hsf cmte finalreport high - astrosurf€¦ · review of u.s. human spaceflight plans committee seek...

19 Review of U.S. Human Spaceflight Plans Committee SEEKING A HUMAN SPACEFLIGHT PROGRAM WORTHY OF A GREAT NATION Vjg Gzgewvkxg QhÞeg qh vjg Rtgukfgpv guvcdnkujgf vjg Tgxkgy qh W0U0 Jwocp Urcegàkijv Rncpu Eqookvvgg vq fgxgnqr qrvkqpu Ñkp uwrrqtv qh rncppkpi hqt W0U0 jwocp urcegàkijv cevkxkvkgu dg{qpf vjg tgvktgogpv qh vjg Urceg Ujwvvng0Ò Vjg Eqookvvgg ycu cumgf vq tgxkgy vjg rtq/ itco qh tgeqtf cpf qhhgt rtqurgevkxg cnvgtpcvkxgu. pqv vq tgeqoogpf c urgekÞe hwvwtg eqwtug hqt vjg jwocp urceg/ àkijv rtqitco0 Vjg Eqookvvgg eqpukuvgf qh 32 kpfkxkfwcnu xgtugf kp vjg jkuvqt{. ejcnngpigu cpf gzkuvkpi rqnkekgu cpf rncpu hqt jwocp urcegàkijv. ogodgtu tgrtgugpvkpi c dtqcf cpf fkxgtug ugv qh xkgyu qp urcegàkijvÔu rquukdng hwvwtg0 The Committee’s deliberations in its seven public sessions ygtg kphqtogf d{ fq¦gpu qh dtkgÞpiu. ugxgtcn ukvg xkukvu. cpf jwpftgfu qh fqewogpvu tgegkxgf fktgevn{ qt vjtqwij kvu ygdukvg0 Vjg ewttgpv W0U0 jwocp urcegàkijv rtqitco crrgctu vq dg qp cp wpuwuvckpcdng vtclgevqt{0 Kv ku rgtrgvwcvkpi vjg rgtkn/ qwu rtcevkeg qh rwtuwkpi iqcnu vjcv ctg qhvgp cfoktcdng. dwv yjkej fq pqv ocvej cxckncdng tguqwtegu0 Rtgukfgpv Mgp/ pgf{ uvcvgf. ÑYg ejqqug vq 0 0 0 fq ]vjgug_ vjkpiu. pqv dg/ ecwug vjg{ ctg gcu{. dwv dgecwug vjg{ ctg jctf0 0 0Ò Cpf. kpfggf. urceg qrgtcvkqpu ctg coqpi vjg oquv eqorngz cpf fgocpfkpi cevkxkvkgu gxgt wpfgtvcmgp d{ jwocpu0 Kv tgcnn{ is rocket science. Space operations become all the more fkhÞewnv yjgp ogcpu fq pqv ocvej curktcvkqpu0 Uwej ku vjg ecug vqfc{0 Vjg jwocp urcegàkijv rtqitco. kp vjg qrkpkqp qh vjku Eqookvvgg. ku cv c vkrrkpi rqkpv yjgtg gkvjgt cffk/ vkqpcn hwpfu owuv dg rtqxkfgf qt vjg gzrnqtcvkqp rtqitco Þtuv kpuvkvwvgf d{ Rtgukfgpv Mgppgf{ owuv dg cdcpfqpgf cv ngcuv hqt vjg vkog dgkpi0 Cogtkec eqpvkpwgu vq gplq{ c engct inqdcn ngcfgtujkr tqng kp urceg ecrcdknkvkgu0 PCUCÔu ceeqornkujogpvu ctg ngikqp0 Hqtgoquv coqpi vjgug ku vjg ncpfkpi qh 34 cuvtqpcwvu qp vjg Oqqp cpf tgvwtpkpi vjgo cnn uchgn{ vq Gctvj0 Cv vjcv vkog. qrvkokuo ycu uwej vjcv c uvwf{ ejcktgf d{ vjgp/Xkeg Rtguk/ fgpv Cipgy rtqxkfgf qrvkqpu vq rnceg jwocpu qp Octu d{ vjg okf/3;:2uÐnguu vjcp vyq fgecfgu chvgt vjg kpkvkcn nwpct ncpfkpi0 *Ugg Hkiwtg 3/30+ Introduction CHAPTER 1.0 Iljxuh 4041Wkh lqwhjudwhg surjudp wkdw qhyhu zdv1 Wkh kxpdq vsdfhÜljkw surjudp wkdw zdv h{shfwhg wr iroorz wkh lqlwldo Dsroor oxqdu plvvlrqv1 Rqo¦ d vsdfh shuttle and space station have been developed so far. Source: NASA 20 Review of U.S. Human Spaceflight Plans Committee SEEKING A HUMAN SPACEFLIGHT PROGRAM WORTHY OF A GREAT NATION Dwv vjcv ycu 62 {gctu ciq0 Vjg ncuv rgtuqp vq uvcpf qp vjg Oqqp tgvwtpgf vq Gctvj 59 {gctu ciq0 *Ugg Hkiwtg 3/40+ Ukpeg vjg gpf qh vjg Crqnnq Rtqitco. pq Cogtkecp jcu vtcxgngf more than 386 miles from the surface of the Earth. Some 70 rgtegpv qh Cogtkecpu nkxkpi vqfc{ jcf pqv {gv dggp dqtp cv vjg vkog qh Crqnnq 330 Today, the nation faces important decisions about the future qh jwocp urcegàkijv0 Yknn yg cickp ngcxg vjg enqug rtqzko/ kv{ qh nqy/Gctvj qtdkv cpf gzrnqtg vjg uqnct u{uvgo. ejctvkpi a path for the eventual expansion of human civilization into urcegA Kh uq. jqy yknn yg gpuwtg vjcv qwt gzrnqtcvkqp fgnkx/ gtu vjg itgcvguv dgpgÞv vq vjg pcvkqpA Ecp yg gzrnqtg ykvj tgcuqpcdng cuuwtcpeg qh jwocp uchgv{A Cpf ecp vjg pcvkqp octujcn vjg tguqwtegu vq godctm qp vjg okuukqpA Cnvjqwij vjgtg tgockp ukipkÞecpv rqvgpvkcn dcttkgtu vq rtqnqpigf fggr/ urceg qrgtcvkqpu. yjkej fgugtxg itgcvgt cvvgpvkqp vjcp vjg{ ctg ewttgpvn{ tgegkxkpi *g0i0. cfcrvcvkqp qh jwocpu vq vjg ok/ etq/itcxkv{ cpf tcfkcvkqp gpxktqpogpvu qh urceg cyc{ htqo vjg rtqvgevkxg hgcvwtgu qh vjg Gctvj+. vjg rtkpekrcn dcttkgt vq urceg qrgtcvkqpu eqpvkpwgu vq dg kvu jkij equv eqorctgf ykvj the resources that have been available. Space exploration, initially a competitive pursuit, has be/ eqog c inqdcn gpvgtrtkug0 Ocp{ qvjgt pcvkqpu jcxg curk/ tcvkqpu kp urceg. cpf vjg eqodkpgf cppwcn dwfigvu qh vjgkt urceg rtqitcou ctg eqorctcdng vq PCUCÔu0 Kh vjg W0U0 ku yknnkpi vq ngcf c inqdcn rtqitco qh gzrnqtcvkqp. ujctkpi dqvj vjg dwtfgpu cpf dgpgÞvu qh urceg gzrnqtcvkqp kp c ogcpkpi/ hwn yc{. ukipkÞecpv dgpgÞvu eqwnf hqnnqy0 Cevkxgn{ gpicikpi kpvgtpcvkqpcn rctvpgtu kp c ocppgt cfcrvgf vq vqfc{Ôu ownvk/ rqnct yqtnf eqwnf uvtgpivjgp igqrqnkvkecn tgncvkqpujkru. ngxgtcig inqdcn Þpcpekcn cpf vgejpqnqikecn tguqwtegu. cpf enhance the exploration enterprise. Kp cffkvkqp. vjgtg ku pqy c dwtigqpkpi eqoogtekcn urceg kp/ fwuvt{0 Ikxgp vjg crrtqrtkcvg kpegpvkxgu. vjku kpfwuvt{ okijv jgnr qxgteqog c nqpi/uvcpfkpi rtqdngo0 Vjg equv qh cfoku/ ukqp vq c xctkgv{ qh urceg cevkxkvkgu uvtqpin{ fgrgpfu qp vjg equv qh tgcejkpi nqy/Gctvj qtdkv0 Vjgug equvu dgeqog gxgp itgcvgt yjgp. cu ku vjg ektewouvcpeg vqfc{. nctig uwou ctg rckf vq fgxgnqr pgy ncwpej u{uvgou dwv vjqug u{uvgou ctg wugf qpn{ kphtgswgpvn{0 Kv uggou kortqdcdng vjcv qtfgt/qh/ ocipkvwfg tgfwevkqpu kp ncwpej equvu yknn dg tgcnk¦gf wpvkn ncwpej tcvgu kpetgcug uwduvcpvkcnn{0 Dwv vjku ku c Ñejkemgp/ cpf/giiÒ rtqdngo0 Vjg gctn{ cktnkpgu hcegf c ukoknct dct/ tkgt. yjkej ycu Þpcnn{ tguqnxgf yjgp vjg hgfgtcn iqxgtp/ ogpv cyctfgf c ugtkgu qh iwctcpvggf eqpvtcevu hqt ectt{kpi vjg ockn0 C eqttgurqpfkpi cevkqp oc{ dg tgswktgf kh urceg ku gxgt vq dgeqog dtqcfn{ ceeguukdng0 Kh yg etchv c urceg ctejkvgevwtg vq rtqxkfg qrrqtvwpkvkgu vq kpfwuvt{. etgcvkpi cp cuuwtgf kpkvkcn octmgv. vjgtg ku vjg rqvgpvkcnÐpqv ykvjqwv tkumÐvjcv vjg gxgpvwcn equvu vq vjg iqxgtpogpv eqwnf dg tg/ duced substantially. UkipkÞecpvn{. yg ctg oqtg gzrgtkgpegf vjcp yg ygtg kp 3;83. cpf yg ctg cdng vq dwknf qp vjcv gzrgtkgpeg cu yg fgukip cp gzrnqtcvkqp rtqitco0 Kh. chvgt fgukipkpi engxgtn{. dwknfkpi cnnkcpegu ykvj rctvpgtu. cpf gpicikpi eqoogtekcn rtqxkfgtu. vjg pcvkqp ecppqv chhqtf vq hwpf vjg ghhqtv vq rwtuwg vjg iqcnu kv yqwnf nkmg vq godtceg. kv ujqwnf ceegrv vjg fkucrrqkpvogpv qh ugvvkpi nguugt iqcnu0 Yjcvgxgt urceg rtqitco ku wnvkocvg/ n{ ugngevgf. kv owuv dg ocvejgf ykvj vjg tguqwtegu pggfgf hqt kvu gzgewvkqp0 Jgtg nkgu PCUCÔu itgcvguv rgtkn qh vjg rcuv. rtgugpv. cpfÐcdugpv fgekukxg cevkqpÐhwvwtg0 Vjgug ejcnngpikpi kpkvkcvkxgu owuv dg cfgswcvgn{ hwpfgf. kpenwfkpi reserves to account for the unforeseen and unforeseeable. *Ugg Hkiwtg 3/50+ Figure 1-2. Astronaut Gene Cernan as photographed by astronaut Jack Vfkplww rq wkh vl{wk dqg Ûqdo Dsroor h{sorudwlrq ri wkh oxqdu vxuidfh lq 4<:51 Vrxufh= QDVD +Dsroor 4:, Notes: 1. Mercury, Gemini, Apollo, Shuttle, and ISS costs are actual costs derived from historical budget documents. 2. Constellation costs are estimates that are supplied by the Constellation Surjudp RiÛfh dqg edvhg rq dq xqfrqvwudlqhg exgjhw wkdw fxpxodwhv lq a single Human Lunar return mission in 2020. Iljxuh 4061 Kxpdq VsdfhÜljkw Surjudpv Frvwv lq Uhdo ¥hdu dqg Frqvwdqw ¥hdu 533< Grooduv1 Vrxufh= QDVD

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Page 1: HSF Cmte FinalReport High - Astrosurf€¦ · Review of U.S. Human Spaceflight Plans Committee SEEK ING A HUMA N SP ACEF LIGH T PROG RAM WO RT H Y O F A GREAT NATI ON 7KH ([HFXWLYH

19Rev i ew o f U. S . Human Space f l i g h t P l an s Commi t t ee


The Committee’s deliberations in its seven public sessions

is rocket science. Space operations become all the more



shuttle and space station have been developed so far. Source: NASA

2 0 Rev i ew o f U. S . Human Space f l i g h t P l an s Commi t t ee


more than 386 miles from the surface of the Earth. Some 70

Today, the nation faces important decisions about the future

a path for the eventual expansion of human civilization into

the resources that have been available. Space exploration, initially a competitive pursuit, has be

enhance the exploration enterprise.

duced substantially.

reserves to account for the unforeseen and unforeseeable.

Figure 1-2. Astronaut Gene Cernan as photographed by astronaut Jack

Notes: 1. Mercury, Gemini, Apollo, Shuttle, and ISS costs are actual costs derived

from historical budget documents. 2. Constellation costs are estimates that are supplied by the Constellation

a single Human Lunar return mission in 2020.

Page 2: HSF Cmte FinalReport High - Astrosurf€¦ · Review of U.S. Human Spaceflight Plans Committee SEEK ING A HUMA N SP ACEF LIGH T PROG RAM WO RT H Y O F A GREAT NATI ON 7KH ([HFXWLYH

21Rev i ew o f U. S . Human Space f l i g h t P l an s Commi t t ee


tual failures have been attributable to causes not included in

safety is treated as the sine qua nonin human safety have simply been eliminated from consider

directly to Mars have been offered as alternatives, because the Committee

mit to such an endeavor.

further exploration. Human exploration can contribute

more or less continuously diminished since the peak of the Apollo program. Source: OMB Historical Budget Tables

2 2 Rev i ew o f U. S . Human Space f l i g h t P l an s Commi t t ee


human exploration is to chart a path for human expansion

of international partners.

appeared in six different communications that happened to

retro-reenactment of the Apollo program to get back to the moon a half-century af-


the next step in space must be a return to the moon.”

working for monolithic bureaucracies where their creativity will be crushed by program cancellations, cost overruns and risk aversion... It is no surprise that many

ourselves often of long gone civilizations whose innovations in science, technol-ogy and learning yielded knowledge that served as beacons of brilliance, but who lost the spark and faded.”


lectual and political cul de sac...”


need to capture some of that audacity.”

seven cents a day.


Figure 1-6. The overall NASA budget as a fraction of the federal budget has declined from 4.5 percent at the peak of the Apollo program to approximately 0.5 percent today. Source: OMB Historical Budget Tables

Page 3: HSF Cmte FinalReport High - Astrosurf€¦ · Review of U.S. Human Spaceflight Plans Committee SEEK ING A HUMA N SP ACEF LIGH T PROG RAM WO RT H Y O F A GREAT NATI ON 7KH ([HFXWLYH

2 3Rev i ew o f U. S . Human Space f l i g h t P l an s Commi t t ee


ined the roles of commercial industry and our international partners in this enterprise.

stand prominently above all other opportunities for ex

life support and propellants. If humans are ever to live

Committee concluded that Mars is the ultimate destination for human exploration of the inner solar system; but as already noted, it is not the best first destination.

The Committee thus addressed several possible strate

tian surface.

of these derivatives are discussed in this report.The Committee considers it important for any explora

continuum of investment cost options. Unfortunately,


ever, the Committee believes it has fairly represented the most plausible courses. It bases this assessment

Figure 1-8. Artist’s concept of Mars mission activity. Source: NASA

2 4 Rev i ew o f U. S . Human Space f l i g h t P l an s Commi t t ee


ference and videoconference preparatory sessions and

and Senate; and held seven press conferences. Partici

ed here. Certainly, the issues at hand demand a broad

eter of 33 feet.

Each of the Committee members had accrued extensive

The Committee believes that the options presented here,