human language vs animal communication


Upload: andrea-di-cuonzo

Post on 25-May-2015




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Page 1: Human Language vs Animal Communication
Page 2: Human Language vs Animal Communication
Page 3: Human Language vs Animal Communication
Page 4: Human Language vs Animal Communication
Page 5: Human Language vs Animal Communication


DisplacementWe can refer to past, present and future time, and others locations, noOnly the here and now.

ArbitrarinessIt implies that there is no necessaryA natural (iconic) connection between a linguistic form and its meaning

Productivity This property is linked to thefact that the potential numberof utterances in any human Language is infinite.

Discreteness:The sounds used in a languageare meaningful distinct.

Duality:Meaningless units are combined to form arbitrary signs.

Other properties:Specialization = function CommunicateFeedback = Any speaker/sender can be a Listener/ Receiver.Vocal – auditory channel.

Cultural Transmission:The process whereby the language ispassed on from one generation to the next. This is crucial in the human acquisition process.

Page 6: Human Language vs Animal Communication

BirdsBirds have two types of sound signals-- have two types of sound signals--callscalls and and songssongs..

Bird callsBird calls consist of one or more short notes and seem to be consist of one or more short notes and seem to be instinctive responses to instinctive responses to danger, nesting, flockingdanger, nesting, flocking and a few and a few other basic situations.other basic situations.

Bird songsBird songs are used primarily by males to attract mates or are used primarily by males to attract mates or establish territory.  establish territory. 

Although bird songs are inborn, Although bird songs are inborn, and young birds naturally begin and young birds naturally begin producing them at a certain age producing them at a certain age even if raised away from their even if raised away from their species, some species must species, some species must experience adult songs to experience adult songs to reproduce the song perfectly.reproduce the song perfectly.

Page 7: Human Language vs Animal Communication

Among apes communication generally takes place within a Among apes communication generally takes place within a single social group composed of members of both sexes and of single social group composed of members of both sexes and of disparate ages, who have spent most or all of their lives disparate ages, who have spent most or all of their lives together.together.

Primates have very good eyesight and much of their Primates have very good eyesight and much of their communication is accomplished in gestures or body language.communication is accomplished in gestures or body language.

The meaning of gestures differs from species to species.The meaning of gestures differs from species to species.

Page 8: Human Language vs Animal Communication

The signs of animal systems are inborn.The signs of animal systems are inborn.Animal systems are set responses to stimuli.Animal systems are set responses to stimuli.In animal systems, each signal has one and only In animal systems, each signal has one and only

one function. one function. Animal signals are not naturally used in novel Animal signals are not naturally used in novel

ways.  Animal systems are essentially non-creative.ways.  Animal systems are essentially non-creative.Because they are non-creative, animal systems are Because they are non-creative, animal systems are

closed inventories of signs used to express a few closed inventories of signs used to express a few specific messages only. specific messages only. 

Animal systems seem not to change from Animal systems seem not to change from generation to generationgeneration to generation. . 

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