hpo & estogen-like compounds

HPO & Estogen- HPO & Estogen- like Compounds like Compounds

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Post on 02-Jan-2016




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HPO & Estogen-like Compounds. Hormone Review. Hypothalamus ==> GnRH Anterior Pituitary ==> FSH, LH Ovary ==> Estradiol, Progesterone. Is that it?. Vitex agnus-castus. Hormones and the Menstrual Cycle. Types of estrogens & their receptors: Estrone Estradiol Estriol - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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HPO & HPO & Estogen-like Estogen-like


HPO & HPO & Estogen-like Estogen-like


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Hormone Review

Hypothalamus ==> GnRHAnterior Pituitary ==> FSH, LHOvary ==> Estradiol, Progesterone

Is that it?

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Vitex agnus-castus

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Hormones and the Menstrual Cycle

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Types of estrogens & their receptors:




-Estrogen receptors

-Estrogen receptors

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LH - Stimulates the granulosa cells of the ovary to produce estradiol. Ovulation Tester kit measures LH in the urine. When levels spike, ovulation will occur, and fertilization is a possibility within the next 24-48 hours.

FSH - Stimulates the follicle to become a corpus luteum and begin producing progesterone. When FSH spikes, the ovum is released from the follicle.

Functions of LH & FSH

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Estradiol acts as a growth hormone for all tissues of the female reproductive tract, as well as bone, blood vessels, liver, and brain. Estradiol binds to both ER and ER receptors. During pregnancy, estradiol increases due to placental production.

Progesterone causes thickening of the endometrium to prepare for implantation and thickening of the cervical mucus to block the cervical os. It also stimulates other tissues with progesterone receptors including breast, intestines, brain, gall bladder, and oral mucosa. Progesterone is also produced by the adrenal glands and the placenta during pregnancy.

Functions of Estradiol & Progesterone

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Herbs Used to affect Estrogen & Progesterone

Vitex: increases progesterone (LH agonist) and decreases estradiol (FSH antagonist) *Application: Restores balance in cases of low progesterone (cause of majority of PMS, miscarriage, dysmenorrhea, metorrhagia, and hormonal acne)

Phytoestrogens: Medicago sativa (formononetin), Trifolium pratense (formononetin), Glycyrrhiza glabra (saponins & phyto sterols), Actea racemosa (formononetin & triterpenoid glycosides)

Phytoprogesterones: Trigonella foenum-graecum (diosgenin), Dioscorea villosa (diosgenin), Chamaelerium luteum (diosgenin)

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GOOD - given to adolescent females

GOOD - given to postmenopausal women

GOOD - given to premenopausal women with family history of BRCA

NOT GOOD - given to women taking tamoxifen

Understand how phytoestrogens work, and this should make sense.

Estrogen-related Tumors & Phytoestrogens

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Trifolium pratense vs. Medicago sativa

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Trifolium vs. Medicago

BOTH are in the Fabaceae family and fix nitrogen

BOTH are found in open fields and disturbed soils

BOTH contain formononetin & biochanin A• which convert to diadzein (equol) and genestein in the body, respectively

BOTH are very nutritive and alterative• very high in minerals, protein, and vitamins

BOTH contain saponins, coumarins, and flavonoids

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Hemoglobin vs. Chlorophyll

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Canavanine Sandwich?

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(Trigonella foenum-graecum)

Family: Fabaceae

Part used: seeds

No known toxicity

“Urine and sweat will smell like maple syrup”

Contains Diosgenin

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(Trigonella foenum-graecum)


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Dioscorea villosa

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Dioscorea villosa

Family: Dioscoreaceae

Part used: root

No known toxicity

Beware of widespread misuse of the common name “Mexican Wild Yam”


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Dioscorea villosa

Family: Dioscoreaceae

Part used: root

No known toxicity

Beware of widespread misuse of the common name “Mexican Wild Yam”


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Dioscorea villosa

Active constituents:High amounts of Diosgenin (steroidal saponin)• Hormone precursor used in the production of most all steroid ‘natural’ hormones, especially progesterone• Increases estradiol binding• Relaxes gall bladder and digestive smooth muscle

Russell Earl Marker

Also contains starch and tannins

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Dioscorea villosa

Actions:Antioxidant, inflammation modulating, estrogenic, antispasmodic, cholagogue, increases body secretions

Dosing:Crude: 2-4g encapsulated, or by decoction, TIDFE: (1:1) @ 45%, 2-4 ml TIDTincture: (1:5) @45%, 2-10 ml TID

Safety: Non toxic, however contraindicated in estrogen-sensitive conditions.

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Actaea racemosa

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Actaea racemosa

Family: Ranunculaceae

Part used: root

No known toxicityOverdosing will produce severe frontal headache.

Menopause. 2008 Jul-Aug;15(4 Pt 1):628-38. United States Pharmacopeia review of the 30 black cohosh case reports of hepatotoxicity.

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Chamaelirium luteum

False Unicorn Root

Family: Liliaceae

Part Used: Root


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Chamaelirium luteum

Uterine tonicRegulates mensesResolves ovarian cysts

Steroidal saponins• Sapogenin• Diosgenin

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(Asparagus racemosus)

Ayurvedic: Shatavari

Great alternative to Chamaelirium


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Case 1

48 year old female with perimenopausal symptoms. She is experiencing hot flashes and night sweats. She is very anxious and has a bad relationship with her husband, but feels too weak and vulnerable to stand up for herself. She has palpitations, especially when stressed. She is emotional and weepy in the office, explaining that she feels like she is ‘losing her mind’. She is still cycling, mostly regular, but lighter and occasionally skips a cycle.

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Case 1List her symptoms and match them to specific herbs…

Hot flashes:

Night sweats:

Anxiety and depression:

Heart palpitations:



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Case 1List her symptoms and match them to specific herbs…

Hot flashes: Actea racemosa, phytoestrogens

Night sweats:

Anxiety and depression:

Heart palpitations:



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Case 1List her symptoms and match them to specific herbs…

Hot flashes: Actea racemosa, phytoestrogens

Night sweats: Actea racemosa, sedatives

Anxiety and depression:

Heart palpitations:



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Case 1List her symptoms and match them to specific herbs…

Hot flashes: Actea racemosa, phytoestrogens

Night sweats: Actea racemosa, sedatives

Anxiety and depression: Withania somnifera, Hypericum perforatum, Melissa officinalisHeart palpitations:



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Case 1List her symptoms and match them to specific herbs…

Hot flashes: Actea racemosa, phytoestrogens

Night sweats: Actea racemosa, sedatives

Anxiety and depression: Withania somnifera, Hypericum perforatum, Melissa officinalisHeart palpitations: Leonurus cardiaca, Medicago sativa, Avena sativaStress:


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Case 1List her symptoms and match them to specific herbs…

Hot flashes: Actea racemosa, phytoestrogens

Night sweats: Actea racemosa, sedatives

Anxiety and depression: Withania somnifera, Hypericum perforatum, Melissa officinalisHeart palpitations: Leonurus cardiaca, Medicago sativa, Avena sativaStress: Glycyrrhiza glabra, Asparagus racemosus


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Case 1List her symptoms and match them to specific herbs…

Hot flashes: Actea racemosa, phytoestrogens

Night sweats: Actea racemosa, sedatives

Anxiety and depression: Withania somnifera, Hypericum perforatum, Melissa officinalisHeart palpitations: Leonurus cardiaca, Medicago sativa, Avena sativaStress: Glycyrrhiza glabra, Asparagus racemosus

Metorrhagia: Vitex agnus-castus, Dioscorea villosa, phytoestrogens

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Case 1

Her Formula

Vitex agnus-castus 30 ml 25%Actaea racemosa 20 ml 17.5%Medicago sativa 20 ml 17.5%Leonurus cardiaca 10 ml 8%Dioscorea villosa 10 ml 8%Withania somnifera 10 ml 8%Glycyrrhiza glabra 10 ml 8%Panax quinquefolium 10 ml 8%

Total 120 ml

Sig. 3ml TID. Take 2ml Valeriana officinalis & Stachys betonica before bed.