how to learn 100 dietary theories in 10 minutes...body for life diet non-specific 40-50%, avoiding...

© 2015 Health Coach Institute | (888) 822-1284 ext. 2 | [email protected] | Copyright © 2015. All Rights Reserved p.1 How To Learn 100 Dietary Theories In 10 Minutes Diet Timing Carbs Fats Protein Cooking 1. Paleo Non-specific Remove all except non- starchy veg and fresh fruit only Non-specific Animal, fish, eggs, nuts, seeds only Cooked and raw 2. Vegan Non-specific All Non-specific Plant protein only; No animal sources. No eggs or dairy. Cooked and raw 3. Macrobiotic Non-specific 40-60% of diet is whole grains; 20-30% of diet is vegetables (including sea vegetables) Nuts & seeds, only 2-3 times per week Tofu, miso, tempeh; seafood, nuts & seeds only 2-3 times per week Cooked and raw 4. Zero Belly Diet 4 meals per day (no longer than 4 hours apart) Non-starchy vegetables only Eat MUFAs 1 at every meal Animal & plant protein allowed Cooked and raw 1 Monounsaturated fatty acids

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Page 1: How To Learn 100 Dietary Theories In 10 Minutes...Body For Life Diet Non-specific 40-50%, avoiding refined grains Low fat 40-50%, focus on lean meats, avoid egg yolks Cooked & raw

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How To Learn 100 Dietary Theories In 10 Minutes

Diet Timing Carbs Fats Protein Cooking 1. Paleo Non-specific Remove all

except non-starchy veg and fresh fruit only

Non-specific Animal, fish, eggs, nuts, seeds only

Cooked and raw

2. Vegan Non-specific All Non-specific Plant protein only; No animal sources. No eggs or dairy.

Cooked and raw

3. Macrobiotic Non-specific 40-60% of diet is whole grains; 20-30% of diet is vegetables (including sea vegetables)

Nuts & seeds, only 2-3 times per week

Tofu, miso, tempeh; seafood, nuts & seeds only 2-3 times per week

Cooked and raw

4. Zero Belly Diet 4 meals per day (no longer than 4 hours apart)

Non-starchy vegetables only

Eat MUFAs1 at every meal

Animal & plant protein allowed

Cooked and raw

1 Monounsaturated fatty acids

Page 2: How To Learn 100 Dietary Theories In 10 Minutes...Body For Life Diet Non-specific 40-50%, avoiding refined grains Low fat 40-50%, focus on lean meats, avoid egg yolks Cooked & raw

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Diet Timing Carbs Fats Protein Cooking 5. South Beach Phase 1 (14 days)

- encouraged to eat 3 meals and 3 snacks daily

About 10% of diet. Excludes most carbohydrates except non-starchy veggies, fruits & beans

About 40% of diet. Restricted saturated fats.

About 50% of the diet. focus on beef, poultry, seafood, eggs

Cooked and raw

Phase 2 (until goal weight)

Progressively added back in. White potatoes are still restricted.

Increased from Phase 1.

About 50% of the diet. focus on beef, poultry, seafood, eggs

Cooked and raw

Phase 3 (maintain for life)

Focus on vegetables, fruit & limited whole grains.

Still limiting saturated fats. Focus on MUFA & PUFA2.

Still high, focus on beef, poultry, seafood, eggs & cheese

Cooked and raw

6. Weight Watchers Stay within allotted daily points

Non-specific Non-specific Non-specific Cooked and raw

2 Polyunsaturat-ed fatty acids

Page 3: How To Learn 100 Dietary Theories In 10 Minutes...Body For Life Diet Non-specific 40-50%, avoiding refined grains Low fat 40-50%, focus on lean meats, avoid egg yolks Cooked & raw

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Diet Timing Carbs Fats Protein Cooking 7. Mediterranean Non-specific About 50%.

Focus on fruits, vegetables, potatoes, whole grains and beans

Between 20-35%. Focus on MUFA sources like olive oil, nuts/seeds, and avocados. Minimal low-fat dairy

Between 10-35%. Limit red meat

Cooked and raw

8. The Zone Eat within 1 hour of waking & within 1 hour of going to bed, 5-6 smalls meals a day and no more than 5 hours without food

40% Preferably low glycemic foods)

30% (primarily MUFAs)

30% cooked & raw

9. Atkins Recommended to have 3 meals & 2 snacks

About 20 grams net carbs daily (of these, 12-15g should in from vegetables)

Non-specific High protein encouraged

Cooked and raw

10. Volumetrics 3 meals & 2 snacks and a dessert daily

All high volume, low calorie

Low-fat sources All high volume, low calorie

Cooked and raw, often increased cooking preparation

Page 4: How To Learn 100 Dietary Theories In 10 Minutes...Body For Life Diet Non-specific 40-50%, avoiding refined grains Low fat 40-50%, focus on lean meats, avoid egg yolks Cooked & raw

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Diet Timing Carbs Fats Protein Cooking 11. Nutrisystem 3 Nutrisystem

meals & dessert About 55%. Certain low glycemic fruits & vegetables on top of your prepackaged foods

20% About 25%. Certain nuts & fresh meat on top of your prepackaged meals

Cooked, raw & prepackaged foods

12. Ketogenic Non-specific 5%; between 20-50 grams per day

60-75% 20-35% Cooked & raw

13. Raw Food Non-specific 75-80% in the food’s raw state

75-80% in the food’s raw state

75-80% in the food’s raw state

At least 75% of your diet is consumed raw (104-118° F Maximum)

14. Intermittent Fasting Fast for 14 hours per day to 24 hours 1-2 times per week

Nothing while fasting; non-specific while not fasting

Nothing while fasting; non-specific while not fasting

Nothing while fasting; non-specific while not fasting

Cooked & raw

15. Gerson Non-specific Focuses a lot on raw fruit & vegetable juices. Berries, pineapple, cucumbers are prohibited

Only organic, fresh flax oil

Prohibited Organic only & consumed in their most natural form

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Diet Timing Carbs Fats Protein Cooking 16. Fruitarian Sometimes non-

specific; some follow eating only 1 kind of food at a time and waiting 45-90 min before eating another food

75% raw fruit & leafy greens, celery, cucumbers, tomatoes & sweet bell peppers

Up to 10% coming from avocado, nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds 75% raw

17. Lacto vegetarianism Non-specific Non-specific All non-animal sources of fats with the exception of fat from dairy

No eggs but consumes dairy & other non-animal sources protein

Cooked & raw

18. Lacto-ovo vegetarianism Non-specific Non-specific All non-animal sources of fats with the exception of fat from dairy & eggs

non-animal sources protein with the exception of dairy & eggs

Cooked & raw

19. Pescatarian Non-specific Non-specific All non-animal sources

Consumes non-animal sources with the exception of fish and seafood

Cooked & raw

Page 6: How To Learn 100 Dietary Theories In 10 Minutes...Body For Life Diet Non-specific 40-50%, avoiding refined grains Low fat 40-50%, focus on lean meats, avoid egg yolks Cooked & raw

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Diet Timing Carbs Fats Protein Cooking 20. DASH (dietary

approaches to stop hypertension)

Non-specific 55% About 20-25%. Dairy is low-fat only

About 20% Cooked & raw, limit sodium in foods & cooking to 2300mg max

21. Elemental Non-specific Honey, dextrose, glucose flavored liquid and grape syrup only

Ideally medium chain triglyceride oil or coconut oil

Amino acid powder Minimal due to small food list

22. Swank Non-specific High grains, fruits & vegetables

Maximum of 3tsp saturated fat, 4-10 tsp unsaturated fat

No red meat, including pork, 2 oz medium fat meats daily

Cooked & raw

23. Specific carbohydrate diet (SCD)

Non-specific No grains, sugar or starches. Select legumes only

Nuts & seeds Unprocessed meats Cooked & raw

24. Pritikin Non-specific Non-specific Very low saturated fat (no coconut oil, butter)

1 serving daily of fish or lean protein (no egg yolks)

Cooked & raw

25. Abs Diet 6 smalls meals daily

About 45-50% About 25-30%. e.g. olive oil, nuts

About 30%, lean meats & eggs

Cooked & raw

Page 7: How To Learn 100 Dietary Theories In 10 Minutes...Body For Life Diet Non-specific 40-50%, avoiding refined grains Low fat 40-50%, focus on lean meats, avoid egg yolks Cooked & raw

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Diet Timing Carbs Fats Protein Cooking 26. ADD/ADHD Diet Non-specific Complex carbs

and minimize simple carbs

Ensure omega-3 fatty acids

High protein Cooked & raw

27. Feingold diet Non-specific Non-specific Non-specific Non-specific Cooked & raw but avoid processed foods with any artificial coloring, sweeteners, flavors, BHT, BHA & TBHQ

28. Anti-Estrogenic Non-specific Non-specific Nuts & seeds, olives, avocado, low-fat dairy

Limit red meat Cooked & raw

29. Aquavore Non-specific Focus on cherries & lentils

Almonds & peanuts

Soy products, salmon, lean beef, chicken, turkey, tuna

Cooked & raw

30. Ayurvedic Non-specific Specific food list for type (vata, pitta or kapha)

Specific food list for type (vata, pitta or kapha)

Specific food list for type (vata, pitta or kapha)

Cooked & raw. Focus on room temperature water instead of cold water

31. Aztec Phase 1: 3 chia smoothies only

Non-specific Chia seeds Turkey & fish Phase 1 is chia smoothies only, then cooked & raw

Page 8: How To Learn 100 Dietary Theories In 10 Minutes...Body For Life Diet Non-specific 40-50%, avoiding refined grains Low fat 40-50%, focus on lean meats, avoid egg yolks Cooked & raw

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Diet Timing Carbs Fats Protein Cooking Phase 2: 2 chia smoothies and food lunch

foods as listed

Phase 3: 3 meals

32. Biggest Loser Diet Non-specific About 50% 25% with 5% maximum from saturated fat

About 30% Cooked & raw with an emphasis on more cooking

33. Blood Type diet Type O: non-specific

Select food list for ideal foods. Minimal grains (ideally gluten free). Focus on lentils, corn, kidney beans, cabbage

Select food list for ideal foods

Select food list for ideal foods. Focus on animal protein & saltwater fish

Cooked & raw

Type A: smaller, more frequent meals

Select food list for ideal foods

Select food list for ideal foods

Select food list for ideal foods. Focus on non-animal sources

Page 9: How To Learn 100 Dietary Theories In 10 Minutes...Body For Life Diet Non-specific 40-50%, avoiding refined grains Low fat 40-50%, focus on lean meats, avoid egg yolks Cooked & raw

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Diet Timing Carbs Fats Protein Cooking Type B: non-specific

Select food list for ideal foods and avoid corn, wheat, buckwheat, lentils & tomatoes

Select food list for ideal foods and avoid peanut butter & sesame seeds

Select food list for ideal foods and avoid chicken

Type AB: non-specific

Select food list for ideal foods and focus on green vegetables

Select food list for ideal foods

Select food list for ideal foods and focus on tofu & seafood

34. Blue Zone Non-specific All and focus on eating until 80% full

All and focus on eating until 80% full

Focus on eating until 80% full & only 2 animal servings per week

Cooked & raw

35. Body Ecology diet Non-specific 80% ocean vegetables & non-starchy vegetables, minimal starchy vegetables, grain like seeds, lemons, limes, cranberry & black currants

From the protein sources, butter, coconut oil & seed oils

20% animal protein Cooked & raw

Page 10: How To Learn 100 Dietary Theories In 10 Minutes...Body For Life Diet Non-specific 40-50%, avoiding refined grains Low fat 40-50%, focus on lean meats, avoid egg yolks Cooked & raw

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Diet Timing Carbs Fats Protein Cooking 36. Body For Life Diet Non-specific 40-50%,

avoiding refined grains

Low fat 40-50%, focus on lean meats, avoid egg yolks

Cooked & raw with 1 "free" day where you can eat whatever you want

37. Body Reset 3 smoothies, 1-2 snacks

About 60% About 20% About 20% Raw & cooked (cooking comes into play in phase 2 and 3)

38. Calorie Restricted Non-specific All All All Raw & cooked

39. Candida diet Non-specific Eliminates fruit, added sugar, most starchy vegetables, and high glycemic load foods.

Avoid processed & unhealthy fats

Avoid processed meats

Focus on raw & steamed foods in the beginning

40. China Study Diet Non-specific 90-95% Plant sources of whole foods

Non-animal sources

Non-animal sources Cooked & raw

41. Clean Diet 3 meals with breakfast & dinner being smoothies

Focus on vegetables, fruit, gluten free grains, beans, lentils & legumes

Nuts, seeds, nut butters, avocado & coconut oil

Wild fish, organic chicken and turkey

Cooked & raw

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Diet Timing Carbs Fats Protein Cooking 42. Dairy Free Non-specific Non-specific Non-dairy

sources Non-dairy sources Cooked & raw

43. Dukan Non-specific About 35-40% About 20% About 40% Cooked & raw through each of the 4 phases

44. Eco-Atkins Non-specific About 25% About 45% from non-animal sources

About 30% from non-animal sources

Cooked & raw

45. Edenic Diet Non-specific The majority of the diet consists of fruits, vegetables, and legumes

In natural state Excludes soy & cooked protein since it was not available in the "Garden of Eden"

Mostly raw foods

46. Elimination Diet Non-specific All starches are eliminated (except sometimes rice & buckwheat). Citrus fruits may be eliminated.

No dairy, nuts & seeds.

No eggs, dairy, soy. Cooked & raw

Page 12: How To Learn 100 Dietary Theories In 10 Minutes...Body For Life Diet Non-specific 40-50%, avoiding refined grains Low fat 40-50%, focus on lean meats, avoid egg yolks Cooked & raw

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Diet Timing Carbs Fats Protein Cooking 47. Engine 2 Non-specific,

Each week for 4 weeks you eliminate or add more foods to get to the diet's daily plan

About 65-70% About 25%, no vegetable oils

About 10-15%, no dairy or animal products

Cooked & raw

48. F2 Plan Non-specific but breakfast needs to be 1/2 grapefruit, bowl of high fiber cereal & green-colored banana

Consume 2 slices of high fiber bread daily along with leafy greens, whole grains & legumes. Low glycemic fruits

Limit fat intake Non-animal sources are ideal, but fish is allowed

Cooked & raw

49. Fat Flush Plan 3 phase detox plan otherwise non-specific

Low glycemic fruits, vegetables, minimal select grains

Focus on omega 3s & 6s

Lean protein sources

Cooked & raw

50. Flat Belly Diet Eat 1 MUFA food per meal

About 50% from fruits, vegetables, legumes, & whole grains

About 25%, from avocados, olive oil, nuts & seeds. Limit saturated fats

About 25% Cooked & raw

Page 13: How To Learn 100 Dietary Theories In 10 Minutes...Body For Life Diet Non-specific 40-50%, avoiding refined grains Low fat 40-50%, focus on lean meats, avoid egg yolks Cooked & raw

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Diet Timing Carbs Fats Protein Cooking 51. Flexitarian 3 meals & 2

snacks About 55%. All whole food sources.

About 25-30%. Focus on non-animal sources

About 15%. Focus on non-animal sources like tofu, nuts & seeds, lentils. Eggs are allowed.

Cooked & raw - emphasis on home cooking

52. Low FODMAP Non-specific About 45%. Gluten free grains, specific fruits & vegetables that are low FODMAP. Avoid legumes & certain fruits & vegetables

About 40-45%. Lactose free choices for dairy and olive oil

About 15%. Low FODMAP foods include beef, chicken, eggs, fish, lamb, pork, shellfish, turkey

Cooked & raw

53. Food Combining Do not combine carbohydrates & proteins from different foods at the same meal. Can be combined with neutral foods.

Non-specific Non-specific Non-specific Cooked & raw

Page 14: How To Learn 100 Dietary Theories In 10 Minutes...Body For Life Diet Non-specific 40-50%, avoiding refined grains Low fat 40-50%, focus on lean meats, avoid egg yolks Cooked & raw

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Diet Timing Carbs Fats Protein Cooking 54. Gabriel Method Emphasis on

including omega-3s, protein & live foods at each meal. Visualization of your ideal body daily & stress management are recommended daily

Non-specific Avoid processed sources

Avoid processed sources

Cooked & raw with raw foods being encouraged at each meal

55. The Daniel Plan Non-specific 50% non-starchy vegetables, 25% starch or whole grains. Minimal low-glycemic fruit

Olive oil, coconut oil, butter, nut & seeds

25% lean protein or vegetables protein

Cooked & raw

56. Genotype Non-specific Cooked & raw

Hunter Buckwheat, rice, berries

Butter, ghee, olive oil, flaxseed

Red meat, poultry, fish, eggs, limit most dairy

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Diet Timing Carbs Fats Protein Cooking Gatherer Millet, oats,

mushrooms and “live” foods, citrus and berries

Almond, flaxseed, olive oil, hemp

Buffalo, venison, fish, eggs, cottage cheese

Teacher Buckwheat, oats, rice, wheat most fruits, and “live” foods

Borage, chia, ghee, hemp, olive, safflower

Limited red meat and poultry. Non-crustacean seafoods, eggs, some dairy, beans

Explorer Rice, millet, sprouted wheat, some fruits, and “live” foods

Chia, ghee, hemp, olive oil

Limited red meat and poultry. Selected fish. No eggs. Limited dairy but whey is allowed.

Warrior Limited rice but other whole grains are allowed. “Live” foods and select fruits.

Plant-based oils No red meat or poultry. Some fish, eggs. Limited dairy. Vegetable proteins

Nomad Rice, millet, oat, “live” foods, most fruits

Plant and fish oils

Wild red meat, most fish, eggs, most dairy, most vegetable proteins

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Diet Timing Carbs Fats Protein Cooking 57. Gluten Free Non-specific Only gluten-free

grains Non-specific Non-specific Cooked & raw

58. HCG diet 3 meals 2 serving vegetables and fruit from select list and 1 breadstick or melba toast daily

Very low 200g daily from select list with visible fat trimmed off meat

Cooked & raw

59. The Hormone Cure Non-specific Grain free, focus on vegetables & fruit

Nuts & seeds, coconut oil

Avoid pork and red meat

Cooked & raw

60. The cheat system diet Non-specific All in moderation focusing on "better" choices more and more

All in moderation focusing on "better" choices more and more

All in moderation focusing on "better" choices more and more

Cooked & raw

61. HMR Diet Non-specific HMR shakes, meal-replacement foods & select fruit & vegetables. About 65-70%

HMR shakes, meal-replacement foods. About 15%

HMR shakes, meal-replacement foods. About 15%

Cooked & raw

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Diet Timing Carbs Fats Protein Cooking 62. IBS diet Non-specific Generally limit

or avoid beans, cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, peas, onions, citrus fruits, berries & grains

Generally avoid high fat & fried foods

Focus on lean meats and fish

Cooked & raw. Often lactose free dairy is used

63. Jenny Craig 3 meals & 1 snack daily

Prepackaged foods

Prepackaged foods

Prepackaged foods Cooked

64. Juicing Non-specific All fresh vegetables & fruits

Typically not included

Typically not included


65. Kosher Diet Meat, fowl & dairy foods are not eaten in the same meal (this does not include fish). 3-6 hours between meat & dairy consumption

Non-specific Non-specific Non-specific Cooked & raw according to timing rules previously stated

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Diet Timing Carbs Fats Protein Cooking 66. LA Weight Loss Non-specific Mix of

prepackaged foods and specific foods list for fresh fruit, vegetables & grains

Low fat Limit red meat & higher sodium containing proteins like shellfish & cottage cheese

Cooked & raw

67. Clear Liquid Diet Non-specific Fruit juices without pulp, soda, tea, coffee, gelatin, vegetable juice, sports drink, honey, hard candy & ice pops

No fat No protein Raw

68. Locovore Non-specific All from local sources only

All from local sources only

All from local sources only

Cooked & raw

69. TLC (Therapeutic Lifestyle Change) diet

Non-specific Between 45-65%

About 20-35%. Saturated fat not to exceed 7% daily

15% from lean sources

Cooked & raw

70. Low Glycemic Index Non-specific Foods with a glycemic index of 1-55.

Non-specific; with attention to glycemic index

Non-specific; with attention to glycemic index

Cooked & raw

Page 19: How To Learn 100 Dietary Theories In 10 Minutes...Body For Life Diet Non-specific 40-50%, avoiding refined grains Low fat 40-50%, focus on lean meats, avoid egg yolks Cooked & raw

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Diet Timing Carbs Fats Protein Cooking 71. Low Fat Diet Non-specific Non-specific All as long as you

consume less than 20% of your calories from fat daily

Non-specific Cooked & Raw

72. Master Cleanse Non-specific Maple syrup fresh squeezed lemons, cayenne

None None This beverage only, no cooking

73. Mayo Clinic Non-specific Unlimited fruits, vegetables and 4-8 servings whole grains

3-5 servings daily

About 20%. 3-7 servings and includes dairy

Cooked & raw

74. Medifast 6 small meals daily

About 40-45%. Prepackaged foods & snacks to choose from and minimum of 1 green vegetable choice

About 20%. Prepackaged foods & snacks to choose from

About 40%. Prepackaged foods & snacks to choose from and minimum of 1 lean protein choice

Cooked & raw

75. MediterrAsian Way Non-specific Gluten free grains if eating grains

Focus on plant sources & fat from fish

Limit red meat. Focus on fish

Cooked & raw

76. Traditional Asian diet Non-specific About 50% 30-35% About 15% Cooked & raw

Page 20: How To Learn 100 Dietary Theories In 10 Minutes...Body For Life Diet Non-specific 40-50%, avoiding refined grains Low fat 40-50%, focus on lean meats, avoid egg yolks Cooked & raw

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Diet Timing Carbs Fats Protein Cooking 77. Migraine Avoid skipping

meals for long periods of time

Limit or avoid foods that contain MSG, caffeine, onions, aspartame, alcohol

Non-specific Limit or avoid foods that contain tyramine like aged cheeses, cured sausages & smoked fish, deli meats & hotdogs

Cooked & raw

78. Spark Solution diet Non-specific 45-65% 20-35% 15-35% Cooked & raw (no eating out in the first 3 weeks)

79. Omnivore Non-specific Low intake Moderate intake Focus on lean meat Cooked & raw

80. OPTIFAST Non-specific Full meal replacement program

Full meal replacement program

Full meal replacement program

Pre-prepared foods only

81. Organic Non-specific At least 90% organic foods

At least 90% organic foods

At least 90% organic foods

Cooked & raw

82. Ornish 5-6 small meals daily

About 60-70% About 10-15%. Low fat dairy, avoid oils, avocados, olives, nuts & seeds

About 10-20%. Avoid all meat

Cooked & raw

83. Acid Alkaline Diet Non-specific 80% alkaline foods (pH of 7-14)

80% alkaline foods (pH of 7-14)

80% alkaline foods (pH of 7-14), avoid red meat

Cooked & raw

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Diet Timing Carbs Fats Protein Cooking 84. Prediabetes Diet Non-specific Non-specific Low fat dairy

foods, if you eat dairy

Lean protein sources

Cooked & raw

85. Slim Fast 6 small meals daily

About 50% from prepackaged foods, veggies & starches

About 30% in the prepackaged foods

About 20% from prepackaged foods & lean protein

Prepare the prepackaged foods

86. Sonoma Non-specific Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, glass of wine, honey

3 servings daily. Choose from nuts, olive oil, or avocados

Nonfat dairy, lean meat, seafood

Cooked & raw

87. Super Shred Specifically changes to achieve “diet confusion”: sometimes 2 meals, up to 6.

Specific meal plan not to be altered much

Specific meal plan not to be altered much

Specific meal plan not to be altered much

Cooked & raw

88. USDA Plate Non-specific 45-65%. focus on whole grains, vegetables, fruits, beans & legumes

20-35%. Just limit trans-fat & limit saturated fats

10-35% Cooked & raw

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Diet Timing Carbs Fats Protein Cooking 89. Virgin Diet 1-2 meals are

shakes Eliminate corn, sugar, & sweeteners. Focus on whole food sources that are high fiber & low-glycemic carbs. Fermented foods.

Eliminate dairy & peanuts.

Protein powder & lean protein. Eliminate dairy, soy, eggs

Cooked & raw

90. 17 Day Diet Non-specific in first phase

About 40-45% in the first phase (rapid weight loss)

About 20% on average in the first phase (rapid weight loss)

About 40%, Lean protein sources in the first phase (rapid weight loss)

Cooked & raw, can eat out on weekends only

91. Bulletproof Diet Varies depending if trying to lose weight or maintain health

20-30% total calories from carbs. Eliminate all grains, sugar, & legumes.

50-60% total calories from healthy fats

20% total calories from grass-fed beef, full fat, raw dairy, wild caught seafood

Raw & cooked gently

92. Vegetarian Non-specific Non-specific Meat-free sources

Meat-free sources. Dairy is allowed.

Cooked & raw

93. Supercharged Hormone Diet

Non-specific About 30% About 30% About 40% Cooked & raw

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Diet Timing Carbs Fats Protein Cooking 94. Anti-inflammatory Diet Non-specific 40-50% About 30% About 20-30% with

limited animal sources

Cooked & raw

95. 3 Day Diet 3 days per week follow specific meal plan. The rest of week, eat in moderation.

About 60% About 10% About 30% Cooked & raw

96. Dr. Bernstein’s Diabetes diet

6g carbs are eaten at breakfast, 12g at lunch & 12g at dinner

30g daily Eat enough to maintain satisfaction until next meal

Eat enough to maintain satisfaction until next meal

Cooked & raw

97. Ultrametabolism Non-specific Whole foods, non-processed carbohydrates

Whole foods, non-processed fats

Whole foods, non-processed protein

Cooked & raw

98. The Leptin Diet 3 meals per day & no snacking. Eat 20-30g protein at breakfast

30% 40% 30% Cooked & raw

99. P.I.N.K. Method Non-specific Mostly limited to vegetables

Non-specific Lean protein Cooked & raw with emphasis on cooking at home

Page 24: How To Learn 100 Dietary Theories In 10 Minutes...Body For Life Diet Non-specific 40-50%, avoiding refined grains Low fat 40-50%, focus on lean meats, avoid egg yolks Cooked & raw

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Diet Timing Carbs Fats Protein Cooking 100. The Clean Diet Breakfast &

dinner are liquid meals, lunch is a solid meal.

No gluten or flour

Extra virgin olive oil

About 20g per meal. No soy, red meat, dairy

Cooked & raw