hs230 - introduction to us health care unit 1: theories of management in general business practices

HS230 - Introduction to US Health Care Unit 1: Theories of Management in General Business Practices

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Page 1: HS230 - Introduction to US Health Care Unit 1: Theories of Management in General Business Practices

HS230 - Introduction to US Health Care

Unit 1: Theories of Management in General Business Practices

Page 2: HS230 - Introduction to US Health Care Unit 1: Theories of Management in General Business Practices

Welcome to HS230!

This introductory course will start you on your journey to becoming a

health care administrator. During this course, we will cover general

management theories, examine health care professionals and how

they deliver care in our current health care system, health care

management and legal issues, as well as examining different models

of care. With the basics in these areas, you will have the tools you

need to build a solid foundation as a health care administrator.


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Reading and Preparation

The United States health care system is a complex and highly structured one. It currently employs more than 12 million people and provides products and services worth 1.8 trillion dollars. Yet, even with these skyrocketing expenditures, nearly 18% of the population between the ages of 18 and 64 years old have no regular source of care.

Please read Chapter 1 in your Introduction to US Healthcare on the US health care system, pp. 1–29.

Please read Len Nixon’s article “Management Theories – A Historical Perspective” found in the KU Library.

• I have uploaded the article to doc sharing for your convenience in sections 2 and in the announcements are the correct APA in-text citation and reference format. Those in other sections can contact their instructors.

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Discussion Board

Discussion responses should be on topic, original, and contribute to the quality of the discussion by making frequent informed references to lesson materials and seminars. Initial discussion responses should be around 150 words. Responses to your classmates or instructor should be around 75 words. Make two or more responses to classmates that are thoughtful and advance the discussion. REMEMBER APA is necessary! Use your resources and in-text citations to give credit where credit is due for the opportunity to get the highest grade. Based upon your readings this week, answer one of the two questions below for this week’s discussion topics. Remember to post your initial post by Saturday and to respond to at least two classmates on two separate days by Tuesday midnight.

Answer one (1) of the two questions below:Question 1: Identify and explain at least two events that are negatively impacting health care currently. Tell us why you think these items are negatively impacting the access to care, and make sure that you cite your references. Question 2: Choose one of the management functions from Table 1 in this week’s library reading (Planning, Organizing, Leading, or Controlling) and apply the concepts to health care administration. How will the modern and postmodern concepts apply?

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Seminars and Option 2

This week’s seminar will focus on the guidelines and expectations for the class, as well as examining the theories of general management and the US health care system.

Option 1:Come prepared to discuss the theories of management and the US health care system.

OR Option 2: Please answer the following questions in an APA formatted paper at least 150 words long. This is due by 11:59pm on Tuesday when the unit closes.

1. How can the general theories of management be applied to health care?

2. With the different players in the health care system, why is the role of a health care administrator so important?

Directions from Student Page on how to submit assignments

Put your responses in a Word 97-2003 document. Save it in a location and with the proper naming convention: username-HS230-section-Unit 1Seminar.doc (username is your Kaplan username, section is your course section, 1 is your Unit number). When you are ready to submit it, go to the Dropbox and complete the steps below:

Click the link that says "Submit an Assignment".

In the "Submit to Basket" menu, select Unit 1: Seminar.

In the "Comments" field, make sure to add at least the title of your paper.

Click the "Add Attachments" button.

Follow the steps listed to attach your Word document.

To view your graded work, come back to the Dropbox or go to the Gradebook after your instructor has evaluated it. Make sure that you save a copy of your submitted project.

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What you should learn in Unit 1

Unit Outcomes

You should be able to explain the syllabus and course expectations.

You should begin getting to know your fellow students using the introduction area in the unit.

You should examine the history of general business theories.

You should gain an overview of the US health care system.

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Key Terms!

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)The total value of goods and services produced in the US.

Gross goodsmedications and medical supplies.

Expenditures The size and scope of the United States Health Care System needs

to be understood independently and comparatively. The percent of health care dollars spent impacts the gross domestic product (GDP) index and provokes the question, what are we getting for each dollar spent on health care?

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Unit 1 To-Do list!

• Introduce Yourself Tell us a little about who you are.

• Complete Reading Chapter 1 On the Reading page

• Participate in Discussion Log in from Students Home page 30 Points

• Attend Seminar or Option 2Log in from Students Home page 20 Points

• Quiz (Open book – Prepare!)Log in from Students Home page25 Points

Check out Doc Sharing!

Check Announcements!

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• HS230-01 Lantz, Kathy Thursday 8:00 PM ET

• HS230-02 Giarda, Lisa Wednesday 8:00 PM ET

• HS230-03 Long, John Monday 8:00 PM ET

• HS230-04 Lantz, Kathy Thursday 8:00 PM ET

• Available seminars you may attend during the week! This is graded so you must attend at least ONE seminar to earn points and participate OR turn in the Option 2 written work!

• We have much more fun in seminar though!

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Get to Know These Resources!

American Public Health Association - www.apha.org

National Institutes of Health - www.nih.gov

Centers for Disease Control - www.cdc.gov

Public Broadcasting Stations, health topics www.pbs.org/science/science_health.html

Online Encyclopedia - www.wikipedia.org

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Introduction to US Health Care

Chapter 1

The U.S. Health Care System

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Health Care Expenditures


Government Expenses

Retail Sales of Medical Products

Nursing Home and Home Health Care

Professional Services

US Health Care Industry

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2007 National Health Care

Expenditures (projected)


$154.4$297.9 $729.6


Nursing Homeand HomeHealthRetail Sales ofMedicalProductsGovernmentExpenses


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*values represent billions of dollars

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Types of HCOs


• Services consumed by individuals

• Enhance and protect health of the individual


• Services targeted towards health and wellbeing of populations or communities

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Types of Healthcare Systems

• Horizontal Systems

• Vertical Systems

• Combined System

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• Ownership

• Affiliation

• Contracts

• Joint venture

• Lease

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Health Care Industry Sectors


• Financing

• Institutional Provider

• Individual Provider

• Public Health Agencies

• Enablers

• Regulators

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Causes of Disease

• Genetic flaws

• Progressive biological breakdown

• External agents

• Trauma

• Personal habits

• Other factors

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Indicators of Public Health

1. Infant Mortality Rate

2. Cause of Death

3. Population with

4. Chronic Health Conditions

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Factors Affecting Utilization

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•Age•Insurance Coverage•Race/ethnicity•Number of Providers•Education Level•Referral Patterns•Income Level•Attitudes and Beliefs

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Health Services Administration Research

Roles:• Assessing needs• Evaluating medical service delivery• Factors affecting health care access and delivery

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Wrap up & Questions?

Don’t forget to take Quiz 1 ~ DUE Tuesday by Midnight EST

Discussion board initial posts by Saturday!

TWO replies to your classmates posts by Tuesday by Midnight EST

Please do not hesitate to let me know how I can assist you in your success!!

I will post the PowerPoint presentations to doc sharing after the Seminar on Wednesdays.

Have a great week, see you on the discussion boards!

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