hrm 500 midterm exam

HRM 500 Midterm Exam For any inquiry email us:  T utoriallanc [email protected] isit !e"site For #ore Tutorials : The policies, practices, and systems that influence employees’ behavior, attitudes, and  performance constitute: materials management. labor laws. human resource management. equal employment opportunity. supply chain management.  As a type of resource, human capital refers to the: tax-deferred value of an employee’s !"#$% plan. total budget allocated to the &' department in an organi(ation. wages, benefits, and other costs incurred in support of &' functions in an organi(ation. employee characteristics that add economic value to the organi(ation. cash, equipment, technolog y, and facilities that the organi(ation uses.  )ne of the qualities of human resources is that *****. it is easily imitated by rivals it is easily available for all companies to utili(e it is negligible in terms of value it is indispensable for building a competitive advantage it is highly substitutable and interchangeable

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7/21/2019 HRM 500 Midterm Exam 1/28

HRM 500 Midterm Exam

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isit !e"site For #ore Tutorials :

The policies, practices, and systems that influence employees’ behavior, attitudes, and performance constitute:

materials management.

labor laws.

human resource management.

equal employment opportunity.

supply chain management.


As a type of resource, human capital refers to the:

tax-deferred value of an employee’s !"#$% plan.

total budget allocated to the &' department in an organi(ation.

wages, benefits, and other costs incurred in support of &' functions in anorgani(ation.

employee characteristics that add economic value to the organi(ation.

cash, equipment, technology, and facilities that the organi(ation uses.


)ne of the qualities of human resources is that *****.

it is easily imitated by rivals

it is easily available for all companies to utili(e

it is negligible in terms of value

it is indispensable for building a competitive advantage

it is highly substitutable and interchangeable

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+hich of the following responsibilities is specifically associated with the &' function of supportfor strategy

&uman resource planning and forecasting+age and salary administration


eveloping an &' information system

eveloping employee handboo$s and company publications


+hich of the following refers to the process of getting detailed information about obs

/olicy creation

0ob orientation

0ob rotation

1upply chain management

0ob analysis


0ob design is the process of:

identifying suitable candidates for obs.

enabling employees to learn ob-related $nowledge, s$ills, and behavior.

 presenting candidates with positive and negative information about a ob.

defining the way wor$ will be performed and the tas$s that a given ob requires.

generating a pool of potential candidates for a ob.


+hich of the following refers to the process through which an organi(ation see$s applicants for potential employment


+or$ analysis



0ob design

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The process by which the organi(ation attempts to identify applicants with the necessary$nowledge, s$ills, abilities, and other characteristics that will help the organi(ation achieve itsgoals is referred to as *****.

 performance management


wor$ analysis




 ***** is a planned effort to enable employees to learn ob-related $nowledge, s$ills, and behavior.



/erformance appraisal




The &' function of ***** involves acquiring $nowledge, s$ills, and behavior that improve

employees’ ability to meet the challenges of a variety of new or existing obs, including the clientand customer demands of those obs.




employee relations

 personnel policy


The process of ensuring that employees’ activities and outputs match the organi(ation’s goals iscalled *****.

employee development

 performance management

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 ob analysis

supply chain management

career planning


&ow does establishing and administering policies help organi(ations

3t encourages employees to defend themselves by claiming ignorance ofdisciplinary norms.

3t leaves a lot of room for subective decision-ma$ing.

3t allows companies to address issues on a case-by-case basis.

3t eliminates the need for documentation and record-$eeping.

3t allows companies to handle situations fairly and obectively.


 ***** refers to the use of quantitative tools and scientific methods to analy(e data from humanresource databases and other sources to ma$e evidence-based decisions that support businessgoals.

+or$force analytics

2areer development

Tas$ analysis

2onoint analysis

/erformance management


4nder the principle of 5employment at will6, the employer may terminate employment:

immediately after written notice.

after two wee$s’ notice.

only if the employee voluntarily resigns.

at any time without notice.

only if he cannot show ust cause.


The process that helps the human resource department to forecast the organi(ation’s needs forhiring, training, reassigning employees along with handling or avoiding layoffs is $nown as *****.

evidence-based &' 

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supply chain management

corporate social responsibility

human resource planning

 ob development


An organi(ation’s ability to profit without depleting its resources, including employees, naturalresources, and the support of the surrounding community is called *****.

social media optimi(ation

high-performance management



supply chain management


The parties with an interest in the company’s success7typically, shareholders, the community,customers, and employees7constitute the ***** of a company.


mar$et personnel


strategic partners


+hich of the following is true of sustainable organi(ations

They focus on smooth turnover and outsourcing rather than long-term planning.

They are less concerned about employee development and empowerment.

They are more concerned about ustice and fairness rather than short-term profits.

They are more concerned with the quantum of output than quality standards.

They primarily focus on maximi(ing profits and delivering high returns toinvestors.


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+hich of the following statements is true about &' responsibilities of supervisors

 8on-&' managers do not need be familiar with the basics of &'9.

&' activities are invariably limited to the specialists in the &' department.

1upervisors typically have responsibilities related to all the &' functions.

3n small organi(ations, all &' activities are carried out by &' specialists.0ob analysis and ob design are techniques that lie outside the purview ofsupervisors.


+hich of the following is true of ethics in human resource management

9ost managers have a positive perception of the ethical conduct of 4.1. businesses.

vidence shows that &'9 practices are invariably ethical.

9any ethical issues in the wor$place involve human resource management.

9ost people believe that individuals apply values they hold in their personal livesto their professional activities.

The general public has a positive perception of the ethical conduct of 4.1. businesses.


The right of employees to $now the nature of the ob they are being hired to do and theobligation of a company not to deceive them in this respect is mainly reflective of the basic;antian right of *****.

free consent


freedom of conscience

due processfreedom of speech


+hich one of ;ant’s basic human rights is violated when a supervisor requires an employee todo something that is unsafe or environmentally damaging, in spite of the employee clearlyobecting to the order

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'ight of freedom of conscience

'ight of equal opportunity employment

'ight to due process

'ight of freedom of speech

'ight of privacy


/eople’s right of privacy is the right to:

fight against a wrongful discharge.

$now the nature of the ob they are being hired for.

control what they reveal about their private life.

autonomy in how they carry out their wor$.a fair and impartial hearing.


3f people believe their rights are being violated, they have the right to a fair and impartialhearing. This reflects the basic human right to:


freedom of conscience.

lifetime employment.

due consent.


+hich of the following is a standard that human resource managers must satisfy for &'9 practices to be ethical

&uman resource practices must result in the greatest good for the largest numberof people.

mployment practices must respect employees’ right of lifetime employment.

mployment practices must limit the application of the principle of employment-at-will as it is unfair to employees.

9anagers must treat employees as family.

9anagers must always maintain that customers are right.


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+hich of the following statements best explains the term 5labor force6

All the people willing and able to wor$ 

All the permanent employees of an organi(ation

All the adult members of a population

All the people who have contracts to wor$ at the companyAll the temporary wor$ers of an organi(ation


+hich of the following statements about the composition of the 4.1. labor force during the nextdecade is true

The largest proportion of the labor force is expected to be in the "<- to =>-yearage group.

?or the first time ever, the number of wor$ers under ! years of age will exceedthe number of wor$ers ! years of age or older.

The labor force is expected to grow at a greater rate than at any other time in 4.1.history.

espite a small increase in the number of young wor$ers, the overall wor$forcewill be aging.

The total cost of labor in the 4nited 1tates would considerably decrease.


9anaging cultural diversity involves:

avoiding the use of affirmative action policies.

encouraging career development for women and minorities.

reducing cultural diversity by selective hiring.

creating separate career trac$s for employees with families.

forming different pay structures for various groups.


+hich of the following s$ills are more actively sought by 4.1. employers today

/hysical strength

9astery of particular machinery

Ability to perform routine tas$s

Ability to wor$ with a tool

3nterpersonal s$ills


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+hich of the following defines organi(ations with the best possible fit between their socialsystem and their technical system

&olistic management systems

&igh-performance wor$ systems

Total quality management systems1upply chain systems

+or$force analysis systems


+hich of the following is a trend that is seen in present day high-performance wor$ systems

mployee empowerment in decision ma$ing

9ismatches in technical system and social system

2entrali(ed decision ma$ing

3ncrease in individual assignments

'educed reliance on $nowledge wor$ers


mployee empowerment primarily involves *****.

continually learning and improving one’s s$ills and abilities

following a centrali(ed and tall organi(ational structure

 providing increased salary and benefits to employees

leading employees by the strength of one’s charisma

giving employees responsibility and authority to ma$e decisions


 ***** refers to full involvement in one’s wor$ and commitment to one’s ob and company.

mployee selection

0ob enlargement

mployee appraisal

0ob speciali(ation

mployee engagement

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The term teamwor$ essentially refers to:

centrali(ing responsibility and authority to ma$e decisions regarding all aspects of 

 product development. providing employees with individual opportunities to grow, thereby achievingorgani(ational goals.

having the best possible fit between an organi(ation’s social system and technicalsystem.

ma$ing efforts to continuously improve the ways people, machines, and systemsaccomplish wor$.

assigning wor$ to a group of employees with various s$ills who interact toassemble a product.


+hich of the following terms describes a company wide effort to continuously improve the way people, machines, and systems accomplish wor$

Total quality management

)ptimal performance system

@usiness reengineering

&igh-performance wor$ system

/erformance management


+hen two companies oin forces and become one entity, it is referred to as a#n%:

 oint venture.



strategic alliance.



A chemical company buying a medical equipment manufacturing company is an example of a#n% *****.


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strategic alliance

 oint venture


+hen an organi(ation underta$es a complete review of its critical wor$ processes to ma$e themmore efficient and to be able to deliver higher quality, it is engaging in:



greenfield venturing.




&ome 8eeds is a consumer goods company who provide the option of door-to-door delivery.They have partnered with a pac$aging company for transporting their goods to the customers.This practice of having another company to provide one of the services of the company is $nownas *****.



cause mar$eting



+hich of the following is the reason why more organi(ations are loo$ing overseas to hiretalented people

ac$ of demand for their products in the 4.1.

Bovernmental pressure

/oor quality of labor in the 4.1.

ow cost of labor in foreign countries

ac$ of technology in the 4.1.


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mployees who ta$e assignments in other countries are called *****.

external employees




home-country nationals


mployees who ta$e assignments in other countries are called *****.



external employees


home-country nationals


A#n% ***** provides insight into business trends and patterns and helps businesses improvedecisions.

shared service center 

electronic performance support systems

3nternet portal

application service provider 

 business intelligence system


A system in which employees have online access to information about &' issues and go onlineto enroll themselves in programs and provide feedbac$ through surveys is termed as:

data mining.

 payroll automation.

social facilitation

cloud computing.

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The relationship between employer and employee can be thought of in terms of a#n% *****, a

description of what an employee expects to contribute in an employment relationship and whatthe employer will provide the employee in exchange for those contributions. 4nli$e a writtensales contract, this is not formally put into words.

union bond

 psychological contract

employee contract

legal agreement

offer letter 


The new type of psychological contract has resulted in reduced:


training and development opportunities.

employee compensation.

 ob security.



mployees reali(e that many companies are no longer able to provide long-term employmentsecurity. 3nstead, the employees now want:


increased pay.

written employment contracts.

additional benefits.

less demanding wor$.


3ndependent contractors are:

employed directly by a company for a specific time.

usually full-time company employees.

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self-employed individuals with multiple clients.

 people employed by the company to wor$ on an independent proect through awritten contract.

 people employed by a temporary agency.


 ***** are employed directly by a company for a specific time, specified in a formal agreement between the company and the wor$ers.

)n-call wor$ers

/art-time wor$ers

Temporary wor$ers

3ndependent contractors

2ontract company wor$ers


The use of independent contractors, on-call wor$ers, temporary wor$ers, and contract companywor$ers, collectively constitute:

alternative wor$ arrangements.




high performance wor$ systems.


+hich of the following is enforced by the qual mployment )pportunity 2ommission

?ourteenth Amendment

Thirteenth Amendment

Americans with isabilities Act of "CC!

'ehabilitation Act of "CDE

xecutive )rder ""=<


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According to the qual /ay Act of "C<E, men and women performing the same ob cannot havedifferences in pay on the basis of *****.

quality of production





+hich of the following is true about Title F33 of the 2ivil 'ights Act of "C<

The act permits employers to retaliate against employees participating in a proceeding against the employer.

The act applies to organi(ations with "> or more employees.

The act protects employers from an employee’s opposition to an alleged illegalemployment practice.

The act permits employers to hire ob applicants belonging exclusively to a particular nationality.

The act permits employers to hire an individual based on his gender and race inthe absence of a @?)G.


+hich of the following categories is 8)T covered by Title F33 of the 2ivil 'ights Act of "C<

Age discrimination

Bender discrimination

iscrimination on the basis of nationality

'eligious discrimination

'acial discrimination


+hich of the following is true about Age iscrimination in mployment Act #AA%

AA permits an employer to reduce the fringe benefits to all employees over!.

AA permits companies to lay off older wor$ers when the economy is slow.

AA favors the idea of coercing employees to accept early-retirementincentives.

AA recommends early-retirement incentive programs wherein employeesagree not to sue the company for ageism.

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AA outlaws ma$ing employment decisions based on a person’s age being over !.


+hich of the following terms refer to an organi(ation’s active effort to find opportunities to hireor promote people in a particular group

isparate impact

'easonable accommodation

Adverse impact

'everse discrimination

Affirmative action


Focational 'ehabilitation Act of "CDE was introduced to enhance employment opportunity for *****.

older employees


individuals with disabilities




+hich of the following individuals will 8)T be covered under the Americans with isabilitiesAct

An individual with cancer in remission

An individual with a history of heart disease

An individual who is deaf and blind

An individual who is subect to substance abuse

An individual with a history of mental illness


+hich of the following is true about the Americans with isabilities Act

3t classifies a person, who needs ordinary eyeglasses or contact lenses to performeach maor life activity with little or no difficulty, as disabled.

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3t goes beyond prohibiting discrimination to require that employers ta$e steps toaccommodate individuals covered under the legislation.

3t is used to protect individuals with conditions such as obesity and substanceabuse.

3t permits the employer to cut down on fringe benefits of individuals with

disabilities.3t permits discrimination in areas such as layoff and leave.


+hich of the following is true about the 2ivil 'ights Act of "CC"

3t prohibits violators from paying compensatory damages.

3t requires violators to pay punitive damages that specifically cover emotional pain and suffering.

3t limits damage claims to attorney’s fees and costs.

3t limits the maximum punitive damages allowed, depending on the si(e of theorgani(ation.

3t limits the maximum punitive damages to H>!,!!! for all organi(ations even ifthe discrimination was intentional.


An employee leaves an organi(ation for three years to fulfill military duties. +hich of thefollowing observations is true of the employer’s obligation to reemploy the wor$er under the4niformed 1ervices mployment and 'eemployment 'ights Act

The employer is not obligated to reemploy the wor$er.

The employer should implement an early-retirement incentive program for theemployee.

The employer must reemploy the wor$er but is exempted from providing him anyfringe benefits or retirement benefits.

The employer must reemploy the wor$er with the same seniority and status.

The employer must reemploy the employee with a lower pay scale to compensatefor the loss of his absence.


An individual wishing to file a complaint with the )2 or a similar state agency must file thecomplaint within ***** days of the incident.




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 ***** refers to an agreement between the )2 and an organi(ation that the organi(ation willcease certain discriminatory practices and possibly institute additional affirmative-action practices to rectify its history of discrimination.

etter of indemnity

2onsent decree

Bood faith bargaining

0udicial estoppel

Trust agreement


 ***** is the set of guidelines issued by the )2 and other agencies to identify how anorgani(ation should establish a recruitment process that is free and fair.

2ode of ?ederal 'egulations

qual )pportunity egislation and /olicy

4niform Buidelines on mployee 1election /rocedures

)-" 'eport

4niform 2ommercial 2ode


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+hich of the following refers to a comparison of the race, sex, and ethnic composition of theemployer’s wor$force with that of the available labor supply

Applied behavior analysis

1+)T analysis

4tili(ation analysis2ontent analysis

0ob analysis


 ***** refer#s% to a plan identifying the ways in which for how the organi(ation will meet itsdiversity goals.

4tili(ation analysis

isparate impact

Affirmative action

Action steps



iffering conduct toward individuals, where the differences are clearly based on the individuals’race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, or disability status is termed as *****.

disparate treatment

disparate impactreverse discrimination

reasonable accommodation

affirmative action


isparate treatment could be legal if the discrimination *****.

is intended to reduce affirmative action

is performed by a private employer 

is performed by a governmental organi(ation

is practiced to increase efficiency

is categori(ed as a bona fide occupational qualification


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 ***** refers to a condition in which employment practices are seemingly neutral yetdisproportionately exclude a protected group from employment opportunities.

2orrective action

isparate impact

'easonable accommodationisparate treatment

Affirmative action


+hich of the following actions of employers can result in reverse discrimination

Affirmative action

isparate impact

isparate treatment


'easonable accommodation


+hich of the following refers to an employer’s obligation to do something to enable anotherwise qualified person to perform a ob

'everse discrimination

Adverse action

isparate impact

'easonable accommodation

'everse discrimination


1exual harassment refers to *****.

undue benefits provided to males

unwelcome sexual advances

reasonable accommodation based on gender 

discrimination based on gender 

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 preferential treatment for a particular sex


+hen an individual is promised a positive outcome for submission to sex, or threatened with a

negative outcome for failure to submit to sex, this is referred to as *****.

undue hardship

disparate impact

reverse discrimination

quid pro quo harassment

adverse impact


+hich of the following is the most comprehensive 4.1. law regarding wor$er safety

)1& Act

2ivil 'ights Act of "CC"

'ehabilitation Act of "CDE

Thirteenth amendment

?ourteenth amendment


4nder )1&A’s &a(ard 2ommunication 1tandard, organi(ations must have ***** for chemicalsthat employees are exposed to.

material safety data sheets

standard operating protocolswhite papers

)2 " forms

action reports


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The process of analy(ing the tas$s necessary for the production of a product or service is termedas *****.

 brea$-even analysis


industrial engineeringutili(ation analysis

wor$ flow design


 ***** are the products of any wor$ unit.







 ***** are the activities that a team’s members engage in to produce a given output.

+or$ processes

Tas$ identities

0ob analyses

Broup dynamicsrgonomic activities


The process of getting detailed information about obs is $nown as *****.

 ob analysis

 ob rotation

 ob definition

 ob swapping ob training


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0ob descriptions generally contain all of the following components J2/T *****.

the details of pay and benefits attached to the ob

the ob title

a list of essential duties

the details of the tas$s involved

a brief description of the responsibilities


A ***** is a list of the $nowledge, s$ills, abilities, and other characteristics #;1A)s% that anindividual must have to perform a particular ob.

 ob scope

 ob definition

 ob rotation

 ob specification

 ob evaluation


2arla +arne is an &' executive loo$ing for a new ob. 1he comes across an advertisement in anewspaper see$ing applications for the post of an &' manager. The advertisement exclusivelyhighlights requirements such as strong communication s$ills, excellent teamwor$, and leaderships$ills. These requirements constitute the *****.





/ersonality traits


1$ill is defined as *****.

the tangible aspects of an employee’s abilities li$e licenses or certifications

the personality traits such as someone’s persistence or motivation to achieve

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the factual or procedural information that is necessary for successfully performinga tas$ 

an individual’s level of proficiency at performing a particular tas$ 

the past experience a person has in performing similar obs


The ***** Guestionnaire is a standardi(ed ob analysis questionnaire containing "C questionsabout wor$ behaviors, wor$ conditions, and ob characteristics that apply to a wide variety of obs.

2onoint Analysis

?leishman 0ob Analysis

+or$ ?low esign

/osition Analysis

4tili(ation Analysis


+hich of the following ob analysis methods requires subect-matter experts to evaluate a ob interms of abilities required to perform the ob

/osition Analysis Guestionnaire

+or$ 1ampling Technique

?leishman 0ob Analysis 1ystem2onoint Analysis Technique

/articipatory )bservation Technique


+hich of the following &' activities is similar to analy(ing a ob that does not yet exist

+or$ redesign

2areer development

0ob evaluation

&uman resource planning



 ***** involves assessing the relative dollar value of each ob to the organi(ation in order to setup fair pay structures.

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2areer planning

0ob rotation

/erformance appraisal


0ob evaluation


+hich of the following best defines competency

3t is the set of related duties for accomplishing wor$.

3t is the list of tas$s, duties, and responsibilities #T's% that a particular obentails.

3t is the activity that a wor$ unit’s members engage in to produce a given output.

3t is an area of personal capability that enables employees to perform successfully.

3t is the set of duties performed by a particular team.


The process of defining how wor$ will be performed and what tas$s will be required in a given ob is $nown as *****.

 ob rotation

 ob design

 ob enrichment

 ob extension

 ob evaluation


The industrial engineering approach is most li$ely to emphasi(e *****.

designing obs in such a way that they require minimal speciali(ation

creating complex and challenging obs that require innovative employees

streamlining obs to ma$e them simpler, efficient, and automatic

elaborate wor$ arrangements and reporting requirements

exploring new and diverse ways of doing the same ob

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+hich of the following models was developed by 'ichard &ac$man and Breg )ldham todescribe ways to ma$e obs more motivating

The 9otivation-&ygiene 9odelThe 2ognitive issonance 9odel

The 1ituational eadership 9odel

The /ush and /ull 9odel

The 0ob 2haracteristics 9odel


3n terms of the 0ob 2haracteristics 9odel, feedbac$ refers to the extent to which *****.

a person receives clear information about performance effectiveness from the

wor$ itself 

 performance appraisals are perceived as transparent and fair by employees

employees are given the authority to ma$e decisions

a ob requires a variety of s$ills to carry out the tas$s involved

a ob requires a variety of s$ills to carry out the tas$s involved in the ob and itsduties


3n which of the following scenarios will wor$ers be less motivated to perform the ob

+hen the ob allows individuals to ta$e autonomous decisions about the ob

+hen a person receives clear information about performance effectiveness fromthe wor$ itself 

+hen the ob has minimal impact on the lives of other people

+hen the ob requires completing the whole piece of wor$ from beginning to end

+hen the ob requires a variety of s$ills to be performed


+hich of the following is the obective of ob enlargement

To increase efficiency by identifying one best way to perform a ob

To decrease the impact the ob has on the lives of other people

To ma$e obs less repetitive and more interesting

To decrease the burden of decision-ma$ing responsibilities for employees

To assess the relative dollar value of each ob to the organi(ation

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+hich of the following ob design techniques involving the addition of decision-ma$ingauthorities to a ob is credited to ?rederic$ &er(berg

0ob sharing

0ob extension

0ob enlargement

0ob enrichment0ob rotation


According to &er(berg’s two-factor theory, which of the following factors would motivateindividuals the most

1hare in company stoc$ 

?ringe benefits in the ob

/eriodic bonuses

9eaningfulness of a ob

1alary and allowances


+hich of the following is true of self-managing wor$ teams

Team members usually share wor$ assignments.

Team members’ oint responsibilities are minimal.

The supervisor ensures a high degree of centrali(ation in functioning.

Team members’ ob duties are narrowly defined.The responsibility of the team members is limited to their individual tas$s.


+hich of the following best describes ergonomics

The study of the relationship between intrinsic rewards and employee motivation

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in the context of human resource management.

The study of the $nowledge, s$ills, and abilities of the ob.

The study of the interface between individuals’ physiology and the characteristicsof the physical wor$ environment.

The study of obs to find the simplest way to structure wor$ in order to maximi(e

efficiency.The study of the tas$s, duties, and responsibilities for employees in a new ob.


The final stage in wor$ flow analysis is to identify the *****.

mar$et forces of demand and supply for the outputs

inputs used in the development of the wor$ unit’s product

operating procedures to be applied in production

tangible outputs of a particular wor$ unitwor$ processes used to generate the outputs of the wor$ unit


+hich of the following statements is true with regard to wor$ flow analysis

3nputs and outputs are the two stages that represent the complete wor$ flow cycle.

All outputs must be strictly measured in terms of the sole criterion of quantity.

)utputs may be tangible or intangible products of different wor$ processes.

3nformation cannot be considered to be an input as it is not tangible.

Guality standards are not a $ey criterion in the process of wor$ flow analysis.

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