how to give your office a health makeover-3

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  • 8/12/2019 How to Give Your Office a Health Makeover-3


    6 Tips for a Healthy Office Makeover

    You might not think of the average office as a dangerous place, but that depends on yourdefinition of dangerous.

    If you think back pain, eyestrain, migraines, respiratory problems, poor diet, insufficient physicalactivity, stress, aniety, and even depression are dangerous to your health, then you might !antto call in sick tomorro!.

    It"s not #ust !orkers affected by the health risks of the !orkplace$employers must account forhealth%related profit loss,!hether it"s due to decreased productivity, increased healthcare costs,or employees being out of the office due to illness.

    The good news:the hidden health risks in our !orkplaces can be addressed and improved.&elo!, !e"ll take a look at some common factors contributing to an unhealthy !orkplace along!ith easy !ays to give your !ork days a health makeover.

    1. Fix Bad Posture'osture describes ho! you sit, stand, and align yourself !ith respect to (arth"s gravity. Itinvolves essentially all your ma#or muscles, bones, and #oints, from your neck to your spine toyour hips to your legs. They all !ork in con#unction to provide balance, stability, efficiency inmovement, and comfort.

    The gro!th of offices and sit%do!n cubicle #obs has led to a lot of !orkers hunched in front ofcomputers in one%si)e%fits%all !orkspaces, !hich, as you can imagine, is not great for posture.&ut bad posture in the !orkplace can lead to*

    Back pain: Your spine features natural curves that provide balance and support for your

    body. +louching !orks against your spines natural shape and puts strain on your - hours per !eek, this can lead to some unpleasant chronic back pain.

    Digestion problems* +itting in a crunched position also s/uishes your intestines, !hich

    need some space to do their #ob. +louching can interrupt peristalsis$your intestine"snatural contractions that move food do!n!ard.

    Reduced circulation* +louching can affect your blood circulation, causing increased

    blood pressure, spider or varicose veins, and the generally unpleasant pins%and%needlesfeeling.

    Difficult breathing* +louching severely reduces fleibility in your rib cage, constricting

    your diaphragm and keeping you from taking full, nourishing breaths.

    Depression and lowered self!esteem* &ody languageplays a large role in ho! you feel

    about yourself. &y slouching, you"re significantly diminishing your o!n confidence.
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  • 8/12/2019 How to Give Your Office a Health Makeover-3


    spectrum. The limited spectrum causes the previously described melatonin problems, as !ell as*

    (ye strain



    Increased stress

    8niety, depression, and other mood disorders

    "olutions$nstall new office lighting.5( bulbshave a much better spectrum and lastsignificantly longer. If you"re stick !ithfluorescent lights, invest in bulbs !ith a

    !armer color temperature or place full%spectrum light filters over them.4onsider doing a!ay !ith overheadlights altogether and use spot lighting atindividual !ork stations.

    "oak in the sun.The best thing you cando is get more sun eposure. If you have!indo!s in your office, let that beautiful

    sunshine in. If not, take fre/uent breaks outside. You should get about an hour of sunlight perday.

    ,. $ncrease -entilation9hile you need air to live, not all air is created e/ual. +ome of it is filled !ith smoke, irritants,and the ripe smell of fish ste!ing in the micro!ave. Indoor air /uality has a big impact on yourconcentration and disposition, but it affects your overall health, too.

    +ome common air contaminants include*

    Radon* :adon is a radioactive gas that forms in soil and can seep into your office via

    cracks and openings in the floors, !alls, and other structures in direct contact !ith theground. This gas is the leading cause of lung cancer in people !ho don"t smoke.

    "econdhand smoke* +econdhand smoke is responsible for cancer and a !ide range of

    respiratory diseases. 8lthough most offices have a separate outdoor smoking area, thesmoke can still find its !ay into open !indo!s or vents.

    arbon monoxide* 4arbon monoide is a colorless, odorless, tasteless gas that is often

    produced by gas%po!ered heaters, tools, ovens, and stovetops. It interferes !ith ho! yourbody gets oygen, leading to nausea, headaches, di))iness, and death.

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    #old* ;nfortunately, mold is common and easily reproduces. If you happen to inhale

    mold spores, you can be treated to a !hole host of unpleasant symptoms, includingrashes, red eyes, runny nose, and asthma.


    #aintain the /-& sstem.Make sure that somebody in the building is taking care of theH84 system. 8 clean filter can keep most contaminants from ever reaching your office. 8good H84 system can also keep your office"s humidity in check, a plus as mold and dust mitesthrive in moist environments. If possible, make sure you keep your floors and carpets clean asallergens, pollen, and chemicals can accumulate in the dust.

    Decorate with potted plants.'lants are a great solution as they naturally improve air /ualityand look nice !hile they"re at it.

    0. ut Back on *ong /ours1or many, the average eight%hour day has gotten longer and longer. One long%term study actually

    sho!s that people !ho !ork over

  • 8/12/2019 How to Give Your Office a Health Makeover-3


    company /uite a bit of money. 9hat"s scary is #ust ho! fast germs can spread. In a study, it took#ust four hours for one pretend virus to spread to half of the people in the office.?

    "olutionso%er coughs and snee4es. 9hile it seems obvious, most office !orkers can attest to !itnessingmany an uncovered cough or snee)e. 8nd diverting it do!n!ard !ithout actually covering itdoesn"t !ork. The 44 recommends using a tissue that you can then thro! a!ay. If you have aco!orker !ho hasn"t gotten the hint, feel free to address it politely and privately !ith them.

    5eep our workspace clean. 7ive your !orkspace a good dusting@!ipe do!n at least once permonth.

    6ash our hands throughout the da. (specially after using the restroomA

    Boost our immune sstem. Take good care of your body to keep your immune system strong.8 healthy diet filled !ith vitamins and minerals, regular physical activity, and sufficient sleep!ill keep your immune system fighting against those office germs.

    7. #anage "tress+tress is the biggest beast standing against good health in the office. 8ll of the above contributeto stress in some !ay, and a reported == percent of 8mericans regularly eperience physicalproblems from stress.-

    To be fair, a little bit of stress is good for you and has been sho!n to encourage the gro!th ofne! nerve cells, improving mental performance and alertness. Ho!ever, that only applies tobrief moments of acute stress, like someone scaring you, and not the chronic stress that comes!ith angry clients, stacked meetings, and immense !orkloads bearing do!n on your very soul.

    +tress manifests in a variety of mental and physical !ays, including*

    +tomach problems and digestive issues

    Muscle tension

    Migraines and headaches


    8niety, irritability, and depression

    'roblems focusing

    +ocial !ithdra!al

    5oss of interest in everything

    "olutions$mplement relaxation techni8ues.Meditation and deep breathing eercises can ease aniety

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