how to write an opinion paragraph

A paragraph is made of three basic elements • 1. A topic sentence. • 2. A reason + Supporting details. • 3 . A conclusion.

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Post on 30-Jul-2015




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Page 1: How to write an opinion paragraph

A paragraph is made of three basic elements

• 1. A topic sentence. • 2. A reason + Supporting details. • 3 . A conclusion.

Page 2: How to write an opinion paragraph

Smoking in public places

I believe smoking should not be allowed in public places. Firstly, public places should be clean and free-of smoke for all people to enjoy. I'm not against people smoking. I'm just against smokers not respecting the rights of others to breathe clean air. Public spaces belong to everyone – children, teenagers, adults – and their rights are far more important than the rights of a few smokers. SecondIy, I do not want to come home and smell like a chimney stack. When I meet my friends in a cafe for a couple of hours, I feel the smell all over my clothes and hair. I want to smell like my parfume, not the smoke. All in all, smoking in public places has to be banned to protect the rights of everyone.

Page 3: How to write an opinion paragraph

Lotteries should be banned

I strongly agree that lotteries should be banned. To begging with, I strongly believe that lotteries are a waste of money. Every time we buy the lottery we have less money to buy things we need such as medicines or food. Another reason is that playing the lottery is addictive. When we buy a lottery ticket and we don’t win, we may buy more and more tickets. Finally, I consider that playing the lottery is not a really good chance to make money because we can’t use our abilities or skills to win the lottery. Winning the lottery depends only on luck. To conclude, I believe that it is not a good idea to buy the lottery because it is a waste of money, it is addictive, and it is not really a good chance to make money.

Page 4: How to write an opinion paragraph

Always Coca-Cola

In my opinion, Coca-Cola will always be the best drink. First of all, it is not very sweet. lt has just the right amount of carbonation , or fizz. Secondly, the packaging of the product is unique but simple. The red can is recognizable even from a distance. Thirdly, Coca-Cola has also played a rich and interesting part in American history. ln the end, even if famous actors or sports stars go on television and try to convince me about the greatness of other drinks, it will not change my mind. For me, it is "always Coca-Cola."

Page 5: How to write an opinion paragraph

School Uniforms

I think school uniforms should be mandatory for all students in the United States for a number of reasons. First, they make everyone equal. ln this way, the "rich" kids are on the same level as the poor ones. Secondly, getting ready for school can be much faster and easier. Many kids waste time choosing what to wear to school, and they are often unhappy with their final choices. Finally, some studies show that school uniforms make students perform better. Many people might say that uniforms take away from personal freedom, but I believe the benefits are stronger than the drawbacks.

Page 6: How to write an opinion paragraph

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