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Health Promotion & Wellness Social Media Strategy

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HealthPromotion &Wellness

Social Media Strategy

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Social Media (SoMe)

Definition of SOCIAL MEDIAforms of electronic communication through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content

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Why Social Media is Important

Facebook Statistics 2012:

An average Facebook user has 130 friends and likes 80 pages

56% of consumer say that they are more likely recommend a brand after becoming a fan

Each week on Facebook more than 3.5 billion pieces of content are shared

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Why Social Media is Important

Twitter Statistics 2012:

34% of marketers have generated leads using Twitter

55% of Twitter users access the platform via their mobile

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Why Social Media is Important

General Social Media Statistics 2012:

20% of Google searches each day have never been searched for before

Out of the 6 billion people on the planet 4.8 billion have a mobile and only 4.2 billion own a toothbrush

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How We Use Social: Highlights from the Social Media Report 2012

Mobile web usage has increased

Social apps are particularly popular

Computers most often

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Social networking dominates our online activity

Social networks still dominate internet usage

Facebook dominates that

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The top social networks are the usual suspects, but others are closing in

Facebook still tops social networks as the most used

Second is Blogger

Twitter is now the third biggest social network, up 13% from the previous year

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We use social networking sites everywhere, all the time

People aged 25-34 are most likely to use social media in the office, with over half saying they do so

Nearly a third of 18-24 year-olds use social media in the bathroom

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We use social networking sites everywhere, all the time

It’s easy to see why we love social media!

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Create community within HPW student population

Promote HPW projects, programs, initiatives

Enhance relationship between Health Promotion Major & Stevens Point community

Build awareness of HPW major

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HPHD Mission

to develop professionals who study, promote, and model lifelong wellness for individuals, families and communities.

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Questions we will address Who will manage the site? What content will be shared? Who will post content? How much time will it take? How much money will it cost? How will results be assessed and


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Who are we trying to reach?

Current studentsCommunity membersProspective students

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Where will content come from?

Upcoming eventsHealth sources such as NHI &

CDCStudent accomplishmentsNational Wellness Institute-

Student Chapter

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Posts will consist of… Activities and events within HPW

program New additions, faculty, clubs, etc. HPW alumni “tell-all’s” Major due dates, reminders

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Networks we will use


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Managing networks usingHootSuite

Custom AnalyticsFacebook InsightsGoogle AnalyticsTwitter Profile Stats

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Staff & Training Community practicum faculty member -

Manager HPW Practicum students: 2-semester

commitment For additional discussion or clarification,

CPS marketing specialist, Eva Donahoo, will share resources required to manage central social media efforts, and provide examples from selected units experiencing success

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Who will be posting?

Practicum students under the direction of the faculty community manager

How often?

Postings will occur at least twice per week.

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Content posted to Facebook page will be proactively managed

Postings will not appear on the HPW Facebook page until they’ve been reviewed by a practicum student.

Facebook activity log will be reviewed daily.

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Best Practices using SoMe UWSP SoMe administrators and those

assisting with posting: Social Media Best Practices.pdf