hrd iipm gurgaon

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  • 8/7/2019 HRD IIPM Gurgaon


  • 8/7/2019 HRD IIPM Gurgaon


    Historical Development -1 0f 3y Origin not very old Early Seventies

    y Term first applied in George Washington University

    y 1969 Miami American Society for Training andDevelopment Conference.

    y Middle 1970s gained more acceptance but as merelymore attractive term.

    yJapan first country to use HRD Better people , notmerely better technolgy the surest way to a bettersociety.

    Chakrapani Sharma

  • 8/7/2019 HRD IIPM Gurgaon


    Historical Development 2 0f 3y India State Bank ofIndia introduced for the first

    time in 1972.

    y Concept not imported philosophical value conceptdeveloped by Dr. Udai Pareek.

    y 1980 BHEL, SAIL, Maruti Udyog Ltd. India Airlines

    y HRD Initial impression Training and Development

    y Later other Sub Systems were added- Appraisal, careerplanning & Development, Feedback & Counseling,OD.

    Chakrapani Sharma

  • 8/7/2019 HRD IIPM Gurgaon


    Historical Development 3 0f 3y Important Role of - IIM Ahmedabad, Indian Society

    for Training & Development, New Delhi, National

    HRD network, New Delhi, Centre for HRD at XLRI

    Jamshedpur and Some Individual Researchers to carryforward the HRD movement.

    y Today almost all organisations have realized the

    scope and importance of HRD.y HRD National Issue - Ministry of HRD to mobilize

    the Human Potential in Country.

    Chakrapani SharmaChakrapani Sharma

  • 8/7/2019 HRD IIPM Gurgaon


    Concept Of HRD 1 of 3y Concerned with development of Human Resources.

    y Development improving the existing capabilities in

    human resources & helping them to learn and acquire newskill and capabilities.

    y HRD Philosophy Individuals have unlimited potential forgrowth and development.

    y HRD process of increasing knowledge, will and capacitiesof all people in a society.

    y HRD Multidimensional

    y National Context process to help to acquire newcompetence to make them self reliant and instill sense of

    pride in their country. Chakrapani Sharma

  • 8/7/2019 HRD IIPM Gurgaon


    Concept Of HRD 2 of 3y Economist accumlation of Human Capital for

    effective utilization to develop economy.

    y Political prepares people for active participation inthe political system.

    y Social and Cultural enriches life

    y Human aspect Resource aspect development

    aspect.y Dr. Len Nadler HRD means an organised learning

    experience, within a period of time with an objective ofproducing the possibility of performance change.

    Chakrapani Sharma

  • 8/7/2019 HRD IIPM Gurgaon


    Concept Of HRD 3 of 3y Prof. T.V. Rao Process in which the employees of an

    organization are continuously helped in a planned way

    to: acquire or sharpen their capabilities

    Develop their capabilities as individuals

    To develop an organizational culture

    y HRD not just limited to organizational role ofemployees.

    y Focus equally on building & enabling organizationalculture.

    Chakrapani Sharma

  • 8/7/2019 HRD IIPM Gurgaon


    Characteristics of HRD1. HRD is a system

    2. HRD is a planned process

    3. HRD is inter-disciplinary concept4. HRD is continuous learning system

    5. HRD is a cooperative massive effort in theorganization four basic agents or partners of

    development : The employee or individual

    The immediate boss of the employee

    The HRD department

    The organisation

    Chakrapani Sharma

  • 8/7/2019 HRD IIPM Gurgaon


    Characteristics of HRD6. HRD is an administrative function HRD manager

    line manager not a staff function, American Societyfor Training and Development = HRD shall be anentrepreneurial function.

    7. HRD is concerned with the development of peopleworking at all levels

    8. HRD is science as well as an Art9. There is a positive relationship between HRD andOrganizational effectiveness.

    10. HRD is strategy to Transform Human ResourceInputs in to outputs. Chakrapani Sharma

  • 8/7/2019 HRD IIPM Gurgaon


    Characteristics of HRD11. The components of HRD has a wider range: HRD &

    OD not synonyms. HRD & OD are interlinked.




    Job Behaviour Change

    Organisational Behaviour Change

    Organisational Performance or OrganisationalDevelopment

    Chakrapani Sharma

  • 8/7/2019 HRD IIPM Gurgaon


    Objectives of HRDy To maximize the utilization of human resources for

    the achievement of individual and organizational goals

    yTo provide an opportunity and comprehensiveframework for the development of human resources inan organization for full expression of their latent andmanifest potentials.


    To locate, ensure, recognize and develop the enablingcapabilities of the employees in the org present &potential roles

    Chakrapani Sharma

  • 8/7/2019 HRD IIPM Gurgaon


    Objectives of HRDy To develop the constructive mind & overall personality

    y To develop the organizational health, culture and

    effectivenessy To humanize the work in the organization

    y To develop dynamic human relationship

    y To generate systematic information about human


    Chakrapani Sharma

  • 8/7/2019 HRD IIPM Gurgaon


    Need for HRDy The real strength of the country lies in the

    development of the human mind & body.

    If you wish to plan for a year, sow seed;

    If you wish to plan for ten years, plant trees;

    If you wish to plan a life time, development.

    y HRD new and of topical interest

    y Govt. ofIndia created seprate ministry.y Need of HRD inIndia identified by Shri C.S. Kalyanasundaram

    and Prof. T.V. Rao

    Chakrapani Sharma

  • 8/7/2019 HRD IIPM Gurgaon


    Need for HRDy Importance & Need can be measured from the

    following discussion:

    1. Success of an organization2. Fulfillment of the goals

    3. Development of Men

    4. Higher Productivity

    5. Good Return on Investment

    6. As the soul of Personnel Department

    7. Its strong superior subordinate relationship

    Chakrapani Sharma

  • 8/7/2019 HRD IIPM Gurgaon


    Need for HRDy To cope with changes

    yAs a precondition of Economic Growth

    Human Resource Development leads to EconomicDevelopment Paul J. Myer.

    even in a country like the USA a large part of industrial

    growth is derived not from more capital investmentbut from development in human power.

    - Prof. J.K. Gilbraith

    Chakrapani Sharma

  • 8/7/2019 HRD IIPM Gurgaon


    HRD Total Systemy Total system with various sub-systems

    yVarious thinkers & Professionals - Different HRD

    mechanisms & Sub systemsy Prof. TV Rao Performance & Potential Appraisal,

    feedback and performance coaching, career planning,Training, OD, Employee welfare, Quality of Work life,

    Human Resource Information System.y Dr. Udai Pareek - Performance & Potential Appraisal,

    career Development and planning, Training.

    y Reward system and employee welfare hygiene factors

    Chakrapani Sharma

  • 8/7/2019 HRD IIPM Gurgaon


    HRD Total Systemy HRD Models of different Public and Private sector

    enterprises no harmony in application of HRD

    1. SBI components of HRD Manpower Planing,PMS, Training & OD, Career Planing and Research.

    2. BHEL Similar to SBI, added Job design, Rewards,Quality circles, HRIS

    3. IOC initially 12 sub systems later dropped Recruitment, Selection, Induction and ParticipativeManagement.

    4. Larson & Toubro inducted HRD in 1975

    Chakrapani Sharma

  • 8/7/2019 HRD IIPM Gurgaon


    HRD Total Systemy Crompton Greaves Role Analysis, Appraisal systems,


    y Fundamentals of HRD:

    1. OD

    2. Training and Development

    3. Appraisal Systems

    4. Career Advancement

    Chakrapani Sharma

  • 8/7/2019 HRD IIPM Gurgaon


    HRD Total Systemy Four Main Subsystems:

    1) Job and Salary

    i. Job Description

    ii. Job Analysis

    iii. Job Evaluation

    iv. Salary Administration

    v. Performance Appraisal

    vi. Potential Appraisal

    Chakrapani Sharma

  • 8/7/2019 HRD IIPM Gurgaon


    HRD Total System2. Planning and Administration

    i. Manpower Planningii. Procurement

    iii. Promotion and Transfers

    iv. Career Planning and Development

    v. Personnel records

    Chakrapani Sharma

  • 8/7/2019 HRD IIPM Gurgaon


    HRD Total System3. Human Resource Development

    i. Trainingii. Organizational Development

    iii. Feedback

    iv. Counseling

    v. System Development and Research

    Chakrapani Sharma

  • 8/7/2019 HRD IIPM Gurgaon


    HRD Total System4. Worker Affairs

    i. Industrial Relationsii. Worker Welfare

    iii. Work Design

    iv. Worker Participation

    v. Worker Devlopment

    Chakrapani Sharma

  • 8/7/2019 HRD IIPM Gurgaon


    Functions of HRD

    y HRD - Holistic Concept

    i. A Line Function

    ii. A Co-ordinative Function

    iii. Staff (Service) Function

    Dr. Udai Pareek-

    1. Providing Support to other systems

    2. Development of system ,Research3. Management of HR

    4. Developing competency of various kinds

    5. Catering to the process needsChakrapani Sharma

  • 8/7/2019 HRD IIPM Gurgaon


    Functions of HRD1. Supportive Role

    a. Strengthening Operating and Executive Levels

    b. Consolidating Existing Strengths

    2. Role of System Development and Research

    3. Managerial Role

    a. Manpower Planning

    b. Procurement

    Chakrapani Sharma

  • 8/7/2019 HRD IIPM Gurgaon


    Functions of HRDd. Placement

    e. Retaining , Motivating and Integrating People

    f. Planning for Growthg. HealthyIndustrial Relations

    h. Job Analysis Evaluation

    4. Role of Developing Competence

    a. Technical Competence

    b. Managerial Competence

    Chakrapani Sharma

  • 8/7/2019 HRD IIPM Gurgaon


    Functions of HRDc. Process Competence

    Helping Competence & Coping Competence

    5. Process role

    a. Creating the necessary culture and values in the org.

    b. Diagnostic

    c. Interventions

    Chakrapani Sharma