humanities e d g ide 2015 - university of cape town · 2015. 7. 2. · extended degree is exactly...


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Page 1: Humanities e D G ide 2015 - University of Cape Town · 2015. 7. 2. · extended degree is exactly the same as a general ba or bsocsc. ed students attend the same lectures and write



Page 2: Humanities e D G ide 2015 - University of Cape Town · 2015. 7. 2. · extended degree is exactly the same as a general ba or bsocsc. ed students attend the same lectures and write



Dear 1st Year Student Welcome to UCT and to the Humanities Extended Degrees! The Extended Degrees in the Humanities Faculty are run by the Humanities Education Development Unit (EDU). We are excited that you have made it to UCT and we hope you will settle in well here and soon feel at home - socially and academically. The Humanities EDU team are here to help you do exactly that!

University life is very different to school (and home) life and so we have put together this booklet to give you some basic info and guidelines. Please take the time to read it, it will help you find your feet at UCT. In your first year you will also have a student mentor to help you find your way around. (S)He is the first person you should go to if you have any questions or experience any problems with settling into UCT.

We look forward to getting to know you soon. Please see the Humanities EDU as your home base and drop in or book a time to see a Curriculum Advisor if you need help with sorting out your curriculum, time-table or any other problem. We also welcome you to take part in our social teas every Thursday afternoon at 4pm in the Humanities EDU. Drop by for a chat with the staff and your classmates.

Wishing you a very happy and successful 1st year at UCT!

A. Prof Kathy LuckettDirector, Education Development UnitFaculty of Humanities

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Personal information

Welcome letter 1

contents 2

the humanities edu team 3

lecturers based in the centre for higher education develoPment (ched) 4

humanities faculty team 5

ed teaching assistants 6

about the humanities education develoPment unit & the extended degrees 8

my curriculum 10

2 bachelor of arts majors 11

2 bachelor of social science majors (excluding bus/egs/Pol/Psy/soc) 12

2 bachelor of social science majors (including bus/egs/Pol/Psy/soc) 13

1 bachelor of arts & 1 bachelor of social science majors

(excluding bus/ egs/Pol/Psy/soc) 14

1 bachelor of arts & 1 bachelor of social science major

(including bus/egs/Pol/Psy/soc) 15

first year Plus tutorial courses 16

extended degree readmission requirements 17

the humanities Peer mentorshiP Programme 18

uPcoming Programmes and events 19


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name associate Professor Kathy luckett

office room 3.01.4leslie social sciences building

tel 021 650 4878

email [email protected]


name ms mariam (mimi) suliman

OFFICEroom 3.01.6

leslie social sciences building

TEL 021 650 5783

email [email protected]

SENIOR LECTURER & COURSE CONVENORdoh1010s: Working with texts in the humanities

name dr ellen hurst

OFFICEroom 3.01.1

leslie social sciences building

TEL 021 650 5007

email [email protected]

LECTURER: COURSE CONVENOR doh1009f/s: Working with concepts in the social sciences

name dr shannon morreira

OFFICEroom 3.01.3

leslie social sciences building

TEL 021 650 4210

email [email protected]

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name dr aditi hunma

OFFICEroom 3.01.5b

leslie social sciences building

TEL 021 650 3348

email [email protected]


name ms robyn human

OFFICEroom 3.01.5a

leslie social sciences building

TEL 021 650 5783

email [email protected]

LeCtUReRs BAseD In tHe CentRe FoR HIGHeR eDUCAtIon DeVeLoPMent (CHeD)

LECTURER & COURSE CONVENORdoh1002f/h/s: language in the humanities

name mr gideon nomdo

officeroom 5.10.3

hoerikwaggo building

tel 021 650 5039

email [email protected]

ASSISTANT LECTURER: COURSE CONVENORmam1022f: numbers in the humanities

name ms michelle henry

officeroom 5.04

hoerikwaggo building

tel 021 650 1804

email [email protected]

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name dr Jessica tiffin

OFFICEroom 113

beattie building

TEL 021 650 3387

email [email protected]


name ms verusha West-Pillay

OFFICEroom 112

beattie building

tel 021 650 5248

email [email protected]


name mr msakha mona

OFFICEroom 110

beattie building

tel 021 650 4355

email [email protected]

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eD teACHInG AssIstAnts


name ms danielle cadiz bedini

officeroom 215

arts building

tel 021 650 2837

email [email protected]


name mrs bernadine Jones

officeroom 120

arts building

tel 021 650 3267

email [email protected]


name ms nompilo ndlovu

officeroom 2.34

beattie building

tel tba

email [email protected]

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name mrs ashleigh edden

office tba

tel tba

email tba


name ms helen chiang


Psychology department, Pd hahn building

tel 021 650 3438

email [email protected]


name mr idriss Kallon

office room 4.86robert leslie social sciences building

tel 021 650 3501

email [email protected]

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ABoUt tHe HUMAnItIes eDUCAtIon DeVeLoPMent UnIt & tHe eXtenDeD DeGRees

the humanities education development unit works with students on the extended degrees programme, and runs the faculty foundation courses. the humanities extended degrees cater for students who have demonstrated the potential to succeed academically with additional academic support. if you’re reading this booklet, this applies to you! many of you on the programme attended high schools that lacked the human and financial resources required to adequately prepare you for university and so the faculty aims to provide additional assistance, especially in your first and second years of study, to ensure your academic success.

there are two extended degree programmes: an extended bachelor of arts (hb061) and an extended bachelor of social sciences (hb062). the extended degrees allow you to take the degree over an extended period of 4, instead of 3 years, thus reducing your academic load and allowing you to achieve higher grades. for example, ed students take 6 rather than 8 courses in their 1st year of study. ed students are also required to take a minimum of 2 foundation courses in their first year, which will provide you with many of the skills you will need to succeed in a humanities degree. other than this, an extended degree is exactly the same as a general ba or bsocsc. ed students attend the same lectures and write the same assignments and exams as students taking a 3 year degree.

in addition, you will receive academic support in the following forms:i. Foundation Courses: all ed students are required to take and pass 2 semester foundation courses. depending on your nsc and nbt scores, and which majors you choose, you will be required to take certain foundation courses. Please note that you must taKe at least 2 of the folloWing foundation courses in order to graduate: language in the humanities, numbers in the humanities, Working with texts in the humanities, and Working with concepts in the social sciences. more information about which courses you should take can be found in the MY CURRICULUM section of this guide. double check with your curriculum advisor when you register that you have chosen the right courses.

ii. ED Teaching Assistants: these are usually Phd students in their respective disciplines, who have a range of responsibilities within their departments with an aim to improving ed students’ experiences of learning at university. for example,

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they run and design the Plus tutorials, help the lecturers train and manage the tutors and oversee the work of ed tutors.

iii. Augmenting Courses (PLUS Tutorials): many of the 1st (and 2nd) year courses that you sign up for will have additional forms of support running alongside the regular lectures and tutorials; these are called Plus tutorials and take the form of extra tutorials, reading & writing workshops, assessment workshops, etc. they are run by ed teaching assistants with ed tutors and are available exclusively to ed students. attendance is compulsory for all ed students taking that course.

iv. VULA Sites: the humanities edu runs active vula sites, to which all ed students are automatically added as participants. you should use these sites to collect important resources and information and to find out what is happening in the programme (e.g., info about events for students, curriculum issues, etc.). it is essential that you check all vula sites regularly, as the university often uses them to communicate important information.

v. Writing Hubs: the Writing hubs are safe spaces, based in departments and linked to the Plus tutorials, where students can practise different forms of writing for their courses. each week, students will attempt writing tasks aligned with the themes of course lectures. some examples of online tasks are: 1) summarising readings, 2) answering questions on additional readings, videos, charts, 3) developing one’s own definition of key concepts, 4) constructing a thesis statement, 5) writing a paragraph, 6) paraphrasing. online and face-to-face writing consultations are also offered for essays and assignments.

IMPORTANT:From your side, the Faculty requires you to attend 80% of all lectures,

PLUS Tutorials, and workshops – registers are taken!

Failure to comply with this requirement will potentially result in your academic exclusion.

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The Humanities Faculty offers 2 Extended Degrees:

Degree Code Degree Name Majors

HB061 bachelor of artssee humanities handbook

p.34 for list of majors

HB062 bachelor of social sciencesee humanities handbook

p.34 for list of majors

• students on the humanities extended degrees may NOT major in Economics, Law, Mathematics, Statistics or Applied Statistics.

• students on the humanities extended degrees wishing to major in Psychology (PSY) or Philosophy (PHI) may only begin these majors in their SECOND YEAR of study.

• students on the humanities extended degrees wishing to major in Environmental & Geographical sciences (EGS) may only begin this major in the SECOND SEMESTER.

• extended degree students must take and pass 22 courses in total, of which at least 2 must be foundation courses, 12 must be humanities courses, and at least 10 must be senior courses (2000 and 3000 level courses).

• Wherever a course has a Plus tutorial attached to it, students must be sure to register for that version of the course. the list of courses offering Plus tutorials in 2015 is on page 16 of this handbook.

• the standard course load per year is outlined in the table below.

Year of study 1st Semester 2nd Semester

1st 3 3

2nd 3 3

3rd 3 3

4th 2 2

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these students are required to take the following: a. two foundation courses: i. doh1002f: language in the humanities (al score < 64) or doh1009f: Working with concepts in the social sciences (al score > 64) ii. doh1010s: Working with texts in the humanities

b. four 1000 level courses of their choice (courses with Plus tutorials must be taken where they exist)

semester 1 semester 2

DOH1002F: Language in the Humanities (AL < 64)

ORDOH1009F: Working with Concepts in

the Social Sciences (AL > 64)

DOH1010S: Working with Texts in the Humanities

1000-level course, depending on majors (PLUS course recommended)

1000-level course, depending on majors (PLUS course recommended)

1000-level course, depending on majors (PLUS course recommended)

1000-level course, depending on majors (PLUS course recommended)

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2 BACHELoR of soCIAL sCIEnCE MAjoRs (ExCLUDIng BUs/Egs/PoL/PsY/soC)

these students are required to take the following: a. two foundation courses: i. doh1009f/s: Working with concepts in the social sciences ii. doh1002f: language in the humanities (al score < 64) or mam1022f: numbers in the humanities (al score > 64) or doh1010s: Working with texts in the humanities (al score > 64)

b. four 1000 level courses of their choice (courses with Plus tutorials must be taken where they exist)

academic literacy < 64

semester 1 semester 2

DOH1002F: Language in the Humanities

DOH1009F: Working with Concepts in the Social Sciences

1000-level course, depending on majors (PLUS course recommended)

1000-level course, depending on majors (PLUS course recommended)

1000-level course, depending on majors (PLUS course recommended)

1000-level course, depending on majors (PLUS course recommended)

academic literacy > 64

semester 1 semester 2

DOH1009F: Working with Concepts in the Social Sciences

ORMAM1022F: Working with Numbers

in the Humanities

DOH1010S: Working with Texts in the Humanities

ORDOH1009F: Working with Concepts in

the Social Sciences

1000-level course, depending on majors (PLUS course recommended)

1000-level course, depending on majors (PLUS course recommended)

1000-level course, depending on majors (PLUS course recommended)

1000-level course, depending on majors (PLUS course recommended)

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2 BACHELoR of soCIAL sCIEnCE MAjoRs (InCLUDIng BUs/Egs/PoL/PsY/soC)

these students are required to take the following: a. two foundation courses: i. mam1022f: numbers in the humanities ii. doh1009s: Working with concepts in the social sciences

b. students who received an al score of less than 64 must also take: i. doh1002f: language in the humanities

c. students registering for bus, egs, or Psy majors must also complete: i. mam1016s: Quantitative literacy for the social sciences

d. three or four 1000 level courses of their choice (courses with Plus tutorials must be taken where they exist). students majoring in bus or egs may take the following courses concurrently with mam1016s: i. bus1007s: introduction to organisational Psychology ii. egs1003s: geography, development and environment

semester 1 semester 2

MAM1022F: Working with Numbers in the Humanities

DOH1009F: Working with Concepts in the Social Sciences

DOH1002F: Language in the Humanities (AL < 64)

OR1000-level course, depending on majors

(al > 64)(PLUS course recommended)

MAM1016S: Quantitative Literacy for the Social Sciences

(if majoring in BUS, EGS, or PSY)OR

1000-level course, depending on majors (PLUS course recommended)

1000-level course, depending on majors (PLUS course recommended)

BUS1007S or EGS1003S(if majoring in BUS or EGS)

OR1000-level course, depending on majors

(PLUS course recommended)

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1 BACHELoR of ARTs & 1 BACHELoR of soCIAL sCIEnCE MAjoR (ExCLUDIng BUs/ Egs/PoL/PsY/soC)

these students are required to take the following: a. two foundation courses: i. doh1002f: language in the humanities (al score < 64) or mam1022f: numbers in the humanities (al score > 64) or doh1009f: Working with concepts in the social sciences (al score > 64) ii. doh1009s: Working with concepts in the social sciences or doh1010s: Working with texts in the humanities

b. four 1000 level courses of their choice (courses with Plus tutorials must be taken where they exist)

academic literacy < 64

semester 1 semester 2

DOH1002F: Language in the Humanities

DOH1009F: Working with Concepts in the Social Sciences

ORDOH1010S: Working with Texts in the


1000-level course, depending on majors (PLUS course recommended)

1000-level course, depending on majors (PLUS course recommended)

1000-level course, depending on majors (PLUS course recommended)

1000-level course, depending on majors (PLUS course recommended)

academic literacy > 64

semester 1 semester 2

DOH1009F: Working with Concepts in the Social Sciences

ORMAM1022F: Working with Numbers

in the Humanities

DOH1010S: Working with Texts in the Humanities

ORDOH1009S: Working with Concepts in

the Social Sciences

1000-level course, depending on majors (PLUS course recommended)

1000-level course, depending on majors (PLUS course recommended)

1000-level course, depending on majors (PLUS course recommended)

1000-level course, depending on majors (PLUS course recommended)

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1 BACHELoR of ARTs & 1 BACHELoR of soCIAL sCIEnCE MAjoR (InCLUDIng BUs/Egs/PoL/PsY/soC)

these students are required to take the following: a. two foundation courses: i. mam1022f: numbers in the humanities ii. doh1009s: Working with concepts in the social sciences or doh1010s: Working with texts in the humanities

b. students who received an al score of less than 64 must also take: i. doh1002f: language in the humanities

c. students registering for bus, egs, or Psy majors must also complete: i. mam1016s: Quantitative literacy for the social sciences

e. three or four 1000 level courses of their choice (courses with Plus tutorials must be taken where they exist). students majoring in bus or egs may take the following courses concurrently with mam1016s: i. bus1007s: introduction to organisational Psychology ii. egs1003s: geography, development and environment

semester 1 semester 2

MAM1022F: Working with Numbers in the Humanities

doh1009f: Working with concepts in the social sciences

ORdoh1010s: Working with texts in the


doh1002f: language in the humanities (al < 64)OR

1000-level course, depending on majors (al > 64)(PLUS course recommended)

mam1016s: Quantitative literacy for the social sciences

(if majoring in bus, egs, or Psy)OR

1000-level course, depending on majors (PLUS course recommended)

1000-level course, depending on majors (PLUS course recommended)

bus1007s or egs1003s(if majoring in bus or egs)

OR1000-level course, depending on majors

(PLUS course recommended)

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Mainstream CoursePLUS Courses

(to be taken by ED students)

ell1013f: english literary studies ell1009f: english literary studies i +

ell1016s: english literary studies ii ell1010s: english literary studies ii +

fam1001f: media and society fam1009f: media and society +

fam1000s: analysing film and television fam1010s: analysing film and

television +

hst1005f: making of the modern World economy hst1011f: making of the modern World

economy +

hst1013f: World in contact hst1015f: Worlds in contact +

hst1014s: World in collision hst1016s: Worlds in collision +

Pol1004f: introduction to Politics Pol1009f: introduction to Politics +

Pol1005s: international Politics Pol1010s: international Politics +

Pol1006s:introduction to Public

administrationno separate course code

Psy1004f: introduction to Psychology Part 1 Psy1006f: introduction to Psychology

Part 1 +

Psy1005s: introduction to Psychology Part 2 Psy1007s: introduction to Psychology

Part 2 +

soc1001f: introduction to sociology soc1006f: introduction to sociology +

soc1005s: individual and society soc1007s: individual and society +


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Year of Registration Requirements to be Allowed to Continue

first at least 2 semester courses

second at least 4 semester courses

third at least 8 semester courses

fourthat least 12 semester courses

including at least 2 senior semester courses

fifthat least 16 courses,

including at least 6 senior semester courses

sixth must have met the requirements for the degree


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in addition to the foundation courses and Plus tutorials offered to humanities extended degree students, the humanities faculty mentorship Programme (hfmP) offers a social support network. We understand that you may feel more comfortable approaching a fellow student than a staff member to ask for advice, discuss problems, and share your experiences of uct. With this in mind you are automatically assigned a mentor (probably a 2nd or 3rd year student) during the first week of lectures who understands the social needs, pressures, and stressors of university life and will be able to offer any advice or support you may need.

the mentors have been carefully selected, have received training for their role and will meet regularly with supervisor mentors so that their performance can be monitored. mentors will also receive additional training and support throughout the year. your mentors will meet with you once a week and you will also be able to contact them via email at any time.

Note: this is a formal, year-long programme, with the option to opt out of the mentoring relationship (and its benefits) at the start of the second semester. if you do not fully participate in the mentorship Programme and are academically excluded at the end of the year, humanities faculty staff will not be able to support your application for readmission.



ms michelle mpike ms brittani nivens ms sepiso mwange

officeroom 24

beattie building

email [email protected]

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below is a table of upcoming events and programmes that you may have to attend. Please diarise them. times and venues are given to the best of our knowledge, but changes may occur. therefore please refer to the humanities ed vula sites for important announcements regarding notifications and/or changes of event dates, times or venues.


09 feb – 11 feb o-Week all day Jammie Plaza

12 february sax appeal day morning various

13 februaryintroductory lectures (tuesday timetable)

lecture Periods

lecture venues

16 february first lectureslecture Periods

lecture venues

16 feb – 20 febcurriculum change Week(first semester courses)

08h00 – 16h00 beattie basement

23 februaryhumanities edu Welcome

function17h00 uct club

every thursday reading groups 15h00 – 16h00edu seminar


every thursday humanities edu teas 16h00 – 17h00edu seminar


15 aprilhumanities edu awards

ceremony18h30 tba

20 Julyfirst lectures (semester 2)

lecture Periods

lecture venues

20 July – 24 Julycurriculum change Week

(second semester courses)08h00 – 16h00 beattie basement

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