how was ancient rome successful in war pp

How was ancient Rome successful in war? Made By: Floris Faas Grade 7, Mrs. Wilson

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Page 1: How was ancient rome successful in war pp

How was ancient Rome successful in war?

Made By: Floris Faas

Grade 7, Mrs. Wilson

Page 2: How was ancient rome successful in war pp

The Gladius

• The Gladius was a small sword for mostly stabbing in a war. Because of the limited space on the Warfield, they couldn’t use long sword to swing around with. The Gladius was invented by Spain. But because Ancient Rome took over Spain, so they used the weapons they had to fight in a war. But after a while the Romans went back to the weapon it all begun with, the spear.

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The Pilum

• The Pilum war use by a lot of roman warriors. They used the Gladius or Pilum. It war used by most warriors that could throw a nice distance with it. It was designed to punch through a enemies shield and body. It was 2 foot long. (60 cm) Most warriors carried 2 Pilums if they used them. They threw them when the enemy charged them.

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The Plum

• Beside heavy armed soldiers, the Romans also had other specialized troops. There light armed soldiers, called Velites. They used Plumbata to throw to the enemies. They had longer range than the Pilum, but they weren’t as strong as Pilums. Than there when soldiers called, Sagittarius. They used bow and arrow.. they made theme of horn and wood, and held

it together with sinew and hide glue.

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• Tactics in ancient Rome where really important for the army. If the army didn’t have such a good tactics, they wouldn’t be so successful. But they didn’t just have one tactic, they had tons of tactics. They used a different tactic every time they had a war. Because otherwise people would know what the tactic would be and maybe copy it, or make a tactic that is good against it.

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• The protection of the soldiers is also really important. If they didn’t have the armour, they probably wouldn’t be as successful as they were. The gladiator had full armour. They wore iron armour on there arm, legs, chest, a helmet, and lower body. They protected them from, slow incoming arrows, and if someone hits them with a sword from the side, it would slide of the armour and not kill them.

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Weapon win in a battle

• If the Romans won a battle, they reused the weapons they found. For example a army fight against the Roman Army, and the Roman Army wins, they take the weapons from the enemy and use them there self’s. So they don’t have to make a lot of weapons. So a lot of the weapons that Ancient Rome used, wasn’t there invention.

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values that ancient Romans get from war

• When they had a war, and they won the war. they would get the values that the enemy carried with them. Because they could just take it. but when they took over a whole country, they would be able to take the money and values from the king or queen they had. so they would get a lot of money. With all of that money, they would be able to buy thing to upgrade there army or build new cannons. So they wouldn't do a job to get money, they would just steal it or get it from the people that they attacked.

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the roman empire

• The roman empire was an area that the Romans ruled in the 1st century, until the 5th. They organized really well and had a good army. They had good tactics to win battles and capture countries. All the battles that they fought, they took over a big part of a kingdom. And every time they had a war, they almost won it. The roman empire ruled for a long time, until the lost a battle and started to loose a lot of land. The roman empire war ruled by a lot of different people, because it was a really big area. So there wasn't one big ruler, but a few.

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the roman empire

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• Ancient Romans where involved in 8 wars. They had more fights, but those weren’t really big as wars. The wars that they had, were over really big pieces of land. But the small fights would be over a small piece of land. They fought until they had a lot of land. That land was called “The Roman Empire.” They ruled it for long, but than had another war and lost it.

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Bibliography• "Ancient Rome Coins." Ancient Rome Coins. N.p., n.d. Web. 17

June 2013. <>.

• "Roman." Medieval Collectibles. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 June 2013. <>.

• "Roman Armor." Medieval Collectables. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 June 2013. <>.

• "Roman Army Tactics." Roman Empire. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 June 2013. <>.

• "Roman Empire." Wkipedia. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Wikipedia. Web. 17 June 2013. <>.

• "Roman Fight." Ancient Military. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 June 2013. <>.

• "Roman Weapons." Ancient Military. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 June 2013. <>.