how to play soccer by aydan soo-hoo. rules of soccer the rules of soccer are very important. say if...

How to Play Soccer By Aydan Soo-Hoo

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Post on 01-Jan-2016




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Page 1: How to Play Soccer By Aydan Soo-Hoo. Rules of soccer The rules of soccer are very important. Say if you used your hands, that would lead to a penalty

How to Play Soccer

By Aydan Soo-Hoo

Page 2: How to Play Soccer By Aydan Soo-Hoo. Rules of soccer The rules of soccer are very important. Say if you used your hands, that would lead to a penalty

Rules of soccer

The rules of soccer are very important . Say if you used your hands, that would lead to a penalty kick for the other team to make a goal. Penalty kicks are also for when a player hurts a player on the other team.

Page 3: How to Play Soccer By Aydan Soo-Hoo. Rules of soccer The rules of soccer are very important. Say if you used your hands, that would lead to a penalty

Setting it Up

There is a certain way you set up a soccer field. The soccer ball starts in the middle, anywhere beyond the court you see is out, and there are more. Here is an image of how to set it up.

Page 4: How to Play Soccer By Aydan Soo-Hoo. Rules of soccer The rules of soccer are very important. Say if you used your hands, that would lead to a penalty

EquipmentYou will need certain people or tools or equipment to play the game. You will need a soccer ball, at least one player on each team, a soccer goal, and a referee.

Page 5: How to Play Soccer By Aydan Soo-Hoo. Rules of soccer The rules of soccer are very important. Say if you used your hands, that would lead to a penalty

Having Fun

Always remember, the game is to have fun. Not to win. So what are you waiting for? Go out there and kick that soccer ball!