color, Load Case, and Simulation Step.

Contour Min/Max, Min/Max ID, Max ID's Pool Name, Min ID's Pool Name, and Contour Resolved-In System options are available if a contour has been applied.

Vector/Tensor Min/Max, Min/Max ID, and Resolved-In System options are available if a vector or tensor plot has been generated.

Systems - System ID, System Pool, System Type, Origin Coordinates, X axis, Y axis, and Z axis.

Click the expansion button , to bring up the Query Fields dialog. This dialog lists all the query options currently available (based on the current entity type that is displayed on the input collector).

Query Fields dialog

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The entities can be selected by either graphically selecting them or using the extended entity selector. The table is populated as each entity is selected.

Notice how additional options are available for querying the contour results (Contour(Displacement) and Contour Resolved-in System).

For a full listing of the available properties in the query panel, please refer to the Online Help.

Query options can also be selected, or deselected, using the All/None/Reverse buttons:

All options listed are selected.

No options listed are selected.

Current selection status is reversed.

The following options allow you to generate, manage, and export query data.

Apply After you click Apply, the requested data is displayed in the table. The number and content of the columns in the table depend on the fields selected in the option list on the left side of the panel,

For example, if only the ID and Coordinates options are checked, then only those two columns are displayed in the table.

Clear Table Clears all data in the table, but does not clear the selection set defined using the input collector.

Export Click Export to display the Output File dialog, which allows you to save the contents of the table to a text file. The initial directory displayed is the present working directory, and the default file name "result" is provided. If you want to open the file in Excel, save the file with a .csv extension.

Advanced… Click Advanced… to display the Advanced Query dialog. From this dialog you can input additional query options.

Note This option will only be enabled if a contour plot has been applied to the model.

In addition, you can access the following options by right-clicking anywhere within the table:

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Copy Copies all the data from the row(s) selected in the table to the clipboard.


All All rows in the table are selected and their corresponding entities

are highlighted in the graphics area.

None No rows in the table are selected and their corresponding entities

are no longer highlighted in the graphics area.

Reverse Current selection status is reversed.

Delete Deletes all rows that are selected in the table.

Once the model has a contour, vector, or tensor plot applied, you can also access the Query panel directly from the Contour, Vector, or Tensor panel by clicking on the Query Results button located on the right side of each panel:

Contour panel Vector panel Tensor panel

3.1 - Advanced Query

The Advanced Query dialog allows you to query components, elements, and nodes based on a value in the legend of an applied contour. This allows you to filter your model to display entities of interest for the contour that you have applied. You can also create groups of the data that you have queried, thereby preventing the need to query the same data multiple times.

From the Query panel, click Advanced… to display the Advanced Query dialog. This option is available after you apply a contour plot to your model. From the Advanced Query dialog, you can input additional query options beyond what is available on the main Query panel.

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Advanced Query dialog

Part bound results are also supported in Advanced Query. Using Result Math to create expressions for part summations or max/min, the Advanced Query can be looped through the entire model and all loadcases to find the Top N/Bottom N ranked parts.

The following options are available:

Use config file

Use the file browser button to select a text file containing specific keywords.

For additional information on the Use config file option, please refer to the Online Help.

User defined

When using the User defined option, make selections from the following options:

Apply to From the first drop-down menu, select All to apply the query to all entities. Select Displayed to apply the query to only the displayed entities.

From the second drop-down menu, select the entity type on which you want to query.

Possible entity types include Components and Elements if the data type binding is elemental, or Components and Nodes if the data type binding is nodal.

Value From the first drop-down menu, select a parameter from the list.

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If the entity type is set to Components, the options include the following operators:

• greater than or equal to, >=

• less than or equal, <=

If the entity type is set to Elements or Nodes, this include both, plus:

• Top N

• Bottom N

These two options allow you to display only a certain number of entities in the table. For example, if you are querying elements, and the query returns 1000 elements, then you can set the top 500 elements to be reported in the table.

Enter a value in the text field next to the drop-down menu. This value can be a real or decimal number if the operator is set to >= or <=. If the operator is set to Top N or Bottom N, the value must be a positive decimal number.

Warning threshold (1-99%)

When >= or <= is selected, the Warning threshold (1-99%) option becomes available. This option allows you to set a percentage between 1 and 99. When populating the table, the results that are greater or less than the value specified are reported in red, while the results that fall within the warning threshold and the value specified are reported in blue. For example, in the image below, the results are queried for nodal values that are greater than 4. These values are reported in the table in red. The Warning threshold is set to 90%, meaning any result between the values of 3.6 and 4 will be reported in the table as blue.

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Loadcase Select Current Simulation, Current Loadcase, or All Loadcases. This determines whether to apply the query to the current simulation step, or to cycle through all simulation steps and possible all loadcases available.

Apply Click Apply to apply your settings and start the query. Visual feedback is provided through a progress bar at the bottom of the dialog.

The acquired data is displayed in a table. Based on the entity type, the table consists of different columns. Data can be sorted in the table by clicking on the header cells. When clicking on a colored cell, the corresponding component/node/element is displayed in the window.

After the acquired data is displayed in the table, contour plot information is displayed in the status bar area.

Abort Click Abort to stop the search mid-query. This button is disabled unless a query is being performed.

Export You can export data from the table to a .csv or HTML file. Click Export to display the Export Options dialog.

For Report type, select CSV or HTML.

In the Author field, enter the author's name. The default value is the user name assigned to your computer.

Enter comments or notes in the Description field.

Both the CSV and HTML formats contain the following information added to the collected data as a header followed by the information available in the table:

See Exporting Advanced Query Data to an HTML File for more information.

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Close Click Close to close the dialog, clear the table contents, and return to the Query panel. HyperView also restores the original display list that the model had upon entering the Advanced Query dialog.

View Table Only

Displays only the table and hides the upper part of the dialog.

Normal View

Click to return to the previous view.

Display Options

The display options apply when you select a colored cell in the table to view components.

Auto fit HyperView automatically fits the view after displaying the component.

Mesh lines The component is displayed with the mesh mode on.

Mask Elements This option is only available when querying elements. Only reported elements in the part/component are shown, all other elements are masked.

Create Set

Select this to create a set (group) of entities, which have been queried. Enter a name in the Group Label dialog to create the set (group). A default label is provided. You can also create a set (group) of entities using the Set panel.

Create Measure

Select this to create a measure. All reported nodes/elements are added to the measure. Enter a name in the Measure Label dialog to create the measure..

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4 - Annotating Model Results

In this section, you will learn about:

Notes panel - how to create notes to be displayed in the graphics area with the model, also cover how to create multiple notes at once.

Measures panel - how to measure the distance between nodes, position of coordinates, relative displacement, relative angle, and angle between nodes.

4.1 - Notes

Animation files can be annotated using notes. Notes are text boxes placed in HyperView windows for labeling items, describing trends, and relating additional information.

The Notes panel supports Templex functions, allowing you to perform calculations and other data analysis within a note. The information in a note changes as a model animates.

There are different ways to create Notes in HyperView:

• Notes icon on the Annotations toolbar

• Annotations > Notes from the menu bar

• Results browser > Model View > Notes

Notes icon on the Annotations toolbar & Annotations > Notes from the menu bar


Notes are created by selecting Add in the Notes field. You can also Delete selected notes or use the right click functionality in the Notes field to Delete, Rename, Show, or Hide selected notes.

Attach to Notes are attached to a Window, Entity, or Coordinates. When a note is attached to a Window, the note can be dragged and placed anywhere in the window. When Coordinates are selected, notes are placed in the graphics window based on the supplied X, Y, and Z coordinates. The note cannot be dragged and placed elsewhere in the graphics window; it is locked to the specified coordinates. The Entity option allows notes to be attached to Node, Element, Component, or System. Notes are only attached to one entity at a time unless the Multi select option is activated. When this option is selected, multiple nodes, elements, coordinates, or systems can be selected. A note is created and attached to each individual entity. Entity input collector allows you to select, or change, the entity type of a note.

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Field names

This drop-down menu allows you to select fields to be used in a Templex expression. The available options change depending on the attachment type selected from the Attach to drop-down menu, as well as the post-processing that has been applied. Each field name has a Templex expression assigned to it. After selecting a field, click Insert Field to insert the field name in the Description box. You can also enter a Templex expression directly into the Description box. Please refer to the Online Help for a full listing and explanation of the Field names and Templex functions.


Once a note has been added to the Notes list, note text can be entered in the Description box. Press ENTER to create a new line. There is no limit to the number of lines a note can contain.

Click the expansion button, , to enlarge the Description box.

Templex statements entered in the Description box are evaluated when you click Apply. If an entity is referenced that is not available, it will be stated in the note. An if-then statement can be used to remedy such a situation.

Display options

Transparency can be activated,

Move to entity moves the note location to where the entity is located

Auto-hide will hide the note when the entity the note is attached to is not visible on the screen. Anchor to screen option is used to have the note remain stationary during animation or when manipulating the model view (rotating, zooming, etc.).

There are also color, text alignment, and border options available.

Below is an example where the Multi select option is used:

The model has been contoured with displacement and notes are required to indicate the node ID and the contour value.

First the note is Added and the Attached to field is set to Entity and the Multi select option is activated.

Then the 4 nodes are selected along the edges of the model.

The Field names inserted are for Entity ID and Entity Contour Value.

The color for all the notes is set to black and the Move to entity field is activated.

Click on Apply.

Below the Notes panel is shown after the notes have been created as well as an image of the graphics area showing all the created notes.

Notice how Notes 2-5 have been created, but this was done in a single step.

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Even though the notes were all created in a single step, once they are created they can be edited individually.

For example, the bottom note is difficult to read so the Move to entity option is unselected. This creates a line to the note indicating the attachment point.

Now the note can be dragged anywhere within the graphics area (as shown below).

The other display options are available for each individual note in this manner.

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In the Notes panel, when the Multi select option is selected, there is the option to select entities By Contour. This option is available within the Extended Entity Selection window (as shown below).

This option is very useful when there are multiple regions which contain “hotspots” and a note is desired at each location identifying the node id and contour value.

When you select By Contour, another window opens which allows you to select what in the contour you are interested in.

There are many options available, but the Max of Window option allows you to draw a window around the area of the local hotspot and identify the entity with the highest contour value.

You can also draw multiple windows and keep adding the maximum value found in the window to the entities selected.

Below is an example where 2 windows were drawn around the hotspot on the left and right sides of the model.

The two nodes found were added to the selection and a note was created at each location specifying the node id and contour value:

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Notes - Results browser > Model View > Notes

Notes can also be created using the Results Browser.

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To create a note, simply right click in the Results Browser > Model View and select Create > Note.

You have several options you can set/change from the Results browser > Entity Editor, already explained in the previous section.

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4.2 - Measures

The Measure tool allows you to measure:

Distance between nodes or systems (markers)

Incremental distance between nodes or systems (markers)

Position of x, y, z coordinates at any given time frame (nodes or systems/markers)

Relative displacement of nodes or systems (markers)

Relative angle between two nodes or systems (markers)

Incremental angle between two nodes or systems (markers)

Angle between three nodes or systems (markers)

Yaw, pitch, and roll of systems (markers)

Element or nodal results when contour data is applied

Path between two (or more) nodes

Measures can also be defined on cross-section nodes for measuring position, distance between, or any other nodal measure type to examine the points on the deformed section. Calculating intrusion on a vehicle cross car section of the B-pillar is an example for automotive crash simulations that will be applicable.

In addition, nodal results can be measured on cross-sections and paths defined to study the variation of a result, as blank thickness from stamping simulations, using the path measures. See the Cross-Section Measurements and Path Plots topic for additional details.

There are different ways to create Measure in HyperView:

• Measure icon on the Annotations toolbar

• Annotations > Measures from the menu bar

• Results browser > Model View > Measures

Measure icon on the Annotations toolbar & Annotations > Measures from the

menu bar.

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After creating a measure, you can use it to create a curve in a preview plot, a new plot, or an existing plot. Cross plotting options to control the abscissa of the curve are also available.

Static MinMax Result - Displays the minimum and maximum values from all the time steps combined.

Dynamic MinMax Result - Displays the minimum and maximum values at each time step

Example - Measure Group with a Bar Chart

Measure Groups List

Measure groups are displayed in the Measure Groups list and can be added and deleted using the Add and Delete buttons.

Keyboard shortcuts are also available for selecting items within the list:

Press the SHIFT or CTRL key on the keyboard + the left mouse button to select multiple items from the list.

Press the CTRL + A keys on the keyboard to select all items in the list.

Press the DELETE key on the keyboard to delete the selected measure group(s).

In addition, you can access the following context menu options by right-clicking anywhere within the Measure Groups list:

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Delete Deletes the selected measure group(s) from the list. .

Rename Displays the Rename dialog, which allows you to rename the selected measure group.

Show Displays the selected measure group(s) in the graphics area and activates the corresponding check box(s).

Hide Hides the selected measure group(s) in the graphics area and deactivates the corresponding check box(s).

When a measure group is activated, it is included in the measure calculations and displayed on the screen. For each relative displacement or relative angle, the time step at which the measure was created is displayed as a reference. The definition of the currently selected measure group is displayed in the definition window.

Measures can also be defined on cross-section nodes for measuring position, distance between, or any other nodal measure type to examine the points on the deformed section. Calculating intrusion on a vehicle cross car section of the B-pillar is an example for automotive crash simulations that will be applicable. In addition, nodal results can be measured on cross-sections and paths defined to study the variation of a result, as blank thickness from stamping simulations, using the path measures. See online help for additional details.

Defining Measure Groups

Each measure type has various display options associated with it that can be activated using the check boxes. ID (entity ID), Name (measure group name) and System (system ID).

The entities that will be used to perform a measure are selected using the Nodes, Elements, Systems (or Markers) input collector.

Nodes or elements can be selected across different overlaid models.

The types of measures available are:

Distance Between The distance between two nodes or two systems (markers). The options, Magnitude, X, Y, and Z, allow you to display the designated value for each selected measure group.

Incremental Distance

The incremental distance between two nodes or two systems (markers). The incremental distance gives the relative change in distance between two points. It is calculated by taking the distance between two entities (at the current time step) and subtracting the

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distance between (at the relevant frame, or time step, depending on the animation mode as defined below). The change of length is displayed.


In transient animation mode, the incremental distance is relative to the time step at which the measure is defined. The change in distance between two points is tracked relative to the time at which the measure is defined.


In linear or modal animation mode dealing with real data, the incremental distance always gives the change in distance between two points with respect to the undeformed configuration.


In modal animation mode with complex data, the incremental distance is relative to the frame/angle at which the measure is defined.

The options, Magnitude, X, Y, and Z, allow you to display the designated value for each selected measure group.

Position Available for nodes or systems (only). Provides x, y, and z coordinates at any given time frame. The options, X, Y, and Z, allow you to display the designated value for each selected measure group.

Relative Displacement

The distance of a node at any given time relative to a position at the time the measure item is defined. The options, Magnitude, X, Y, and Z, allow you to display the designated value for each selected measure group.

Relative Angle The angle between the new N1 N2 direction vs. the original N1 N2 direction defined at the time the measure is created (T1). The display options are True angle, X-projection, Y-projection, and Z-projection. The X-projection option displays the projected true angle onto the plane, with the x-axis as the normal. The Y-projection and Z-projection options act in a similar manner.

Angle Between The angle between three nodes (N1, N2, and N3) or three systems (markers). Three nodes/markers are required to define the measure. The display options are True angle, X-projection, Y-projection, and Z-projection.

Incremental Angle The incremental angle between three nodes (N1, N2, and N3) or three systems (markers). Three nodes/markers are required to define the measure. The incremental angle gives the relative change in angle formed by the three points. It is calculated by taking the included angle of the three points (at the current time step) and subtracting the angle between (at the relevant frame, or time step, depending on the mode of animation as defined below). The change of angle is displayed.

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In transient animation mode, the incremental angle is relative to the time step at which the measure is defined. The change in angle is tracked relative to the time at which the measure is defined.


In linear or modal animation mode dealing with real data, the incremental angle always gives the change in angle with respect to the undeformed configuration.

- In modal animation mode with complex data, the incremental angle is relative to the frame/angle at which the measure is defined

The display options are True angle, X-projection, Y-projection, and Z-projection.

Yaw Pitch Roll The angular rotational displacement of a system (marker) around the z-axis, y-axis, and the x-axis is defined. The display options are Yaw, Pitch, and Roll.

Nodal Contour or Elemental Contour

When a contour has been applied to the model, an additional measure option is available. Nodal Contour is added if the contour contains nodal results; Elemental Contour is added if the contour contains elemental results. For each of these measure types, you can display the nodal or elemental values of the selected nodes or elements by activating Value.

If the contour is based on a MaxLayer/MinLayer/ExtremeLayer, then the Value displayed consists of two parts: a “Value =” display that gives the actual value extracted across all layers that is a Max/Min/Extreme respectively, and a “Layer=” display that provides the layer name corresponding to the Max/Min/Extreme value. This is useful in identifying the significant ply and its value at the same time. Any curves generated from the Create Curves button will be plotting based on the number associated with “Value=”.

Node Path Two or more nodes are required to define this measure. The nodes located in the path between the selected nodes will be automatically selected. You can continue to select nodes in the model to define a path from which you would like to extract the contour results in order to create a plot. The options, Value and Distance, allow you to display the value and distance magnitude for nodes. Distance displays the distance from the first node to each node along the path.

Nodes on a cross-section can be selected for defining a path along the cross-sections. This is useful in measuring the variation of a result, for example the blank thickness in stamping simulation, along a section cut. There are however, certain restrictions on selection and interchangeability of paths on regular model nodes to section cut nodes. See the Cross-Section Measurements and Path Plots topic for additional information.

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Note about Nodal Contour or Elemental Contour

If the Multi select option is activated, then the Extended Entity Selection is available.

Multi select/ Add Items

Allows you to select multiple entities which will be added to a measure group. Activating this check box enables the Add Items button, and also changes the entity collector from a single entity collector to an extended entity collector.

After defining multiple entities, click on Add Items to add these entities to the current measure group.

The Multi select option is only available for the following measure types:

• Position

• Relative Displacement

• Yaw Pitch Roll

• Nodal Contour

• Elemental Contour

Note - Multi-selection of the node collector only works on the nodes of the model (the nodes on cross-section are not supported).

When Multi select is not activated, as each entity is selected, the measure is created and displayed in the graphics window.

Entity input collector The input collector allows you to select, or change, the type of entity that will be added to a measure group.

Also notice the options under the entity selector. These are the items that will be displayed in the measure in the graphics area.

Use tracking Use tracking is available for all the measure types except Elemental/Nodal Contour and Nodal Path. This option is enabled only if a tracking system has been defined and activated from the Tracking panel. When Use tracking is activated, the measure displays values relative to the tracking system.

This option is not available if you are using the Modal or Linear Static animation mode.

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The order of the entities can be rearranged using the up and down arrows. Also, entities can be removed from the measure group by selecting Delete.

Resolved in Allows you to transform your measure from the global system to a user selected system. This option is turned off when the Use Tracking check box is activated.

Next are the Display Options for the measure group.

Display Options Allows you to control the display for all measure types.

Transparency Activate the Transparency check box to remove the color from the measure group box and make it transparent against the window.

Auto-hide Activate the Auto-hide check box to hide the measure group box when the selected entities are not visible on the screen.

Format Allows you to select either the Fixed or Scientific format for the measure labels.

Precision Allows you to set the numeric precision from 1 to 10 decimal points.

Angle Allows you to select either Degrees or Radians as the unit format used to display the angle.

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The final option is the Create Curves option.

Create Curves Click to display the Create Curves dialog. This dialog allows you to create curves from selected measures and place them on a plot:

Live Link The Live link option creates a link between the selections made on the Measure panel and the curve. (Live) is added to the name of the measure item and the curve name to indicate that a live link is established. When a live measure item is deleted, a message is displayed prompting you to keep or delete the curve. When saving a report template with the live link option enabled, the curve is reestablished from a newly specified data file. The curve will be fully updated once a full cycle of animation is completed. A curve that is linked to a measure is updated when a tracking system is applied.

Single Curve

Activate this check box to enable the X-axis option (see description below). This option is only available for single entity measures (Position, Relative Displacement, Nodal/Elemental Contour, and Yaw Pitch Roll), and is particularly useful for plotting path measures of discrete

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Note - This option will automatically be activated for all Node Path measures.

Clicking on the measure curves within the HyperGraph Coordinate Info panel will highlight the entities in the HyperView graphics area.

In order for the highlighting to work, the curves must be Live linked and they should also be created as either a Single Curve or from a Node Path. This is useful in identifying the entities at min/max of the curves points (see the example below):

HyperGraph Coordinate Info Panel (with max curve point selected)

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HyperView Graphics Area (with node highlighted on the model)

Use the Place on drop-down menu to select from on the following options:

Preview plot Allows you to review curves in a preview window.

New plot The curve is created in the next available empty window. If no such window exists, then the page layout is changed to the layout with an empty window. If no empty window is found, then a new page is added.

Existing plot The curve is created in an existing plot window that was selected from the page and window tree.

Y-axis Select a component of a measure to define the Y-axis in the plot. The available options depend on the measure group type selected.

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X-axis Select a component of a measure to define the X-axis in the plot. The available options are: Distance, Entity-X, Entity-Y, Entity-Z, or Entity ID. With the X-axis option selected, the values of the abscissa of the curve will be updated at every time step for transient results, and at every frame for modal results with complex data.

The default setting for this option is Distance.

Note: If you are using the Modal or Linear animation mode with non-complex data, the value will remain constant throughout the period of animation.

OK Click OK to create a curve in a preview plot, a new plot, or an existing plot in a HyperGraph window.

Cancel Click Cancel to disregard the settings and exit the dialog.

Font Click the Font button, , to display the Font Selector dialog. This dialog allows you to select the font type, font style, and font size.

Color Click the Color box to select a measure color from the pop-up dialog.

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Below is an example where the measure group that was previously created for the 4 nodal contour values are plotted.

The Create Curves window below shows that the Y Axis is set to Value (which plots the nodal contour value) and the Place on option is set to New Plot.

Notice in the image below, that all four nodes are selected in the Measure Items list.

This then creates a curve for each item in the second window.

Also, notice how each curve is a straight line.

This is because this data is from a linear analysis.

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Node Path

Another option for the Measure Type is Node Path. This option requires that 2 or more nodes are selected.

The nodes located in the path between the selected nodes will be automatically selected.

You can continue to select nodes in the model to define a path from which you would like to extract the contour results in order to create a plot.

The options, Value and Distance, allow you to display the value and distance magnitude for nodes. Distance displays the distance from the first node to each node along the path (as shown below).

Next, the curves can be created.

Below is an example where the Y Axis is set to Value (the contour value) and the X Axis is either set to Distance (left) or Entity Z (right).

Notice how the y values in each plot are the same, they are just located at different X points, depending on whether Distance or Value is plotted.

Next, the Entity ID option for the X Axis is selected.

This option is shown below in two different ways.

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The left side shows an XY plot using Entity ID while the right side shows it with a bar chart.

To use Entity ID with a bar chart, you must first create the window with either an empty or existing bar chart.

When creating the curve, select Existing Plot and select the appropriate window.

The Entity ID option is useful when reporting values at a node or element location. Using the Live Link option, values can be easily compared on a bar chart.

This will be covered during the exercise.

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Measures - Results browser > Model View > Measures

Measures can also be created using the Results Browser.

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To create a measure, simply right click in the Results Browser > Model View and select Create > Measure.

You have several options you can set/change from the Results browser > Entity Editor, already explained in the previous section.

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5 – HyperWorks Results Math


The HyperWorks Result Math module is a result manipulation library that enables user-defined data types to be added to a result, and transitions complex data manipulation tasks from HyperView to a reusable, modifiable set of libraries that focus solely on result processing tasks:

Reusable - Result Math module is used by HyperGraph, HyperView, and HVTrans. Time consuming result manipulation tasks can be performed in batch using HVTrans and saved in H3D. HyperGraph can load user-defined data types independent of HyperView.

Modifiable - The Result Math module operator libraries can be added to or replaced with simple configuration file changes. Network installations can be modified by redirecting to a local configuration file, enabling a user to add, replace, or remove operator libraries.

This flexible design enables new features to be added or updated without disrupting the HyperWorks applications that use it.


The Result Math supports user-defined data type creation on results attached to a HyperWorks application, and includes the following features:

A flexible XML syntax for describing resources, expressions, tables, and user-defined data types. Resources can be added beyond basic model and results including external files (including additional FEA input decks, solver result files, and XML ASCII files) for inclusion in data manipulation operations. The expression syntax allows reuse of common operations and can be called from multiple user-defined data types or from other expressions. A flexible table retrieval system allows access to model and result data spanning simulation, subcase, and file boundaries.

Model data capture supports material and property entities, as well as attributes bound to any entity supported by the Result Math. All captured attributes are accessible as result values, and can be used in operations.

Enables batch-mode processing when loading an XML into HVTrans.

A GUI that uses a simple Templex-like syntax that generates XML statements that can be attached to a model/result pair on-the-fly. The GUI supports the addition of external resources, enables easy access to user-defined expressions, and provides usage help within a single dialog without having to ever see an XML statement.

A high level of customization through configuration files, user-defined expressions, both compiled and interpreted plug-ins, and seamless integration into HyperView through Result Math Template files.


Result Math currently supports only FEA models and results – MBD results are unsupported, as well as flex body FEA results within an MBD analysis. Adaptive model output from LS-Dyna is unsupported at this time.

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5.1 - Result Math Templates

Whenever a model/result pair is loaded into HyperView, a Standard result math template file is also loaded by default.

You can, however, disable the Result Math module or select a template file that suits a particular vertical (NVH for example) using the Result Math template drop-down menu (located in the Load Model panel).

Load Model panel - Result-Math template option

The Standard result math template will not add any new data types or expressions, and it will also not instrument any model tables.

Other result math templates may add new expressions and/or data types to the model/result, as well as access to model tables.

New templates can be added to the result math template drop-down menu by adding a

*RegisterResultMathTemplate command in the preference file.

A Result Math template file follows the same basic syntax as that of a normal XML file, with the exception that two variables will be added to receive the contents of the Load Model panel:

• @HV_MODEL - is replaced with the selected model file.

• @HV_RESULT - is replaced with the selected result file.

These two variables can be used with resource XML commands as follows:

<resource id="model" path="@HV_MODEL" tables="preload” /> <resource id="result" path="@HV_RESULT" />

If you have a working Result Module XML command file, the only change necessary to convert it into a template is to update model and result resources to use the @HV_MODEL and @HV_RESULT variables.

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5.2 - HyperView Expression Builder

The Expression Builder is a graphical user interface which allows user-defined data type expressions to be authored directly within HyperView.

These expressions use a simplified Templex-style syntax that gets parsed into XML statements which are then passed on to Result Math for processing.

To access the Derived Results Expression Builder you can do one of the following:

Select the Derived Results button, on the Results toolbar

Right click in the Results Browser or Graphics Area and select Create > Derived Result from the context menu

The label will become the data type name, and must be unique for the analysis. The output can be defined for all load cases, or restricted to the current one.

The expression text is made up of operators and table arguments, and validation occurs when Apply or OK is clicked (invalid expressions will not be processed).

The expression text is parsed into the equivalent XML form and is passed on to Result Math. The user-defined data type is then added to the subcase and is made available for selection in any of the post processing panels within HyperView.

Only when the user-defined data type is selected for reading by a HyperWorks application will it be processed by Result Math.

The Expression Builder dialog is divided in three general areas:

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Output parameters

The label defines the user-defined data type name that will appear when selecting results from the results browser or from the post processing panels. The data type output can be restricted to the current load case only, however by default it is set to include all load cases.

Within the Output parameters area, the Label field is used to enter a name for the new derived result. This name will appear in the Results Browser in the appropriate Scalar, Tensor, or Vector folder. The Output can be defined for all load cases, or restricted to the current one.

Operator and Table selection

This section defines what tables and what operations on those tables will be added to the expression text.

Operators - The list of available operators is controlled by the template file selected

when loading a model and result, and it can be modified by adding or removing <using

/> statements in the template. The operator list is broken down by library, and when

selected, will update the help section with a description and the argument list.

The list of operator libraries available in the analysis is controlled by the result math template in the file load reader options panel (see Configuration).

Double-clicking an operator will add it to the expression text area where the table parameter arguments must then be selected in the table selection area. If an argument has a default value, it will be entered into the expression text area, all other arguments must be specified by selecting tables and entering them in the appropriate argument.

Additional information regarding the various operators (description, syntax, arguments, etc.) can be displayed by clicking the Show operator help drop-down arrow.

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Table Selection - Once an operator is selected, tables must be selected to form the input. The table selection portion of the dialog lists all of the tables available, and optionally extended selection drop-downs to enable a table to be addressed from another frame, load case, or even from a different resource. Click on the Show all drop-down arrow to display the full list of table options.

Expression Text

Finally the Expression Text is entered.

Expression Text - Contains the Templex-style statements made up of operators and table arguments.

This is the actual expression to be evaluated for the new data type. Operators and Tables are inserted and added to this field, as well as additional text to complete the expression.

Default Arguments

Operators are designed such that they must be passed to all of the necessary tables and arguments in order to function.

They are stateless and have no access to the tables in the model, or result, or the relationship between.

This design maximizes their maintainability and flexibility and enables them to operate on any valid input, with the only restriction being that the arguments fulfill the requirements of the operator.

The side effect of this design is that argument lists can be lengthy.

In order to mitigate this, Operators and the Expression Builder populate as many arguments with default values as possible.

When an operator is inserted into the expression, the defaulted argument list is hidden:

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For additional information on the Expression Builder, please refer to the Online Help.

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5.3 - Result Math & HyperView Results Browser

Once a data type has been successfully created, it is added to the attached result.

The Results Browser, as well as each post-processing panel, will reflect the updated result:

The Result Browser supports addition and modification of user-defined data types via the context menu (which will be the primary method for invoking the Expression Builder dialog).

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6 - Derived Load Cases

In this section, you will learn how to use the Derived Load Case tool to create derived load cases.

The Derived Load Case utility allows you to create a derived load case from other load cases, or from a combination of other load cases and simulation steps.

To access the Create/Edit Derived Load Case dialog:

Derived Load Steps on the Results toolbar,

Create > Derived Load Steps from the Results menu bar.

Results browser or graphics area > Create > Derived Load Case > …

The types of derived load cases that can be created are Steps, Linear-Superposition and Envelope.

The type is set in the Create/Edit Derived Load Case dialog from the Type drop-down menu.

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6.1 - Steps

When the Type is set to Steps, this allows you to create a derived loadstep from other loadsteps.

A derived loadstep can contain more than one simulation step, with scale factors optionally applied to them.

You can select simulation steps from the derived loadstep list by selecting them with your mouse or the arrow keys.

Use the and buttons, to add or remove the required loadsteps/simulations to the derived loadstep.

From the Derived Load Case: drop-down menu, you can select the derived loadstep that you would like to be active.

Upon selecting a derived loadstep, the simulation steps contained within that derived loadstep are displayed in the table below the drop-down menu.

Below is an example where Subcase 1, Subcase 2, and Subcase 3 have been added to the Derived load case named Deriv_1. Notice that the Type is set to Steps:

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6.2 - Linear-Superposition

The Linear-Superposition type is used to create a derived loadstep with only one simulation step, which is a linear combination of all the selected loadsteps/simulations with scale factors.

Once the Type is set to Linear-Superposition and the desired loadsteps are selected, a scale factor can be applied to each loadstep.

The Loadsteps section lists all the loaded results files in the current session, as well as all the loadsteps/simulations corresponding to each result file, in a tree-like structure.

In addition, the derived load cases list can be displayed by clicking on the View Derived Load

Cases icon .

This section allows you to specify which loadstep(s), from the currently selected input file, to add to the linear combination definition. You can select items from the list by selecting them with your mouse or the arrow keys. Multiple loadsteps from the tree structure can be selected using the CTRL and SHIFT keys.

Use the and buttons, to add or remove the required loadsteps/simulations to or from the derived loadstep.

Below is an example where three loadsteps are selected and each have a different scale factor applied:

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6.3 - Envelope

The last type is the Envelope option. This option allows you to create a derived loadstep with only one simulation step, which compares entity values and stores desired values from selected loadsteps (or animations) based on the Min/Max/Extreme/Range option that is chosen.

The Envelope type is used to identify the most significant loading conditions out of all the selected analysis loadsteps. The created loadstep is a summary of all the selected loadsteps which meet the specified criteria (Min/Max/Extreme/Range).

When Min is selected, the minimum values among all the selected loadsteps or simulations are found.

Max finds the maximum values amoung all selected loadsteps or simulations.

The Extreme option finds the maximum absolute value among all the selected loadsteps or simulations.

The Loadsteps section lists all the loaded results files in the current session, as well as all the loadsteps/simulations corresponding to each result file, in a tree-like structure.

You can select simulation steps from the derived loadstep list by selecting them with your mouse or the arrow keys.

Use the and buttons, to add or remove the required loadsteps/simulations to the derived loadstep.

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Below an Envelope derived loadcase is created which searches for the maximum value in Subcase 1 and Subcase 2.

Within the Create/Edit Derived Load Case dialog, there is the View Derived Load Cases

button, . This button changes the tree listing the available loadcases so that the derived load cases are listed (as shown below):

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6.4 - Derived Load Cases & HyperView Results Browser

Once the derived load case has been created, it is now available for selection in the Results Browser:

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Exercise 3a - Post Processing a Strength Analysis

This exercise uses the file, bullet.op2 as the model and result file.

Step 1: Load the bullet.op2 file.

1. Load the …\Model-files\3a-bullet\bullet.op2 as the model and result file.

Step 2: Use the Results Browser and Contour panel to create contour plots.

1. In the Results Browser, review the subcases that are available:

Notice that there are 3 subcases available.

2. Set the subcase to SUBCASE 1 = st_down.

3. Within the Results Browser, expand the Results > Tensor > Stress folders.

4. Click the icon to the left of vonMises to contour the model with vonMises stresses.

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5. Enter the Contour panel by selecting in the Results toolbar.

Notice how the Result type is set to vonMises Stress.

6. Set the Averaging method to Simple and then click Apply.

7. Next click Create Plot Style… to create a new plot style.

8. Enter vonMises Simple Stress as the New plot style and click OK.

9. Within the Results Browser, expand the Plot Styles folder.

10. Click the icon next to Default Contour.

Notice how the contour is now changed to a contour of displacements.

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11. Next, click the icon next to vonMises Simple Stress in the Plot Styles folder.

This applies the contour of vonMises Stress with Simple Averaging. These were the settings that were saved to the Plot Style.

Step 3: Use the Results Browser and Tensor panel to create a tensor plot.

1. While in the Results Browser, in the Results > Tensor folder, click on the icon to the left of Stress.

This overlays a tensor plot in the graphics window.

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2. Next, enter the Tensor panel by clicking in the Results toolbar.

3. Within the panel, under Color by, select Direction to change how the tensors are being colored.

4. To clear the tensor plot in the graphics window, right click in the Results Browser and select Clear Plot > Tensor.

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Step 4: Use the Query panel and Advanced Query function to investigate the stress results.

1. Enter the Query panel by clicking on the Query icon in the Results toolbar.

Notice that the entity selector is set to Nodes. This is because the current contour plot is a stress plot which has been averaged so that the results are located at the nodes.

2. Make sure that Node ID, Node Coordinates, and Contour (Stress) are selected below the Nodes selector.

This is the information that the table will be populated with once the nodes are selected.

3. Graphically select a few nodes in the model.

Notice how the table is populated after each node is selected. Also notice how the selected nodes are highlighted in the graphics area.

4. Click on Advanced… to open the Advanced Query window.

5. Set the Apply to options to All and Nodes.

6. For Value, select >= and enter a value of 14000.

7. Check the box for Warning threshold (1-99%) and enter a value of 85.

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When the Warning threshold is activated, the Advanced Query will not only report the nodes that are greater than or equal to 14000, but also those that are within 85% of 14000.

8. Set the Loadcase to the Current Simulation.

9. Click Apply.

Several nodes are reported in the table.

10. Scroll through the table to view the results from the Advanced Query. Click on Value to sort the results be ascending and descending order.

11. Change the Warning threshold from to 95 and then click Apply.

Less nodes are now reported in the table.

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12. Left click on the reported values in the table and notice how the Node ID and reported Value are highlighted in the graphics area.

13. Click Close to close the table.

14. Within the Results Browser, right click on Components and select Show.

Step 5: Use the Results Browser to create a Linear Superposition Derived Loadcase.

1. Within the Results Browser, select the Load Case View, .

2. Right click in the Load Cases and select Expand All.

3. Using the Ctrl and the left mouse button, select Simulation 1 within each Subcase as shown below:

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4. Right click on Simulation 1 and select Create > Derived Load Case > Linear-Superposition.

5. Right click in the Results Browser and select Expand All again.

This expands the Derived Load Cases folder.

6. Under Linear-Superposition, scale factors can be added for each subcase simulation (you may have to expand the Results Browser to the right to see the Linear-Superposition column). Right click on each value and set the following scale factors:


SUBCASE 2 -1.2


7. Right click on Derived Load Case 4 and select Make Current.

8. Right click on SUBCASE 1 and select Make Current.

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Step 6: Turn off the 1D elements and create notes at the local hotspots.

1. Within the Results Browser, select the Model View and then expand the Sets folder.

2. Right click on 1D Set and select Hide.

3. From the Annotations toolbar, select the Notes panel.

4. Click Add to create a new note.

5. For Attach to, select Entity.

6. Check the box for Multi select.

7. Click on Nodes and select By Contour.

8. From the drop down, select Max of Window (as shown below).

9. In the graphics area, zoom into the area of the hole and draw a window around the nodes located just below the hole (as shown below).

10. Click Add.

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Within the Extended Entity Selection – By Contour window, it now says 1 entities selected (or more, it depends on the selection window).

11. Draw another window around the nodes above the hole and select Add.

The Extended Entity Selection – By Contour window now says 2 entities selected.

12. Click Return.

13. In the Description Field, delete what is currently there and add Node ID:

14. From the Field names drop down, select Entity ID and click Insert Field.

15. Press Enter within the Description field to start a new line and then add Stress Value:

16. From the Field names drop down, select Entity contour value and click Insert Field.

17. Click Apply to create the notes.

Remember, the values in the notes are the maximum contour values found within the window drawn. Because the window you drew is unique, you may have different results than what is shown above.

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Step 7 (OPTIONAL): Redo Step 1 to 6 using Results browser + Entity Editor to create Contour, Tensor, Notes.

1. Go to the Results Browser > Result View … to create Contour and Tensor.

2. Go to the Results Browser > Model View … to create/edit Notes.

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Exercise 3b - Using Result Math for a Strength Analysis

This exercise uses the files bullet.fem and bullet.op2 as the model and result file.

Step 1: Load the bullet.fem and bullet.op2 file and set the Result-Math


1. Set the Load model file to …\Model-files\3a-bullet\bullet.fem.

2. Set the Load results file to …\Model-files\3a-bullet \bullet.op2.

3. For Result-Math template, select Advanced.

4. Click Apply to import the model and result file and also set the Result-Math template.

Step 2: Use the Results Browser and Contour panel to create contour plots.

1. In the Results Browser, set the subcase to SUBCASE 2 = st_up.

2. Within the Results Browser, select the Results View .

3. Expand the Tensor > Stress folders.

4. Click the icon to the left of vonMises to contour the model with vonMises stresses.

5. Click on vonMises and from the bottom of the Results View, click on Max and select Min.

This sets the Entity with layers in the Contour panel to Min. Notice how the contour is changed automatically.

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6. Click on Min and select Z1.

Step 3: Use the Measure panel to create a Measure Group.

1. From the Annotations toolbar, select the Measures panel .

2. Click Add under Measure Groups to create a new Measure Group.

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3. From the drop down, select Elemental Contour.

Because the stress values are being shown without any averaging, the results are element based.

4. Select 3 elements in the model as shown in the image below.

Notice that as you select each element, the Element ID and contour value are displayed.

5. Under Display Options, uncheck the box for Transparency.

This displays each measure with a colored background (depending on background setting).

6. Set the Format to Scientific and the Precision to 1.

Notice how the format of the number is changed.

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7. Check the box for Transparency.

Step 4: Use the Results Browser to calculate the normalized vonMises stress.

1. Within the Results Browser, right click on vonMises and select Create > Derived Result.

This launches the Expression Builder.

2. Within the Expression Builder, in the Label field, enter NormalizedStress.

3. Notice how the Table and Table component are automatically set to Stress and vonMises. Click Insert to add this value to the Expression field.

This enters T2.C7 into the Expression field. This is the internal reference to the vonMises stress.

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4. After T2.C7 add a / within the Expression field.

In order to calculate the normalized stress, we are going to take the vonMises stress at each element and divide it by the material yield value.

5. Click on Add resource: and select the bullet_yield.xml file.

This file contains a table with the material yield values.

6. From the Library: dropdown menu, select Model.

These are additional operators that have been added by setting the Result-Math template to Advanced. These Model Operators allow you to convert values from a part or material based value to an element value (and vice versa).

7. Click on the operator BCMatToElem.

This populates the operator help with the help information. This operator assigns values that are bound to materials to the associated elements.

8. Double click on BCMatToElem to add this operator to the Expression.

9. Place the cursor between the parentheses within BCMatToElem() in the Expression.

10. From the Table dropdown, scroll to the bottom of the available Table listings and select Yield.

This contains the information that is in the bullet_yield.xml file.

11. Click Insert to add this value into the Expression.

12. Uncheck the Display alias option.

This changes the display of the expression in the Expression field so that the full name of the components are used and not the internal references.

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13. Click OK

14. Within the Results Browser, expand the Scalar folder and notice that NormalizedStress is listed under the Scalar folder.

HyperView automatically sorts the new derived result into the correct Scalar, Tensor, or Vector folder.

15. Click the icon to the left of NormalizedStress to contour the model with the derived result.

Notice how the values in the Measure Group are updated as well. Also notice how the NormalizedStress value is very close to 1. This helps to indicate which elements have exceeded the yield stress (values over 1 indicate the elements have exceeded the yield stress for the material).

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Step 5 (OPTIONAL): Redo Step 1 to 4 using Results browser + Entity Editor to create Derived Results, Tensor, Notes.

1. Go to the Results Browser > Result View … to create Contour.

2. Go to the Results Browser > Model View … to create/edit Measures.

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3. Go to the Results Browser > Result View … to create/edit Derived Result.

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7 - Free Body Diagrams (FBD)


7.1 – FBD Overview

You can create or edit Free Body Diagrams (FBD) using the FBD utility that is provided in HyperView. The Free Body Diagram (FBD) utility facilitates the extraction and post-processing of Grid Point Force (GPFORCE) results. FBD extractions are typically utilized for breakout and/or sub-modeling analysis schemes, where balanced "free body" sub-cases are extracted from a coarse grid model and applied to a fine grid sub-model for eventual optimization and/or analysis. FBD is also used to extract section resultant forces and moments (typically at the centroid of a section) for use in traditional strength calculations.

7.2 - FBD Utility

The FBD utility extracts grid point force (GPFORCE) data (including forces and moments) for a user-defined element set, and is useful for doing breakout modeling within a sub-modeling scheme. Results can be output for graphical review, a text summary table, and/or a formatted Comma-Separated Values (.csv) file which can be loaded into traditional spreadsheet software packages.

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The data from the currently loaded model/results file and the selected load case/simulation in the Results browser will be used for all grid point force based calculations. The FBD utility currently supports Ansys (Rst), Nastran (Op2), and Optistruct (XDB) result files.

Important Note: The Advanced Result Math template must be selected when loading the model and result files in the Load Model panel.

The FBD utility is displayed in the tab area, which opens when you activate that tool by clicking

the FBD icon on the Results toolbar.

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The FBD Forces utility is broken down into three major sections, each of which corresponds with the process order of using the tool:

Click the following buttons located at the bottom of the tab to clear the current plot or close/exit the dialog:

Clear - Clears the current plot for the selected set in the graphics area. The dialog will remain open

Close - Closes/exits the dialog. All current plots will remain displayed in the graphics area (until they are cleared using the Clear button).

FBD section definition

The FBD section definition portion of the tab allows you to create and manage the section definitions that are used for plotting the free body or resultant forces. This section contains tools for manually defining sections, which are defined by an element set, node set, summation node, and a local result coordinate system.

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FBD plot

The FBD plot portion of the tab contains various options to review and display the results of both Free Body Force and Moment and Resultant Force and Moment extractions.

Display controls

The Display controls portion of the tab contains sub-tabs which allow you to control the presentation of the results/plot.

The following sub-tabs are available:

Plot - The Plot sub-tab allows you to create a vector plot and turn on/off the display of various attributes.

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Display - The Display tab allows you to change how the vectors are displayed for the created plot.

Summary - The Summary tab allows you to select load cases for display in a summary table.

The load case list can be sorted by clicking on any of the column headers (Id and


Select the load case(s) to be included in the summary table by activating the check box

for the desired load case(s). Or click the check box in the column header to select all of

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the available load cases.

Click the FBD summary table icon (located in the lower right corner of the tab) to output the results to a pop-up dialog for instant review. The table contains information about the load cases, element/node sections, and detailed data from the grid point extraction at each node. A sample window with partial output is shown below:

The FBD summary table dialog displays a hierarchical view of the information contained in the FDB tab, grouped together in a table by section and subcase.

The table can be sorted by clicking on any of the column headers (Section, Subcase, Simulation, Load, System, Node, X, Y, Z, Fx, Fy, Fz, Mx, My, Mz, Fr, Mr). The sorting method will depend on the type of table that is currently selected.

To select/change the table type, click the drop-down menu and select one of the following options:

o Resultant table - The Resultant table displays the information grouped by section/block.

o FBD table - The FBD table displays the information in a flat list (without any grouping by section).

o Summary table - The Summary table only displays the information for the top level summary rows.

This FBD summary table dialog also includes options that allow you to export the plot as a .csv file (which can be loaded into traditional spreadsheet software packages) or save it to an .fbd file (to be imported into HyperGraph).

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To export/save the plot, click the Save as drop-down menu and select one of

the following options:

o Save as .csv - Creates or saves a .csv file containing the same information as the summary table, but in a comma separated file. Use the Export CSV file dialog to create a new file or select an existing file.

Note - If an existing file is selected, you will be asked if you wish to replace the existing file.

o Save as .fbd - Creates or saves an .fbd file that can be read into HyperGraph. Use the Export CSV file dialog to create a new file or select an existing file.

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Note - If an existing file is selected, you will be asked if you wish to replace the existing file.

Two utilities available within HyperGraph interact with data generated from the FBD utility: Shear and Moment Plot (VMT Plots) and Potato Plot. These utilities are accessed from the Free Body Diagrams item within the HyperGraph Utilities menu.

Example: Shear Moment Plot

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Example: Potato Plot

7.3 - FBD Solver Interfacing

The Free Body Diagram utility will behave differently depending on the solver that you interface with in HyperView. Click below to learn more about each of the supported solvers:


Currently only supported for Win32 and Win64 platforms.

Results are supported through the .rst output file.

Grid Point Forces (GPF) results are requested with the following .rst file output requests:





Displacement results are requested with the following .rst file output requests:





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Results are supported through the .op2 output file.

Grid Point Forces (GPF) results are requested with the GPFORCE .op2 output request.

Displacement results are requested with the DISPLACEMENT .op2 output request.

It is recommended practice to output data for only the node set(s) of interest. This procedure reduces the size of the solver results file and helps speed up the FBD extractions. Consider using STRESS=NONE and STRAIN=NONE to further reduce the size of the results file.

MPC forces and moments are properly extracted for the following MPC constraint types:

o RBE2, RBE3

o RigidLink





Results are supported through the .op2 output file.

Grid Point Forces (GPF) results are requested with the GPFORCE .op2 output request.

Displacement results are requested with the DISPLACEMENT .op2 output request.

It is recommended practice to output data for only the node set(s) of interest. This procedure reduces the size of the solver results file and helps speed up the FBD extractions. Consider using STRESS=NONE and STRAIN=NONE to further reduce the size of the results file. You may consider using the NOMODEL option on the OUTPUT,OP2 output format request.

MPC forces and moments are properly extracted for the following MPC constraint types:

o RBE2, RBE3

o RigidLink




See the Online Help for additional information.

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Chapter 4

Plotting Basics

1 - HyperGraph 2D Introduction This chapter will cover the basics of plotting in HyperWorks Desktop using HyperGraph 2D:

Plotting XY Data

Evaluating Curve Data and Curve Referencing

Changing Curve Display Attributes

Curve Filtering

Creating and Editing XY Plots

Powerful data analysis and plotting tool for all types of CAE data.

HyperGraph 2D is a powerful data analysis and plotting tool with interfaces to many popular file formats. Its sophisticated math engine is capable of processing even the most complex mathematical expressions. HyperGraph 2D combines these features with high-quality presentation output and customization capabilities to create a complete data analysis system for any organization.

While visualization of results is one phase of post-processing, another is the actual comparison of test data with results obtained from solvers. Also, you may be interested in plotting specific data types that you requested while solving a job to see how it changes with respect to time or with other data types. HyperGraph 2D with its plotting capabilities provides you the opportunity to not only compare and contrast, but also to plot and calculate data from already existing data using built in functions or by creating your own. This chapter gives a brief idea of how to use HyperGraph 2D to plot data, compare them with one another, use filters and perform math operation on the plotted data.

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HyperGraph 2D supplies design, test, and analysis engineers with an intuitive plotting and data analysis package. HyperGraph 2D’s combination of an easy-to-use interface and robust suite of automation tools enables engineers to view and analyze data more efficiently, which:

Minimizes the manual effort and time required to generate plots. The automatic plot builder generates a family of fully labeled plots from data file(s), using file header and channel information.

Eliminates repetitive tasks. Plot macros capture and automate common math expressions.

Eliminates repetitive plot generation. Report templates can capture and automate the building of entire pages of data plots.

A fully customizable interface. Customize the interface and the tools to fit any engineering environment.

A customizable library of mathematical functions. You can add custom defined math functions to Altair’s robust math library.

Provides automation tools for efficient data analysis and report generation.

Overlays sequential test and simulation results for visualization and analysis.

Directly exports active session reports to HTML or PowerPoint XML.

Application Menu - HyperGraph 2D and Plot Types

The Plot capabilities are displayed when you select HyperGraph 2D from the application menu.

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Custom Plot Types

Plots can be customized to be displayed as other plot types, such as Gauge, Pie, 3DBar and more. Scripts have been included in HyperGraph 2D to display these custom plot types. Two of these scripts contain context sensitive menus to activate the override option for the plot window.

From an XY plot type, right-click in the plot window to display the context menu. In the Plot window, using the Custom Rendering context menu option, select Gauge. The Gauge plot type supports most XY features, such as Max/Min, Fixed or Scientific Notation, two Datum Lines (Red and Yellow only), fonts and more. Some XY plot features are not supported. This feature is designed for the first curve in a window only. See the example images below.

From a bar chart, you can right-click in the plot window to display the context sensitive menu. In the Bar Chart window, using the Custom Rendering context menu option, and select Pie Chart. The Pie Chart plot type supports most bar chart features such as Datum Lines, Fonts, syntax and more. Some bar chart features are not supported. This feature is designed for a single catalog in a window. See the example image below.

These scripts can be found in the [installation directory]/utility/scripts/plotting/overrides. These scripts can easily be modified to generate other custom plot types.

To turn off the custom plot type, right-click in the Plot window or Bar Chart window, select the Custom Rendering menu option and click None.

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2 - HyperGraph 2D – GUI

The HyperGraph 2D graphical user interface provides you with a consistent look and feel when you are working in any of the HyperWorks Desktop applications.

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2.1 - HyperGraph 2D – Browsers

The tab area is the portion of the graphical user interface that contains the browsers, utilities, and other functionality not shown in the panel area. The tab area can be moved to either the left or right side of the graphics area, or both, or it can be hidden completely.

Browsers that are displayed in the tab area by default in the framework include the Session Browser and the Model Browser. Other browsers that can be displayed on or off via the View menu are the Parameters Browser, the Process Manager, Library Manager, Solver Browser, Connector Browser, Mask Browser, Entity State Browser, and the Utilities Menu.

HyperGraph 2D Plot Browser

The HyperGraph 2D Plot Browser resides on a tab in the Tab Area sidebar and allows you to view the HyperGraph 2D plot structure.

The Plot Browser tools allow you to search, display and edit entities and their properties within the current session.

The plot structure is viewed as a flat, listed tree structure within the browser. However, if the plot has a hierarchy, then the Plot Browser accommodates this hierarchical structure.

From the Plot Browser, you can select entities one at a time or several simultaneously using common selection techniques.

You can also use the browser's context-sensitive menus to select entities.

Using the Plot Browser, you can perform many of the operations available in the HyperGraph 2D panels, thus allowing you to modify your plot and curve properties in one location.

Some of these operations include:

Performing Single Curve Math and Multiple Curve Math operations

Renaming curves

Modifying or deleting curve properties, such as:

• Curve attributes

• Axes attributes

• Plot options

• Notes

• Datum lines

• Plot macros

The Plot Browser can be turned on or off using the View > Browsers > HyperGraph 2D > Plot menu options.

A check mark indicates that the HyperGraph 2D Plot Browser is activated for display in the Tab Area.

Note: The Plot Browser can also be positioned to appear on the right side of the page (the right tab area).

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HyperGraph 2D Plot Browser with the Plot View Selected

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HyperGraph 2D Plot Browser with the Curve View Selected

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HyperGraph 2D Plot Browser - Views

Within the Plot Browser, there are seven predefined browser view modes (which are accessed via the first row of icons within the Plot Browser). Selecting a predefined browser view mode allows you to quickly filter specific entities in your plot.

Note: When any view is selected, the tree structure and Properties Table update accordingly.

Plot Browser view modes

HyperGraph 2D Plot Browser - Filters

The following controls affect which entities are displayed in the Plot Browser.

Show Menu

When the Plot Browser is set to Plot View, the Show menu allows you to filter the plot entities that appear in the browser's tree structure. This is only available when Plot View is selected from the Plot Browser.

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Each plot entity in the menu has a checkbox next to it; click a checkbox to toggle the display of that entity type as a folder in the browser’s tree structure. For example, the Legend folder is only displayed in the tree structure if Legend is checked in the list. By using the Show menu, you can make the tree structure shorter and easier to navigate by removing plot entities from the Plot Browser tree that you do not need to work with.

Filter Area - Curves

When the Plot Browser is set to Curves View, you can filter on any curve property that appears in the Plot Browser's tree structure. The Filter Area allows you to filter on any plot entity property. This feature is only available when the Curve View is selected from the Plot Browser.

To define a filter, right-click on any property name in the Properties Table and select Add as filter from the context-sensitive menu. When selected, the filter for that property is displayed in the Filter Area and you will be able to select the value by which to filter. After a value is given for that filter, all vectors with that value for that property are shown in the Plot Browser, along with their corresponding curves. This property will also be added to the list of filterable properties in the default combo box shown in the image below.

At the top of the Plot Browser, click the button to display the combo box containing the following options, along with any user-defined filters that have already been added from the Properties Table:

To remove a filter, select it from the list in the Filter Area and click the button.

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Lock Button, – Toggles the list display state in the Filter Area between locked and unlocked. When the list is locked, the tree is not dynamically updated when an additional filter is applied or when the underlying data changes. The inverse is true when the state is set to "unlock".

Display Control Tools

The following buttons can be used to change the display state of various entities in the Plot Browser tree. They are only available when Curve View is selected.

- Select All – Selects all entities shown in the tree.

- Select None – Clears all entity selections shown in the tree.

- Reverse Selection - Reverses the state of the items in the tree (displays the hidden and hides the displayed).

HyperGraph 2D Plot Browser – Properties Table

When a plot entity is selected from the Plot Browser tree, its properties and values are displayed in the Properties Table.

The image below shows the property information for a vector selected from the Plot Browser tree:

Below is an example of the Table when a curve is selected from the Plot Browser tree.

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The table contains two columns:

From the Plot Browser tree, you can select multiple curves of different types (for example, an XY curve and a bar chart), but only the properties that the curves have in common are displayed in the Properties Table. If they do not have a value in common, the Table displays "###". You cannot select entities of different types (for example, a note and a legend).

From the Table, you can click on a value to edit the property instead of going to the panel to edit it. For example, you can double-click in a row and a drop-down menu is displayed. From this menu, you can select a new property value:

Or, you can double-click on a value to display a dialog that allows you to edit the property's values.

You can also double-click on a value to enter a new value directly into the row


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2.2 - HyperGraph 2D – Toolbars

The HyperGraph 2D toolbars provide quick access to commonly used panels and tools. The following toolbars are available.

Chart Selector

The HyperGraph 2D Chart Selector toolbar allows you to select one of four plot types: XY Plot, Bar Chart, Complex Plot, and Polar Plot. XY Plot is the default plot type.

Chart Selector toolbar


The Curves toolbar provides quick access to HyperGraph 2D panels. The panels available depend on the plot type currently selected. To access a panel, click on the corresponding panel icon from the toolbar.

For the XY Plot type, these panels are accessible from the toolbar:

Curves toolbar - XY Plot

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For the Bar Chart plot type, these panels are accessible from the Curves toolbar:

Curves toolbar - Bar Chart

For the Complex Plot plot type, these panels are accessible from the Curves toolbar:

Curves toolbar - Complex Plot

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For the Polar Plot plot type, these panels are accessible from the Curves toolbar:

Curves toolbar - Polar Plot

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The Annotations toolbar provides quick access to the HyperGraph 2D panels listed below. The panels available on the Annotations toolbar are the same for all plot type options.

Annotations toolbar

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3 - Plotting XY Data Curves are plotted in HyperGraph 2D using the Build Plots panel. The Build Plots panel allows you to create multiple curves and plots from a single data file. Curves can be overlaid in a single window or each curve can be assigned to a new window.

This section we will cover how to:

access the Build Plots panel

plot curves from files

plot multiple curves in a single window

plot multiple curves in multiple windows

The Build Plots panel can be accessed in one of the following ways:

Click the Build Plots icon on the Curves toolbar

From the menu bar select Curves > Build Plots

Graphics Area, right click > New > Plots From File

Many different file types are supported.

HyperGraph 2D can read the following types of plot data files:

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Once a file has been selected, the panel populates with the available data in the file.

The XY plots are defined using the Type, Request, and Component fields for X and Y. Multiple items in the Y Request and Y Component fields can be selected, allowing for multiple curves to be created at once.

Below is an example of how multiple curves can be created on a single plot in one step.

The X Type is set to Time, while the Y Type is set to Force.

Multiple items are selected for the Y Request (REQ/1 Curve 1, REQ/3 Curve 3, and REQ/4 Curve 4), and X is selected for the Y Component:

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You can also build multiple curves on multiple plots. This is done using the Layout selection in the lower left corner of the Build Plots panel. The available options for Layout are:

Use current plot – Every curve is overlaid in the active plot window

One plot per Request – Each selected Request is plotted in a new plot window with the corresponding Components overlaid.

One plot per Component – Each selected Component is plotted in a new plot window with the corresponding Requests overlaid.

One curve per plot – Each curve is plotted in a new plot window.

When any of the options above are selected, except the Use current plot option, the page

layout icon becomes active.

This allows for you to control how the plots are generated on each page.

For example, in the following plot, the same Y Requests are selected, and X, Y, and Z are selected for the Y Component. The Layout is set to One plot per Request and the page layout is set to a 3 window layout:

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4 - Evaluating Curve Data and Curve Referencing In addition to simply plotting data, HyperGraph can be used to create new curves from existing curves, using math expressions, and using pre-defined functions. In this section, you will learn how to use the Define Curves panel to create these types of curves.

The Define Curves panel can be accessed in one of the following ways:

Click the Define Curves icon on the Curves toolbar

From the menu bar select Curves > Define Curves

Graphics Area, right click > New > Math Curve / File Curve

Exisitng curves can be edited individually and new curves can be added to the current plot using this panel.

On the Define Curves panel, the curve name is defined by a Templex expression instead of a fixed string as in HyperGraph 9.0 and earlier. The Templex expression is visible in editable fields only. In non-editable fields, the evaluated expression is displayed. In most cases, the evaluated expression should match the text that was hard-coded in previous versions.

Please see Dynamic Curve Names for more important information on this topic.

4.1 - Creating and Defining Curves

The Define Curves panel enables you to edit existing curves and create new ones. To edit a curve, it must first be selected either from the curve list or picked from the window.

The X and Y vectors are displayed at the top of the Define Curves panel. The data sources for the X and Y vectors are displayed in the text fields. Click either the X or Y vector radio button or in the corresponding text box to select that vector for editing.

X and Y vectors on the Define Curves panel. The text field shows the data source for the vector.

New data can be selected from a source file, mathematically defined using the program's curve calculator, or entered as values. The Define Curves panel changes depending on which source is selected.

Constructing Curves

Expressions are constructed in the text fields next to the X and Y radio buttons. Expressions are built by clicking on numbers, operators, and functions located on the curve calculator. As the expression is built, each operator, function, and number is displayed in the text field. An expression may contain basic math functions such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, as well as trigonometric and signal-processing functions. Expressions can also reference other vectors.

While the curve calculator displays only certain commonly used functions, over 100 math functions and operators are available.

Note: See Math Reference for a detailed description of each function and its purpose.

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Referencing Curves

Expressions can reference any curve or vector in the current session. Curve vector references can be defined by picking the curve with the mouse or by using the following syntax:



m is the number of the page on which the curve resides

n is the number of the window which contains the curve

o is the number of the curve in the window

vector indicates the X, Y, or time vector of the referenced curve

For example, p2w1c3.y references the Y vector (.y) of the third curve (c3), in first

window (w1), on the second page (p2).

When a referenced curve is edited or updated, the curves that reference that curve are updated as well.

The Curves dialog provides a fast, easy way of referencing curves. To display the Curves dialog, click Curves.... The dialog displays three lists: the Page list, the Window list, and the Curve list.

Curve List

The curve list displays the names of all the curves in the active window. Curves can be renamed, added, cut, copied, and pasted using the curve list controls.

Individual curves can be turned on or off. To turn a curve off, select the curve from the list or pick the curve from the window and deactivate the check box next to the curve name above the curve list. To turn a curve on that was turned off, activate the check box.

The Cut, Copy, Paste, and Add buttons are used to maintain the curve list for the active window. Curves can be copied and pasted into other windows. Curves can also be added and deleted from the list.

Data Sources

Curves are comprised of an X data vector and a Y data vector. The X and Y vectors can be read from a data file, defined as mathematical expressions, or entered as values. The X and Y vectors of a curve do not have to come from the same source.

If File is selected as the source, the file panel is displayed, allowing you to select data files for the X and Y vectors.

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If Math is selected as the source, the curve calculator is displayed, allowing you to define the vector mathematically. The curve calculator contains many different mathematical tools and functions. Please refer to the online help for additional information on these mathematical tools and functions.

If Values is selected as the source, a table is displayed, allowing you to directly enter data point values.

You can cut, copy, paste, and insert data point values to the table.

Click the expansion button to view a larger dialog containing all x and y data points.

Referencing Curve Vectors in HyperGraph

When creating a curve based on a mathematical expression, you need to supply a vector.

X and Y vector expressions can reference any curve vector in the session.

A curve vector reference defines the x or y vector (values) by page, window, and curve number.

An example of a curve vector reference is p2w3c4.x, where:

p2 is page 2

w3 is window 3

c4 is curve 4

x is the vector

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There are two common methods to specify curve vector references:

a) Pick a curve in a plot window

For the x = input field

SHIFT and pick the curve to get the curve x vector reference

SHIFT + CTRL and pick the curve to get the curve y vector reference

for y = input field SHIFT and pick the curve to get the curve y vector reference

SHIFT + CTRL and pick the curve to get the curve x vector reference

b) Select a curve vector reference from the Curves… dialog in the Define Curves panel. This opens a window with a listing of all the curves in the session in a tree format.

Now that we know how to reference a vector, we can create a curve using Math as the Source. In the example below, the curve on the left is created from a data file. The curve on the right is then created by simply taking the derivative of the curve on the left. Notice that in the x and y fields, the vectors being referenced are p4w1c1.x and p4w1c1.y as the curve on the left is in page 4, window 1 and it is curve 1 in the window.

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5 - Changing Curve and Display Attributes

HyperGraph 2D allows you to change attributes ( ); to add axes, headers, footers, legends, and notes to plots.

The Annotations panel can be accessed in one of the following ways:

Annotation toolbar

From the menu bar select Annotations > …

In the plot window, right click on a curve > Properties…

Plot Browser Views > …

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5.1 - Curve Attributes

The Curve Attributes panel allows you to change different aspects of the curves that are created. These include the line style, color, and weight as well as the symbol style and color.

The following curve and vector (entity type) properties are visible and editable through the Entity Editor:

The Curve Attributes panel can be accessed in several ways:

• Plot Browser > Curves View + Entity Editor > select a curve from the browser list (suggested)

• Click the Curve Attributes icon in the Curves toolbar

• From the menu bar select Curves > Curve Attributes

Once the curve(s) has been selected, the Visibility field can be used to control the curves display in the plot.

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The Show Label field is used to control the display of the curve label in the legend.

Using the Line Attributes fields, the following attributes are assigned: Line Style, Line Color, Line Thickness, …

The option Shade Area (area under line), will shade the area under the line to the 0 marker on the Y axis (see below). Notice how when the curve values are negative the shading is still done up to the 0 marker on the Y axis.

The Symbol Attributes fields allow you to specify the Symbol Style (curve marker, default is set to None), Symbol Color and Symbol Frequency (set the frequency at which the symbol appears; by default this is set to 1, but if a symbol is only needed at every other data location, then this value should be set to 2, etc.) for each curve.

The Data Attributes fields are non-plottable data that can be associated with a curve or vector. An attribute may automatically be attached to vectors by external readers.

For more information on data attributes, please refer to the Online Help.

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The Curve Attributes can be changed in several ways, as already explained, below the suggested one:

You can also modify x or y data (File, Type, Request, Component, Axis, …) from

Plot Browser > Curves View + Entity Editor > select x or y from the browser list.

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5.2 - Legends

Legends are automatically generated when a plot is built in the Build Plots panel, or in the Define Curves panel for bar charts.

They are displayed and positioned and their attributes are specified in the Legends panel.

The Legend panel can be accessed in several ways, as already explained, below the suggested one:

Plot Browser > Legends View + Entity Editor > select the legend option of a curve from the browser list.

The curve legend displays the curve name and the line attributes that are assigned to the curve.

Once the curve legend has been selected, the Visibility field can be used to control the curve legend display in the plot.

The curve legend displays the Border Style & Color, Font Settings, Leader Position and Legend Placement.

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5.3 - Notes

Legends are automatically generated when a plot is built in the Build Plots panel, or in the Define Curves panel for bar charts.

They are displayed and positioned and their attributes are specified in the Notes panel.

Notes are added to the graphing window using the Notes panel. The Notes panel can be accessed in one of the following ways:

Click on the Notes panel button, , in the Annotations toolbar

From the menu bar select Annotations > Notes

In the Plot Window, right click and select New > Note

Plot Browser > Curves View > select a curve & right click > Single Curve Math > Min Note or Max Note.

This panel allows you to annotate plots with a note. Notes are text boxes placed in plot windows for labeling points, describing trends, and relating additional curve information. You can create logic and expression-based notes using Templex.

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Note List

The Note list displays the names of all the notes in the active window. Notes can be renamed, added, cut, copied, and pasted using the note list controls at the bottom of the list.

To edit a note, it must be either selected from the list or picked from the window.

Notes can be hidden or displayed. To hide a note, select the note from the note list or pick the note from the window and deactivate the check box next to the Note: field. To display a note, select the note and activate the check box.

The Cut, Copy, Paste, and Add buttons are used to maintain the note list. Notes can be copied and pasted into other windows. Notes can also be added and cut from the list.

Notes can be positioned anywhere in the window by clicking and dragging the note box to a new location. While moving, the note is represented by an empty box. Release the mouse button to place the note at its new position.


The Notes panel contains three tabs:

Notice the buttons at the button of the Text tab. These are shortcuts to Templex functions. Selecting one of these buttons inserts the appropriate Templex function into the Text box. Please note that while the Templex function is shown in the Text box, the evaluated value will be placed in the actual note.

The Templex function and what they show when they are evaluated are shown below:

{X} Displays the X value of the attachment point

{Y} Displays the Y value of the attachment point

{Time} Displays the time value of the attachment point

{Label} Displays the name of the curve containing the attachment point

{Slope} Displays the slope (first derivative) of the curve at the attachment point

{Curv} Displays the curvature (second derivative) of the curve at the attachment point

The font style and size for the note can be edited using the Font button, . The text

Alignment can either be Left (default), Center, or Right.

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The Attributes tab allows you to set the note box and text attributes. There is the option to apply the changes made in this Attributes tab to the Selected Note, notes in the Current Window, notes in the Current Page, or notes on All Pages. Once this has been determined, the note box thickness and color of the note is selected. There is another Font button, which allows you to edited the font style and size. This is different than the one in the Text tab because this font style and size can be applied to more than just the current note (depending on the Apply To selection). The Auto position option automatically positions notes to avoid obscuring curves. The final option is Use Preferences. When this

option is clicked, the preferences set in the preferences.mvw file are used.

The final tab is the Attach To tab. This tab allows you to specify how a note is displayed in the window. Notes can be anchored to either a Window, View, Curve, or Coordinates. When Window is selected, the note remains stationary when the plot is repositioned in the window. View allows the note to move with the plot when the plot is repositioned in the window. The Curve option uses a leader to connect to the note to a specific point on the curve and the note moves with the plot when the plot is repositioned in the window. The final option, Coordinates, uses a leader to connect the note to a specific point on the plot.

The Notes can be changed in several ways, as already explained, below the suggested one:

Plot Browser > Notes View + Entity Editor > select the note option of a curve from the browser list.

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5.4 - Axes

Multiple axes can be added to plots using the Axes panel. Axis attributes such as labels, color and scaling can also be modified using the Axes panel.

The Axes panel can be accessed in one of the following ways:

Click the Axes icon, , in the Annotations toolbar

From the menu bar, select Annotations > Axes

In the Plot Window, right click and select New > X Axis or Y axis

From the menu bar select Annotations > Options

The options available on the Axes panel depend on the current plot type: XY Plot, Bar Chart, Complex Plot, or Polar Plot.

Axes panel - XY Plot

When you right click on an axis you have two options; New Axis and Convert Units. New Axis will add an axis to the plot and automatically open the Axes panel with the new axis as

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the current axis. The Convert Units tool allows you to convert the current unit of measure of a horizontal or vertical axis to another unit of measure. All curves associated with the axis are scaled accordingly and the axis label is updated to reflect the new unit of measure.

Multiple axes enable you to easily view curves of different scales on the same plot by assigning the data vectors to separate appropriately scaled axes. Data vectors are assigned to axes using the Scales, Offsets, and Axis Assignment panel for XY Plot. For Bar Chart, they are assigned using the Curve Attributes panel > Axis Attributes tab. Complex plots and polar plots do not support multiple axes.

On the Axes panel, the curve name is defined by a Templex expression instead of a fixed string. The Templex expression is visible in editable fields only. In non-editable fields, the evaluated expression is displayed. In most cases, the evaluated expression should match the text that was hard-coded in previous versions. Please see Dynamic Curve Names for more information on this topic.

The Axes can be changed in several ways, as already explained, below the suggested one:

Plot Browser > Axes View + Entity Editor > select the axes option of a curve from the browser list.

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5.5 - Headers and Footers

Plot headers/footers are titles displayed at the top of a HyperGraph 2D window.

Plot headers and footers can be added to any HyperGraph 2D window.

Each HyperGraph 2D window can display a header and a footer.

The Headers and Footers panel, , enables you to add headers and footers to your plots, specify font colors, and access the Fonts dialog.

This panel can be accessed in one of the following ways:

Click the Headers/Footers icon in the Annotations toolbar

From the menu bar select Annotations > Headers/Footers

In the Plot Window, click in the Headers/Footers area

Plot headers and footers are accessed by clicking on the corresponding tab. Click the Show button to display the header or footer in the window. Titles for plot headers and footers are entered in the text box. Press RETURN to add new lines.

Different font attributes can be specified for each line of header or footer text. There are three user-definable styles available: Line 1 is the style assigned to the top line, Line 2 is the style assigned to the middle line, and Line 3 is the style assigned to the third line and all

lines thereafter. Select a line and then click on the Font button, , to activate the Font dialog box and change the font style, type, and size. Use the color palette to specify the font color of the selected line.

There is a Show checkbox which allows you to turn on/off the display of the header/footer. Finally, Apply is clicked to apply the selected settings to the header/footer.

On the Header tab of the Headers and Footers panel, the curve name is defined by a Templex expression instead of a fixed string. The Templex expression is visible in editable fields only.

In non-editable fields, the evaluated expression is displayed. In most cases, the evaluated expression should match the text that was hard-coded in previous versions. Please see Dynamic Curve Names for more important information on this topic.

The Headers and Footers can be changed in several ways, as already explained, below the suggested one:

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Plot Browser > Headers and Footers View + Entity Editor > select the headers and footers option of a curve from the browser list.

5.6 – Datum Lines

The Datum Lines , displays only the datum lines in the session, grouped within their respective page and plot folders.

The Datum Lines panel can be accessed in one of the following ways:

Click the Datum Lines icon in the Curves toolbar

From the menu bar, select Curves > Axes

In the Plot Window, right click and select New > Datum Line-Horizontal or Datum Line-Vertical

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Datum Lines panel - XY Plot

A datum line can be hidden or displayed on a plot by activating the Datum check box.

You can specify a math expression to define the display of a datum line.

Use the drop-down menu next to the Datum check box to switch between horizontal and vertical datum lines.

Datum lines can be cut, copied, pasted, or added.

The Datum Lines can be changed in several ways, as already explained, below the suggested one:

Plot Browser > Datum Lines View + Entity Editor > select the datum lines option of a curve from the browser list.

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5.7 - Coordinate Info

The Coordinate Info panel allows you to retrieve individual point data on any curve in the active window. When a point is selected, its data is displayed in the panel. The Coordinate Info panel can be accessed in one of the following ways:

Click the Coordinate Info icon in the Curves toolbar

From the menu bar, select Curves > Coordinate Info

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There are 2 ways to retrieve point data from a curve.

A point can be picked from a curve, located using the Find Point, or selected from the point list.

The Find Point allows you to step through each point in the curve, move to maximum and minimums, and also jump to the first or last point in a curve.

The Point List displays the XY data points for the selected curve. The point number, the X-value, and the Y-value for each point is displayed in the list. Use the scroll bars

to view the entire list. Click on a point in the list to display the point data.

5.8 - Options: Setting Default Parameters for XY Plots

The Options panel allows you to set default parameters for XY plots.

The Options panel can be access in one of the following ways:

Click on the Options panel button, , in the Annotations toolbar

From the menu bar select Preferences > Options

There are four different tabs; Session, Range, Color, and Animation Cursor.

The Session tab allows you to set defaults for the Script File (mvw) and set the Precision to be used in the session.

- Save All Curve Data to Script File - Choose this option to save all curve data to the session file.

- Precision - This is generally used along with the Save all curve data to script file option. It is used to set the precision for the curve values in the session file.

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- Enable Unit Scaling - Enables unit scaling. You can also display the Show Units Dialog by selecting that option.

The Range tab includes settings for y and x axes.

- Use even cycles when fitting log axes - By default, HyperGraph 2D fits logarithmic curves using the minimum and maximum values of the data. Select Use even cycles when fitting to fit logarithmic curves using the next power of 10 greater than the maximum and the next power of 10 less than the minimum.

- Use uniform aspect ratio - The aspect ratio of the plot area is locked. Distances between values on the x-axis are the same as those on the y-axis.

- Default dynamic range (in decades) - Calculates the minimum value shown when plotting non-positive numbers on a log scale. The minimum value shown is equal to the maximum divided by 10 raised to the default dynamic range. To specify a new dynamic range, enter a new range in the Default dynamic range text field or use the

buttons. The default is 4.

The Color tab allows you to set colors for the various regions of the plot window.

Any of the 64 colors can be assigned to plot elements such as plot background, frame, grid lines, and the zero line. Choose a plot element, then select a color from the palette to change the color of the selected element.

These regions include:

- Background - Changes the background color of the HyperGraph 2D window. The default is black.

- Frame - Changes the color of the frame around the HyperGraph 2D window.

- Grid Line - Changes the grid line color.

- Zero Line - Changes the zero line color.

- Use Preferences - Sets the active HyperGraph 2D window's background, frame, grid line, zero line, header, footer, tic, and note colors to the defaults specified in the

.preferences.mvw file.

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The Animation Cursor tab allows you to customize the animation cursor in HyperGraph 2D.

There are many options:

- Apply to - You can apply the animation cursor attributes to the Current Plot, Current Page, or All Pages.

- Attributes - Select the width of the cursor line by choosing one of the four line styles shown (Use curve color/style).

- Display as - Sets the animation cursor display type. Options include: Square, Small/Medium/Large/Custom bar. For Custom bar, choose the size of the bar by entering a value in the % Window height field. You can enter a value directly or use the up and down arrows to choose a value (Coordinate marker).

Below shows the animation cursor as a Large bar:

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5.9 - Style Sheets

The Style Sheets utility in HyperGraph allows you to select and apply attributes of the current plot to either every plot on every page or to every plot on the current page. The Style Sheets utility can be accessed in one of the following ways:

From the menu bar select Tools > ApplyStyle

Right-click in the plot window and select HGApplyStyle…

On the left side of the window (under Pre Selection), the page and windows to apply the selection to are selected. Attributes are then selected from the right side of the window (under Options). Place a check mark in the box to select the attribute you want to apply. Upon opening the dialog, attributes that already have a check mark next to them are selected by default.

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6 - Curve Filtering In this section you, will use the Define Curves panel to reference a curve for filtering.

In this section, we will use this panel to perform filtering on an existing curve.

The Define Curves panel can be accessed in one of the following ways:

Click the Define Curves icon on the Curves toolbar

From the menu bar select Curves > Define Curves

To filter an existing curve with one of the filter functions, the Source of the new curve must be set to Math (as shown above).

After selected the x vector from the desired curve, the y vector for the filtered curve can be defined. There are many filtering options available in HyperGraph. Click on the Filter… button in the Define Curves panel to see the available filters:

Using this dialog, the Filter Class, Padding, and Direction are all defined. For this example, the SAE J211/1 60 with Mirror Padding and Fwd-Back Direction is used. Once OK is selected, the function is entered into the y field.

Notice how the first two entries in the function are left blank and the cursor is automatically placed in the first blank spot. This is because an x vector and a y vector need to be defined in this function:

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Using the mouse, the SHIFT and CTRL keys are held down and the curve to be filtered is selected. This places the x vector into this field. The cursor is automatically moved past the comma into the blank spot where the y vector is to be defined. The SHIFT key is held down while the curve is selected, populating this field with the y vector.

Now that the function is properly defined, Apply is selected and the filtered curve is plotted:

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Exercise 4a - Creating and Editing XY Plots from Data Files

In this exercise you will learn how to:

Plot curves from files.

Plot multiples curves in one window.

Use the Advanced Plot Options dialog to change the curve and plot attributes

The Build Plots panel can be accessed in one of the following ways:

Click the Build Plots icon,

From the menu bar, select Curves > Build Plots.

This panel allows you to construct multiple curves and plots from a single data file.

Curves can be overlaid in a single window or each curve can be assigned to a new window.

The Advanced Options feature on the Build Plots panel allows you to apply many options at once to the session during plotting. Curves created in this manner are added to the session in a new layer.

From the Build Plots panel, click Adv. Options to display the Advance Plot Options dialog.

Step 1: Load the file 4a-demo.dat and create multiple plots.

1. Open HyperWorks Desktop and set the application to HyperGraph 2D .

2. From File menu, select New > Session to clear all contents in the HyperGraph session.

3. Verify XY Plot is selected from the plot type menu

4. Click the Build Plots icon .

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5. Click the Open File icon , and open the file ..\Model-Files\4a-demo.dat

Step 2: Build multiple curves on a single plot.

1. For X type: select Time.

2. From the Y type: column, select Force.

The data available in the file is listed under the Y Request column.

3. Under Y Request:, click the expansion button, , to easily view the Y Request list.

4. Under Y Request:, press and hold the CTRL key and select REQ/3 Curve 3, REQ/5 Curve 5, REQ/7 Curve 7, and REQ/9 Curve9.

5. Click OK to close the expanded list dialog.

6. Under Y Component:, select X.

7. Click Apply to create the curves on page 1.

The plot’s X axis is labeled Time (the X type), while the y axis is labeled Force (the Y type). The plot’s title is X (the Y Component name). The curve’s names are the Y Request names.

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Step 3: Build multiple curves on multiple plots.

While in the Build Plots panel, do the following:

1. Verify X type: Time is selected.

2. Under Y type: leave Force selected.

3. Under Y Request: leave REQ/3, REQ/5, REQ/7, and REQ/9 selected.

4. Under Y Component: press the CTRL key and select Y and Z to add them to the already selected X.


Press the SHIFT key and select Z. This selects Z and everything between X and Z.


Left click on X and drag the mouse down to Z.

5. From the Layout: drop-down menu, select One plot per Request.

This option creates one plot for each selected Y request. Each plot contains as many curves as there are selected Y components. The plot’s title is the Y Request name. The curve’s label is the Y Component name.

6. Click the Page Layout icon , select the four-window layout from the panel area .

7. Click Apply to create the plots and curves on page 2.

Step 4: Use Advanced Options to change the curve and plot display attributes.

While in the Build Plots panel, do the following:

1. Keep the curves you created in Step 3.

2. Click Adv. Options .

The Advanced Plot Options dialog is opened.

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3. To change the page title font, click Page Options on the left side of the dialog.

4. Click in the Font field on the right side of the dialog. Next, click the Font Value fields to display the Font Selector dialog. Change the font size to 16.

5. Under Plot Options, select Header.

6. Click in the Header field on the right side of the dialog to activate the drop-down menu. Deselect Y-Component.

This will remove the Y component from the header.

7. Select Horizontal Axis from the left side of the dialog. Click in the Font Value fields to display the Font Selector dialog. Change the font size to 12.

8. Repeat steps 7 for the Vertical Axis.

9. Select Legend from the left side of the dialog.

10. From the Font dialog, change the legend font size to 10.

11. Select Curve Options from the left side of the dialog.

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12. Click in the Label field on the right side of the dialog to activate the drop-down menu. Deselect Y Request.

This removes the Y request from the label

13. Activate Show Prefix.

14. Click the Label Prefix field. Once the cursor is displayed, enter Test 17.

15. Click OK to exit the Advanced Options dialog.

16. From the Build Plots panel, click Apply to create the plots and curves on page.

You can also perform filtering on the curve.

For this exercise, retain the curve and plot modifications you just performed.

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17. From the Build Plots panel, select Adv. Options.

18. Click Curve Options on the left side of the dialog.

19. Activate Math Expression.

20. Leave Expression for x as is.

21. Enter the following filter in the Expression for y field: saefilt95(u,v,60,5,3).

22. Click OK. From the Build Plots panel, click Apply.

23. From Define Curves panel you will see the filter you applied display in the y vector field:

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Exercise 4b - Multiple File Plotting to plot multiples curves in one plot

In this exercise you will learn how to:

Plot multiple curves in multiple windows.

The Build Plots panel can be accessed in one of the following ways:

Click the Build Plots icon,

From the menu bar, select Curves > Build Plots.

This panel allows you to construct multiple curves and plots from a single data file.

Curves can be overlaid in a single window or each curve can be assigned to a new window.

The Multiple File Plotting dialog allows you to select multiple files with intersecting data (for example, multiple runs of a particular test) and plot the data from all files simultaneously in the current HyperGraph session.

To access the Multiple File Plotting dialog, click the Multiple File Plotting button on the Build Plots panel.

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Step 1: Use Multiple File Plotting to plot multiples curves in one plot.

1. Open HyperWorks Desktop and set the application to HyperGraph 2D .

2. From File menu, select New > Session to clear all contents in the HyperGraph session.

3. Verify XY Plot is selected from the plot type menu .

4. Click the Build Plots icon .

5. Next to Data File, click the Multiple File Selection icon .

The Multiple File Plotting dialog is displayed.

6. Next to Select directory, click the Open File , and browse to the directory ..\Model-Files\4b-MultipleFiles

7. You can expand the folders in the File Browser List to display the files contained in

each folder.

You can select files from the File Browser List and click the arrow , to move them

to the Selected File Set. For this exercise, we will filter them.

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8. In the File-Filter field, enter *T01 and press ENTER. The following files are displayed:

9. While holding the CTRL button, select the first eight files listed under File Browser List

and click the right-facing arrow , to move them to the Selected File Set.

10. Under Curve Name, leave Prefix activated and select Directory Level 2 from the drop-

down menu.

11. Under Curve Attributes (Color/Style), leave By File selected.

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12. Click Select to exit the dialog.

13. From the Build Plots panel, make the following selections:

- For Y Type: select Global Variables.

- For Y Request: select Internal Energy and Kinetic Energy.

- For Y Component: select MAG.

14. From the Layout: drop-down menu, select One plot per Request.

15. Click the Page Layout icon , and select the two-window layout from the panel area.

16. Click Apply.

17. You can also view the curve Label Prefix and Label information in the Plot Browser.

These fields were edited using the Advanced Options dialog in 4a exercise.

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Exercise 4c - Perform Math on Curves Using the Plot Browser

In this exercise you will learn how to use the Plot Browser to perform the following tasks:

Perform math on a single curve in the Define Curves panel without creating duplicate curves

Apply this math to all other curves in the session via the Plot Browser


The HyperGraph 2D Plot Browser resides on a tab in the Tab Area sidebar and allows you to view the HyperGraph 2D plot structure.

The Plot Browser can be turned on or off using the View > Browsers > HyperGraph 2D > Plot menu options. A check mark indicates that the HyperGraph 2D Plot Browser is activated for display in the Tab Area.

You can use the Plot Browser tools to search, display and edit entities and their properties within the current session.

From the Define Curves panel, you can edit existing curves and create new ones. To edit a curve, it must first be selected either from the curve list or picked from the window.

The X,Y, U, and V vectors are displayed at the top of the Define Curves panel. The data sources for these vectors are displayed in the text fields. Click the radio button for a vector or click in the corresponding text box to select that vector for editing. In addition to the

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traditional X and Y vectors, you can perform math on curves prior to plotting your data with the support of u and v vectors. As a result, only one curve is generated in the session, whereas in the older versions of HyperGraph, this could not be done without an initial curve.

To use math as a data source, from the Define Curves panel, select Source > Math.

Step 1: Open Session File 4c-demo_browser.mvw.

1. From the File menu click Open > Session.

2. Select the file ..\Model-Files\4c-demo_browser.mvw and click Open.

Step 2: Use the Define Curves panel to apply a SAE filter to a curve.

1. From the toolbar, select the Define Curves icon .

2. Activate the x= radio button.

3. Under Source, select Math.

4. In the x= field, enter u. This applies the u vector to the x vector.

5. Click Apply.

6. Activate the y= radio button.

7. Under Source, select Math.

8. In the y= field, enter v. This applies the v vector attributes to the y vector.

9. Click Apply.

You can now apply math to the y vector.

10. For the y vector, remove the v vector you entered in step 8.

11. With your cursor in the y= field, click Functions....

12. From the Functions dialog, select saefilt95 and click OK.

13. The saefilt95 function takes six arguments: vector1, vector2, scalar1, scalar2, scalar3, scalar4.

14. Enter the following text in the function: saefilt95(u,v,60,20,3) and click Apply.

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15. The result is a corrupt curve. This is because the function expects the time to be in seconds, and our curve is in milliseconds.

16. To correct this, you must apply the time vector by 0.001. Enter the following in the y=

field: saefilt95(u*0.001,v,60,20,3).

The result is a properly filtered curve:

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Step 3: Apply the math performed in Step 2 to all other curves in the session via the Plot Browser.

In this step, you will apply the filter defined in Step 2 to all curves in the session using the Plot Browser.

1. From the Define Curves panel, highlight the y vector filter you added in step 1 and press CTRL+C to copy it.

2. From the Plot Browser, select the Curves view icon from the top of the browser. This filters the session information so that only the curve information is displayed in the Plot Browser.

3. Expand the folders for page 1 (p1: Angular Acceleration), window 1 (w1:XY Plot) and Curve by clicking the plus button next to each folder.

4. As shown below, right-click on the y vector and select Select All.

All y vectors in the session are selected.

5. Go to the Table at the bottom of the Plot Browser.

6. From the Source drop-down menu, select Math.

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7. Notice that all the curves in the graphics area disappear, except for the curve we have

already filtered on the Define Curves panel.

8. Click in the Expression field and paste the filter you copied from the Define Curves panel and press ENTER.

All curves in the session now contain the same filter and math.

9. It is not required, but you can also apply math to the x vector. Similar to the steps above, right-click on the x vector from the Plot Browser and select Select All to select all x vectors in the session.

10. From the Source drop-down menu, select Math.

11. In the Expression field, enter u.

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Now all vectors in the session have the same math.

Step 4: Take the integral of each curve.

1. Make sure that Window 1 on Page 1 is the active window (it will have a cyan box surrounding the window).

2. From the Plot Browser, select the Curves view icon from the top of the browser. This filters the session information so that only the curve information is displayed in the Plot Browser.

3. Expand the folders for page 1 (p1: Angular Acceleration), window 1 (w1:XY Plot) and Curve by clicking the plus button next to each folder.

4. As shown below, right-click on one curve and select Single Curve Math > Integral

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This is an additional way to create plots based on single curves and multiple curves. Notice how many of the functions available in the Define Curves panel are also available using the Plot Browser.

5. Using either the Plot Browser or the Define Cuves panel, turn off the display of the integrated curves. Using the Plot Browser, right click on the curve name and select Turn off. Using the Define Curves panel, simply select the curve in the Curve list and then uncheck the box next to Curve.

Step 5: Use the Coordinate Info panel to investigate the curve.

1. Entering the Coordinate Info panel by selecting on the Curves toolbar.

2. Click in the Plot Window on a point on the curve and notice how the panel is updated with the Pt number, X value, and Y value:

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3. Use the arrows to move from point to point .

4. Use the Maximum and Minimum, , to find the max and min of the curve.

Step 6: Save the session (optional).

1. Save the session by selecting File > Save As > Session.

2. Browse to a desired location and enter the name 4c-demo.mvw.

3. Click Save to save the file.

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Exercise 4d - Modifying Plots with the Plot Browser

In this exercise you will learn how to use the Plot Browser to perform the following tasks:

Modify the following plot attributes

o Header font size

o Legend position and font size

o Axis fonts

Modify the following curve attributes

o Curve name and prefix

o Line style

o Color

Add notes attached to curves

o Modify notes in the Notes panel

o Apply these changes to all notes using the Plot Browser


The HyperGraph 2D Plot Browser resides on a tab in the Tab Area sidebar and allows you to view the HyperGraph 2D plot structure.

The Plot Browser can be turned on or off using the View > Browsers > HyperGraph 2D > Plot menu options. A check mark indicates that the HyperGraph 2D Plot Browser is activated for display in the Tab Area.

You can use the Plot Browser tools to search, display and edit entities and their properties within the current session.

Step 1: Open Session File 4d-demo_browser.mvw.

1. From the File menu click Open > Session.

2. Select the file ..\Model-Files\4d-demo_browser.mvw and click Open.

Step 2: Modify the header font size.

1.From the Plot Browser tab, click the Headers/Footers icon, , from the top of the browser.

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These icons allow you to filter the data that is displayed in the Plot browser. For example, by clicking the Headers/Footers icon, only the header and footer information for each curve in your session is displayed in the browser.

2. Expand the folders for page 1 (p1: Angular Acceleration), window 1 (w1:XY Plot) and

Header by clicking the plus button next to each folder.

3. Right-click on Header and select Select All.

This action selects all the headers for each curve listed in the plot browser. By doing this, you can modify a header attribute only once, but it will be applied to all headers.

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4. From the Table at the bottom of the Plot Browser, select the font icon next to Primary Font Settings.

The Font Selector dialog is displayed.

5. Change the Font Size to 20.

The font size change is applied to all headers.

Step 3: Modify the legend font size and change the legend position.

1. From the Plot Browser tab, click the Legends icon , from the top of the browser.

These icons allow you to filter the data that is displayed in the Plot Browser. For example, by clicking the Legends icon, only the legend information for each curve in your session is displayed in the browser.

2. Expand the folders for page 1 (p1: Angular Acceleration), window 1 (w1:XY Plot) and

Legends by clicking the plus button next to each folder.

3. Right-click on Legends and select Select All.

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This action selects all legends for each curve listed in the plot browser. By doing this, you can modify a legend attribute only once, but it will be applied to all curve legends.

4. From the Table at the bottom of the Plot Browser, select the font icon next to Font


The Font Selector dialog is displayed.

5. Change the Font Size to 12.

The font size change is applied to all legends.

6. Next, we will change the legend placement in the graphics window.

7. From the Legend Placement drop-down menu, select Inside-Right-Bottom corner.

The legend is moved to that position.

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Step 4: Modify the axis font size.

1. From the Plot Browser tab, click the Axes icon, , from the top of the browser.

These icons allow you to filter the data that is displayed in the Plot Browser. For example, by clicking the Axes icon, only the axes information for each curve in your session is displayed in the browser.

2. Expand the folders for page 1 (p1: Angular Acceleration), window 1 (w1:XY Plot) and

HorizontalAxis by clicking the plus button next to each folder.

3. From the HorizontalAxis folder, right-click on Primary and select Select All.

This action selects all horizontal axes for each curve listed in the plot browser. By doing this, you can modify a horizontal axis attribute only once, but it will be applied to all horizontal axes.

4. From the Table at the bottom of the Plot Browser, select the font icon next

to Font Settings. Font Selector dialog is displayed.

5. Change the Font Size to 12.

The font size change is applied to all horizontal axes.

6. Repeat steps 1-5 for the VerticalAxes - Primary.

The font size change is applied to all vertical axes.

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Step 5: Modify the curve name.

1. From the filter icons at the top of the Plot Browser, select the Curves icon, .

2. Expand the folders for page 1 (p1: Angular Acceleration), window 1 (w1:XY Plot) and

Curve by clicking the plus button next to each folder.

3. Right-click on the curve name c1:50th% Hybrid 3 - LOWER TORSO -Res ang and

select Select All.

All curve names in the Plot Browser are selected.

The curve names contain the request and component information.

We will remove the Y Request from the curve name.

4. From the Table, click the Label drop-down menu and deselect the Y Request option.

The curve names shown in the graphics area now only contain the Y Component


5. Activate Show Label Prefix.

6. In the Label Prefix field, enter Test 17.

The prefix Test 17 is added to the curve name label for all plots.

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Step 6: Modify the curve line style and color.

In this step, you will change the curve line style for all curves that contain the components XYZ.

1. Keep the Curves icon selected at the top of the Plot Browser.

2. Click the Add Filter icon, , to add a filter to the Filter Area.

3. From the Filter Name drop-down menu, select Display Name.

4. In the Value column, enter Res.

HyperGraph will search for all the curve names that contain a resultant and display only those in the Plot Browser.

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5. Right-click on the first curve listed in the Plot Browser and select Select All.

6. Delete the filter you just added by clicking the Delete Filter icon, .

The Plot Browser displays all the other curve names that contain something other than a resultant.

7. Click the Select Reverse icon, , to deselect the curves with resultant in the name and SELECT the curves with component in the name.

8. From the Table, select the Line Style drop-down menu and select the dashed line style.

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The line style is changed to a dashed line style for all curves with component in the curve name. The curve name that contains the resultant remains a solid line.

9. To change the line color of only the resultant curve, click the Select Reverse icon again,

, to deselect the component curves from the Plot Browser and select the resultant


From the Table, select the Line Color and select the color black from the

color palette.

Only the resultant curve changes to black.

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Step 7: Add and modify notes.

1. Keep the Curves icon selected at the top of the Plot Browser.

2. Click the Add Filter icon, , to add a filter to the Filter Area.

3. From the Filter Name drop-down menu, select Display Name.

4. In the Value column, enter Res.

The Plot Browser displays only the curve names with resultant in the name.

5. Right-click on the first curve name listed in the Plot Browser and select Select All to

select all the resultant curves in the Plot Browser.

6. Right-click on the first curve listed in the Plot Browser and select Single Curve Math >

Max Note.

This adds a note to the maximum value of each curve in the session.

Next, you will use the Notes panel to modify the note.

7. From the toolbar, click the Notes icon, .

8. In the Text field, change Max:{Y} to this: Max of {label} = {Y} and click Apply.

The note now displays the label information.

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Exercise 4e - Using Unit Scaling and Plot Browser

In this exercise you will learn how

• To create an Acceleration Velocity Displacement plot in one window

• To use the unit scaling feature for a plot.

Step 1: Clear any units association and enable unit scaling.

1. From the Tools menu, select Reset Units Association.

The Reset Units Association dialog is displayed.

2. If activated, click Reset Units to clear any unit associations. If Reset Units is grayed

out, you don't need to do anything.

3. Click Close to close the dialog.

4. From the toolbar, click the Options icon, . The Options panel is displayed.

5. From the Options dialog, make sure Enable Unit Scaling and Show Units Dialog are


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Step 2: Open the 4e-nodout file, plot curves and set curve units.

1. From File menu, select New > Session to clear all contents in the HyperGraph session.

2. Verify XY Plot is selected from the plot type menu, .

3. Click the Build Plots icon, .

4. Click the Open File icon, , and open the file ..\Model-Files\4e-nodout

5. For the X Type: select Time.

6. From the Y Type: column, select Node Data.

The data available in the file is listed under the Y Request column.

7. From the Y Request: column, press and hold the CTRL key and select Nodal Point

2500001 and Nodal Point 2500002.

8. From the Y Component: column, select X Displacement, X Velocity and X


9. From the Layout drop-down menu, select Use Current Plot.

10. Click Apply to create the curves on page 1.

The Units Profile dialog is displayed.

11. From the Units Profile dialog, select the C radio button and click OK.

This sets the Length, Time and Mass units for the file to millimeter, millisecond, and

kilogram, respectively.

10. Click OK to close the Units Profile dialog.

The curves are plotted and the units for the vertical and horizontal axis are changed to millimeters and milliseconds, respectively.

13. Click Apply.

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The displacement, velocity and acceleration are plotted. Notice that two additional axes have been added to the right of the window to accommodate the velocity and acceleration data.(use your plot with your default settings.

Step 3: Modify the curve units.

1. From the Plot Browser, click the Curve filter icon, .

2. Expand the folders for page 1 (p1: Node Data), window 1 (w1:XY Plot) and Curve by

clicking the plus button next to each folder.

3. Select the two X Velocity curves from the list for nodal points 2500001 and 2500002

4. From the Plot window, right-click on the horizontal axis to display the following context


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5. Select Convert Units and change the unit type from milliseconds to seconds (s).

6. From the Plot window, right-click in the vertical axis (Node Data) and select Convert

Units. Change the distance from millimeters to meters.

7. Repeat step 6, but for the right-side Velocity axis. Change the speed from

millimeters/milliseconds to mph.

8. You can also change the unit type for a curve by right-clicking on the curve and

selecting Enable/Change Curve Unit.

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The Enable/Change Curve Unit dialog is displayed.

9. From the YVector, select the right-most drop-down menu and change the unit for Velocity, from millimeter/millisecond to kph.

10. Click OK. The final plot window is shown below:

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Chapter 5

Modal & Frequency Response (NVH) Analysis

This chapter covers the tools commonly used in HyperWorks Desktop for post-processing results from a modal analysis. This chapter will cover the following topics:

Viewing Deformed Shapes

Contour Plots of Complex Results

Creating Measure of Contour vs. Angle

Creating Complex Plots

Strain Energy Summation using Results Math

NVH Post Processing Utilities

1 - Viewing Deformed Shapes

The Deformed panel allows you to specify parameters for deformation display. You can use this function to see the motion of your model after analysis. You can display the original structure and the deformed shape to see the total amount of movement, or view the deformed shape by itself. You can also create an animation sequence of the structure’s movement that shows the motion of the structure in a series of frames, based on what the analysis code has predicted the model will do. You can animate a model using displacement results as well as any vector result, such as eigenvectors, shape, and velocity, by defining the vector in the Deformed panel.

To access the Deformed panel:

Click the Deformed panel button on the Results toolbar.

From the menu bar, select Results > Plot > Deformed

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Deformed panel

Deformed Shape:

The first step in the Deformed panel is to define the Deformed shape. This includes defining the Result type and Scale factor to be applied.

Result Type - The result types available in the drop-down menu are determined by the solver results.

The result types available in the drop-down menu are determined by the nodal vectors in the results file. All vector result type data included in the result file, indicated with a (v), are available for selection (displacement, velocity, acceleration, rotation, forces, moments, etc.).

All nodal vectors in the results file are available as a result type for deformed shape and animation, including any user created nodal vectors by Result Math. An environment variable

hv_disable_animation_group controls the availability of all the nodal vectors (default

setting is "true"). Multiple animation sources are not supported for the d3plot (LS-DYNA), A0*

(RADIOSS), dsy (PAMCRASH), fai (MADYMO) file formats or any H3D files created from

these formats.

For example, Displacement (v) is available for Nastran results, however in addition to Displacement (v), Eigenvector (v), and Shape change (v) are also available for OptiStruct analysis and optimization results.

Scale - The following options allow you to set the scale for the deformation.

Scale factor - Used to multiply the displacement to produce the deformed shape. This option is available for all animation modes.

Model percent - The deformed shape of the model is scaled, so that the maximum deformation of the model is displayed as a specified percentage of the current model size. The model size is the diagonal length of the axis-aligned bounding box which contains all model geometry. This is available for modal and linear static animation modes.

Model units - The maximum value in the results is displayed as the number of model units defined. This option is available for modal and linear static animation modes.

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Type - The following options allow you to select the scaling type that will be used for the deformation.

Uniform - Enter a value in the Value field to multiply the scale factor uniformly to components X, Y, Z and their displacements relative to the selected coordinate system.

Component - Specify different scale factors to different x, y, and z components of displacement. Specify 0.0 to eliminate the movement in the specified direction.

Resolved in:

Once the Deformed shape has been specified, the Resolved in system is selected.

Select the result system in which you want to contour the results. Click the System input collector to select a system by ID.

System options include Global, Analysis, or User-defined. Click the System input collector to select a system by ID.

The available options are:

Global System (proj: none) – Transforms vector and tensor results to the global coordinate system.

Analysis System – Displays vector and tensor results as they are output from the solver.

User System (proj: none) - Transforms vector and tensor results to a user-defined system. This option is available when the results file contains a user-defined coordinate system. Click the System input collector to select a system by ID or pick from the screen. User systems can be FEA coordinate systems, MBD markers, or user-defined tracking systems.

Undeformed shape:

Once the Resolved in has been defined, the options for the Undeformed shape can be set.

Show - sets how the Undeformed shape should be displayed:

None - None of the undeformed shape is shown.

Wireframe - Displays the undeformed shape as a wireframe.

Edges - Displays the edges of the undeformed shape.

Features - Displays feature lines on the undeformed shape.

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Color - The Color of the undeformed shape can also be defined.

Select Component, Mesh Lines, or User.

If you select Component or Mesh Lines, default colors are automatically applied to the undeformed shape.

If you select User, you can click the color button and select a different color for the undeformed shape.

Move with tracking system - The Move with tracking system option can be used.

From the Tracking panel, define a tracking system for the deformed shape.

When you turn on Move with tracking system, the undeformed shape moves with the deformed shape, allowing you to compare the two.

This is useful when you are using a transient simulation.

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2 – Creating Contour of Complex Results

2.1 – Complex Results Introduction

Results in some analysis types come as complex numbers.

A complex number z consists of a real and imaginary part, and can be written (in Cartesian format) as:

z = x + iy


x is the real part of z.

y is the imaginary part of z.

Complex number can also be written in the polar format:


, is the magnitude of z.


, is the phase of z.

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A response of a point under sinusoidal excitation (oscillation) can be described as:

Where , is the angular velocity and t is time. In HyperView, you can select the increment of ωt (called "angle") from the Animation Controls (Animation toolbar) panel.

Click Animation Controls from the Animation toolbar.

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2.2 – Complex Results in HyperView

Complex results are supported in HyperView and can be contoured using the Contour panel.

When a complex result is loaded, HyperView will automatically switch to Set Modal Animation

Mode .

After switching the animation mode to modal, an additional option appears in the Contour panel which allows the users to set the Complex filter.

Contour panel with complex results

The Complex filter selections available are:

mag*cos(ωt-phase) - The response with varying angle or ωt (in degree)

mag - Magnitude (r) of the complex result

phase - Phase (φ) of the complex number

real - Real part (x) of the complex number

imaginary - Imaginary part (y) of the complex number

Results that are complex are shown in the Result type list with a (c) appended to the result name. The other selections in the Contour panel are the same for complex results, as they are for non-complex results.

To view the contour of complex response at certain angle:

Go to the Animation Controls panel, input the angle in the Current angle field and click enter.

To view the contour animation of complex response and plot:

Go to the Animation Controls panel , input the angle increment under Angular

increment field and click .

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Invariants for a complex vector or tensor

Complex results of invariants of a vector (like magnitude of displacement) or a tensor (like von-Mises value of stress) can only be calculated at a specific angle from the response of each components at that angle. For example, complex responses of x, y and z components of displacement are:

For a specific angle ωt, the magnitude of displacement is calculated as:

Note that the response of an invariant is not a complex number. It can only be calculated at a specific angle. When an invariant is selected for modal animation, HyperView calculate the value at each specified angle increment for each response point separately.

Plotting complex curves

You can view the curve plot from the Measure panel.

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3 - Creating Measure of Contour vs. Angle

Another post processing tool that is used for modal analysis results is the Measure panel. Using the Measure panel, the contour value can be plotted vs. angle.

This is done by following these simple steps:

Set the animation mode to the Set Modal Animation Mode, .

Use the Contour panel to create a contour plot of the appropriate data.

Add a measure group with the type set to Elemental/Nodal Contour.

Select the desired node/element and then select Create Curves.

Within the Create Curves… window, select the Live Link option, set the Y Axis to Value and select New Plot or Existing Plot to place the curve on.

In the example below, after setting the animation mode to Modal, the displacement magnitude contour plot is created on the left. Then a Measure Group is added with Nodal Contour as the type of measure. Create Curves is selected and a plot is created of the contour value vs. angle.

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Result Math can also be used to calculate the theoretical maximum vonMises stress value from the Stress tensor.

This is done using the operator scalarextract.

This operator will report a scalar component from the selected Vector or Tensor value.

The default for the reported value is the max value.

Using the scalarextract operator and entering Stress as the table value and vonmises as the component, we can find the theoretical maximum vonMises value.

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4 - Creating Complex & Polar Plots

In addition to XY Plots, HyperGraph 2D can also create Complex Plots and Polar Plots.

This section will take you through how to use the tools in HyperGraph 2D to create a complex plot and then how to create a polar plot.

4.1 - Complex Plots

Complex plots can be created in HyperGraph 2D by selecting the Complex Plot mode from the Plot Types menu:

This then loads the Complex Plot toolbar into HyperGraph. Many items in the toolbar look similar to those found in the XY Plot toolbar. The main difference is that inside the panels they contain the necessary tools to create/edit Complex Plots.

To create complex plots, the Build Plots panel or the Define Curves panel can be used.

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The Build Plots panel can be accessed by clicking on the Build Plots icon from the Complex Plots toolbar or from the menu bar by selecting Curves > Build Plots.

The Build Plots panel creates multiple curves and plots from a single data file. Curves can be overlaid in a single window or each curve can be assigned to a new window.

This is similar to how the Build Plots panel works in the XY Plotting mode.

The Define Curves panel can be accessed by selecting the Define Curves icon from the Complex Plots toolbar or from the menu bar by selecting Curves > Define Curves.

Existing curves can be edited individually and new curves can be added to the current plot using the Define Curves panel. The Define Curves panel also provides access to the program's curve calculator.

Notice how there are two entries for y; either yp/ym for phase/magnitude or yr/yi for real/imaginary. The same is true when you add a new curve. You can either select Add P/M to add a Phase/Magnitude curve or Add R/I to add a Real/Imaginary curve.

Once a Complex Plot has been created, you still have the option to switch whether you are plotting phase/magnitude or real/imaginary.

In the example below, the plot is created first and it contains phase/magnitude data.

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By right clicking in the Graphics Area and selecting Switch to Real/Imaginary, the real/imaginary curves can be created. You can then switch back by selecting Switch to Phase/Magnitude.

Another option available is the Swap Complex Axes Position.

This simply swaps the location of the Phase/Magnitude plots or the Real/Imaginary plots.

Below is an example where the original plot is shown on the left and the plot with the swapped axes is shown on the right:

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4.2 - Polar Plots

Polar Plots can also be created using HyperGraph 2D.

This is done by selecting the Polar Plot mode from the Plot Types menu:

There are three polar plot types supported by HyperGraph: vector, phase vs. magnitude, and radar.

This is set in the Define Curves panel.

Polar plots allow you to plot complex data and are very similar to HyperGraph 2D complex plots. The phase axis for a polar plot is equivalent to the phase axis for a complex plot.

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The mag-axis for a polar plot is equivalent to the magnitude axis for a complex plot.

The key differences are plotted polar coordinates - only a single frequency is displayed.

The polar plot toolbar is displayed when you select HyperGraph 2D from the application menu

and the active window is set to the Polar Plot mode .

Define Tip-to-Tail Panel

Using the Define Tip-to-Tail panel (Curves toolbar) you can calculate and draw the tip-to-tail function based on the current plot. The tip-to-tail function is displayed immediately upon curve selection.

Based on

The Define Tip-to-Tail panel first needs to know what to base the tip-to-tail curve on.

Select Off, All, Displayed, or Selected to determine the curve(s) on which the tip-to-tail function is defined.

Off - No vectors are selected and manual selection of curves is not permitted. No resultant is displayed.

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All - Bases the definition on all curves in the session. Manual selection of curves is not permitted.

Displayed - Bases the definition only on the curves displayed in the window. You can select curves manually. To remove a curve from the calculation process, select the

curve(s) from the Available curves list and click the forward arrow to move the curve(s) to the Exclude column.

Selected - Bases the definition only on the curves that you select from the list.

This refers to the curve in the polar plot window.

Available curves

Lists the available curves in the current session.

All - Click All to select all curves in the list.

None - Click None to deselect all highlighted curves in the list.

Flip - Click Flip to exchange the currently selected curves for the unselected curves in the list.


Lists the curves that you have selected for exclusion from the Available curves list. These curves are not included when defining the tip-to-tail function.

To return a curve back to the Available curves list, select it from the Exclude list and click the

back arrow, .

Display Attributes

Select a curve or curves from the Available curves list and select a line style or line thickness from the color palette to change the display attributes of the selected vector.

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5 - Strain Energy Summation using Result Math

A common post processing needed is to take a result that is element based and sum the values to find the part based value. One typical result that this is done with is strain energy.

This section discusses how to take strain energy values that are element based and use the Derived Results Expression Builder to find the part (or component) based value. This same procedure could be applied to any result type that is element based that you would like to find the part based value of.

First Step

The first step is to load the Advanced Result-Math template into the session. This is done in

the Open Model panel ( ) and selecting the Result-Math template to Advanced.

Second Step

The next step is to contour the model with the appropriate result type. Again, in this example we are interested in summing strain energy values, so the strain energy contour is applied:

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Third Step

Next, in the Results Browser, under the Results > Scalar > Strain Energy folder, the Strain Energy is right clicked on and Create > Derived Result is selected.

This opens the Expression Builder with Strain Energy loaded into the Table value (see below).

For our example, set the Label to PartTotalStrainEnergy and select the Output to All


In the Operator Library, there are many functions available.

Changing the Operator filter so that only the Model operators are shown, we can easily find the operator BCElemToPart.

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The BCElemToPart will take all the element based values and create part based values. Clicking on BCElemToPart also shows the BCElemToPart operator help.

Looking at the BCElemToPart operator help, one of the options is the Aggregation mode which can either be average, sum, min, max, or extreme.

The default option is average.

For the part total strain energy, you want the Aggregation mode to be sum, so that each element value is summed together to get the total value for the part.

Unchecking Hide default arguments and adding the Operator (double click on it) into the Expression field shows all the available options for the operator.

The BCElemToPart operator is then updated so that the first argument is the strain energy (S12) and the Aggregation mode is sum.

The other options are left with their default value.

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Once the derived result is created, in the Result Browser there is now a new result type under the Scalar folder called PartTotalStrainEnergy. Contouring the model with this result shows the total strain energy value within each part.

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6 - NVH Post Processing Utilities

Several tools are available for post processing NVH results. The tools that will be covered in this section include:

Modal/Panel Participation Utility

Order Analysis Utility

Waterfall Plots

6.1 - NVH User Profile

To access the Modal/Panel Participation Utility and Order Analysis Utility within HyperView/HyperGraph, the NVH Preference File needs to be loaded.

This is done by selecting File > Load > Preference File and then selecting the NVH Utilities and selecting Load.

This adds a NVH menu to the menu bar with the Modal/Panel Participation Utility and Order Analysis Utility loaded:

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From the NVH menu, you can select the following options:

Integrated Diagnostics (HyperGraph 2D)

Modal/Panel Participation (HyperGraph 2D)

Grid Participation (for HyperView only)

Energy Distribution (HyperGraph 2D)

Transfer Path Analysis (HyperGraph 2D)

Design Sensitivity Analysis (HyperGraph 2D)

Order Analysis (HyperGraph 2D)

Model Correlation (HyperView and HyperGraph2D)

Please, refer to Online Help to get more details

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6.2 - Modal/Panel Participation Utility

Modal participation represents the complex contribution of a structure or fluid mode to a response. These modes can be systems modes in a modal frequency response analysis, or component modes from CMS superelement subsystems.

Modal participation can be output from a modal frequency response analysis using the PFMODE output request card.

Panel contribution represents the complex contribution of all grids on a structural panel to a response. It can be output from a modal frequency response analysis using the PFPANEL output request card.

Normal modes data can be associated to modal participation results using the Diagnostic Results option on the right-click context sensitive menu of the response plot. Select and load a normal modes data file from the Diagnostic Results dialog and click OK once the data in the file is loaded. A dynamic context sensitive menu item Normal Mode Animation is available from the modal participation bar plot, which when selected, generates a normal modes animation plot.

Response plot - context sensitive menu

Diagnostic Results dialog

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Normal Mode Animation context sensitive menu item accessed from the modal participation

bar plot

In HyperGraph 2D, the NVH Modal/Panel Participation utility allows you to plot modal/panel participation curves from an OptiStruct .h3d file or an MSC Nastran .f06 file.

When you launch HyperGraph 2D, the NVH preferences file is automatically loaded.

However, you must activate the NVH Utilities preferences file before you can use the utility.

The Modal/Panel Participation Utility is used to display and study the modal participation to acoustic and structural responses, as well as the panel participation to acoustic responses. This utility is launched by selecting NVH > Modal/Panel Participation from the menu bar.

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The utility is loaded into the tab area as shown below:

This browser tab contains the following sub-tabs: Load, Display and Study.

It also contains icons for modal participation, , and order cut analysis, .


From the NVH-Utilities tab > Modal/Panel Participation > Load sub-tab, select an OptiStruct .h3d or MSC Nastran .f06 file that you want to plot modal/panel participation data for.

The Load sub-tab loads in the raw data and the results are mathematically manipulated to be ready for display.

NVH-Utilities Browser - Load tab (Modal/Panel Participation)

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From the File selection, Participation results field, pch and f06 files are selected and the Load button is selected to load in the files.

Once the file is loaded, the Result selection is available to investigate the participations.

Subcase - Select an analysis subcase.

Result type - There are 2 results types that are supported:

Modal Participation

Panel Participation

Response ID - Grid ID of the response for which Modal/Panel participation results are available. Select one from the list.

Response label - Enter a label that describes the response.

Direction component - X, Y, or Z.

Result set (optional) -There are 3 options that are supported:

Structure Mode (only for Modal Participation)

Fluid Mode (only for Modal Participation)

Panels (only for Panel Participation)

The plots that are to be created in the next step can be customized using the display options.

Display Options… - a new dialog box is launched.

Within this window there is the option to display or not display the phase in the plot, set the scale for the axis, and set the plot layout.

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Load Response - Once the result selection options are complete, select Load Response to display the file data.


The Display sub-tab provides different options to display the results. There are different methods available for displaying the results.

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NVH-Utilities Browser - Display tab (Modal/Panel Participation)

Bar (default setting) - This allows you to plot modal/panel participations to an acoustic or structural response on a bar chart. The first step is to select a frequency to look at. The frequency value can either be selected using the slider bar or by entering a value in the Specific frequency field. Next, Show highest contrib is set to the highest number of contributors to display. Complex component can either be set to Projected or Magnitude. Projected plots the scalar participation values after the projection to the response. The positive values are in-phase with the response and the negative values are out-of-phase. Magnitude plots the magnitude of the complex participation values. There are the only options available when Bar is selected and additional options are available when a different plot type is selected.

The final option is the Rank by option and the two available selections are Abs of Projected where the contributors are ranked by the area under the curve of the absolute values of their participations projected to the response, and Magnitude where the contributors are ranked by the area under the curve of the magnitude of their participations.

Below is an example where the following options have been set using the Bar plotting option:

Specific frequency: 40

Show highest contrib: 10

Complex component: Projected

Rank by: Abs of Projected

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What this bar chart shows is that the highest contributor comes from Mode 13 with 53.44%. The legend that is created shows the mode, the frequency, and the percentage. The bar chart provides a good way to see the impact of a mode to a response. Other plotting options have different advantages for showing the impact of a mode to a response. Below is a short description of the other 5 options:

Polar - Creates a 2D polar plot of the contributing modes/panels at a specific frequency.

Enter a specific frequency in the Specific frequency field, or use the slider bar to select a frequency value.

When you use the slider bar to select a frequency, a red line is displayed on the response plot and is dragged simultaneously as you drag the slider bar. All other options are similar to those for the Bar plot.

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2D Line - Creates a plot of the modal/panel participations to an acoustic or structural response on a 2D line plot (overlay). Frequency range indicates the available range, based on your PCH or F06 file. Using the From and To fields, you can customize your own frequency band.

Sand Dune - Creates a plot of modal/panel participations to an acoustic or structural response on a Sand Dune plot, in which each contributor’s value is stacked on top of the previous ones, thus generating a distinct color band for easy identification. Frequency range indicates the

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available range, based on your PCH or F06 file. Using the From and To fields, you can customize your own frequency band.

3D Polar - Creates a plot of modal/panel participations to an acoustic or structural response on a 3D polar plot. Frequency range indicates the available range, based on your PFMODE.PCH or .f06 file. Using the From and To fields, you can customize your own frequency band.

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3D Bar - Creates a plot of modal/panel participations to a 3D Bar plot. Frequency range indicates the available range, based on your PCH or F06 file. Using the From and To fields, you can customize your own frequency band.

3D Surface - Creates a plot of modal/panel participations to a 3D Surface plot. Frequency range indicates the available range, based on your PCH or F06 file. Using the From and To fields, you can customize your own frequency band.

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The final sub-tab is Study. This tab allows you to manipulate the result data and see the impact on the response. You can perform a Partial sum or Contributor overlay response study. To enable this option, you must first plot the modal/panel participation curves.

NVH-Utilities Browser - Study tab (Modal/Panel Participation)

The response study section contains the following options:

Frequency range - Indicates the available range, based on your PFMODE.PCH or .f06 file.

Type – Type of response study.

Partial sum study, select a number of contributors to exclude from the response, with an optional percentage to exclude.

Contributor overlay, select specific contributors to overlay with the response.where specific contributors are selected to overlay with the response.

% to Exclude - Optional field that allows you to exclude a percentage of the contributors from the response.

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Select contributor (s) to: - Select the mode/panel or modes/panels that you want to exclude or include in the response study.

Click to select the entire list of contributors.

Click to deselect your current selections.

o Click exchange the currently selected contributors for the unselected contributors.

Show difference curve as - Shows the difference between the original curve and the partial sum curves.

To determine how the difference curve is displayed, select one of the following options from the drop-down menu:

% of Response

Scale same as Response

Below is an example where Mode 13 was excluded. The dark blue curve is the original response and the red curve is the partial sum response. Notice how at 30 Hz the partial sum response has increased, while at 40 Hz it has decreased. From the information provided by this tool, the user would need to decide which frequency is more important.

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6.3 - Order Analysis Utility

Background, engine related noise, and vibration problems are typically linked to engine orders that are harmonic multiples of the engine’s fundamental firing frequency. Understanding the order content of the problem signal is a way to identify the physical phenomenon that is causing the problem. To solve the problem, you can adjust the design parameters to modify the engine operation, which in turn reduces the problem orders.

When you launch HyperGraph 2D, the NVH preferences file is automatically loaded.

However, you must activate the NVH Utilities preferences file before you can use the utility.

From the File menu, select Load > Preference File.

From the Preferences dialog, select NVH Utilities and click Load.

The NVH Order Analysis Utility generates and post-processes engine order related data from a OptiStruct Analysis or Nastran frequency response analysis that contains either RPM-based loading subcases or order-based loading subcases.

This utility is launched by selecting NVH > Order Analysis from the menu bar.

The utility is loaded into the tab area as shown below:

Similar to the Modal/Panel Participation Utility, there are 3 sub-tabs; Load, Display, and Study.

These three sub-tabs operate in the same manner in the Order Analysis Utility (order cut

analysis icon ).

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From the NVH-Utilities tab, Load sub-tab, select a OptiStruct Analysis or Nastran result file to load.

NVH-Utilities Browser - Load tab - Subcase tab (Order Analysis)

File selection - From the Load tab > RPM/Order results field, select a frequency response file containing RPM-based loading subcases or order-based loading subcases and click Load. Once the file is read, subcases from the result file are matched to RPMs, or orders, and can be reviewed in the Subcase identification section, located on the Subcase tab. The NVH-Utility attempts to automatically match the subcases and orders by using text information in the subcase label. If this fails, you must complete the Subcase identification section and click Apply. Once the match is complete, the Order Response tab is displayed and the Result selection fields are populated.

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Result selection - The following fields are available on the Result tab, under Result selection.

Under the Response tab, the Result type, Response ID, Response label, Direction component, and Complex component are selected.

Range selection – The following fields are available on the Order Response tab, under Range selection. Customize the RPM range and Frequency range fields as necessary. Once your selections are complete, you can load the RPM-based response curves to generate a 3D surface plot.

Plot Surface is selected to generate a 3D surface plot (shown below from the Top view).

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Order cuts -After viewing the surface plot, under Order Cuts, the Start, End, and Step fields are used to specify the orders you want to see by cutting the surface plot. The Combine order By option allows you to choose between RSS and Arithmetic Sum to determine how to combine the order curves to construct the overall response. Load Response is then selected to create the orders and order sum response overlay plot.

The default view for this is a 2D Line plot (as shown below).


There are additional views within the Display sub-tab for 3D Surface and Bar; please refer to the online help for additional information on these views.

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From the Study sub-tab, you can perform a Partial sum or Order overlay response study. To enable this option, you must first plot the order analysis curves.

NVH-Utilities Browser - Study tab (Order Analysis)

Notice in the below previous order plot image that the curve for Order 2.0 is very close to the Response curve. Setting the Type to Partial Sum, and Excluding Order 2.0 from the partial sum, the affect this order has on the response can be seen (as shown in the image below).

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6.4 - Waterfall Charts

Hypergraph 3D , one of the applications in HyperWorks Desktop, is a plotting utility that enables you to generate 3D plots of your data. This can be used to generate a 3D line, surface or waterfall plots.

This section will show you how to generate waterfall plots and edit them.

The Waterfall panel can be accessed in one of the following ways:

From the Curves toolbar, click the Waterfall panel icon


From the menu bar, select Curves > Waterfall

The Waterfall panel allows you to create waterfall plots from XY force response data and input pulses. This data must be plotted within HyperGraph prior to creating the waterfall plot.

Funtionality is easily accessible right under the mouse, from user-defined menus, and via standard Windows user interfaces. Any analysis session, including sessions integrated with other HyperWorks applications, can be run as an automation process over and over again for processing new sets of data. The 3-D graphics window is fully dynamic, supporting rotations, panning, and zooms without changing aspect ratios or losing axis labels.

HyperGraph 3D provides a rich tool set for querying 3-D plots. Both planar and surface sections can be passed through 3-D data to generate section cut plots. Other query tools are as easy to use as clicking on the data to view X, Y, Z values.

HyperGraph 3D also supplies features for building and analyzing waterfall data including order calculations, visualization, and plotting orders in XY plots. In addition, HyperGraph 3D contains readers for a variety of 3-D data formats and can generate 3-D plots from mathematical expressions using an extensive math library.

Plot type

The waterfall Plot Type includes the following options:

Frequency - default

Order (scaled) - calculates orders by scaling the frequency value by the input magnitude values.

Order (resampled response) - modifies the time values of the response curve so the FFT returns the order instead of the frequency.

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Order (variable DFT) - Calculates orders by scaling the frequency values by the input magnitude values. Uses a DFT with a varying sample size to ensure a consistent density of points along each waterfall slice.

Once frequency or order is selected, a second drop down is available to select either Time or Input Magnitude. Input Magnitude will plot the frequency/order against the input curve’s magnitude (RPM, RPS, driving frequency, etc).

Data curves

The Data curves includes the following options:

Response - curve is defined by either clicking on the curve selection button, , and selecting the desired curve or by entering the appropriate math reference into the Response field and pressing enter.

Input - The input vector used to generate the response vector is then selected in the Input field. Input field there is an option Input vector is in RPM. Select this option to scale the response curve by 60 to use RPS.

Waterfall slices

The Waterfall slices includes the following option to define slices:

Number - defines the number of samples or slices to take

Step Size - indicates the step size to be used between each sample.

Contour waterfall - option will contour the plot with the value in the Z direction when this option is checked.

Below are examples where the Number of samples was set to 10 (left) and then 100 (right). Notice that there is a great improvement in the display between 10 and 100.

Next the Step Size is varied.

Below is an example where the Step Size goes from 0.01 (left) to 1.0 (right).

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Once the number of slices has been determined, additional parameters related to the FFT are defined under the Parameters heading.

Sample size - This is the number of data points to use in each FFT. The available options are 256, 512, 1024, and 2048.

Window function - For the FFT. There are 6 options available including None, Hanning, Blackman, Hamming, Kaiserparzen, and Welch.

Amplitude type - is set to either FFT or PSD

Weigthing - can be set to None, dB, dB(A), dB(C), or dB(U).

Show all options - check box. When this is selected, additional parameters appear in the panel. This additional information is shown below:

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Exercise 5a - Post Processing a Forced Frequency Response Analysis

This exercise uses the file crank111.op2 as the model and results file.

Step 1: Load the file crank111.op2.

1. Load the …\Model-files\5a-crank\crank111.op2 as the model and result file.

Step 2: Animate the model at different frequencies and used the Deformed panel to better view the deformation.

1. Select Start/Pause Animation to begin animating the model.

To create an animation, HyperView is going to interpolate the displacements coming from the solver from 0 to 360 degrees.

2. To change the Angular increment enter the Animation Controls panel, .

3. The current Angular increment is set to 45. Change this value to 30 and then to 15.

Notice how the animation gets smoother the smaller the Angular increment is.

4. Select the Deformed panel, .

This panel will allow us to apply a scale factor to the deformation so that it can be seen better.

5. Set the Result type to Displacement (v), the Scale to Model percent, the Type to

Uniform, and the Value to 5.

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6. Select Apply.

The displacements are now shown with a uniform scale factor of 5.

7. Within the Results Browser, select the drop down for Frequency and set the current frequency to Frequency= 2.000e+003Hz.

Notice how the animation has changed to frequency selected.

8. Set the current frequency to Frequency= 4.000e+003Hz.

Step 3: Create a Contour plot of Complex Results.

1. Enter the Contour panel by selecting .

2. Set the Result type to Displacement (v) (c) and the component to Mag and then click Apply.

The (c) in the Result type name indicates that the results are complex. The Displacement contours are going through an interpolation of mag*cos(ωt-ϕ) where ωt is the current angle, and ϕ is the phase. The mag and phase values come directly from the solver.

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3. Change the Component value from Mag to X and then click Apply.

Notice that the Complex filter option becomes active and is set to mag*cos(ωt-ϕ).

4. Change the Complex filter to mag and click Apply.

Notice how the model is still animating (deforming) but the contour values aren’t changing. This is because the Complex filter is set to mag. This is a constant value that doesn’t vary with angle.

5. Change the Complex filter to phase, real, and then imaginary.

Again, these are all constant values that do not change with angle.

6. Change the Complex filter back to mag*cos(ωt-ϕ).

Step 4: Create a Measure to visualize how the contour changes at two nodes.

1. Stop the animation by selecting Start/Pause Animation, .

2. Enter the Measures panel by selecting from the Annotations toolbar.

3. Click Add under the Measure Groups to create a new measure.

4. Set the measure type to Nodal Contour.

5. Select any two nodes in the graphics area.

6. Set the Format to Scientific.

7. Select the two nodes in the node list and then click Create Curves….

8. Select the Live Link option, set the Y Axis to Value, and set Place on to New Plot.

9. Click OK.

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10. Return to the Contour panel and set the Complex filter to mag and then click Apply.

11. Click Start/Pause Animation to populate the XY plot with the updated values.

Notice how this plot is a constant value. This is because the Complex filter is set to mag.

12. Within the Contour panel, change the Result type to Stress (t) (c) and the component to vonMises.

Notice how the Complex filter option is greyed out, just like it was when Displacement Mag was selected. This is because this option isn’t available for the invariants that HyperView calculates. If you were to select a component of the invariant (such as XX) this option would be available.

13. Set the Averaging method to Simple and then click Apply.

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14. Return to the Animation Controls panel and change the Angular increment back to 30.

Notice how the maximum value of the curve is no longer the same as it was with an Angular increment of 15. This shows how the maximum value reported is dependent on the Angular increment selected. In the next step we will explore how to calculate the theoretical maximum value.

Step 5: Use Result Math to calculate the theoretical maximum vonMises stress from the Stress tensor.

1. Stop the animation by selecting Start/Pause Animation, .

2. Right click in the Results Browser and select Create > Derived Result.

3. Within the Expression Builder, enter the Label as MaxVonMises.

4. For Table, select Stress.

5. Within the operator listing, with the Operator set to Math, scroll down and click on the scalarextract function.

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6. Read the operator help.

This operator will report a scalar component from the selected Vector or Tensor value. The default for the reported value is the max value. Using the scalarextract operator and entering Stress as the table value and vonmises as the component, we can find the theoretical maximum vonMises value.

7. Double click on scalarextract to add this operator to the Expression

8. Place the cursor within the parentheses, before the comma and select Insert to add the Stress Table.

This adds T1 to the Expression as that is the internal reference to the Stress Table.

9. After the comma add vonmises.

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10. Click OK.

11. Within the Results Browser, expand the Results > Scalar folders and then select the icon before MaxVonMises to create a contour plot of the newly created result.

12. Enter the Contour panel and set the Complex Filter to mag, and the Averaging method to Simple.

13. Click Apply.

14. Click Start/Pause Animation to populate the XY plot with the updated values.

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Step 6: Create new curves within the Measure plot which represent the MaxVonMises value for each node.

1. Return to the Measures panel.

2. Within Measure Group 3, highlight the 2 nodes in the node listing and then select Create Curves…

3. Uncheck the Live Link option, set Y Axis to Value, and Place on to Existing Plot > Window 2.

4. Click OK. Two additional curves are created for the 2 nodes, this time without the Live Link option activated. Currently, the two new curves are overlapping the existing curves in the plot window.

5. Click Start/Pause Animation .

6. Return to the Contour panel and set the Result type to Stress and the component to vonMises.

7. Click Apply. The XY plot is updated and the curves that used the Live Link option are activated. Notice how the Live Link curves do not reach the theoretical maximum values.

8. Enter the Animation Controls panel and change the Angular increment to 15. Notice how the updated curves come closer to the theoretical maximum values.

9. Change the Angular increment to 10 and then 5. Notice how as the Angular increment decreases the curves approach the maximum value. The advantage of being able to calculate the theoretical maximum is that you aren’t relying on the value of the Angular increment. This is especially important when you have large models.

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Exercise 5b - Calculating the Part Total Strain Energy

This exercise uses the files neon_modal_ese.dat as the model and neon_modal_ese.op2

as the results file.

Step 1: Load the files neon_modal_ese.dat and neon_modal_ese.op2.

1. Set the …\Model-files\5b-neon\neon_modal_ese.dat as the model file and

neon_modal_ese.op2 as the result file.

2. Set the Result-Math template to Advanced.

3. Click Apply.

4. Make sure that the animation mode is set to the Set Modal Animation Mode, .

5. Within the Results Browser, expand the Results > Scalar > Strain Energy folders.

6. Select the icon before Strain Energy to contour the model with strain energy.

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7. Enter the Deformed panel by selecting, in the Results toolbar.

8. Set the Result type to Displacement (v), Scale to Scale factor, Type to Uniform, and

Value to 10.

9. Click Apply.

10. Select Start/Pause Animation, , to animate the modal analysis.

Notice how the deformation is exaggerated. This is because a scale factor of 10 was applied to the deformation.

11. Stop the animation.

Step 2: Create a new Derived Result to calculate the Part Total Strain Energy.

1. Within the Results Browser, right click on Strain Energy in the Results > Scalar > Strain Energy folder and select Create > Derived Result.

Notice that Strain Energy is listed in the Table. This is because we right clicked on Strain Energy in the Result Browser to select Create > Derived Result.

2. For Label enter PartTotalStrainEnergy.

3. From the Operator drop down, select Model.

This populates the operator listing with the operators that pertain to elements, part, materials, etc. These were made available by selecting the Advanced Result-Math Template.

4. From the operator listing, click on BCElemToPart.

The operator help is populated with the help for BCElemToPart. This operator takes values that are assigned to elements and assigns them to the attached parts. Notice that the default aggregation mode is to average (avg) the elements. In this example, we want to sum the element values for each part, so we want to set the aggregate mode to sum.

5. Below the operator listing, uncheck the Hide default arguments option.

Now when operator is added to the Expression, all the options will be listed.

6. From the operator listing, double click on BCElemToPart to add the operator to the expression.

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7. Within the BCElemToPart operator in the Expression, place the cursor before the first comma.

8. Select Insert to add the Strain Energy as the first argument to the BCElemToPart operator.

9. Update the second argument from avg to sum.

10. Click OK to create the Derived Result.

Step 3: Create a Contour plot of PartTotalStrainEnergy and then change the Model being displayed.

1. Use the Results Browser to create a contour plot of the PartTotalStrainEnergy (it will be listed under the Scalar folder).

Notice how each part has a single contour value.

2. Also using the Results Browser, change the mode being displayed to Mode #3 Frequency= 2.4772+001Hz.

3. Animate the model.

4. Now change to Mode #5 Frequency= 3.486e+001Hz.

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5. Stop the animation.

Step 4: Use the Advanced Query function to isolate the components that exceed a PartTotalStrainEnergy value of 400.

1. Next, enter the Query panel by selecting in the Results toolbar.

2. Click Advanced… in the lower right corner of the panel.

This opens the Advanced Query Window.

3. Set Apply to to All and Components and then set the Value to >= and enter in a value of


4. Select Apply.

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This finds all the parts with a PartTotalStrainEnergy value of 400 or more. These values are shown in red in the table. Also because the Warning threshold was selected, all values within 85% of 400 are found and reported in blue.

5. Click on the Max Value column header twice.

This sorts the reported values by value.

6. Click on the first reported value in the table. Move the Advanced Query Window to view the graphics window. Notice how the component selected is isolated. This is a quick and easy way to find the components that fail a criterion.

7. Click on other values in the table to see the appropriate components isolated.

8. Click Close to close the Advanced Query Window.

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Chapter 6


This chapter will cover the necessary tools for post processing a crash analysis (transient event).

The topics covered include:

Measures – Distance Between and Position

Section cuts

Vector plots



Exploded views

Synchronizing data

Video/Image overlay

Export deformed shape

Crash Tools for Plotting

Collision detection

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1 - Measures – Distance Between and Position The Measure panel was first introduced in Chapter 3.

This section will focus on how to use the Measure panel to measure the Distance Between two entities and also to measure an entities Position.

Distance Between

By setting the Measure Type to Distance Between, we can measure the distance between two entities over a period of time.

You can measure the distance between either two Nodes or two Systems.

Create a measure using Results browser > Model View + Entity Editor.

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In the example below:

Standard > Entity IDs > Nodes, the right front tire and the right rear tire nodes are selected.

Then the Standard >Items > Select … > Create Curves option was selected.

This opened a new dialog box to set Axis and Live Link option > OK and a curve was created.

This curve has the magnitude as the Y axis and time as the X axis.

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Once the model is animated, the curve is created and plotted:


Setting the Measure Type to Position allows you to measure the X, Y and Z position of a Node or System.

For example, the position of 1 or multiple nodes over a crash event

Set the Measure Group type to Position and select 1 or multiple nodes.

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Using the same model and nodes as in the image above, a Measure Group was created at each node. Notice how in the Graphics Area the X, Y, and Z positions are reported.

Curves are created for each Measure Group as well using the X position as the Y axis and time as the X axis:

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2 - Section Cuts The Section Cut panel allows you to cut planar or deformable sections through a model.

This is useful if you want to see details inside a model.

Create a section cut using Results browser > Model View + Entity Editor.

To access this panel, click the Section Cut icon , on the Display toolbar to display the Section Cut panel.

You can also use the Results Browser > Model View > Create > Section Cut to set the section cut in the Entity Editor.

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The section cuts defined for the current model are listed in the Section Cuts list.

You can add and delete section cuts in the list using the Create and Delete.

The browser allows you to display one or more section cuts.

To create a section cut, you must first define the plane of the section that you want to view.

A plane is defined by using one of the following methods Standard > Type > Section Plane dialog box:

X, Y, or Z Axis: Cuts the model along the designated axis. The base node is optional if you want to specify a certain location to cut the model.

Vectors: Uses a predefined vector.

N1 N2 N3: Defines the normal direction of the cutting plane when nodes are picked on the model for N1, N2, and N3 using the mouse.

Normal to screen: Specify a plane normal to the screen by picking a base node on the model.

Base: Allows you to check the current position of the section cut. Double-click on Base to enter a Base Node ID or enter user-defined X, Y, and Z coordinates.

Once a plane is defined, Standard > Position and Manipulator (drag it with your left mouse button) in the graphic area can be used to examine your model by controlling the position of the section cut.

You can also choose how you want the section cut to be applied to the model. By default, it displays a section cut of the model when the model passes through the plane.

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Display > Deformable allows the sections cut to be deformed, along with the components, during animation.

There are also various display options available for a section cut.

The section cut can be displayed as:

Cross section Only

Cross section Width Widths

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Clip Elements

This will clip the elements that pass through the section cut so that a smooth section cut is shown. Unchecking this option will not clip the elements so that the whole element is shown.

The Section color option allows you to assign a color to the cross section.

The Grid option simply adds a gridline to the section cut.

There are also options for displaying the clipped geometry as:

Feature Lines

Transparency mode

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Cross-Section Measurements and Path Plots

Measures can be defined on the nodes of a cross-section enabling a deeper analysis of the deformation of the section.

Typical applications of measuring values on the cross-section include plotting the position or distance between nodes on the cross-section (as measuring the intrusion shown in the image below).

A distance between measures on the opposing sides of the vehicle B-pillar section shows how close the structure is intruding into the occupant compartment.

The measurement on a cross-section can be helpful in identifying the minimum distance separating the two sides that may not be possible by considering only the mesh nodes.

In addition to making position based measurements on the nodes of a cross section, you can also graph the section or any portion of the continuous segments by defining a node path on the cross-section cuts and cross plotting node X, Y, or Z locations (or the distance between them).

Result variations along a section cut can also be studied by defining a node path along the cut. This helps engineers to assess the variation of a result along a user specified path on a cut section.

For stamping, it is often necessary to validate simulation against test data.

One of the common ways to obtain test data is to cut the stamped part into two pieces and then measure the thickness along the length of the cut.

To be able to compare FEA results against such data, a path needs to be defined along the cut section of the FEA model and must be able to plot a selected FEA results type as illustrated below:

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The nodes on the section cuts are also accessible from the Notes panel to attach any text based annotations to the cross sections.

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3 - Vector Plots The Vector panel allows you to create vector plots that can be used to display any vector data associated to nodes. Examples include displacement, velocity, and acceleration. To access the Vector panel:

Results browser > Result View

Click the Vector button, , on the Results toolbar

From the main menu select Results > Plot > Vector

The Vector panel works in the same way that the Contour or Tensor panels work.

First you must define the Result Type.

For the Vector panel, all results are nodal vector results, and when available the Layers can also be specified.

You can also select the Components that should be shown. Once the Result type and Components are selected, the Selection can be made as Nodes, Elements, or Components.

If a cross section has been created and is active, there will be a Section selection available. When entities are not selected for the Selection, the entire model has the vector plot applied to it.

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The Resolved in system also works the same as in the Contour panel.

Once you have created a vector plot, you can change how the vectors are displayed using the Display tab options.

The Size scaling sets how the vectors are scaled or sized. The three options are Auto, By Magnitude, and Uniform.

Auto: Automatically scales the vector length at approximately 2% of the model size.

By Magnitude: The vector size is displayed relative to the value of the vectors. The Scale value text box allows you to increase or decrease the size according to a scaling value.

Uniform: This displays all vectors in a uniform size. You can increase or decrease the size using the Scale value text box.

The Color by option either shows the vector colored by the Value of the vector or by the Direction. When Direction is selected, the X component is colored red, the Y component is colored green, and the Z component is colored blue.

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The next Display option sets how the vector is displayed. The Vector heads can either be set to None or Arrow and the vector head can either be placed at the vector Tail, Tip, or Center.

The options included in the Plot tab.

The available settings are Resultant or Components. This shows the vectors as either a single resultant vector or the components.

The final option, Show values, allows you to display the vector values in the graphics area.

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The options included in the Legend tab and Result display control options, behave the same as in the Contour panel.

This includes the Plot Styles and accessing the plot styles from the Results Browser.

Once the Selection and Display options have been selected, there are additional options available under the Section tab, where you can select options for projecting the vectors to the cross section plane.

A section cut has been applied to the model: the Selection input collector is set to Sections and the Resolved in system is set to Global

There are two additional options available in the Section tab.

These are Projected and Evenly distributed.

Projected will project the vectors onto the cross section. Below is an example of velocity vectors before and after the projection:

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Evenly distributed will evenly distribute the vectors on the cross section by the specific Number of rows and Number of columns.

Below is an example of the default distribution of vectors and an evenly distributed set of vectors.

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4 - Tracking Systems The Tracking panel allows you to track any entity during animation. When an entity is tracked, the view remains constant with respect to the selected displacements and rotations of that entity. This enables you to view the dynamics of a model as the selected entity remains in the same location.

To access the Tracking Systems:

Results browser > Model View > Create > Tracking System

Click the Tracking icon , on the Results toolbar

Right click in the graphic area

Main menu Results > Create > Tracking System

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HyperView now supports both model based and window based tracking systems.

Tracking systems still belong to a particular model and are still defined using entities from a particular model, however the mode for a tracking system can now be set to either model based or window based.

By default, a newly created tracking system will be model based. To change the mode to window based, activate the Window track option (located on the right side of the panel).

Tracking Systems

The tracking systems defined for the current model are listed in the Tracking Systems list or in the Results > Model View browser.

Tracking systems can be added to the Tracking Systems list (using the Add button) and then defined using a node, plane, component, or system.

Keyboard shortcuts are also available for selecting items within the list:

Press the SHIFT or CTRL key on the keyboard + the left mouse button to select multiple items from the list.

Press the CTRL + A keys on the keyboard to select all items in the list.

Press the DELETE key on the keyboard to delete the selected tracking system(s).

A tracking system is activated, or deactivated, using the radio button.

In addition, you can access the following context menu options by right-clicking anywhere within the Tracking Systems list:

Delete - Deletes the selected tracking system(s) from the list.

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Rename - Displays the Rename dialog, which allows you to rename the selected tracking system.

Make Current - Allows you to select which tracking system will be activated and displayed in the graphics window. This option performs the same action as clicking the radio button "on" next to a tracking system.

You can sort the items in the Tracking Systems list by clicking on the list heading.

If Clear Tracking System is selected, no tracking system will be applied to the model.

Activating the Clear Tracking System option clears the contour, and deactivates all of the tracking systems listed.

A tracking system is associated with a model. When overlaying two models in the same window, you need to define a tracking system for each model for model shape comparison.

Tracking systems from other models in the window will be displayed in the Tracking Systems list provided those tracking systems are "window" based.

For example, the first tracking system (T1) from the first model (M1) will be displayed as M1:T1 in another model's tracking systems list.


The Track options allow you to set the parameters that define a tracking system.

Select an option from the drop-down menu and then define a Node, Plane and Plane type, Component,

The model is animated with respect to the selected entity. A new node, plane, component, or coordinate system can be defined and tracked at any time during animation by picking different nodes or components in the window.

Plane type - This option is activated for Plane tracking systems only!

For tracking systems defined by a Plane, the local axis of the tracking systems can be aligned with any specific global direction by specifying the Plane type (available options are: OXY, OYZ, and OZX). This is useful in situations where the global coordinate system alignment differs from the model coordinate system.

This option allows you to specify the local plane defined by three nodes. The normal vector of the plane is computed by a cross product of planar vectors formed by N1, N2, and N3:

The first node (N1) always defines the Origin of the local coordinate system (the tracking system).

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The direction from the first node (N1) to the second node (N2) defines the local axis. Use the Plane type drop-down menu to select one of the following:

o OXY - X-axis

o OYZ - Y-axis

o OZX - Z-axis

The third node (N3) lies in the plane of interest.

Input Collector - The input collector allows you to select, or change, the entities which will be used to define the tracking system. You can do this by picking entities directly from the screen or by clicking the Nodes, Components input collector.


Use the check boxes to select which displacements remain fixed within the window.

Global X - locks the view to the X position of the selected entity as it moves. The entity appears to remain stationary along the global X direction during animation.

Global Y - locks the view to the Y position of the selected entity as it moves. The entity appears to remain stationary along the global Y direction during animation.

Global Z - locks the view to the Z position of the selected entity as it moves. The entity appears to remain stationary along the global Z direction during animation.

For example, selecting Global X locks the view to the X position of the selected entity as it moves. The entity appears to remain stationary along the global X direction during animation. Entities can also be tracked with respect to rotation. This is done by activating the Lock rotations check box to lock the rotation movement of the selected entity.


Entities can be tracked with respect to rotation. Activate the Lock rotations check box to lock the rotational movement of the selected entity.

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Window track

Activate this option to change the tracking system mode from "model" based to "window" based. Window based tracking systems from other models in the window will be displayed in the current model's tracking systems list (provided the current model also contains window based tracking systems).

For example, the first tracking system (T1) from the first model (M1) will be displayed as M1:T1 in another model's tracking systems list. The entity definition for other models cannot be changed, however other properties of the tracking system can be changed (even though they are not part of the current model).

A tracking system will be removed from another model's tracking systems list whenever the Window track option is deactivated (changing the mode from "window" based back to "model" based).

Once a tracking system is created, the Use Tracking System option will become available on other panels. For example, this option is available in the Contour panel. This allows you to create a contour plot with respect to this tracking system. Below is an example with and without a tracking system in a contour plot:

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5 - Tracing System, component, and node entities can be traced during animation. Line tracing for metal forming can also be performed by selecting nodes directly on the model or by importing a trimmed line definition. When an object is traced, an outline of the object is left behind at certain intervals along the path of motion.

To access the Tracing:

Click the Tracing icon , on the Annotations toolbar

Main menu Annotations > Tracing

You can trace nodes, components, systems and line by selecting one of the following Trace options: Node, Component, System or Line. Select the entity you want to trace By ID using the input collector or by picking them from the screen.

The selected entities are displayed in the list box below the input collector.

You can remove highlighted entities from the list by clicking on the Delete button.

You can also trace lines by activating the Line option, under Trace, and selecting either nodes or a trimmed line definition file as the line source.

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The image below shows a couple of examples.

Once the entities are selected, the Tracing mode is defined.

When From first step is selected, the selected entities are traced starting at the first step to the current step as the model is animated.

For components, an outline of the selected entities is left behind at each time step.

The traced path is erased when the animation starts over.

If you are tracing nodes or systems, a line is drawn to illustrate the traced entities.

When All steps is selected, all steps of the selected entities are traced.

The final option, Last, restricts the traced path to the last user-specified time steps before the current step.

This gives the appearance that the path is following the selected entities.

Finally, the Display options are set. This allows you to se the Color and Thickness of the trace (except when component is selected).

Move with tracking system allows the trace to move along with entities relative to an active tracking system.

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6 - Exploded View The Exploded View panel allows you to explode a model or selected components for improved visualization.

You can then continue to select entities and perform post-processing procedures on the exploded model.

Multiple explosions can be saved as part of a session file (*.mvw file) to be used later for design review or presentations.

To access the Exploded View:

Click the Exploded View icon , on the Visualization toolbar

By default there are two options available in the Explosions listing; Clear Explosion and Automatic Explosion.

When Clear Explosion is selected, no explosion is applied on the model.

When Automatic Explosion is selected, the explosion is applied to the entire model using pre-defined settings for center of gravity, direction, and magnitude.

Below is an example of the Automatic Explosion:

The explosions defined for the current model are listed in the Explosions list.

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Customized explosions can be added and deleted using the Add and Delete buttons.

The radio buttons allow you to select which explosion will currently be displayed in the graphics window.

You can also select multiple explosion(s) and click the Delete button, in order to delete the selected explosions from the Explosions list.

To create a custom explosion, the Components to be included in the explosion need to be selected under Selection.

Then the Mode needs to be selected to determine the origin and orientation of the explosion:

Translate allows you to define the direction and distance (measured in model units) of the model translation.

Explode from model center sets the origin of the explosion at the model center

Explode from selection center sets the origin at the center of the selected component.

For both, the orientation of the explosion is defined using the Scale factor.

o The Scale factor can either be set to Uniform (all 3 directions translated uniformly) or Component (each direction can be translated a specified distance). Below is an example where a single component is exploded:

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Finally, to translate the components in the explosion, is selected.

This moves the model explosion in (-) and out (+) based on the mode and distance (measured in model units) or the designated scale factor.

There are two final options; Auto fit and Reset.

When Auto fit is activated, each time an explosion is added or deleted, the view is adjusted so that the exploded model fits in the window. If this option is not selected, the view is not adjusted and parts of the model could move out of the window.

Reset simply returns the components to their default locations.

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7 - Synchronizing Data and Windows The data obtained from a solver is generally on a different time scale than that of videos captured while prototype testing.

In order to correlate the two, it is essential to bring them both to the same time scale and then apply the necessary changes so that they can be synchronized and studied together.

This chapter outlines the procedure on how to synchronize data obtained from a solver to that of video captured while actual testing.

Synchronizing Data

To access the Synchronize Animation:

Tools menu > Synchronize Animation to display the dialog

Visualization toolbar > Animation Controls icon > Time Scales… button

Click the Image Planes icon , on the Annotations toolbar

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The Synchronize Window Animation dialog allows you to synchronize the animation, plot, and video windows on a page by applying appropriate scaling and offset values.

This tool is useful for synchronizing windows that contain animation results in different units and/or begin at different time steps.

Each window in the current page is listed in the Synchronize Window Animation dialog.

The slider bar represents the global time line for all windows. It reflects all window time frames regardless of whether they are active or inactive. Each time frame is a subset of the range represented on the slider bar.

Current time displays the current slider bar setting.

Synchronize Window Animation slider bar

There are two methods you can use to synchronize multiple animations:

Using the slider bar

Use the slider bar to specify a time for all active Time A and Time B fields.

When the desired value is displayed in a specific field, click the lock button to set the value. After all fields have been defined, click Apply to automatically calculate and synchronize the animations.

When you click Apply, the scale factors for the time values for each window are automatically calculated. The scale factor is calculated by subtracting Time A from Time B for each window. The end result is all the frames specified for Time A will appear at the same time during the animation. Similarly, all frames for Time B will appear at the same time. All other frames will be scaled accordingly.

In this mode, you cannot enter data in the Scaling and Offset fields. They are used for reference only.

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Editing scaling and offset

o Scaling - Multiplies the total running time of the animation by the specified amount. The animation is then scaled to run within the new time boundaries. An animation file that runs from 0 to 10 seconds scaled by a factor of 2 runs from 0 to 20 seconds. Likewise, if the scale factor is 0.5, the animation is adjusted to run from 0 to 5 seconds.

o Offset - Specifies how long to wait before animating the corresponding window. When the page reaches the specified time value, animation starts in the delayed window.

o T1-T0 - Allows you view the time scale before the scale factor is applied (for reference only).

o Scaled T1-T0 - Allows you view the time scale after the scale factor is applied (for reference only).

The check boxes in the animate column allow you to select the animations to be included in the synchronization. You can select all or select none of the animations, as well as reverse the current selection.

Master Animation

One of the animations listed in the Synchronize Window Animation dialog can be selected as the master animation with which all other animations will be synchronized.

The time scale assigned to the master frame skips steps that are not relevant.

An activated radio button indicates which window contains the master time frame and the Master check box designates that the master window should be used to synchronize all the windows in the list.

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Synchronizing Windows

The Synchronize Windows feature allows you to manipulate the view matrix of multiple models in multiple windows at the same time.

To access the Synchronize Animation:

Page Controls toolbar > Synchronize Windows icon

Start/Set Synchronization

The Synchronize Windows dialog allows you to set the synchronization settings and begin the synchronization.

Synchronized Windows dialog

The number of available windows on the current page is represented by colored rectangles (which are arranged in the same page/window layout), and the active window is also displayed.

By default, all windows are displayed in the current graphics window background color, indicating that these windows are active for view synchronization. You can click on each of these rectangles (which represent a page window) to exclude it from the synchronization. The background color of the window will change to the same color as the dialog for all windows that are excluded.

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Synchronized Windows dialog with three excluded windows

To include a currently excluded window, simply click on the rectangle again (and the background color will change back to the current graphics window background color).

The Synchronize Windows dialog remains on top until you click OK, or close it. All activated windows will synchronize the view with the active one. You can now use keyboard shortcuts and also the 3D view controls to move (rotate, zoom, etc.) the model. Models in the linked windows will rotate or obey the same view upon applying view actions. If a selected window is a plot, text, or video window, then it is ignored.

Changes to the window, page, and window layout (for example, adding new windows or pages) can still be made while the view synchronization is running. If a new page is added using the add page or cut/copy/paste options, and the synchronized view mode was "on" prior to the addition, then the new page (and all the windows in that page) will be linked by default - until the mode is changed or stopped.

Stop Synchronization

Stops the synchronization across all windows/pages.

To stop the view synchronization click on the active Synchronize Windows icon on the Page Controls toolbar.

Note: No pop-up dialog is associated with this option.

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8 - Overlaying Images and Videos The Image Plane tab allows you to select and overlay images (such as company logos, watermarks, etc.) or videos in the graphics area for correlation and presentation purposes. Static positioning of these images with the model is available, as well as synchronization of the videos with HyperView model animations.

Multiple images and videos can be loaded into HyperView, and each of these can be edited in the Image Plane tab.

It is possible to load static images and video files at the same time (AVI, PNG, BMP, etc.) interchangeably on the image planes.

The image planes can be 2D or 3D:

o A 2D image plane places the media in the graphics area as a foreground or background to the models that are loaded.

o A 3D image plane embeds the media in the model space so that when the model view is rotated or panned, the related media will also change correspondingly. This is particularly useful for correlating simulation with multiple videos or static images that are captured with various views.

Example model with 2D and 3D Image Planes

To access the Image Planes:

Click the Image Planes icon , on the Annotations toolbar

Results Browser > Model View > Create > Image Plane

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Image Plane tab

The width of the entire Image Plane tab can be resized to adjust for the image/video resolution. To resize the width of the browser, click on the vertical line which separates the tab from the graphic display area and drag and release the mouse button when the width is the desired size.

You can save, and later restore, the settings of image planes (position and orientation with a given model) by saving your work session as a Session File.

To enable comparison of multiple sets of simulation results with each other, or against various physical test data, Report Templates will accept the image/video files as parameters for every instance of comparison.

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This is useful for comparing the test and simulation results, as well as comparing across variants of a design.

In addition, you can use the Apply Style To option to apply a 2D or 3D Image Plane to multiple windows.

This has the effect of copying the image planes from the source window to all the target windows that require the image planes.

A background image like a company logo or a test video positioned in one animation window can be quickly copied to all relevant animation windows using the Apply Style option.

H3D Export is also supported for static images.

All image planes that contain background or foreground, as well as 3D planes, will be embedded in the H3D file for visual display in HyperView Player.

Only static images are supported at this time.

The main Image Plane tab options and sub-tabs that are available are dependent on the type of image plane selected:

2D Image Planes

3D Image Planes

2D Image Planes

The 2D Image Plane tab is primarily used for displaying static images and videos in the foreground or background of the graphics window. The image planes can be stacked on top of each other, or against the model. To accommodate multiple media files in the graphics to be clearly visible, the 2D image planes can be resized and positioned in the graphics area. Various image processing filters and transparency settings allow you to adjust the media visibility to achieve a desired effect.

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Select the 2D option from the Type drop-down menu to display the 2D Image Plane tab.

2D Image Plane tab

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A Label is then entered which is used to reference the image plane in the Results Browser. Labels can also be updated using the Rename option on the Results Browser context menu. Then the file containing the image is selected in the File field.

Many file types are supported including JPEG, TIF, BMP, AVI, and AMF (please refer to the online help for a full listing of the supported file types).

Once the file is loaded, the image is shown in both the Image Plane tab > Viewing Area and the graphics area.

The Crop tool allows you to crop an image so that only a desired portion of the media can be seen in the graphics window. The content that is displayed in the image plane is controlled by what is cropped. Click the Crop icon to activate the crop tool inside the Image Plane tab viewing area, and use your mouse to select the crop area (a rectangle which defines what part of the image you want to keep). The image in the graphics area will be updated immediately upon release of the mouse button, however the image in the Image Plane tab viewing area will remain unchanged. Click the Crop icon again to deactivate the Crop tool. Right-clicking on the Crop icon resets the crop tool and draws the full picture in the image plane.

The other tools in the viewing area include the Zoom tool . This tool allows you to zoom the image in the Image Plane tab viewing area in or out. Left-click on the Zoom icon to zoom in on the image, or right-click on the image to zoom out. The current zoom percentage is displayed to the Zoom field. You can also manually enter a zoom percentage directly into the Zoom field. The Zoom tool does not have an affect on the image in the graphics area. The size of the image in the graphics area is controlled by the graphical manipulator. To resize the image in the graphics area, simply left click on one of the corners of the image and drag the corner to resize the image.

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There is also a Time Scales tool. Click this button to display the Synchronize Window Animation dialog, which allows you to synchronize windows that contain animation results in different units and/or begin at different time steps. Both model and video animations will be displayed in this dialog. The Time Scales option is only valid for use in the Transient animation mode.

Sync Mode - The drop-down menu allows you to adjust the scale used to synchronize the video time scale with the animation by selecting one of the following options:

Manual - The default setting in which no changes or adjustments are made. The mode will automatically return to Manual whenever you manually update the scale.

Length - Adjusts the scale so that the video starts and finishes at the same time as the animating model.

Framerate - Adjusts the scale so that the video and model play at the same speed. In other words, during animation the index of the video frame will correspond with the index of the animation frame.

Length and Framerate adjustments can be seen in the row of the image plane file and the column labeled Scaling in the Synchronize Window Animation dialog. The time scales for the video are automatically adjusted whenever the Sync Mode is changed from Manual to Length or Framerate, or when switching between the Length and Framerate modes. The Manual mode simply retains whatever is the last setting of the time scales.

To undo any Sync Mode adjustments, you can manually change the scale or click the Reset button in the Synchronize Window Animation dialog.

Adjusting the scale of any image plane will have an effect on the overall speed of the animation.

Sync Model - The automatic sync modes of Length and Framerate are dependent on the animating frames of the model to which they are referenced. If more than one model is present in the animation window, you can choose the reference model from the Sync Model drop-down menu. The scales are adjusted based on the number of frames in the selected model to synchronize the video.

Each image plane has a mode set for synchronization and depending on the mode, a reference model to sync with. No model reference is available when the Sync Mode is set to Manual. If a model that is referenced by an image plane is deleted, the Sync Mode will be set back to Manual.

The Sync Mode and the model to which an image plane is referenced, Sync Model, are rightly propagated when the information is copied to other windows in a session using the Apply Style or Copy/Paste operations.

At the bottom of the Image Plane tab there are additional sub-tabs available.

For 2D Image Planes, these tools include Anchor, Display Options, Z-Stack, and Filter.

Anchor allows you to select or change the location of the image plane relative to the graphics area. The options available are listed below:

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The Reset option will return the image/video in the graphics area to the state when it was originally loaded.

In addition to the Anchor tools, the graphical manipulator can be used to reposition the image/video. In the lower left corner of the image there is a 2D manipulator (shown above in the Altair image). Each arrow can be freely dragged along a straight line. The entire rectangular area will be translated accordingly, while its size and shape will remain the same. The square handle can also be dragged on the plane of the area to reposition the rectangular area for any in-plane movements.

The Display Options sub-tab allows you to control how the image or video is displayed on the image plane and in the graphics area. There are four options available.

When Maintain aspect ratio is activated the aspect ratio of the image will be maintained while the image is being manipulated by the graphical manipulator. When Stretch is activated, the image will be stretched to fill the graphics area. Backface visibility is only available for 3D Image Planes. Transparency allows you to control the transparency of the image plane using the slider bar. This is particularly useful for applying watermarks onto the graphics area, as well as controlling the visibility of the stacked images.

The Z-Stack sub-tab is used to control the stacking order of all of the image planes and the model. The arrows located on the right side of the dialog can be used to move the items up and down the list. The item at the top of the list will be placed on the foreground with the other items

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are placed in the background (based on their order in the list). The analysis model loaded is represented by <<MODEL>> in the list. Other image planes are listed with their Label.

The final sub-tab is Filter. This sub-tab contains tools allowing for certain colors can be filtered out, and the media can be enhanced by applying the appropriate filters and pixel mapping algorithms. Please refer to the online help for a complete listing of the available features in this sub-tab.

Above, the options have been set so that the color white is removed from the image.

This makes the Altair logo appear to have a transparent background. In order to remove all of the color white, the Type has been set to ColorAlpha, the Pixel mapping has been set to Linear2, the Mode has been set to GreaterThan, and the Color white has been selected.

This just leaves the lighter grey surrounding the letters and removes the white from the image:

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3D Image Planes

The 3D Image Plane panel is primarily used for positioning the static images and videos in the model space.

A 3D image plane embeds the media in the model space so that when the model view is rotated or panned, the related media will also change correspondingly.

This is particularly useful for correlating simulation with multiple videos or static images that are captured with various views, as in correlating a crash test video or a drop test captured from different angles.

Each of the views can be positioned with respect to the model in 3D space such that the view of the model is tied to an image plane for best correlation.

The 3D image planes that are embedded in model space can be incrementally adjusted to match the model dimensions.

In addition to using the 2 Point and 3 Point alignment modes for scaling the image planes to the model size, the image planes now allow minor adjustments to the rectangular plane by the sizing manipulators available on the periphery.

This helps in making small size adjustments without necessarily going through picking alignment and scaling points again.

Small changes to plane orientations can of course be adjusted by the tripod manipulator attached to the image planes.

Also, once the scaling and view alignment of the 3D image plane is accomplished, the plane can be moved in or out of the model to match with any section cut views.

As the 3D image plane is scaled in the model space, the measurements applied on the model are valid for the media as well, and are thus no longer dependent on the accuracy of picking points based on the pixel resolution.

This provides a close to accurate measurement in film analysis tasks.

With appropriate image processing filters, a good correlation (or the lack thereof) can be determined easily with 3D planes.

In addition, an image plane can be tied to a model, so that any tracking system based deformations are considered on the media as well.

The tracking mode is extended to reference points on the video as well, so that the image plane's relative position to the model is maintained.

See the Model tab section (below) for additional details.

Select the 3D option from the Type drop-down menu to display the 3D Image Plane tab.

Many of the options available when for 2D image planes are also available for 3D image planes.

When the Type is set to 3D, additional options are added.

There is a new sub-tab named Alignment that is added. Here the inputs required for scaling and aligning of the image plane with respect to the model are entered. The available options allow you to align the image plane in 3D space with respect to the models. The alignment uses a simple two or three point input scheme for scaling the image plane to the model size and orienting it in the appropriate view.

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3D Image Plane tab

For example, to align a video file and a model file of a crash event, you might choose to select the center point of two tires to align the two.

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First the Alignment mode would be set to 2 Point, and then the appropriate Plane would be selected to align the model and video in. Then the two reference points for the model (N1 and N2) would be selected and then the two reference points for the video file (IN1 and IN2) would be selected.

Within the Display Options sub-tab, the Backface visibility option is available. When this option is activated the backside of image plane regardless of the image plane orientation is always

shown. Also, the Cull angle option is added. This option allows you to adjust the fading of the image (using the slider bar). The combination of settings within the Transparency, Backface visibility, and Cull angle options allow you to effectively control the manner in which the media is displayed on the image plane (with model rotations and pan) without obscuring important details.

The final sub-tab added is the Model sub-tab. This allows you to associate an image plane with a tracking system. This option is only applicable if a tracking system has already been added to a model. When a model is selected the tracking behavior of any associated model based tracking systems will be applied to the image plane. This is useful for studying the deformation motion with the tracking system applied (provided that there is no out of plane rotation in the video).

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Also with the 3D image plane is the 3D graphical manipulator.

The 3D manipulator allows you to make incremental adjustments to the rotating plane or move the image plane in 3-D space.

This manipulator is created based upon the nodes specified using the 2 Point node input collector (N1N2 and IN1IN2) or the 3 Point node input collector (N1N2N3 and IN1IN2IN3). Each arrow can be freely dragged along a straight line. The arc handle connecting arrows can also be grabbed to allow rotation of the arrows and the image plane. In addition, the square handles connecting arrows can be freely dragged in space for planar translations to modify the location of the image plane.

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9 - Exporting a Deformed Shape The Export Deformed Shape feature allows you to export the deformed shape as follows:



OptiStruct Analysis/Nastran



These files can be read into a pre-processor, such as HyperMesh, or into a CAD tool to view the deformed geometry.

To access the Export Deformed Shape:

Menu bar File > Export > Solver Deck

This utility writes out unscaled coordinated only. If scaled coordinates are needed, use the Linear Superposition utility to create a subcase, and then use this utility to export the deformed shape (with scaled coordinates).

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10 - Crash Tools for Plotting This section will cover the Vehicle Safety Tools available in HyperGraph 2D as well as some of the basic information for creating a bar chart. These are two common plotting tools that are used for post processing crash results.

10.1 - Vehicle Safety Tools

The Vehicle Safety Tools (VST) is a collection of over 200 macros, Templex functions, and external functions for use by a vehicle safety engineer. The toolkit contains many basic curve operations, current injury assessment mechanisms, and several additional data transformation features. After opening the VST file, seven new menus that contain the macros and functions are displayed: Math, Filter, Units, Injury, Misc, Transforms, and Safety Tools.

To load the Vehicle Safety Tools

File > Load > Preference File from the menu bar. Then within the Preferences dialog, select Vehicle Safety Tools and click Load.

The VST macros and functions can also be accessed from the Macro list on the Plot Macros

panel in addition to the menu bar.

The parameters associated with the selected macro or function are displayed in the Parameters list. Before executing some macros and functions, you may need to enter additional parameter information. When you execute a plot macro or function by clicking Apply, the macro or function uses the parameters to create curves and notes within the session. Undo reverses the implementation of the plot macro.

See Plot Macros for more information on working with macros.

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Below is a brief description of each menu. For a full description of the menu items, please refer to the online help.

Math Menu

The vehicle safety tools' Math menu allows you to perform basic math operations on one, two, or three curves at a time. The operations include curve addition and multiplication and resultants, for example. The start, end, or sample frequency of the various curves is not an issue - the VST automatically crops and samples the input curves as needed. The curves must be using the same units, in most cases.

The Math menu contains three secondary menus: one curve, two curves, and three curves.

Filter Menu

The vehicle safety tools' Filter menu provides curve filtering functions, including Butterworth, FIR, and a new SAE 1995 that are not available to regular HyperGraph 2D users. Filtering requires the time unit of seconds. You must convert your data to seconds before applying a filter.

Units Menu

The vehicle safety tools' Units menu allows you to convert to/from common unit sets. It is often necessary to convert data when comparing disparate sources (for example test vs CAE). This menu provides a simple and fast way to convert one or many data curves simultaneously. All conversion constants are displayed for you to review before applying the conversion.

The Units menu contains secondary menus. From each menu, you can convert various units of measure.

Injury Menu

The vehicle safety tools' Injury menu offers calculations for all known injury assessment tools. Each of the assessments may be used to generate either a note or a curve at your discretion. The assessments clearly indicate the required units for input data. If your data does not match the required input, you can use the Units menu to convert the data or, optionally, supply conversion factors directly to the input.

Misc Menu

The vehicle safety tools' Misc menu provides some functions that are not commonly used. For example, you can simulate a bar chart or histogram using this menu.

Transforms Menu

The vehicle safety tools' Transforms menu provides several functions to calculate running statistics, regressions, FFTs, etc.

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10.2 - Bar Charts

The Bar Chart toolbar is displayed when you select HyperGraph 2D from the application menu

and the active window is set to the Bar Chart mode, .

Select an application from the menu

Plot type options

Most of the panels available for plotting bar charts are similar to the ones available for XY plotting, although there are a few differences.

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Define Curves

The Define Curves panel allows you to edit existing bar charts individually and add new bar charts to the current plot. The panel also provides access to the application's curve calculator.

Define Bars panel with values as a data source enabled

The curve list displays the names of all the bar charts in the active window.

The Cut, Copy, Paste, and Add buttons under the bar chart list are used to maintain the bar chart list for the active window. Bar charts can be copied and pasted into other bar chart windows or within the current bar chart window. Bar charts can be also be added and deleted from the list, and they can be renamed.

Individual bar charts can be turned on or off. To turn a bar chart off, select the bar chart from the window and deactivate the Series check box next to the bar chart name. To turn a bar chart on that was turned off, activate the Series check box.

Data Sources

Bar charts are comprised of data and categories. Data can be read from an external file, defined as a mathematical expression, or entered as values. A label identifies categories and tic marks are used to separate them from other categories. If there are more data points than there are categories, the application adds blank categories to accommodate the extra data points.

If Values is selected as the source (as shown above), the Values table is displayed, allowing you to directly enter data point values.

The bar chart display is divided into Categories. Categories can be renamed by selecting a cell, typing a new name, and clicking Apply.

You can have more than one bar series in each category. Data point values can be entered directly into the Curve column in the Values table. Enter numbers in the Curve columns and click Apply.

After adding a curve to the Curve list, a Curve column is displayed next to the Categories column.

By default, a new curve is named Curve 1, Curve 2 etc. If you change the name of the bar chart curve in the Curve list, the heading for the Curve column in the Values table also changes.

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10.3 - Collision Detection

The Collision Detection panel can be used to perform collision interference checking. It allows you to define a collision set, select components (parts) in the collision set, and then detect penetration between two groups. The ability to define multiple collision sets allows you to quickly perform design reviews.

To access the Collision Detection panel:

Tools toolbar > Collision Detection

Tools > Collision Detection from the menu bar.

The options within the panel allow you to add collision sets and define the properties of each set individually.

Collision Sets

The collision sets defined for the current model are listed in the Collision Sets list. You can add or delete collision sets using the Add and Delete buttons. You can also select multiple collision sets and click the Delete button, in order to delete the selected collision sets from the list.

Keyboard shortcuts are also available for selecting items within the list:

Press the SHIFT or CTRL key on the keyboard + the left mouse button to select multiple items from the list.

Press the CTRL + A keys on the keyboard to select all items in the list.

Press the DELETE key on the keyboard to delete the selected collision set(s).

A collision set is activated, or deactivated, using the radio button.

In addition, you can access the following options by right-clicking anywhere within the Collision Sets list:

Delete - Deletes the selected collision set(s) from the list.

Rename - Displays the Rename dialog, which allows you to rename the selected collision set.

Make Current - Allows you to select which collision set will be activated and displayed in the graphics window. This option performs the same action as clicking the radio button "on" next to a collision set.

You can sort the items in the Collision Sets list by clicking on the list heading.

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Activating the Clear Collision Detection option clears the contour for the collision detection results, and deactivates all of the collision sets listed.

Each collision set is defined by two groups, A and B. A group can contain more than one component.


The Components input collector allows you to select the components that you want to add to the existing groups. Once the components are selected, click the appropriate Add to Group button to add the component to a specific group.

Once a Collision Set is added, Components are selected and added to either Group A or Group B. The components in each group will be listed in the tree structure to the right of the Selection. Individual components in each group can be deleted from this tree.

Delete - Allows you to delete selected components, which are displayed in the groups list box, from a group.


Check Enable proximity checking to allow the objects to be detected at the distance specified in the Minimum Distance field. For example, if you enter 10 for Minimum Distance, the objects are considered to be in the proximity when they are within 10 units of each other. Objects that are detected to be within a defined proximity will be displayed in the color yellow.

If Enable proximity checking is unchecked, the objects will collide at their actual collision point and will be displayed in the color red.

Show result by

Elements - Contours the results using elements. The color display will show on all violated elements.

Components - Contours the results using components. The color display will show on all violated components as a solid color.

Apply is selected to apply the selected settings.

Once the Collision Set has been defined, the collision can be animated using the Start/Pause Animation button on the Animation toolbar.

Animation event

These options allow you to define how the objects animate with respect to the collision point.

Ignore Collisions - Continuous animation, which ignores the collision point.

Stop on Collision – Animation stops when a collision is detected

Stop on Proximity Violation - Animation stops when a defined proximity violation is detected.

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It saves a summary file containing each node that collided at each time frame. This summary helps you to determine which components failed the check.

Below are three images illustrating the Collision Set which has been defined with Group A being the cab of the truck and Group B being the bed of the truck.

The first image represents the two components before a collision has been detected; notice that both components are blue.

The second image is when there is a collision between the two components and the results are being shown by Components. Notice how both components are colored red.

The third image is at the same timestep as image two where a collision has been detected, but the results are shown based on the Elements.

In this image, only the elements that colliding are colored red and the rest are blue.

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Exercise 6a - Post Processing Crash Analysis Results

This exercise uses the files truck.key and d3plot as the model and result file.

Step 1: Load the truck.key and d3plot file.

1. Set the Load model file to …\Model-files\6a-truck\truck.key.

2. Set the Load result file to …\Model-files\6a-truck\d3plot.

3. Click Apply to import the model and result file.

Step 2: Use the Results Browser to create a contour plot and set the current time step.

1. In the Results Browser, expand the Results >Vector > Displacement folders.

2. Select the icon to the left of Mag to contour the model with the Displacement Magnitude result.

3. From the Time step drop down, select Time = 0.009997.

This sets the current time step to 0.009997.

Step 3: Use the Results Browser to Create a Section Cut.

1. From the Results Browser > Model View, right click and select Create > Section Cut.

This will create a new Section Cut and will open the Section Cut properties in the Entity

Editor section. By default, a Section Cut is created that is normal to the Y-Axis.

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2. From the Results Browser > Model View, select Section1, right click and select Show Manipulator.

Drag the manipulator along Y axis to change the section Position and Base plane.

3. Under Display options, change the Cross Section Width of the Cross Section using the scroll bar to the right.

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4. Hide Displacement (Mag) contour using Result Browser > Result View. Set on the Display > Cross Section Only option and set on the Display > Feature Lines.

5. Set on the Display > Transparency option.

6. Within the Results Browser > Model View, expand the Section Cuts folder.

7. Turn on/off the display of the grid by selecting next to Section 1 or from the Entity

Editor > Display > Grid (uncheck the flag)

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8. Turn off the display of the Section Cut by selecting next to Section 1 or from the Entity

Editor > Standard > Visibility (uncheck the flag)

Step 4: Use the Measure panel to create a Measure Group for the Distance Between two nodes.

1. From the Results Browser > Model View, right click and select Create > Measure.

This will create a new Measure and will open the Measure properties in the Entity

Editor section. By default, a Section Cut is created that is normal to the Y-Axis.

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2. Under Standard options, set the Type > Distance Between.

This option will measure the distance between two selected nodes.

3. With the Standard > Entity IDs > Nodes entity selector active, select any node on the bumper of the truck and then any node on the hood of the truck.

This measures and displays the distance between the two nodes at the current timestep.

4. Uncheck the Global > Transparency option to better view the node ids and reported measure.

5. Go to Standard > Items > Select… and click on click Create Curves….

This opens the Create Curves dialog where you can set the parameters for a curve.

6. Select Live Link, for Y Axis select Magnitude and for Place on select New Plot.

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7. Click OK.

This creates a second window with a new plot that represents the distance between the two selected nodes over the simulation time.

8. Select the Start/Pause Animation button ( ) to update the Measure Group Curve.

9. Click Start/Pause Animation again to stop the animation.

Step 5: Use the Vector panel to create a vector plot on the right rear wheel.

1. In the Results Browser, expand the Results >Vector > Displacement folders.

2. Select the icon to the left of Mag to contour the model with the Displacement Magnitude result.

Within the Results toolbar, select Vector to enter the Vector panel.

2. Within the Vector panel, make sure that Result type is set to Displacement.

3. For Selection, select Components.

4. In the graphics area, select the right rear tire on the truck.

5. Check the box for Overlay result display (on the right side of the panel).

6. Click Apply.

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7. Under Display tab, set Size scaling to Uniform.

Notice how the display of the vectors are updated and all the vectors are displayed with the same size.

8. Under Display tab, set Color by: to Direction.

Now the vectors are displayed with their X, Y, and Z components.

9. Click Clear Vector to remove the vector plot from the graphics area.

Step 6: Use the Results Browser to create a new Tracking System.

1. From the Results Browser > Model View, right click and select Create > Tracking System.

This opens the Tracking panel with a new Tracking System added.

2. Click on Tracking System 1 in the Tracking Systems list.

3. For Track, select Node.

4. With N1 active, select a node on the top of the truck cab.

5. Select the Start/Pause Animation button ( ) to animate the simulation using the tracking system.

Notice how the model deforms with respect to the node selected.

6. Click Start/Pause Animation again to stop the animation.

7. To remove the tracking system, under the Tracking Systems list select Clear Tracking System.

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Step 7: Use the Tracing panel to create a tracing plot on the right two wheel.

1. Within the Annotations toolbar, select Tracing to enter the Tracing panel.

2. Under Trace, select the Component radio button.

3. For Component select the right front tire and the right rear tire.

Notice under Tracing mode, From first step is the default setting. This means that the trace is displayed from the first time step to the current time step.

4. Select the Start/Pause Animation button ( ) to animate the simulation and view the trace.

5. For the Tracing mode, select All steps.

This displays the trace through the entire simulation

6. For the Tracing mode, select Last and set steps to 5.

This displays the trace for only the last 5 steps.

7. Select Delete twice to remove the trace for both tires.

8. Under Trace, select the Node radio button.

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9. With the Node selector active, select a node on the top side of the right rear tire.

10. Leave Tracing mode left to Last and for the Display options, set the Color to black and the Thickness to 5.

11. Set the Tracing mode to All steps.

Notice how the node path is traced.

12. Click Delete to remove the trace.

Step 8: Use the Exploded View panel to create an automatic and custom explosion.

1. Within the Results toolbar, select Exploded View to enter the Exploded View panel.

2. Press F on the keyboard to fit the model to the graphics area.

3. Click Automatic Explosion in the Explosions List.

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4. Select the Start/Pause Animation button ( ) to animate with the automatic explosion.

5. Stop the animation.

6. Click Add to create a custom explosion.

7. Click on Components and select By ID.

8. Enter 8 into the field and then click Add.

Notice that there is a message stating “1 entities selected”.

9. Click Return.

This adds the component with the ID of 8 to the selection. This component is the ENGINE-GEARBOX component.

10. Set the Mode to Translate.

11. Under Translate, for Direction select Z-Axis and for Distance enter 100.

This will translate the component 100 model units in the Z-direction each time the + or –

buttons are selected.

12. Click + multiple times to move the component away from the truck.

13. Select the Start/Pause Animation button ( ) to animate with the custom explosion.

14. Stop the animation.

15. Click Clear Explosion to reset the display.

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Exercise 6b - Synchronize Animation and Video Overlay

This exercise uses the file explorer.h3d as the model and result file.

Step 1: Load the explorer.h3d and the

2006_Ford_Explorer_crash_test.avi files.

1. Within an animation window, select File > Open > Model from the menu bar.

2. Set both the Load model and Load result file to


3. Click Apply to import the model and result file.

4. Change the window layout to a 2 window layout, .

5. Set the second window to the MediaView application, .

6. From the menu bar, select File > Open > Media to load a file into the MediaView window.

7. Select the file


Step 2: Use the Synchronize Animation tool to synchronize the two windows.

1. Click in the animation window and then select the XZ Right Plane View, .

2. Select Start/Pause Animation to begin animating the session.

Notice how the animation and the video file are not synchronized.

3. Stop the animation.

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4. From the menu bar select Tools > Synchronize Animation to launch the Synchronize Window Animation tool.

5. Move the Synchronize Window Animation window so that you can view both of the windows but still work within the Synchronize Window Animation tool.

6. Set the Synchronize animation by to Using the slider bar.

7. Use the slider bar to adjust the Current time being displayed in the session.

In the next few steps, we will sets two times in each window to synchronize the two windows. To do this, we pick two events that occur in each window and set the Time A and Time B for each window. In this example, Time A will correspond to when the bumper hits the wall and Time B will correspond to when the tire hits the wall. By defining these two points, we can synchronize the two windows.

8. Adjust the slider bar to the time where the bumper in the animation window hits the wall (around 0.005 seconds).

9. Click on the lock button, , for Window 1 under the Time A column.

10. Adjust the slider bar to the time where the tire hits the wall in the animation window (around 0.045 seconds) and then click on the lock button for Window 1 under the Time B column.

11. Adjust the slider bar to the time where the bumper hits the wall in the media window (around 22 seconds) and then click on the lock button for Window 2 under the Time A column.

12. Adjust the slider bar to the time where the tire hits the wall in the media window (around 57 seconds) and then click on the lock button for Window 2 under the Time B column.

By setting these times for each window, a Scaling and Offset value are calculated for each window so that the animation and video files are synchronized.

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13. Click Apply.

14. Select Start/Pause Animation to begin animating the session.

Notice how the animation and the video file are now synchronized.

15. Stop the animation.

Step 3: Add a new page and load the explorer.h3d file.

1. Add a new page to the session by selecting Add Page, .

2. Set the application to HyperView.

3. Within an animation window, select File > Open > Model from the menu bar.

4. Set both the Load model and Load result file to


5. Click Apply to import the model and result file.

Step 4: Create a 2D Image Plane.

1. Select the Image Plane panel from the toolbar.

2. Set the Type: to 2D.

3. Enter Altair for the Label.

4. Click on the Open File icon next to File and select the file Altair-logo.bmp.

This imports the file Altair-logo.bmp into the animation window. Notice the size of the

image in the animation window.

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5. To resize the image, click on any of the corners and drag to the new desired location. Resize the image, using manipulator axis, as shown below:

6. To move the image, use the graphical manipulator in the lower left corner of the image. Click on the horizontal axis to move the image horizontally, and click on the vertical axis to move vertically. Center the image in the graphics window as shown below:

You can also place the image at the center of the animation window by clicking on the

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Anchor tab in the Image Plane panel and selecting the Center icon, .

7. Notice how the image cannot be seen because it lies under the animation. To bring the image to the front, click on the Z-Stack tab in the Image Plane panel and with the image

label (Altair) highlighted, click the up arrow, .

8. Click on the Filter tab. Using this tab the color white will be removed from the image so that is has a transparent background.

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Set the Type to ColorAlpha, the Pixel mapping to Linear2, and the Mode to Greaterthan. Click on the Color option and using the arrow to the right, click on the color just below white (see image below). These settings remove the color white from the image.

9. Select Close in the Image Plane panel to close the panel.

10. Animate the model. Notice how the model animates with the image placed on top of the model.

11. Stop the animation.

Step 5: Import a video as a 3D object and animate with model

1. In the Results Browser > Model View, expand the folder Image Planes.

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2. Turn off the display of the image plane already created by right clicking on Altair and

selecting Hide or just click on .

3. Right click in the Results Browser > Model View and select Create > Image Plane.

4. Set the Type: to 3D.

5. Enter Explorer Video for the Label.

6. Click on the Open File icon next to File and select the file


7. Select the XZ Right Plane View to align the h3d model and the avi file in the same plane.

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8. In the Image Plane panel, verify you are in the Alignment tab.

This tab will be used to align the model in the video file to the model file.

9. Set the Alignment Mode to 2 Point.

10. Set the Plane to XZ Right .

11. The first set of reference nodes to be selected are the h3d model’s nodes. Click the green N1 selector to make it active and then select the center point of the left tire in the animation window.

12. Next activate the blue N2 selector and then select the center point of the right tire in the animation window.

When the two points have been selected, an arrow will be displayed going from N1 to N2.

13. Next the same two points need to be selected as reference nodes in the video. Click the yellow N1 selector to make it active and then select the center point on the left wheel of the image preview in the Image Plane panel.

14. Next click the yellow N2 selector to make it active and then select the center point on the right wheel.

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15. Click Align to align the two images.

16. Click Close to close the Image Plane panel.

17. Animate the model and rotate the images in the animation window. Notice how the video can be graphically manipulated in 3-dimensions as well as animated with the h3d file.

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Chapter 7

Publishing Results and Advanced Topics

Once you have reviewed your results, it is important to be able to generate a report. All HyperWorks Desktop applications provide several utilities that allow you to generate HTML’s, PowerPoint slides, pictures or avi’s that help you to enhance the report or send them over to others for further review. This chapter highlights the tools available in HyperWorks Desktop that can be used to achieve this goal. Also included in this chapter are some advanced topics.

The topics to be covered in this chapter include

Result Presentation

HyperView Player


Report Templates

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1 - Result Presentation Within HyperView, there are tools available for capturing screen contents and animations to files. There is also a utility to create HTML and PowerPoint (XML) report files from HyperView.

1.1 - Capturing Images/Videos

In order to capture the screen content and animations, the Image Capture toolbar is used. This toolbar is accessed by selecting View > Toolbars > HyperWorks > Image Capture from the menu bar.

Save Image to File/Clipboard : Saves the current image to a file or a clipboard for subsequent pasting

Capture Graphics Area : Captures the graphics area and either saves to a file or to the clipboard

Capture Panel Area : Captures the panel area and either saves to a file or to the clipboard

Capture Dynamic Rectangle : Use the mouse to select a rectangular area to capture as an image

Capture Frame Area : Use the mouse to select a frame area to capture as the image

Capture Graphics Area Video : HyperWorks Desktop allows you to capture animation data to an AVI, AMF (Altair Movie File), BMP, JPEG, TIFF, or PNG file. You can view the AVI file in a movie player application and in HyperView’s video window.

Capture Dynamic Rectangular Video : This works the same as the Capture Graphics Area Video function, but after entering the file name, you must graphically select a rectangular area where the video will be recorded. Use the left mouse button to draw the window and then click the right mouse button to accept the area.

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1.2 - Publish to HTML or PowerPoint

Also in HyperWorks Desktop there is the ability to export the session to a HTML or PowerPoint file.

This is done from the File menu, selecting Publish > HTML, PowerPoint, Legacy (PowerPointBeta, PowerPoint 2003 or PowerPoint 2007).

• The HyperWorks Desktop PowerPoint Publishing feature reduces the effort needed to generate and update Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT) presentations from HWD sessions, establishing a live link or connection (using a PowerPoint add-in) between HWD and PowerPoint. Support of Windows & Linux

• Changes made in the PowerPoint PPT presentation are preserved when new runs are post-processed after updating your session; full support of report templates are provided.

The PowerPoint layout can be defined the first time you publish using PowerPoint master templates.

• Dynamic linking of HyperGraph notes with PowerPoint (text fields updated with new results).

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PowerPoint Publishing Basic Work Flow

1. Preferences > Export Settings > PPT Options menu, select PPT Options

• select master template and export options

2. Session Browser > Publish column

• select the pages from your session that you want to export.

3. File > Publish > PowerPoint > New PPT or

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• Switch views in PPT to verify connections

o Easy handling with PPT plug-in

• Tag Table (HWD) & Tag Summary (PPT)

o Object preview and format change in HWD

o Verify connection to HWD objects in PPT

• PPT Export Options

o PPT master template support

o Predefined image positioning at first export

4. File > Publish > PowerPoint > Opened PPT

• If you make changes to your HyperWorks Desktop session, you can transfer those edits to an open or existing PowerPoint presentation.

• Click Synchronize to update existing PowerPoint slides with the images and KPI's that have been changed in your session

• Click Synchronize when Publishing to add new pages to PowerPoint and also synchronizes images, animations, and headers in the previously created PowerPoint pages

• From the Altair add-in toolbar, select Sync Live; the changes from your HyperWorks Desktop session are synchronized to the PowerPoint file.

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5. File > Save As to save your HyperWorks Desktop session to a session file or report template for later use.

PowerPoint Publishing

• File > Publish > HTML, PowerPoint, Legacy

• Standard toolbar > PPT menu, select Publish to PowerPoint or HTML.

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Export Settings

• Preferences menu bar > Export Settings > AMF, AVI, H3D, JPEG, GIF, PPT options.

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2 - Report Templates

While post processing, it is common to do the same steps repeatedly for different iterations or runs of your model. This allows you to better study the results with respect to one another.

Report templates are ASCII text files that contain statements for creating reports. Report templates are similar to session files except they contain parameters which hold string or numeric data. Report parameters are specified in the Reports panel.

The most common use for a parameter in a report definition is to hold the filename of a data file which is read when the report is generated.

A report can have any number of parameters. There are four types of parameters:

• Filename • String

• Integer • Double

Parameters can also hold filter frequencies, scale factors and annotation text.

The Report Template capability available in HyperWorks Desktop allows you to generate templates with one file and allows you to perform the same operation for other iterations, thus preventing the need to repeat all the steps again.

This section shows you how to generate report templates and use the appropriate utilities to automate your post processing.

In this section, you will learn how to:

Accessing the Reports Panel

Use the Parameter Browser for report template creation and parameterization

Overlay and append plot, animation, and video data with report templates

Display and hide layers of data in plot windows

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2.1 - Template and Flexible Reports

• File > Save As > Report Template Save the template as .tpl

• File > Open > Report Template Open the template .tpl in the Flexible Report

Templates dialog box.

• Easy-to-use report panel & reports more flexible

• Easier comparison of test and simulation

• Better handling of missing files and channels

• Check and reconnect missing channels (Type, Requests, Components) in GUI

• Skip all channels referring to a file loading a report template

• Save & reuse configurations

• More user-friendly color and style settings

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2.2 - Report Templates Toolbar

The Reports panel is accessed through the Reports toolbar. To turn on the display of the Reports toolbar select View > Toolbars > HyperWorks > Report.

Open Report Template – opens a report template file

Save As Report Template – saves the current session as a report template

Open Reports Panel – opens the Reports panel

• While post processing, it is common to do the same steps repeatedly for different iterations or runs of your model.

• This allows you to better study the results with respect to one another.

• Report Template:

• Generate templates with one file that allows you to perform the same operation for other iterations

• Prevents the need to repeat all the same steps

• This section covers:

• Accessing the Reports Panel

• Use the Parameter Browser for report template creation and parameterization

• Overlay and append plot, animation and video data with report templates

• Display and hide layers of data in plot windows

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The Reports panel allows you to add (append, replace, or overlay) predefined page sets in report templates to the current HyperWorks Desktop session. A report template automates the processing of different sets of similar data. Report templates contain a list of report parameters.

• Append - Contents added to the session end.

• Replace - Current replaced with new session. The report definition names must match

• If they don’t match, the report is appended to the end of the session.

• Overlay - Report animations and plots are combined in the current session

• Autofit Plots - locks the axis of the current plot so that it does not change as new plots are overlaid

• Auto place notes - automatically place notes

• Use report colors - line colors, line styles, symbol colors, and symbol styles based on the report template

• Display and Hide Layers

• Each time a report template is applied to the session, it is saved as a layer

• Layers - button on Reports panel controls the display of each layer

• Layers can be deleted or renamed using the right click context menu

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Once a report template is loaded, the parameters are updated and the appropriate files are selected. The next topic discusses how to create parameters using the Parameter Browser.

2.3 - Parameter Browser

The Parameter Browser (used with Report Templates) allows you to parameterize almost everything in a session file or report template and automate repeatable processes of generating entire analysis sessions in HyperWorks Desktop.

The reality of automation is that it's not always desirable to re-apply automation scripts exactly as they were originally defined.

To remedy this, the Parameter Browser includes a graphical user interface for defining parameters that can be changed when an automation script is executed.

After the parameters are defined, you can save the automation script and run it from the Reports panel.

The Parameter Browser displays all windows and pages in the current session, including the attributes assigned to each entity.

Under each entity is a list of the entity's attributes.

Activating the checkbox next to any attribute includes the attribute as a parameter in the parameter table (located in the lower half of the browser), which is defined or kept in its default state when the process is re-run.

To display the browser, click View > Browsers > HyperWorks > Parameters.

Within the Parameter Browser there are three sections to the browser; the attributes listing, the available parameters for the selected attribute, the selected parameters and their values:

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The listed attributes are based on the features in the current session.

Selecting one of the attributes will populate the available parameters.

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3 – HyperWorks Tools

3.1- HyperView Player

HyperView Player is a stand-alone 3-D viewer that includes web browser plug-ins for PC and UNIX which allows users to share CAE models and simulation results via the Internet.

• HyperView Player provides a collaborative solution for enterprise-wide product data visualization throughout your design and development process.

• HyperView Player enables you (or your customers) to display, manipulate, and review a single 3-D result type from Altair's compact H3D file.

• HyperView Player can be inserted as an object into a HTML/PowerPoint/Word presentation, or into a web page, making it the ideal solution for communicating analytical results effectively among analysts, testing engineers, tool and die makers, product design engineers, and product managers. Drag/Drop file into desired location or use Insert option with these programs.

• HyperView Player also allows professionals in sales, marketing, finance, publications, engineering, and support to create information multimedia presentations, documents, proposals, project reports, and web pages.

• To export H3D from HyperView, File > Export > Model

• Export only data you want someone to access using Preferences > Export Settings

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HyperView Player - Toolbars

• Standard

• Animation

• View Control

• Display Control

• Help Control

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HyperView Player – Section Cut Graphical Manipulators

Section Cut Graphical Manipulators allow you to modify the definition of section cuts, as well as translate or rotate sections anywhere in 3-D space.

• Two Directional Manipulator - available for X-Axis, Y-Axis, Z-Axis section cuts only.

• Three Directional Manipulator - available for N1,N2,N3 and section cuts. It allow free

rotations and translations in a 3-D space for relocating and reorienting cross sections.

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HyperView Player – Context Menu

It provides quick access to various toolbar and display functions. Use the right mouse button in the graphics area to invoke the Context Menu.

• Use the right mouse button in the graphics area to invoke the Context Menu.

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3.2 - HvTrans

It is general practice to delete your result files on completion of your project as they tend to be big in size. The HvTrans utility is a result translator available along with the HyperWorks suite that allows you to translate the result file to H3D format that is Altair proprietary and a compressed format. The utility allows you to compress the data and also pick and choose results and their components that are of interest to you.

This utility is different from creating a H3D file from within HyperView because it allows you to select the subcase, simulation, results, compression information, and model file to be contained in the H3D file. The H3D file created from HyperView only contains the currently displayed information within HyperView.

This chapter guides you on how to use HvTrans to translate and compress your results to the H3D format.

To open the HvTrans GUI:

On Windows:

From the Start menu > Programs > Altair HyperWorks 13.0 > Tools > HvTrans


Run the script [HyperWorks install directory]/altair/scripts/hvtrans.

To begin using HvTrans, you must first open a result file. When you load a result file, the HvTrans dialog displays the same result information displayed in the HyperView Animation window. The following file types are supported for result translation:

ABAQUS ODB File (*.odb)

ANSYS Result (*.rth, *.rst, *rmg)

CFD Ensight File (*.encas, *.case)

DYNA DB File (*.db)


FEMZIP d3plot File (*d3plot*)

Hyper3D File (*.h3d)

HyperMesh Result File (*.res)

LS-DYNA d3plot File (*d3plot, *.ptf)

MARC File (*.t16)

Moldflow Result File (*.udm)

NASTRAN/OptiStruct OP2 File (*.op2)

Nike3D n3plot File (*n3plot)

PAM-CRASH DSY File (*.dsy)

RADIOSS Result File (*A001)

UNV File (*.unv)

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HvTrans allows you to extract or translate results into an H3D file. A Hyper3D (H3D) file is a compact file containing model data, results data, or both, depending on the method used to create the file. The H3D file format is Altair proprietary. All H3D files, regardless of the method used to create them, can be loaded into HyperView.

To create a H3D file from HvTrans, the result file must first be loaded into HvTrans. This is done through the File menu. All file types that are supported in HyperView are supported in HvTrans. Once the file has been loaded, the loadcases, simulation steps, and results that are desired in the H3D file are selected within the GUI. These options are all contained on the left side of the GUI. On the right size, compression information, model file information, and component information is selected. These options allow you to customize the H3D file to contain only the information you wish to save. Finally, Translate is selected to create the H3D file.

HvTrans can also be run through a batch mode. For additional information on how to set this up, please refer to the Online Help.

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3.3 – HgTrans

HgTrans translates solver results files from their native file format to Altair Binary Format (ABF).

It runs in two modes:

• GUI Mode

• Batch Mode

To open the HvTrans GUI:

On Windows:

From the Start menu > Programs > Altair HyperWorks 13.0 > Tools > HgTrans

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Exercise 7a - Result Presentation and HyperView Player

This exercise uses the session file, Exercise_7a.mvw.

Step 1: Load the file Exercise_7a.mvw and export images and videos of the

graphics area.

1. Open HyperWorks Desktop and select File > Open > Session to open a session file.

2. Select the file …\Model-files\7a-report\Exercise_7a.mvw.

3. Animate the session by selecting, .

Animating the session populates the plot windows with the plot of the measure group.

4. Turn on the display of the Image Capture toolbar by selecting

View > Browsers > HyperWorks > Image Capture.

5. Click Capture Graphics Area to save an image file of the graphics area.

6. Browse to a location to save the file and enter graphics-area as the file name.

7. From the Save as type, select JPEG (*,jpg, *.jpeg).

8. Click Save to save the file.

Open the file using any image viewer on your computer.

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9. Click Capture Graphics Area Video to save the graphics area to a video file.

10. Browse to a location to save the file and enter graphics-area-video as the file name.

11. Click Save to save the file.

This saves an AVI file. Open the file using a program such as Windows Media Player to view the video.

12. Click Capture Dynamic Rectangular Video to save the graphics area to a video file.

13. Browse to a location to save the file and enter dynamic-rect-video as the file name.

14. Click Save to save the file.

15. Use the left mouse button to draw a rectangle in the graphics area.

16. Use the right mouse button to accept the selection.

17. Open the AVI file.

Notice how only the area of the graphics area selected with the rectangle is shown.

Step 2: Set the Publish Settings and Publish the Session to HTML.

1. To set the defaults for JPEG files, select Preferences > Export Settings > JPG.

2. Set the JPEG quality to 99 and then click OK.

3. To set the defaults for H3D files, select Preferences > Export Settings > H3D.

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4. Make sure the options for Results and Animation are selected and then click OK.

5. Turn on the display of the Session Browser by selecting View > Browsers > HyperWorks > Session.

6. Right click on the first HyperView in the Session Browser and select Publish Settings.

The first HyperView listed represents Window 1 on Page 1.

7. For Description enter Displacement and for Format select H3D. Then click OK.

This sets the description to be used for Window 1 on Page 1 as well as the type of file to create.

Notice how for the animation window, there are format options for both animation files (H3D and AVI) and image files (JPEG, TIF, PNG, BMP, GIF).

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8. Right click on the first HyperGraph2D in the Session Browser and select Publish Settings.

9. For Description enter Node 2656 and for Format select JPEG. Then click OK.

Notice that how for the plotting window formats, there are only image file formats available.

10. For the remaining windows, set the following Window descriptions and Format:

Window Window Description Format

HyperView Page 1 Window 3 Rot. Velocity AVI

HyperGraph2D Page 1 Window 4 Node 2656 PNG

HyperGraph2D Page 2 Window 1 Global Stress PNG

11. Within the Session Browser, verify that there is a check box under Publish for Page 1 and Page 2:

12. Publish the session by selecting File > Publish > HTML.

13. Browse to a location to Save the file and save the file as Exercise_7a.html.

Step 3: Open the file Exercise_7a.html.

1. Locate the Exercise_7a.html file. Use an internet browser (such as Internet Explorer) to

open the file.

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Note: Use the following procedure if your H3D (HyperView Player) window in HTML is not working properly.

To Register and Invoke a HyperView Player Plugin on 64-bit platforms:

In order to avoid confusion with various bit versions of software on 64-bit platforms, a

32-bit HyperView Player (HVP) plugin is always packaged with the 64-bit HyperView

Player builds, therefore some additional steps must be taken to ensure the proper

registration of HVP Plugin:

Windows Platform

a) Register the HVP Plugin as administrator:

-Navigate to Start > All Programs > Altair HyperWorks 13.0 > Tools.

-Right click on Register HVP Control and click Run As Administrator to register

the HVP Control.

b) Invoke 32-bit Internet Explorer when invoking html pages with embedded HVP


Unix Platform

a) Set environment variable ALTAIR_HOME to point to the HyperWorks installation.

b) Set environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH to point to /usr/lib , or /usr/lib32 to enable Firefox to retrieve the 32-bit libraries on Unix based platforms.

c) Append environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH with

$ALTAIR_HOME/hw/bin/linux<bit_version> to enable Firefox to retrieve the libjpeg6b.so


2. Notice in the left column there is a listing of the pages available in the session. Clicking on either link will jump to the selected page.

3. Also notice on each page, under each window, there is the description that was entered into the Session Browser in the previous step.

4. Click on Page 1 and then click in the window with the description Displacement. This opens HyperView Player which allows you to view and animate the results.

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5. Now click on the window with the description Rot. Velocity. This opens the AVI file in a player which allows you to animate the results.

Step 4: Set Export Settings and Publish the Session to PowerPoint.

1. Select PowerPoint export settings by selecting Preferences > Export Settings > PPT Options. Leave default options and click OK.

2. From the Session browser > Publish column, select the pages from your session that you want to export.

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3. Right click on the first HyperView in the Session Browser and select Publish Settings.

The first HyperView listed represents Window 1 on Page 1.

4. For Description enter Displacement and for Format select JPG. Then click OK.

5. From the Standard toolbar, select the PPT icon or select File > Publish > PowerPoint. The Publishing PowerPoint dialog is displayed.

6. From the dialog, select New PPT to publish to a new PowerPoint presentation. A PowerPoint presentation is created from your HyperWorks Desktop session.

7. Select Publish, this will create and open a PowerPoint file “Presentation1”. Save it as 7a-report.ppt in your 7a-report folder.

8. In your PowerPoint session, select Slide Show and review your report. Select End Show and leave the PowerPoint session opened.

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9. Go back to HyperWorks Desktop, make window 1 active and rotate the model to change its view.

10. Select File > Publish > PowerPoint.

11. From the Publishing PowerPoint dialog, drop-down menu, select the Opened PPT that you want to publish to. Or, choose Select PPT on Disk to open an existing PowerPoint file.

12. Click Synchronize when Publishing to add new pages to PowerPoint and also synchronizes images, animations, and headers in the previously created PowerPoint pages.

Note: If you make changes to your HyperWorks Desktop session, you can transfer those edits to an open or existing PowerPoint presentation.

13. Click Synchronize to update existing PowerPoint slides with the images and KPI's that have been changed in your session.

Note: If you click Publish, all selected pages and windows will always be added as new slides to your PowerPoint presentation.

14. Have a look at your PowerPoint session to review changes made in window1.

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Step 5: Export a h3d file with Results.

1. Return to HyperView Desktop.

2. Select Preferences > Export Settings > H3D to change the settings for the exported H3D file.

3. Uncheck the box next to Results and click OK. Now when a H3D file is exported, the contour results will not be contained in the file.

4. Make Window 1 the active window, and select File > Export > Model to export the model in Window 1 as a H3D file.

5. Browse to an appropriate location and save the file as export_h3d_results.h3d.

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6. Open HyperView Player by selecting Start > All Programs > Altair HyperWorks 13.0 > HyperView Player.

Select and open the file export_h3d_results.h3d.

Notice that this file does not have the displacement contoured but the measure group is displayed as it was in the HyperView session.

7. To turn on/off the measure group, use the visualization tool .

Use the visualization tool to turn on and off the Measures.

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Exercise 7b - Using HvTrans

This exercise uses the result file Postprocessing_demo.odb.

Step 1: Load the file Postprocessing_demo.odb into HvTrans

1. Open HvTrans by selecting Start > All Programs > Altair HyperWorks 13.0 > Tools > HvTrans and select File > Open Result File… to open a results file.

2. Select the file …\Model-files\7b-hvtrans\Postprocessing_demo.odb.

Step 2: Set results to be exported for Step-1 and Step-4.

1. Under Current subcase, make sure that Step-1 has been selected.

2. For Simulation, verify that Increment 0 and Increment 1 are selected.

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3. For Result Types, Displacements (v) are already selected by default. Also select S-Global Stress Components (t) and S-Global Stress Components IP (t).

4. Change the Current subcase to Step-2 and notice how only Displacement (v) and UR-Rotational displacement are the only Result Types available. The same is true with Step-3. Verify that both Displacement and UR-Rotational displacement are selected.

5. Change the Current subcase to Step-4.

6. For Result Types, select Displacement (v) (c) and V-Spatial velocity (v) (c).

Step 3: Set the compression and model file and then translate the files to a H3D file.

1. Under Options (on the right side of the GUI) check the box for Compress.

This activates the Maximum % loss field.

2. Enter 1 in the Maximum % loss field.

3. Check the box for Include model with translated results.

4. From the drop down, select From input deck.

5. Click on Browse… and select the file Postprocessing_demo.inp.

6. Click Translate… to create the H3D file.

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7. This opens a window for you to enter the filename and browse to a location to save the file.

Enter Postprocessing_demo.h3d as the filename.

8. Browse to the desired location and then select Save.

Step 4: Open the H3D file in HyperView and review the file.

1. Open HyperWorks Desktop and select a HyperView window.

2. Select File > Open > Model to open the Load Model Panel.

3. Select the Postprocessing_demo.h3d file as the model file and result file and click Apply.

4. Review Results browser > Step-1.

5. Go to the Contour panel. Notice that for Step-1, only Displacements and S-Global Stresses are available.

6. Review Results browser, change to subcase Step-4. Notice that only Displacement and V-Spatial Velocity are available.

7. Go to where you saved the h3d. Notice the file size is 529 KB.

8. Go to where the odb and inp files are saved. The odb file is 10.8 Mb. The file size is drastically reduced by only selecting the desired results.

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Chapter 7: Publishing Results and Advanced Topics

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Exercise 7c - Creating and Parameterizing Report Templates

This exercise uses the result files abstat and glstat.

Step 1: Load the file abstat into HyperGraph 2D and create airbag statistics


1. Open HyperWorks Desktop and set the window to the HyperGraph 2D application.

2. Go to the Build Plots panel .

3. For the Data file, select the file abstat in the folder


4. For Y Type select Airbag Statistics, for Y Request select Airbag 1, and for Y Component select Volume, Pressure, Internal Energy, and dm/dt in.

5. Set the Layout to One plot per Component and select a 4 window layout, .

6. Click Apply to create the plots.

Step 2: Load the file glstat into HyperGraph 2D and create energy plots.

1. You should still be in the Build Plots panel.

2. For the Data file, select the file glstat in the folder


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3. For Y Type select Energy, for Y Request select Kinetic Energy and Internal Energy, and for Y Component select Energy.

4. Set the Layout to One plot per Request and select a 2 window layout, .

5. Click Apply to create a second page of plots.

Step 3: Create report template parameters for the line color, line style and curve name.

1. Open the Parameters Browser by selecting View > Browsers > HyperWorks > Parameters.

2. Expand the p1: Airbag Statistics-1 and p2: Energy-1 folders.

Notice how each window is represented in the Parameters Browser.

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3. Expand w1: XY Plot, w2: XY Plot, w3: XY Plot and w4: XY Plot folders and then expand the Curves folder within each of these folders.

4. Within the Curves folder each curve is listed. Using the Ctrl button, select c1:Airbag1 for windows 1, 2, 3 and 4 as shown below:

5. Now the parameters for the report template for these curves can be selected. From the

listing of the parameters, select LineColor, LineStyle, and Name:

By using the Ctrl button and selecting the curves in the Parameters Browser, the 3 parameters selected above are all applicable to the 4 curves.

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6. Next the same parameters are defined for the second page. Using the Parameters Browser, select c1: Energy for window 1 and window 2 on page 2. Then select the parameters LineColor, LineStyle and Name.

Notice how this adds another parameter name to the parameter list. In the next step, we will merge the similar parameters so there is only a single parameter for line style, line color, and curve name.

7. Under the Name listing, left click on Xycurve Linecolor and while holding the Ctrl button, left click on Xycurve Linecolor1.

8. Right click and select Merge. This combines the two parameters into a single parameter.

9. Repeat substeps 7-8 for the LineStyle and Name parameters. There should now only be 3 parameters.

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Step 4: Set the parameter defaults and save the report template.

1. Within the parameters list, you can double click on the Xycurve Name1 of the parameter and rename the parameter.

2. Based on the names shown below, double click on each parameter and rename to the name shown below:

3. The Default color and line style can also be changed. Click on the color and select a different color from the color palette or select a new line style from the available listing.

4. Next {y.HWRequest} - {y.HWComponent}, click on … to launch a new window to set the default for the curve name.

5. Leave the Value type set to value and change the Default value to Run1.

6. Click OK.

7. Save the report template by selecting File > Save As > Report Template.

8. Enter Exercise_7c.tpl as the filename and Save the file to an appropriate location.

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Step 5: Clear the session and load the report template.

1. From the menu bar select File > New > Session and then select Yes to clear the session.

2. Open the Reports panel using the Reports toolbar.

Select View > Toolbars > HyperWorks > Report to open the Reports toolbar.

3. Open the Reports panel by selecting Open Reports Panel, or File > Open> Report Template.

4. The Flexible Report Templates dialog box will open. Click Delete to remove any templates that are in the panel.

5. Click Add and browse to the file Exercise_7c.tpl and click Open.

The panel is populated with the parameters in the report template.

6. Change the Linecolor1 to a different color and the Linestyle1 type from the menu.

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7. For Name, leave the default of Run 1; leave the other parameters with the defaults values.

8. Click Apply.

9. Returning to the Flexible Report Templates dialog box, update PLOT_FILE_1 to the

abstat file in …\Model-files\7c-report-template\airbag\run2\abstat

10. Right click on the file path next to PLOT_FILE_1 and select Autofill directory.

This automatically updates the directories for the other files to the directory selected for

PLOT_FILE_1. Notice how PLOT_FILE_2 now points to the glstat file in the run2


11. Change the Linecolor1 to a different color, the Linestyle1 type from the menu and Name1

to Run 2.

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12. For Mode select Overlay.

13. Click Apply.

Now every curve that is part of the same run is represented by the same color. Also, the curves are appropriately named so that you know whether they come from Run 1 or Run 2.

Move to Page 2 and notice how the curve are appropriately named and colored.

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Chapter 8

Improve Designs with HyperStudy: Explore, Study, Optimize

1- HyperStudy Introduction Altair HyperStudy is multi-disciplinary design study software that enables exploration and

optimization of design performance and robustness.

The design of the tool as a wizard makes it very easy to learn and use. It is applicable to study the different aspects of a design under various conditions, including non-linear behaviors and multi-disciplinary applications.

The models can be parameterized very easily. Besides the typical definition of solver input data as design variables, the shape of a finite element model can also be parameterized with ease.

HyperStudy Post-Processing module contains display, analysis and data mining capabilities that helps engineers to overcome the challenging task of extracting relevant information from multi-run studies. With its unique and powerful suite of tools, simulation results can be analyzed, sorted and studied effectively in HyperStudy.

Specifically developed for design of experiments (DOE), fit (metamodelling), optimization and stochastic studies, HyperStudy users can:

o Gain insight into the physics of a design

o Assess the robustness of a design for controlled or uncontrolled variations in the design parameters

o Optimize a design for multi-disciplinary attributes

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2- HyperStudy Benefits 1. Provides engineers with an easy way to study effects of design changes for complex

analysis events;

2. Allows engineers to assess the robustness of designs and provides the guidance necessary to achieve robust designs;

3. Allows engineers to perform multi-disciplinary optimization studies for different attributes of a design;

4. Allows engineers to perform system identification and correlation studies of designs;

5. Allows engineers to perform validation and evaluation of models and results using the Evaluation and Rating module;

6. Complements existing CAE software with added functionality and direct interfaces to major solvers;

7. Minimizes time-to-market by identifying design direction for difficult problems

8. Reads CAE native data files: RADIOSS, MotionSolve, OptiStruct, LS-DYNA, NHTSA ABF, MADYMO, PAMCRASH, NASTRAN, ABAQUS, ADAMS, DADS, SIMPACK and others.

HyperStudy Interface

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HyperStudy Process

HyperStudy process is composed of two major steps: Study Setup and Study Approaches. In Study setup, the analysis process is automated and in study approaches, this process is repeated many times depending on the study objectives.

HyperStudy Overview

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Study Setup

Study setup compromises of: parameterization, model definition and evaluation, response extraction.

HyperStudy has two ways of design parameterization. First one, parametrizing an input deck, is generic but can be involved at times. Second one, working on the HyperMesh model, is more specific but very easy to use. Any ASCII input deck can be parametrized using HyperStudy’s editor. In the case of FEA models, direct linking to Hypermesh provides HyperStudy direct access to simulation models and to the features such as thickness, concentrated masses, shape changes which are used as the design variables in DOE, optimization or stochastic studies. HyperMorph is integrated for shape parameterization.

For response extraction, HyperStudy uses HyperGraph readers and hence any result that can be read by HyperGraph can also be read by HyperStudy. HyperStudy can also extract any value from an ASCII output file.

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Study Approaches

There are four study approaches in HyperStudy. They are: Design of Experiments (DOE), fit, optimization and stochastics.

The objective of a DOE, or Design of Experiments, study is to understand how changes to the parameters of a model influence its performance. In such a study, a model is repeatedly run through a simulation for various combinations of parameter settings. Effects and interactions of the design variables of the model can be studied.

From a DOE, mathematical models can be built describing the responses of the model as an algebraic or numeric function of its parameters. This function is an approximation of the true response. The algebraic or numeric expression that describes the response of a model as a function of the parameters is known as a response surface. Once a set of response surfaces have been generated for a model, those response surfaces can act as a proxy for the model. New combinations of design variable settings not used in the original design can be plugged into the response surface equations to quickly estimate the response of the model without actually running the model through an entire analysis.

Optimization studies are used to find the parameter setting of a model that minimizes or maximizes a particular objective function subject to a number of design constraints. A special form of optimization problem, called System Identification, can also be solved in an optimization study. In this case, the objective function is to minimize the quadratic deviation of a given function from a target function. Optimization can be applied simultaneously to any one or more analysis codes and hence can be multi-disciplinary. Size and shape optimizations can be performed. The optimization can be performed using the analysis solver directly, or using a response surface created in a DOE study.

Stochastic studies are used to study the influence of statistical distribution in the design variables on the responses of a design. The stochastic analysis can be performed using the analysis solver directly, or using a response surface created in a DOE study.

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HS - Tutorial: Working with a Parameterized File

In this tutorial you will learn how to setup a study defined using a Parameterized File model, to see how design variables (Thickness) affect the responses.

This tutorial starts HyperStudy directly (standalone).

HyperStudy performs DOE (Design of Experiments), optimization, and stochastic studies in a CAE environment.

The design of HyperStudy as a wizard makes it very easy to learn and use.

It is applicable to study the different aspects of a design under various conditions, including non-linear behaviors.

It can be applied in the multi-disciplinary optimization of a design combining different analysis types.

Besides the typical definition of solver input data as design variables, the shape of a finite element model can also be parameterized.

The following tutorial presents a way of setting up a study.

There are no files associated with this tutorial.

Step 1: Open HyperStudy and Setup a Study

1. Launch the HyperStudy application.

2. Go to the Welcome page, it is the first section of the HyperStudy GUI that you will see when the application opens.

3. You can access the Quick Start options from the Welcome page.

This open example studies that have already been setup for you from this section. In the example studies, the design variables, model and responses have already been defined in order to help you become familiar with the study setup steps and adding approaches that you can quickly test.

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4. Select Example_Beam to start this study. Select Next twice to proceed to the Define models step.

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5. Click Next to review the Design Variables.

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6. Click Next to proceed to the Specifications, keep default setting and click on Apply to start this study.

7. Click Next to proceed to the Evaluate, keep default setting and click on Evaluate Tasks to run the study.

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8. Click Next to proceed to the Define responses, review responses and keep default setting. Click on Evaluate expressions.

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9. Click Next to proceed to the Post processing, analyze results.

10. Click Next to proceed to the Report, select Create Report to create report.

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11. Click Next and Add approach… to add an approach selecting one of the Type.

Depending on your design objective you can add any combination of study approaches.

See Also:

HyperStudy Tutorials

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Appendix A: HyperWorks Desktop Customization

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Appendix A


Desktop Customization

DEMO A1 – Basic Commands and Working with Handles Description In this demo, we will get the appropriate handles to set the page title for page 1. In addition, the strength of the OpenStack and CloseStack commands as well as the ListMethods command will be shown.

Handles used session, project, page, title

TCL/TK commands used GetSessionHandle, GetProjectHandle, GetPageHandle, SetTitle, ReleaseHandle, ListMethods, OpenStack, CloseStack.

In this demo, we will get the appropriate handles to set the page title for page 1.

In addition, the strength of the OpenStack and CloseStack commands as well as the ListMethods command will be shown.

Step 1: Launch HyperMesh Desktop > HyperView and open the Command Window

1. From the Start Menu, select All Programs > Altair HyperWorks 13.0 > HyperMesh Desktop

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This launches HyperWorks Desktop, select the Animation client, HyperView.

2. Click on the View pulldown menu and select Command Window.

This launches the Command Window where Tcl commands can be entered.

Step 2: Enter the appropriate command to get the session handle.

1. In the first line of the Command Window, enter the following line and then press Enter:

hwi GetSessionHandle my_session

This gets the session handle my_session. my_session is also returned as the

output of the GetSessionHandle command as this command was successful.

2. Remember that handle names are unique within a given session.

3. Enter the following line again into the command window to view the error message which occurs

hwi GetSessionHandle my_session

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Step 3: Enter the appropriate commands to get the project and page handle for page 1.

1. For the next line, enter the following:

my_session GetProjectHandle proj_1

2. Next, using the proj handle proj_1, we can get the page handle for page 1:

proj_1 GetPageHandle page1 1

Notice how the GetPageHandle command needs the page number in addition to

the handle name.

Step 4: Set the page title using the SetTitle command on the page handle.

1. Now that we have the page handle, the SetTitle command can be used to set the

page title for page 1. Enter the following in the Command Window:

page1 SetTitle Pg1_Animation

2. After hitting Enter, go into the Session Browser, you will see that the page title has been updated to Pg1_Animation:

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Step 5: Release each of the handles as they are no longer needed

1. To release the page handle, use the ReleaseHandle command. Type the

following into the Command Window:

page1 ReleaseHandle

2. The same process is done to release the project handle and the session handle. Type the following two lines into the Command Window to release these handles:

proj_1 ReleaseHandle

my_session ReleaseHandle

Notice how for each of the handles, the ReleaseHandle command needs to be

used. While this isn’t too cumbersome when there are only three handles, when there are more handles, this very cumbersome. In Step 6 the OpenStack and CloseStack

commands are used to eliminate the need to release the handles individually.

Step 6: Set the page title for page 1 using the OpenStack and CloseStack


1. Before getting any handles, use the OpenStack command to keep track of the

handles. Enter the following command into the Command Window:

hwi OpenStack

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2. The same process is used to get the appropriate handles and set the page title. Enter the following commands in to the Command Window:

hwi GetSessionHandle my_session

my_session GetProjectHandle proj_1

proj_1 GetPageHandle page1 1

page1 SetTitle Pg1_Animation_updated

3. Next, let’s use the ListMethods command on the page handle to see what other

commands are available:

page1 ListMethods

This returns the following list of commands as well as the necessary input for each command:

4. Notice that there is a GetTitle command. This command will return the page title

for the given page handle:

page1 GetTitle

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5. Finally, use the CloseStack command to release all the handles which exist

between the OpenStack command and this point.

hwi CloseStack

Using the OpenStack and CloseStack commands is a much more efficient way to

manage handles.

6. Right click in the command window to open the Context Menu and save this procedure as tcl file.

File > Save… > All

Save the tcl file as A1.tcl.

Note: Please refer to the Demo Model Files folder and Online Help to get more details.