hpe patient special tests

History & Physical Exam Special Tests Version: 09Apr2009 Page 1 of 8 Blood Pressure – Auscultatory Gap * Ask about caffeine use in the past 30 minutes * Ask if patient has been sitting for 5 minutes * Ask if patient has any restrictions to taking BP in either arm * Align correctly sized cuff with brachial artery, palpate radial artery * Inflate until radial artery not palpable, add 20mmHg as starting point for auscultation * Orthostatic hypotension is defined as 20mmHg drop between patient positioning Auditory Function – Rinne & Weber Tests * Weber: Strike 512Hz and place handle on center of patient’s forehead * Ask patient which ear the sound can be heard best in or if it is equal * Rinne (said rin-na): Strike 512Hz and place handle on patient’s mastoid process * Have patient tell you when the sound stops (bone conduction), then move the tines in front of the ear (air conduction) and ask if they can hear the sound Opthalmoscopic – Fundus Exam * Dim room lights, use opthalmoscope with same eye as patient’s eye being examined * Hold patient’s head with other hand to gauge your distance, adjust to 0 diopters * Come toward patient’s eye at a 15-degree angle, looking for a vessel to cross * Follow vessels to cup and disk, measure ratio to compare with other eye * Examine for abnormalities (AV nicking, cotton wool spots, papillary edema) * Have patient look into light briefly to examine macula and fovea * Anterior chamber (perpendicular) lighting: crescent moon diming with glaucoma

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HPE Patient Special Tests


Page 1: HPE Patient Special Tests

History & Physical Exam Special Tests

Version: 09Apr2009 Page 1 of 8

Blood Pressure – Auscultatory Gap

* Ask about caffeine use in the past 30 minutes

* Ask if patient has been sitting for 5 minutes

* Ask if patient has any restrictions to taking BP in either arm

* Align correctly sized cuff with brachial artery, palpate radial artery

* Inflate until radial artery not palpable, add 20mmHg as starting point for auscultation

* Orthostatic hypotension is defined as 20mmHg drop between patient positioning

Auditory Function – Rinne & Weber Tests

* Weber: Strike 512Hz and place handle on center of patient’s forehead

* Ask patient which ear the sound can be heard best in or if it is equal

* Rinne (said rin-na): Strike 512Hz and place handle on patient’s mastoid process

* Have patient tell you when the sound stops (bone conduction), then move the tines in

front of the ear (air conduction) and ask if they can hear the sound

Opthalmoscopic – Fundus Exam

* Dim room lights, use opthalmoscope with same eye as patient’s eye being examined

* Hold patient’s head with other hand to gauge your distance, adjust to 0 diopters

* Come toward patient’s eye at a 15-degree angle, looking for a vessel to cross

* Follow vessels to cup and disk, measure ratio to compare with other eye

* Examine for abnormalities (AV nicking, cotton wool spots, papillary edema)

* Have patient look into light briefly to examine macula and fovea

* Anterior chamber (perpendicular) lighting: crescent moon diming with glaucoma

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History & Physical Exam Special Tests

Version: 09Apr2009 Page 2 of 8

Otoscope – Ear Canal Exam

* Palpate tragus and pinna for pain and examine for exudate

* Retract pinna up, out, and back (adult) or down, out, and back (child)

* Insert otoscope with inverted hold using backhand method or extended 5th digit

* Examine canal (exudate, lesions, erythema, cerumen)

* Examine tympanic membrane (color, light reflex, boney structure)

* Insufflate for mobility of tympanic membrane

Neck – Auscultation & Thyroid

* Auscultate of carotid arteries and thyroid for bruits

* Hold thyroid from the back of the patient

* Have patient swallow (examine for nodules, thyroidmegaly)

Respiratory – Suspected Consolidation

* Bronchophony: sound transmitted louder at area of consolidation

* Egophony: patient says “e” and sounds like “a” at areas of consolidation

* Whispered pectoriloquy: whispered word sounds louder at area of consolidation

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History & Physical Exam Special Tests

Version: 09Apr2009 Page 3 of 8

Respiratory – Clinical Scenarios

Scenario Tactile fremitus Percussion

Pneumonia Increased Decreased resonance

Pneumothorax Decreased Increased resonance

Pleural effusion Decreased Decreased resonance

Meningitis – Brudzinski & Kernig Tests

* Brudzinski sign: Patient supine, passively flex patient’s neck

* Positive Brudzinski sign is pain or restricted flexion

* Kernig (K for Knee) sign: Patient supine, knees bend, extend lower leg

* Positive Kernig sign is pain

Cardiac – Heart Sounds

* S1: closure of the AV valves, marks onset of systole

* S2: closure of semilunar valves, aortic and pulmonic

* S2 split: right side slightly delayed with decreased pressures (A2>P2)

* Have patient exhale and hold to resolve physiologic split (not IHSS)

* Ejection click: early systole (diseased aortic valve)

* Opening snap: early diastole (mitral disease)

* S3: rapid deceleration of blood (decreased compliance in adults)

* S4: atrial kick against non-compliant ventricle

* Crescendo/decrescendo murmur: aortic stenosis

* Plateau murmur: mitral regurgitation, tricuspid regurgitation, septal defect

* Radiation to neck (aortic stenosis) or axilla (mitral regurgitation)

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History & Physical Exam Special Tests

Version: 09Apr2009 Page 4 of 8

Cardiac – Measuring Jugular Venous Pressure

Patient supine at 30-degree angle of recumbency

Measure height of jugular venous pulse from sternal angle

Upper limit for normal is 6cm at 30-degrees of elevation

Cardiac – Heart Sound Special Positioning

Left lateral decubitus: mistral stenosis, S3, S4

Sitting, learning forward, breath out and hold: aortic murmur

Standing, squatting, valsalva: MVP, aortic stenosis

Cardiac – Hepatojugular Reflex, Edema

Hepatojugular reflex: press on right costal margin, examine for jugular vein distension

Scale: 0 = none, 1 = ankle, 2 = tibia, 3 = femoral, 4 = sacrum

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History & Physical Exam Special Tests

Version: 09Apr2009 Page 5 of 8

Abdomen – Clinical: Ascites, Cholecystitis, Nephrolithiasis

Ascites: shifting dullness and fluid wave test

Shifting dullness: Patient on side, percuss for dullness, tympany is normal

Fluid wave: Patient’s hand mid-abdomen pressing down, tap on patient’s flank

Positive fluid wave test is detection of fluid “shock wave” by clinician

Cholecystitis: Murphy sign: push up under RCM and hold, have patient breath in deeply

Positive Murphy sign is sudden stop in inspiration

Nephrolithiasis, hydronephrosis, pyelonephritis: Costovertebral angle tenderness

Lloyds punch: costovertebral angle tenderness with percussion

Abdomen – Clinical: Acute Abdomen

* Assess for guarding, rigidity, rebound tenderness (push in then let go quickly)

* Ask patient what hurts more: pushing in, pushing in slowly/deep, or letting go quickly

* Rovsing sign: pain in RLQ with LLQ pressure

* Psoas sign: passively extend the thigh of patient with knees extended

* Positive psoas sign is pain in the abdomen

* Obturator sign: flex hip and externally rotate (painful)

Musculoskeletal – Arthritis

* Heberden nodes: distal interphalangeal joint (osteoarthritis)

* Bouchard nodes: proximal interphalangeal join (rheumatoid arthritis)

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History & Physical Exam Special Tests

Version: 09Apr2009 Page 6 of 8

Cardiac – Allen Test (Modified)

* Patient’s palm up, have them clench their fist

* Compress radial and ulnar artery

* Have patient relax hand, observe pale palm

* Release ulnar artery

* Normal is pink within 3-5 second, abnormal: repeat, release radial artery

Musculoskeletal – Clinical: Knee Injury

* Anterior drawer test: anterior cruciate ligament stability

* Varus and valgus stress test: collateral ligament stability

* Posterior drawer test: posterior cruciate ligament stability

* McMurray sign and Apley grind: meniscal tear

* Ballottement: fluid in joint space

* Patellar tracking: listen for crepitus

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History & Physical Exam Special Tests

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Musculoskeletal – Clinical: Back Pain

* Straight leg raise: patient supine, provider’s hands under heal of patient

* Seated straight leg raise: is suspicious of factitious disorder (malingering)

Musculoskeletal – Clinical: Carpal Tunnel, Tenosynovitis

* Carpal Tunnel: Phalen sign, Tinel sign

* Phalen test: Wrists flexed and together for 90 seconds, mimics sensory deficits

* Tinel test: percussing on the carpal tunnel mimics sensory deficits

* Tenosynovitis: deQuervain test (thumb in fist, pain with ulnar deviation)

Neurological – Reflex Testing

* Scale +0/4 (lower motor neuron) to +4/4 (upper motor neuron), +2/4 is normal

* Biceps (C5-6), brachioradialis (C5-6), triceps (C6-7), patellar (L2-4), Achilles (S1-2)

* Babinski sign: stroke lateral plantar surface of foot and cross medially at the ball

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History & Physical Exam Special Tests

Version: 09Apr2009 Page 8 of 8

Neurological – Cerebellar Function

* Rapid alternating moments: have patient pronate and supinate their forearms

* Finger to nose: arms outstretched, eyes closed, patient touches nose alternating arms

* Pronator drift: arms forward, palms up, close eyes, watch for pronation and drifting

* Heel to shin: patient puts one heal on other shin and goes down with good tracking

* Tandem walk: heel walking (L5) and toe walking (S1)

* Romberg test: feet together, arms out in front, palms up, close eyes, patient is stable

Neurological – Dementia

* Perform mini mental status exam, have patient draw the face of a clock

Male Genital – Scrotal Mass, Hernia

* Scrotal mass: auscultate for bowel sounds, transilluminate scrotum

* Hernia detected on scrotal invagination: direct or indirect

* Taps on tip of finger: may indicate indirect inguinal hernia

* Taps on side of finger: may indicate direct inguinal hernia

Compiled by James Lamberg