how to go to sleep fast


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Post on 15-Jul-2015



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Page 1: How To Go to Sleep Fast

How to Go to Sleep Fast Page 1

How to Go to Sleep Fast

Does morning seem to come earlier and earlier? Do you envy those people who

could drink several cups of coffee and still be able to get a good night sleep while

you're wide awake after only one cup or even a sip of soda? How did these people

get a good night sleep night after night without seeming to try it all?

Nothing can be more frustrating than lying on your bed, tossing, turning and

unable to sleep. In the wee hours of the morning you are done counting the sheep,

the stars and the crickets but you’re still wide awake. You know that you are dead

tired but for some unknown reasons, you cannot put yourself to sleep. Your

thoughts are racing like crazy, going about everything under the sun. But what can

you do?

Of course there are things you can do! There are a lot of good strategies that can

help you get deep, restorative sleep. Below are some good, effective tips on how to

go to sleep fast.

1. Only sleep when you are sleepy. If you can’t sleep within 30 minutes, get up

on your bed and do something boring until you feel sleepy.

2. Don’t force yourself to sleep nor worry about not getting to sleep. Forcing

yourself to sleep just creates additional pressure and stress, thus making it

more difficult for you to sleep. Worrying about not getting to sleep, on the

other hand, can cause a cycle of negative thoughts that may contribute to a

condition called “learned insomnia”.

Page 2: How To Go to Sleep Fast

How to Go to Sleep Fast Page 2

3. Don’t keep staring at the clock! This will just increase your anxiety and

obsession about time.

4. Keep a consistent bedtime sleep schedule. As much as possible, go to bed at

the same time every night and wake up at the same time every day.

5. Have a relaxing bedtime routine like taking a warm bath or listening to

soothing music. This will give a cue to your brain that it’s time to slow down

and just let go of the day.

6. Take naps for no more than 30 minutes every day.

7. Make your room conducive for sleeping. Keep the noise down and keep

your room dark and cool. Also make sure that your bed is comfortable.

8. Avoid going to bed hungry or having heavy meals at night. You can eat a

light bedtime snack like a small bowl of whole-grain, low-sugar cereal.

Also, cut down your intake of alcohol, caffeine and other known stimulants.

9. Exercise during the day or late afternoon but avoid exercising 3 to 4 hours

before bedtime. Relaxing exercises such as yoga wouldn’t hurt though.

10. Manage anxiety and stress. There can be a lot of ways to deal with anxiety

and stress like doing relaxation techniques. But there are different strokes

for different folks. Just discover what works best with you.

This list is just some of the sleep strategies that have been proven to work for

many. However, if you have tried the above tips with not much success, you can

try taking a sleep supplement. Nowadays, many consider the use of sleep

supplement as one of the tips on sleeping better. However, I suggest one that is not

only effective, but is also natural and safe to use.