how to use in design print screens

How to use InDesign

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Post on 20-Mar-2017




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Page 1: How to use in design print screens

How to use InDesign

Page 2: How to use in design print screens

First I opened InDesign and created a new document with 4 pages and 3 columns. In the top right hand corner, I clicked the button pages so that I can see all the pages I have in my document.

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I then right clicked the double page and unselected ‘Allow document pages to shuffle’. This allowed my to rearrange the pages so the double page spread was last.

I did this by dragging the page down to the fourth page and dropping it next to a black line closest to the other page.

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I used this button to create a text box and write

This tool changes the colour of my font to whatever colour

the stroke button creates a black outline around the font

This tool changes and increases the font size

This tool allows you to change the font from narrow to bold

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To create a standfirst I made a text box with the text tool on the left hand side and placed it underneath the headline. I then changed the font size, colour and stroke using the same tools that I used for the headline.I also added a byline underneath the standfirst and made it italic using the button called ‘bold’ underneath the font

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2. To add text, I clicked on type and selected ‘fill with place holder text’. This filled the text box with random words.

1. First, I clicked the text tool and created a text box across the whole page.

3. With the column tool, I typed in three columns to allow the text to be sorted into three columns.

4. I then created another text box on the rest of this page. I clicked on the main arrow tool and clicked on a small box in the text box. I then clicked on the text on the other side of the page which brought over text that didn’t fit on there to the other side.

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3. You then use the button called ‘drop cap number of lines’ and increase the size to how big you want the letter to be.

1. To create a drop cap, I first clicked the mouse into the paragraph I want the drop text to be in.

2. I then clicked the paragraph button

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1. To create a pull quote, firstly I copied a bit of text, and pasted it on the other side. I changed the font to a different one and increased the size.

2. I then dragged the quote over the text and placed it where I wanted it to go and pressed this button so the text runs around the quote.

3. I used the text wrap tool by clicking windows at the top and then text wrap to create more space around the quote so the text isn't squashed next to the quote.

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I then clicked file, place and selected an image. I then dragged my image to the sixe I wanted it to be. If I wanted to resize my image, I would press down Alt, Ctrl and shift at the same time so the photo resizers correctly and not distorted.

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To include a caption, I made a text box using the text tool and placed it underneath the image.

If I was placing the caption over the image and it wasn't visible, I would right click the text, click ‘text frame options’ and click ‘ignore text wrap’ so the writing can be seen over the image.

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1. To get my masthead, I opened my front cover into Photoshop. I clicked file, new, and set the background contents as transparent. Then I dragged my masthead to my new file.

2. I then used the crop tool to resize it smaller around my masthead.

Then I saved it as a Photoshop file and placed it into InDesign

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To get my masthead onto InDesign I clicked file and place. To resize it I pressed shift, ctrl and alt together.