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Saskatchewan Change Day 2015 How-To Guide How to have fun with and promote Change Day in your workplace

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Page 1: How to have fun with and promote Change Day in your … to have fun with and promote Change Day in your workplace

Saskatchewan Change Day 2015 How-To Guide How to have fun with and promote Change Day in your


Page 2: How to have fun with and promote Change Day in your … to have fun with and promote Change Day in your workplace

To find out more and make your pledge, visit Twitter: @SKChangeDay

What is Change Day?

Change Day is a frontline-led movement created by the National

Health Service in England, with the goal of improving health and

health care. The mission of the NHS was to inspire and mobilize

people everywhere, including staff, patients and the public, to

make a change to improve the care that people provide and


This grassroots movement was more successful than anyone in the

NHS anticipated. We now see Change Day spreading across the

world. To learn about the global movement of Change Day, check

out this NHS video.

Why Change Day in Saskatchewan?

Saskatchewan has always been a leader in health care, from being the birthplace of Medicare and having the country’s

first Health Quality Council, to initiating the Patient First Review and the adoption of Lean across an entire health

system. We are on a transformational journey unlike any other place in the world.

Last year, Saskatchewan celebrated its first-ever Change Day on November 6, 2014. Hundreds of people from across

Saskatchewan’s health-care system committed and inspired others to make one change or to try something new to

make a difference and improve care for patients, residents, clients, families and providers. It reminded us that changes

can be small but meaningful and they can have a significant impact on those around us. There was a lot to celebrate, as

Saskatchewan aimed for 1,000 pledges and received 1,397 pledges.

“I wanted to get involved in Change Day because I see changes that could happen each day

that would make patient care better. Oftentimes we think problems in health care are too

big for one person to tackle, but Change Day allows everyone to contribute to something


–Dr. Lei Xia, President of the Professional Association of Internes and Residents of

Saskatchewan (PAIRS)

What’s in store for Saskatchewan Change Day 2015?

This year, let’s make health better together. We want to continue inspiring each other to make changes for better

health. Be a part of the change. Pledge, share, act, and inspire others and help reach the provincial goal of 2,015 pledges

by November 5, 2015.

Page 3: How to have fun with and promote Change Day in your … to have fun with and promote Change Day in your workplace

To find out more and make your pledge, visit Twitter: @SKChangeDay

This guide contains tips and resources to help you think about and plan how you and/or your organization can get

involved in Saskatchewan Change Day 2015. It includes information on:

How does Saskatchewan Change Day work?

When should you pledge?

What could you do?

Examples of past pledges

How to get involved

How to spread the word about Change Day and build excitement


What happens on November 5, 2015?

How Does Change Day Work?

For Saskatchewan Change Day, all you need is a great idea and a commitment to try it! Anyone

can make a pledge—patients, residents, clients, families, and those working in the health care

system. If you have an idea that you think would help make a difference, then you can make a

pledge. A pledge is something you commit to doing or changing to make health better in


In 2014, Dr. Preston Smith, dean of the College of Medicine at the University of Saskatchewan,

pledged to “connect with one new student and one new faculty member each day.”

When should I make a pledge?

Make a pledge today! Every day is an opportunity for change. You don’t have wait until Change Day to make, or act on, a

pledge. November 5th is the day to celebrate our collective effort and participation in Change Day.

“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.”-Anne Frank

What could I do?

The first step is coming up with your pledge. Pick something meaningful to you. Don’t know how to get started? Below

are just a few examples of past pledges. Your action could cover a number of different areas. Just imagine: What if you

could do something today that could improve the health of a patient, resident or client, your workplace or yourself?

Page 4: How to have fun with and promote Change Day in your … to have fun with and promote Change Day in your workplace

To find out more and make your pledge, visit Twitter: @SKChangeDay


Past pledges have ranged from greeting every patient, resident, and/or client with a smile to

seeking input from patients, residents and/or clients in changes made to the health services

that are provided. Past pledges have also included having breakfast with residents in long-

term care on designated round days and improving the quality and way health services are


Dr. Shayne Burwell pledged to “arrange my office on Change Day so that the waiting room will

go unused and no patient will wait to see me. I will try to greet each patient as they arrive and

see them as they arrive.”


Last year there were a number of Change Day pledges committed to building a safe,

supportive and healthy workplace. Pledges ranged from making “a positive comment to

at least one co-worker each day” to “mentoring and encouraging new nurses in their

journey to become experts in emergency nursing.” These pledges lead to Better Teams

across Saskatchewan.

Registered nurse Sue-Ellen White pledged “to promote team work and to encourage

everyone to treat each other equally and with respect.” Sue Ellen, and her friend Marie

Orr-Gosselin, a licensened practical nurse, are working on a grassrooots initiative to foster a sense of team spirit among

health care employees. Sue-Ellen and Marie are selling brightly coloured T-shirts that are emblazoned with the words

“We work as a TEAM.” The logo on the T-shirts list various health care jobs, and all of the jobs are depicted as equal

pieces of the pie. Sue-Ellen and Marie said: “We enjoy our jobs and all the people we work with. We want to help

increase morale between staff. To us it doesn’t matter your education level, your pay grade, the letters behind your

name, or what you bring to the team. We work together. We work as a team to get the job done. No one can do their job

without the person beside them. Each person is an individual and important in our day-to-day work. Patients are the

reason we strive to do our best, but it’s the people beside us that get us to our best.”


Do you have an idea on how to improve your own health? Now’s the time—make a pledge! Past pledges have included

being more physically active by taking “a step away from my desk and take a walk every day” to taking time to “reflect

on three things I am most grateful for at the end of each day.”

Page 5: How to have fun with and promote Change Day in your … to have fun with and promote Change Day in your workplace

To find out more and make your pledge, visit Twitter: @SKChangeDay

A pledge being made at

the Cypress Health Region

Safety Expo

How do I get involved in Change Day?

Once you have decided on your pledge, submit your pledge online at

That way, we can count the number of pledges made across Saskatchewan and where they are

coming from. The goal for Saskatchewan Change Day 2015 is to receive 2,015 pledges by November

5, 2015.

After you’ve made your pledge, tell others about it. There are many options for sharing pledges. You can share your

pledge on your own Facebook page or follow Saskatchewan Change Day on Twitter at @SKChangeDay and tweet about

your pledge using #2015in2015 and/or #SkChangeDay. You could also create a pledge wall in your workplace. Sharing

pledges is the best way to motivate others and build momentum for Change Day across the health care system. To learn

more about sharing pledges, please go to the next section: How Can We Generate More Pledges and Build Excitement?

Act on your pledge on or before November 5, 2015, at a time that works best for you. See what happens as a result of

your pledge!

Tell us what happened as a result of your action. Email us ([email protected]), tweet about it and send us pictures.

HQC may share your positive stories on the Change Day website to inspire others.

“How Can We Generate More Pledges and Build Excitement?”

Change Day is meant to be a grassroots social movement that has limitless possibilities.

Get creative about what you can do to generate pledges on your ward, in your facility, or

across your organization. Saskatchewan Change Day is YOUR opportunity to have fun,

think outside the box, and generate lots of excitement.

The first step you may want to consider is the potential events or opportunities you have

to promote Change Day. Is there an opportunity to get on the agenda at a meeting where

you could share information about Change Day? Does your workplace or organization

have staff education days, symposia, expos, planning events, training events, etc., before

Page 6: How to have fun with and promote Change Day in your … to have fun with and promote Change Day in your workplace

To find out more and make your pledge, visit Twitter: @SKChangeDay

November 5, 2015? If so, consider what strategies you may want to use or the materials you may need to generate

pledges at this event and to inspire others to do the same at other events. Check out the Resource section of this how-to

guide for available materials.

Last year, each of the board members of the Cypress Health Region, as well as

health region CEO Beth Vachon, made a Change Day pledge. The Change Day

campaign was also part of the agenda at a meeting for the Cypress Health

region’s management group. The managers discussed the little things that each

of them can do to make our health care system better every day. Many of the

pledges they made involved how they could improve work environments for, and

enhance relationships with, staff members.

Here are some ideas and resources that may help you in your planning:

Promotional Video

HQC has developed a short Saskatchewan Change Day promotional video (1 ½ minutes in length) that you can

share at meetings or events in your organization.

PowerPoint Presentations

Use the PowerPoint Presentations found on the Share and Spread page of the Change Day website to spread the

word about Change Day. You can choose to share information on Change Day using one slide or, if you have

more time, the PowerPoint slide deck.

Pledge Walls

Pledge walls are a great visual display of the pledges being generated in your workplace or across your

organization. HQC will provide pledge postcards and/or sticky notes to help you create your own pledge walls.

We have also seen pledge ponds and pledge trees – be creative in how you display your pledges! You can also

generate pledge walls at meetings or at organizational events.

If you create a pledge wall, be sure to think of a way of entering those pledges on the Change Day website

( as well. We need each pledge to be captured online so everyone can see, and be

inspired by, the personal commitments to positive change that have been made in our health system. All

pledges will count toward the goal of 2,015 pledges by November 5, 2015.

If you create a pledge wall, please be sure to send HQC a picture so we can share it with others and promote the

work you are doing!

Page 7: How to have fun with and promote Change Day in your … to have fun with and promote Change Day in your workplace

To find out more and make your pledge, visit Twitter: @SKChangeDay

Here are some pictures of pledge walls to give you some ideas of how you may want to create your own.


As the saying goes, “a picture is worth a thousand words, so be sure to take pictures

of the Change Day activities within your organization and share them with HQC via

email, or follow Saskatchewan Change Day on Twitter (@SkChangeDay).

We encourage you to take picture of individuals with their pledges or of pledge walls,

booths or any other activities you develop to promote Change Day. We will to share

the good work you are doing so you can get the recognition you deserve!

Page 8: How to have fun with and promote Change Day in your … to have fun with and promote Change Day in your workplace

To find out more and make your pledge, visit Twitter: @SKChangeDay


Twitter is fast becoming a critical resource for sharing information and stories in our health care system. Be sure

to share your photos, pledges, activities, and events through Twitter using the hashtag #2015in2015 and/or

#skchangeday. You can also follow us on Twitter at @SkChangeDay. Need some support on how to use

Twitter? Check out the Twitter Guide for Health Professionals on the BC Patient Safety & Quality Council


Make a “Meet or Beat” Pledge

Consider issuing a light-hearted challenge to another ward, department, or health region to “Meet or Beat” the

number of pledges you are aiming to collect. We hope this may inspire some friendly competition and

motivation to help us reach our goal of 2,015 pledges by November 5, 2015.

During the Australia Change Day campaign, paramedics who pledged connected with their colleagues across

Australia and this resulted in a “whole movement of innovation around paramedicine” that turned out to be

quite surprising to all involved in their Change Day campaign.

Can Saskatoon Health Region out-pledge Regina? Will home care in Sun Country out-pledge home care in

Cypress? What about the orthopedic surgeons versus the general surgeons? There is no telling where these

connections might take you!

Promote your “Meet or Beat” pledge through Twitter. HQC will be sure to share it and spread the word.

A “Kickstarter” Pledge

A kickstarter is a significant pledge that invites others to join you to “kickstart” your change idea. Anyone can

make a kickstarter pledge - a frontline staff member, support staff, a CEO or a patient. A simple way of

describing a kickstarter is thinking of a significant pledge that fits within the concept “I will .... If you will…”

An example of this is the CEO of Birmingham Children’s Hospital in the U.K., who pledged to “read a story to 10

children at their bedside, if 100 staff join me.”

What resources are available to help spread the word?

Promotional Posters

Download and use the poster that is available on the Share and Spread page of the

Saskatchewan Change Day website.

Page 9: How to have fun with and promote Change Day in your … to have fun with and promote Change Day in your workplace

To find out more and make your pledge, visit Twitter: @SKChangeDay

Organizational Email Signatures

You may want to consider promoting Change

Day through your organization’s email signature

as well.


For a quick overview of Saskatchewan Change Day, refer to the Frequently Asked Questions document on the

Saskatchewan Change Day website.

Printed Materials

HQC is also happy to provide printed materials and promotional items that may be helpful in your campaign.

Please e-mail HQC ([email protected]) to request these materials.

We offer the Sticky Notes seen here: Change Day Buttons:

Or, we can send you pledge postcards that have the Change Day image on the front and the instructions on the

back, as seen here:

Be sure to also enter the pledges made on sticky notes and postcards on the Change Day website, so that they are

counted toward the provincial goal of receiving 2,015 pledges by Change Day.

Jane Quality

Phone: 306.123.123

Page 10: How to have fun with and promote Change Day in your … to have fun with and promote Change Day in your workplace

To find out more and make your pledge, visit Twitter: @SKChangeDay

So what happens on November 5, 2015?

We leave it to your imagination! Consider how you, as an individual, team, unit,

facility, or organization, want to celebrate and share the stories and activities Change

Day has inspired. Be sure to send us pictures of your celebration that we can share on

the Change Day website and/or the Saskatchewan Change Day Twitter account and

the Health Quality Council’s Facebook page.

HQC Support To learn more about Change Day or to brainstorm ideas and strategies to launch your own successful campaign or

November 5th celebration, contact the Change Day team at [email protected] or (306) 668-8810.

We look forward to supporting you with your Change Day campaign and seeing

the creative ways you can inspire change where you live and work!