how to have a beautiful mind? part 2 the purity of thoughts is reflected through our speech


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Post on 17-Dec-2015




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Page 1: How To Have A Beautiful Mind? Part 2 The purity of thoughts is reflected through our speech
Page 2: How To Have A Beautiful Mind? Part 2 The purity of thoughts is reflected through our speech

How To Have A Beautiful Mind?

Part 2

Page 3: How To Have A Beautiful Mind? Part 2 The purity of thoughts is reflected through our speech

The purity of thoughts is reflected through our speech

Page 4: How To Have A Beautiful Mind? Part 2 The purity of thoughts is reflected through our speech

The beauty of the mind is seen when we converse with others

Page 5: How To Have A Beautiful Mind? Part 2 The purity of thoughts is reflected through our speech

The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: “A man may speak a good word without knowing its worth, for which Allah records for him His good pleasure until the Day he will meet Him; another man may utter an evil word without realizing its importance, for which Allah (swt) records for him His displeasure until the Day he will meet Him.” [Maalik & Tirmidhi]

Page 6: How To Have A Beautiful Mind? Part 2 The purity of thoughts is reflected through our speech

Prophet (pbuh) said: Modesty and restraint in speech are two effects of true faith, while foul talk and [adorned] rhetoric are two affects of hypocrisy.


Page 7: How To Have A Beautiful Mind? Part 2 The purity of thoughts is reflected through our speech

Role Play

Page 8: How To Have A Beautiful Mind? Part 2 The purity of thoughts is reflected through our speech

Do the correction …..

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Page 10: How To Have A Beautiful Mind? Part 2 The purity of thoughts is reflected through our speech

Genuinely seek to find points of agreement

Be open to the other person’s point of view

Where right, stick to your point of view in a respectable manner


Page 11: How To Have A Beautiful Mind? Part 2 The purity of thoughts is reflected through our speech

DisagreementIf you do not know how to disagree, you cannot have a beautiful mind

At times you have to put your foot down & disagree

Page 12: How To Have A Beautiful Mind? Part 2 The purity of thoughts is reflected through our speech

Disagree without being offensive

Disagree gently

Always avoid name calling

Always think - there can be other possible interpretations to a certain line of argument

How To Disagree

Page 13: How To Have A Beautiful Mind? Part 2 The purity of thoughts is reflected through our speech

How To ListenA good listener…Shows that he is paying attention to the speakerRespects the speakerShows genuine interest in what is being saidGets value from what is heard and shows it

Page 14: How To Have A Beautiful Mind? Part 2 The purity of thoughts is reflected through our speech

Listening gives new ideas

Listen carefully & attentively

Impatience is offensive to the speaker

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Should be avoided, but at times it becomes necessary

Page 16: How To Have A Beautiful Mind? Part 2 The purity of thoughts is reflected through our speech

Three Ways To InterruptWait till you get a chance to speak

If the point is relevant and short it’s OK to interrupt

Interrupt if you want to make an important point by simply ‘signaling’ that you will make your point later

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Reference Book