how to stop a cold

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  • 7/29/2019 How to stop a cold


    How to Stop a Cold in its Tracks 2/7/2012 4:07:00 PM

    What do you do if you come down with a scratchy sore throat, body aches,

    fullness in your sinuses or a runny nose?

    If you act fast and treat the cold aggressively, you may stop that cold or flu

    in 6 to 48 hours and never let it take hold.

    In this article I will discuss the Ayurvedic perspective on causes of colds,signs of your susceptibility, and some easy ways to safeguard your


    In addition, you will learn some great tips to try in the event that you do

    come down with symptoms, plus a great homemade remedy that support

    the immune system to stop a cold in its tracks!

    Levels of Susceptibility Know the Signs

    Heres a rundown of how a cold takes hold, according to Ayurveda, and how

    it progresses:

    1. The first level of susceptibility to the common cold and flu is stress and

    tension, which often cause tight neck and shoulder muscles that compromise

    cervical lymph drainage. The cervical lymph drains the head, neck and

    sinuses and provides immune support to fight potential infections in the

    upper respiratory tract.

    2. The second level of susceptibility is when dry respiratory cilia cause a

    scratchy throat or irritated sinuses. The cervical lymph in the neck dries out

    and causes a sore throat. Dry mucus membranes produce reactive mucusand the nose runs.

    3. The third level of susceptibility is when this reactive mucus overwhelms

    and congests the cilia and the cervical lymph.

    Bacteria or viruses may proliferate in the excess reactive mucus and

    cause infection. The sinuses can become congested and the lymphnodes may swell. The immune system concentrated in the lymphnodes is stuck in traffic and the cold or flu runs its course. At thispoint, we can get caught in a cycle where continued dryness causes

    continued reactive mucus production, which can lead to post nasal drip and

    a dry cough.

    4. Post nasal drip can lead to congestion and potential infection of the

    bronchioles and the lungs, which becomes a more serious

    threat. Excessive post nasal drip bogs down the cilia in the lungs,causing a deep productive cough and possible infection of the lungs.

  • 7/29/2019 How to stop a cold


    Addressing the Cause

    Contrary to popular belief, the Ayurvedic view maintains that bacteria and

    viruses are not the true causes of a cold or flu, and that killing the bacteria

    or virus, while it may be necessary, will only offer symptomatic relief. Whenwe are strong and healthy, we are unaffected by the germs that continually

    surround us. The infection doesnt happen until after the third level of

    susceptibility, (above), when we have let stress, tension, and dryness

    compromise our immunity.

    At the same time you are treating symptoms, identify and treat the cause of

    susceptibility so the infection does not reoccur. (But please note: I am not

    saying that antibiotics are not useful they save lives. If the infection

    becomes chronic, please be safe and see your doctor.)

    Dont Dry Out

    In the winter, temperatures drop and the air dries out. The further we go

    into winter, the drier the air becomes. Even the rain dries out and becomes

    snow. For ourselves, we further aggravate these dry conditions by pumping

    dry heat into our homes and offices to stay warm.

    In the case of the common cold, this dryness has become overwhelming to

    the body. When we become excessively dry, the dryness extends to the

    mucus membranes in the sinuses and gut. The respiratory tract is lined withciliated epithelium, skin covered with sweepers called cilia that house part of

    the immune system. These cilia, much like the villi of the gut, sweep toxins,

    bacteria and viruses through respiratory mucus membranes into the Mucus

    Associated Lymphatic Tissue, or MALT, where they are neutralized by the

    white-blood-cell-rich lymph nodes.

    Natures Prescription

    Natures prescription for all this dryness is the seasonal harvest. The winter

    harvest consists of high-fat, high-protein, insulating foods that antidote the

    harshness of winter. Think of squirrels eating nuts when the weather begins

    to cool. See myWinter Tips & Grocery List, which explains how to prevent

    systemic dehydration and other winter imbalances with seasonal foods.
  • 7/29/2019 How to stop a cold


    Heres a summary:

    By minimizing stress and tension, eating from the winter grocery list, and

    soliciting the help of some ayurvedic herbs traditionally used during the cold

    season, you can: Lubricate and heal the respiratory mucusmembranes. Increase circulation to the mucus membranes. Thinthe mucus so the cilia and lymph can function. De-stagnate thelymphatic system that drains and protects the head and neck.

    Three Ayurvedic Herbs to Kick Start Immunity

    1. Trikatu thins mucus, stimulates circulation to the respiratory tract

    and cervical lymph*. 2. Sitopladi opens airways and heals anddecongests mucus membranes of the sinuses, bronchioles and

    lungs(1)*. 3. Turmeric thins mucus, moves lymph, boosts immunityand heals the mucus membranes*.

    Additional Support for Colds and Flu*

    If you do find yourself with the telltale signs of an oncoming cold, follow the

    below protocol for at least 3 days, even if symptoms disappear more

    quickly. Sip plain hot water every 10-15 minutes for three days whileyou take the Cold Cough (2 caps every 1-2 hours). Plain hot water willhydrate the mucus membranes and dilate and flush toxins. You can carry a

    thermos with you to stay hydrated.

    Apply warm ear oil twice a day for three days. Garlic mullein ear oil is

    the best, but this simple home remedy works fine*:

    Bonus! Do-It-Yourself Ear Oil

    Put 1 oz of sesame or olive oil in a pan. Chop a small garlic clove and

    put it in the pan. Heat the oil and garlic until the water in the garlic starts

    to pop or boil off. Press the garlic with a fork to release any extra

    water. When all the water in the garlic is boiled off, let the mixture cool,

    strain out garlic pieces and funnel into a clean glass dropper bottle.

    Before use, heat the garlic oil to just above body temperature by

    holding the full dropper under hot water for a few moments. Fill both ear

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    canals and cover with cotton balls. Do this twice a day for three days. Youcan use ear oil preventively once a week during the fall and winter*. It is

    also beneficial before being exposed to excessive cold, wind, dryness, dust

    or pollen*.

    References: 1. J Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad. 2003 Apr-Jun;15(2):31-3 2. J. Nat. Prod., 1994, 57 (5), pp 658662 3. International Journalof Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research, Volume 4, Issue 2,

    September October 2010; Article 011 4. Rasyid A, Lelo A. The effect ofcurcumin and placebo on human gall-bladder function: an ultrasound study.

    Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 1999;13:245-249. 5. Van Dau N, Ngoc Ham N,Huy Khac D, et al. The effects of a traditional drug, turmeric (Curcuma

    longa), and placebo on the healing of duodenal ulcer. Phytomedicine.

    1998;5:29-34. 6. J Ethnopharm. 2007 Sep 25;113(3):479-86 7. LifeSci. 2007 Feb. 13;80(10):926-31

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