human subraces

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Post on 05-Jul-2018




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  • 8/16/2019 Human Subraces


    Human subraces:

      Athani:Vikings/Cimerians. A hardy people valuing battle and strength above all else

    +1 str -1 cha

    Thralian:Romans/Aquilonians. Cosmopolitan folk at the center of civilization  base human stats as normal

    Krishans:From the land of Krishna: Persians/Egyptians. Their land is mostly barren, withvery little vegetation. They mostly live in magnificent walled cities and theyare known for their sailors and their gunslingers  +1 dex -1 con

    Myrvaleans:Formerly citizens of the greatest empire in the continent of myrvald under emper

    or Menos Myrvald the 1st. Now that once great empire has been reduced to a festering land of undeath and horrors. What few of them survive live as refugees in other kingdoms, a shadow o their former glory  -1str +1 cha

    Firah-aduni:From the lands of firah adun.: De se endiaferei mallon. Basically, araphdes ap thn erhmo. Nomades.

    +1 str +1 con -1 int -1 wis 

    Athenians:From the kingdom of Athenes, north of Krishna: Basically, ancient Athenians. Polites oplites, spears, shields, xitwnes kai dimokratia

      +1 int -1 dex