how to read human energy,

How to Read Human Energy, See the invisible and Know what Others Don’t. “The power of intuitive understanding will protect you from harm until the end of your days.” - Lao Tzu

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Page 1: How to read human energy,

How to Read Human

Energy, See the invisible and Know what Others Don’t.

“The power of intuitive understanding will protect you from harm until the end of your days.” -Lao Tzu

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During this workshop you’ll learn:

1. How to feel subtle body energy invisible to the naked eye.

2. How to intuitively read names – to read the information about a person you’ve never met or met just briefly.

3. How to know if you absorb other people’s energy without being aware of it.

4. How to protect yourself from negative energy.

5. How to remove negative energy from yourself and others.

6. How to energize the areas of energetic depletion in a human body

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What is Human Energy?

Energy is the root of body and mind.

By understanding and sensing energy, you can unlock the secret of changing

yourself from all perspective: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

By understanding and sensing energy, you can read others and help them


This energy which I call subtle body energy is recognized and used in many

cultures for centuries. In Chinese culture it is named as Chi, in Japanese culture

it is Ki and in Indian culture it is Prana. In Hinduism it is called Shakti and some

people also call it life force or bio field.

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Energy anatomy.

Chakras Meridians Aura

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Qualities of Human Energy.

Energy flows and continuously changing. It depends on

- how we live our lives and

- who we interact with

Some energy becomes stagnant and form energetic patterns: negative and

positive. For example,

- The energetic pattern of sadness, bitterness, anger or anxiety.

- The energetic pattern of joy, light, loveliness and happiness.

Some energetic patterns sit in the body until we become aware of them and

change them.

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Energy distribution.

We are given certain amount of energy every day to run our lives.

We are responsible of how we distribute this energy.

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You have already felt energy many


When you are around some people do you feel drained?

Have you ever felt that someone was staring at you?

Have you ever felt instant liking or disliking for someone?

Have you ever been able to sense how someone is feeling, in spite of how this person was acting?

Have you ever felt a ‘gut instinct’ regarding what’s ailing a person?

Have you ever been able to sense another person’s presence before you actually heard or saw this person?

Do certain sounds, colours and fragrances make you feel more comfortable or uncomfortable?

Do you find that some people excite or energize you more than others?

Have you ever walked into a room and tightened up, fidgeted or felt angry? Do some rooms make you want to stay? Leave?

Have you ever ignored or shoved aside a first impression of someone, only to find that it bears itself out eventually?

Are some rooms more comfortable and enjoyable to be in that others? Do you notice how your brother’s/sister’s room feels different from yours? How about your parents’ or children’s?

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How to feel subtle body energy invisible to

the naked eye.

1. Believe that you can sense it. Believe that you’re intuitive. Believe that

intuitive information always come to you when you need it.

2. Tune into your body. Listen to your body.

3. Feel the subtle energy of your body.

4. Ask for intuitive guidance.

5. Listen to your dreams and vision.

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Most common reasons why people can’t

sense energy.

Blockages in the physical chakras:

1st (Family, tribal) chakra

2d (relationship, creativity , sensuality and sexuality) chakra

3rd chakra (relationship with yourself, self-will)

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Intuition and Self-Esteem

Self-esteem is needed to become truly intuitive and energy sensitive.

Solar plexus (the 3rd chakra) is the centre for self-esteem.

Healthy self-esteem is not the ego. Healthy self-esteem controls the ego. It helps to align the ego with the will of God.

Healthy self-esteem means:

- - you don’t need other people’s approval to do things you feel you should be doing.

- - your opinion doesn’t depend on what other people think (it doesn’t mean being a rebellion)

- - you feel comfortable with the unknown, with ‘the mystery of life’

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Energy interactions

Energy interactions can be positive and negative.

The worst interactions are when you lose your energy or contaminate it.

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Energy Awareness

The main questions you must ask yourself regularly:

“Whose energy is this? – mine or somebody else?”

“Who do I give my energy to?” or “Where do I lose my energy?”

“Where do I invest my energy?”

Nobody can take your energy without your own permission.

Strong physical chakras (the 1st, 2d and 3rd ) protect you from losing your energy.

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Energy? What do you feel?

1. Subtle changes in your body: feelings, emotions, etc.

2. Tingling

3. Crawling sensations

4. Electric current

5. Sudden flashes, pictures, visions

6. Dreams

7. Knowing

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Feeling the energy:

Feeling your own aura (energy)

Always start from taking deep breaths and meditating. It is helpful to imagine

a pillar of light – your Divine connection.

There are several ways to feel your aura.

1. Rubbing hands test

2. Breathing into hands

3. Sending energy: Finger test.

4. Feeling your own chakras.

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Feeling (seeing) aura

Put your sensitized hands 25-50 cm above the other person body. Start from the head aura

and go down.

Sensations you might feel: tingling, crawling, electric current, warmth or cold sensations,

sucking in, pushing out.

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How to intuitively read names. – to read the

information about a person you’ve never met or met just briefly.

1. You need to know basic information about a person: name, age, ect.

2. Go to your level (your centre) by breathing and mediating for a minute or two. Let go all your thoughts and concerns.

3. Repeat the person’s name several times.

4. Stay open to any general images, impressions, sounds, knowing, smells, or changes in energy you may perceive.

5. You can ask additional questions, for ex.: “How can I help this person?”

“What physical or emotional issues does he or she have?”

6. Continue to inwardly ask a series of specific questions, one at a time, and note any intuitive responses that come to you.

7. When you finish you can write your impressions down and revisit them later for further interpretation.

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Intuitive impressions:

- maybe something concrete

- maybe a metaphor

- maybe a symbol

- maybe emotional or non-emotional (but must be careful here – you must be

able differentiate intuitions from fear)

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Indications of a Reliable Intuition

Brings information neutrally, unemotionally

Comes from your gut (your centre)

Has a compassionate, supportive feel

Provide with clear perceptions that are “seen” first, then felt

Brings a detached sensation, like you’re an observer

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Indications of an unreasonable Fear

Has a strong negative charge

Has cruel, demeaning, or delusional content

Carries no gut-centred confirmation

Reveals past emotional wounds

Reduces centeredness and confidence

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Reading name exercise.

1. Get a name of a person.

2. Go into your level (centre).

3. Notice the impressions that may come to you.

4. Ask specific questions.

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How to know if you absorb other people’s

energy without being aware of it.

1.You feel like you’re not as good as other people.

2. You have a sense of somehow being incomplete; that something is 'missing'.

3 You have feelings of hopelessness, apathy and indifference; like a spark is missing.

5. Your fears keep you from living large.

6. You’re frequently worried that you’re not good enough, smart enough, thin enough …..

7. You feel like a victim .

8. You suffer from addictions or other compulsive behaviours and/or thought patterns.

9. You have a sense of never having really recovered from a past event.

10. You are repeatedly returning to a person, location or behaviour that is unhealthy for you.

11. You’ve forgotten how to dream .

12. You suffer from a variety of vague, hard to treat physical symptoms, such as fatigue, chronic pain, weight gain or loss, insomnia, skin disorders, or gastrointestinal symptoms.

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How to know if you’re an intuitive empath?

How to know if you’re an intuitive empath?

- People often say that you are overly sensitive.

- You get overwhelmed easily.

- If close people are in pain, you start feeling it too.

- You feel drained in crowds.

- You are prone to get anxious in packed places (elevators, airplanes or subways).

- You are super-sensitive to noise, light or scents.

- You gain energy when you’re alone in silence.

- You get burned out by groups and need time to revive yourself.

Answering “yes” to at least half of these questions means that you’re an intuitive empath

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How to protect yourself from negative


Immediate actions:

1. Focus on your breathing as often as possible (even right now).

2. Shielding technique: visualize a golden shield around your body.

3. Affirmation: ‘Negative thoughts, negative suggestions, have no influence

over me at any level of mind.’

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How to protect yourself from negative


Regular actions:

Regular meditation.

Set your limits with others. Be able to say “no”.

Use water to remove the negative energy from your body.

Burn a white candle for purification of space.

Stop thinking about the negative people and negative energy – (focus on your breathing)

If possible, break contact with an energy vampire to stop the transfer of toxins.

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How to remove negative energy from

yourself and others.

1. General sweeping

2. Local sweeping

3. Chakra’s cleaning


1. Cleaning your own aura.

2. Cleaning your own chakras.

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How to remove negative energy from

yourself and others.

1. Cord cutting ritual.

2. Forgiveness process.

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How to energize the areas of energetic

depletion in a human body.

Clockwise movement .

As a beginner use white light only.