humans vs. zombies use case poster


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Post on 18-Jul-2015




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Humans Vs. Zombies at RIT Nithin Anand Gangadharan, Deion O’Garro, Mike Maether

Group Museability

What is this? I don’t even...Humans vs. Zombies (HvZ) is a variation of the game tag on RIT’s campus. There are two sides, humans and zom-bies. To win, you have to survive as a human. If you’re tagged by a zombie, you become a zombie. Humans can stun zombies with Nerf guns.

Choose your weaponsObjects used includes: Nerf gunsNerf darts SocksWalkie-talkies HvZ Website

HvZ bandana (worn as headband = zombie, arm-band = human)Identication cardBackpacksCostumes Jeff Killen is a Freshman student here at RIT. He has always been an energetic and ambitious guy.

Jeff’s roommate tells him about HvZ and decided they would join and be on the same team.When the game begins Jeff is out full force attacking and escaping zombies and doing pretty well on the missions.Jeff begins makes new friends and becomes close to his fellow teammates they all make plans and strategize as to how they are going to complete the upcoming mission. Jeff is extremely excited about the mission especially because of all the hype about how great its going to be.While Jeff is While Jeff is was walking to class on the second day of the game at 8:37am he was surrounded by 3 zombies. He tried to ght his way out but couldn’t get away.After being tagged Jeff threw his gun to the ground and a single tear drop came out his eye while he took his bandana off.Jeff was so sad that he now had to miss the mission he was longing for because he was now in Limbo. Jeff now had the dilemma of having to either retain his human side and hide his former teammate’s strategies or should he use the information he gained from being human and attack his former teammates.


This study looks at the Humans Vs Zombies Game at RIT and focuses on the Limbo state aspect of it. During Limbo a Human Player has to simply wait until they are recognized as a zombie. From our observations and research we have documented that it takes a day for a player to change from a Human to a zombie. However, during this time we noted that players have to cease from play until the website has shown their status update. This study focuses on the problems that this change presents in player inter-actions.


Jeff Killen(In Limbo)

I’ve got 99 problems but a zombie ain’t one

CheatingMany itemsZombies are boringLimboKeeping tack of time

Ammo managementLearning the gameWebsite is the only place to access info

Which year student are you? How did you hear about HvZ? How important is teamwork? Would you say HvZ has helped you to make friends?

Which do you prefer playing as? How many Nerf guns do you carry?