how to train deep variational autoencoders and ... · the recently introduced variational...

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Page 1: How to Train Deep Variational Autoencoders and ... · The recently introduced variational autoencoder (VAE) (Kingma & Welling,2013;Rezende et al.,2014) provides a framework for deep

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How to Train Deep Variational Autoencoders and Probabilistic Ladder Networks

Sønderby, Casper Kaae; Raiko, Tapani; Maaløe, Lars; Sønderby, Søren Kaae; Winther, Ole

Published in:Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2016)

Publication date:2016

Document VersionEarly version, also known as pre-print

Link back to DTU Orbit

Citation (APA):Sønderby, C. K., Raiko, T., Maaløe, L., Sønderby, S. K., & Winther, O. (2016). How to Train Deep VariationalAutoencoders and Probabilistic Ladder Networks. In Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference onMachine Learning (ICML 2016) JMLR: Workshop and Conference Proceedings, Vol.. 48

Page 2: How to Train Deep Variational Autoencoders and ... · The recently introduced variational autoencoder (VAE) (Kingma & Welling,2013;Rezende et al.,2014) provides a framework for deep

How to Train Deep Variational Autoencoders and Probabilistic LadderNetworks

Casper Kaae Sønderby1 [email protected] Raiko2 [email protected] Maaløe3 [email protected]øren Kaae Sønderby1 [email protected] Winther1,3 [email protected] Centre, Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark2Department of Computer Science, Aalto University, Finland3Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Technical University of Denmark

AbstractVariational autoencoders are a powerful frame-work for unsupervised learning. However, pre-vious work has been restricted to shallow mod-els with one or two layers of fully factorizedstochastic latent variables, limiting the flexibil-ity of the latent representation. We propose threeadvances in training algorithms of variational au-toencoders, for the first time allowing to traindeep models of up to five stochastic layers, (1)using a structure similar to the Ladder networkas the inference model, (2) warm-up period tosupport stochastic units staying active in earlytraining, and (3) use of batch normalization. Us-ing these improvements we show state-of-the-artlog-likelihood results for generative modeling onseveral benchmark datasets.

1. IntroductionThe recently introduced variational autoencoder (VAE)(Kingma & Welling, 2013; Rezende et al., 2014) providesa framework for deep generative models (DGM). DGMshave later been shown to be a powerful framework forsemi-supervised learning (Kingma et al., 2014; Maaloeeet al., 2016). Another line of research starting from de-noising autoencoders introduced the Ladder network forunsupervised learning (Valpola, 2014) which have alsobeen shown to perform very well in the semi-supervisedsetting (Rasmus et al., 2015).

Here we study DGMs with several layers of latent vari-

Proceedings of the 33 rd International Conference on MachineLearning, New York, NY, USA, 2016. JMLR: W&CP volume48. Copyright 2016 by the author(s).















a) b) c)





2 2

2 2

2 2

1 1

1 1

1 1


Figure 1. Inference (or encoder/recognition) and generative (ordecoder) models. a) VAE inference model, b) Probabilistic lad-der inference model and c) generative model. The z’s are latentvariables sampled from the approximate posterior distribution qwith mean and variances parameterized using neural networks.

ables, each conditioned on the layer above, which allowshighly flexible latent distributions. We study two differentmodel parameterizations: the first is a simple extension ofthe VAE to multiple layers of latent variables and the sec-ond is parameterized in such a way that it can be regardedas a probabilistic variational variant of the Ladder networkwhich, contrary to the VAE, allows interactions between abottom up and top-down inference signal.

Previous work on DGMs have been restricted to shallowmodels with one or two layers of stochastic latent variablesconstraining the performance by the restrictive mean fieldapproximation of the intractable posterior distribution. Us-ing only gradient descent optimization we show that DGMsare only able to utilize the stochastic latent variables in thesecond layer to a limited degree and not at all in the third









6 F

eb 2


Page 3: How to Train Deep Variational Autoencoders and ... · The recently introduced variational autoencoder (VAE) (Kingma & Welling,2013;Rezende et al.,2014) provides a framework for deep

How to Train Deep Variational Autoencoders and Probabilistic Ladder Networks

layer or above. To alleviate these problems we propose (1)the probabilistic ladder network, (2) a warm-up period tosupport stochastic units staying active in early training, and(3) use of batch normalization, for optimizing DGMs andshow that the likelihood can increase for up to five layersof stochastic latent variables. These models, consisting ofdeep hierarchies of latent variables, are both highly expres-sive while maintaining the computational efficiency of fullyfactorized models. We first show that these models havecompetitive generative performance, measured in terms oftest log likelihood, when compared to equally or morecomplicated methods for creating flexible variational dis-tributions such as the Variational Gaussian Processes (Tranet al., 2015) Normalizing Flows (Rezende & Mohamed,2015) or Importance Weighted Autoencoders (Burda et al.,2015). We find that batch normalization and warm-up al-ways increase the generative performance, suggesting thatthese methods are broadly useful. We also show that theprobabilistic ladder network performs as good or betterthan strong VAEs making it an interesting model for fur-ther studies. Secondly, we study the learned latent rep-resentations. We find that the methods proposed here arenecessary for learning rich latent representations utilizingseveral layers of latent variables. A qualitative assessmentof the latent representations further indicates that the multi-layered DGMs capture high level structure in the datasetswhich is likely to be useful for semi-supervised learning.

In summary our contributions are:

• A new parametrization of the VAE inspired by theLadder network performing as well or better than thecurrent best models.

• A novel warm-up period in training increasing boththe generative performance across several differentdatasets and the number of active stochastic latentvariables.

• We show that batch normalization is essential fortraining VAEs with several layers of stochastic latentvariables.

2. MethodsVariational autoencoders simultaneously train a generativemodel pθ(x, z) = pθ(x|z)pθ(z) for data x using auxil-iary latent variables z, and an inference model qφ(z|x)1

by optimizing a variational lower bound to the likelihoodpθ(x) =

∫pθ(x, z)dz.

1The inference models is also known as the recognition modelor the encoder, and the generative model as the decoder.




a) b)






bottom up



top down





Top down pathway

through KL-divergences

in generative model

Bottom up pathway

in inference model

Indirect top



through prior

Direct flow of






Figure 2. Flow of information in the inference and generativemodels of a) probabilistic ladder network and b) VAE. The prob-abilistic ladder network allows direct integration (+ in figure, seeEq. (21) ) of bottom-up and top-down information in the infer-ence model. In the VAE the top-down information is incorporatedindirectly through the conditional priors in the generative model.

The generative model pθ is specified as follows:

pθ(x|z1) = N(x|µθ(z1), σ2


or (1)Pθ(x|z1) = B (x|µθ(z1)) (2)

for continuous-valued (Gaussian N ) or binary-valued(Bernoulli B) data, respectively. The latent variables z aresplit into L layers zi, i = 1 . . . L:

pθ(zi|zi+1) = N(zi|µθ,i(zi+1), σ



pθ(zL) = N (zL|0, I) . (4)

The hierarchical specification allows the lower layers of thelatent variables to be highly correlated but still maintain thecomputational efficiency of fully factorized models.

Each layer in the inference model qφ(z|x) is specified usinga fully factorized Gaussian distribution:

qφ(z1|x) = N(z1|µφ,1(x), φ2φ,1(x)


qφ(zi|zi−1) = N(zi|µφ,i(zi−1), σ2



for i = 2 . . . L.

Functions µ(·) and σ2(·) in both the generative and the in-ference models are implemented as:

d(y) =MLP(y) (7)µ(y) =Linear(d(y)) (8)

σ2(y) =Softplus(Linear(d(y))) , (9)

where MLP is a two layered multilayer perceptron network,Linear is a single linear layer, and Softplus applieslog(1 + exp(·)) non linearity to each component of its ar-gument vector. In our notation, each MLP(·) or Linear(·)gives a new mapping with its own parameters, so the de-terministic variable d is used to mark that the MLP-part isshared between µ and σ2 whereas the last Linear layer isnot shared.

Page 4: How to Train Deep Variational Autoencoders and ... · The recently introduced variational autoencoder (VAE) (Kingma & Welling,2013;Rezende et al.,2014) provides a framework for deep

How to Train Deep Variational Autoencoders and Probabilistic Ladder Networks

1 Layer

2 Layer

3 Layer

4 Layer

5 Layer












Prob. Ladder+BN+WU

Figure 3. MNIST test-set log-likelihood values for VAEs and theprobabilistic ladder networks with different number of latent lay-ers, Batch normalizationBN and Warm-up WU

The variational principle provides a tractable lower boundon the log likelihood which can be used as a training crite-rion L.

log p(x) ≥ Eqφ(z|x)[log

pθ(x, z)


]= −L(θ, φ;x) (10)

= −KL(qφ(z|x)||pθ(z)) + Eqφ(z|x) [pθ(x|z)] ,(11)

where KL is the Kullback-Leibler divergence.

A strictly tighter bound on the likelihood may be obtainedat the expense of a K-fold increase of samples by using theimportance weighted bound (Burda et al., 2015):

log p(x) ≥ Eqφ(z(1)|x) . . . Eqφ(z(K)|x)




pθ(x, z(k))



≥ −L(θ, φ;x) . (12)

The inference and generative parameters, θ and φ, arejointly trained by optimizing Eq. (11) using stochasticgradient descent where we use the reparametrization trickfor stochastic backpropagation through the Gaussian latentvariables (Kingma & Welling, 2013; Rezende et al., 2014).All expectations are approximated using Monte Carlo sam-pling by drawing from the corresponding q distribution.

Previous work has been restricted to shallow models (L ≤2). We propose two improvements to VAE training and anew variational model structure allowing us to train deepmodels with up to at least L = 5 stochastic layers.

2.1. Probabilistic Ladder Network

We propose a new inference model where we use the struc-ture of the Ladder network (Valpola, 2014; Rasmus et al.,

200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000Epoch








VAE+BN+WUProb. Ladder+BN+WU

Figure 4. MNIST train (full lines) and test (dashed lines) perfor-mance during training. The test set performance was estimatedusing 5000 importance weighted samples providing a tighterbound than the training bound explaining the better performancehere.

2015) as the inference model of a VAE, as shown in Figure1. The generative model is the same as before.

The inference is constructed to first make a deterministicupward pass:

d1 =MLP(x) (13)µd,i =Linear(di), i = 1 . . . L (14)

σ2d,i =Softplus(Linear(di)), i = 1 . . . L (15)

di =MLP(µd,i−1), i = 2 . . . L (16)

followed by a stochastic downward pass:

qφ(zL|x) =N(µd,L, σ



ti =MLP(zi+1), i = 1 . . . L− 1 (18)µt,i =Linear(ti) (19)

σ2t,i =Softplus(Linear(ti)) (20)

qθ(zi|zi+1,x) =N(µt,iσ

−2t,i + µd,iσ


σ−2t,i + σ−2d,i,


σ−2t,i + σ−2d,i



Here µd and σ2d carry the bottom-up information and σ2


and µt carry top-down information. This parametrizationhas a probabilistic motivation by viewing µd and σ2

d as theGaussian likelihood that is combined with a Gaussian priorµt and σ2

t from the top-down connections, together formingthe approximate posterior distribution qθ(zi|zi+1,x), seeFigure 2 a).

A line of motivation, already noted by Dayan et al. (1995),is that a purely bottom-up inference process as in i.e. VAEs

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How to Train Deep Variational Autoencoders and Probabilistic Ladder Networks

does not correspond well with real perception, where iter-ative interaction between bottom-up and top-down signalsproduces the final activity of a unit2, see Figure 2. Notablyit is difficult for the purely bottom-up inference networksto model the explaining away phenomenon, see van denBroeke (2016, Chapter 5) for a recent discussion on thisphenomenon. The probabilistic ladder network providesa framework with the wanted interaction, while keepingcomplications manageable. A further extension could beto make the inference in k steps over an iterative inferenceprocedure (Raiko et al., 2014).

2.2. Warm-up from deterministic to variationalautoencoder

The variational training criterion in Eq. (11) contains thereconstruction term pθ(x|z) and the variational regular-ization term. The variational regularization term causessome of the latent units to become inactive during train-ing (MacKay, 2001) because the approximate posterior forunit k, q(zi,k| . . . ) is regularized towards its own priorp(zi,k| . . . ), a phenomenon also recognized in the VAE set-ting (Burda et al., 2015). This can be seen as a virtueof automatic relevance determination, but also as a prob-lem when many units are pruned away early in trainingbefore they learned a useful representation. We observedthat such units remain inactive for the rest of the training,presumably trapped in a local minima or saddle point atKL(qi,k|pi,k) ≈ 0, with the optimization algorithm unableto re-activate them.

We propose to alleviate the problem by initializing train-ing using the reconstruction error only (corresponding totraining a standard deterministic auto-encoder), and thengradually introducing the variational regularization term:

−L(θ, φ;x)T = (22)−βKL(qφ(z|x)||pθ(z)) + Eqφ(z|x) [pθ(x|z)] ,

where β is increased linearly from 0 to 1 during the firstNtepochs of training. We denote this scheme warm-up (ab-breviated WU in tables and graphs) because the objectivegoes from having a delta-function solution (correspond-ing to zero temperature) and then move towards the fullystochastic variational objective. A similar idea has previ-ously been considered in Raiko et al. (2007, Section 6.2),however here used for Bayesian models trained with a co-ordinate descent algorithm.

2.3. Batch Normalization

Batch normalization (Ioffe & Szegedy, 2015) is a recentinnovation that improves convergence speed and stabilizes

2The idea was dismissed at the time, since it could introducesubstantial theoretical complications.

Table 1. Fine-tuned test log-likelihood values for 5 layered VAEand probabilistic ladder networks trained on MNIST. ANN. LR:Annealed Learning rate, MC: Monte Carlo samples to approxi-mate Eq(·)[·], IW: Importance weighted samples





ANN. LR.MC=10IW=10

VAE −82.14 −81.97 −81.84 −81.41 −81.30PROB. LADDER −81.87 −81.54 −81.46 −81.35 -81.20

training in deep neural networks by normalizing the outputsfrom each layer. We show that batch normalization (abbre-viated BN in tables and graphs), applied to all layers exceptthe output layers, is essential for learning deep hierarchiesof latent variables for L > 2.

3. ExperimentsTo test our models we use the standard benchmark datasetsMNIST, OMNIGLOT (Lake et al., 2013) and NORB (Le-Cun et al., 2004). The largest models trained used a hierar-chy of five layers of stochastic latent variables of sizes 64,32, 16, 8 and 4, going from bottom to top. We implementedall mappings using two-layered MLP’s. In all models theMLP’s between x and z1 or d1 were of size 512. Subse-quent layers were connected by MLP’s of sizes 256, 128,64 and 32 for all connections in both the VAE and proba-bilistic ladder network. Shallower models were created byremoving latent variables from the top of the hierarchy. Wesometimes refer to the five layer models as 64-32-16-8-4,the four layer models as 64-32-16-8 and so fourth. Themodels were trained end-to-end using the Adam (Kingma& Ba, 2014) optimizer with a mini-batch size of 256. Thereported test log-likelihoods were approximated using Eq.(12) with 5000 importance weighted samples as in Burdaet al. (2015). The models were implemented in the Theano(Bastien et al., 2012), Lasagne (Dieleman et al., 2015) andParmesan3 frameworks.

For MNIST we used a sigmoid output layer to predict themean of a Bernoulli observation model and leaky rectifiers(max(x, 0.1x)) as nonlinearities in the MLP’s. The modelswere trained for 2000 epochs with a learning rate of 0.001on the complete training set. Models using warm-up usedNt = 200. Similarly to Burda et al. (2015) we resam-ple the binarized training values from the real-valued im-ages using a Bernoulli distribution after each epoch whichprevents the models from over-fitting. Some of the mod-els were fine-tuned by continuing training for 2000 epochswhile multiplying the learning rate with 0.75 after every200 epochs and increase the number of Monte Carlo and

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How to Train Deep Variational Autoencoders and Probabilistic Ladder Networks

Table 2. Number of active latent units in five layer VAE and prob-abilistic ladder networks trained on MNIST. A unit was definedas active if KL(qi,k||pi,k) > 0.01




LAYER 1 20 20 34 46LAYER 2 1 9 18 22LAYER 3 0 3 6 8LAYER 4 0 3 2 3LAYER 5 0 2 1 2TOTAL 21 37 61 81

importance weighted samples to 10 to reduce the variancein the approximation of the expectations in Eq. (10) andimprove the inference model, respectively.

Models trained on the OMNIGLOT dataset4, consisting of28x28 binary images images were trained similar to aboveexcept that the number of training epochs was 1500.

Models trained on the NORB dataset5, consisting of 32x32grays-scale images with color-coding rescaled to [0, 1],used a Gaussian observation model with mean and vari-ance predicted using a linear and a softplus output layerrespectively. The settings were similar to the models aboveexcept that: hyperbolic tangent was used as nonlinearitiesin the MLP’s, the learning rate was 0.002, Nt = 1000 andthe number of training epochs were 4000.

4. Results & DiscussionTo asses the performance of the VAE and the probabilis-tic ladder networks with different numbers of stochastic la-tent variable layers and with or without batch normaliza-tion and warm-up we use the MNIST, OMNIGLOT andNORB datasets. Firstly we study the generative model log-likelihood for the different datasets and show that modelsusing our contributions perform better than the vanilla VAEmodels6. Secondly we study the latent space representa-tion and how batch normalization, warm-up and the proba-bilistic ladder network affect these compared to the vanillaVAE.

Generative log-likelihood performance

In Figure 3 we show the test set log-likelihood for a se-ries of different models with varying number of stochas-

4The OMNIGLOT data was partitionedand preprocessed as in Burda et al. (2015),

5The NORB dataset was downloaded in resized format matlab

6we use vanilla to refer to VAE models with out batch normal-ization and warm-up

Table 3. Test set Log-likelihood values for models trained on theOMNIGLOT and NORB datasets. The left most column showdataset and the number of latent variables i each model.




OMNIGLOT64 −114.45 −108.79 −104.63 −64-32 −112.60 −106.86 −102.03 −102.1264-32-16 −112.13 −107.09 −101.60 -101.2664-32-16-8 −112.49 −107.66 −101.68 −101.2764-32-16-8-4 −112.10 −107.94 −101.86 −101.59

NORB64 2630.8 3263.7 3481.5 −64-32 2830.8 3140.1 3532.9 3522.764-32-16 2757.5 3247.3 3346.7 3458.764-32-16-8 2832.0 3302.3 3393.6 3499.464-32-16-8-4 3064.1 3258.7 3393.6 3430.3

tic layers. The performance of the vanilla VAE model didnot improve with more than two layers of stochastic latentvariables. Contrary to this, models trained with batch nor-malization and warm-up consistently increase the modelperformance for additional layers of stochastic latent vari-ables. As expected the improvement in performance is de-creasing for each additional layer, but we emphasize thatthe improvements are consistent even for the addition ofthe top-most layers. The best performance is achieved us-ing the probabilistic ladder network slightly outperformingthe best VAE models trained with batch normalization andtemperature. We emphasize that these VAE models alreadyhave a very strong performance showing that the proba-bilistic ladder network have competitive generative perfor-mance.

The models in Figure 3 were trained using fixed learn-ing rate and one Monte Carlo (MC) and one importanceweighted (IW) sample. To improve performance we fine-tuned the best performing five layer models by trainingthese for a further 2000 epochs with annealed learning rateand increasing the number of MC and IW samples. InTable 1 we see that that by annealing the learning rate,drawing 10 MC and IW samples we can improve the log-likelihood of the VAE and probabilistic ladder network to−81.30 and −81.20 respectively.

Comparing the results obtained here with current state-of-the art results on permutation invariant MNIST, Burda et al.(2015) report a test-set performance of−82.90 using 50 IWsamples and a two layer model with 100-50 latent units.Using a similar model Tran et al. (2015) achieves −81.90by adding a variational Gaussian Process prior for eachlayer of latent variables, however here we note that our re-sults are not directly comparable to these due to differences

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How to Train Deep Variational Autoencoders and Probabilistic Ladder Networks

Figure 5. logKL(q|p) for each latent unit is shown at different training epochs. Low KL (white) corresponds to an inactive unit. Theunits are sorted for visualization. It is clear that vanilla VAE cannot train the higher latent layers, while introducing batch normalizationhelps. Warm-up creates more active units early in training, some of which are then gradually pruned away during training, resulting ina more distributed final representation. Lastly, the probabilistic ladder network activates the highest number of units in each layer. Thedivision into active and inactive units at the end of the training is rather clear in most cases.

in the training procedure.

As shown above we found batch normalization (Ioffe &Szegedy, 2015) to be essential for achieving good perfor-mance for DGMs with L > 2. Figure 4 shows the MNISTtraining and test convergence for models with five layersof stochastic units. Comparing the VAE model with andwithout batch normalization we see a large increase in bothtrained and test performance. Adding warm-up does notincrease the training performance however the models gen-eralize better indicating a more robust latent representa-tion. Lastly the probabilistic ladder network converges toslightly better values on both the test and training sets. Wesaw no signs of over-fitting for any of our models eventhough the hierarchical latent representations are highly ex-pressive.

To test the models on more challenging data we used theOMNIGLOT dataset, consisting of characters from 50 dif-ferent alphabets with 20 samples of each character. TheLog-likelihood values, Table 3, shows similar trends asfor MNIST with substantial increases in performance byadding batch-normalization and warm-up and again withthe probabilistic ladder network performing slightly betterthan the other models. For both VAEs and probabilisticladder networks the performance increases up to three lay-ers of stochastic latent variables after which no gain is seenby adding more layers. The best Log-likelihood results ob-tained here, −101.26, is higher than the best results fromBurda et al. (2015) at −103.38, which were obtained usingmore latent variables (100-50 vs 64-32-16) and 50 impor-tance weighted samples for training.

We tested the models using a continuous Gaussian obser-vation model on the NORB dataset consisting of gray-scaleimages of 5 different toy objects under different illumi-nations and observation angles. As seen in Table 3 weagain find that bath normalization and warm-up increasesperformance. However here we do not see a gain in per-formance for L > 2 layers of latent stochastic variables.We found the Gaussian observation models to be harderto train requiring lower learning rates and hyperbolic tan-gent instead of leaky rectifiers as nonlinearities for stabletraining. The probabilistic ladder network were sometimesunstable during training explaining the high variance in theresults. The harder optimization of the Gaussian observa-tion model, also recognized in Oord et al. (2016), mightexplain the lower utilization of the topmost latent layers inthese models.

The parametrization of the probabilistic ladder network al-lows for natural parameter sharing between top-down partµt,i(zi+1) and σ2

t,i(zi+1) of the inference model qφ, andthe top-down mapping µθ,i(zi+1) and σ2

θ,i(zi+1) of thegenerative model pθ in Equation (3). We did initial ex-periments with this setup but did not see improvements inperformance. However we believe that parameter sharingbetween the inference and generative model is an interest-ing future research direction.

Altogether for permutation invariant MNIST and OM-NIGLOT we show state-of-the-art generative performanceachieved using a deep hierarchy of latent variables consist-ing of fewer units (124 compared to 150) than current bestmethods. We show similar findings on the NORB dataset

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How to Train Deep Variational Autoencoders and Probabilistic Ladder Networks

Figure 6. a) MNIST test set KL-divergence between q(zi|zi−1)andN (0, I) in each layer of four different five layer models. TheKL-divergence is large for the lower layers indicating highly non(standard) Gaussian distributions. b) Generative model outputscreated by injecting samples z∗ ∼ N (0, I) at different layers inthe probabilistic ladder network. As expected the samples getprogressively better as the sampling is moved up in the hierarchy.

using the more challenging continuous Gaussian observa-tion model.

Latent representations

The probabilistic generative models studied here automat-ically tune the model complexity to the data by reducingthe effective dimension of the latent representation due tothe regularization effect of the priors in Eq. (10). However,as previously identified (Raiko et al., 2007; Burda et al.,2015), the latent representation is often overly sparse withfew stochastic latent variables propagating useful informa-tion.

To study this effect we calculated the KL-divergence be-tween q(zi,k|zi−1,k) and p(zi|zi+1) for each stochastic la-tent variable k during training as seen in Figure 5. Thisterm is zero if the inference model is independent of thedata, i.e. q(zi,k|zi−1,k) = q(zi,k), and hence collapsed

Figure 7. PCA-plots of samples from q(zi|zi−1) for five layerVAE and probabilistic ladder networks trained on MNIST. In thevanilla VAE the stochastic units above the second layer is clearlyseen to be inactive with no dependency on the the input data. Forthe other models a clear structure according to class is seen forthe higher layers.

onto the prior carrying no information about the data.For the models without warm-up we find that the KL-divergence for each unit is stable during all training epochswith only very few new units activated during training. Forthe models trained with warm-up we initially see manyactive units which are then gradually pruned away as thevariational regularization term is introduced. At the end oftraining warm-up results in more active units indicating amore distributed representation. This effect is quantified inTable 2 where we defined a stochastic latent unit zi,k to beactive if KL(qi,k||pi,k) > 0.01. We find that batch nor-malization is essential for activating latent units above thesecond layer but find that it does not affect the number ofactive units in the first layer. Warm-up causes a large in-crease in the number of active stochastic latent units, espe-cially in the lower layers. We can explain this observationfrom the structure of the VAE. For β = 0, i.e. fully deter-ministic training, the stochastic latent layers above the firstlayer are effectively disconnected from the model since thevariational regularization term is ignored. This causes allinformation to flow through the lowest stochastic layer z1as illustrated in Figure 2 b). We further find that the prob-abilistic ladder network activates the most stochastic latentunits. We speculate that this is due to the deterministic path

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How to Train Deep Variational Autoencoders and Probabilistic Ladder Networks

from the input data to all latent distributions in the infer-ence model.

To qualitatively study the latent representations, PCA plotsof zi ∼ q(zi|zi−1) are seen in Figure 7. It is clear that theVAE model without batch normalization is completely col-lapsed on a standard normal prior above the second layer.The latent representations shows progressively more clus-tering according to class which is best seen in the topmostlayer of the probabilistic ladder network. These findingsindicate that hierarchical latent variable models producestructured high level latent representations that are likelyuseful for semi-supervised learning.

The hierarchical latent variable models used here allowshighly flexible distributions of the lower layers conditionedon the layers above. We measure the divergence betweenthese conditional distributions and the restrictive mean fieldapproximation by calculating the KL-divergence betweenq(zi|zi−1) and a standard normal distribution for severalmodels trained on MNIST, see Figure 6 a). As expectedthe lower layers have highly non (standard) Gaussian dis-tributions when conditioned on the layers above. Interest-ingly the probabilistic ladder network seems to have moreactive intermediate layers than t,he VAE with batch nor-malization and warm-up. Again this might be explainedby the deterministic upward pass easing flow of informa-tion to the intermediate and upper layers. We further notethat the KL-divergence is approximately zero in the vanillaVAE model above the second layer confirming the inactiv-ity of these layers. Figure 6 b) shows generative samplesfrom the probabilistic ladder network created by injectingz∗ ∼ N (0, I) at different layers in the model. Samplingfrom the top-most layer, having a standard normal prior,produces nice looking samples whereas the samples getprogressively worse when we inject z∗ in the lower layerssupporting the finding above.

5. ConclusionWe presented three methods for optimization of VAEs us-ing deep hierarchies of latent stochastic variables. Usingthese models we demonstrated state-of-the-art generativeperformance for the MNIST and OMNIGLOT datasets andshowed that a new parametrization, the probabilistic laddernetwork, performed as good or better than current mod-els. Further we demonstrated that VAEs with up to fivelayer hierarchies of active stochastic units can be trainedand that especially the new probabilistic ladder networkwere able to utilize many stochastic units. Future work in-cludes extending these models to semi-supervised learningand studying more elaborate iterative inference schemes inthe probabilistic ladder network.


This research was supported by the Novo Nordisk Founda-tion, Danish Innovation Foundation and the NVIDIA Cor-poration with the donation of TITAN X and Tesla K40GPUs.

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