hubbard & wright sold...

^atcrtoton pails fffows, Is PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON. Term* i (S.QOJwr annum In advance. Single Coplei h cent* New York Weekly Beformer Pabliphod e?cry Tiinnday, at $100 per jew in ad fance. ________ :pi HOXTLATION I 9iily/:9O0|; « . . ■ W eokly, 5,300- Rates or A dm tiiliis: 'Rates In each paper the same for one week or *®ore. AdtertitH meats ia both will bb takoo- lor |0 per cant, less than the Bum jof the rates* < INGALLS* E GBtOH rtTBXOSBBKaS. 10u*c«a Nonpareil make a Square. Ooe Square ........ Three equarea. . S m rter Column. 41 f Column....... One Colamn...... 1 day |3daye 75 2 00 4 00 5 00 n 00 1 00 2 50 4 50 7 00 13 00 8 days 1 50 3 50 6 00 00 1 tr’klivrUK 3 ut- 5 00 4. 00 6 00 10 00 00 8 co 15 U) _ 10 00\ 30 CO l 80 CO 1 moj2 mosjs moe|6 mo#|l yeu One ctauare,......... Three Squares.... S aarter Colarait.., alf Column......... Oae Column ........ 4 00 8 00 10 OO 20 00 40 00 6 OO 12 On 15 00 25 00 50 00 7 00 14 00 23 00 80 00 60 00 10 00 20 00 as 00 60 00 115 00 20 00 40 70 00 120 00 200 00 J&D1TOK1ALand LOCAL NOTICJ58 15 cents per Use. SP&01A.LS 20per cent added to regular rate#. Ho adterrtsemeula running oyer one month will be inserted In Dally oitener than etery other dir. for Spe:ial Contract©, apply at tho office, Ro.3 Ar- ade, WATERTOWN. N. Y. Business Curds. J3f~S. W. Ballard, Hkdertakkr.- Rcsidencc, Jackm an House, Room. No. 7, iBt floor. Residence of Son, No. 14 Gooo.a)« gtrect. Oct.20.dtf ^ItEESICAN SOTBI., WA IBBTTYN, N. V. A. M. HARRIS, Proprietor. J utV 1869. Ai: _ ________ OODllUFF UOfJSE. WATERTOWN, N, Y -hroutghly fitted ap aad w!U bo kflpt BtllCtly as Fir*'. Claas iloneo. , _ Ju:j o, dl J. BUCB^ft HANQgn. Prop. w J ackrnan arouse, ft'A TER 1 O 'V.'- IV. i. E D . W . PEIERSO N , Bocoesior to Guo. W. Jonoa. lato |propr-etor. ' \9T Ed. PxTEiraon. will alvr.y. bo st homo lo ercet hia old friend* and yrtih* coidUl wclcomoio Die now- State* leavo this balal lor all point*. Porter at all trainri*_____________An Vd'._ J^OUXOM BJMiSK’M om&tio JbalixeT of Blrabarb, A ofmipep*l*A Dlaxrhoa, Pjieptc rr Jbc. constantly on hand and lot tala Wholciale and ■r^Mggiasgar'***. Office horn* trom8 to 12 a. nn, from 2 to Ba n u , anrt Iramlto Slatho CTcaing. Roildcnc* Ho. 47 Waau U dl.arta.fe oacflprweriptionf tanit 5bpaid tar on d®JlT«rj* ranlbdly. ___________________ E. LRMXBS, M. D. /-> BADVA2T3 I f a n tbo French School of Meil VJ te . ctMindfaoraenr, Victoria Univorsity, BSo&troal, Fhjalcian to lho Grey Nuns’ General UorpiUL and Prtrrldanco Aayhnn PI*p<m#Arl«a, Editor of tbo “GaaetU Modlcalo" and Hecrotary of ibo ■edlcoChtmrgici) Boooty of Hootrcsl. OFWC*—Jflrrt door,8dfloor Arcada. Bcaidenco. Ccrner ffewk and Coffbtn Streets, Watertown, 2S.Y. feb 15 d 2m HUBBARD & WRIGHT AIMra.T- and ComuteUor. at L aw , OCca otot Ho. 8 Waahington Btrcot, Watertown, ■aw York. ___ F. w, BrppnAnp. c. d . wihcht HAMMOND fc WINSLOW, Attorney. aad 6oaB*elora al Law. MIc* ototNa 1C Washing too Bt. Watertown, N.Y S. H, UAMJIOND. BRADLEY WINSLOW. v*l-filj J. X). D O D G hT . OITY MARKET. N a 102AB8KNAL BT, WUOLSALE AHD RETAIL Jeatenln tl1kinds ft Baare, BontooRa A Salt YYxnnFran, !» TSii! otJFrcesn A i j B l 19k ft 81I.T Huts, Ha. Batraaesa. Faxsn O tstto A Gama ruton Ordsrs prom ptly sttenden to, Decanter 1887. ______________ IS KIDH LIFE IS8UHBD1 The Emp ire State Life Insurance^ . OFFERS MANY SUPERIOR JADVANTAGES Tt^THOBE WHO.WOULD Insure Their Lives 1 OFFICE - WASHING TON BALL, WAtSBVOWl tt. ?. GEO. B. PHELPS, President. L. TADDOCK, 1st Vico Pres't. EZRA CORNELL, 3d JOHN SH ELDON. Sccretorj S. K. BATES, STedlcol Examiner, ___ J. ? . ST/RBUCK Counsel. ______looelfiatt NOTHING IB LOST. Nothing Is lest I the drop Di dew That trembles on the leafor flower I. bat exhaled to gdl anew In snmmer'a tbnnder shower: Perchance to ahlne within the bow That front, the inn at All of d.j; Perchance to sparkle In tbe flow Ot fonntalna tar away. 80with our deed., lor good or ill. They hive tbeir power icerce nnderetood, Then let na wa onr better will To make them rlfo with good; Like circles hn t lake they go. Ring within ring, and never ste;: Oh1tha( oordeeda were fashioned, eo That they might biers alway. Down Aboat liOalevllle and Fell Ameng Thlevce. WATERTOWN GENERAL ANCE AGESGY , MYRON BEESEE, Agent. Odd Hartford,— Hartford 60 years snoccsstiuhns- iness................................................. R,544,aiA Pkeellll. HotUord.................. ...... 1,056,000 CiiT JFIIra, Hartford ................. ..........ATS,4 8 3 PaiW L fiarttbrd.................. ............TOG,93.7 Gen aecL<t«t, Hartford......................... *80,000 IWcv i*r Sew York...................... -J»,01T,S6» lliAS ilo u e l. Sow York..............1,353,40V UNhl’f'O STATFF, ...................... 460,000 NORTH BRITISH, (in eold) 14,iBO.flOO Near Euglaud fcUe,lloston 8,566,000 O nardlsu Lire *4Ew York,.............. 1,866,000 National ........ " ........... 1,000,000 IS ”* These oro Old, Strong cioaapanlej, D w elllnn and Contenta tnsued fromore to flve yeua, at the lowotl rates. Lifo Insurance In reliable CotrbAnlir. Cs’l cm no betoio tnsnrine or iuhoiliU'e you? pol icies, Af Ba.'.cr ft Scebee't .Jecvc'rv fijbye. m , MYROW BEFfrBF. Agent. Watertown Accost cs, 1867 bcd (From tho Lon'.vl'le Cornier and Jomnsl A tich ease of unsojhisticattd couutiy- ism was develop' i io tbe City Court Satur day. morn tg . The other day Waab Kelly, a lad of about nineteen years, who, up to ni'Vntw o week? ago, never dreamed that the bonds.! y of the world was great rr than, -he coup res of Chs'k Ridge, ia the upper cod of Hr’ t Couacy, Kentucky, bundled up bin best tow-'inen shirt, end ariajing him self in bis bran now biue jean Lock with black liimmidgs, his copperas colored breeches, aud red topped boots, aod, fore going father and mother, ana friends, snd kindred, started out to explore the new world, which had recently opcDed itself out before bis admit in s vision. W ilh tho sum el fifteen dollars as a part ing gift from bis mother, and the residue of hia every day clothes, he started in tba di rection from which he had so often heard tbo sonnd of the locomotive's whistle, and striking the railroad commenced striding ths ties as easily and naturally as if they wore plow an rows, and made good lima it) tba direction o i the metropolis. When Dear Elizabethtown he tell In with two men going tbe same road, and, accent ing them aceord'ng to the familiar -custom of hie own count y, thetline l>. ~ame fellow travelers. H is comtianio ts, it seems, had seen mnch oi tbo wo^1 rid discovered hit weak po'uts in a ve, y short time. His ex perience, wi-fob had Iren a-•cumscribed by thu na'row i*mtts oi .upper Hart, bad taught him t ) ctH d .r everybody per fcctly truatwoidiy fid bone tt without question, and b e so considered these, tho first s'ran- gelt, probably, t'tal he had orcr mot. tie allowed -hem “Ye acctes to aMhia cocis a about a me a t f or even an obj - trior — HhfclS was in the po-ket ol his cresm- (Vltn cHp’-d brt'tb • nd l's * V hating art'■s to Iho crr'vn rrlorrd’e, of course mado re .j i with tho $10. before going far they tollevpdbim of tho trouble ol cai j lug his b n t"o ot cloth.'s by Irvtfetring lho different e delta to the.1 • pe. ins. One bad on b’a old Hat m d Sun day w r’etcoa*, wb;'c -notbe • wore bis p'ow- hr* ib<s andbrqgane. Wben thoy wonld como to a high Meat'e, Coun'iy would not walk over but go under; snd w hen tbey ai. ved at the big tu n c1, 1 sing averse »o dark and mys'?* .ons envrs, r i no fiid . ha cl'mbed over the It*'1, w l 'o b's nm rad'j pessod through and wsi'cd on tho o*hersido lor him to romo dowD. H tt<s way ‘hoy dnopged thomiolvcs fllowiy e'ong ts Shep- hcrdsT ’lo, whon, ri*cd and foot tore, thoy got on the trs:u and tubs- act rd tbo amount of thr - fu'-k, from wbat was le*. of the lad’s $16. A thort ride set the yovng corn* jm to b head to swimnrig, and st jn brought them op 4tS'"*wbtri/ Station, aboat flvo miles from thifl city. Here tho two men toid thetr greon companion that tbo road bra'ched, ■id that they most got off aud tu'ie another trim Ij getto Locist le. The uricsp'Ct- in g follow readily consented, but |ust tt be stepped off Iho tn 'n moved on rid took b is companions, vi ith his clothes and $15 from him. Now, for tho first time, h e began to suspect that something wss wrong, and, si thoa t waiting 1 1 e-. owhat tho byataudera it tho station ware laugh:ug at, ho started .her the trim, which wss fast dV.ppe&uog' .round a neighboiiDg cut vo, aud tucctcdrd it is Mid ;n reaching ton n almost ts quick pi tho locomotive, lie followed the track a .0d oini® tight into tow n through the depot H o was shown to a policeman, who under took to flnd the men who robbed him. His carpet bag w*s found st a tavern on Broad- vsay, and Ls'.y Moots , tbe o n w lo bad le it it there, w e ' at rest id. The young ooun,rymsu at .a words identified him as ome of the men who had traveled with him. Before tho Oity Court Saturday, Kelly displayed Iris fgoorancot(o the :v finite amuse rrient of the Com tbo bar tnd thab 7 Steud- ets, and told his oogivm uutical slot f. the rosin (acts oi which are given above. W ai'e giving in his f • itimony he persisted in hold ing his hand op, au if bertg sworn. Eo said tbe other man had gone to Birdstiwn, r”id bo j-ntitoded to W ow him rs soon aa b e got bis clothes, not knowing that they would be retamed for wtiks, and perhaps months, ss evidence in the upper Court.— tfooro, the fcosed, wan held m $SOO .to mswer a felony. The young'mrn waa ib- d? pmut tuat,s her ancerecovei , ’ug hia clothes aod Lat ng tbe thief r-m sd end convlctjd ta he thought, his goods, tho ye:/ thmgahe was, were eliri kept ‘rom him b y tho Cour' Being as be cou'du’t get them, he said ho wonld as I'ef the thief hr 1 them as the Judge. i n jndge-advo- jJB* I* 5 BAKKtl, of New York, Has compomflcd an article called S I R I N E , for the caro atRaldsesi anfl Gray Hktr. t h u trtlde U a vegetable Pomafla UbUf Mtla' raedi, and will turngray hilr ta lit cnsjiiuoolarts. Ilxttayw whemuiea accor ' ne to tkw atteOOot— Ntflxapoti at$l. It 'a i beaa.ilnl articltftrold orronnf, fn diwulng tile bolt, and keepleiltfro* taroJiiBpar. or* Sold by c i n ft Kassxt, anOKkttoas * OoxoWR, Dmsgistd, W.tertown, L.Y. .huoflow pftXBBftHKS 8CALK8, T dl STANDARD BOAT .83 Of THS ' UOTTRD BTATN8. y«MlqoB|r«t .OOOJS»f — A Frcqehmsn oncoh,’ed a room in Prr- ou cond'ton that the set rant would wake him up every moth’sg at daybreak, aud fell ’ui tha day of the w* jk ihe state nf the wv-'tiior, snd under what fo. .n of govern ment ko w ri 'ng. — The bridge acrcBS ihe Wi'uons'n river at Mutcodo, which wrs br;lt over a yer r .go ii rn o; re ibo of over $18,000, was r 1 most to*“ Hv tit •'uyed b y tho br^ol og up o f lhe Ice to the riyor lt"»£ w: 3k Ah T ’’y ‘a Hiubl. Jale, Corn,baa povvdflW by eating **lo»tg clrTk,” Two per M d h a d\ \ ond tb'ce others r*enot ex- psct. ilo r cover. Thodre '"-a lakuownts “dsmoioleir ” Eight hundred md .' even buddings are it p tfin t ;n progre.-s ol crto'lon iu New York cfoy. One bnndrcd end eighty four west comtnen.qed rstj one huu4te4 tnd twen; ty-six compldted Jfist Kontb{thB grealer nnmLcrbe nglodatcdahovo Thirtieth street. Th* breaksrofE. fiiilm aaACa, at 1h- honoy City* was dwtroyed on Sundty eight togethttw iih til themtchineiy. TheloMia $«Ofa»,ACsartd doc 4M*QOO. T«o m S 'S .S W g ife isosndiityi ' , Jtid-GaUiift- a Law* ofNew Fork^Bjf Aoiborlty. C H A P . SO. AN ACT to provide for the enrollment of tlio militia, for tho orgpnization of theNatioi»'il Guard o f the State of New York, aud for the public defeiiwe; avd entitled The Mili tary Code. (CONTINUJCD) ARTICLE IV. 0P THK GHtiANiZA.T£ON OF THE GKNEEAL SXAFF. 25. l h e Adjutant-General shall have tho rauk of majur-gcneral ; and in th6 corps of AdjutautrGeneral there shall be an assisHpt adjutant-general, with the rank of colonel; B id such acting assistants aa shall be required may be appointed by tho Adjutant-Genera), witb the approval of the Comuiander-iu-<Jh\ef, end to eaeli division an assistant adjulaut- goaera1 ., with the rank of colonel, I j be chief of staff; to each brigade an assistant adjti- tant-geueral, ^vith the rank of lieutenant col- oneL, to be chief of staff ; and to each regi ment au adjutant, with the rank of tud lieu tenant. § The Inspector-General shall have the rank of brigadier-general; and in tho corf s of laspoctors-general there shall be an as***’ t aut inspeotor-general with the rauk of (ol- onel ; and to each division an inspector, with tho rank of colonel ; and to each brigade an inspector, with the rruk of major. f j ^7. The OonuniHsary-GenemJ name<l in tho Goiistitn on nhall have the rank of brig- a'Uer-^eneral, and shall be ohief of ord<tuce. end in his deportment, which shall l>©styled tho orduance depaitment, he shall he the purchasing and i^tu^n^offioer, and shall take charge of and be responsible for sack military property and supplies as are lmown and desig nated by the ret alations and orders Aovein- ing the *my of tie United States as belone- ing to tho ordauce depaitment; and the said cblof of orr^nance shall give security for the .faithful elocution of the duties of his office, a? provided by chapter two hundred and twenty- sevcrn of the laws of eighteen hondred nud fortv-eight; and in the ordnance corps there aboil be an assistant chief of ordnance, with tho rank of colonel; and to each division on ordnance officer, with rank of lieatonant-col- onel; and to each brigade on ordnance offi cer, with rank of captain ; and so many mili tary Btorokeeperh to take care of and proar ve the arsenals, magazines, fortiflcatiorjn, and military stores belonging to the State a» shall be required, to bo appointed by the Chief of Ordnance, with tho approval of tho Coounan- der-ln-Chiof. § 28. Tho Engineer-in-Chief shall have tho rank o f brigadier-general ; and in tho cor ps o f engineers there aludl he to each division an englnoer, with tho rank of oolonel; and to eaoli brigade an onginoer, with the rank of major. § 2V. Tho Jndgo-Advocate-General aboil have the rank of brigadier-geuornl; and in the corps of judgo-advocates there sh*U bo to each division a jndgo-advocate, with the rook of colonel; and to riich brigade cate, with rank of major. § 80. Tho Surgeon-General pball havo tho rank of brigadier-general; and in themedidd jvc there .be’1 bo I> oath div sionasrrgoon rih Ike rank of colonel -, I r each biigado a surgeon, nlth tho rank of major; and on as- ..ant surgoan, with tho rrrk of capta’n ; id I) eerh batta’‘on • snrge.-n, with tho rank of ra.jor; oil of whoxn shv’1 be gcalnatos of some tncoiporatsd school of medicine, and com'mla&donad by ihe Commauder-in-Chlef ou tho necoiumendatiou of tho bnrgeon-Goa- eral; hut I hoi" rank a^afl not cntiuo thorn lo ( om i.nd or promotion in tho tine, nor rc- gtrlato their pay and allowances in thosorviro, § 31. ThoQaa-.Mmastar-GonersI nhnll hnvo tho rank of lit ig« lier-gonor.' and is his do pe* unont ho ehs'l bo tho pn ct suing and raring officer, m d ibill leko charge af and l>e rosponidole lor such xnUilsry propo ty and rarppllm as «-o known and designated by the regnlal'rms nnd ordni. cover.r’ig tho army of tbo ilr ted Blaise as lrelocg'ng to tho (jUnr- tonnislar dopartmont; and 'n quaimrmns- ter s corps shall ho an assistant qnnrtor- master geueral, witb tbe ronk of colonel; I j crch diviaon a qn.rtormastar, with tho rank nf lientonantreolcmel , to each brigade an ns- R-stsnt quartormastor, with tho rank ol cap tain ; nnd to each regiment or battalion an assistant quartermaster, with tho mnk of first lieutenant ; and tbo Qnanermaster-Gonerjl may, wilh tho approval o f ths Commander n- Chief, appoint so many storekeepers as Iho origencios of tbo service may require. § 32. The Paymaster-General shall havo the nr k of hrigadior-genoral; and in tbo paymaster's corps there shall bo an assistant paymsstar-genera', with the rank of colonel, and eo many paymasters, with tho rank of major, as the oxigencios of the service may require, to be appointed by the Oommander- in-CJhiol, cm the recommendation of tjio Pay master-General, and hold thoir offices daring the pleasure of the Commandor-in-Chief. § 33, The Comtnissary-Gononri of Subsis tence shill have the rank of brigadier-general; nnd in Iho subsistence corps there shall bo to each division a estefflfsksy of snbsistan -.o with tbo rank of tientsnant-colonel ; and to each brigade acomnrisvsry of subsistence with tbe rack of captain ; and so many assistant oomrrrsrarJes, with tbo ra n i of captain, as in the opir'on of the Cotrmander-in-Cbtaf the cr’genoios of the set rice may reqvr-p ; snch assistant commissaries t> be appoint nt by tho Commsnder-in-Cbief, on thoreooiumeniufliou of th e Commissary-General of Subsistence, tnd hold their offices'dr i-ig the pleasure of the Comtnsnder-iu-Ohlpf. § S4. The chief of each corpi of the gen- end staff sbe’l bave Iho appointment of his as sistant, who shell hold office dm ;ng the pleav nre o f such chief ; and every such olief sb.'l prepH-c snd trsnFTi’-t, at the expense of the Btato, allbla-k forms of returns, precepts, warranj'i sr»d proce*d;ng.5 that may bo nsces- saiy In'Ms* corps, 9 35, The (Jjtnmandor-in-Chief is author ized «nd empowered, ink's disoretion, to make anoh ehtmges lu the orgar-ization of the sev eral stnff carps ss he may deem expedient, and.fc° prescribe, b y j.'tin md rego'ations the duties tu be performed by tho officers of such corp-g which shs'l eonfoim tr those which are prescribed for tho goveumont of the staff Corps of the urmy or tl far » s it is p ■*- Tqmirreotlon thereof, and whon tho er gencies of the ser vice shall require, the Commander-in-Chief may appoint and dammlsiiin, not exceeding three, addition.l aids on h’s sKff.with the rank o f colonel; and, also, such nfeksbcr of assistants, with the rsrk orf fiflutanaurikolonol or major, In the several staff corps, es b’s iudgrnent s&all be necoswry; but Such ansia- tanfe sfcell hold the-- cmnm’ssiors or’y dur ing th e pleasure of the Comnaunder-in-Cbief certaiuod ; which roster ehall be revised nud corrected every year ; aud ho shall also enter into a book, to be kept for that pUrpuw r, u local description ol I lie several company bal- tci-y troop, battalion, regimental brigade and division districts. 9 .17. lt shall bo the duty of the cqhimaml- ants of divisions, during .the lni'iitf; of D,- ceniber, aud prior to the fifteenth dhy ihero- of, in each year, to’furnish the Adjutant-Gen eral with a roster of all the commissioned of ficers in their divisions, containing the facts requisite to enable him to comply with the provisions of thin act. - § 38, All books required by the Adjutanl- Genenn to comply with the provisions of this aot shall be furnished at the expense ol and be the property of the State. § 39. The seal now used ia tho office of the Adjutant-General shall continue to be the seal of his office, aud shall, from timo to, he de livered to his snocossor in office; and all copies of records or papers in Ins offioe, duly certified and authenticated undor the said seal, shall be evidence in all cases, in like manner, as if tho original was produced. § 40. It shall be the daty nf tho Adjntant- General from time to time, as may be neces sary', to cause so mnch of the militia laws as shml ho in force to be printed and bound in proper form, and distributed, one copy to each commissioned officer, town clerk, super visors clork,. and county treasurer in this State ; and also to prepare and cause all ne- cesirary bloqk books, blanks, forms, and noti- cesMp be furnished to the National Guard at the expense of the State, to curry into full .ef fect the previsions of act; and the Comptrol ler is hereby directed to draw his waXTant an the Treasurer of the State fbr tho expenses incurred under this section arid section thirty- eight § 41. In cose of absence of the Adjutant- General from the city of Albany, or in case of hid inability to perform hfa duties, the as sistant adjntant-geueral shalFhave foil power to perforin all the duties apaPrtninilig to the office of the Adjutaut-GcafnL But noth ing in this section Hhall be (A ponstrued as to give any validity to the acts nf tho assistant adjutant-general, in case of (the disapproval of the Adjutaut-GonaruL, after such disappro val shall have been shown bw special order to- that effect STILt TAKES THE L^ltDl New Importations and Styles: LOWEST FHIOKS, POltORLAlN DE TKRRB line entirely ncji, in French btsdtoniv ww. ui Cfctaa, and > coflUwt only sbuiporckX jAIM , iJWo^rnffHon.e WHITB 8T0HE CHINA, Plain, Figured, AndBonded- mi Retail Trade; contort •Jpc all the leading .tyib •nd make*, Afro a fr” Bu. o f Common Ware, 18.Woodruff Roue. FRENCH cfitHA, Fine French China, , Tw Beta, Breakflut Bed WHITB GOLD BAND, Pining Sett, Md hi It AND DKC08ATBD. 18 WoodruffHquic. FANCY GOODS. An infinite rarlety. 7 a , S . Col Heldera,— ToflW aeti, — Bouqaat ftc. ftc, at Bmokuig aaUt ftc. ftc { No. IS Woqdmff Hoi INK SILVBBPUfiTXD Outer*. Cake Bukcl Ice PStcher^Te* W.r, and hpooai, Fork, and Knivi BRITANNIAfrftBA lSW^raffBo'ira ( to bxoo: lit and during the term of service oJ5 (he chief of the fifeff Qflrpftin which ffieysheU beappoint- .j an « —. >det«ch ed; a u d the Coj officers of the griieral staff from their spdeial -Borvtoe, and detail them for other duties when ever h e dtams ft expedient to do so ; and he mnr also impose on them additional dudes by giving thorn acting appointments forsuch pur- peso. ABTI0LE V. cd . 1 . OF THB DVIflta Of CCnTXIM OniGXM OF THE " OtrOSRAti ISTATr, Attti o r VARIOUS RtytXXBS oonsxciin wwa ra m wxMCirv* dxpAbt- mtirr*. |F 3X3 UUtfliiiT-OEStAftAL :asyatsssne®B5??s TIHtMKti ’ ' ‘ ' m ||BW BOOKS. FOB HALE BY 8 TERLING ft MASHER. PBIBSTANDNCN. aULX 0 2 TBS MONK, By QjrateWt- Y0IJNG SHETLANDER AND HlittOJO. 1 SUBLtMfi IN NATURE, OLD FASHIONED GlfiL. B3BSIE AUONQ THK M0LNTA1H8- A THYBICIANd PROBLSMH ISiBRL'S SECRET, G0UUiUIINB TUBBOIT OF HO(|NS8S. TUB HOOEN STEINS, DIALOGUEB FliOK DICKENS. B8KCUS6’t>LLpIUBB ROOM TALKS PRINCIPLES OF DOMESTIC SOUtNCE, Br Milt C-B. Bcccbcr and Mr* Btowot * - , TNNOrFMa-ARHDAD. Anow #sj!p'r H8ALTU Br GOOD y V1NG. HIND BOOK OFHULPIIUH CURE, fru Vioca and ‘Ircc,. MSN AND I1YSTBUIS40F WeLL BTItEST, J^IDLAND i^ ondb . S even f er Cent Gold. FREE OF MHliRNMENT TSX. . 02i Taa FIRST, MORTGAGE BONDS OF A Railroad in M ew t Vork State. THS NEW YORKAHD OSWESO Midland Railroad, extend, from New YortcClly to '.Ho City ot Oivrego on Lrio Ontario, tdistuico.of 400 mlica. Including liracdc*. Tho lino I. c mplctert about ISOtnUe* from Ovwoeo, and regnUr train. rmmlrig drily-— Rapid progrre. Utnaklns'n tbo balance o l th. Ups .nd thocctl-c woik wilt be completed it tfiicV.uliei .1 practicable ucrtod. SAFETY of yob hoem . Thera e no railroad bond offered nposx ths New York market which to cleanycomntnec .ho clement* Of P1RFKCT SECURITYud a HIGH RATI UF INTKRS5T aa tht.; In prool of which aoertioD tho Collovrtng rimplo frets rao pnraentod; 1. THB LOCATION OF THE ROAD, stretching from lhe ctty ol New Tort, aero*, tho Northern put nt Now Jersey and the rich and popnloua MID LAND COUNTIES OP NEWYOBK STATS tothe noareit port on tho great Lakes. U such, that lt mnat command a large throas h ud local traffic from the moment I f . opened. Tho route from Now Yotk to Buffirio will be shortened .OTcntymile*, and to O*- wego lortv-flvo miles. I THE COST OF BUILDING THE ROAD it about KO .OOOper mile, rad 1 20,000 of thau amount l» nccoeeartiy fumlahed by aloch rabicrlptgon bw- foie a dollar Is used from tho sale of bonrtto, since the Issue of the tartar ts positively limitedto I*1 ,OOO PER MILK OF ROAD BUILT AND IN RUNNING ORDER. Over tS.000,000have already boen paid ln on etock subscriptions. 8. Tlio mortgage bonds on overy railroad running ont of New York Dity, are good, and lntofeit la promptly paid on them. 4. Tbe Total Interest Liability ot Ihla great through rooto of railway between tne lakes and the Atlantic coast. 400miles In length, mill thn* be on'y J5GO .OOOper icom . ar.c; tke whole linsta completed- On Iho qo»1moderate ralcdlationstho average EARNIXOS u f A SINGLE BQNTB would larexceed this sum. TBE KATE OF INTKBBST. These bonds pay eoven per cent, tn gold, freco United States income Tax, and ffils with gold at ISC tu equal to about ffif poi ecst- a year. No ratlona penon could oxpccl a SAFE INVKSTMJNT, with in our own State to be oflcrcd on moroliberal terras than these. ' ’ TBE BONES. Tho bonds bavo SB years to ran; arolanedlnde-* noMInatldnaof $1,000; bear SorenPet Gut. Interest Ingold, freeof Income Tax: are Coppott terod, wilh interest, payable comi-annuUy York, ontho Srst of Jannary andlitioJjtufr, £ ‘:/ 'd-m LAMPS, UBAHDKLIIRS LANTSRNS, FlYTUSkg, ftc, ftc. Mlaa Bronsel..... Chuud.ilan, Gaa i ^«^,aud.;- KNIVES, FOHK8, osy, Resswoofi and Btnat Handlea—Stasl, allwc imp TEA TRAYS. ft h P t a te J ^ ^ R t ^ via ,9 3 r ”'.? ““W /g ,*-M SO) WJf, sUtik tlio Litesfc Btylffi.of JTASEI J i i \ r E L R Y , Watches,'-•■Soii Sxl7er s n d Si Ivor plated tVartij’QIOtj! Table. ~Warc &c. ' W o ,,call, special atteali&iii toour large stock of Amo r- ican W~ atohes, comprisirig tbe Hov z ftrd, V^altluirxi and AtnOrigaij. Elgjb ITewiirks and United States in.ovo meats. The E . ?. & A. K FLGH' E R Wastch, mado exp-ressltj, £6% 13 b y tho JA.mei’icaTi W atch Co.ri is flnoCh w ’onotrtetre balance with a * 8 late improvements, and^'Wajrl^t^i to loop accurate, time,*pyit5.G ':£ W e keaji a large dBscatme.iiV^' iii-- dies Qoid (Axaorican and- ,;-Swisi) Watches and Gold 0hftibg,;;‘#?j’( which vn& warrant b y special' (Sertii cate. Imh Clocks, we Lave those < English, Fpeneb, Ger»ao and Amoi ■ ican Mamniacfcm-e. also keep tlieJtl aca Calowider **d/^he c«fe5raffe® .pet Thorans Calender Clocks, the, biei ia tills countrjr. Our stock of Ej zantine, ©TOaate, Engraved, am j E ;i ■"utdod t J o iV e lr y ia tho m e1 ' : e te in ©Tovtkern N e w Tori ilain gol«d‘ ' ' " GLASS WARK. M.v patternslq. b v tit Bl©c©» M 1 llS.ftW^dndrS(»U. 1 ilf- Pricfi-ParA Accrued : _ ^aopklcU, ClrtaUrv, ft& suy bhhAfion; B r Beratwmbftxr-13 JPobUo ■qoftra- We Import mr own , Goodt, i«#pf?U w gut Btotkintht Oify,oML kB at (fr* , LOWS3T PRIQBB. a.u; <***U--------- ---------- NovflOw , Q A R P E TS, . 1 ^pr ■Ww WM First Arrifal for gpiiDg,^7 aoid D ia m o n d « <&a. Ih >Enive9*‘ F6tiJc 1 and ^pooais, w o koep hdne but” th 1 heel cjimli—y . Solid silver, aod &te'£ bow topec-riades and Eye GlaueB Oiu- Silver Plabed wore is from tb 1 .eoie^atiiS kliamfaotories oftho’J fc •pitttpwi, Itesed & EaitoD,3nd Gorhan Gompuiic-8.. A_1I of otur goods >yr< warrmUmai if an article do£6> nO proveaBiwepreseBited-WG. yriShxtfvtu1 the raoitqy^ Opposite the Atnerjpu H otel, No- 1 Ckiftrt etree.t, !W iter town I ,. , ,[| , u'.'l. njafr , N E,v-lVt|tRlifia,an.4.Jew(^byj,g^' pnired by *expdrienRod: t’worlsmti»,qr AH w I q M :pr i silver ^ oatlj ^grawiid gf.pkwjce,-,. OSS OF TBS EiAMQM0lJ,O'fa. 6 t z ' 0 . J’i Af • q fusflikjt 1 , , jqunnr- tw DDifrttT*' dTue jalnrat olD rin^riM l, whiclii'tecurtai n'caiui ot'j soft. ralflSh ; xndfamm .......................... .... ' U EVER HHOUQUT TO r w l l JXA0 !iT,‘ Alt Uoogbt tlnco ti» rcctnl );t*al fthcllfii In bold weigh W ile , en • • .! 1 Sold Accordingly ^ 1 Any ono wonting Carpets, cannot fail td be pleased, tither In THIGE or QUALITY; bs we havo tbs gooda snd tie / syo to bo j SOl.X> O H EA-Pj OALL AND BE C0NW1N0ED. 1 HfiBBIOK & AYSR&. ! March7dwtl ittopaabfij luo i7 AVWticritWto - - - - r .T— -------------- ifrftSritii 'olldl-i'* anytinnz-'vnlh urti ;igyta fce»J afr!frelri falYai- & % ' ;d|!al|p.j -Pailht ’CaBlNiUELtrifrf1 %l ip FfKSr. a m> sEorrsiTiztris mji Vmonicm^ii >'miir Sow4U% ^^ WftHiyiroji Rome. Railroad jw m % < hiiabge fo ' ■lAOCPMftffttL m # k M‘ A*# i V"l SS& uita? the v: (r.oaliiahainc TBFtXBBOlT Ifssoari ¥iU«y 2*&rutlpercnt AikvaUy. (imOAIIG'DA Th* i_. TiffhtfoVU ro%V JIH E KOHUiLAN G M BL v.S. This Is thoeftrlint, hexdlNtmd hast tabla grap. ixlitence for Horthem Now York. U I. vow an1 . that la ra lugs sunsher of n’aee, -— .'-— t Oh,L It..' lo exlitenco oBtahhrited fret,th _.. ________ m _ between tho Atlantic le d Mlilleejppi,. wheie lha ttls ackhnvrt- LsvuleUw r, azd ‘s Ilia BraVwe'l ______________ le. P.Icafrom stamp foy_____ Other tirly Fripaw SOM , elM._qrd«r Book FMm.Vn ba. been gro*n ftUd trtl only (rape of Irat qurilw that, wrillErav tally tustnra Its Crnltlu our coldcllsute. (1 to IJ. Band stamp for circular. *»*0 - - 1— -i.tta,.«xelui|v* ____ ~t'ihiinMtii'lii _ teft.tyl.of wcri.^ ELmiUUfoofcRrtlrtflfl' JanlW**t t ts? ' Qioevit , WahiBxtss.jaifl Blodi. -recelveft cow h y Brit. whpM firitvervfi orwanled byiipreaa .boetlbe J.tot May. D. B. MARVIN, Axest, Watertown, N.Y. et TJsaapeon Ortwr' here,orfo MaichRdftawftwfit rrrAmTNGTON rz-HR»r ' ' QARDEN f t NURSERY. The iub*crtb» w ill bs hftjjpy to wattply, at rtteoe- ihle price*, all who may waasi Irm it and Onamniantftl Viteftc* 8 hnbtei7, Grape Vinw, H u ll Vrnlla, of all varie ties, Bacxthoxa, Qar hedgtn*, Connorer'a saw Col- loroi »«d coanen Aiparsnl Eoeu, choice n* Riant, ftc. ftc., GabhSfa, Tea*to, Tarnlp, Oteity, Pepper,and Mtt BantA, far fatly ck frta.pUntfrf;, JT" ORAFTING doc. to accoasodata eutom- nacbtiliB pot, fit WTW.0SRHN*; •wMsaapr* ^es-vss>!rak,_ -< 'fijsp'tl r ; i iTrt Best RunoiawOrder/ - • - .’l)T. <j y WetrtK^JUKTO^Cn^a, te iMritetdtet mu Bed Bmfis. ol Tfiin«/;ftoftr,j BUCEWURftST W= tB, OOKNMRALANDYKII towW l*!3W :vt*& wtll aptra nofttiui t o «ira e^etvJSliSSIZSSr w f ' ___ : - rnimi xOormnwl . tuTijim faa - t r -a T lir'M h ' MO - rr i•- T im ' ■ ' ' ■ I- a n d w C U ^ aegnteKtyM* i$pU©KftiQte' tat ^ w S mamSmm Jill! , 0 OBI' V»'.f| lb -a IftjfnrfMtkodled wek, fPtSSBf We>ch MfiftWTTAI-lttiefaWvgj:!!. ¥;. JobM w U 5 ''. ,. .-* ( jP?? ad H aiijferdt ^ 'WoW^Ki L I -F 'MTCJi5:WO*iRfi: IJllthllGjiT ’OdDKh^ ' f & ^ tajA-rtteft’"* ira MttarMt., tosMMU a. t % Dff* 't& M HSSVg \<! ip* K ”* 4 , #1 4 ua lip,:-: *• > % 1km -c-.. s ° ,< 'iw i1 ^'V^'i^'ttVtk* i*-\(

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Page 1: HUBBARD & WRIGHT Sold · ^atcrtoton pails fffows, Is PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON. Term* i (S.QOJwr annum

^ a t c r t o t o n p a i l s f f f o w s ,


(S.QOJwr annum In advance. Single Coplei h cent*New Y o rk W e e k ly B e fo rm e r

Pabliphod e?cry Tiinnday, at $100 per jew in ad fance. ________

: p i HOXTLATION I 9 iily /:9 O 0 |; « . . ■ W eo k ly , 5,300-

R ates o r A d m t i i l i i s :'Rates In each paper the same for one week or *®ore. AdtertitH meats ia both will bb takoo- lor

|0 per cant, less than the Bum jof the rates* < INGALLS* E G BtO H

rtTBXOSBBKaS.10 u*c«a Nonpareil

make a Square.Ooe Square........Three equarea. .Sm r t e r C o lu m n .

41 f Column.......One Colamn......

1 day |3daye75

2 004 005 00n 00

1 00 2 50 4 50 7 00

13 00

8 days1 50 3 50 6 00


1 tr’klivrUK3 ut-5 00

4. 006 00 10 00

e» 008 co

15 U)_ 10 00\ 30 COl 80 CO

1 moj2 mosjs moe|6 mo#|l yeuOne ctauare,.........Three Squares....Saarter Colarait..,

alf Column.........Oae Column........

4 008 00 10 OO 20 00 40 00

6 OO 12 On 15 00 25 00 50 00

7 00 14 00 23 00 80 00 60 00

10 00 20 00 as 00 60 00

115 00

20 00 4070 00 120 00 200 00

J&D1TOK1AL and LOCAL NOTICJ58 15 cents per Use. SP&01A.LS 20 per cent added to regular rate#.Ho adterrtsemeula running oyer one month will be inserted In Dally oitener than etery other dir.

for Spe:ial Contract©, apply at tho office, Ro.3 Ar- ade, WATERTOWN. N. Y.

Business Curds.

J3f~S. W. Ballard, Hkdertakkr.- Rcsidencc, Jackman House, Room. No. 7, iBt floor. Residence of Son, No. 14 Gooo.a)« gtrect. Oct.20.dtf^ItE E SIC A N S O T B I .,


A . M. H A R R IS , P r o p r ie t o r .JutV 1869. Ai: _ ________


-hroutghly fitted ap aad w!U bo kflpt BtllCtly asFir*'. Claas iloneo. , _Ju:j o, dl J. BUCB ft HANQgn. Prop.


J a c k r n a n a r o u s e ,ft'A TER 1 O 'V.'- IV. i .

E D . W . P E I E R S O N ,Bocoesior to Guo. W. Jonoa. lato |propr-etor. ' \9T Ed. PxTEiraon. will alvr.y. bo st homo lo

ercet hia old friend* and yrtih* coidUl wclcomoio Die now-

State* leavo this balal lor all point*.Porter at all trainri*_____________An Vd'._J^OUXOM BJMiSK’M ”

om&tio JbalixeT o f B lra b a rb ,A ofmipep*l*A Dlaxrhoa, Pjieptc rr

Jbc. constantly on hand and lot tala Wholciale and■r^Mggiasgar'***.Office horn* trom 8 to 12 a. nn, from 2 to B anu , anrt Iramlto Slatho CTcaing. Roildcnc* Ho. 47 Waau

U dl.arta.fe oacflprweriptionf tanit 5b paid tar on d®JlT«rj*


E. LRMXBS, M. D./-> BADVA2T3 I f a n tbo French School of Meil VJ te . ctMindfaoraenr,

Victoria U nivorsity , BSo&troal, Fhjalcian to lho Grey Nuns’ General UorpiUL and

Prtrrldanco Aayhnn PI*p<m#Arl«a, Editor of tbo “GaaetU Modlcalo" and Hecrotary of ibo

■edlcoChtmrgici) Boooty of Hootrcsl. OFWC*—Jflrrt door,8dfloor Arcada. Bcaidenco. Ccrner ffewk and Coffbtn Streets, Watertown, 2S.Y.

feb 15 d 2m

H U B B A R D & W R IG H TAIMra.T- and ComuteUor. at L a w ,

OCca otot Ho. 8 Waahington Btrcot, Watertown,■aw York. ___F . w , B r p p n A n p . c. d . w i h c h t

HAMMOND fc WINSLOW,A ttorney. a a d 6oaB *elora al L a w .

MIc* otot Na 1C Washing too Bt. Watertown, N.Y S. H, UAMJIOND. BRADLEY WINSLOW.v*l-filj

J . X ) . D O D G h T .



Jeatenln tl1 kinds ft Baare, BontooRa A Salt YYxnnFran,

!» TSii!

otJFrcesn A i

■j B l

1 9 kft 81I.T H uts, Ha.

Batraaesa. Faxsn O tstto A Gam a


Ordsrs prom ptly sttenden to,Decanter 1887. ______________




Insure Their Lives 1O F F I C E - W A S H IN G T O N B A L L ,

W A t S B V O W l t t . ? .GEO. B. PHELPS, President. L. TADDOCK, 1st Vico Pres't. EZRA CORNELL, 3d “

JOHN SH ELDON. SccretorjS. K. BATES, STedlcol Examiner, ___J. ? .ST/RBUCK Counsel. ______looelfiatt

NOTHING IB LOST.Nothing Is lest I the drop Di dew

That trembles on the leafor flower I. bat exhaled to gdl anew

In snmmer'a tbnnder shower:Perchance to ahlne within the bow

That front, the inn at All of d.j;Perchance to sparkle In tbe flow

Ot fonntalna tar away.80 with our deed., lor good or ill.

They hive tbeir power icerce nnderetood, Then let na wa onr better will

To make them rlfo with good;Like circles hn t lake they go.

Ring within ring, and never ste;:Oh 1 tha( oor deeda were fashioned, eo

That they might biers alway. D ow n A boat liOalevllle and F ell Am eng Thlevce.



Odd H artford,—Hartford 60 years snoccsstiuhns-iness.................................................R ,544,aiA

P k eellll. HotUord.................. . . . . . .1 ,0 5 6 ,0 0 0CiiT JFIIra, Hartford................. ..........ATS,483P a iW L fiarttbrd.................. ............TOG,93.7Gen aecL < t« t, Hartford......................... *80,000IWcv i*r Sew York...................... -J»,01T,S6»lliAS ilouel. Sow York..............1 ,353 ,40VUNhl’f'O STATFF,...................... 460 ,0 0 0NORTH B R IT IS H ,(in eold ) 1 4,iBO.flOONear Euglaud fcUe,lloston 8 ,5 6 6 ,0 0 0Onardlsu Lire *4EwYork,.............. 1,866,000National ‘ ........ " ........... 1,000,000

IS ”* These oro O ld, Strong cioaapanlej, D w e ll ln n and C ontenta tnsued from ore to flve yeua, at the lowotl rates.

Lifo Insurance In reliable CotrbAnlir.Cs’l cm no betoio tnsnrine or iuhoiliU'e you? pol­

icies, Af Ba.'.cr ft Scebee't .Jecvc'rv fijbye.m , MYROW B E F frB F . Agent.Watertown Accost cs, 1867 bcd

(From tho Lon'.vl'le Cornier and JomnslA tich ease o f u n so jh is tic a ttd co u u tiy-

ism was develop' i io tb e C ity C o u rt Satur­day. morn t g . Th e o th er day W aab K e lly ,

a l a d of a bo u t nineteen years, w ho, up to

n i 'V n t w o w eek? ago, n ever dream ed that the bo n ds.! y o f the w o rld was great rr than, -he coup res o f C h s 'k R idge, i a the upper

cod o f Hr’ t C ouacy, K en tu cky , b u n d le d up bin best tow -'in en sh irt, end a r ia jin g him­self in bis bran now b iu e jean L o ck w ith b lack liim m idgs, h is copp eras colored breeches, aud red topped boots, aod, fore­goin g father a n d mother, a n a frien d s, snd kindred, started out to e xp lo re the new w orld, which had re ce n tly opcDed itself out before bis adm it in s vision .

W ilh tho su m e l fifteen dollars as a p a rt­ing g if t from b is mother, a n d th e residue of hia e ve ry day clothes, he started in tb a di­rection from w h ich he had so o ften heard tbo son n d o f th e locom otive's w h istle , and striking the ra ilro ad com m enced striding ths t ie s as easily and naturally as i f they wore plow an row s, a n d m ad e good lim a it) tba direction o i the m etropolis.

W h e n Dear E lizab eth to w n he te ll In w ith two m en g o in g tbe sam e road, a n d , accent­ing th em aceord 'n g to the fa m iliar -custom o f h ie own count y, t h e t l i n e l>. ~ame fellow travelers. H is com tianio ts , it seems, had seen m nch oi tbo w o ^ 1 r i d d isco vered hit weak po'uts in a ve, y sh ort time. H is e x ­perience, wi-fob had Iren a-•cum scribed by thu n a 'ro w i*mtts o i .u p p er H a r t, bad tau gh t him t ) c t H d . r everybod y per fcctly truatw oidiy f i d bone tt w ithout question, and b e so considered these, tho firs t s'ran- gelt, probably, t'ta l h e had orcr m ot. tie a llow ed -hem “Y e acctes to aM h ia c o c i s a a b o u t a me a t f or even an obj - tr io r — H h fc lS was in th e p o -k et ol h is cresm - (Vltn cHp’-d brt'tb • n d l's * V h a tin g art'■s to Iho crr 'vn r r lo r rd ’e, of course mado r e . j i w ith tho $ 10 .

b efo re going far they to llevp d bim o f tho trouble ol cai j lug his b n t " o ot c lo th .'s by I rv t fe tr in g lho different e delta to the.1 • pe. in s . One b a d on b ’ a o ld Hat m d S u n ­day w r ’etcoa*, w b ;'c -no tb e • wore b is p 'ow - hr* ib< s andbrqgane. W b en th o y w on ld como t o a high Meat'e, C o u n 'iy w o u ld n o t walk o v e r but g o u n d e r ; sn d w h en tb e y a i. v ed a t the b ig t u n c 1, 1 sing a ve rse »o dark a n d mys'?* .ons envrs, r i no f i i d . ha cl'm bed over th e It*'1, w l 'o b 's n m r a d 'j pessod through and w s i 'c d on tho o *h ersid o lor him to romo dowD. H tt<s w a y ‘ hoy dnopged thom iolvcs fllowiy e 'o n g t s Shep- hcrdsT ’ lo, whon, ri*cd and foot tore, thoy g ot on th e trs:u a n d tubs- a c t rd tbo am oun t o f th r - fu'-k, from w b at w a s le*. of th e la d ’s $16.

A th o r t ride s e t th e y o v n g corn* jm t o b head t o sw im n r ig , and s t jn b ro u g h t them o p 4t S '" * w b t r i / S tation , a b o a t flvo m iles from th ifl city. H ere tho tw o men to id thetr greon com panion that tbo road b ra 'c h e d , ■id th at they m ost got o ff aud tu'ie another t r im I j g e tto L o c is t le . T h e u ric sp 'C t- i n g follow readily consented, but |ust t t be step p ed off Iho t n 'n m oved on r i d took b i s companions, vi ith h is clothes and $ 15 from h im . N ow , for tho first tim e, h e began t o su sp ect that so m eth in g w ss w ro n g, and,

si thoa t waiting 1 1 e-.o w h a t th o byataudera it tho station w are lau g h :ug a t, ho sta rte d .her th e trim , w h ich w ss fast d V .p p e & u o g ' .round a neighboiiD g cut vo, au d tu cctcd rd

i t is M id ;n reaching ton n a lm ost t s quick p i tho locom otive, l ie fo llo w ed the track a .0 d oini® tig h t in to tow n th ro u g h the depot H o was shown to a policem an, who under­to o k to flnd the m en who robbed h im . H is carp et b a g w*s foun d s t a tavern on Broad- v say , a n d L s '.y Moots, tb e o n w l o bad l e i t it there, w e ' at rest id. The you n g o o u n ,ry m s u at .a words identified h im as ome of t h e men w h o had tra ve led w ith him.

Before tho O ity Court Saturday, K elly d isp layed Iris fgoorancot(o th e :v finite amuse rrient of the Com tbo bar tnd th ab 7 Steud- e ts , and told his o o g iv m u u tic a l slot f . the ro s in (acts oi w h ich are given above. W ai'e g iv in g i n his f • itim ony h e persisted in hold­in g his h an d op, au if b e r tg sw orn. E o sa id tbe other m an had gone to B ird s tiw n , r” id bo j-ntitoded t o W o w him r s soon aa b e got b i s clothes, not k n o w in g th at they w o u ld b e retamed for w t ik s , and perh aps m onths, s s evidence in the upper C o urt.— tfooro , t h e f c o s e d , wan h eld m $SOO .to m sw er a felony. T h e y o u n g 'm r n w aa ib - d? pmut tu at,s her ancerecovei ,’u g hia clothes a o d Lat n g tbe th ie f r - m sd e n d convlctjd t a he thought, his goods, th o y e : / thm gahe w a s, were e liri k ep t ‘ rom him b y tho C o u r ' B e in g as b e c o u 'd u ’t g et them , he said ho w o n ld as I 'e f th e th ief h r 1 them as th e Judge.

i n jndge-advo-

jJ B * I* 5 BAKKtl, o f New York,Has compomflcd an article called

S I R I N E ,for the caro atRaldsesi anfl Gray Hktr.

th u trtlde U a vegetable Pomafla UbUf Mtla' raedi, and will turn gray hilr ta lit cnsjiiuoolarts. Ilxttayw whemuiea accor ' ne to tkw atteOOot—

Ntflxapoti at$l. It 'a i beaa.ilnl articltftrold or ronnf, fn diwulng tile bolt, and keepleiltfro* taroJiiBpar.o r * Sold by c i n ft Kassxt, anO Kkttoas * OoxoWR, Dmsgistd, W. ter town, L.Y. .huoflow


' UOTTRD BTATN8. y«M lqoB|r« t .OOOJS»f

— A Frcqehm sn o n co h ,’ e d a room in Prr-

ou cond'ton th at the set rant w ou ld w ake h im up e ve ry m oth’ s g at d ayb reak , a u d fell

’ u i tha d a y of th e w* j k ihe state n f the wv-'tiior, sn d u n der w h at fo. .n of govern ­m en t ko w r i 'n g .

— The bridge acrcBS ih e W i'uons'n river at M utcodo, which wrs b r ;l t over a yer r .g o

i i rn o; re ibo o f o v er $18,000, was r 1 most to*“ Hv tit •'uyed b y tho br^ol o g up o f lhe Ice to the riyor lt"»£ w: 3k

— A h T ’ ’ y ‘a H iu b l. Jale, C o rn ,b a a l . c n povvdflW by eating **lo»tg c lrT k ,” T w o per

M d h a d \ \ ond tb 'ce others r * e n o t ex- p s c t . i l o r cover. Thodre '" -a la k u o w n ts “d s m o i o l e i r ”

— E ig h t hundred m d .' even b u d d in g s are

it p t f i n t ;n progre.-s ol c r to 'lo n iu N e w

Y o r k cfoy. One b n n d rcd en d e ig h ty four w e s t comtnen.qed r s t j one h u u 4 te4 tn d tw en ; ty -s ix com pldted J fist K o n tb {thB grea ler n n m L crb e n glo d atcd ah o vo T h irtieth street.

— Th* breaksrofE. fiiilm aaACa, at 1h- honoy City* was dwtroyed on Sundty eight togethtt w ii h til themtchineiy. TheloMia $ « O fa» ,A C sartd d o c 4M*QOO. T « o m

S 'S .S W g if eiso s n d iity i ' , Jtid-GaUiift-


Law* o fN ew Fork^Bjf A oiborlty .C H A P . SO.

AN ACT to provide for the enrollment of tlio militia, for tho orgpnization of theNatioi»'il Guard of the State of New York, aud for the public defeiiwe; avd entitled The Mili­tary Code.



25. lh e Adjutant-General shall have tho rauk of majur-gcneral ; and in th6 corps of AdjutautrGeneral there shall be an assisHpt adjutant-general, with the rank of colonel; B id such acting assistants aa shall be required may be appointed by tho Adjutant-Genera), witb the approval of the Comuiander-iu-<Jh\ef, end to eaeli division an assistant adjulaut- goaera1., with the rank of colonel, Ij be chief of staff; to each brigade an assistant adjti- tant-geueral, vith the rank of lieutenant col- oneL, to be chief of staff ; and to each regi­ment au adjutant, with the rank of tud lieu­tenant.

§ The Inspector-General shall have the rank of brigadier-general; and in tho corf s of laspoctors-general there shall be an as***’ t aut inspeotor-general with the rauk of (ol- onel ; and to each division an inspector, with tho rank o f colonel ; and to each brigade an inspector, with the rruk of major.

f j 7. The OonuniHsary-GenemJ name<l in tho Goiistitn on nhall have the rank of brig- a'Uer-^eneral, and shall be ohief of ord<tuce. end in his deportment, which shall l>© styled tho orduance depaitment, he shall he the purchasing and i^tu^n^offioer, and shall take charge of and be responsible for sack military property and supplies as are lmown and desig­nated by the ret alations and orders Aovein- ing the *my of tie United States as belone- ing to tho ordauce depaitment; and the said cblof of orr^nance shall give security for the .faithful elocution of the duties of his office, a? provided by chapter two hundred and twenty- sevcrn of the laws of eighteen hondred nud fortv-eight; and in the ordnance corps there aboil be an assistant chief of ordnance, with tho rank of colonel; and to each division on ordnance officer, with rank of lieatonant-col- onel; and to each brigade on ordnance offi­cer, with rank of captain ; and so many mili­tary Btorokeeperh to take care of and proar ve the arsenals, magazines, fortiflcatiorjn, and military stores belonging to the State a» shall be required, to bo appointed by the Chief of Ordnance, with tho approval of tho Coounan- der-ln-Chiof.

§ 28. Tho Engineer-in-Chief shall have tho rank o f brigadier-general ; and in tho cor ps of engineers there aludl he to each division an englnoer, with tho rank of oolonel; and to eaoli brigade an onginoer, with the rank of major.

§ 2V. Tho Jndgo-Advocate-General aboil have the rank of brigadier-geuornl; and in the corps of judgo-advocates there sh*U bo to each division a jndgo-advocate, with the rook of colonel; and to riich brigade cate, with rank of major.

§ 80. Tho Surgeon-General pball havo tho rank of brigadier-general; and in themedidd

jvc there .be’1 bo I > oath div sionasrrgoon rih Ike rank of colonel -, I r each biigado a

surgeon, nlth tho rank of major; and on as- ..ant surgoan, with tho rrrk of capta’n ; id I) eerh batta’‘on • snrge.-n, with tho rank

of ra.jor; oil of whoxn shv’1 be gcalnatos of some tncoiporatsd school of medicine, and com'mla&donad by ihe Commauder-in-Chlef ou tho necoiumendatiou of tho bnrgeon-Goa- eral; hut I hoi" rank a^afl not cntiuo thorn lo ( om i.n d or promotion in tho tine, nor rc- gtrlato their pay and allowances in thosorviro,

§ 31. ThoQaa-.Mmastar-GonersI nhnll hnvo tho rank of lit ig« lier-gonor.' and is his do­pe* unont ho ehs'l bo tho pn ct suing and raring officer, m d ibill leko charge af and l>e rosponidole lor such xnUilsry propo ty and rarppllm as «-o known and designated by the regnlal'rms nnd ordni. cover.r’ig tho army of tbo ilr ted Blaise as lrelocg'ng to tho (jUnr- tonnislar dopartmont; and 'n quaimrmns- ter s corps shall ho an assistant qnnrtor- master geueral, witb tbe ronk of colonel; I j crch diviaon a qn.rtormastar, with tho rank nf lientonantreolcmel , to each brigade an ns- R-stsnt quartormastor, with tho rank ol cap­tain ; nnd to each regiment or battalion an assistant quartermaster, with tho mnk of first lieutenant ; and tbo Qnanermaster-Gonerjl may, wilh tho approval o f ths Commander n- Chief, appoint so many storekeepers as I ho origencios of tbo service may require.

§ 32. The Paymaster-General shall havo the nr k of hrigadior-genoral; and in tbo paymaster's corps there shall bo an assistant paymsstar-genera', with the rank of colonel, and eo many paymasters, with tho rank of major, as the oxigencios of the service may require, to be appointed by the Oommander- in-CJhiol, cm the recommendation of tjio Pay­master-General, and hold thoir offices daring the pleasure of the Commandor-in-Chief.

§ 33, The Comtnissary-Gononri of Subsis­tence shill have the rank of brigadier-general; nnd in Iho subsistence corps there shall bo to each division a estefflfsksy of snbsistan -.o with tbo rank of tientsnant-colonel ; and to each brigade acomnrisvsry of subsistence with tbe rack of captain ; and so many assistant oomrrrsrarJes, with tbo rani of captain, as in the opir'on of the Cotrmander-in-Cbtaf the cr’genoios of the set rice may reqvr-p ; snch assistant commissaries t> be appoint nt by tho Commsnder-in-Cbief, on thoreooiumeniufliou of the Commissary-General of Subsistence, tnd hold their offices'dr i-ig the pleasure of the Comtnsnder-iu-Ohlpf.

§ S4. The chief of each corpi of the gen- end staff sbe’l bave Iho appointment of his as­sistant, who shell hold office dm ;ng the plea v nre o f such chief ; and every such olief sb.'l prepH-c snd trsnFTi’-t, at the expense of the Btato, allbla-k forms of returns, precepts, warranj'i sr»d proce*d;ng.5 that may bo nsces- saiy In'Ms* corps,

9 35, The (Jjtnmandor-in-Chief is author­ized «nd empowered, ink's disoretion, to make anoh ehtmges lu the orgar-ization of the sev­eral stnff carps ss he may deem expedient, and.fc° prescribe, by j.'tin md rego'ations the duties tu be performed by tho officers of such corp-g which shs'l eonfoim tr those which are prescribed for tho goveumont of the staff Corps of the urmy or tl far »s it is p ■*- Tqmirreotlon thereof, and whon tho er gencies of the ser­vice shall require, the Commander-in-Chief may appoint and dammlsiiin, not exceeding three, addition.l aids on h’s sKff.with the rank o f colonel; and, also, such nfeksbcr of assistants, with the rsrk orf fiflutanaurikolonol or major, In the several staff corps, es b’s iudgrnent s&all be necoswry; but Such ansia- tanfe sfcell hold the-- cmnm’ssiors or’y dur­ing the pleasure of the Comnaunder-in-Cbief

certaiuod ; which roster ehall be revised nud corrected every year ; aud ho shall also enter into a book, to be kept for that pUrpuw r, u local description o l I lie several company bal- tci-y troop, battalion, regimental brigade and division districts.

9 .17. lt shall bo the duty of the cqhimaml- ants of divisions, during .the lni'iitf; of D,- ceniber, aud prior to the fifteenth dhy ihero- of, in each year, to’furnish the Adjutant-Gen­eral with a roster of all the commissioned of­ficers in their divisions, containing the facts requisite to enable him to comply with the provisions of thin act.- § 38, All books required by the Adjutanl- Genenn to comply with the provisions of this aot shall be furnished at the expense ol and be the property of the State.

§ 39. The seal now used ia tho office of the Adjutant-General shall continue to be the seal of his office, aud shall, from timo to, he de­livered to his snocossor in office; and all copies of records or papers in Ins offioe, duly certified and authenticated undor the said seal, shall be evidence in all cases, in like manner, as if tho original was produced.

§ 40. It shall be the daty nf tho Adjntant- General from time to time, as may be neces­sary', to cause so mnch of the militia laws as shml ho in force to be printed and bound in proper form, and distributed, one copy to each commissioned officer, town clerk, super­visors clork,. and county treasurer in this State ; and also to prepare and cause all ne- cesirary bloqk books, blanks, forms, and noti- cesMp be furnished to the National Guard at the expense of the State, to curry into full .ef­fect the previsions of act; and the Comptrol­ler is hereby directed to draw his waXTant an the Treasurer of the State fbr tho expenses incurred under this section arid section thirty- eight

§ 41. In cose of absence of the Adjutant- General from the city of Albany, or in case of hid inability to perform hfa duties, the as­sistant adjntant-geueral shalFhave foil power to perforin all the duties apaPrtninilig to the office of the Adjutaut-GcafnL But noth­ing in this section Hhall be (A ponstrued as to give any validity to the acts nf tho assistant adjutant-general, in case of (the disapproval of the Adjutaut-GonaruL, after such disappro­val shall have been shown bw special order to- that effect

STILt TAKES T H E L ^ lt D l

New Importations and Styles:LOWEST FH IOKS,

POltORLAlN DE TKRRB line entirely ncji, in Frenchbtsdtoniv ww. ui Cfctaa, and > coflUwt only

sbuiporckXjAIM, iJ W o ^ r n f fH o n .eWHITB 8T0HE CHINA, Plain,

Figured,And Bonded-

m i Retail Trade; contort •Jpc all the leading .ty ib •nd make*, Afro a fr” Bu. o f Common Ware,

18. Woodruff Roue.

FRENCH cfitHA, Fine French China, , Tw Beta, Breakflut Bed

WHITB GOLD BAND, Pining Sett, Md hi ItAND DKC08ATBD. 18 Woodruff Hquic.

FANCY GOODS. An infinite rarlety.

7 a ,S . Col Heldera,—

ToflW aeti, — Bouqaatftc. ftc, atBmokuig aaUt ftc. ftc

{ No. IS Woqdmff HoiINK SILVBBPUfiTXD Outer*. Cake Bukcl Ice PStcher^Te* W.r, and hpooai, Fork, and KniviBRITANNIAfrftBA lSW^raffBo'ira

(to bxoo:


and during the term of service oJ5 (he chief of the fifeff Qflrpftin which ffieysheU beappoint- .j a n « — . >det«ched; a u d the Coj officers of th e griieral staff from th e ir spdeial -Borvtoe, and detail th em fo r other d uties when­ever h e dtam s ft exp ed ien t to do so ; and he mnr a ls o impose on them additional dudes by g iv in g thorn a ctin g appointm ents fo rsu ch pur- peso.


oonsxciin wwa r a m wxMCirv* dxpAbt- mtirr*.

|F 3X3 UUtfliiiT-OEStAftAL

:asyatsssne®B5??sTIHtMKti ’ ' ‘ ' m



C-B. Bcccbcr and Mr* Btowot * - ,TNNOrFMa-ARHDAD. A now #sj!p'rH8ALTU Br GOOD y V1NG.HIND BOOK OFHULPIIUH CURE, fru Vioca and ‘I rcc,.MSN AND I1YSTBUIS40F WeLL BTItEST, J^IDLAND i o n d b .

S e v e n f er C e n t G o ld .F R E E OF M H liR N M E N T T S X .

. 02i Taa


Railroad in Mew t Vork State.TH S NEW YORK AHD OSWESO

M idland R ailro ad ,extend, from New YortcClly to '.Ho City ot Oivrego on Lrio Ontario, tdistuico.of 400 mlica. Including liracdc*. Tho lino I. c mplctert about ISO tnUe* from Ovwoeo, and regnUr train. rmmlrig drily-— Rapid progrre. Utnaklns'n tbo balance ol th. Ups .nd tho cctl-c woik wilt be completed it tfiicV.uliei.1 practicable ucrtod.

SAFETY o f y o b h o e m .Thera e no railroad bond offered nposx ths New

York market which to cleanycomntnec .ho clement* Of P1RFKCT SECURITY ud a HIGH RATI UF INTKRS5T aa tht.; In prool of which aoertioD tho Collovrtng rimplo frets rao pnraentod;

1. THB LOCATION OF THE ROAD, stretching from lhe ctty ol New Tort, aero*, tho Northern put nt Now Jersey and the rich and popnloua MID­LAND COUNTIES OP NEW YOBK STATS to the noareit port on tho great Lakes. U such, that lt mnat command a large throas h ud local traffic from the moment I f . opened. Tho route from Now Yotk to Buffirio will be shortened .OTcnty mile*, and to O*- wego lortv-flvo miles.

I THE COST OF BUILDING THE ROAD it about KO.OOO per mile, rad 120,000 of thau amount l» nccoeeartiy fumlahed by aloch rabicrlptgon bw- foie a dollar Is used from tho sale of bonrtto, since the Issue of the tartar ts positively limited to I*1,OOO PER MILK OF ROAD BUILT AND IN RUNNING ORDER.

Over tS.000,000 have already boen paid ln on etock subscriptions.

8. Tlio mortgage bonds on overy railroad running ont of New York Dity, are good, and lntofeit la promptly paid on them.

4. Tbe Total Interest L iability ot Ihla great through rooto of railway between tne lakes and the Atlantic coast. 400 miles In length, mill thn* be on'y J5GO.OOO per icom. ar.c; tke whole linsta completed- On Iho qo»1 moderate ralcdlationstho average EARNIXOS uf A SINGLE BQNTB would lar exceed this sum.

T B E KATE OF INTKBBST.These bonds pay eoven per cent, tn gold, freco

United States income Tax, and ffils with gold at ISC tu equal to about ffif poi ecst- a year. No ratlona penon could oxpccl a SAFE INVKSTMJNT, with­in our own State to be oflcrcd on moro liberal terras than these.' ’ T B E BONES.Tho bonds bavo SB years to ran; arolanedlnde-*

noMInatldna of $1,000; bear Soren Pet Gut. Interest In gold, freeof Income Tax: are Coppott terod, wilh interest, payable comi-annuUy York, on tho Srst of Jannary and litioJjtufr,

— £ ‘: / ' d - m


FlYTUSkg, ftc, ftc.

Mlaa Bronsel..... Chuud.ilan, Gaa i ^ « ^ ,a u d . ; -

KNIVES, FOHK8, osy, Resswoofi and Btnat Handlea—Stasl, allwc imp

TEA TRAYS. f t h P t a t e J ^ ^ R t ^

via, 9 3 r ”'.? ““W /g ,*-M SO)WJf,

sU tik t l i o Litesfc Btylffi.of JTASEIJ i i \ r E L R Y , Watches,'-•■Soii

Sxl7er s n d Si Ivor p la te d tVartij’QIOtj! Table. ~Warc &c. ' W o ,,call, special atteali& iii t o o u r la r g e s to c k o f A m o r- ic a n W~atohes, com prisirig tbe Hov z ftrd , V^altluirxi and AtnO rigaij. E lg jb ITewiirks and U n ite d S ta te s in.ovo m eats. The E . ? . & A . K F L G H ' E R Wastch, m a d o exp-ressltj, £6% 13 b y tho JA.mei’icaTi W a t c h C o .r i is fln o C h • ■ • • ■ w

’onotrtetre b a la n ce w ith a * 8 l a t e im provem ents, and^ 'W ajrl^ t^ i to loop accurate, time,*pyit5.G ':£W e keaji a la r g e d B sca tm e.iiV ^ ' iii-- d i e s Q o id (A x a o ric a n and- ,;-Sw isi) W a tc h e s and G o ld 0hftibg,;;‘# ? j’ ( w h ich vn& w arrant b y sp ecia l' (Sertii c a te . Imh C lo ck s, w e L av e th o se < English, F p en eb, G e r » a o an d A m oi ■ ic a n Mamniacfcm-e. a lso k e e p t l ie J t l aca Calowider **d/^ he c«fe5raffe® .pet Thorans Calender C lo c k s , t h e , biei ia tills c o u n tr jr . O u r stock o f E j zantine, ©TOaate, E ngraved, a m j E ;i ■"utdod tJo iV elry ia th o m e 1 ' :

e t e in © Tovtkern N e w T o ri ila in gol«d‘ ' ' "

GLASS WARK.M.v patterns lq.bvtit Bl©c©» M 1llS.ftW^dndrS(»U.


Pricfi-Par A Accrued :_ aopklcU, ClrtaUrv, ft& suy bhhAfion;

Br Beratwmbftxr-13 JPobUo ■qoftra-We Import m r own, Goodt, i«#pf?U w

gut Btotkintht Oify,oML kB at (fr*, L O W S 3 T P R I Q B B .

a.u; <***U--------- ----------NovflOw ,

Q A R P E T S , . 1

^pr ■W w W M

First Arrifal for gpiiDg,^7

aoidD iam ond « <&a. Ih >E nive9*‘ F6tiJc 1 and ^pooais, w o koep hdne b u t” t h 1 heel cjimli—y. S o lid s ilv e r , a o d &te'£ bow topec-riades and E y e G la u e B Oiu- S i lv e r P labed w o re is fro m t b 1 .e o ie ^ a tiiS k liam faotories o f t h o ’J f c •pitttpwi, Itesed & E a ito D ,3 n d G o rh a n Gom puiic-8.. A_1I o f otur go o d s >yr< warrmUmai i f an a r t ic le do£6> n O proveaBiwepreseBited-WG. yriShxtfvtu1 the raoitqy^ O p p o site th e A tn e r jp u H o te l, N o - 1 Ckiftrt etree.t, ! W i t e r town I ,. , ,[| , u'.'l. n jafr, N E,v-lVt|tRlifia,an.4.Jew(^byj,g^'

p n ired by *expdrienRod: t’worlsm ti»,qr AH w I q M :pr i s i lv e r o a t l j

^ g ra w iid gf.pkw jce,-,.

OSS OF TBS EiAMQM0lJ,O'fa. 6 tz ' 0 . J’i Af • q fusflikjt 1, ,

jqunnr- tw D D ifr t tT * 'dTue jalnrat olDrin^riM l, whiclii'tecurtai

n'caiuiot'j soft. ralflSh ;xndfamm

.......................... .... ' U


Alt Uoogbt tlnco ti» rcctnl );t*al fthcllfii In bold

w e ig h Wil e , e n • • .!1

Sold Accordingly 1

Any ono w onting C a r p e ts , ca n n o t fa il td b e pleased, t i th e r In TH IGE or Q UALITY; bs we h av o t b s gooda snd t i e / syo to bo j

SOl.X> O H E A -P jOALL A N D B E C0NW1N0ED. 1

HfiBBIOK & A YSR & . !March7dwtl

ittopaabfij luo i7

AVWticritWto - - — - - r .T— -------------- ifrftSritii'olldl-i'*

anytinnz-'vnlh urti ;igyta fce»Jafr!frelri falYai-& % '

;d|!al|p.j -Pailht ’CaBlNiUELtrifrf1

%l ip FfKSr. a m> sEorrsiTiztris mji

V m o n icm ^ ii >'miirS o w 4 U % ^ ^

W ftH iy iro ji

Rome. R ailroadjw m %


hiiabge f o

' ■lAOCPMftffttL

m # kM‘ A*#i

V " l

S S & u i t a ?t h e v:


T B F tX B B O lT

Ifssoari ¥iU«y 2* & r u t l p e r c n t


( im O A IIG 'D A

Th* i_. TiffhtfoVU ro%V


This Is tho eftrlint, hexdlNtmd hast tabla grap. ixlitence for Horthem Now York. U I. vow an1 . that la ra lugs suns her of n’aee,-—.'-—t Oh,L It..'

lo exlitencooBtahhrited fret,th _. . ________ m _between tho Atlantic led Mlilleejppi,. wheie lha

ttls ackhnvrt- LsvuleUw r, azd ‘s Ilia

BraVwe'l ______________le. P.Icafromstamp foy_____Other tirly Fripaw SOM, elM._qrd«r Book

FMm.Vn ba. been gro*n ftUd trtl

only (rape of Irat qurilw that, wrillErav tally tustnra Its Crnltlu our coldcllsute. ’ (1 to IJ. Band stamp for circular.


- - 1—-i.tta,.«xelui|v* ____ ~t'ihiinMtii'lii _

teft.tyl.of wcri.^ELmiUUfoofcRrtlrtflfl'

JanlW**t t ts? '

Qioevit, WahiBxtss.jaifl Blodi.- recelveft cow hy Brit. whpM firitvervfi orwanled byiipreaa .boetlbe J.tot May. D. B. MARVIN, Axest, Watertown, N.Y.

et TJsaapeon O r tw r '


rrrA m T N G T O N r z - H R » r ' '

QARDEN f t NURSERY.The iub*crtb» will bs hftjjpy to wattply, at rtteoe-

ihle price*, all who may waasiIrm it and Onamniantftl Viteftc*

8hnbtei7, Grape Vinw, H ull Vrnlla, of all varie­ties, Bacxthoxa, Qar hedgtn*, Connorer'a saw Col- loroi »«d coanen Aiparsnl Eoeu, choice n * Riant, ftc. ftc., GabhSfa, Tea*to, Tarnlp, Oteity, Pepper, and Mtt BantA, far fatly ck frta.pUntfrf;,

JT" ORAFTING doc. to accoasodata eutom-

nacbtiliBpot, fit


^es-vss>!rak,_■ -< 'fijsp'tl r ; i iTrt

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