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Imprint is an editorially independent student newspaper pub- lished by the Journalism Club, a club within the Federation of Students, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario. It is de- pendent solely on advertising revenue for its financing. Imprint publishes every Thursday; mail should be addressed to “The Journalism Club c/o the Federation of Students”. We are still looking for office space and would appreciate your help in this area. We are typeset by Dumont Press Graphix; paste-up is done on campus.

This issue is dedicated to all you dilligent students, as you are vigorously churning out brilliant essays at the last minute and cramming your overworked heads with facts, artifacts, and pseudofacts. Take heart; exams will soon be over and then you can devote yourself totally to holiday decadence. In the mean- time, if you get the feeling you’re about to crack up, remember there comforting words from Seneca: “There is no genius with- out some touch of madness,” (or something to that effect). Geniuses sharing their great gifts with Imprint this week were: Peter Bain, Ciaran O’Donnell, Mike Torontow, Neil Campbell, Dennis Jackson, Mark Parent, Prabhakar Ragde, Leonard Dar- wen, Doug Harrison, H.D.L. Night, John W. Bast, Randy Barkman, Michael Kelley, Linda Hafemann, Peter Gatis, John Rebstock, Nick Redding, Mark McGuire, John Heirnbecker, Al- bert Monogram, David Anjo, Jacob Arseneault, Leslie Gostick, Jon Shaw, Palmo Venneri, Stephen Coates, John Chinneck, Don Becker, Sylvia Hannigan, and me (madwoman-in-residence) . . . Lori Famham. e*

Evolution and - Thermodynamids

lained by an evolutionary pro- repungnaut to me. I support the and censorship. cess, as the universe is sub- jected everywhere to the law of decay described by ther- modynamics.

TOTAL separation of state and press. As-many papers as are able td should be f?ee to com- pete. This includes “Today’s Student.” A university campus should be free to accept any idea, no matter how distasteful it may be.

Editor’s Note: Mr. M. Rennie questioned some valid points (Letter to the Imprint of Nov. 16) raised in my letter entitled “Anthropology, Science - Magic” (Imprint Nov. 9).

Mr. Reunie claims that skull 1470 was found intact by L. Leakey and needed no recon- struction at all. This is a matter of opinion. The top of the fos- silized skull appears to be in one piece with a part of the fos- silized forehead deformed in- wards. But a large part of the fossilized facial bones are mis- sing. But it really does not mat- ter what the fossilized skull looks like. Even if it is com- plete, the fossils do not contain the original material of the skull and consequeritly one can not claim that the fossil even resembles the briginal.

Mr. Rennie also claims that I used the second law of ther- modynamics out of context. He writes: “The basic premise of the law is that a closed system will tend toward increasing disorder, i.e., maximum en- tropy. Dr. J. Schroeder left out the key phrase “closed sys- tem.” If the world were a closed system than evolution would have contradicted that key law. The earth is not a close! sys- tem. Additional energy i”s con- stantly added in the form of solar radiation.” --

My comment about the sec- ond law and disorder was as follows: “Another interpreta- tion-of the second law of ther- modyn&nics is that the uni- verse moves from a state of higher order to a more random state. The hypothesis of evolu- tion requires the reverse.”

The universe is considered to be a closed system. So I can not see how I have used the second law out of context. However, may I explain things a bit further? Firstly, the behaviour of matter in accordance with the second law of ther- modynamics makes an evolu- tion of the cosmos from total randomness or chaos to the or- derly movement of stars and planets impossible. So the exis- tence of the non-closed, orderly system earth cm not be exp’-

Secondly, local addition of energy does not necessarily lead to a continuous ordering of atoms and molecules. Even man uses energy for construc- tion and destruction. A process of evolution of living species however does not require just more order, but a very complex, a very sophisticated type aof higher order. So the question is, how was it possible, that nature left to itself formed much more complex life from non-living random molecules and then co&inued to increase the com- plexity in the direction of im- probabilities.

through strikes in Canada. This is up 91.9 per cent over the year before.

During the same period, more than one million Cana- dians were unemployed and our dollar hit a 45 year low.

The recent CUP-W strike is a classic illustiation of the de- mise of the work ethic and the abuse of the right to strike.

The information below is taken directly from the Na- tional Citizens’ Coalition Con- sensus, Vol. 3, No. 6, printed in -October, 1978.

For example, already the probability of random forma- tion of a protein molecule com- plicated enough to bear life is negligible. The assumption of infinite time for evolution is not useful as it removes the likeli- hood of equilibrium necessary for these formations.

Thus, the concept of evolu- tion of the earth, of life and of man contradicts ther- modynamics. Survival of the fittest provides a possible mechanism for evolution, but not an explanation how the fit- test evolve. The second law of thermodynamics ehdorses cre- ation, it strengthens the belief that God created order which now decays into disorder. Just like order created by man disin- tegrates, when left to itself.

Mr. Rennie writes that letters to the editor are not a place for personal glory. I have to agree with him on this point one hundred percent. Readers at- tack me on something I never wrote. I have been denounced, ridiculed and accused of just about anything in the letter sec- tion. I began to write letters to the editors, because I am a non-conformist and I felt it was time for truth. Your letter was constructive, Mr. Rennie. May I sign with

Dr. J. (Schroeder) Civil Engineering

It is normal for unions to open their bargaining with de- mands on the high side and then proceed to negotiate a compromise. CUPW’s demands were made in June, 1977. In Oc- tober, 1978 the demands were the same; Despite counter- offers by the Post Office, CUPW refused to move from its open- ing position during the 18 months it “bargained” with the Post Office. The Post Office in- vited CUPW to start negotia- tions January 14, 1977. Six weeks later, the union leader- ship agreed to start. On May 19, 1977 formal negotiations began. After 60 minutes the union broke them off. Despite repeated invitations, CUPW did not return until October 3. During the next two months, four meetings were held. Only a few minor issues were settled and accordingly the Post Office applied on November 3 for con- ciliation. Because of the vague wording of the union’s posi- tion, conciliation talks did not get under way until April 10, 1978. Between then and July IO, 30 hearings were held. On July 10, private hearings began. None of CUPW’s major de- mands had been modified and on August 15 the union asked that the hearings be terminated. At no time did the union lead- ership inform its rank and file members of the demands it was making.

Strikers Irresponsible These demands included: From January to July, 1978, complete elimination of casual

3.7 million work days were lost labour; unlimited union veto

on any technological change, any addition to existing machinery, any changes in the processing of mail or work methods and any changes in postal services operation; in- crease in basic hourly wage for a mail handler (PO 2) from $5.92 to $11, an 85% increase; for a postal clerk (PO 4) from $6.04 to $11, an 82.1% in- crease; for a mail dispatcher [PO 5) from $6.12 to $11, up 79.7%; increase in shift pre- miuni 40 cents per hour to $3.63, up 807%; in Saturday premium from 60 cents to $22, up 3566%; in Sunday premium from 75 cents to $33, up 4300%; and overtime at double time.

The Canadian Union of Postal Workers is asking for wages of $17,218 per year for a 30 hour work week, compared to the average industritil wage of $13,622 (Canada Labour Gazette). After allowing for cof- fee breaks, the actual time working is only 12 hours.

For a regular Sunday 6 hour shift, involving two and one- half hours work, a CUPW worker would receive $264 for that day only. If it was an over- time shift he would earn $330 for that day.

In order to handle the same volume of mail the PO& Office would have to hire an addi- tional 45,000 employees.

The right to strike is a reason- able bargaining tool when used responsibly. However, when a group of people abuse this, or any right, they forfeit that right and lose credibility and trust in the eyes of the public.

Mike Cussen

For A Free Press I am glad to see that there will

be a referendum concerning the official status of The Chevron on November 30th and I await their defeat with some anticipa- tion. This does not mean that I support making the Imprint into the “official” newspaper. In a democratic society, the idea of one publication having official status over another is

term. Before we resur& publication in the winter, we would like to have some direct input from our readers on what they think of the paper. We’d appreciate it if you could drop us a note. Feel free to comment on any aspect. Here are some questions we’d like answered.

What do you think Imprint strengths and weaknesses are? What kind of cover- age do we do well? What are we missing out on?

Have you contributed to Imprint? Would you be prepared to? Why? Why not?

Do you feel Imprint has a particular di- rection? Is there anything we’re overstres- sing? Are we slanted towards a particular

should take that we haven’t? How do you feel about the look, the -

technical production of the paper? What about the writing style? Are they consis- tent? Are they good or bad?

Drop us a note in the campus mail, ad- dressed to Imprint c/o Federation of Stu- dents, Campus Centre. Or drop by the of- fice and talk to us.

We realize there are many inadequacies in the paper. One reason for this is our total dependence on advertising fo; fund- ing, and volunteer labour for production. We need an office and a darkroom. If you can help in any of these areas, please,let us know. .

Thank you.

While I have been generally pleased with your paper, a few things bother me. I am con- cerned about your invoking of the -“relevance” policy. Speci- fically relating to the letter of P.L. Ragde. It is known (and I have proof regarding this mat- ter) that Mx. Ragde has exer- cised arbitrary censorship in his capacity as mathNEWS editor. I agree that it is good to have a newsworthy Imprint, but I must add that one of the good things about last year’s Chevron was its large feedback section. The Imprint should not fall into the trap that Mr. Ragde has, and realize that there is a fine line between “relevance”

J=J= Long

Imprint does nbt have a “rele- vance” policy as such; that was Mr. Ragde’s inference. The let- ters section is a service to the UW community/, and our con- cern in terminating the Schroeder-Calvert debate was that the section was being un-

‘fairly dominated by the two au-

Jeff Who? Since my name has appeared

mispelled in your paper and since I have reminded you many times how to spell iny name correctly, I therefore warn you that if you mispell my’ name one more time I will give you guys a lesson in spelling my name until it becomes a ’ second-nature to you!

Geoff Hains P.S. Keep this letter for future reference for the next time you try to spell my name.

New Perplexia 16. In the accompanying diagram, fill in the numbe&om 1 to 15 so that each number in the lower 4 rows is the difference between the two numbers immediately above it. 17. Find an English word which is

composed of 4 consecutive letters of the alohabet.

18. Evaluate the following expression: h+2&+3~

Solutions to Last Week’s Problems 7. (This solution was m%yped originally.) If such a pattern were to exist, then each of the 5 vertical and 5 horizontal lines would be crossed by at least one domino. But any such line must be crossed by an even number of dominoes. sin&there are an even number oi squares on either side of it. He&e, XI dominoes are necessary, but only 18 are available. Thus the pattern is impossible. 13. typewriter (!), repertoire 14. The nth number from the end of the list is 16 written in base n. Thus the missing number is 121. I 15. Take a fruit from the box labelled ‘apples and oranges’, and suppose that it is an orange. Since this box is mislabelled, it must actually contain oranges. The box labelled ‘apples’ must therefore contain both apples and oranges, and the last box, labelled ‘oranges’, must contain apples. Similar reasoning applies if the first Dick was an a&e. H.D.Li Nidt

SUBSCRIBETOIMPRINT If you are off-campus next term and would like to receive Imprint by mail, fill out this form and send or bring it to Imprint, c/o The Federation of Students, Campus Centre Room 235. Please include (preferably by cheque) $4.00 to cover the cost of postage. ‘


Name: .


Staff to meet in Fed office

for pit 4: 00 today

a News Thursday November 30, 1978 Imprint 3.

Budget cuts hit campus centre t . The Campus Centre

Board must reduce its sal- ary budget by $5000 for the year 1979-80, CCB chair- person Bill Groom was in- formed recently in a memorandum from UW president Burt Matthews.

But Groom told Imprint that the money will be taken from the Campus Centre’s “enrichment fund,” rather than the sal- ary account.

Groom said that the fund, which presently stands at

$6200 per annum, is used to+ make improvements to the building. The fund henceforth will stand at $1200 per.annum, but he doesn’t think there will be any noticeable difference in the appearance of the Cam-

Are students above admiring the jewellery or surprised at the prices at the Campus Centre Crafts Fair of this week? CC Crafts Fairs are. always ggod events for “window” shopping and enough students must be able to afford the goods as the same stuff keeps coming back.

Photo by John W. Bast

Music may move’ td Grebel choir

Conrad Grebel College is University president Burt attempting to keep the Matthews who fired Kunz University’s extracurricular as part of his cutbacks on- music programme alive, spending campaign several even though director Alfred weeks ago, aexpressed posi- Kunz has been released ef- tive feelings towards the fective June '1,1979. Conrad Grebel College ven-

Dr. Frank Epp, director of ture. Conrad Grebel College, said The music programme that the finalized plans has been in existence for 14

to UW president Burt Matthews announced elimination of the university’s music programme. -.

One signature seeker told Imprint h,e alone had collected 150 signatures, and expected to have 200 by the end of Wednesday afternoon.

He said that petitions were being distributed in the villages, and that between 30 and 50 people were

1 carrying them.

rwon’t be released until years, and currently has 150 Monday when the minor de- members. tails are worked out. Graduate student Paulin

However, internal reports Durichen and severa, indicate that the Church Colleges Choir is planned to become the University Choir, the Chamber Singers

, will become the University Chamber Singers, and a pro- fessional instrumental con- ductor will organize a band and an orchestra.

In addition, any other’ needs that arise will be con- sidered on the basis of in- terest and available re- sources.

members of the music prog- ramme are distributing a petition on campus urgi~ng Dr. Matthews to reconsider his decision and reinstate the programme.

Alfred Kunz said that the music programme can be absorbed by other colleges, or musical associations in the community, “However, there must be music on the University of Waterloo campus.” Leonard Darwen


ORCUP members felt that condemnation was not necessary. They passed a motion urging the Chevron to discourage intimidation and harassment.

CUP commission chair- man Bryan Bedford re- mained “adamant” in his stand that condemnation was required. He will pres- ent his position to CUP’s plenary in Edmonton next, month.

Ontario Last weekend, Ontario

student newspapers urged UW students to support the Chevron in today’s referen- dum.

A motion of support for UW’s official student news- paper passed with one dis- senting vote.

The Ontario Regional Canadian University Press (ORCUP) conference also re- jected a recommendation of the CUP commission cal- ling for condemnation for “certain of the Chevron ,t,iT "

pus Centre as a result of the cut.

“This is simply in line with what other depart- ments have been asked to do, and we were in the for- tunate position of having money to put into it,” said Groom.

Matthews told Imprint that all university depart- ments have been asked to reduce their salary budgets by an average of two and one-half per cent for 1979-80.

He explained that under the current projections of UW finance, an overall de- crease of 2.83 per cent in the salary budgets and an increase of 2.93 per cent in non-salary items is needed.

Matthews said that un- less‘ the projections ‘are al- tered, further cuts. will be necessary, including from the Campus Centre budget.

Groom thinks that the Campus Centre salaries have already been trimmed as much as possible. “When the co-ordinator’s position was made from a part-time to full-time (job) ,” he explained, “we had trimmed all the ,shifts on the turnkeys that we could possibly trim, without cut- ting the services.”

But Matthews said that the Campus Centre might have to re-evaluate its per: sonnel requirements in the future, since it may not be able to accommodate further bu.dget cuts from non-salaried items.

Nick Redding

htruiler harasses residence women

There are two men trespassing in female students’ rooms and startling them, in both the villages and the Co-op Residence on Phillip St., Imprint has learned.

According to a Don in Village I, who wishes to remain anonymous, a man has been sneaking into women’s rooms during early morning and watching ’ them while they sleep.

She added that the problem has been going on for over a month in the North and East Quads in Village I, and West Quad in Village II.

Although the intruder has been able to get into their rooms, he has not touched any of them, she said.

Meanwhile, another man has been entering girls rooms in the Co-op Residences two or three times a term for the past two years, according to a Co-op spokesman who also wishes to remain anonymous.

He added that the man usually sits at their desks and reads a newspaper.

On some occasions he has patted the shoulders of sleeping women.

“People in the Co-op residences feel pretty secure at night, so they don’t bother to lock their doors,” he said. “As a result he can gain very easy access into- their rooms.”

He also said that although the nocturnal visits have been going on for two years, nobody, including the police, has had a chance’to catch the culprit.

On several occasions, groups of students in the Co-op Residence have banded together and kept a watch unsuccessfully.

Recently, rumours have been spread proclaiming that the man plaguing the Co-op Residences has been caught.

However, Campus Security supervisor Al Romenco said that he-cannot release any information to stu- dents concerning the accuracy of these rumours.

But according to the Village I Don, security has increased the number of nightly checks around the villages.

The Co-op spokesman said that “if security has caught the man we would have heard from them by now.”

Leonard Darwen

Smit ‘makes a snowdance- Federation president Rick

Smit allegedly harrassed a Chevron staffer and UW student Monday evening, resulting in a confrontation with the campus police.

The staffer, Steve Shaw, came out of the PAC beside the Chevron office when Smit and Imprint editor Nick Redding were throw- ing snowballs at the office window. Both Smit and


Redding seemed very drunk. -

Smit danced around Shaw, pulling punches and kicking. He did not strike Shaw. Shaw says- Smit knocked his glasses down his nose. .*

Smit is 6'4" an,d weighs 210 pounds; Shaw is 5’7” and weighs 125 pounds.

Redding did not partici- pate in the harassment.

When the police came, Smit argued with them for several minutes after being * asked to leave. One officer told Smit and Redding “this is a university, not a bloody kindergarten.”

Smit and Redding fre- quently threw snowballs at the Chevron window last winter.

Ciaran O’Donnell

hpport Chevron - . A motion by the Guelph

Ontarion to initiate a study quires them to hold a one have Imprint expelled from one-term vote.

into a “national magazine” the conference, when it

to be distributed in CUP Also, according to federa- began Saturday morning.

papers passed in a 6-5 vote. tion officials, only 2,200 Their motion failed 7-3-0:

The national magazine was off-term ballots were mailed Imprint remained as an ob- out.

opposed by _ the Chevron server, without speaking

and the Varsity, both in- The Chevron attempted to , rights. Ciaran O’Donnell

fluential papers inside ORCUP. - -

ORCUP passed a motion condemning UW’s Federa- tion for violations of CUP’s principles of press au- tonomy.

A motion urging UW to hold the Chevron referen- dum over two terms passed without opposition. The Chevron told the conference that there were 4,000 off- term co-op students eligible to vote, and that the federa- tion could hold the referen- - dum over two terms, if it’ wants to.

Federation officials have mainta<ined that the peti- tion, which requires the re- ferendum to become effec- tive at the new year, re-

Clarification Several important points were missing from last

week’s article on the Canadian University Press (CUP) commission report. Imprint did not have a copy of the report, and when commission chairman Bryan Bedford related it over the telephone, he om- mitted major points in the Chevron’s favour.

The report described the chevron as “energetic, de- dicated and attracting new staff.” The commissioners hoped that the paper would “live on and continue to provide the service to the students.”

However, when Imprint had. asked Bedford whether students should support the Chevron in the referendum, for last week’s article, he had refused to answer.

The report also dismisses harassment- as “little more than personal disputes.” .

Several inaccuracies in the report were corrected at last week’s Ontario CUP conference last weekend. In particular, the, report confused federation councillors and federation directors.

News ’ Thursday November 30, 1978 Imprint 4-

i Cl,assic \Doster war s k irmis h With the onset of the

near-perennial Chevron re- ferendum this week, post- ers advocating positions pro and con the paper flourished all over campus. Imprint knows of at least 21 posters, not including the official referendum an- nouncement.

easier to interpret I- Science councillor Robert Goss produced one reading “Bet- ter dead than red.”

lies.” Another had the paper. There are two posters Chevron “dancing horse”

concerning the Canadian saying “Stamp out talking University Press (CUP) re- horses.” port. One says that CUP One poster urged stu- supports the paper. The dents to “Vote maybe.” +A other says that although the well drawn graphic showed commission had said many the Chevron office divided good things about the by barb wire into sections paper, it had not taken an where caricatures of Im- explicit stand. _ _ 1 print and the Chevron pro-

Many posters showed a duced their separate pap- good deal of imagination. ers. For instance, one pro- One hot issue was the Chevron poster was in tearing down and deface- J newspaper?” at the top, age, saying “We’re unbeat- Chinese. ment of posters. Many

and exhorted “Vote this able” above a “vote yes.” Others played on the Chevron posters were torn thurs(day)” at the bottom. It Many chevron posters Chevron’s own prop- down, particularly in En- left space for students to reiterated the theme that aganda. One twisted the gineering. answer for themselves. the Federation and EngSoc “Don’t listen to rumours” One Imprint staffer saw a

Other posters were much are trying to silence the piece by adding “listen to tall unshaven male with

Some posters took am- biguous points of view. One poster asked “Are you proud to-have the Chevron as vour official student

The Chevron’s post-ers stressed the paper’s work against cutbacks, and said that the paper was a “watchdog” of the federa- tion. One said the federa- tion was trying to replace The Chevron with the “lapdog” Imprint.

Another Chevron poster stressed their sports cover-

Rotten research routine Dr. Ross Hall gave the sources from research in al-

opening lecture” of the ternative types of health OPIRG/Federation Science care. and the Public symposium The same is true for the Monday. He talked about third topic, cancer research. three science and technol- The prevalent feeling is that ogy oriented activities as cancer is a disease (which, examples of the limitations according to Dr. Hall, it is of technology. not) and therefore must be

The first was agriculture: cured. science and technology Unfortunately, there is lit- being used to boost the tle emphasis on prevention,

.quantity of food produced. even though most of the This leads to higher yields, cancer causing factors in the

environment are under man’s direct control.

ent course of action is the

As well, there are many vested’ interests in cancer research which oppose abandoning of the present research.

only one has been transfer- red to the public, the.major- ity of whom are unwilling to recognize the limits to knowledge and science.

In summation, Hall men- tioned that these examples demonstrate a general paralysis of policy makers who are reluctant to change or consider alternatives.

This feeling that the pres-

The result is a general lack of feedback to govern- ment and industry from the public and a need for the education and participation by the public, the reason for this symposium.

Peter Bain but not necessarily im-

Signs of rust proved (or even, possibly, maintained) quality of -


nourishment . - As well, intensive farrr -

ing and “monoculture” (growing only one crop in a Mao’s iron - large area) are energy- intensive, requiring energy for machinery and chemical fertilizers.

While they may be more efficient in the short term, they can cause depletion of minerals in the soi7 and loss of topsoil, being detrimen- tal in the long run.

The second was drug technology. Here, drugs are promoted by chemical manufacturers who make them. This promotion is done with little regard for side effects or the differ- ences between the metabolisms of different people. Unfortunately, drug research is diverting re-

A new democratic revolu- tion may be brewing in china, according to recent reports in the Western press.

Mass meetings have been held in Peking where young Chinese workers called for “true democracy, true human rights”, according to Globe and Mail correspon- dent John Fraser.

Criticism of late-leader Chairman Mao has been prevalent in wall poster campaigns ‘this week. De- spite Mao’s avowed policy of “criticism and self criti- cism”, criticism of his work was almost non-existent until recently.

The demonstrators have shown a remarkable aware- ness of global political is- sues. For instance, they are curious about Russian communism as compared to Chinese communism, criti- cally supportive of US pres- ident Jimmy Carter’s “human rights” campaign, and aware of such Western traditions as the separation of the executive and the judiciary.

Calls for greater political freedom are not new in China. For instance, an essay written more than 20 years ago, Mao addresses demands for a multi-party politicalYystem.

hand Fraser feels that the de-

monstrations are spontane- ous, although they are to the advantage of vice-premier and political phoenix Teng Hsiao-Ping.

The Chinese are asking the people of the West to , support them in their strug- gle for democracy.

The demonstrators are demanding freedom of ex- pression, guaranteed civil liberties and the right to elect their national leaders. They want a “socialist democracy,” not “bourgeois democracy” however.

Ciaran O’Donnell

black hair tearing down all the “Vote yes” posters in Engineering lecture, Wed- nesday afternoon.

Chevron editor David Carter, and a few other staf- fers, were also seen tearing down many different post- ers.

Carter told Imprint that the Chevron had taken no position on ripping down posters, although it had de- cided that it was not neces- sarv to tear some down.

The “Don’t listen to rumours - listen to lies” and “Better Dead than Red” posters, disappeared from many areas of ‘campus Wednesday evening.

After reports of Carter’s actions became public, a poster appeared showing the Chevron horse saying ’ “Hooray for freedom of the press” as it ripped down a “No” poster.

Ciaran O’Donnell

I News Shorts 1 OFS Awaits Funding Announcement

The Ontario Federation of Students (OFS) expects the Ministry of Colleges ‘and Universities to an- nounce the level of funding at Ontario universities “any time now,” according to fieldworker John Shortall. The municipalities and school board fund- ing levels were announced recently, and “usually the ministry estimates aren’t far behind,” said Shor- tall.

Shortall said that a 4.3 per cent increase in fund- ing is expected for the year 1979-80, assuming a five per cent increase for the ministry. He said that col- leges usually get “a little more” than the univer- sities.

The announcement will be discussed at the national-provincial caucus of the National Union of Students, and-at the next OFS conference (to be held in Waterloo), both in January, 1979.

High Turnout At Informational Meeting A comparatively high turnout of 25 students

sparked a lively discussion at the Informational General Meeting, held Tuesday to pass information and promote discussion on the Chevron referendum, being held today. Chevron editor Dave Carter fielded questions from the audience.

Informational m,eetings on referendums have had single-digit turnouts in the past, and rarely lasted more than a few minutes.. Tuesday’s meeting lasted for two hours. Photo by John W. Bast

Campus Are you worried about exams? By Neil Campbell and Mike Torontow

Dave Brown, HKLS 1 Kent Manning, HKLS 2 Darlene Ashworth, Math 2 Yes, because they’re worth so much and I have about 5 in 4 days.

Exam time seems to give rise to quite a bit of tension and anxiety within me. But when it’s all over, I feel like I haven’t a care in the world.

Yes, I’m worried because a lot of value is placed on them, about 70 per cent of the final mark, and if you blow this, you blow the year.

Yes, I’m worrying whether I know enough to do well.

Science Th,ursday November 30,1978 Imprint G

supplied heaters not so hot Solar energy has been

touted by misguided en- thusiasts as the answer to mankind’s energy prob- lems. While the amount of energy falling onthe earth is enormous (enough solar energy falls on the planet in one hour to meet current demands for three years), there are numerous Bracti- cal difficulties encountered in tapping this source.

of Winnipeg and Edmonton evacuated tube collectors --are very good. which consist of a number

The solar system is gener- of concentric glass tubes ally designed to provide with a central black-painted less than 100% of the heat- collection surgace. ing needs because a law of Highly effective insula- diminishing returns sets in tion is achieved by evacuat- . at high solar-energy percen- ing the space between two tages. In general, each solar of the concentric tubes. heating system has a means In the case of water-based of collecting the heat, a stor- systems, heat storage is age device, and a control usually accomplished by system which decides when keeping the heated water in to collect heat, when to de-, a large insulated tank. In liver it from storage, and air-based systems, the heat when to activate the aux- is stored in a rock bed made iliary heating- s@ern. up of thousands of stones a

Colle&ors are Usually of couple of in&es in dime- the flat-plate variety con- ter. sisting of a collection plate The heated air is blown of copper or some other over the rocks, which then _-_-

temperature of the rock be& Another form of heat stor-

age is the use of a phase- change material. A phase- change material is a solid which has a melting point a few degrees above the am- bient temper$ure. (20 de- grees .)

The fact that much more energy is needed to melt a solid than heat it a few de- grees allows such materials tq store far more energy for a given volume than rock bed systems. The energy is, of course, released whFn the solid is melted.

be seen from the road bet- ween St. Agatha and Peters- burg that has coils of black hose mounted in a wood frame on the roof. In the summer, water is pumped through the hose, and enough energy is gained to heat the small pool in the back yard.

The University of Water- loo is particularly active in solar energy research in Canada. Studies are being done on collector and stor- age design, solar-assisted heat pumps, and the com- puter simulation of solar systems.

John W. Chinneck

The energy can be con- verted into useful forms in a number of ways. The most common method is to con- vert the sunlight directly into heat through the use.of a dark-painted collector, and then to use the heat di- rectly for space or water heating. This is known as a low-temperature applica- tion.

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any sandwich However, despite the many research programs going on around the world, an adequate phase-change material has yet to be found. Nevertheless, a significant breakthrough, could render all rock storage systems ob- solete.

In high-temperature ap- plications, the light is con- centrated, often using re- flectors, onto a smaller col- lector area. In some cases, a

A new solar energy collector patented by the Franklin Research Centre boasts several advantages over existing panels. Made of three coextruded polycarbonate layers, its cost of about $23 per square meter is one quarter of the costs of other units, and its weight of-4 kilograms per square meter compares well with conventional weights of 25.

, series of collectors is used to boil water which is then used to turn turbines to gen- erate electricity.

In a variation on this con- cept, a “power tower” could be constructed in a desert location, consisting of a boiler mounted on a tall tower, surrounded by thousan’ds of mirrors, all re- flecting and concentrating the solar rays on the boiler. However, enormous areas of land would be required.

Westinghouse’s new photovoltic cell has achieved a remarkable efficiency of 15.5%. Their process produces a high quality single crystal ribbon of silicon by drawing the metal from a liquid film, using two silicon filament edge supports. Westinghouse expects to meet their goal of 50 cents per watt in 1979.

An advanced Rankine-cycle engine developed by Solar Energy Systems, if used to drive generators, may well provide an efficient means of generating electricity from solar energy heat. Although the projected cost of $1.20 per watt is rather high, the adaptability of the system to waste heat from industrial flues gives it a decided advantage over competing systems.

Solar energy can be used to generate electricity di- rectly through the use \of photovoltaic cells. These cells make use of semicon- ductor technology to gener- ate electricity with an effi- ciency as high as 11 percent. However, the cost of these cells is very high. One scheme proposed in the Un- ited States involved putting a huge array of photovoltaic cells into orbit around the earth, where the sun always shines and there is no at-

An electrochemical method of storing energy from solar cells (or windmills), developed by RCA, employs a stream of oil bubbles at the cathode of an aqueous electro- lyte to produce formic acid. This product could then be’ used to produce electricity (& a fuel cell), to produce hydrogen, or as a carbon source for the petrochemical industry.

Stephen w. Coates t metal that has been painted become heared. The storag flat black to absorb the sun’s systems L 3r& usually d rays.

Thih collection plate heats up and transferes the heat to a working fluid, which may be water, air or anti-freeze, which is run- ning in tubes or ducts at-

mosphere to interfere, and tached to the collection

beaming the energy to earth plate.

via microwaves. To prevent heat loss to the

surrounding air, the collec- Paradoxical as it may tor is insulated at the back

seem, solar energy can even and the front is covered be USed for cooling. Con- witi one or more glass cov- ventihal flat-plate solar ers. Less cOmmOn are the -- 1 1


Ham’on a Bun, cob daw...--....-z.

Passive solar systems do not require the pumps, fans and equipment associated with active solar systems. Passive solar buildings rely on building orientation, south-facing windows, and the thermal mass of the building structure itself to collect heat.

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In this age of limited energy reserves, passive solar heating principles should be applied to all buildings during the design stage.

Although the solar sys- tems described above may sound complex, it is impor- tant to realize that the prin- ciples of solar heating can be applied in even the crudest devices.

There is a house that can signed to hold enough heat for two to three cloudy days, although annual-capacity storage systems have been built. The capital cost of an- nual systems is very much higher.

By properly channeling the heated air flow, a temp- erature gradient (say, 35 de- grees at the inlet, 25 degrees at the outlet) can be main- tained. This allows air to be heated to temperatures higher than the average

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collectors can be used as a heat source to drive absorptive-cycle air condi- tioning units.

The most natural way to use solar energy is through the process of photosynthesis-that is, of course, using the sun to grow plants which can be burned for fuel. Wood is the most obvious fuel produced by photosynthesis, al- though recent work has studied algae and other plants.

The &st and most wide- spread use of solar energy in Canada will be for space and water heating. There are numerous solar homes in Canada already; the indus- try is becoming well estab- lished and is growing rapidly.

The key economic factor is not the outside tempera- ture, but the amount of sun- light that a location re- ceives. It is for this reason that the balmy-weather city of Vancouver is a relatively poor location for solar heat- ing, while the colder cities

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The Arts - Mimics - Thursday November 30,1978 Imprint 8-

The entire plot comes ac- self an able director, as characters, but the pavoff is

‘Interiors ’ ross somewhat like a well- acted soap opera, and in- deed, with this quick over- view it must seem so, but there is definitely more to it ,than that. The characters are believable, not over-played. -

‘Woody Allen pr&%s himi

everything seems to go to- gether quite well, the photography is practically artistic, the scenes are meaningful and powerful.

I -’

worth it.

Allen creates drama : Let this serve as awarning band, his wife, his ‘other.

to all YOU unsuspecting woman’ their daughters and Stapleton, and decides to halize a divorce.

Woody Allen fans just wait- their husbands. The rest of the film deals ing td run out and see his new movie ‘Interiors’; Woody Allen does not ap- pear in’the film at all! H_e did write and direct it, but if you expect to see another hilari- ous Woody Allen comedy, you’ll be sorely shocked, as I was, and as was half the au- dience who turned up to see the first showing on Friday night.

It is a very mature and stinsitive film dealing with the intense relatiohships and loves between a hus-

But wait! ! Don’t let me turn you away from seeing the film quite that easily! If you go to see this film know- ing full well what to expect of it, I’m sure you’ll enjoy it thoroughly.

Right from the beginning, a feeling of drama invades the audience as we watch’ the father, portrayed by Marshall, talkiqg to his daughters, Diane Keaton ad Mary Beth Hurt. ___

There is no music tra&

She constantly believes eat he will return to her, but he falls in love with another woman, Maureen

and the silence of the scene can be felt in the audience. Geraldine Page plays the es- tranged wife, eccentric at times, suicidal at others be- cause of her feelings of guilt and anguish when her hus- band announces (at the breakfast table) that he would like a trial separa- tion.

mainly with the tribulations and subsequent adjust- ments that @e characters go through in relation to them- selves and each other, and especially the father’s new wife, which makes for com- pelling drama.

The third daughter, Flyn, is portrayed by Kristin Grif- fifth, but is seen little as she is an actress and not liv- ing near her parent:. She is seen at first as the sister who has got it made, got her life all sorted out, and the other two seem to be just drifting around looking for them- selves, but as the film prog- iesses, it becomes apparent that Flyn does indeed have personal problems of her own.

This is not a film to see if you need some quick enter- tainment. It demands that the audience feel for the

if you enjoy 3 serious dramatic work, an artistic bit of film that will most likely stir you if you allow it to, then Woody Allen’s ‘In- teriors’ will make for an evening well spent.

Mark Parent 1

‘Wetit Partner’ a winner The Canadian film indus-

try has made a great step up towards reaching the standards of American films with the suspense thriller “3ilent Partner,” filmed in Toronto.

tween the two, to get the money.

Elliot Gould stars as, a mild-mannered cashier, Myles Cullen. When he finds out that his teller is going to be robbed, he sees that this could be used to his advantage.

Pltimmer tries evejrihing from extreme brutality to letting his sexy accomplice, played by Celine Lomez, try to lure the secret out of Myles.

This review would not be complete without mention of Susannah York, who plays another employee of the bank. she is an observer of most of the happenings, but doesn’t realize what is going on.

His opponent in this match of master criminals is Christopher Plummer, the actual crook. There de- velops a ruthless battle be-

The goriest scene of the film develops when Plum- mer finds out that Lomez has joined forces with Myles.

The tension mounts as the audience awaits the out-, come of the film, and they are hertainly not disap- pointed.

Both Christopher Plum- mer and Elliot Gould play their parts excellently. However it is not only the acting, but the story as well, that make “Silent Partner” the best Canadian film that I have seen. It can therefore. be highly recommended.

Dennis Jackson

The&la Springsteen Concert were on raised platforms. exude a quiet presence;

Their sound maeicallv Miami Steve Van Zandt still ---_-- - - -~~~- The following review of the Bruce Springsteen concert in cleared to the clean hardy- looked like a confused kid Toronto, written by Prabhakar Ragde for last week’s Im- print, was delayed for space reasons.

ness of Darkness, and this from the swamps of Jersey, attitude seemed to be re- and the moment when all

Why do we do it? I asked myself for the hundredth time, as I tried to fit my knees into a space just one inch too small, courtesy of the cramped seating high in the greys at Maple Leaf Gar- dens.

Why are we such fanatics about these musicians, these songwriters and per- formers whose creations shape our minds and lives? Why was I sent into a deep depression when the Con- cert Bowl sold out just as I was within spitting dis- tance of the ticket counter (and all I could think was, “If only Bruce knew about this.. .“)?

Why, when I finally did get seats, did I get lost in Toronto on a bitterly cold night, managing to rush to G&on and Yonge, gulp a McDonald’s assembly-line product (someday, some- where I’ll be able to attend a concert without smelling like a fast-food hamburger) and take my place way up here to ruin my eyes staring through binoculars and feeling the acrid tickle of smoke in my nostrils?

It has been said, in varied and diverse places, that Bruce Springsteen is proba- bly the most competent live performer in music. The last time he hit Toronto, it was at the nadir of the legally- imposed obscurity that fol- lowed his rapid rise to fame, and he was doing it to stay alive.

This time, he had-to not only reestablish ihe follow- ing to correspon:! to his crit- ical acclaim bui overcome the mixed public reaction to his latest album. He opened with an Elvis Presley rocker, followed in quick succes- sion by two numbers from Darkness On The Edge Of Town. I

But the audience was hesitant and unsure; the sound seemed cluttered and fuzzy, and the applause was

full but reserved. Thenthe band swung into

Spirit In The Night, from the very first album,. Then the band swung into Spirit In The Night, from the very first album, Springs teen leaped to the floor and bump-hustled twenty-five rows down to stand on a folding chair in the middle of the floor to sing the all- important middle section, and they were his. .- -

Most concerts are a tossuG between technical bril- liance backed wi+ placid appreciation, or manic frenzy generating really lousy music. The reason Springsteen is such a good performer is that his show combines the best elements of the two extremes.

As a result, he is one of the few whose live renditions are better than his studio re- cordings, perhaps because vinyl can’t capture the in- credible energy of the man both on uptempo numbers and on slower ones.

Nbt only are his own songs done well, (some of the strongest being unre- leased songs like Independence Day and Point-Blank) but he has the utter gall to do other per- formers’ material better - his version of Because The Night (the original) proba- bly blew Patti Smith off the stage she was performing on several hundred miles away, and he stripped down to his roots on a medley of Mitch Ryder & The Detroit Wheels biggies, songs like C.C. Ryder, Devil With The Blue Dress, and Good Golly Miss Molly.

His backing musicians cannot hope to achieve the same level of intensity, but they do provide excellent instrumentation. The E Street Band, tighter than they have ever been, could at last be seen; organist Federici, pianist Bittan and drummer Max Weinberg

fleeted in the song selec- tion: the older material was largely abandoned, along with the long theatrical monologues which used to punctuate them.

The crowd rapport thus achieved was unbelievable because of its spontaneity; it was the interactions bet- ween Springsteen and the slimmed-down but still huge Clarence Clemmons (surely the meanest sax- ophonist in rock) that pro- vided the vitality of the per- formance, and they seemed to be having such a damn good time all the way through.

Even the terminally-shy Gary Tallent seemed to

four. of them took to the four-foot half-stage to simultaneously kick-step was almost magical.

You may notice I’m losing all pretense of objectivity, not to mention running out of superlative adjectives. Let me put it succinctly: most of the 10,000 people in the Gardens saw one of the best concerts (if not the best) that they would ever see.

Hell, we deify these peo- ple, put them up on pedest- als, and when they turn otit to be as honest and human as the kid next door, it’s just great. Example in point: near the end of She’s The One, some poor stoned sap jumped up on stage.

Springsteen put an arm around his shoulders, leaped with him back into the audience - into the goddamn audience! 7 did a solo surrounded by bounc- ing fans and scrambled back into position.

He packs about a year of life into one concert, and it’s a far cry from the pious psychobabble of Dan Hill or the pretentiousness of Meat- loaf. You want to crusade for world hunger and human rights, when there are zillions of people alive who have never seen Springsteen?!

with mock seiz_ure, resur- rection, and melodramatic ending. As we rode down to the street stunned by nearly three hours of solid music, a fellow who also writes for this rag said to me, “I’m glad you’re doing this review - I couldn’t put that into words.”

But I wasn’t listening to him, for I thought I had the answer to my questions. See, these guys bust their backs to give us what they’re good at, and we give them otir love and support in return.

The second set closed with Rosalita, one of the all-time songs of joyous hope, and then he came back to do Born Ti, Run and again to reaffirm our faith in rock ‘n’ roll with the famous Detroit Medley.

It’s not a cynical ex- change, but a genuine af- firmation of our common humanity, and if it hurts when people cut up Spring- Steen just to annoy me, it’s not a weakness but a strength.

place on its feet, complete

But the crowd wouldn’t let him go, and he did a third encore with the house- lights on and the whole

miss&g from your lives.

And if you think that’s just sentimental bullshit, well, you obviously weren’t in Toronto that night, and little piece of the universe is

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The Arts Records Thursday November 30,1978 Imprint 9-,

Move It tin Over George Thorogood and

the Destroyers Not since the mid-1960’s

group. the Yardbirds has there been a gang of musi- cians who could play the spectrum of music ranging from high-energy rock ‘n’ roll to mean low-down blues. J ,

Now, more than ten years later, George Thorogood and the Destroyers have ari- sen to fill this musical and somewhat cultural void.

Their second album, Move It On Over, ranks as one of the most powerful, rock albums (forget that progressive‘stuff for now) to be released since the demise of bands like the Yardbirds and the Spencer Davis Group. (I should add here that I am using the term “rock” rather loosely).

This album borders on the fine line dividing rock music from the blues (if such a line exists).

Move It On Over has it all. Fast blues, slow blues, acoustic blues, old and new blues. Furthermore, it treads on the threshold of raucous country and west- ern boogie music in one in- stance.

George Thorogood, the lead singer, has a voice that

’ sounds as if it has been re- fined through several quarts of bootleg whiskey, two dozen cigarettes, a case of strep throat and singing les- sons from Tom Waits.

However, don’t let this description fool you. Just try to imagine Muddy Waters, Koko Taylor or Howlin’

Wolf singing the blues sounding like Donny and Marie (egad). Thorogood’s voice’adds cockiness to his music bringing it to life.

In typical blues fashion, all of Thorogood’s songs tell stories of himself being down and out on his luck. Whether he plays slow sit- down-and-think blues or get-up and boogie blues his kmessage comes across loud and clear.

Each track on the album is driven by the standard four-beats-per-bar percus- sion and simple but fast bass guitar licks. There is no- thing fancy about these boys. They like to play loudly and vigorously.

Thorogood’s guitar work is truly amazing. Although he is not an Al DiMeola or John McLauglin techni- cally, he lets loose with some riffs that’ would stupify fellow blues men. It is quite obvious that he knows when a solo en- hances a-song and when it

‘becomes tedious. When he is singing, he

plays the guitar laying down the basic rhythm. However, when he is play- ing lead he relies heavily on his slide (guitar) to give the music the “raw edge” sound famous in blues.

Musically, Move it On Over is a simplistic. Drum- mer Jeff Simon and Bassist Billy Blough along with Thorogood set a tempo similar to what you hear in a bar.

This is a result of Thorogood’s input during the production stages of -

Books i Lord Foul’s Bane

Stephen R. Don’aldson Khis is Book One of the

Chronicles- of Thomas Co- venant the Unbeliever, a new epic fantasy. The story begins in our world of today, introducing Thomas Covenant, a leper. Because of this disease Covenant is an outcast and has given up all hope of ever leading a normal life.

Suddenly he is drawn into a strange alternate world by an eyil being, Lord Foul, and is given a message to take to the Lords of the Land. This message chal- lenges the Lords to find the Staff of Law or they will be destroyed within seven years.

Covenant’s journey to Re- velstone, the mountain city of the Lords, and the quest he undertakes in search of the Staff comprise the plot of the book.

The interest generated in the book comes not only

‘\ ,-from the various events that occur, but also from the con- flict within Covenant him- self. In this land, he finds that his leprosy can be

’ cured. Here he is regarded as a

reincarnation of Berek Hal- fhand, a great hero. This is all a great strain on Coven- ant causing him to deny the reality of the land and thereby greatly affecting his actions.

This is a very satisfying

mold wood and stone with their bare hands, giants, and the Bloodguard, human fighting machines, all con- tribute to this imaginative epic.

It is to be hoped that the two remaining volumes in this series, “The Illearth War” and “The Power That Preserves”, continue this saga on the same exciting level.

Neil Campbell

-Move It On Over. The different instruments

and the vocals are mixed so each stands out clearly. Throughout the course of the album his singing and playing do not overlap to the point where one be- comes unintelligible. I’m sure these boys don’t spend an eon in recording studios.

Move It On Over is a defi- nite must for both the rock ‘n’ roll fan and the blues lover. To make sure the “live feeling” of the album is reproduced accurately by your valuable sound sys- tem, drink large quantities of beer prior or during .your lis- tening session, and ensure the volume is loud enough to give your ears the slight ringing sound which comes with listening to loud music.

Then sit back and enjoy your “$6.23 evening out” with George Thorogood and the Destroyers. \

Zeonard Darwen

Power In The Darkness Tom Robinson Band

All right, raise your right fist in the air, and repeat after me: I believe in Tom Robinson.

Music .with a purpose other than artistic expres- sion or plain old-fashioned capitalistic money-making can be a--joy to both the ar- tist and the listener, pro- viding it’s done right. But too often the music takes second priority to the mes-

sage that the artist wants to get across (I can’t recall a good anti-Vietnam song and one could have a good argument over whether that last bit applies to punk rock).

That doesn’t happen here. This is lean, hard, hungry, driving rock ‘n roll, with both a sense of humour and of humanity, as proved by the one “non-activist” cut on this album, TR’s homage to his dream car. Songs like “Up Against the Wall”, “Better decide which Side You’re On”, and “You Gotta Sur- vive” set your feet and heart going even as they l%ing sparks to your eyes. ’

Robinson is motivated by the same British socio- economic despair that gave rise to the. Sex Pistols; his ~- lyrics, however, show not only a finer understanding of events, but a greater comprehension of their causes. -

His message? Pro- equality. Anti-estab- lishment. Pro-involvement. Anti-apathy. Pro-people. Anti-racism.

Tom Robinson, in short, is a humanist, and he is reaching the people that are most confused by what’s going on in today’s world. This is brought out more clearly in the “bonus LP” included in the import version, with songs like “Right On, Sister” (a tri- bute to feminism) and “Sing if You’re Glad to be

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Gay” (in case you haven’t heard, Tom Robinson is gay, and the other mem- bers of his band, who sing backup on this song, aren’t. So-who cares? It doesn’t af- fect his musical ability in any way.)

You can take this album as just visceral rock, but you’d be missing the blend 1 of activism and ability that makes the title cut a bril- liant instant-classic. ,

I don’t usually plagiarize promo sheets or liner notes, but I’m going to re- print part of a TR quote- from the magazine N&v Musical, Express that ap- pears on the back of this album, simply because it sums up much better than I could: -“Politics isn’t party broadcasts and general

elections, it’s yer kid sister who can’t get an abortion, yer best mate getting paki-bashed, or sent down for possessing one joint of marijuana. . . it’s everyday life for rock fans,. for everyone who hasn’t got a cushy job or rich parents. . . . To stand aside is to take

sides. If music can ease even a tiny fraction of the prejudice and intolerance in this world, then it’s worth trying. And if we fail, if we all get swallowed --.-- .- _ _ _ -- - up by big biznis before we achieve a thing, then we’ll havta face the scorn -of tomorrow’s generation. But we’re going to have a good try. Fancy joining up?”

Damn right I do. You will too, if you’ve got any sense.

\ Prabhakar Ragde

UW Bookstore

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. Sports - j Thursday November 30,1978 Imprint IO-

Too late His t&am losing to Acadia, Winnipeg’s Belaineh Deguefe goes up for a defensive rebound only to find another basket for the Axemen. Frustration was the order of the day for the Wesmen in their semi-final against Acadia. Poor calls by both referees caused the expulsion of team leaders Dan Kinaschuk and Ken Opalko with over 10 minutes left in the game. Deguefe, a 6’9”’ rookie from the Winnipeg high school system, was one of the most impressive players at the tourna- ment.



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-Acadia beats UW in . -Naismith .twwnament _---

by Acadia (101-90) on Fri- So much for fairy tales and wishes whispered on star- showered evenings; the prince whose kiss awakened Snow White drooled syhpilitically and the Naismith moved to Wolfeville anyway. -

If it ever happens again they’ll say there, history re- peats itself. That’s tit least one way of describing last weekend’s- Naismith final between Acadia and Water- loo.

Acadia’s Axemen came from behind to steal a 75-74 victory on the strength of a 20 foot jump shot by the tournament’s MVP, Mike Hazard, wit’li 13 seconds remaining.

But that was not the story of this basketball game. The story dealt with an Acadia zone defence which virtu- ally shut out the,Warrior at- tack far the first half; the story dealt with a 53-32 ball game which was over at half time.

Basketball courts, not to mention baseball diamonds et. al., are littered with clichks about final outs and buzzers. In order to pre- serve the mythical value of such truisms the Warriors presented their guests from Nova Scotia with a rbde reminder of who, is the top defensive team in the coun- try. *

In the first 15 minutes of the second half Waterloo

turned a 21 point deficit into a five point advantage; they did it with an awe- some defensive display and they did it by finally pick- ing apart a zone defense.

Defensively, the Warriors allowed Acadia only 10 points in the first 17 mi- nutes of the second half while themselves scoring 36. Offensively they were able to find the range from outside which helped open up the zone for penetration. Most importantly they were able to run their fast break effectively for the first time this year.

It is difficult to pick any one Warrior out for his play. Seymour Hadwen and Pat Brill-Edwards were de- servedly named to the tournam.ent all-star team (along with Acgdia’s Mike Hazard and Tom Lydns and Western’s Bruce Meikle) but the Warrior effort was truly a team one with 9 of the 12 players contributing a significant role.

In other action over the weekend Western estab- lished’itself as a Strong con- tender in the QUAA-West. They were beaten handily

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day but cameLback Saturday morning to clobber WLU before taking the consola- tion title with an easy 95-69 victory over Manitoba.

The only other impres- sive team, at the tourney was the Winnipe Wesmen who we-re un ucky K in losing to Acadia. Disastrous officiating removed their top two players - Ken Opalko and Dan Kinaschuk - early in the second half. Any hope of staying with Acadia disappeared at that stage.

The Warriors next home action is tomorrow night at ZOO pm when the Concor- dia Stingers (ranked 9th in the country) pay a visit. Waterloo plays at Brantford at 9:Oo pm on Saturday. (Season’s tickets will- be honoured ,at this game) These two games are part of a weekend of basketball which features on Friday and Saturday the Annual Waterloo Invita4%nal I%gh School Tournament.

Jacob Arseneault

ckey Warriors win two

The UW Warrior Hockey team continued its play this past week as they had games with MacMaster, Brock and Cornell University. The Warriors managed two wins and a loss.

In a league game against MacMaster, the Warriors were defeated 4-l. The Mat team came up with a strong effort and just managed to Waterloo. The score was O-O mid-way through the sec- ond period’ when Mat scored three goals in 63 sec- onds. The Warriors never really recovered.

The Warriors also met Brock University in another league game. This time the Warriors came away with a 7-4 viqtory. The game was a close one due to the spperb goaltender for Brock, who faced 60 shots from the War- rior squad.

The Warriors then travel- - led to Cornell University on

the weekend, and managed to defeat Cornell 5-4.

The Warrior team came up with a superb effort and are to be corigratulated. De- spite some dubious officiat- ing by the American refs, the Warriors perserved and scored the winning goal while shorthanded and with only minutes remain- ing.

The Warriors get to show their stuff tonight and to- morrow as they meet Wilfred Laurier and Guelph in Waterloo.

- John Shaw ’

Volleyball ,wornen’* leg-d \ The Athenas volleyball cord. York is second and to two. Waterloo -played

team played their fifth Western is third. ._ well against the experi- league game at Western Waterloo played in an enced Cabbagetown Tuesday night. -\ Ontarjo Volleyball Associa- players. - )n the best three out of five ’ tion Interlock tournament The Athenas -went on, to, match, Waterloo beat West- in Guelph last Sunday. In defeat 0 the Titans three em 15-13, 15-11, 12-15 and - the first match, Waterloo *games to one. r . 15-12. This puts them in beat the Orioles 3-0. The Athenap will be prac- first pl halfwa r

e in the league, In their next mat& the ticing until Dee 18 in prep- through the season, Athenas were defeate’d by aration for nextterm’s com-

with a five win-no loss re- Cabbagetown three games petition. . !

a . =w

Athe@s wtn- at basketball , Last night, the UW ,

Athenas basketball team crbised to, a 75-52 voctory over McMaster university. This gives the Athenas a 3-2 won-lost record in

league play, and puts them“‘ added seven. in second place behind the Hendrix and Fairfax each Laurentian Voyageurs.

Pacing the victory for. the gave 12 points for the j Marauders. C_ - ’ . ’

-Athenas was L$z Silcott The game was rather . with 31 points. Nori Spence one-sided, with the

Athenas building up’ a

*al shorts 48-214ead by half time. Athenas coach Sally Kemp

7 told Imprint that she wa’s and eight. a number of teas ,I,,,,~ l -m -1 . - a.=“- ” ~Au~“uu-” **w”“YJ -~- z S C i

As with all the Intr Ural pleaaeu witn tne victory,

z programs, the men’s co peti- did not turn in &eir weekly but thought that for the

- stagings. Teams who have tive hockey will come t0 a cltie not yet turned in their st*d- -most part, the team played

this weekend. The finals will ings for any of the previous slo.ppily. take place as’ follows:. Sunday weeks are urged to do so.411 This weekend, the - A league - 9:36 pm and De- weekly standings $orms for Athenas will host Western cemher 3 B league - 11:OO pm. week nine are to be turned in, as part of the high school These g&es take place aY by Monday, hemher 4 at the basketball tourney. The lunann C,&,*,A dmnm 1 Est’P mnt latest. Within the’next few MlrctQrrc- ----.-II-- L---- - la suuu c-uuuc 1UI LllGDG e-WZ weeks we should k&v our

rrruorcu.Apjs usually 11avt: a

- am” th#a.I nru\ hA..wMl +n l-4 maed final standing in the challenae. strong team an/d Kemp is anticipating a very tough uame

We feel we-have done v&y w, 11 1 I I 1.1 . .1 I- al’

eu ana woaa me IO mamc o----” a a m--vIL- a l-Y”” UllYU”YbY ,f these people who patici- SO if you’re interested in

The’.challenge official ends pated- in the Challenge. Red seeing some good/-basket- on December 3; 1978. During member: Just becausb the chal-

Week Six, tie hit a peak of ball, show up at 2:00 pm

ledge hm’bnded doesn’t mean Sati& b the PAC. me s

Coffeehouse- standard, ;

ayed~in’~e Campus Centre Coffee

campus. _ ?. Palm0 Vemeri

CuILcIlua ““lley”uu LGull, ‘,‘“I-3 into first place with two tuesday night victories. Last week they downed‘york University and this week it was Western. /

Photo by Palm0 &meri

Sports Quiz Although the CFL season is now over, the NFL will

still be with us for a while, so this week’s quiz is’. strictly football. Each individual answer is worth one point. . \ 1. \. i. What university did Ron Lancaster play for?. 2. What CFL team did Bud Grant once coach? 3. What was the first team. to win the Grey Cup? 4. Who was the first coach of the Dallas Cowboys? 5. Identify the following former WFL teams’ names:

a) ,Detroit b) Charlotte I ’

,6. Where did the Cardinals play before they moved to StI Louis? -

7. Now with the Montreal Canadiens, this athlete rwas once Tom Clements’ back-up QB at Notre.Dame. Who is he? ? 8. What is the trophy iwarded to-the winner of the Super B-owl? ‘-. _ , ’ * 9. What Q?L team has won the most Grey Cups? ’

I . ~ I dQGWWSgemv-- *

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, ‘_ \

t 1 Doug,Harrison

Diana,Ross I .- ’ (Where Did We Go, ’ 1 ’ Wrong, Together)

6.70 &IT M7-907R1 ’ ’ --

, i K&in Godley ’ . . i .

- (Saqdwiche? of you, i ’ ‘ . Punchbag) .-

_ 1 6;7d POL SRM+CiZ?- ,_ /’ \ I
