huawei ran 15 - capacity monitoring guide

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  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide




    Capacity Monitoring Guide



    !ssue 0"

    #ate $01"-01-$0

  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide


    %&A'! )C%N*+*G!S C*., +)#.


  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide



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  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide


    Aout )is #ocu2ent


    5rowing traffic in mobile networks, especially in newly deployed networks,re6uires more and more network resources, such as radio and transmissionresources. Lack of network resources will affect user e$perience. Therefore,monitoring network resources, locating bottlenecks, and performing capacity

    e$pansion in real time are critical to the provision of high 6uality services.

    This document describes how to monitor the usage of various networkresources and locate network resource bottlenecks.

    This document applies to the ("C788 and 988 series base stations.

      1adio Network Controllers :1NCs; used in this document refer to Huawei ("C788products.

      peration and =aintenance! in the ("C788 =T" /roduct?ocumentation or 988 "eries 2C?=A Node( /roduct ?ocumentation.


  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide


    Capter #escription

    5. * 1eference?ocuments

    Lists the documents referenced within the te$t andprovides the document name, document package,and document package download path at



    Cange %istory

    This latest document issue contains all changes made in previous issues.

    !ssue 0" ($01"-01-$0

    This is the fourth issue of 1AN+*.8.

    Compared with #ssue 89 :-8+9+++*;, #ssue 8@ :-8+@8+-8; includes thefollowing changes'

      Correct the counter name in chapter @ .

    !ssue 0 ($01-11-15

    This is the third issue of 1AN+*.8.

    Compared with #ssue 8- :-8+987-*;, #ssue 89 :-8+9+++*; includes thefollowing changes'

      >ptimi)ed figures in this document.

    !ssue 0$ ($01-06-$5

    This is the second issue of 1AN+*.8.

    Compared with #ssue 8+ :-8+98*8@;, #ssue 8- :-8+987-*; includes thefollowing changes'

      Added section -.+@.

      pdated the optimi)ation suggestions in section -.9.

      pdated the monitoring methods and optimi)ation suggestions in

    sections -.++ and -.+9.

    !ssue 01 ($01-05-0"

    This is the first issue of 1AN+*.8.

    Compared with ?raft A :-8+98+98;, #ssue 8+ :-8+98*8@; includes thefollowing changes'

    pdated the monitoring principles, monitoring methods, and optimi)ationsuggestions in Chapter -.

    Compared with ?raft A :-8+98+98;, #ssue 8+ :-8+98*8@; deletes the

    following sections'

      "ection -.++

  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide


      Chapter 9

    #ra7t A ($01-01-0

    This is a draft of 1AN+*.8.


  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide



    Aout )is #ocu2ent

    1 *erie/

    1.1 Network 1esources

    1.2 Monitoring Methods

    2 Net/or3 Resource Monitoring

    2.1 =onitoring =etrics and /rocedure

    2.2 "/ C/ Load

    2.3 =/ C/ Load

    2.4 ?/ ?"/ Load

    2.5 #nterface (oard Load

    2.6 "C (oard Load

    2.7 Common Channels

    2.8 ?ownlink Load

    2.9 plink Load

    2.10 >B"< Code sage

    2.11 C& sage

    2.12 #ub (andwidth

    2.13 Node( CN(A/ Load

    2.14 H"/A sers

    3 Net/or3 Resource )rouesooting

    3.1 /ossible (lock and

  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide


    1 *erie/This chapter introduces network resources and monitoring methods.

    1.1 Net/or3 Resources

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    1NC interface boards provide transmission ports and resources, processtransport network messages, and e$change data between 1NC boardsand between the 1NC and e$ternal devices. 1esource overload oninterface boards increases the packet loss rate, interruptscommunications, and affects user e$perience.


    5& "witching network and Control nit"C provides the function of intersubrack information e$change in the1NC. 2hen the traffic volume of intersubrack communicationapproaches the overload threshold, voice service 6uality, data service6uality, and network /#s deteriorate, causing the system to becomeunstable.

    1.1.2 NodeB Resources

    The Node( resources to be monitored include the following'

      Channel element

    C&s are baseband processing resources. 5enerally, C&s are most likely

    to be congested on a network. #n the early phase of network deployment,traffic volume is often small. >perators only need to purchase a smallnumber of C&s to cover the light traffic, which reduces their capitale$penditure :CA/&D;.

      #ub interface bandwidth

    The #ub interface e$ists between the Node( and 1NC. The interface usesasynchronous transfer mode :AT=; or #/ transmission depending on thetransmission medium. #nsufficient #ub interface bandwidth leads toadmission failures, transmission /# deterioration :such as delay, %itter,and packet loss rate;, and =T" service 6uality degradation.

      Common Node( Application /art

    CN(A/ load is used to assess the Node( processing capacity. CN(A/overload lowers the Node( processing capacity, which then affects /#srelated to the Node(.

      H"/A users

    H"/A services are mainly carried on the 2((/ boards in a Node(.Therefore, the number of H"/A users determines 2((/ board loads. #f2((/ boards are overloaded with H"/A users, new users may fail toaccess the network.

    1.1.3 Ce Resources

    The cell resources to be monitored include the following'

      1eceived Total 2ideband /ower 

    1T2/ includes receiver noise, e$ternal radio interference, and uplinkpower. 1T2/ is used to monitor uplink load.

      Transmitted Carrier /ower 

    TC/ refers to the fullcarrier power transmitted by a cell. #t is used tomonitor downlink load. The TC/ value is limited by the ma$imum transmitpower of the power amplifier in a Node( and the ma$imum transmitpower configured for a cell.

      >rthogonal Bariable "preading B"

  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide


    /CH usage is affected by the location area and routing area planning./CH overload decreases the paging success rate.

      1andom access channel and forward access channel

    1ACH and

  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide


    2 Net/or3 Resource Monitoring2.1 Monitoring Metrics and 4rocedure

    2.1.1 Monitoring Metrics

    =etrics are defined to monitor the usage or load of T1AN resources.1esource thresholds are also recommended based on specific criteria.

    ?efining peak hours is important for monitoring metrics. There are differentways to define peak hours, but you are advised to simply use the hours duringwhich the corresponding resource usage is the highest as peak hours.

    Table -+ lists 1NC resources, counters, and monitoring thresholds.

    )ae $-1 1NC resources, counters, and monitoring thresholds

    RNC Resource Counter Monitoring)resod

    "/ C/ load B".D/.C/L>A?.=&AN *8E

    =/ C/ load B".D/.C/L>A?.=&AN *8E

    ?/ ?"/ load B".?"/.sageAvg 78E

    "C C/ load B"."C.C/L>A?.=&AN 78E

    #nterface boardC/ load

    B".#NT.C/L>A?.=&AN *8E

    #nterface boardforwarding load

    B".#NT.T1AN"L>A?.1AT#>.=&AN F8E


    Table -- lists Node( resources, counters, and monitoring thresholds.

  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide


    )ae $-$ Node( resources, counters, and monitoring thresholds

    NodeB Resource Counter Monitoring)resod

    C& usage B".Node(.LCreditsed.=ean






    CN(A/ load B".1adioLink.1ecv.=ean



    H"/A users B".(>A1?.sedHsdpaser1atio.=ean




  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide


    Figure 2-1 1esource monitoring flowchart

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  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide



     As shown in

  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide


      "hareable load caused by call management. 2hen an "/ subsystemis overloaded, the load sharing mechanism works automatically toforward new calls and the loads they caused to lightly loadedsubsystems.

      Nonshareable load caused by cell resource management, Node(

    resource management, and signaling management at the transportlayer. (y setting the appropriate parameters, these functions and theloads they caused can be processed by a specific subsystem insteadof being forwarded to other subsystems. The nonshareable load on aspecific subsystem can be reduced by rehoming Node(s,reconfiguring the "CT/ or "AAL link, or enabling the ""N resourcepool feature.

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    2.2.2 Monitoring Metods

    S4& Susyste2-ee Monitoring

    To obtain the average C/ usage on an "/ subsystem during a trafficmeasurement period, monitor the B".D/.C/L>A?.=&AN counter.

    To 6uery the realtime C/ usage on an "/ subsystem, run the ==Lcommand #S4 C4&&SAG.

    RNC-ee Monitoring

    1NClevel monitoring covers all "/ subsystems in an 1NC. The formulasused to calculate the 1NClevel "/ C/ load are as follows'

      #f the 1NC is configured with only "/a or "/b boards, use thefollowing formula'

    "/ C/ load G Average of all "/ C/ :B".D/.C/L>A?.=&AN;

      #f the 1NC is configured with both "/a and "/b boards, use thefollowing formula'

    "/ C/ load G "um :+.99 $ B".D/.C/L>A?.=&AN of "/a IB".D/.C/L>A?.=&AN of "/b;3:+.99 $ N I =;

      N and = indicate the number of "/ subsystems on "/a and "/b boards,respectively.

      The processing capacity of an "/ subsystem on an "/a board is +.99 times thaton an "/b board.

    2hen the 1NC detects that the C/ load on an "/ subsystem e$ceeds aspecified threshold, AL=-8-*7 C/ >verload is reported. Jou can 6uery theoverload threshold by running the +S) C4&)%# command.

    2.2.3 *pti2i8ation Suggestions

    (ased on the analysis of 1NClevel "/ C/ and "/ subsystemlevel C/loads, optimi)ation suggestions are provided to address problems in scenarioslisted in the following table.

    No. Scenario *pti2i8ation Suggestion

    + The 1NClevel "/ C/ load is


     Add "/ boards.

    - The C/ load on an "/ subsystemis much less than the 1NClevel "/C/ load.

     Ad%ust the load sharingthreshold.

    9 The C/ load on an "/ subsystemis much greater than the 1NClevel"/ C/ load.

      1ehome Node(s.

      &nable the ""N resource poolfeature.

      1econfigure the "CT/ or "AALlink.


  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide


    Scenario 1 )e RNC-ee S4& C4& oad is ig.

     Assume that the load sharing threshold is set to 9*E and C/ loads on all"/ subsystems are greater than the load sharing threshold, as shown in

  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide


    Figure 2-4 C/ load on an "/ subsystem much less than 1NClevel "/ C/load


    The 1NClevel "/ C/ load is less than the load sharing threshold.Therefore, the load sharing mechanism is not triggered, and the shareableload is not allocated to "/ subsystem A. #n this situation, run the ==Lcommand S) &C)R+4+NS%AR4ARA with the Contro 4ane Saring*ut )resod parameter set to a smaller value to trigger the load sharingmechanism.

    Scenario )e C4& oad on an S4& susyste2 is 2uc greater tante RNC-ee S4& C4& oad.

     Assume that the load sharing threshold is set to 9*E, the C/ load on "/subsystem ( is greater than the load sharing threshold :*8E; of a singlesubsystem and greater than the 1NClevel "/ C/ load by +8E, as shownin

  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide


    Figure 2-5 C/ load on an "/ subsystem much greater than 1NClevel "/C/ load


     As shown in

  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide


    resources in the 1NC. The number of =/s on an "/ board can beconfigured based on service re6uirements. The =/ allocates resources suchas "/, ?/, and interface board to each call. =ore than 78E of the =/load is used for transmission resource management.

    The =/ resource pool function, used to manage transmission resources, is

    enabled by default. After this function is enabled, all the =/s work in aresource pool, and the 1NC allocates transmission resources based on =/C/ loads to balance the =/ C/ loads in the 1NC.

      #n effective mode, run the ==L command #S4 BR# to 6uery the logical functiontype of an "/a or "/b board. #f +ogic 7unction type is set to R&C4, subsystem8 on this "/ is the =/ subsystem.

      #n ineffective mode, find the ==L command A## BR# in the 1NC configuration file.#f the value of +ogic 7unction type is R&C4, subsystem 8 on this "/ is the =/subsystem.

    2.3.2 Monitoring Metods

    The 1NC counter B".D/.C/L>A?.=&AN measures the C/ usage on asingle =/ subsystem, which indicates the C/ load on the =/ subsystem.

    To 6uery the realtime C/ usage on an =/ subsystem, run the ==Lcommand #S4 C4&&SAG.

    #t is recommended that you monitor the 1NClevel =/ C/ load, whichindicates the average C/ load on all =/ subsystems in an 1NC. Theformulas used to calculate the 1NClevel =/ C/ load are as follows'

      #f the 1NC is configured with either "/a or "/b boards, use thefollowing formula'

    =/ C/ load G Average of all =/ C/ :B".D/.C/L>A?.=&AN;

      #f the 1NC is configured with both "/a and "/b boards, use thefollowing formula'

    =/ C/ load G "um :+.F $ B".D/.C/L>A?.=&AN of "/a IB".D/.C/L>A?.=&AN of "/b;3:+.F $ N I =;

      N and = indicate the number of =/ subsystems on "/a and "/b boards,respectively. 

      The processing capacity of an =/ subsystem on an "/a board is +.F times thaton an "/b board.

    2hen the 1NC detects that the C/ load on an =/ subsystem e$ceeds aspecified threshold, AL=-8-*7 C/ >verload is reported. Jou can 6uery theoverload threshold by running the +S) C4&)%# command.

    2.3.3 *pti2i8ation Suggestions

    1un the ==L command S) )N+*A#BA+ANC4ARA with M4& +oadSaring )resod set to "0 and M4& +oad #i77erence )resod set to 10to ad%ust the load sharing threshold and offset.

     After the load sharing threshold is ad%usted, /erform capacity e$pansion in thefollowing scenarios'

      The 1NClevel =/ C/ load during peak hours is greater than thee$pansion threshold :*8E; for three consecutive days in a week.

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      2hen the 1NClevel =/ C/ load during peak hours is greater thanthe emergency e$pansion threshold :78E; for three consecutive daysin a week, the 1NC may report AL=-8-*7 C/ >verload and enablethe flow control function. #n this situation, perform capacity e$pansionimmediately.

    /erform capacity e$pansion as follows'

      #f there are vacant slots, add "/ boards.

      #f there are no vacant slots, perform the following to configure more=/ subsystems'

    K  Change the logical type from nonmain control "/ boards to maincontrol "/ boards when the C/ loads on nonmain control "/boards are less than or e6ual to @8E.

    K   Add an 1NC when the C/ loads on nonmain control "/boards are greater than @8E.

    2.4 #4& #S4 +oad

    2.4.1 Monitoring 4rincipes

    The digital signal processing :?"/; subsystems are logical subsystems on the?/b or ?/e board. A ?/b board contains -- logical subsystems and a?/e board contains - logical subsystems.

    The ?/ board processes and distributes =T" userplane service data. Themain functions of the ?/ board are as follows'

      =ultiple$ing and demultiple$ing

      /rocessing frame protocols

      "electing and distributing data

      /erforming the functions of the 5T/, #u /, /?C/, 1LC, =AC, and

  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide


    RNC-ee Monitoring

    1NClevel monitoring involves all the ?"/ subsystems in an 1NC.

    The ?"/ load on an 1NC can be indicated by the average load on all ?"/subsystems in the 1NC during peak hours. The formulas used to calculate the

    ?"/ load on an 1NC are as follows'

      #f the 1NC is configured with either ?/b or ?/e boards, use thefollowing formula'

    ?"/ load G Average of all ?"/ :B".?"/.sageAvg;

      #f the 1NC is configured with both ?/b and ?/e boards, use thefollowing formula'

    ?"/ load G "um :8.* $ B".?"/.sageAvg of ?/b I B".?"/.sageAvgof ?/e;3:8.* $ N I =;

      N and = indicate the number of ?"/ subsystems on ?/b and ?/e boards,respectively.

      The processing capacity of a ?"/ subsystem on a ?/b board is half of that on a?/e board.

    2hen the 1NC detects that the C/ load on a ?"/ subsystem e$ceeds aspecified threshold, AL=-8-*7 C/ >verload is reported. Jou can 6uery theoverload threshold by running the +S) C4&)%# command.

    #f the average load on all ?"/ subsystems managed by 1NC e$ceeds aspecified overload threshold, AL=--98* 1esource overload on the user planeis reported. Jou can run the +S) &A+M)%# command to 6uery the overloadthresholds.

    2.4.3 *pti2i8ation Suggestions

    (ased on an analysis of resource pool and 1NClevel ?"/ loads,optimi)ation suggestions are provided to address problems in scenarios listedin the following table.

    No. Scenario *pti2i8ation Suggestion

    + The 1NClevel ?"/ load is high.     Add ?/ boards.

      1eplace ?/b boards with?/e boards.

    - The 1NClevel ?"/ load is less thanthe e$pansion threshold, and ?"/loads are severely unbalanced.

     Ad%ust the load sharingthreshold.


    Scenario 1 )e RNC-ee #S4 oad is ig.

     Assume that the loads on all ?"/ subsystems are high, the 1NClevel ?"/load is greater than the e$pansion threshold, and loads are balanced amongall ?"/ subsystems, as shown in

  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide


    Figure 2-6 High 1NClevel ?"/ load


    /erform capacity e$pansion in the following scenarios'

      2hen the 1NClevel ?"/ load during peak hours is greater than thee$pansion threshold :78E; for three consecutive days in a week, add?/ boards.

      2hen the 1NClevel =/ C/ load during peak hours is greater thanthe emergency e$pansion threshold :F8E; for three consecutive days

    in a week, the 1NC reports AL=-8-*7 C/ >verload and enablesthe flow control function. #n this situation, perform capacity e$pansionimmediately.

    /erform capacity e$pansion as follows'

      #f there are vacant slots, add ?/ boards.

      #f there are no vacant slots and the 1NC is configured with ?/bboards, replace the ?/b boards with ?/e boards.

      Add an 1NC to increase ?/ boards.

    Scenario $ )e RNC-ee #S4 oad is ess tan te e;pansion

    tresod, and #S4 oads are seerey unaanced a2ong pysicasurac3.

     Assume that the e$pansion threshold is set to 78E, and the ?"/ load onphysical subrack A is less than that on other physical subrack by more than+8E, as shown in

  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide


    Figure 2-7 1NClevel ?"/ load less than e$pansion threshold and ?"/ loadsseverely unbalanced among physical subrack


    #n this situation, run the ==L command S) &&SR4+NS%AR4ARA to set4ercentage o7 &ser 4ane C4& &sage Saring *ut)resod(&ser4nCpuSaring*ut)d.

  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide


      B".#NT.C/L>A?.=&AN' Average C/ sage of the #NT

      B".#NT.T1AN"L>A?.1AT#>.=&AN' Average verload is reported.

    2.5.3 *pti2i8ation Suggestions

    /erform capacity e$pansion in the following scenarios'

      2hen the average C/ load on interface boards reaches *8E, preparefor capacity e$pansion. 2hen the average C/ load on interfaceboards reaches 78E, perform capacity e$pansion immediately.

      2hen the average forwarding load on interface boards reaches F8E,prepare for capacity e$pansion. 2hen the average forwarding load oninterface boards reaches 8E, perform capacity e$pansionimmediately.

    /erform capacity e$pansion as follows'

      #n nontransmission resource pool networking scenarios, assess thecapacity of each interface board.

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      #n effective mode, run the ==L command +S) S&BRACNN/21GN>, "CTJ/&G"Ca

    Then, the "C board is of the "Ca type.

    /orts on an "C board form a trunk group that connects the =/" to the &/".1estricted by their switching capacities, "C boards are likely to be congestedwhen configurations are unbalanced between subracks and when the intersubrack traffic is heavy. 2hen the traffic volume of intersubrackcommunication approaches the overload threshold, voice service 6uality, dataservice 6uality, and network /#s deteriorate, causing the system to becomeunstable. Therefore, the "C C/ load and intersubrack bandwidth need to

    be monitored for "C boards.

    2.6.2 Monitoring Metods

    Monitoring o7 SC& C4& +oad

    The B"."C.C/L>A?.=&AN counter monitors the "C C/ load.

    2hen the 1NC detects that the C/ load on an "C subsystem e$ceeds aspecified overload threshold, AL=-8-*7 C/ >verload is reported. Jou can6uery the overload threshold by running the +S) C4&)%# command.

    Monitoring o7 !nter-Surac3 Band/idtThe counters used to monitor the intersubrack bandwidth are as follows'


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    2.7 Co22on Cannes

    2.7.1 Monitoring 4rincipes

    Common channels include paging channels :/CHs;, forward access channels:

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    #nappropriate LA planning will cause /CH overload because pagingmessages are broadcast across the entire LA.

    K  #f paging messages are not retransmitted, the paging messageloss rate is *E when the /CH usage reaches 78E. #n this scenario,analy)e the cause of paging message loss or replan the LAs.

    K  #f paging messages are retransmitted once or twice, the pagingmessage loss rate is +E when the /CH usage reaches F8E. #n thisscenario, analy)e the cause of paging message loss or replan theLAs.


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    Figure 2-8 ?ynamic power resource allocation


    ?ownlink power resources are allocated as follows'

    1.  ?ownlink power resources are first reserved for common physicalchannels and allocated to the ?/CH. The remaining power resources areavailable for H"/A, including H"/A and H"?/A.

    2.  The H"/A power resources are first allocated to the H"/A downlinkcontrol channels, including the &A5CH, &15CH, and &H#CH. Theremaining power resources are available for H"?/A.

    3.  The H"?/A power resources are first allocated to the downlink controlchannel H""CCH. The remaining power resources are available for thetraffic channel H"/?"CH.

    ?ownlink power consumption is related to cell coverage, & locations, and thetraffic load in the cell. Large cell coverage, &s being physically far away fromthe cell center, and heavy traffic load all contribute to large downlink powerconsumption. Therefore, downlink power overload is more likely to occur inhotspots or in cells with large coverage.

    2hen the downlink transmit power is insufficient, the following occurs'

      The cell coverage shrinks.

      The data throughput decreases.

      The service 6uality declines.

      New service re6uests are likely to be re%ected.

    2.8.2 Monitoring Metods

    The following TC/associated counters are defined for Huawei 1NCs'

      B".=eanTC/' =ean Transmitted /ower of Carrier for Cell

      B".=eanTC/.NonH"' =ean Transmitted /ower of Carrier for NonH"?/ACell

      B".H"?/A.=eanChThroughput' =ean ?ownlink Throughput of H"?/A=AC?

  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide


    The downlink cell load is indicated by the mean utility ratio of transmittedcarrier power in a cell.

      The mean utility ratio of the transmitted carrier power for nonH"/Ausers in a cell :including nonH"/A users on CCHs; is calculatedusing the following formula'

    =eanTC/ :NonH"; sage G =eanNonH"TC/3=ADTD/>2&1 $ +88E

      The mean utility ratio of the transmitted carrier power for all users in acell is calculated using the following formula'

    =eanTC/ sage G =eanTC/3=ADTD/>2&1 $ +88E



      To obtain =ADTD/>2&1, run the +S) &C++ command to 6uery the value of the

    Ma; )rans2it 4o/er o7 Ce parameter, and convert the parameter value from theunit !8.+ d(m! to !watt.!

    2.8.3 *pti2i8ation Suggestions

    /erform capacity e$pansion in the following scenarios'

      The Mean)C4 (Non%S &sage is greater than F8E during peak hoursfor three consecutive days in a week.

      The Mean)C4 &sage is greater than *E and the value of theB".H"?/A.=eanChThroughput counter is less than the value re6uiredby subscribers during peak hours for three consecutive days in a week:for e$ample, 988 kbit3s;.

    /erform capacity e$pansion as follows'


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    The Node( measures the 1T2/ on each receive channel in each cell. Thecell 1T2/ obtained by the 1NC is the linear average of the 1T2/s measuredon all receive channels in a cell under the Node(. The 1T2/ indicates theinterference to a Node( and the signal strength on the 1D port on the 1<module.

    The uplink cell capacity is restricted by the rise over thermal :1oT;, whiche6uals the 1T2/ minus the cell0s background noise. The formula is as follows'


    #f there is no 1< interference, the 1oT is generated by intrasysteminterference. nder this condition, the 1oT is used as a criterion to evaluatethe uplink load.

    The relationship between the 1oT and the uplink load factor is as follows'

  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide


      B".=in1T2/' =inimum /ower of Totally 1eceived (andwidth for Cell

      B".1AC.L.&6vserNum' =ean Number of L &6uivalent Boice &s inC&LQ?CH "tate for Cell

    The &N can be specified by the following parameter'

    lTotal&6serNum' total number of e6uivalent users in the uplink, which canbe 6ueried using the 1NC ==L command +S) &C++CAC.

    The L &N 1atio is calculated using the following formula'

    L &N 1atio G B".1AC.L.&6vserNum3lTotal&6serNum

    #n some areas, the background noise increases to +87 d(m or above due toe$ternal interference or hardware faults. #f this occurs, the value of theB".=in1T2/ counter :the 1T2/ value obtained when the cell carries notraffic; is considered the background noise.

    The 1T2/ of a cell is considered high when the value of the B".=ean1T2/counter is greater than +88 d(m during offpeak hours or greater than 8

    d(m during peak hours for two or three consecutive days in a week.

     A cell is considered heavily loaded if the L &N 1atio e$ceeds F*E duringpeak hours for two or three consecutive days in a week.

    2.9.3 *pti2i8ation Suggestions

    /erform capacity e$pansion in the following scenarios'

      #f the value of the B".=in1T2/ counter is greater than +88 d(m orless than ++8 d(m during offpeak hours for three consecutive days ina week, there may be hardware faults or e$ternal interference. Locateand rectify the faults and attempt to eliminate the interference.

    The following table lists the 1< alarms reported by the Node(.

    Aar2 !# Aar2 Na2e


    1< nit 1D Channel 1T2/31""# nbalanced


    1< nit 1D Channel 1T2/31""# Too Low


    1< nit Hardware

  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide


    Aar2 !# Aar2 Na2e


    1< nit B"21 Threshold Crossed

       #f the value of the B".=ean1T2/ counter is greater than 8 d(m

    during peak hours for three consecutive days in a week, there may behardware faults or e$ternal interference. Locate and rectify the faultsand attempt to eliminate the interference. #f the value of theB".=ean1T2/ counter is still greater than 8 d(m after hardwarefaults are rectified and e$ternal interference is eliminated, enable thefollowing features as re6uired'

    K  21

  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide


    Figure 2-10 >B"< code tree


    #n the downlink, the ma$imum spreading factor :"B"< code tree can be divided into @ "B"< coderesources are limited. #f available >B"< codes are insufficient, a new call

    re6uest is re%ected.

     After H"?/A is introduced, H"?/A and 1 services share >B"< codes. H"/?"CH code resource management can be performed at both 1NC andNode( levels. 1NCcontrolled static or dynamic code allocation is enabledthrough the Aocate Code Mode parameter. Node(controlled dynamic codeallocation is enabled through the #ynCodeS/ parameter.

  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide


    Figure 2-12 1NCcontrolled dynamic code allocation


    The system reserves code resources for H"?/A services, and these coderesources can be shared among H"?/A services. Therefore, H"?/A servicesdo not re6uire admission control based on cell code resources.

    B"< code tree based on thenumber of e6uivalent codes with "B"?&QAva G -*7 :Codes occupied by CCHs I Codesoccupied by &A5CHs I Codes occupied by &15CHs and &H#CHs I Codesreserved for H"/?"CHs I H""CCH codes;

  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide


      At least one code is reserved for H"?/A services.

    Then, ?CHQ>B"?&QAva G -*7 : I + I - I +7 I @; G --*.

    >B"< code usages are calculated as follows'

      >B"< sage G B".1A(."ccupy3-*7 $ +88E

      ?CH >B"< sage G ?CHQ>B"?&3?CHQ>B"?&QAva

    2.10.3 *pti2i8ation Suggestions

    #f the value of a cell0s ?CH >B"< sage is greater than F8E during peakhours for three consecutive days in a week, the cell runs out of >B"< codes.

    /erform capacity e$pansion as follows'

      &nable the 21

  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide


    )ae $- Credit resources consumed by admitted &s before and after C&>verbooking is enabled

    Be7ore or A7terC*eroo3ing is


    Credit Resource Consu2ed y Ad2itted &s

    (efore C&>verbooking isenabled

    The 1NC calculates the usage of C&s for admitted &s byadding up credit resources reserved for each &.

      1 &' The 1NC calculates the usage of credit resources foran 1 & based on the ma$imum bit rate :=(1;.

      H"/A &' The 1NC calculates the usage of credit resourcesfor an H"/A & based on =AD :5(1, 1ateone 1LC /?;.

     After C&>verbooking isenabled

    The Node( calculates the usage of credit resources for alladmitted &s at the cell and Node( levels and periodicallyreports the calculation results to the 1NC through measurereports :=1s;.

      1 &' The Node( calculates the usage of credit resourcesfor an 1 & based on the =(1.

      H"/A & using a +8 ms transmission time interval :TT#;' TheNode( ad%usts the credit resource usage on such a & basedon the &0s rate. After the ad%ustment, the credit resourcesconsumed by such a & must not e$ceed the creditresources re6uired by 1ateone 1LC /?.

      H"/A & using a - ms TT#' The Node( ad%usts the creditresource usage on such a & based on the &0s rate and theminimum number of C&s :specified by

    CERSVFOR2MSUSER ; reserved for admitting such a &. After the ad%ustment, the credit resources consumed by sucha & must not e$ceed the credit resources re6uired by1ateone 1LC /?.

    The minimum number of C&s reserved for admitting an H"/A & usinga - ms TT# is @ by default. The value range is + to .


    verbooking, see C% &'erboo"ing FeatureParameter Description(

    CCHs do not re6uire e$tra C& resources because the 1NC reserves C&resources for services on these channels. "ignaling carried on an associatedchannel of the ?CH does not consume e$tra C& resources, either. >ne C&can be consumed by a +-.- kbit3s voice call.

    Table -@ to Table - provide the number of C&s consumed by differentservices.

  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide


    )ae $-" plink C&s consumed by an 1 service



    S@ $R

    Nu2er o7 CsConsu2ed


    Nu2er o7 CreditResourcesConsu2ed


    Nu2er o7 CsConsu2ed


    Nu2er o7 CreditResourcesConsu2ed

    L 9.@ -*7 + - - @

    +9.7 7@ + - - @

    7@ + - - @

    +7 7@ + - - @

    9- 9- +.* 9 - @

    7@ +7 9 7 9 7

    +- * +8 * +8

    +@@ * +8 * +8

    -*7 @ +8 -8 +8 -8

    9@ @ +8 -8 +8 -8


    )ae $-5 ?ownlink C&s consumed by an 1 service

    #irection Rate(3its

    S@ Nu2er o7 CsConsu2ed

    Nu2er o7 CreditResources Consu2ed

    ?L 9.@ -*7 + +

    +9.7 +- + +

    +- + +

    +7 +- + +

    9- 7@ + +

    7@ 9- - -

    +- +7 @ @

    +@@ +7 @ @




  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide


    )ae $-6 C&s consumed by an H"/A service :+8 ms TT#, "1( over ?CH;



    S@ 2inS@


    S@ D2inS@

    S@ $R

    Nu2ero7 CsConsu2ed


    Nu2ero7 CreditResourcesConsu2ed


    Nu2ero7 CsConsu2ed


    Nu2er o7 CreditResourcesConsu2ed

    L 9- 7@ 9- + - - @

    7@ +- +7 - @ - @

    +- -*7 @ @

    78 78 @ +7 +7

    +-8 +-8 -"<


    +7 9- +7 9-

    +88 +88 -"<-

    9- 7@ 9- 7@


    )ae $-= C&s consumed by an H"/A service :- ms TT#, "1( over ?CH;



    S@ 2inS@


    S@ D2inS@

    S@ $R

    Nu2er o7 



    Nu2er o7 



    Nu2er o7 



    Nu2er o7 


    L 78 78 @ +7 +7

    +-8 +-8 -"<@

    +7 9- +7 9-

    -F-8 -F-8 -"<-

    9- 7@ 9- 7@


  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide


    )ae $-E C&s consumed by an H"/A service :+8 ms TT#, "1( overH"/A;



    S@ 2inS@


    S@ D2inS@

    S@ $R

    Nu2er o7 CsConsu2ed


    Nu2er o7 CreditResourcesConsu2ed


    Nu2er o7 CsConsu2ed


    Nu2er o7 CreditResourcesConsu2ed

    L +7 7@ 9- + - - @

    9- +- +7 - @ - @

    +- -*7 @ @

    78 78 @ +7 +7

    +-8 +-8 -"<@

    +7 9- +7 9-

    +88 +88 -"<-

    9- 7@ 9- 7@


    )ae $-9 C&s consumed by an H"/A service :- ms TT#, "1( over H"/A;




    S@ 2inS@



    S@ D2inS@

    S@ $R

    Nu2ero7 CsConsu2ed


    Nu2ero7 CreditResourcesConsu2ed


    Nu2ero7 CsConsu2ed


    Nu2ero7 CreditResourcesConsu2ed

    L 78 78 @ +7 +7

    +-8 +-8 -"

  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide


      B".Node(.LCreditsed.=ean' Average Node( plink Credit sage 2henC& >verbooking #s &nabled for Node(

      B".LC.LCreditsed.=ean' =ean sage of L Credit for Cell

      B".LC.?LCreditsed.=ean' =ean sage of ?L Credit for Cell

    The Node( uses separate baseband processing units in the uplink anddownlink. Therefore, the Node( manages uplink and downlink C& resourcesseparately. The uplink and downlink C& resource usages are calculated asfollows'

      Licensebased uplink C& usage

    Licensebased uplink C& usage G L Node( =ean C& sed Number3LLicense C& Number 

    #f the value of the B".Node(.LCreditsed.=ean counter is greater than8, the C& >verbooking feature has taken effect, and the following formulais true'

    L Node( =ean C& sed Number G B".Node(.LCreditsed.=ean3-

    >therwise, the following formula is true'

    L Node( =ean C& sed Number G"umQAllCellsQofQNode(:B".LC.LCreditsed.=ean3-;


    !B".LC.LCreditsed.=ean3-! indicates the number of uplink C&sbecause the number of uplink credit resources is twice the numberof uplink C&s, whereas the number of downlink credit resources ise6ual to the number of downlink C&s.

    L License C& Number G L Node( License C& Cfg Number 

      Licensebased downlink C& usage

    Licensebased downlink C& usage G ?L Node( =ean C& sedNumber3?L License C& Number 

    ?L Node( =ean C& sed Number G"umQAllCellsQofQNode(:B".LC.?LCreditsed.=ean;

    ?L License C& Number G ?L Node( License C& Cfg Number 

      Hardwarebased uplink C& usage

    Hardwarebased uplink C& usage G L Node( =ean C& sedNumber3L C& Capacity Number 

    The value of L Node( =ean C& sed Number e6uals that used forcalculating the licensebased uplink C& usage.

    L C& Capacity Number G B".H2.LCreditAvailable

      Hardwarebased downlink C& usage

    Hardwarebased downlink C& usage G ?L Node( =ean C& sedNumber3?L C& Capacity Number 

    The value of ?L Node( =ean C& sed Number e6uals that used forcalculating the licensebased downlink C& usage.

    ?L C& Capacity Number G B".H2.?LCreditAvailable

    The C& resource usage can be monitored by alarms. #f the C& hardwarecapacity is e$ceeded, AL=--98 (ase "tation "ervice >verload is reported.

  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide


    2.11.3 *pti2i8ation Suggestions

    #f the uplink3downlink license or hardwarebased C& usage is consistentlygreater than F8E during peak hours for three consecutive days in a week,perform capacity e$pansion as follows'

      #f the licensebased C& usage e$ceeds the capacity e$pansionthreshold, C& resources are limited by the license. #n this situation,

    upgrade the license file.

      #f the hardwarebased C& usage e$ceeds the capacity e$pansionthreshold, C& resources are limited by the hardware capacity. #n thissituation, add 2((/ boards.

    #f capacity e$pansion is inapplicable, perform the following operations'

      1un the 1NC ==L command S) &C*RRMA+G*S'!)C%. #n thisstep, select the #RAF#CCCFS'!)C% and#RAFBASFA#MFCFBF))!FRC@GFS'!)C%  check bo$esunder the #yna2ic Resource Aocation S/itc parameter to enablethe ?CCC algorithm and the TT# dynamic ad%ustment algorithm foradmission C&based (& services, respectively.

      1un the 1NC ==L command S) &&SRGBR with the &pin3 GBR7or B serice parameter set to #$.

    Newly added C& resources can share the traffic in hotspots and relieve C&congestion caused by traffic overflow.

    2.12 !u Band/idt

    2.12.1 Monitoring 4rincipesThe #ub interface e$ists between the Node( and 1NC. The interface uses AT=or #/ transmission depending on the transmission medium.

     AT= and #/ transmission resources can be classified into physical resources,logical port :L/; resources, resource groups, and link resources, as shown in

  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide


    Figure 2-14 AT= transmission resources

    Figure 2-15 #/ transmission resources


    #ub bandwidth congestion will cause 11C connection setup and 1A( setupfailures. Table -+8 describes #ub bandwidth congestion scenarios.

  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide


    )ae $-10 #ub bandwidth congestion scenarios

    Scenario #escription

    The physicaltransmission

    resources aresufficient, but theadmission fails.

     Admission control is performed based on thesufficiency of transmission resources. #f

    transmission resources are sufficient, theadmission succeeds. >therwise, the transmissionfails. Admission control prevents e$cessive serviceadmission and ensures the 6uality of admittedservices.

    The physicaltransmissionbandwidth isinsufficient.

    The physical transmission bandwidth between the1NC and Node( is insufficient.


    2.12.2 Monitoring Metods

    A)M )rans2ission

    >n an AT= transmission network, Huawei 1NCs and Node(s can monitor theuplink and downlink loads on their interface boards. The #ub bandwidth usageis indicated by the ratio of the actual uplink or downlink load to the configured#ub bandwidth.

    The 1NC monitors the bandwidthbased admission success rate for eachNode(.

    1.  (andwidthbased admission success rate

    The counters for monitoring the bandwidthbased admission success rate areas follows'

      B".AAL-.CAC."ucc' Number of "uccessful AAL- /ath Admissions

      B".AAL-.CAC.Att' Number of AAL- /ath 1esource Admissions

    The bandwidthbased admission success rate is calculated using the followingformula'

    (andwidthbased admission success rate GB".AAL-.CAC."ucc3B".AAL-.CAC.Att

    #f the bandwidthbased admission success rate is less than E, bandwidthcongestion has probably occurred on the user plane.

    2.  /hysical bandwidth usage

    :+; Control plane

    The counters for monitoring the number of bytes transmitted or received on"ignaling AT= Layer :"AAL; links :including NC/, CC/ and ALCA/ links; areas follows'

      B"."AALLN./BCLAJ&1.TD(JT&"' Number of bytes transmitted onan "AAL link at the AT= layer 

      B"."AALLN./BCLAJ&1.1D(JT&"' Number of bytes received on an"AAL link at the AT= layer 

  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide


    The uplink and downlink bandwidth usages of the "AAL links on the controlplane over the #ub interface are calculated using the following formulas'

      ?L #ub sage on Control /lane G B"."AALLN./BCLAJ&1.TD(JT&"$ 3+8883"/M=easurement period3TD (2QC

  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide


      B".AN#.#/.>L.AN#.#/LAJ&1.TD(JT&"' Number of #/ bytes transmittedon the user plane of an ad%acent node

      B".#//>>L.AN#.#/LAJ&1.1D(JT&"' Number of #/ bytes received on

    the user plane of an ad%acent node

    The #ub bandwidth usage on a transmission resource pool is calculated usingthe following formulas'

      ?L #ub sage on ser /lane G B".#//>>L.AN#.#/LAJ&1.TD(JT&" $3"/M=easurement period3+8883TD (2QC

  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide


    2.12.3 *pti2i8ation Suggestions

    #f the #ub bandwidth usage e$ceeds F8E during peak hours for threeconsecutive days in a week, the #ub bandwidth is insufficient.

    No. Scenario *pti2i8ation Suggestion

    + (andwidth congestion on the AT=control plane

    #ncrease the bandwidthconfigured for the "AAL link.

    - (andwidth congestion on the #/control plane

    #ncrease the transmissionbandwidth for the "CT/ link.

    9 /hysical bandwidth congestion on the AT= and #/ user planes

    #ncrease the transmissionbandwidth.

    @ Admission bandwidth congestion onthe AT= and #/ user planes, notaccompanied by physical bandwidth


    ?ecrease the activity factor for/" services.


    Scenario 1 Band/idt Congestion on te A)M Contro 4ane

    #f an "AAL link is congested, increase the bandwidth configured for the "AALlink by running the following commands'

     A?? AT=T1

  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide


     A?? A?S=A/' AN#GDDD, #T

  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide


    CN(A/ resource usage can be monitored by alarms. #f the CN(A/ hardwarecapacity is e$ceeded, AL=--98 (ase "tation "ervice >verload is reported.

    2.13.3 *pti2i8ation Suggestions

    #f the license or hardwarebased CN(A/ usage on the Node( is greater than

    78E during peak hours for three consecutive days in a week, the Node( isconsidered overloaded.

    /erform capacity e$pansion as follows'

      &nable the 21

  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide


    2.14.3 *pti2i8ation Suggestions

    #f the percentage of the number of H"?/A3H"/A users on a 2((/ board tothe configured number of H"?/A3H"/A users is greater than 78E duringpeak hours for three consecutive days in a week, perform capacity e$pansionas follows'

      &nable the 21

  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide


    3 Net/or3 Resource )rouesootingThe monitoring method described in Chapter - is effective in most scenarios.

    However, other scenarios may re6uire more detailed troubleshooting todetermine if high resource occupancy is caused by traffic increases or otherabnormalities.

    This chapter describes how to locate network resource problems that re6uiremore detailed troubleshooting and is intended for personnel who'

      Have a deep understanding of 2C?=A networks

      Are familiar with the signaling procedure

      Are familiar with the operation and maintenance of Huawei products

    3.1 4ossie Boc3 and @aiure 4oints in te Basic Ca @o/

    #f network resources are insufficient, network accessrelated /#s are likely tobe affected first.

  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide


    Figure 3-1 Basic call flow chart and possible bloc!fail"re points


    The basic call flow illustrated in

  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide


      Step 5  #f the 1NC is congested when receiving the 11C connection re6uest, the1NC may drop the re6uest message. "ee block point 9.

      Step 6  #f the 1NC receives the 11C connection re6uest and does not discard it,the 1NC determines whether to accept or re%ect the re6uest. The re6uest maybe re%ected due to insufficient resources, as shown in block point @.

      Step 7  #f the 1NC accepts the re6uest, the 1NC instructs the & to set up an11C connection. The & may not receive 1NC0s response message or mayfind that the configuration does not support 11C connection setup. "ee failurepoints * and 7.

      Step 8   After the 11C connection is set up, the & sends NA" messages tonegotiate with the CN about service setup. #f the CN determines to set up aservice, the CN sends an 1A( assignment re6uest to the 1NC.

      Step 9  The 1NC accepts or re%ects the 1A( assignment re6uest based on theresource usage of 1AN. "ee block point F.

      Step 10  #f the 1NC accepts the 1A( assignment re6uest, it initiates an 1( setupprocess. ?uring the process, the 1NC sets up radio links :1Ls; to the Node(over the #ub interface and sends an 1( setup message to the & over the uinterface. The 1L or 1( setup process may incur failures. "ee failure points and .


    3.2 Counters Reated to Ca Congestion

     As shown in

  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide


    K  B".11C./aging+.Loss./CHCong.Cell' number of discardedpaging messages due to /CH congestion in a cell

    K  B".T1AN.Att/aging+' number of paging messages of pagingtype + sent by the 1NC in a cell

    Calculation formula'

    #uinterface paging loss ratio :cell; G:B".11C./aging+.Loss./CHCong.Cell3B".T1AN.Att/aging+; $ +88E

    3.2.2 RRC Congestion

    The following table describes the mapping between reasons of 11Cconnection setup re%ections and corresponding counters.

    ReHection Reason Counter 

    plink powercongestion


    ?ownlink powercongestion


    plink C&congestion


    ?ownlink C&congestion


    plink #ub bandwidthcongestion


    ?ownlink #ubbandwidthcongestion


    ?ownlink coderesource congestion



    The 11C block rate is calculated using the following formula'

    Bs.11C.(lock.1ate G Total 11C 1e% 3 B".11C.AttConn&stab."um U +88E


      Total 11C 1e% G B".11C.1e%.L/ower.Cong IB".11C.1e%.?L/ower.Cong I B".11C.1e%.LC&.Cong IB".11C.1e%.?LC&.Cong I B".11C.1e%.L#((and.Cong IB".11C.1e%.?L#((and.Cong I B".11C.1e%.Code.Cong

      B".11C.AttConn&stab."um measures the number of 11C connectionsetup re6uests in a cell.

    3.2.3 RAB Congestion

    The following table describes the mapping between reasons of 1A(connection setup re%ections and corresponding counters.

  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide






  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide


    Figure 3-2 5eneral troubleshooting procedure for resource usage issues


    #n most cases, the troubleshooting procedure includes detecting abnormal/#s, selecting top N cells, and analy)ing abnormal /#s.

    #n the case of system bottlenecks, network accessrelated /#s are usuallydetected first because most of the access congestion issues are caused byinsufficient system resources.

  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide


  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide


    Figure 3-4 /rocedure for analy)ing C& congestion


    C& resources can be shared within a resource group. Therefore, C& usage onthe Node( must be calculated to determine whether C& congestion occurs ina resource group or the Node(. #f C& congestion occurs in a resource group,reallocate C& resources among resource groups. #f C& congestion occurs inthe Node(, perform capacity e$pansion.

    3.3.3 !u Resource Anaysis

  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide


    Figure 3-5 /rocedure for analy)ing #ub bandwidth congestion


    3.3.4 4o/er Resource Anaysis

    #f the uplink 1T2/ and downlink TC/ values are greater than the presetthresholds, power congestion occurs.

    #f power congestion occurs in the downlink, enable the load reshuffling :L?1;and overload control :>LC; functions. #f power congestion occurs in the uplink,analy)e whether the problem is caused by interference or traffic increases.

    #f the 1T2/ value remains greater than F d(m, identify root causes andtroubleshoot the problem.

    #f the problem is caused by heavy traffic instead of signaling storms, performthe following operations'

      &nable L?1 and >LC for temporary troubleshooting.

      Add carriers or split cells for a longterm solution.

  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide


    Figure 3-6 /rocedure for analy)ing power resource usage


    5enerally, adding a carrier is the most effective means of relieving uplinkpower congestion. #f no additional carrier is available, add a Node( or reducethe downtilt of the antenna.

    3.3.5 S4& C4& &sage Anaysis

     Among all 1NC C/s, "/ C/s are most likely to cause system bottlenecksbecause smartphones often cause signaling storms on networks.

    #f the "/ C/ usage e$ceeds the "/ C/ alarming threshold, 1NCs willenable the flow control function to discard some 11C connection setup orpaging re6uests. Therefore, the "/ C/ usage should be less than the "/C/ alarming threshold.

  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide


    Figure 3-7 /rocedure for analy)ing "/ C/ usage


     As shown in

  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide


    3.3.6 #4& #S4 +oad and !nter7ace Board C4& &sage Anaysis

    #f the ?/ ?"/ or interface board C/s are overloaded, the 1NC discardssome user data.

  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide


    3.3.7 4C% &sage Anaysis

    #n most cases, /CHs are overloaded because an LA covers too many cells.1eplan LAs to resolve the /CH overload.

  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide


    Figure 3-10 /rocedure for analy)ing

  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide


    4 Metrics #e7initionsMetric


    Counter #escription

    Congestion-reated Metrics



    Bs.11C.(lock.1ate I:M11C."uccConn&stab.sum3:MB".11C.AttConn&stab.Cell?CH IMB".11C.AttConn&stab.Cell

  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide



    Counter #escription

    Call Attempts


    :MB".1A(.Att&stabC".Conv IMB".1A(.Att&stab.C"."tr I

    MB".1A(.Att&stab/".Conv IMB".1A(.Att&stab/"."tr IMB".1A(.Att&stab/".#nt IMB".1A(.Att&stab/".(kg;

    4o/er &sage-reated Metrics



    where =ADTD/>2&1 is the ma$imum powerconfigured for a cell. =easured in watts.

    =eanTC/ sage


    where =ADTD/>2&1 is the ma$imum powerconfigured for a cell. =easured in watts.

    =ean L1T2/

    B".=ean1T2/ B".=ean1T2/

    =in L1T2/

    B".=in1T2/ B".=in1T2/

    L &N1ate B".1AC.L.&6vserNum B".1AC.L.&6vserNum3lTotal&6serNum

    !u !nter7ace Resource &sage-reated Metrics

    (andwidthbased Admission"uccess1ate




    ?L #ub





    ?L #ub sage on Control /lane

    G B"."AALLN./BCLAJ&1.TD(JT&" $3+8883M"/3TD (2QC

  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide



    Counter #escription

    ?L #ubsage

    on ser/lane

     AT= transmission'




    #/ transmission in nonpoolednetworking'



    #/ transmission in resourcepool networking'



     AT= transmission'

    ?L #ub sage on ser /lane G

    "um:B".AAL-/ATH./BCLAJ&1.TD(JT&"; $3M"/3+8883TD (2QC

  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide



    Counter #escription


    B".1A(."ccupy B".1A(."ccupy


    B".1A(."ccupy.1atio B".1A(."ccupy3-*7 $ +88E





    ?CHQ>B"?& G :MB"."ingle1A(."

  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide



    Counter #escription



    B".D/.C/L>A?.=&AN B".D/.C/L>A?.=&AN

    =/C/Load B".D/.C/L>A?.=&AN B".D/.C/L>A?.=&AN


    B".?"/.sageAvg B".?"/.sageAvg






    Credit Resource &sage-reated Metrics

    Licensebased?ownlink C&sage






    "umQAllCellsQofQNode(:B".LC.?LCreditsed.=ean; 3?L Node( License C& Cfg Number 



    #f the value of B".Node(.LCreditsed.=ean isgreater than 8, the following formula is true'

    :B".Node(.LCreditsed.=ean 3-;3L Node(

    License C& Cfg Number >therwise, the following formula is true'

    "umQAllCellsQofQNode(:B".LC.LCreditsed.=ean3-;3L Node( License C& Cfg Number 

    Hardwar ebased?ownlink C&

      "umQAllCellsQofQNode(:B".LC.?LCreditsed.=ean; 3 B".H2.?LCreditAvailable

    Hardwar ebasedplinkC&sage

      #f the value of B".Node(.LCreditsed.=ean isgreater than 8, the following formula is true'

    :B".Node(.LCreditsed.=ean 3-; 3B".H2.LCreditAvailable

    >therwise, the following formula is true'

    "umQAllCellsQofQNode(:B".LC.LCreditsed.=ean3-; 3 B".H2.LCreditAvailable

    NodeB CNBA4 +oad-reated Metrics





    Licensebased CN(A/ sage G:B".1adioLink.1ecv.=ean IB".?edic=ea1pt.=&AN3+-;3License CN(A/

  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide



    Counter #escription

    Hardwar ebased


    Hardwarebased CN(A/ sage G:B".1adioLink.1ecv.=ean I

    B".?edic=ea1pt.=&AN3+-;3CN(A/ Capacity ofNode(

    SC& Board +oad-reated Metrics


    B"."C.C/L>A?.=&AN B"."C.C/L>A?.=&AN





  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide


    5 Reference DocumentsThis chapter lists the documents referenced within the te$t and provides the

    document name, document package, and document package download pathat http'

    #ocu2ent Na2e #ocu2ent4ac3age

    #ocu2ent 4ac3age#o/noad 4at

    1AN 1econfiguration 5uide ("C788 =T"/roduct?ocumentation

    2ireless 2C?=A1AN 2C?=A1NC

    988 "eries (ase "tation Technical?escription

    988 "eries (ase"tation /roduct?ocumentation

    2ireless 2C?=A1AN 2C?=ANode(

  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide


    #ocu2ent Na2e #ocu2ent4ac3age

    #ocu2ent 4ac3age#o/noad 4at

    "tate Transition

  • 8/20/2019 Huawei RAN 15 - Capacity Monitoring Guide
