how to prepare a competitive project proposal · 2015. 2. 13. · date: in 12 pts education and...

Date: in 12 pts Education and Culture HOW TO PREPARE A COMPETITIVE PROJECT PROPOSAL?

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  • Date: in 12 pts Education and Culture




  • Date: in 12 pts

    Part I. Preparing the application based on the requirements of the call Part II. Application form and requirements



  • Date: in 12 pts Education and Culture

    Part I

    Preparing the application based on the requirements of the call


  • Date: in 12 pts Education

    and Culture

    Submission on-line to EACEA eForm & Annexes Criteria

    Eligibility Criteria Exclusion Criteria Selection Criteria Award Criteria

    Common requirements for all Erasmus+ International dimension – Centralised Actions


  • Date: in 12 pts Education

    and Culture

    Most of eligibility criteria (see E+ Programme Guide – CBHE action) are featured in the e-form; following criteria are double checked by the Agency staff:

    Formal submission requirements

    Grant size (and duration)

    Applicant, Partners and Partnership requirements (number of partners, status of the grant applicant & partners, etc.)

    Eligibility criteria



    • The project contributes to the achievement of the policy objectives of the participating partners

    • It is based on and addresses real needs & problems of the target groups


    • How clearly the project addresses the Programme objectives and priorities (thematic, geographical priorities: National / Regional)

    • Needs analysis and presentation of specific problems addressed

    • Definition of target groups

    • What is innovative or complementary to other initiatives

    • How the project was prepared

    Award Criteria: 1. Relevance (30 points)


    • The activities proposed are appropriate to achieve the specific and wider objectives

    • It uses the most appropriate methodology

    • It demonstrates a logical and sound planning capacity


    Description of the project as a whole, including:

    • specific objectives

    • activities, expected outcomes, wider and specific objectives

    • academic content and pedagogical approach

    • involvement of academics, students and stakeholders at large

    • quality control processes


    Award Criteria: 2. Quality of Design and Implementation (30 points)


    • The partnership includes all the skills, recognised expertise and competences required

    • Suitable distribution of tasks

    • Sound communication and coordination


    • Presentation of the partners competences and roles in the project

    • Description of any complementary skills, expertise and competences directly relating to the planned project activities

    • ensure regional dimension

    • Planned measures to ensure effective communication 8

    Award Criteria: 3; Quality Team and Cooperation (20 points)


    • Information/outcomes of the project are made available to groups not directly involved (multiplier effect)

    • Optimal use of the results during & beyond the project lifetime

    • Expected impact will be substantial and sustainable in the long term (financial, institutional and policy level)


    • Expected impact at different levels

    • Dissemination strategy: outputs to be disseminated, target groups, dissemination tools & activities

    • Measures planned to ensure the sustainability of project outcomes and outputs at three levels: financial, institutional and political

    • Evidence of impact on HE at institutional / national level in PCs


    Award Criteria: 4. Impact and Sustainability (20 points)

  • Quality Design & Implementation


    • Full contribution to the achievement of the related project and added value of the project

    • Transparent procedures selection of participants

    • Quality systems


    Relevance of the mobility strand for the project

    Well-articulated with the project; demonstrated added value

    Demonstration of positive impact for individual and institutions

    Validation and recognition at institutional level


    Additional Award Criteria

    Special Mobility Strand

  • Date: in 12 pts Education and Culture

    Part II

    Application form and requirements


  • When? How? Where?

    One deadline - One-phase submission - on-line to EACEA Application form = unique reference information for the

    submission deadline.


    Specific application form: eForm: project data – parts A, B, C

    + compulsory annexes: Detailed project description (Word doc) – parts D, E, F, G, H, I, J

    Budget tables (Excel doc)

    Declaration of Honour+ Mandates (in one single PDF doc)


    Application form

  • Part A: Identification of the applicant and other organisations participating in the project (administrative information)

    A.1. Organisation

    A.2 Person responsible for the management of the application (contact person)

    A.3 Person authorised to represent the organisation in legally binding agreements (legal representative)

    Part B: Description of the project (general information) B.1 Summary of the project

    B.2 Priorities of the E+ Programme

    B.3 Dates and languages

    Part C: Specific information related to CBHE projects

    C.1 Aims and objectives addressed

    C.2 Specific objectives of the project as indicated in the Logical Framework Matrix

    C.3 Project themes and priorities addressed by the application

    C.4 Partner countries and regions involved in the project

    C.5 Project history

    C.6 Special Mobility Strand

    C.7 Grant requested


    eForm - contents

  • 14

    eForm compulsory ATTACHMENTS - 1

    1. Detailed description of the project (MS Word document)

    D - Quality of the project team and the cooperation arrangements

    E - Project characteristics and relevance

    F - Quality of the project design and implementation

    G - Impact, dissemination and exploitation, sustainability

    Logical Framework Matrix


    H - Work packages

    I – Special Mobility Strand (where applicable)

    J - Other EU Grants

  • 15

    eForm compulsory ATTACHMENTS - 2

    2. Detailed Budget (Excel tables)


    Staff costs

    Travel Costs and Costs of Stay

    Equipment Costs

    Sub-contracting Costs

    Special Mobility Strand - Students

    Special Mobility Strand - Staff


    Breakdown and project funding (automatically fully filled in)

    Indicative rates (informative)

  • 16

    eForm compulsory ATTACHMENTS - 2

    Key Action 2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

    Capacity building in the field of higher education

    Joint Project












    N°Name of Partner Country PR/PA

    1. Staff


    2. Travel


    3. Costs of


    4. Equipment


    5. Subcontracting


    B. Special Mobility




    P1 University 1 Belgium Programme Countries - - - - - - -

    P2 University 2 Croatia Programme Countries - - - - - - -

    P3 University 3 Vietnam Partner Countries - - - - - - -

    P4 - - - - - - -

    P5 - - - - - - -

    B. Additional Grant for Special Mobility Strand


    2. Travel Costs

    3. Costs of Stay

    4. Equipment Costs

    5. Subcontracting Costs

    Total Grant requested from the European Union (A + B)

    A. Grant for Project Activities Should be equal or above EUR 500.000,00 and cannot exceed EUR 1.000.000,00

    Value cannot exceed 80% of total A

    Cannot exceed 10% of total A.

    Cannot exceed 30% of total A.

    Cannot exceed 40% of total A.

    Before completing this table please read carefully the instructions available on

    CALL FOR PROPOSALS 2015 – EAC/A04/2014 - Erasmus+ Programme

    Programme guide and instructions for applicants


    Duration number of months

    Project Acronym


    Project Title xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • 17

    eForm compulsory ATTACHMENTS - 3

    3. Declaration of Honours + Mandates (PDF)

    Declaration of Honours – only from the Applicant organisation

    Mandates – from all partners (except for P1 – Applicant)

    - not required for Associated Partners (if applicable)

    - must be scanned and attached in one single document, with Mandates keeping the order as in List of Partners (P1-Pn)

  • Date: in 12 pts Education and


    Successful vs. good proposals

    How should I start?

    Drafting a good proposal

    When can I start?

  • Date: in 12 pts



    A successful proposal demonstrates that the combination of all its elements will produce concrete and sustainable results for the benefit of all the parties concerned.

    Education and Culture

  • Date: in 12 pts Education

    and Culture

    Necessary condition but… not sufficient !

    A good proposal is a proposal that

    Has been prepared and agreed jointly by the partnership.

    Has received the full commitment and support of the participating institutions.

    Is ready to start immediately after the selection decision.

    All proposals start from individual initiatives.

    Good proposals are always the result of a joint institutional commitment.

  • Date: in 12 pts Education

    and Culture

    1. You have a "broad knowledge" of Erasmus+

    What/who is it for? How does it work? What activities does it support and how? Who could help you understand it better?

    2. You have a concrete idea for an international cooperation. project

    Does it fit the programme' s objectives, priorities, requirements, intervention modalities, etc.?

    Does it address your institution (/sector /country) needs?

    3. Your idea is supported by your institution

    You have discussed it with the relevant authorities

    You will be supported for the proposal preparation and, if successful, the project implementation

    4. You can set up (/be part of) an international partnership for carrying out the project

  • Date: in 12 pts Education

    and Culture

    Start locally

    In your institution (other colleagues, services, departments, authorities, etc.)

    Among local stakeholders (other universities, education providers, employers, local / regional / national authorities, NEOs in Partner Countries etc.)

    International partners

    Colleagues / Organisations you (/your partners) have worked with in the past

    Partners are not individuals, they are organisations

    Each partner must

    Bring a concrete added value to the project

    Gain a concrete added value from the project

    Cooperation is based on trust, confidence AND on formalized agreements

  • Date: in 12 pts Education

    and Culture

    Broad knowledge of Erasmus+ is not sufficient anymore

    You must become a "master" in the relevant Erasmus+ Action (objectives, priorities, requirements, criteria, etc.)

    Most probably, you will need to adapt your idea to the Action requirements.

    Drafting the proposal is a shared exercise

    It reflects the partners shared responsibilities at project implementation stage

    It requires regular revisions/rewriting in order to ensure

    Consistency and coherence


    Fulfilment of all the E+ Action requirements

    Choose the language common/comfortable to all project partners

    Have your final Draft proofread by a colleague not involved in the proposal

    Know all

    secrets of


    Guide by

    heart , you

    must !+

  • Date: in 12 pts Education

    and Culture

    COHERENT in its entirety; avoid contradictions; avoid "patchwork"

    SIMPLE: better a few well-chosen words than long/vague explanations

    CONCRETE: use examples, justify your statements, bring proofs

    CLEAR: Follow the questions and answer them in the right order

    EXPLICIT: do not take anything for granted; don't assume: experts cannot read your mind; avoid abbreviations or explain them

    RIGOROUS: the application is the basis on which your project will be implemented; it is also the cornerstone of your partnership commitment

    FOCUSED: stick to what is asked

    COMPLETE: ensure (twice!) you have followed all the instructions and that the proposal fulfils all the mandatory requirements.

  • Date: in 12 pts Education

    and Culture

    When to start? Now!

    Propose / Discuss potential cooperation projects within your institution (e.g., CBHE, with or without mobility Special Mobility Strand)

    If a mobility action is in view,

    What type of student mobility (level of study, duration, thematic area, type of activities, etc.) or staff mobility?

    What added value can you offer to incoming students / staff?

    Does your university fulfil the principles of the Erasmus Charter ?

    On what criteria will you select your EU mobility partners?

  • Date: in 12 pts

    Respect the Call requirements & criteria

    Be clear, well-structured, concise, to the point (see guiding questions in the Application Form)

    Manageable partnership


  • Date: in 12 pts Education

    and Culture

    1. A good proposal is (much) more than a

    successful proposal.

    2. Nobody else knows your institution/country

    needs better than you.

    3. Have everybody on board as early as possible.

    Good luck !!


  • Date: in 12 pts Education

    and Culture