how to identify who is the speaker in the poem & predicting possible ending


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Post on 15-Jul-2015




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Page 1: how to identify who is the speaker in the poem & predicting possible ending
Page 2: how to identify who is the speaker in the poem & predicting possible ending

Read the poem all the way through oncewithout stopping to ask questions. Writedown an immediate impression of thespeaker in the poem: What kind of speakerdo you imagine in your “mind’s eye”? Jotdown anything that comes to mind. This isyour first impression of the speaker.

Page 3: how to identify who is the speaker in the poem & predicting possible ending

Read the poem again, ask the question,“What is this poem about?” Pay attentionto the title; it often hints at the situation ormeanings of the poem. Images repeated bythe speaker; repetition creates emphasis,and emphasis reveals the concerns andattitude of the speaker toward the subjectof the poem.

Page 4: how to identify who is the speaker in the poem & predicting possible ending

Determine the “situation” of the poem: What is happening when the poem begins? What is the subject the speaker is addressing? Describe the setting portrayed in the descriptive images: Are they taken from nature or the city, a specific location or a generalized setting?

Page 5: how to identify who is the speaker in the poem & predicting possible ending

Examine the kinds of language used by the speaker: Is it formal or colloquial, as in everyday speech? Notice the focus of the speaker: What is he or she paying attention to?

Page 6: how to identify who is the speaker in the poem & predicting possible ending

Determine the overall emotion of the poem: Is the speaker reflective, excited, nostalgic, worried, angry, optimistic? Analyze the language for words that suggest moods: colors, sounds and images. Describe the rhythm of the speaker’s voice to help determine his or her attitude: Is the rhythm gentle and flowing or choppy and curt?

Page 7: how to identify who is the speaker in the poem & predicting possible ending

Write a brief description of the speaker’s physical appearance, age, gender, social status and any other details that help bring the speaker to life. If the details in the poem are not specific about these characteristics, use the context of the poem to speculate.

Page 8: how to identify who is the speaker in the poem & predicting possible ending

My Gift

I Love Myself

Annabelle Lee

Page 9: how to identify who is the speaker in the poem & predicting possible ending

My Gift

What can I give Him?

Poor as I am.

If I were a shepherd,

I would give Him a lamb.

If I were a wise man,

I would do my part.

But what can I give Him?

I will give Him my heart.

Page 10: how to identify who is the speaker in the poem & predicting possible ending

I Love Myself

I love myself the way I am,

There’s nothing I need to change.

I’ve always been the perfect me,

There’s nothing to rearrange.

I’m beautiful and capable of being the

best me I can.

I love myself just the way I am.

I love you just the way you are,

There’s nothing you need to do.

When I feel the love inside myself,

It’s easy to love you.

Behind your fears, your rage and tears,

I see your shinning star

And I love you just the way you are.

I love the world the way it is,

As I can clearly see

That all the things I judge are done

By people just like me

So till the birth of peace on earth

That only love can bring

I’ll help it grow by loving me within.

I love my self the way I am,

And still I want to grow

The change outside can only come

When deep inside I know

I’m beautiful and capable

Of being the best me I can

And I love myself just the way I am,

I love myself just the way I am.

Page 11: how to identify who is the speaker in the poem & predicting possible ending

Annabelle Lee by Edgar Allan Poe

It was many and many a year ago,

In a kingdom by the sea,

That a maiden there live whom you may know

By the name of ANNABELLE LEE;

And this maiden she lived with no other thought

Than to love and be loved by me.

Page 12: how to identify who is the speaker in the poem & predicting possible ending
Page 13: how to identify who is the speaker in the poem & predicting possible ending

The ending must connect to information that was read during the beginning

and/or middle of the story.

Predicting - is a strategy that helps students better develop comprehending reading skills

Predict – tell in advance

Page 14: how to identify who is the speaker in the poem & predicting possible ending

The Goose with the Golden Eggs

A man in the country went to see the nest of his goose.

And he could hardly believe what he saw. He had to pinch himself to be sure he wasn’t dreaming.

His goose laid an egg of pure gold!

Every morning , he went back to the nest and always, he found a golden egg.

Page 15: how to identify who is the speaker in the poem & predicting possible ending

As he sold them at a high price, he became richer and richer.

But as he became richer, he became greedy.

One day, he became impatient. He thought to get all the golden eggs at once!

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Page 17: how to identify who is the speaker in the poem & predicting possible ending

He opened the goose but he found nothing! What’s worst, he killed the goose that had laid the golden eggs.

Page 18: how to identify who is the speaker in the poem & predicting possible ending

The Magic Pot

Page 19: how to identify who is the speaker in the poem & predicting possible ending
Page 20: how to identify who is the speaker in the poem & predicting possible ending