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Table of Contents Introduction Tips for Leading Fill-In Stories 6 Quick Reference Grammar Guide for Fill-In Stories 8 Tips for Acting Out Stories 10

Section 1 - Stories of Warning and Caution 1. The Naked Picnic of Death 11 2. The Cain Mutiny 14 3. How Lot’s Wife Got A-Salted 17 4. Mr. Driftwood and the Drifters 22 5. Samson’s Mane Event 27 6. Fish Guts in My Hair 30

Section 2 - Stories of Hope and Encouragement 7. Joseph’s Dream Job 33 8. How Boaz Stopped Being Ruthless 36 9. God’s Invisible Air Force 39 10. The Great Job Search 42 11. Hungry Tummies, Empty Souls 45 12. Moses vs. Jesus? 48

Section 3 - Stories of Courage and Faith 13. Dead Bodies Floating By 52 14. Psycho Dad 55 15. Voices . . . I’m Hearing Voices . . . 58 16. The Beauty Queen’s Big Decision 61 17. Flame-Resistant Heroes 64 18. Dan in the Den 67

Section 4 - Stories of the Power and Wonder of God 19. The Man from the Mud 70 20. The Donkey of Doom 74 21. The Shout Heard ’Round the City 77 22. The Adventures of Davey Boy 80 23. God’s Atomic Barbeque 83 24. Life in Death Valley 87

Section 5 - Stories of Grace and Truth 25. Stranger in a Manger 90 26. The Original Surfer Dudes 93 27. Won’t You Be My Neighbor? 96 28. Pigging Out and Going Home 99 29. The Dude from the Dead 102 30. The Universal Translators 105

(If you’re looking for these stories in chronological order, see Appendix A.)

Appendix A - Chronological Index 108 Appendix B - Scripture Verse Index 108 Appendix C - Topical Index 110

Table of Contents 3

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Section 1 - Stories of Warning and Caution Now these things occurred as examples to keep us from setting our hearts

on evil things as they did. . . . These things happened to them as examples and

were written down as warnings for us, on whom the fulfillment of the ages

has come. (1 Corinthians 10:6, 11)

Some people may wonder why we still study Old Testament stories today or what good it does to examine what happened to the children of Israel thousands of years ago. In these verses of 1 Corinthians, Paul explains that the ancient stories of faith serve to remind us not only of God’s work, wonders, and power in the past but also serve as examples for us so that we don’t pursue evil as the Israelites did. The stories in this section will serve as examples and cautionary tales to warn us about the severe consequences of sin.

Section 2 - Stories of Hope and Encouragement The stories of the Old Testament are powerful reminders of God’s work in the lives of believers. They can give us confidence, especially through the tough times and struggles of life in this wounded world.

For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we

might have hope. (Romans 15:4)

God is the same yesterday, today, and forever (see Hebrews 13:8). His power never fades. His love never grows cold. His justice never fluctuates. The same Almighty God who worked behind the scenes long ago still works behind the scenes today. The same miracle-working Lord rules the universe. By studying stories of God’s power, might, and deliverance in the past, we can receive encouragement and hope for the future.

Section 3 - Stories of Courage and Faith Stories of martyrs, saints, and other believers who’ve faced persecution, troubles, and difficult times can serve to inspire us. We can learn to imitate the courage and faith of those who have gone before us.

Join with others in following my example, brothers, and take note of those who

live according to the pattern we gave you. (Philippians 3:17)

Brothers, as an example of patience in the face of suffering, take the prophets

who spoke in the name of the Lord. (James 5:10)

The principle of studying the example of others and then imitating their lives of faith is found repeatedly in the New Testament. (See Hebrews 6:12; 13:7.) The stories in this section will inspire us to do the right thing and to persevere during trials.

4 Crazy & Creative Bible Stories for Preteens

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Look It Up1

Based On: Genesis 3

Big Idea: Sin entered into the world when Adam and Eve disobeyed God.

LifeApplication: Sin always drives us farther from God’s presence, just as it did for Adam

and Eve. Sin shattered the harmony between God and our first parents. But rather than run and hide from God, as they did, we should confess our wrongs and repent. When we do, we can trust in God’s forgiveness, grace, and love. (See 1 John 1:8-10.)

Topics: Choices and consequences, death, following God, forgiveness, hiding, hope, listening to God, obedience, rebellion, second chances, sin, talking animals, temptation

Background: God gave Adam and Eve incredible freedom and independence, but they abused his trust by doing the one and only thing he forbade them to do—eat from the tree. As a result of their sin, Adam and Eve had to leave the Garden of Eden.

The story of Adam and Eve’s enticement into sin, rebellion against God, unwillingness to admit their wrongdoing, and eventual separation from God’s presence is not just their story. . . . It’s ours too. Each one of us has followed in their rebellious footsteps. (See Romans 6:23.) We all need God’s forgiveness.

But just as God was gracious to them—giving them the promise of a deliverer—he is gracious to us, offering us hope and life when we trust in him.

Help your students see the deeper connections in this story between the way Adam and Eve acted and the way we act today.

The Naked Picnic of Death 11

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Fill It InNotes for the storyteller: Remember not to give away the title

or topic of this story until after you’ve gathered suggestions from the students. For more suggestions on leading fill-in stories, see pages 6–10.

12 Crazy & Creative Bible Stories for Preteens

This is the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.

Adam and Eve lived in a beautiful garden called the Garden of __________________________.

There they spent their time ___________________, and __________________________,and taking care of

the garden.

It was so cool, and their lives were so perfect that they used to say, “______________________!”

Now God had warned them not to eat any fruit from the ________________ of Knowledge of Good and Evil.

(Now some people say that ______________________ grew on it, but no one knows for sure what kind of fruit it was.)

One day while Adam and Eve were ______________________ around the garden, they went right up to that

forbidden ____________________!

Just then, a cruel, sneaky, talking ___________________________ said to them, “Did God really say you couldn’t

_____________ any of the fruit in this garden?”

And Eve said, “Of course we can do that! We just can’t ______________ fruit from the ______________________

of Knowledge of Good and Evil. If we do, we’ll______________________________________!”

“No!” said the animal. “That won’t happen! Instead, you’ll learn __________________________! You’ll be smart

like God!”

So she plucked some of the fruit and ate it. As soon as she had, she said, “____________________________!”

Then she handed some to Adam, and he put the fruit into his ________________ and took a big bite out of it.

Then they both realized they’d sinned. And they also realized they were naked since neither of them were

wearing any ______________________!

So they sewed some ____________________________ leaves together to make underwear!

Then God came looking for them. At first they hid in the ________________. But of course, God found them there.

“It wasn’t my fault!” said Adam. “It was all ___________________’s fault!”

Then Eve blamed the talking ______________________.

So because of their sin, they had to leave God’s presence and go live in ________________ instead. Pain and

suffering entered the world. And sharp, pointy______________________ began to grow.

And ever since then, all of us have been separated from God because of our wrongs too. And all of us need God

to search for us, and find us, and forgive us too. Just like he did for Adam and Eve.

The end.

(a girl’s name)

(a verb ending in “ing”) (an extreme sport, also ending in “ing”)

(something surfers like to say)

(a type of desert plant)

(a type of food)

(a verb ending in “ing”)

(a type of animal you might have as a pet)

(the desert plant from earlier)

(a verb)

(a verb) (the type of desert plant from earlier)

(something terrible that might happen to a bungee jumper)

(a subject you might study at school)

(a popular expression)

(a body part)

(a type of woman’s clothing, plural)

(a type of plant you wouldn’t want to touch)

(a noun)

(a famous person)

(the talking animal from earlier)

(a location)

(a type of plant, plural)

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Cast: You’ll need 4 or 5 children to act out this story: SERPENT (boy or girl), EVE (girl), ADAM (boy),

TREE (preferably a strong adult), FRUIT (optional, girl or boy)

Props: If you choose to use four people, you could have the TREE hold some fake (or real) fruit. If you use five people, one actor plays the part of the FRUIT!

Tips: You’ll probably want to have a strong adult play the part of the TREE because the SERPENT climbs on his back. He also has to hold the FRUIT for the first part of the story!

During the story, make sure ADAM and EVE stand to the side of the TREE rather than right in front of it so the audience can still see it.

StartingPositions: Position onstage the TREE, the SERPENT, and the FRUIT in the center and ADAM and EVE on

the right. Bring up the stage lights, and then begin when the listeners are quiet.

Adam and Eve loved to go on long walks in the Garden of Eden . . . They walked all over together . . . holding hands . . . Sometimes they stopped walking . . . and puckered up for a little kiss . . . but they didn’t kiss each other. Instead, they went right up to the tree God had told them not to eat . . . Hanging from the tree was a snake . . . and some fruit . . . The snake pointed at the fruit with his long forked tongue! . . . He did this over and over again . . . Finally, Eve grabbed the fruit and picked it from the tree . . . She held it in her hands . . . She took a great big bite out of it . . . Then she handed the fruit to Adam . . . He took a bite out of it too! . . . Then the snake slithered away . . . and Adam and Eve gasped . . . They threw the fruit to the ground! . . . And ran off because they realized they were naked! . . . Sin and death had come into the world. Adam and Eve—and the rest of us too—would be needing a Savior. And the tree lived happily ever after. The end.

Act It Out

Discussion Starters: Discuss the consequences of sin. Talk about how similar the choices and reactions of Adam and

Eve are to the way we act today. What does that tell you about this story? What does it tell you

about yourself?

In Genesis 3:15 God made a promise to Adam and Eve that he would send someone to rescue

them from the power of the tempter. In Galatians 4:4, 5 what does it say about God’s fulfillment

of that promise? Discuss the connection these verses have to each other and their connection

to our lives today.

End with prayer.

The Naked Picnic of Death 13

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Look It Up2

14 Crazy & Creative Bible Stories for Preteens

Based On: Genesis 4:1-16

Big Idea: Cain’s anger led to hatred, uncontrollable rage, and, eventually, to murder.

LifeApplication: Sin took control of Cain’s life. God had warned him, “If you do what is

right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it” (Genesis 4:7). Sin tries to control us as well. But with the power of the Holy Spirit, we can resist. (See Romans 8:1-11.)

So in times of temptation, we need to rely on God and trust in him to overcome our anger, resentment, and rage.

Topics: Anger, choices and consequences, family relationships, jealousy, resentment, self-control, sin, stubbornness, temptation

Background: After Adam and Eve’s rebellion in the garden, things went downhill fast. Cain resented how God accepted his brother’s sacrifice rather than his and then went on to murder his younger brother.

As far as we know, God had not given any command for either Cain or Abel to offer him a sacrifice. It seems that they (or at least Abel) simply decided it would be an appropriate way of thanking God for all he had given them.

We know from Hebrews 11:4 that Abel’s offering was brought through faith. It was his faith, not the fact that he offered sheep instead of asparagus, that made his offering acceptable to God.

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Fill It InNotes for the storyteller: Remember not to give away the title or topic of this story until after you’ve gathered suggestions from the students. For more suggestions on leading fill-in stories, see pages 6–10.

The Cain Mutiny 15

OK! It’s time for the story of Cain and Abel.

Adam and Eve had two sons named Cain and Abel. Cain worked in the fields growing

_____________________ and ______________________. Abel worked as a ______________________

raising ______________________.

One day, they both brought offerings to God. Cain _________________ his offering of fruit, and Abel

brought God one of his best lambs.

Well, God was happy with Abel’s offering because he had faith and love for God. But Cain’s offering

didn’t please God.

When Cain saw that, he felt ______________________ and angry! He was filled

with __________________!

God warned him, “______________________! Be careful, Cain! Sin is sitting right outside your

______________________ longing to control you, but you must master it!”

But Cain said, “_____________________________________________!”

So later on when they were out in the field, Cain killed Abel.

He buried the body in the ground near his ______________________. But, of course, God saw the whole

thing. “Cain, where’s your brother?” he asked.

“How should I know!” said Cain ______________________. “I’m not his babysitter, am I?”

God _______________________ Cain about the crime, but Cain kept thinking

only of himself. And his heart remained cold and as hard as a ____________________.

Sin longs to control us too. And with God’s help we must master it, or it will master us, just like it did with


The end.

(a type of food) (a noun, plural) (a job)

(an animal with fur, plural)

(a verb, past tense)

(an adjective)

(a noun)

(a saying from a cartoon show)

(a noun)

(what you say under your breath when you talk back to your parents)

(a noun)

(an adverb)

(a verb, past tense)

(something hard, a noun)

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Notes for the storyteller: Because of the serious tone and violent nature of this story, it might be unwise to act it out in an overly goofy way. Doing so could undermine the important warning contained within it. Instead, have two storytellers present the story together—one of them emphasizing the more serious nature of the story while the other adds

humorous sound effects. He could make up the sound effects on the spot (i.e., improvise) or use the ideas suggested below. This technique will help you present the story in a somewhat lighthearted way without getting irreverent or carried away. It will also help you share the warnings of the story without getting too preachy or heavy-handed. Make two photocopies of this page. Be sure to remind your readers to hold their scripts low enough so that the audience can still see their faces. Begin this story by inviting your storytellers up front. Then say, “Lights! . . . Camera! . . . Action!”

Discussion Starters: Look up Hebrews 12:1

and Romans 6:12-14,

and discuss the ways

that sin gets control

of people. Think of an

example of someone

in the news who

became mastered by

his or her sins. Did it

lead to a better life

or not? What does

that tell you about

your life? What does

it tell you about the

sweet reward that

temptation always

seems to promise?

Discuss ways

to get untangled

from sin. Commit

yourselves to

following God and

submitting to the

guidance of the

Holy Spirit.

End with prayer.

Act It Out

16 Crazy & Creative Bible Stories for Preteens

Long ago, there lived two brothers named Cain and Abel. At first they were pals. (Dreamily) Aw. Cain plowed the land . . . Oof. Oof. . . . it was hard work. OOF! OOF! And Abel cared for the sheep… Baa. Baa. . . . some of ’em were big sheep. BAA! BAA! One day, Abel killed one of his lambs . . . (Pretend to stab yourself, stick out your tongue, and make gross dying sounds.) . . . and offered it as a sacrifice to God. Sizzle. Sizzle. Sizzle. And that pleased God. Yummy! Um, no. God didn’t eat the lamb . . . Oh. . . . he just liked it because of Abel’s faith. (Singing) Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Close enough. And Cain also killed some of his veggies . . . (Pretend to stab yourself, stick out your tongue, and make gross dying sounds.) The veggies weren’t murdered! Oh. . . . and brought them as a sacrifice to God. Sizzle. Sizzle. Sizzle. But God wasn’t pleased with Cain’s sacrifice… (Shake your head) Tsk . . . tsk . . . tsk . . . …because Cain had brought it for the wrong reasons. Naughty, naughty! Cain was sad . . . Boo-hoo-hoo! . . . and filled with rage! Err! But God told him to calm down . . . “Chill out, dude.” . . . get control of himself . . . “Whoa, slow down there, Bessie!” . . . and do the right thing. “Do the right thing, man!” But instead, Cain lured his brother into the fields. (Talking like the Wicked Witch) “Come here, my pretty!” . . . hit him . . . Beep! Beep! Not with a car! Oh. With a rock or something! Bam. Bam. Right. That’s better. Thank you. . . . and killed him. (Pretend to stab yourself, stick out your tongue, and make gross dying sounds.) Later on, God asked Cain where Abel was. “Duh, how should I know?” “Oh, no, Cain!” said God, “What have you done! “Uh-oh.” You killed your brother! Now, you’re gonna be punished!” “I want my mommy.” From then on, Cain had to wander the earth. He was not happy. Boo-hoo-hoo! And as far as we know, the sin that was trying to get control of his life did get control. And it never let go. Yikes. The end. (Bow)

What to say: Suggested sound effects:

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108 Crazy & Creative Bible Stories for Preteens

Appendix A - Chronological Index

1. The Man from the Mud (Creation)

2. The Naked Picnic of Death

(The fall into sin)

3. The Cain Mutiny (Cain and Abel) 4. Dead Bodies Floating By

(The flood)

5. How Lot’s Wife Got A-Salted

(Sodom and Gomorrah)

6. Psycho Dad (Abraham sacrificing


7. Joseph’s Dream Job (Joseph and his


8. The Great Job Search (The book of


9. Mr. Driftwood and the Drifters (Moses and the 10 plagues)

10. The Donkey of Doom (Balaam and

the donkey)

11. The Shout Heard ’Round the City (The fall of Jericho)

12. How Boaz Stopped Being Ruthless (The book of Ruth)

13. Voices . . . I’m Hearing Voices . . . (God calling Samuel)

14. Samson’s Mane Event (The life of


15. The Adventures of Davey Boy

(David and Goliath)

16. God’s Atomic Barbeque (Elijah and the prophets of Baal)

17. God’s Invisible Air Force (Elisha and the Aramean raiding parties)

18. Fish Guts in My Hair (The book of


19. Life in Death Valley (The valley of

the dry bones)

20. Flame-Resistant Heroes (The three

men in the fiery furnace)

21. Dan in the Den (Daniel in the

lion’s den)

22. The Beauty Queen’s Big Decision (The book of Esther)

23. Stranger in the Manger (The birth of Jesus)

24. Hungry Tummies, Empty Souls (The feeding of the 5,000)

25. The Original Surfer Dudes

(Jesus and Peter walking on the water)

26. Moses vs. Jesus? (The woman

caught in adultery)

27. Won’t You Be My Neighbor? (The Parable of the Good Samaritan)

28. Pigging Out and Going Home

(The Parable of the Prodigal Son)

29. The Dude from the Dead

(The resurrection of Jesus Christ)

30. The Universal Translators


Appendix B - Scripture Verse Index

Old Testament VersesGenesis 1, 2: The Man from the MudGenesis 3: The Naked Picnic of

Death Genesis 3–4:19: Mr. Driftwood and

the DriftersGenesis 4:1-16: The Cain MutinyGenesis 6–9: Dead Bodies Floating

ByGenesis 18:16–19:29: How Lot’s Wife

Got A-SaltedGenesis 22:1-19: Psycho DadGenesis 37–50: Joseph’s Dream JobGenesis 50:20: Joseph’s Dream JobExodus 3–12: Mr. Driftwood and the

DriftersNumbers 22–24: The Donkey of

DoomJoshua 3:14-17: The Shout Heard

’Round the City

Joshua 6:12-21: The Shout Heard ’Round the City

Judges 13–16: Samson’s Mane EventJudges 21:25: How Boaz Stopped

Being RuthlessRuth 1–4: How Boaz Stopped Being

Ruthless1 Samuel 3: Voices . . . I’m Hearing

Voices . . .1 Samuel 17: The Adventures of

Davey Boy1 Samuel 18:8, 15, 28, 29: The

Adventures of Davey Boy1 Samuel 20:31: The Adventures of

Davey Boy1 Samuel 20:35-42: The Adventures

of Davey Boy1 Kings 17:1: God’s Atomic Barbeque1 Kings 18:1-46: God’s Atomic


2 Kings 6:8-23: God’s Invisible Air Force

Esther 1–10: The Beauty Queen’s Big Decision

Job 1–42: The Great Job SearchPsalm 78:1-4, 6, 7: Section 4 - Stories

of Power and WonderEzekiel 37:1-14: Life in Death ValleyDaniel 3: Flame-Resistant HeroesDaniel 6: Dan in the DenJonah 1–4: Fish Guts in My Hair

New Testament VersesMatthew 1:18-25: Stranger in a

MangerMatthew 6:5, 6: Dan in the DenMatthew 6:23: God’s Invisible Air

ForceMatthew 11:28, 29: The Original

Surfer Dudes

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Appendix B 109

Matthew 14:13-21: Hungry Tummies, Empty Souls

Matthew 14:22-36: The Original Surfer Dudes

Matthew 27:55–28:10: The Dude from the Dead

Matthew 28:8: The Dude from the Dead

Mark 4:33, 34: Section 5 - Stories of the Grace and Truth

Mark 6:30-44: Hungry Tummies, Empty Souls

Mark 15:40–16:11: The Dude from the Dead

Mark 16:15: Section 5 - Stories of the Grace and Truth

Luke 1:26-38: Stranger in a MangerLuke 2:1-20: Stranger in a MangerLuke 9:10-17: Hungry Tummies,

Empty SoulsLuke 10:25-37: Won’t You Be My

Neighbor?Luke 11:14-23: God’s Atomic

BarbequeLuke 15:1: Pigging Out and Going

HomeLuke 15:11-32: Pigging Out and

Going HomeLuke 19:10: Pigging Out and Going

HomeLuke 22:42, 43: Stranger in a MangerLuke 24:1-12: The Dude from the

DeadJohn 1:1-17: Section 5 - Stories of the

Grace and Truth

John 1:11-14: Stranger in a MangerJohn 3:17: Moses vs. Jesus?John 6: Hungry Tummies, Empty

SoulsJohn 8:1-11: Moses vs. Jesus?John 15:13: The Adventure of Davey

BoyJohn 20:1-18: The Dude from the

DeadActs 2: The Universal TranslatorsActs 4:32-37: The Universal

Translators Romans 3:20: Moses vs. Jesus?Romans 6:1, 2: Moses vs. Jesus?Romans 6:12-14: The Cain MutinyRomans 6:23: The Naked Picnic of

DeathRomans 8:1-11: The Cain MutinyRomans 8:28: Joseph’s Dream JobRomans 8:28: The Great Job SearchRomans 9:16-18: Mr. Driftwood and

the DriftersRomans 15:4: Section 2 - Stories of

Hope and Encouragement1 Corinthians 10:6, 11: Section 1 -

Stories of Warning and Caution1 Corinthians 15:3: Section 5 - Stories

of the Grace and Truth1 Corinthians 15:12-20, 55-57: The

Dude from the Dead2 Corinthians 1:20: The Shout Heard

’Round the City2 Corinthians 4:6: The Man from the

Mud2 Corinthians 5:20: Voices . . . I’m

Hearing Voices . . .

Galatians 4:4, 5: The Naked Picnic of Death

Ephesians 2:1-5: Life in Death ValleyEphesians 4:31, 32: Joseph’s Dream

JobPhilippians 3:17: Section 3 - Stories of

Courage and Faith Hebrews 4:16: How Lot’s Wife Got

A-SaltedHebrews 6:12: Section 3 - Stories of

Courage and FaithHebrews 11:3: The Man from the

MudHebrews 11:4: The Cain MutinyHebrews 11:7: Dead Bodies Floating

ByHebrews 11:17-19: Psycho Dad Hebrews 11:32-34: Samson’s Mane

EventHebrews 12:1: The Cain MutinyHebrews 13:7: Section 3 - Stories of

Courage and FaithHebrews 13:8: Section 2 - Stories of

Hope and EncouragementJames 1:12: Flame-Resistant HeroesJames 5:10: Section 3 - Stories of

Courage and Faith2 Peter 2:15, 16: The Donkey of

Doom1 John 1:8-10: The Naked Picnic of

DeathJude 11: The Donkey of DoomRevelation 2:14: The Donkey of


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110 Crazy & Creative Bible Stories for Preteens

Appendix C - Topical Index


How Lot’s Wife Got A-Salted Abraham Pleads with God to Spare

Sodom (p. 19)God’s Invisible Air ForceDan in the DenThe Donkey of Doom Stranger in a MangerThe Dude from the Dead


The Cain MutinyHow Boaz Stopped Being RuthlessThe Great Job SearchThe Donkey of Doom


The Universal Translators


Joseph’s Dream JobThe Adventures of Davey Boy


Fish Guts in My HairVoices . . . I’m Hearing Voices . . .

Choices and Consequences

The Naked Picnic of Death The Cain MutinyMr. Driftwood and the DriftersSamson’s Mane EventFish Guts in My HairVoices . . . I’m Hearing Voices . . . The Beauty Queen’s Big Decision Flame-Resistant HeroesThe Donkey of DoomGod’s Atomic Barbeque


Stranger in a Manger

Church, The

The Universal Translators


How Lot’s Wife Got A-SaltedFish Guts in My HairHungry Tummies, Empty SoulsWon’t You Be My Neighbor?


Pigging Out and Going HomeThe Universal Translators


The Beauty Queen’s Big DecisionFlame-Resistant HeroesDan in the DenThe Adventures of Davey BoyGod’s Atomic Barbeque


Mr. Driftwood and the DriftersSamson’s Mane EventVoices . . . I’m Hearing Voices . . . The Beauty Queen’s Big DecisionFlame-Resistant HeroesDan in the DenThe Adventures of Davey BoyGod’s Atomic Barbeque


Dead Bodies Floating ByThe Man from the Mud


The Naked Picnic of DeathHow Boaz Stopped Being Ruthless Disappointment

How Boaz Stopped Being Ruthless The Great Job Search


How Lot’s Wife Got A-SaltedThe Original Surfer Dudes


The Original Surfer DudesThe Dude from the Dead


Joseph’s Dream Job


The Dude from the Dead


How Lot’s Wife Got A-SaltedAbraham Pleads with God to Spare

Sodom (p. 19)

Dead Bodies Floating ByPsycho DadFlame-Resistant HeroesThe Shout Heard ’Round the CityThe Adventures of Davey BoyGod’s Atomic BarbequeThe Original Surfer DudesPigging Out and Going HomeThe Dude from the Dead


How Lot’s Wife Got A-SaltedHow Boaz Stopped Being Ruthless Dead Bodies Floating By

Family Relationships

The Cain MutinyAbraham Pleads with God to Spare

Sodom (p. 19)Joseph’s Dream JobHow Boaz Stopped Being Ruthless The Beauty Queen’s Big DecisionThe Man from the Mud


Voices . . . I’m Hearing Voices . . . The Original Surfer Dudes

Flame-Resistant Life Forms

Mr. Driftwood and the DriftersFlame-Resistant Heroes

Following God

The Naked Picnic of DeathHow Lot’s Wife Got A-SaltedSamson’s Mane EventFish Guts in My HairDead Bodies Floating ByPsycho DadVoices . . . I’m Hearing Voices . . . The Beauty Queen’s Big DecisionFlame-Resistant HeroesDan in the DenThe Donkey of Doom The Shout Heard ’Round the CityGod’s Atomic BarbequeWon’t You Be My Neighbor?


The Naked Picnic of DeathJoseph’s Dream Job

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Appendix C 111

Moses vs. Jesus?Pigging Out and Going HomeThe Dude from the DeadThe Universal Translators


Mr. Driftwood and the Drifters


The Adventures of Davey Boy


Samson’s Mane Event

God’s Existence

The Great Job SearchThe Man from the MudGod’s Atomic BarbequeLife in Death Valley

God’s Love

Fish Guts in My HairStranger in a MangerPigging Out and Going HomeThe Dude from the DeadThe Universal Translators

God’s Power

Mr. Driftwood and the DriftersGod’s Invisible Air ForceHungry Tummies, Empty SoulsDead Bodies Floating ByFlame-Resistant HeroesDan in the DenThe Man from the MudThe Shout Heard ’Round the CityThe Adventures of Davey BoyGod’s Atomic BarbequeLife in Death ValleyThe Original Surfer Dudes

God’s Promises

Abraham Pleads with God to Spare Sodom (p. 19)

Dead Bodies Floating ByPsycho DadThe Shout Heard ’Round the City

God’s Sovereignty

How Lot’s Wife Got A-SaltedAbraham Pleads with God to Spare

Sodom (p. 19)Mr. Driftwood and the Drifters

Fish Guts in My HairJoseph’s Dream JobHow Boaz Stopped Being RuthlessThe Great Job Search The Dude from the Dead

God’s Word

Voices . . . I’m Hearing Voices . . . The Donkey of DoomLife in Death ValleyStranger in a MangerWon’t You Be My Neighbor?The Universal Translators


How Lot’s Wife Got A-SaltedAbraham Pleads with God to Spare

Sodom (p. 19)Fish Guts in My HairGod’s Invisible Air ForceMoses vs. Jesus?Life in Death Valley Pigging Out and Going HomeThe Universal Translators

Grief and Loss

How Boaz Stopped Being Ruthless


The Naked Picnic of Death

Holy Spirit

Samson’s Mane EventThe Universal Translators

Holy Week

The Dude from the Dead


The Naked Picnic of DeathThe Beauty Queen’s Big DecisionLife in Death ValleyStranger in a MangerThe Original Surfer DudesThe Dude from the Dead


Flame-Resistant HeroesDan in the DenGod’s Atomic Barbeque


Flame-Resistant HeroesDan in the Den


The Cain MutinyJoseph’s Dream Job

Jesus’ Life

Stranger in a MangerThe Dude from the Dead

Jesus’ Ministry

Hungry Tummy, Empty SoulsMoses vs. Jesus?The Original Surfer Dudes

Judging Others

Moses vs. Jesus?


How Lot’s Wife Got A-SaltedDead Bodies Floating By


Samson’s Mane EventVoices . . . I’m Hearing Voices . . . Dan in the DenThe Shout Heard ’Round the CityThe Adventures of Davey Boy

Listening to God

The Naked Picnic of DeathHow Lot’s Wife Got A-SaltedAbraham Pleads with God to Spare

Sodom (p. 19)Mr. Driftwood and the DriftersFish Guts in My HairDead Bodies Floating ByPsycho DadVoices . . . I’m Hearing Voices . . . The Donkey of DoomThe Shout Heard ’Round the CityStranger in a Manger


The Great Job SearchHungry Tummies, Empty Souls


How Lot’s Wife Got A-SaltedWon’t You Be My Neighbor?


God’s Invisible Air ForceHungry Tummies, Empty SoulsFlame-Resistant Heroes

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112 Crazy & Creative Bible Stories for Preteens

Dan in the DenGod’s Atomic BarbequeThe Original Surfer DudesThe Dude from the DeadThe Universal Translators

New Life

The Man from the MudLife in Death ValleyPigging Out and Going HomeThe Dude from the Dead


The Naked Picnic of DeathMr. Driftwood and the DriftersFish Guts in My HairDead Bodies Floating ByPsycho DadVoices . . . I’m Hearing Voices . . . Flame-Resistant HeroesDan in the DenThe Donkey of DoomThe Shout Heard ’Round the CityWon’t You Be My Neighbor?


The Universal Translators

PeterThe Original Surfer DudesThe Dude from the DeadThe Universal Translators


How Lot’s Wife Got A-SaltedAbraham Pleads with God to Spare

Sodom (p. 19)Samson’s Mane EventGod’s Invisible Air ForceFlame-Resistant HeroesDan in the DenGod’s Atomic BarbequeThe Original Surfer Dudes


Fish Guts in My HairWon’t You Be My Neighbor?

Prophecy Fulfillment

Stranger in a MangerThe Dude from the DeadThe Universal Translators


Joseph’s Dream JobHow Boaz Stopped Being Ruthless The Beauty Queen’s Big Decision

Questioning God

The Great Job Search


The Naked Picnic of DeathHow Lot’s Wife Got A-SaltedAbraham Pleads with God to Spare

Sodom (p. 19)


God’s Atomic BarbequePigging Out and Going HomeThe Universal Translators


The Cain MutinyHow Boaz Stopped Being Ruthless


The Man from the Mud

Second Chances

The Naked Picnic of DeathHow Lot’s Wife Got A-SaltedAbraham Pleads with God to Spare

Sodom (p. 19)Samson’s Mane EventFish Guts in My HairMoses vs. Jesus?Dead Bodies Floating ByLife in Death ValleyThe Original Surfer DudesPigging Out and Heading Home


The Cain Mutiny


The Naked Picnic of DeathThe Cain MutinyHow Lot’s Wife Got A-SaltedMoses vs. Jesus?Dead Bodies Floating By

Skeletons and Zombies

Life in Death Valley

Stomach Juices

Fish Guts in My HairHungry Tummies, Empty Souls


The Cain MutinyMr. Driftwood and the DriftersFish Guts in My HairThe Donkey of DoomPigging Out and Going Home


Dan in the Den The Adventures of Davey BoyGod’s Atomic Barbeque


How Boaz Stopped Being RuthlessThe Great Job Search

Talking Animals

The Naked Picnic of DeathThe Donkey of Doom


The Naked Picnic of DeathThe Cain Mutiny


Joseph’s Dream JobGod’s Invisible Air Force


Hungry Tummies, Empty Souls


Samson’s Mane Event


Fish Guts in My HairFlame-Resistant HeroesDan in the DenStranger in a MangerThe Universal Translators


Flame-Resistant HeroesDan in the DenGod’s Atomic BarbequeStranger in a MangerThe Original Surfer Dudes

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