hss4303b – intro to epidemiology feb 8, 2010 - agreement

HSS4303B – Intro to Epidemiology Feb 8, 2010 - Agreement

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HSS4303B – Intro to Epidemiology Feb 8, 2010 - Agreement. Answers from Thursday’s Homework. Compute: Prevalence of cancer 44% Sensitivity & specificity 93.3% and 96.1% % of false positives 532/ (56+532) % of false negatives 4/(4+13194) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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HSS4303B – Intro to EpidemiologyFeb 8, 2010 - Agreement

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CT result Cancer present

Cancer absent

Positive 56 532

negative 4 13194


•Prevalence of cancer 44%•Sensitivity & specificity 93.3% and 96.1%•% of false positives 532/ (56+532)•% of false negatives 4/(4+13194)•PV+ and PV- 9.5% and 100%

Answers from Thursday’s Homework

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Last Time…

• Screening Tests– Validity and Reliability– Specificity and Sensitivity– Pos Predictive Value and Neg Predictive Value

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Screening test results

Truly diseases (cases)

Truly non-diseases


Positive (thinks it’s a case)

a b a+b

Negative (thinks it’s not a case)

c d c+d

totals a+c b +d a+b+c+d

Sensitivity = a/(a+c)Specificity = d/(b+d)

PV+ = a/(a+b)

PV- = d/(c+d)

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Ultimately, What Do All These Indicators Want To Tell Us?

“What is the likelihood is it that you have the disease?”

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Likelihood Ratio

• A way of using the sensitivity and specificity of a test to see if a positive or negative result usefully changes the probability of having the disease

• Assesses the value of performing the screening test at all

• Who is this useful for?

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Likelihood Ratio

• LR+ (positive likelihood ratio)– The probability of a positive test result for a

person who really has the disease divided by the probability of a positive test result for someone who doesn’t really have the disease

– i.e. “P(true positives)” / “P(false positives)”

= sensitivity / (1 − specificity)

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Likelihood Ratio

• LR- (negative likelihood ratio)– The probability of a negative test result for a

person who really has the disease divided by the probability of a negative test result for someone who doesn’t really have the disease

– i.e. “P(false negatives)” / “P(true negatives)”

= (1 − sensitivity) / specificity

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Screening test results

Truly diseases (cases)

Truly non-diseases


Positive (thinks it’s a case)

a b a+b

Negative (thinks it’s not a case)

c d c+d

totals a+c b +d a+b+c+d

Sensitivity = a/(a+c)

Specificity = d/(b+d)

PV+ = a/(a+b)

PV- = d/(c+d)

True positivesTrue negativesFalse positivesFalse negatives


LR+ = P (true +ve)/ P(false +ve)

=(a/(a+c)) / (b/(b+d))=(a/(a+c))/(1-(d/(b+d))=sensitivity / (1-specificity)

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Interpreting the LR

• A likelihood ratio of >1 indicates the test result is associated with the disease

• A likelihood ratio <1 indicates that the result is associated with absence of the disease

• In other words– High LR+ means strong suspicion that a +ve test result

means the person has the disease– Low LR- means strong suspicion that a –ve test result

means the person doesn’t have disease– What about “1”?

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Interpreting the LR

• Arbitrary cutoffs:– LR+ >10 means strong diagnostic value– LR- <0.1 means strong diagnostic value

– (Some literature suggests 5 and 0.2 are more appropriate cutoffs)

The likelihood ratio, which combines information from sensitivity and specificity, gives an indication of how much the odds of disease change based on a positive or a negative result

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LR+• The smallest possible value of the LR+ is zero,

when sensitivity is zero. • The maximum possible value of the LR+ is

infinity when the denominator is minimized (specificity = 1, so 1 - specificity = 0).

• LR+ = 1: indicates a test with no value in sorting out persons with and without the disease of interest, since the probability of a positive test result is equally likely for affected and unaffected persons.

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LR-• The smallest value of the LR– occurs when the

numerator is minimized (sensitivity = 1, so 1 - sensitivity = 0), resulting in an LR– of zero.

• The largest value of the LR– occurs when the denominator is minimized (specificity = 0), resulting in an LR– of positive infinity.

• LR– = 1: indicates a test with no value in sorting out persons with and without the disease of interest, as the probability of a negative test result is equally likely among persons affected and unaffected with the disease of interest.

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FNA test (fine needle aspiration)Cancer No cancer Totals

+ve FNA 113 15 128

-ve FNA 8 181 189

Totals 121 196 317


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FNA test (fine needle aspiration)Cancer No cancer Totals

+ve FNA 113 15 128

-ve FNA 8 181 189

Totals 121 196 317



LR+ = sensitivity / (1-specificity)= 0.93 / (1-0.92) = 11.63 <- FNA test has high diagnostic value

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Probability of presence of disease• Pretest probability of disease - the likelihood that a person

has the disease of interest before the test is performed.• Pretest odds of disease are defined as the estimate before

diagnostic testing of the probability that a patient has the disease of interest divided by the probability that the patient does not have the disease of interest.

• Posttest odds of disease are defined as the estimate after diagnostic testing of the probability that a patient has the disease of interest divided by the probability that the patient does not have the disease of interest.

• Posttest probability of disease – the likelihood that a person has the disease of interest post the test is performed.

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Pretest probability and pretest odds

Cancer No cancer

Mammography positive

14True positives

8False positives


Mammography negative

1False negatives

91True negatives


15 99 114

Pretest probability =

Pretest odds = pretest probability / (1-pretest probability)


= 0.15

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Pretest probability and pretest odds

Cancer No cancer

Mammography positive

14True positives

8False positives


Mammography negative

1False negatives

91True negatives


15 99 114

Pretest probability = 15/114 = 0.13

Pretest odds = pretest probability / (1-pretest probability)

= 0.13/0.87

= 0.15

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What does this have to do with LR?

• LR = post test odds / pre test odds

• So now we can compute the odds of having the disease after applying the test and computing LR

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Pretest probability and pretest odds

Cancer No cancer

Mammography positive

14True positives

8False positives


Mammography negative

1False negatives

91True negatives


15 99 114

Pretest odds = 0.15Sensitivity = 93%Specificity = 92%

Compute LR+ and LR-:LR+ = 0.93/0.08 = 11.63 LR- = 0.07/0.92 = 0.08

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• Knowing pretest odds and LR+, what are the posttest odds ? (i.e., odds of having the disease after positive test result)?

Post test odds = LR x pre=test odds = 11.63 x 0.15 = 1.74

NB, textbook (p.99) multiplies 11.63 by 0.15 and gets 1.76, which is wrong

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And then….

• Can you now compute post-test probability?– (do you remember the difference between

probability and odds?)

Post test prob = post test odds / (1 -+ post test odds) = 1.74 / 2.74 = 0.64

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LR vs PV

• Positive predictive value is the proportion of patients with positive test results who are correctly diagnosed.

• The likelihood ratio indicates the value of the test for increasing certainty about a positive diagnosis– Relates to a comparison between pre-test odds of

having the disease vs post-test odds of having the disease

LR+ = post-test odds / pre-test odds

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LR vs PV

• Remember that PV varies with prevalence of the disease

• LR is independent of prevalence

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Cancer No cancer

Mammography positive

14True positives

8False positives


Mammography negative

1False negatives

91True negatives


15 99 114

Pretest odds = 0.15Sensitivity = 93%Specificity = 92%LR+ = 11.63LR- = 0.08Post test odds = 1.74Post test prob = 64%

Similar thing can be done with LR-, but in general we don’t bother

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Performance YieldPerformance Yield




True Disease Status+ -

Results ofScreeningTest



Sensitivity: a / (a + c) = 400 / (400 + 100) = 80%Specificity: d / (b + d) = 98905 / (995 + 98905) = 99%PV+: a / (a + b) = 400 / (400 + 995) = 29%PV-: d / (c + d) = 98905 / (100 + 98905) = 99%Prevalence: (a+c)/(a+b+c+d) = 500/100400 = 0.5%

LR+ = sens / (1-spec) = 0.8/(1-0.99) = 80

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Comparing LR and PV




True Disease Status+ -

Results ofScreeningTest



PV+=29% LR+ = 80Among persons who screen positive, 29% are found to have the disease.

A positive test result increases your odds of having the disease by 80 fold

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Homework #1• Geenberg p. 105, question 1-13:

– 13786 Japanese patients underwent CT scans to detect first signs of cancer, then had pathology tests 2 years later to confirm whether or not they actually had cancer

CT result Cancer present

Cancer absent

Positive 56 532

negative 4 13194


1.LR+2.LR-3.Pre-test probability of cancer4.Pre-test odds of cancer5.Post-test odds of cancer6.Post-test probability of cancer

(Answers are in the notes section of this slide)

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What if you have a continuous variable?

• What kind of variableis cancer vs no cancer?• What is a continuous diagnostic variable?

• Examples:– Body temperature– Blood pressure– Height– Weight– etc

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Receiver Operator Curve (ROC)



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Useful for comparing 2 diagnostic tests. The greater the area under the curve, the better signal-to-noise ratio and the better the test

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AgreementSee article on website called “Kappa.pdf”

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Remember Reliability?

• The extent to which the screening test will produce the same or very similar results each time it is administered.

• Inter-rater reliability is “the variation in measurements when taken by a different persons but with the same method or instruments”


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Inter-rater Reliability

• Is a measurement of Agreement– A score of how much consensus there is among

judges, observers, technicians or any number of people who are using the same instrument(s) to measure the same data. Eg:• Judges scoring a beauty pageant contestant from 1-10• Several psychologists using a PTSD scale to assess a

patient• Different devices measuring body temperature

simultaneously on same patient

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How Do We Measure Agreement?

• Lots of stats available to us:– Inter-rater correlation coefficient– Intra-class correlation coefficient– Concordance correlation coefficient– Fleiss’s kappa– Cohen’s kappa

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Kappa (κ)

• Cohen– Two raters

• Fleiss– Adaptation of Cohen, applicable to multiple raters

• Kappa is generally thought to be a more robust measure than simple percent agreement calculation since κ takes into account the agreement occurring by chance

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Cohen’s Kappa

Cohen the Barbarian

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Cohen’s Kappa

• Κ = {Pr(a) – Pr(e)} / {1-Pr(e)}

Pr(a) = relative observed agreementPr(e) = prob that agreement is due to chance

Results in a ratio from 0 to 1

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Two Judges Decide Whether Or Not 75 Beauty Pageant Contestants Are Hot

Judge #1 = Hasselhoff

Judge #2 = Shatner

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The DataJudge Yes They Are Hot No They Are Not Totals

Hasselhoff 41 3 44

Shatner 4 27 31

Totals 45 30 75

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The DataJudge Yes They Are Hot No They Are Not Totals

Hasselhoff 41 3 44

Shatner 4 27 31

Totals 45 30 75

Pr(a) = relative observed agreement = (41 + 27 )/ 75 = 90.7%

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The DataJudge Yes They Are Hot No They Are Not Totals

Hasselhoff 41 3 44

Shatner 4 27 31

Totals 45 30 75

Pr(a) = relative observed agreement = (41 + 27 )/ 75 = 90.7%

Pr(e) = prob that agreement is due to chance =

(44x45/752 + (31x30)/752 = 0.352 + 0.165 = 51.7%

(multiply marginals and divide by total squared)

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Compute Kappa

• K = [ Pr(a) – Pr(e) ] / 1 – Pr(e)

• = (0.907 – 0.517) / (1-0.517)

• = 0.81

How do we interpret this?

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Interpreting Kappa

Hasselhoff and Shatner are in almost perfect agreement over who is hot and who is not.

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What if….?

• There are >2 raters?• There are >2 categories?– Eg, “ugly, meh, hmm, pretty hot, very hot,

smokin’”– Eg, “don’t like, somewhat like, like”

• Then it is possible to apply kappa, but only to determine complete agreement. So?– Dichotomize variables– Weighted kappa

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Homework #2

Compute Cohen’s Kappa in both cases and interpret. (The answers are in the notes section of this slide)

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So When/Why Use Screening Tests?

Basis for Criteria Criteria

Effect of morbidity and mortality on population

Morbidity or mortality of the disease must be a sufficient concern to public health.

  A high-risk population must exist.

  Effective early intervention must be known to reduce morbidity or mortality.

Screening test The screening test should be sensitive and specific.

  The screening test must be acceptable to the target population.

  Minimal risk should be associated with the screening test.

  Diagnostic work-up for a positive test result must have acceptable morbidity given the number of false-positive results.