hsc results 2009

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Page 2: HSC Results 2009

Dux 2009Mazal Tov to Daniel Cohn

on achieving an ATAR of 99.95

(highest mark achievable) and

a place on the Honour Roll.

Kimble J Fillingham College Principal/CEO

Congratulations to all of our Year 12

students. Another vintage year for

Moriah College.

I am delighted to be able to present

a summary of the outstanding results

that have been achieved by the class

of 2009 and a snapshot of the diverse

threads of students, subjects and

achievements that is the rich tapestry

of Moriah College.

State Honour RollStudents who have achieved >90 (Band 6)

in at least 10 units of study

Micaela Bernfi eld

Jared Blumberg

Adam Chalmers

Daniel Cohn

Adam Elliott

Brett Fivelman

Sean Fleischer

David Hazan

Leslie Landerer

Batya Lepar

Ashley Mazabow

Dean Meltzer

Rosie Meyerowitz

Samantha Meyerson

Nadav Michael

David Moore

Samuel Morris

Michaela Resnick

Amy Sentis

Amy-Lee Sesel

Doron Shmilovits

Joshua Shuvalov

Ariella Smith

Natalie Sztolcman

Stephanie Wolff

All of our students have achieved.

Not all are in the Honours List, not all

have achieved recognition through

prizes and awards along their

educational journey. All can stand

proud of the wonderful young people

they are and how extraordinarily

well-equipped they are to take their

places with pride and confi dence in

the Jewish and broader Australian


Once again we have gained an

extraordinarily high number of

students on the Honours List; an

amazingly high percentage of

students scoring Bands 5 and 6;

individual students achieving

remarkable results in spite of some

very demanding times in their

personal lives and a set of results

that has all of us swelling justifi ably

with pride.

The HSC marks a major milestone in

both the educational and life journey

for our wonderful young people.

It is both an end and an exciting


As a College we are delighted to

see that the partnership between

our students, teachers and parents

has borne such remarkable and

laudable results. The entire Moriah

Family can bask in the glory of these

achievements, be delighted at the

doors that these results can now open

for their futures, but most importantly

we all stand proud of the fi ne young

men and women who have left

their day to day attendance with us

and now move on to the honoured

position of Yedid/Alumni member.

We know that our graduates of 2009

will follow in the fi ne traditions of

those who have gone before – they

will remain as part of the Moriah

Family and will in years to come

contribute signifi cantly to both Jewish

continuity and the world at large.

I wish them all well. Mazel Tov.


First in Subject in the State

Matityahu (Matti) Zinn

Classical Hebrew Continuers

Classical Hebrew Extension 1

Tali Feiglin

Modern Hebrew Continuers

(Year 11 accelerant)


Page 3: HSC Results 2009

we reinforce the values of derech eretz,

fulfi lling the creed of the College:

lilmod, lishmor, v’la’asot: to learn, to

heed, to act.

They are fi ne young men and women,

and I wish them every success as they

embark on the next phase of their


Hilary KahnYear 12 Coordinator

The students of our graduating

class of 2009 have been a source of

great pride to Moriah College. They

have maintained the high academic

standards set by their predecessors

and their engagement and

commitment to the extensive range

of activities off ered by the College

has been equally impressive. They

can refl ect with satisfaction on their

achievements, knowing that the eff ort

they put into their work and school life

has been rewarded with fi ne results.

Equally important in their education,

has been nurturing each one of them

to be a mensch. At every opportunity,

were surrounded by adults who stood

with them as they made what can be

diffi cult, yet exciting, personal choices.

Our students are assured of our

continued support during and after

they have graduated.

We commend the outstanding

achievement of our students, both

those who have been acknowledged

for signifi cant academic achievements,

and those that have achieved beyond

what they considered their personal

best. It is testimony of their own

commitment, perseverance and

diligence. Their personal success is our

success, and we stand proud to have

had the Class of 2009 as our students.

May the school motto “to learn,

to heed, to act” resonate strongly

throughout their lives and serve as

a signpost and guide for the more

challenging moments that they will

be confronted with in the years ahead,

and may their Jewish heritage always

be a source of great pride, support

and comfort.

In a recent address to the newly

elected student leaders, the students

were reminded of the importance of

“conversations” in our lives. The word

conversation comes from the Latin

word con (meaning with or together)

and uersari (meaning to turn around).

Hence, to converse means “to actively

turn towards and stand with”. The

extraordinary success of all our Year

12 students is the end result of many

hours of conversations between

parents, students and teachers who

have worked together to facilitate

every opportunity for success and

signifi cant personal achievement.

The experience of this dialogue

stands our students in good stead as

they consider, and reconsider, their

options for the future. Whilst the

HSC is a signifi cant exit point for our

students, it does not defi ne, nor limit,

what one can ultimately achieve in

life. In the many conversations that

took place during the year regarding

post-schooling options it was

important that our Year 12 students

Vicki FarkasHead of Curriculum

John Hamey Head of High School


Top 1% of the State

Of the 141 Moriah HSC students

who received an ATAR, 21 gained

a Rank of 99 or over, placing

them in the top 1% of the State.

This equates to 14.9% of our


Top 5% of the State

A further 35 gained an ATAR

over 95 which means that 56 HSC

students or 39.7% gained a place

in the top 5% of the State.

Top 10% of the State

A total of 87 students gained an

ATAR of 90 or over, placing them

in the top 10% of the State. This

represents 61.7% of the cohort.

HSC Fact File


Page 4: HSC Results 2009

Tal Chodos, detail from ‘Persons of Perception’, ‘Avoid Things Coloured Red’, ‘One and Five Pencils…’

Yana Smagarinsky, detail from ‘So How Does That Make You Feel?‘

Hannah Grossberg, detail from ‘A Gentle Courtesy’

An unprecedented seven students have

had their major work nominated for

exhibition at ArtExpress – the prestigious

exhibition showcasing excellence in

HSC Visual Arts.

These creative individuals have been

valuable members of the College

community, many of them holding

leadership positions and all of them

acting as strong role models for our

younger students.

All of them pay tribute to their teachers

for their invaluable help, support and

encouragement. Natalie says that

Moriah is special because “everyone has

an opportunity to fulfi l their greatest

potential and achieve beyond their

wildest expectations.”

“Moriah teachers care about you and

with the help of all the support teams

they try to make your time at school as

un-stressful as possible,” says Yana.




Congratulations to Hannah Grossberg,

Yana Smagarinsky and Tal Chodos for

having had their work selected for

exhibition at multiple ArtExpress venues.

This is an outstanding achievement both

in meeting the mark range for

pre-selection and then making it through

the curatorial selection process.

Page 5: HSC Results 2009

Ariella Smith,detail from ‘Pandora’

Joshua Shuvalov, detail from ‘Prosthetic/Prophetic’

Natalie Sztolcman,detail from ‘A Body of Water’


Eli Hochberg, detail from ‘Legacy‘

Eli Hochberg

Eli’s individual HSC Drama project,

Video Drama, was selected to be

shown at OnStage, the Drama

equivalent of ArtExpress. Eli’s advice

is to “work consistently and not

leave things until the last second,

this is especially important with

major works!”



Page 6: HSC Results 2009


Sophie Don

Sophie’s advice to future Year 12

students is “to not lose sight of who

you are and what else you can get out

of your fi nal year – it’s important to still

have fun!” She certainly demonstrated

this philosophy by being an

enthusiastic and dedicated Music

Convenor, inspiring the members

of her House to participate to their

fullest in the Music Festival. Sophie

has participated in nearly every area of

College life and, in her role as College

Vice Captain, demonstrated her strong leadership and organisational skills.

ATAR of 99 +

What happened to the UAI?

Students who attained an Australian

Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) of

99 or greater include:

Daniel Cohn

Daniel Berger

Micaela Bernfi eld

Jared Blumberg

Adam Chalmers

Brett Fivelman

Sean Fleischer

Joshua Gottlieb

David Hazan

Rosie Meyerowitz

Michaela Resnick

Devora Robinson

Amy Sentis

Amy-Lee Sesel

Doron Shmilovits

Ariella Smith

Stephanie Wolff

Matityahu Zinn

Leslie Landerer

Dean Meltzer

Nadav Michael

Brett Fivelman and Amy Sentis

As College Captains, Brett

and Amy have both been

outstanding representatives

of the College and upstanding

role models. They have

demonstrated a strong ability

to lead a team of students and

work hard as team members.

Both Brett and Amy have taken full advantage of the many opportunities

Moriah has to off er, being involved in Music, Sport and Academic Programs

throughout their school careers. “Be involved in as much as you can” is

Amy’s advice to younger students. “Don’t let opportunities pass you by

because often you won’t get another chance”. Brett says that what he will

miss most about Moriah is “the dedication and devotion of the teachers

to the individual progress of their students. They’ve set a standard that’s

unlikely to be met as we enter University.”

In June 2009 the Universities Admission Index (UAI)

became the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank


There were three changes:

• the name was changed

• the highest rank became 99.95

as opposed to 100 for the UAI

• the UAI indicated a student’s position in relation

to their Year 10 cohort; the ATAR now indicates a

student’s position in relation to their Year 7 cohort.

The Australasian Conference of Tertiary Admissions

Centres (ACTAC) decided in 2008 to adopt a

common name for existing selection indices across

all states and territories (except Queensland) to

highlight that student ranks are reported on a

common scale.

The change in the top rank is to bring NSW

students’ ranks into line with their interstate peers.

Some students may be disappointed at not being

able to obtain a rank of 100. One of the common

mistakes people make is to think that a UAI of 100

means a ‘perfect score’; this is not the case. In the

past, students who received a UAI of 100 were those

who were in the top 0.025% of their peers and the

aggregate marks of this top group have ranged

from 480 to 498.

There has never, in 30 years, been a student with

a ‘perfect’ aggregate of 500.


Joshua Hoff man

A student of exceptional insight, Joshua

earned the nickname ‘Isaac Newton’ in his

Maths lessons. His quick mind and well-

developed problem solving capabilities

will stand him in good stead for a future in

Information Technology, which he hopes

to pursue at University. Joshua says that he

has gained much from his role as College

Vice Captain. He has defi nitely grown

in confi dence through the year and has

initiated a number of excellent ideas in his

leadership role.

Page 7: HSC Results 2009


Ancient History 25 31 80 36.89

Biology 12 15 79.99 31.68

Business Studies 38 45 84.43 37.68

Chemistry 10 12 83.32 38.64

Classical Hebrew Continuers 21 29 72.4 70.26

Drama 12 12 100 47.12

Economics 28 31 90.32 46.99

English Advanced 86 91 94.49 51.89

English Standard 36 51 70.58 5.35

Entertainment 5 7 71.42 20.88

Geography 24 33 72.72 39.71

Hospitality 5 8 62.5 27.24

Information Processes & Technology 8 9 88.88 31.56

Legal Studies 24 25 96 42.45

Mathematics 46 64 71.84 42.45

Mathematics General 20 33 60.6 24.66

Modern Hebrew Continuers 22 22 100 97.42

Modern History 13 16 81.25 40.92

Music Course 1 7 7 100 57.83

Music Course 2 5 5 100 80.62

Personal Development, Health

& Physical Education26 33 78.78 31.64

Physics 10 13 76.91 41.56

Senior Science 10 11 90.9 38.86

Society & Culture 8 9 88.88 41.55

Software Design & Development 12 12 100 28.69

Studies of Religion 19 21 90.46 52.79

Visual Art 27 27 100 63.99


Classical Hebrew Extension 1 20 20 100 100

English Extension 1 28 28 100 84.23

English Extension 2 16 16 100 79.67

History Extension 1 11 11 100 73.62

Mathematics Extension 1 42 42 100 81.55

Mathematics Extension 2 23 23 100 89.28

Music Extension 1 4 4 100 94.53


COURSENumber of students in

Band 5/6

Numberof students in


Moriah %Band 5/6

State %Band 5/6

100% of all students who took an extension course in any subject scored in the top two bands.


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Daniel Cohn and Michaela Resnick have

studied French at the Open High School.

Michaela accelerated in the 2U Continuers

course in 2008 and completed the

Extension 1 course this year, whilst Daniel

completed the 2U Continuers course this


They both achieved 1st place in the

Continuers course 2008 & 2009 respectively

and Michaela was awarded a Certifi cate of

Excellence in the Extension course.

They have both been awarded a “Principal’s

Award” for outstanding achievement from

the Open High School.

Amy Weiss

A student at Moriah since

Kindergarten, Amy has been

involved in the Music Program,

the Mount Scopus Sports Tour

to Melbourne and several Year

12 Committees. Her advice to

younger students is to “stay

on top of your work, never

wait until the last minute, take

regular breaks, take it easy

and don’t stress.”

Open High School


Rosie Meyerowitz, Daniel Cohn

High Achievers, Daniel and Rosie both have a

string of Academic awards and certifi cates to their

names. Their lists of prizes span the curriculum

from Economics to English, Chemistry to Jewish

Studies, Maths and Science to Geography. In

addition, Daniel has gained a Distinction First

Place in French Continuers this year from the Open

High School. Rosie found the time to undertake a

position of leadership and responsibility as Charity

Portfolio Captain during Years 11 and 12. “It’s

when you become involved in the exra-curricular

activities such as leadership, charity, drama, music

festivals and Jewish celebrations that you can

wholly experience the spirit and Jewish ruach of

the school” says Rosie. “This is where Moriah excels

as a place to heed and to act.”

Matthew Hoenig, Michaela Resnick

Between them, Matthew and Michaela have represented Moriah

in a myriad of sports. Passionate about both Cricket and Soccer,

Moriah gave Matthew the opportunity to represent the College in

these sports numerous times including a sports tour of Melbourne.

He has been awarded numerous sports awards and due to his

perseverance and time management skills, managed to maintain

a rigorous extra-curricular sporting program during his fi nal

year. Michaela has also excelled on the sports fi eld, particularly

in Athletics, gaining the award for Athletic Champion for her

outstanding performances. Michaela feels a “strong connection to

Moriah” having attended the College since Kindergarten.

Nadav Michael

A worthy recipient of

numerous academic,

community and Music awards

throughout his school career

including the award for

Academic Excellence Across

the Curriculum for four

consecutive years, Nadav gives

of himself fully in everything that he does with humility, kindness

and a quiet passion. Indeed, one of his passions – for Eretz Yisrael –

will take him overseas in 2010. Nadav has been preparing himself

for this experience by studying Classical and Modern Hebrew,

participating in Tefi llah Shleyma and working as a youth counsellor

for B’nei Akiva.

Page 9: HSC Results 2009

Students achieving in the top band within particular courses of study

Ancient History

Adam Chalmers (2008)

David Hazan

Eli Hochberg

James Israel

Ricky Melamdowitz

David Moore

Samuel Morris

Talia Mowszowski

Carla Sank

Sarah Segal

Brendan Teplitsky


Robyn Ordman

Alon Salby

Joshua Shuvalov

Yana Smagarinsky

Business Studies

Jared Blumberg

Adam Elliott

Sean Fleischer

Ricky Glezerson

Gali Gold

Miki Hendler

James Israel

Eliezer Jacobs

Leslie Landerer

Lewinsky Kevin

Ashley Mazabow

Ricky Melamdowitz

Shaun Meltzer

David Moore

Samuel Morris

Devora Robinson

Jonathan Rod

Carla Sank

Joshua Shuvalov

Zachary Veksler

Stephanie Wolff


Adam Bermeister

Jared Blumberg

Classical Hebrew Continuers

Ilan Lavan

Samantha Meyerson

Nadav Michael

Devora Robinson

Jeff rey Schumer

Amy-Lee Sesel

Doron Shmilovitz

Matityahu Zinn

Classical Hebrew Ext 1

Ilan Lavan

Samantha Meyerson

Nadav Michael

Aviva Monk

Devora Robinson

Jeff rey Schumer

Amy-Lee Sesel

Doron Shmilovitz

Matityahu Zinn


Micaela Bernfi eld

Hannah Grossberg

Eli Hochberg

Daniella Kroser

Natalie Stzolcman

Yehudit Ungar


Adam Bermeister

Jared Blumberg

Daniel Cohn

Sean Fleischer

Joshua Gottlieb

Michael Immerman

Adam Kupferman

Leslie Landerer

Gavin Levy

Dean Meltzer

Shaun Meltzer

Samuel Morris

Gil Pollak

Brett Rosenberg

English Advanced

Ross Allen

Micaela Bernfi eld

Jared Blumberg

Adam Chalmers

Rebecca Chalmers

Tal Chodos

Alon Cohen

Daniel Cohn

Talia Diamond

Sophie Don

Adam Elliott

Rachel Epstein

Nicola Filler

Carri Fisher

Brett Fivelman

Sean Fleischer

Sara Garfagnini

Gali Gold

Joshua Gottlieb

Samantha Harris

David Hazan

Eli Hochberg

Michael Immerman

James Israel

Galit Jones

Hayley Kaplan

Jade Krug

Leslie Landerer

Batya Lepar

Gavin Levy

Dean Meltzer

Rosie Meyerowitz

Samantha Meyerson

Nadav Michael

Aviva Monk

David Moore

Samuel Morris

Jonathan Moss

Talia Mowszowski

Robyn Ordman

Gil Pollak

Michaela Resnick

Devora Robinson

Alon Salby

Carla Sank

James Schey

Sarah Segal

Amy Sentis

Amy-Lee Sesel

Doron Shmilovitz

Joshua Shuvalov

Ariella Smith

Tiff any Stoliar

Nasya Sutherland

Natalie Stzolcman

Amy Weiss

Stephanie Wolff

English Standard

Hannah Apfelbaum

Samantha Border

Hannah Grossberg

Kevin Lewinsky

Ashley Mazabow

Montana Meyer

English Ext 1

Micaela Bernfi eld

Adam Chalmers

Daniel Cohn

Rachel Epstein

Brett Fivelman

Joshua Gottlieb

Samantha Harris

David Hazan

Galit Jones

Hayley Kaplan

Leslie Landerer

Batya Lepar

Dean Meltzer

Rosie Meyerowitz

David Moore

Samuel Morris

Jonathan Moss

Amy Sentis

Amy-Lee Sesel

Doron Shmilovits

Joshua Shuvalov

Ariella Smith

Natalie Sztolcman

English Ext 2

Micaela Bernfi eld

Adam Chalmers

Rachel Epstein

Sara Garfagnini

David Hazan

Hayley Kaplan

Leslie Landerer

Samuel Morris

Amy Sentis

Amy-Lee Sesel

Doron Shmilovits

Ariella Smith


Jonathan Kaplan

Nasya Sutherland


Samantha Border

Sara Garfagnini

Kevin Lewinsky

Dina Mekler

Michaela Resnick

History Ext 1

Adam Chalmers (2008)

David Hazan

Galit Jones

Joshua Shuvalov


Dina Mekler

Information Processes

& Technology

Samantha Border

Ricky Glezerson

Leslie Landerer

Ashley Mazabow

Simon Molnar

Aaron Muller



Page 10: HSC Results 2009

Legal Studies

Samantha Border

Carri Fisher

Helen Helfenbaum

Miki Hendler

Paul Khodor

Steven Levy

Rosie Meyerowitz

Natalie Sztolcman

Mathematics General

Alexandra Cohen

Hannah Grossberg

Eliezer Jacobs

Jonathan Kaplan

Kevin Lewinsky

Ashley Mazabow

Itamar Steigrad

Nasya Sutherland


Adam Bermeister

Adam Chalmers

Alon Cohen

Ari Gorney

Matthew Hoenig

Ilan Lavan

Batya Lepar

Gavin Levy

Dean Meltzer

Shaun Meltzer

Samantha Meyerson

Simon Molnar

Aviva Monk

David Moore

Robyn Ordman

Michaela Resnick

James Schey

Amy-Lee Sesel

Ariella Smith

Brendan Teplitsky

Yehudit Ungar

Matityahu Zinn

Mathematics Ext 1

Daniel Berger (2008)

Adam Bermeister

Micaela Bernfi eld

Jared Blumberg

Judah Caplan

Adam Chalmers

Daniel Cohn

Adam Elliott

Brett Fivelman

Sean Fleischer (2008)

Joshua Gottlieb (2008)

Raphael Grossman (2008)

David Hazan

Joshua Hoff man

Paul Khodor

Adam Kupferman (2008)

Batya Lepar

Dean Meltzer

Shaun Meltzer

Rosie Meyerowitz

Nadav Michael

David Moore

Talia Mowszowski

Aaron Muller (2008)

Avital Olshansky

Robyn Ordman

Jeff rey Schumer

Amy Sentis (2008)

Ariella Smith

Brendan Teplitsky

Stephanie Wolff

Matityahu Zinn

Mathematics Ext 2

Daniel Berger

Micaela Bernfi eld

Jared Blumberg

Daniel Cohn

Adam Elliott

Brett Fivelman

Sean Fleischer

Joshua Gottlieb

Raphael Grossman

David Hazan

Adam Kupferman

Rosie Meyerowitz

Nadav Michael

Talia Mowszowski

Aaron Muller

Avital Olshansky

Jeff rey Schumer

Amy Sentis

Stephanie Wolff

Modern Hebrew Continuers

Tali Feiglin (Year 11)

Jessica Glanz (Year 11)

Ilan Lavan (2008)

Daria Manor (Year 11)

Samantha Meyerson

Nadav Michael (2008)

Aviva Monk

Avital Olshansky (2008)

Erez Rachamim (Year 11)

Nicole Raymond (Year 11)

Devora Robinson

Tobi Schneider (Year 11)

Ron Schwarzmann (2008)

Amy-Lee Sesel

Ariella Smith

Tiff any Stoliar (2008)

Yehudit Ungar

Modern History

Michael Immerman

Dean Meltzer

Joshua Shuvalov

Music Course 1

Hannah Apfelbaum

Adam Goldstein

Jason Podgoetsky

Daniel Rose

Music Course 2

Alon Cohen

Sophie Don

Paul Khodor

Nadav Michael

Benjamin Seidman

Music Ext 1

Alon Cohen

Paul Khodor

Nadav Michael

Benjamin Seidman


Rebecca Chalmers

Ricky glezerson

Miki Hendler

Michael Immerman

Steven levy

Gil Pollak

Michaela Resnick

Brett Rosenberg

Carla Sank

James Schey


Daniel Berger

Brett Fivelman

Amy Sentis

Software Design &


Daniel Berger

Adam Chalmers

Adam Elliott

Brett Fivelman

Ashley Mazabow

Amy sentis

Doron Shmilovits

Studies of Religion

Micaela Bernfi eld

Sophie Don

Rachel Epstein

Galit Jones

Batya Lepar

Ricky Melamdowitz

Rosie Meyerowitz

Samantha Meyerson

Natalie Sztolcman

Visual Art

Tal Chodos

Carri Fisher

Hannah Grossberg

Samantha Harris

Eli Hochberg

Paige Hurvitz

Hayley Kaplan

Jonathan Kaplan

Batya Lepar

Daniella Maryasin

Dina Mekler

Shoshana Port

Joshua Shuvalov

Yana Smagarinsky

Ariella Smith

Tiff any Stoliar (2008)

Nasya Sutherland

Natalie Sztolcman

Amy Weiss

Stephanie Wolff

Courses External to Moriah

French – Open High School

Daniel Cohn

Michaela Resnick (2008)

French Ext 1

Michaela Resnick

Philosophy – Distinction


Adam Chalmers (High


Joshua Gottlieb (Distinction)

Doron Shmilovits (2008)

Matti Zinn (2008)

MORIAH COLLEGE’S HSC HONOUR ROLLStudents achieving in the top band within particular courses of study


Page 11: HSC Results 2009


DistinguishedAchievers in a Course

Best in the State by Place

Classical Hebrew Continuers

Matityahu Zinn 1stIlan Lavan 2ndDevora Robinson 3rdDoron Shmilovits 4thJeff rey Schumer 5th

Classical Hebrew Extension 1Matityahu Zinn 1stDevora Robinson 2ndAmy-Lee Sesel 3rdIlan Lavan 4th

English Standard

Montana Meyer 13th

Ashley Mazabow 19th

English Extension 1

Rosie Meyerowitz 7th


Nasya Sutherland 5th

Modern Hebrew Continuers

Tali Feiglin (Year 11) 1st

Daria Manor (Year 11) 2ndDevora Robinson 3rd


Michaela Resnick 17th

Daniel Berger, Gavin Levy

Although their chosen fi elds of excellence are worlds apart,

Daniel and Gavin share the common bond that they have both

represented Moriah College at National Competitions.

Gavin’s prowess in the sporting arena, particularly in Tennis, has

earned him a swag of awards and certifi cates including the New

South Wales Olympic Committee Pierre de Coubertin Award in

recognition of sporting achievements; the prize for Best All-

Rounder and a selection for the Australian Schools merit team

– the highest honour a student in Australia can attain in school

sport. Gavin says he will always be grateful that “Moriah provided

me with a solid academic foundation that also enabled me to

participate in school sport at a high level which I found very

rewarding.” On the other side of the spectrum, Daniel’s talents

in Mathematics, Physics and Software Design and Development

have gained him a bronze medal in the International Informatics

Olympiad in Bulgaria, a prize for winning the French Australian

Regional Informatics Olympiad and the prize for Most

Outstanding Ambassador for Moriah College to the World at

Large. His key to surviving the HSC was careful planning and

“the Band Program” is what he will miss most about Moriah.

Amy-Lee Sesel

Having topped

her year group in

English and English

Extension several

times during the

course of her school

career, including

Year 12, Amy-Lee

has an excellent

record of academic

success. She has managed to balance this with an

enthusiastic involvement in the Band Program,

as a member of a Touch Football Team, as SRC

Captain and a myriad of other activities both within

and outside the College. Amy says that the most

valuable lesson she has learned from her time at

Moriah is that “good work will always pay off –

not necessarily in the short-term, but one way or

another, the rewards will come back to you.”

Nasya Sutherland

A vibrant and enthusiastic student, Nasya has often demonstrated

her creative fl are during her school career most notably in Drama

and Music productions. Nasya believes that she has learnt much

about herself and others through her experiences at Moriah and

leaves the school gates as a

“confi dent and proud young

woman.” Nasya has successfully

balanced her creative pursuits

with academic success having

been the recipient of academic

excellence awards and she

has also shown a commitment

to the community as a whole

through her involvement as a

Hineni Youth Leader.


Page 12: HSC Results 2009


David Moore

The true value of Moriah

as a Community school is

what David believes makes

Moriah special. “It’s the

interconnectedness of the

school and the community”

explains David. “Most

students have friends in

multiple years be it through

a relative or family friend.”

With a healthy list of academic awards and certifi cates

to his name, David’s consistent application to his studies

allowed him to continue his involvement in the Music

Program from 2000 to the present. A self-motivated

student, David took every opportunity to submit practice

answers and consult his teachers in order to improve his

performance in the HSC.


Rebecca Lewis, Micaela Bernfi eld,Samantha Border

Is it a coincidence that these three girls all claim that

‘chocolate’ got them through their HSC? Having spent

their entire school careers, from Preschool to Year 12

at Moriah, these girls have taken full advantage of the

many opportunities that the College has to off er. Both

Rebecca and Micaela were awarded prizes for Outstanding

Commitment to the Instrumental Program having

participated in International Band Tours and playing

in several bands and ensembles over the years. While

Rebecca’s love of Music featured in her HSC subject choices,

Micaela chose Drama and Studies of Religion, both subjects

that she has excelled in.

Always setting high standards for herself and working

purposefully to achieve them, Samantha’s advice to the

Class of 2010 is inspiring: “always get involved and try

your best as the more work and eff ort you put towards

something the better you will do”. She also credits her

success to “the amazing and dedicated teachers and their

willingness to support all students with whatever their

needs may be.”

David Weiss

Recipient of the Moriah

College Prize for School

Service, David has

consistently given his time to

be involved in many aspects

of College life. From his

keen participation in House

Challenges to his assistance

in preparing the Year 12

Yearbook, David's enthusiasm to lend a hand and work with

others has gained him the aff ection and respect of both

staff and students. He is known to be honest, reliable and

hard working, all qualities which should ensure success in

whatever he undertakes in the future.

Jonathan (Yoni) Kaplan

Yoni’s achievements as

leader of the Tech Crew

have made a huge

impact on the quality

of school assemblies,

performances and

other College events.

Crediting Schweppes

Lime Cordial and the unique technique of studying while

hanging upside-down for getting him through the HSC,

Yoni urges Moriah students to “take the time to look for all

the help and opportunities available”. Yoni has a particular

talent for drawing which he hopes to pursue through a

career in animation.

Alon Salby

Joining Moriah for

Years 11 and 12, Alon

proved himself to be a

determined, dedicated

student and an

independent learner

with considerable

academic ability. In the

short time he was at

Moriah, Alon’s sense of humour and love of life made him

popular with his peers and an excellent role model to the

younger students. Alon's advice is to “work diligently, stay

organised and focussed – it pays off .”

Page 13: HSC Results 2009

Stephanie Wolff

Stephanie’s involvement in

leadership positions during

her High School career

includes Ezra House Captain

in 2009 and a member

of the Charity and Social

Action Committees. This

connection, together with

her participation in Hineni,

Maccabi and JNF events

demonstrates a keenness to

help make a diff erence in the community. Confessing to an

addiction to the TV show ‘Friends’ as a study diversion and

‘studying in the shower’ as a quirky technique, Stephanie

admits that it will be diffi cult to adjust to life outside of the

Moriah: “I have been at Moriah since Preschool and so I feel

a strong connection to the school as it has given me so

many diff erent opportunities.


Ben Seidman and Rachel Epstein

With a string of awards and certifi cates to their names including academic,

community service and in Ben’s case, music awards, these students have

spread themselves over a vast and varied number of interests and been

actively involved in many of the activities that are off ered to our students

in the College. Having developed a strong love for Eretz Yisrael and a

passion for Zionism, Ben and Rachel will be participating in Israel Study

Programs in 2010. Both of them have been enthusiastic participants in the

Jewish Life of the College and also in the greater Community. Rachel is

grateful to Moriah for giving students the opportunity to “take whatever

their special talents or passions are and nurturing them” while Ben will

always remember his Musical involvement with the school. “It has truly

provided me with experiences I will never forget.”

Joshua Gottlieb

Joshua describes Moriah as “one big family with endless

support in order to help everyone achieve their individual

goals.” Since joining the Moriah Family in Kindergarten,

Joshua has endeared himself to staff and students as

a committed, dedicated and reliable person who has

succeeded in subject

areas across the

board. Joshua’s advice

to future HSC students

is to “never give up

on your goals in life. If

you try hard enough

there is no limit to

what you can achieve.”

Hannah Apfelbaum, Daniel Rose, Dale Scheftz

In addition to the many academic, sporting and community

achievements of these three students; Hannah, Daniel

and Dale have been actively involved in the Moriah Music

Program for several years. Both talented singers, Hannah

and Dale participated in many House activities, notably

the popular Music Festivals. Hannah’s advice to the class of

2010 is “don’t stress and make sure you don’t leave anything

‘till the last minute!” Daniel was part of the Moriah Tour

Band in 2007 and has claimed the prize for First in Music

for two consecutive years. He was also awarded the 2009

prize for Outstanding Commitment to the Instrumental

Program and his musicianship has been recognised in his

nomination to the HSC Encore. “Green Tea and TV” got

Daniel through his fi nal exams as well as, not surprisingly,

“working with music in my head!”David Hazan

In addition to being

extremely capable

academically, David is

also a talented musician

who has made a

signfi cant contribution

to the musical life of the

College. Describing his

experience at Moriah

as “something that will stay with him forever,” David is

grateful to the teachers who gave of their own time

to “make sure he achieved the best marks possible.”

Choosing a range of extension subjects for his HSC,

David has worked conscientiously over the years and

has achieved good results as a consequence.


Page 14: HSC Results 2009

Robyn Ordman

A Moriah student since

Kindergarten, there's no

doubt that Robyn will

miss seeing her friends

on a daily basis around

the College. With her

love of life and wonderful

sense of humour, Robyn

has been an integral

member of the Class of

2009, a popular and well

respected student by both her peers and her teachers.

Robyn managed to fi nd the perfect balance between

her studies and sport, demonstrating her considerable

academic ability while enjoying Touch Football and

Soccer. Her committment to helping others saw her

bravely crop her hair to raise money for the World's

Greatest Shave.

Matityahu (Matti) Zinn

Mazal Tov to Matti for

achieving fi rst place in

the HSC for Classical

Hebrew Continuers

and Classical Hebrew

Extension. A highly

valued member of the Moriah College community, Matti

has managed to balance his diligent approach to his

studies with an active involvement in College activities

including Charity Captain, Toastmasters and the UNSW

Science Mentoring program. Outside of the College Matti

has maintained his dedication to the wider community

through B'nei Akiva, Kehillat Moriah and other

organisations. His advice to those facing the HSC exams

is to take it one step at a time: “Life is full of challenges so

stop stressing and relax!”


Adam Chalmers

“Having goals for each

day” was Adam’s key

to surviving the HSC.

Accelerated in his HSC

courses in Ancient

History and History

Extension while in Year

11, Adam studied the

Distinction course in

Philosophy during Year

12. He contributed actively across many facets of College life

including debating, Tech Crew, the Band Program, interfaith

activities and leadership positions. His easy manner allowed

him to relate easily to his peers and his sense of humour is

demonstrated in his quirky study technique of “studying

upside down.” Adam says that he will miss “seeing the

teachers and my friends in the year below” and his advice

to the Class of 2010 is “to help each other, and fi nd a quiet

place to study together.”

Nikki Hirsch

Nikki describes Moriah as “a school of enjoyable

learning where true Jewish souls can shine

together.” An excellent role model for younger

students, Nikki’s experience working as a

counsellor for the B’nei Akiva youth movement

has provided her with valuable skills which will

stand her in good stead for the future. Within

the College, Nikki was involved in the Music

Festival and undertook positions of leadership

and responsibility as a Herzl Music Festival

Convenor and a Year 10 Prayer leader.


Joel Einstein

Joel most defi nitely puts in

practice the advice he gives to

others: “That you should never

allow the HSC to completely

take over your life as there

are still so many other things

that are important.” During his

school career, Joel grasped the opportunity to be involved in

a diverse range of activities many of which have given him

future prospects to pursue. These include being selected to

attend the National Constitutional Convention in Canberra,

being selected to participate in the NSW Youth Parliament,

taking on the role of Deputy President of the Young Australian

Democrats and volunteering for Oxfam Australia. His desire

to make a diff erence and his commitment to social issues is a

testament to his strong and caring value system.

Subject RankingsEnglish (all courses) 4th

Mathematics (all courses) 18th

Economics 9th

English Advanced 5th

Studies of Religion 8th

Visual Arts 8th

Page 15: HSC Results 2009

Ricky Glezerson

Ricky’s Moriah career began

in Kindergarten so it’s no

wonder that he says that he

will miss being at the College

every day – a place that has

“encouraged and supported

him and provided a strong

sense of security.”

Ricky has involved himself in

voluntary work, particularly

during his last two years at Moriah, proving himself as an

empathetic and compassionate mentor.


Romi Adler, Pnina Miller

One of the proudest moments for Pnina and Romi during

their Moriah careers was receiving Certifi cates of Recognition

for having completed 100 hours of early childcare work

experience at our John I. Einfeld AM Preschool in Randwick.

The girls are not only graduates of the College, but also of

the outstanding Educational Support Program which was

established in 2003 to provide individualised educational

support for students with special needs. Through this

program, both girls were given the opportunity to pursue

a keen interest in childcare. Pnina has also completed the

Certifi cate 3 Childcare qualifi cation which allows her to work

as an aide in any Early Childcare Centre.

Both girls have been integral members of the Class of 2009

and have earned the greatest respect of their peers and


Adam Kupferman

Adam echoes the words

of many of his classmates

when he says that what

he will miss most about

Moriah will be “seeing all

of my friends on a daily

basis.” Earning a prize for

Outstanding Commitment

to the Instrumental

Program, Adam’s talent

in music saw him performing both for his peers and the

wider community on many occasions. Adam has applied

himself independently and successfully across all academic

areas throughout his time at Moriah and, in particular, in

Mathematics. He was an accelerated student in 2008.

Jeff rey Schumer

The one thing that

stands out for Jeff rey

as making Moriah

special is “the personal

treatment given

to each student,

encouraging them

to excel in all aspects

of their education.”

Jeff rey undertook

the important position of leadership and responsibility as

Gabbai of Tefi llah Shleyma and extended his commitment

to the community outside the College as a Youth Leader for

Juniors at B’nei Akiva and a member of the Maccabi U18A

Soccer Team. Jeff rey’s passion for Zionism is taking him on

an Israel Program in 2010.

Paige Hurvitz

There can be no greater example of Paige’s creativity and

originality than in her HSC Design & Technology Major Work –

a dress, made entirely of parking tickets! In fact, many Moriah

staff members claim to have invested heavily in Paige’s creation.

Paige’s cheerfulness, good humour and thoughtfulness have

made her popular with her peers and she has been rewarded for

her eff orts by her diligence and attention to detail. Here, Paige's

creation is modelled by her Year 12 classmate Nicola Filler.

100% of all

Music, Drama

& Visual Arts

students scored

in the top 20%

of the State.

Creative Excellence


Page 16: HSC Results 2009

The Board of Studies information is accurate as at 17 December 2009. Information relating to

the ATAR is kindly provided by individual students as it is not disclosed to the College.

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PO Box 986 Bondi Junction NSW 1355 Australia

Tel: 02 9375 1600 | Fax: 02 9387 3490

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