how to get the job you deserve

How to Get the Job You Deserve a Human Workplace Slideshare deck April, 2015

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Post on 20-Jul-2015




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Page 1: How to Get the Job You Deserve

How to Get the Job You


a Human Workplace Slideshare deck

April, 2015

Page 2: How to Get the Job You Deserve

What is Human Workplace?

Human Workplace is a global movement to reinvent work for


We launched in 2012 and have one million followers and fans so

far. Join us!

Human Workplace is a publishing and coaching firm. Our mission is to put a human voice and MOJO

into work!

Page 3: How to Get the Job You Deserve

So how do I get the job I


You’ll get the job you deserve by breaking nearly all of the traditional job search rules.

You’ll job-hunt the way CEOs and consultants do.

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Here are some rules you’ll

break!• You’ll use “I” in your resume.• You’ll use complete sentences in your

resume, too!• You’ll use a Human Voice in your Resume™

instead of a robotic zombie voice.• You’ll skip the automated recruiting sites and

reach your hiring managers directly, right at their desks.

• You won’t write traditional cover letters anymore.

• You’ll write Pain Letters™ instead. A Pain Letter™ talks about the Business Pain™ behind a job ad – the only reason a manager ever fills a job opening.

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Here’s a picture to show you how you’ll Get the Job You Deserve!

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What does it mean?

• First, you’ll set your career direction.

• Next, you’ll brand yourself for the jobs you want.

• After that you’ll create your Target Employer List and start to follow organizations and people you’re interested in.

• Then you’ll design your Job Search Strategy and Schedule.

• You’ll follow your plan, keep learning and keep moving forward to get the job you want and deserve!

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Get the Job You Deserve™ is a non-traditional job search approach.

It is very powerful and mojo-building, but in

order to follow this path you must be ready to try

something new.

You’ll have to step out of the traditional job-search

mindset to follow the steps we’ve illustrated

here.Are you ready to do that?

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How do I learn more about the

Get the Job You Deserve™


Learn in a virtual course from Human Workplace!

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What kind of course?Get the Job You

Deserve™ is a virtual, self-study program. Choose one of three

editions of Get the Job You Deserve™:

Four-Week Edition $12912-Week Standard Edition $29912-Week Advanced Edition $599


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What will happen when I join the

course Get the Job You

Deserve™?Every week for 4 weeks

or 12 weeks, you’ll receive a new lesson to

work on during the week as it suits your

schedule. You’ll learn a brand new, high-MOJO

way to job-hunt!

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What’s my next step?

That’s a great question!

Are you ready to take control of your job search and Get the Job You Deserve™?

Check the roadmap on the next slide and see where you’re standing right now!

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The Path to Muscles & MOJO™!Where do you find yourself on the Path to Muscles & MOJO™?

You might think “Get away from me with all this non-traditional job search stuff.”

You might think “I’ll try it!” What’s your reaction to Get the Job You Deserve™?

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Want to learn more?

Jump here to read about the virtual course Get the Job You Deserve™!

This course will launch on Saturday, June 6th, 2015.

Grow your Muscles & MOJO with us and Get the Job You Deserve™!

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Contact us!

Reach our Operations Manager Michael Wilcox at [email protected]

Follow us on Twitter: @humanworkplace

Have a great day!