how to make money with paid to click (ptc) sites


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Post on 05-Apr-2018




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Hi, We want to congratulate you for getting this guide.This guide will show you step by step how to make money with ptc sites.We

have to make one statement before everything else and that is – you will notget rich from ptc sites and you will not make a lot of money over night.These websites can bring you some nice real money (even a couple of thousands of dollars per month) but that only if you are willing to invest

 your time, effort and some money (the last one is optional).Ok, that being said, let’s roll!  These are websites that pay you to click on ads and also pay you every time

a referral of yours clicks on an ad (I’m going to explain to you how to getreferrals in the next chapters).

Practically the ptc sites share their earnings with you. The ads you and yourreferrals are clicking on are paid by advertisers. For every ad that shown upthe ptc gets a certain amount of money, usually a2-3 cents (.02$-.03$) per ad, amount that it is sharing with you.

No, joining a ptc site is free.

 Well, as we mentioned above a ptc site gets at least 2 cents/click to show upan ad to its members and shares then the revenue with the members thatclicked on that ad.The best paying ptc sites give $0.01 for a click and $0.005for every referral click, as a standard member. I know this looks like a smallincome but you have to realize that most of the ptc website allow you tobring as many  referrals as you can and you can even rent them from the ptc

or buy them from the ptc – and when the number of your referrals isincreasing your income is becoming much more attractive.

 As a general advice don’t join ptc website that pay you more than $0.01/ click when you’re a standard member (free membership) because click rates thatare above 1 cent are not sustainable most of the time and the websites willturn to scams before you ever get to profit from them.

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  No SKILL required working with PTC sites.

   Joining PTC is completely FREE.

  It is an online earning scheme without any INVESTMENT.

  Even no previous EXPERIENCE is required for PTC earning.

  To earn fast and more you can invest.

   After joining these sites make sure that you don’t join many PTC sites,  join only trusted ones as listed below in this book.

  By Extensive promotions for your referral link you will gain morereferrals under you and increase your earnings very rapidly.

90% sites just become inoperative and become scams hence be sure only to join sites with more than 2 years of stability and staying online records.

Suppose for example you join clixsense 

 As a free member you can earn daily .03$ by clicking ads per day.If you have (referral) member under you will get 0.004$ per day per referral .Suppose you manage to have 500 referrals under you so you will earn500*.004$=2$. That is with only 500 members you can earn per day .03 of your own click + 2$ for your 500 active membersHence you will earn 2.03$ per day 2.03*7 =14.21$ per week and

2.03*30=60.9$ per month.If you have 5000 you will earn 10*60.9=609$ per month

This is only for free members and if you upgrade 14.95$ per year You will also for every member you will get 0.25$ when he reaches 1$ of his/her own clicks.

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That means for 500 members under you will make you earn an extra0.25*500=125$ per year

 Also you will earn around .06 dollars per day of your own clicks or 1.8$ permonth

 And for 1 referral under you will earn .06$Hence if you have 500 members you will earn 500*.006*30=90$ per month.

This is where the true power of the ClixSense affiliate program comesinto play. With 8 levels there's no limit on how much you can earn,although you'll have to upgrade yourself to take full advantage of thisbecause Standard members earn only from their direct referrals.

 Whenever your direct referrals upgrade, you're instantly paid $2.00! If  you are a Premium member and if your referrals refer others who also

upgrade you are instantly paid $1.00 for each upgrade through 8 levels! You just got paid for doing nothing!

Free membership upgraded membership  Level #1 $2.00 $2.00

Level #2 - $1.00

Level #3 - $1.00

Level #4 - $1.00

Level #5 - $1.00

Level #6 - $1.00

Level #7 - $1.00

Level #8 - $1.00

That means for 500 active members if they upgrade you will get 500*2=1000$.Here there is no referral limits.So that’s the earning potential of only one ptc site. so please under our team

and earn more with the list that we have explained below:

 You can build a nice income with the ptc websites. It is all up to you and how well you will follow the steps in this ebook.

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Because you want to learn how to earn from a couple of dollars per month toa couple of thousand of dollars per month doing one thing that even a childcan and that is click on ads.Ok, before we move on you have to understandanother thing: we cannot promise you that you will earn any kind of money 

and that is not because of the ptc sites or the strategy we are going toexplain to you in the next pages (because these really work and can bring

 you money), but it is because we can’t follow you or make you do the  things we are explaining to you in this book.The bottom line is your success with ptc sites is 100% your choice.

First of all make sure you have an internet browser that

can assure you speed and security. We are using Mozilla Firefox /Google Chrome and these are very good and fast to work with. We would recommend you use any of these when clicking on ads.If you already have it, it’s great; if you don’t here’s the download link:

First of all make a

new email account for your own use from gmail/hotmail/yahoo (as you need a spam free email account).

The third thing you shall require is to have, two most widely usedpayment processor accounts in which you will withdraw yourearnings from ptc sites.

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These are the two payment processors the ptc sites use morecommonly 




Now let us explain in detail how to Register to these twoImportant payment processors:How to join Alertpay?It’s free to join. You just go to their website via clicking the link asbelow:

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The page will look like this

Click the sign up free icon to start registration. The page will look

like as shown below:

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 After clicking personal pro account click next step icon,you will seefollowing page as show below:

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Fill in the Personal Information in the form by providing your datacorrectly, and then click again the next step icon to proceed, thepage will again look like as shown below:

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Now fill up Account information and note down this somewhere soas not to forget that, note pin should be of more than 5 digits.

 After this click the final step button and you are done with Alertpay account registration. You will see following screen below:

This tells us to check your email id for validation link it will look as

shown below:

 After clicking the message you will be shown following messagebelow:

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Please click here to validate your email address link and you will beshown following page below:

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 You have now created your 1st payment processor Alertpay.In the above page click No button which is shown in red for timebeing. Now at this time your account will be showing Personal ProUnverified ,to become verified please click become verified link asshown below:

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 After clicking become verified with any of the three options asshown below:

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Now After Alertpay Payment processor, let us in similar fashion join our second Payment Processor Paypal by clicking the iconbelow: 

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The page will look like this as shown below:

By clicking Sign Up icon as marked above you will be shownfollowing page below:

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 Join Personal account since it is free, after this you will be take tofollowing page:

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Please register by providing your details ,since this form has beenfilled for Indian country. You may select and fill details as per will be more or less similar to above filled formonly.Untick if you don’t want to attach your credit card with Paypal

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account. After filling registration form click the “Agree and Create Account” icon and you will be taken to following page as shownbelow:

Here You can directly click :” Go to My Account” and you will betaken to your account and it will look like as shown below:

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Now you have to Add bank and purpose code & become verified tocomplete the Paypal account process.Also please confirm by goingto your Email account.

Now after Registering to payment processors join the followingsites described below. These are the best sites in paid to clickindustry and are paying consistently from more than 3 years.

:Please click the link and start registering the site as shown below: Clixsense: 

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 You will be shown following page:

Since I am your sponser hence you can see my name as PrashantSaroj. “Click sign up now” button to Register. Following page willbe shown as below:Note : For all working site you can have same username.

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Please fill up your Registration details as shown above and click the“Create Account button”: you will be shown following page:

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Please check your email id for the validation link as shown below:

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 After opening and clicking the validation link your account will getactivated and following login page will be shown:

Put your username and password and login into clixsense account. And you will be shown following page:

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Please click “No thanks, I want to login to my account now” link onthe top as shown above to go to your clicksense account page. Asshown:

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Now you will see that your account sucessfully activated and ready for your click work.Now you will see the View ads button on thetop of the page with total 9 ads (1+1+7) meaning 3 types of ads withtheir different pay value. After clicking view ads you will seefollowing page as shown below:

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Now remember click 1 ad at one time and after finishing than only  you will be able to see the next ad. Meaning for one site at a time

one ad can only be viewed. and if you have say joined 10 sites than you can see one ad for 10 sites at a time in different tabs. Now let ussee how to work on clixsense.after clicking first ad you will seefollowing page as shown below:

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Now click the cat from the five figures as shown above,then yourad timer will start as shown below:

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Now after the timer finishes following page will be shown :

In this way you have clicked and got credited $0.01 in your accountbalance:

Now similarly see all the ads daily and see your earnings to growdaily until 10 dollars so as to request it to your Paypal or Alertpay account.

Now I have already given you calculation for clixsense and howhuge you can earn from it just by referring your referral link asshown below:

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The above link is mine; you will get your link as ticked above in my 

account section. Just tell to your family, friends, and advertisethrough blogs, emails, social networking accounts like facebook,twitter, orkut…etc. 

:Please click the link and start registering the site as shown below: 

Neobux:  You will be shown following page:

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“Click Register now” button to Register. Following page will beshown as below:

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Fill up the registration information and then tick the declarationfor term of service. After that click the green button “continue” you

 will be shown following page:

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Now it shows that ,you have to check your mail box for the validation code, that will be sent most probably to spam folder of  your mailbox as shown below:

 After checking your mailbox copy the validation code and put in asshown below:

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Now click the “finish registration” button to complete yourregistration for this site. You will see following page below:

Now click the “login now” button ,you will be shown followingpage as shown below:

Now fill up your username, password and verification code,Note: leave secondary password blank, if you have not set it.

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Now filling click “send” button to login. You will see following pagebelow:

Now click the “view advertisement page to do y our ad view work

on this will see following page as shown below:

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Now click any one ad you will see red dot shown:

Click the red dot to view the ad you will see following page:

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The ad is waiting to be loaded, after it loads you will see following

page as shown:

 As you will see yellow is the progress bar when it gets complete it will turn into green and you will be credited your click value asshown below:

In this way click all the ads one by one and see your account grow: You can see lot of success stories on the forum of this page.

 Also now there is new feature launched for every ad you will view

 you will be given bonus 2 adprize per click. see the following pagebelow.

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Now you can see Ad Prize just click and see all the ad Prize you can win good huge prizes like free upgrade of Golden membershipscosting 90$ as such, can win 50$,25$ and so on.Here’s how it will look after wining the prize: 

So now it’s great to work at neobux you can earn more by referringmore people your referral link in the banner section.Rememberafter one month only you can refer to others at Neobux ,becausethey want active member and working members. So after one

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month you can refer Just tell to your family, friends, and advertisethrough blogs, emails, social networking accounts like facebook,twitter, orkut…etc. 

Now let us see the next site:

Please click the link below and start registering the site as shown: 


 You will be shown following page:

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Put your email address: and click continue button as shown above: After that you will see following page:

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Now email has been sent to your mail, check it and you willfollowing page in your mailbox:

 After clicking the new mail we will see following information:

Now click the link in the mailbox for continuing your registrationprocess:

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Fill up the registration form as filled above and click the continuebutton, following page will be seen:

Now you have successfully registered on this site, go to yourmailbox and check the login details as you can see below how itlooks like:

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Click the mail from ptcbox to see the details as shown

Now carefully notedown your username and refer to your friends and relatives your referral link is also given in themailbox.

Now click the login page link to go to the ptcbox login page which will look like as shown below:

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Put your “E-mail and Password” & choose “Login to my Account” option and click the login button to login to your ptcboxaccount.You will see following page:

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Now click the “Surf PTC ads” button and start the ad view on thissite as shown below:

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Now how the ad view page will look like:

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Now as you can see there are 2 ads ,also they are unvisited asunderlined In the above page.Now click first ad and you will see following page:

The timer is shown after 30 seconds you will be shown followingpage:

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In the left side of page it says click red, and on right out of fourcolored circle click the red one to get credited your ad value ,you

 will see following page after doing this as shown:

Now similarly click the other ad and after your ad view refresh tosee that the unvisited page will show visited. Now you can visit inthis way daily for new ads to click. In the same fashion as for otherPTC sites get your referral link from this site and refer to yourfamily and friends to grow your earnings.

Note: This site Guarantees that if you upgrade you will profit, andif you are not able to profit they will return the amount that youare not able to make out for the year. Suppose you invest 30 dollarsIf you make only 15 dollars by your efforts, your rest money 15$ willbe returned back to your account that you can withdraw to yourpayment processors.





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Dear friends I would be giving more information in due course of time, join now and have the feel of ptc and start earning onlinemoney.7. CLICKSIA 


fOr any doubt and help you may contact me at any time 

on my e-mail id

[email protected] God bless for you happy earnings.

For more updates on sites you can visit at 

it’s not the end it the beginning, we will work as a team