how to get guaranteed downloads for your app – a step by step guide

How to get Guaranteed Downloads for your App - A Step-by- Step Guide Puneet Yamparala, App Entrepreneurs Association

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Post on 12-Jul-2015




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Page 1: How to Get Guaranteed Downloads for Your App – A Step by Step Guide

How to get Guaranteed Downloads for your App - A Step-by-Step Guide

Puneet Yamparala, App Entrepreneurs Association

Page 2: How to Get Guaranteed Downloads for Your App – A Step by Step Guide

Before you start,



Getting 5,000+ Downloads

in 2 Days

Using Ninja Tactics

Puneet Yamparala, App Entrepreneurs Association

Page 3: How to Get Guaranteed Downloads for Your App – A Step by Step Guide

Puneet Yamparala, App Entrepreneurs Association

Over the last few years if there is one lesson I have learned in business, it is to make sure that I know who

my ideal target user or target customer really is.

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Puneet Yamparala, App Entrepreneurs Association

While I was the first employee and in-charge of product marketing and product management at a Silicon Valley startup, I believed that it was good to target as many …

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Puneet Yamparala, App Entrepreneurs Association

… people as possible. I was afraid to leave out some segments of the market because I believed that if I

targeted more people I would get more users …

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Puneet Yamparala, App Entrepreneurs Association

… and downloads for our app.

I couldn’t have been more wrong.

This approach was a huge disaster.

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Puneet Yamparala, App Entrepreneurs Association

Our company spent thousands of dollars trying to acquire users and every user we acquired cost us about $7.87. We were making about $1.25 per user in revenue at that time.

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Puneet Yamparala, App Entrepreneurs Association

We would have seen better returns if we actually stopped trying to acquire users and if we invested that

money in some good dividend stocks.

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Puneet Yamparala, App Entrepreneurs Association

We were pretty dumb during those days so we actually continued losing money like this for quite a long time

till we had a lucky breakthrough.

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Puneet Yamparala, App Entrepreneurs Association

The Breakthrough

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Puneet Yamparala, App Entrepreneurs Association

This breakthrough not only changed the way we did business, but it also changed our financials. We were

now able to acquire users for as low as $0.75.

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Puneet Yamparala, App Entrepreneurs Association

This basically meant that we could completely exhaust the available potential user base in the channel and we

would always be profitable.

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Puneet Yamparala, App Entrepreneurs Association

This was just like putting $0.75 through one end of the pipe and pulling out $1.25 from the other.

So what was this breakthrough and how did we really get there?

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Puneet Yamparala, App Entrepreneurs Association

This was a totally unexpected and a lucky breakthrough for us. It basically resulted from my attempts to figure out

which of my Facebook ads were performing best.

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Puneet Yamparala, App Entrepreneurs Association

We had extremely high clickthrough rates for the ads which were targeting freelancers and also the app download and

sign up rate was almost 5X how the general ads were doing.

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Puneet Yamparala, App Entrepreneurs Association

Key Takeaway: Our biggest takeaway from this was that not all audiences are created equal. Some people will

really love your app and some people will …

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Puneet Yamparala, App Entrepreneurs Association

… just not care about your app. It is your job to first identify who will love your app and only then start

scaling up your marketing efforts.

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Puneet Yamparala, App Entrepreneurs Association

Once we figured out what our ideal target audience looked like, we were getting thousands of downloads everyday. Some days we would stop all our ads and …

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Puneet Yamparala, App Entrepreneurs Association

… we would still have hundreds of downloads for our app organically.

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Puneet Yamparala, App Entrepreneurs Association

Guaranteeing Downloads for an App

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Puneet Yamparala, App Entrepreneurs Association

The biggest problem most app marketing campaigns face is that when you launch a new campaign you usually do not have any idea if the campaign is going to do well or not.

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Puneet Yamparala, App Entrepreneurs Association

You can fix this problem to a large extent by first figuring out if the channel you are targeting has your

ideal audience in it.

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Puneet Yamparala, App Entrepreneurs Association

Your Action Plan To Guarantee Downloads

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Puneet Yamparala, App Entrepreneurs Association

Now that you know how you can guarantee if a particular marketing strategy is going to get you downloads, let us

take a look at how you should approach this for your app.

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Puneet Yamparala, App Entrepreneurs Association

Step 1: Figuring out your ideal target audience demographics

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Puneet Yamparala, App Entrepreneurs Association

This step involves identifying the websites which have a similar theme as your app. For example, let’s say you have

a Zombie game app, …

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Puneet Yamparala, App Entrepreneurs Association

… look for websites or forums focused on Zombies. Note down their names and go to and enter the

domain of the site you are trying to research.

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Puneet Yamparala, App Entrepreneurs Association

The free account on Alexa will give you limited information but you can sign up for the paid account and cancel it

within 7 days if you cannot afford the paid version.

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Puneet Yamparala, App Entrepreneurs Association

This should give you a good high level idea of the kind of people who are interested in Zombies. This information is not very detailed so let’s look at the next step to further

refine this.

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Puneet Yamparala, App Entrepreneurs Association

Step 2: Identifying the interests of your target audience

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Puneet Yamparala, App Entrepreneurs Association

To do this you need to have a Facebook account. Log into your FB account and in the search field on the top, type in

“People who like <your theme>”. For our example …

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Puneet Yamparala, App Entrepreneurs Association

… this would be “People who like zombies”. While you type this in, FB will actually show you a few

recommendations. Note those down.

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Puneet Yamparala, App Entrepreneurs Association

Once you type this in and hit enter, you will see a list of people who like your theme. On the right side of the

search results you have a few filters.

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Puneet Yamparala, App Entrepreneurs Association

Use these to filter for the demographics of the people you are really interested in based on your research on Alexa.

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Puneet Yamparala, App Entrepreneurs Association

You should now have a list of people who have the kind of demographics which you want and are also interested in

your theme. Go through this list and …

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Puneet Yamparala, App Entrepreneurs Association

… identify the people who do have less than 100 -200 likes. Your goal now is to find other possible interests for your

target audience. For example people who like …

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Puneet Yamparala, App Entrepreneurs Association

… vampire games might be interested in Twilight or some other vampire novel/ movie/ toy which you don’t know

about. You are trying to uncover these interests.

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Puneet Yamparala, App Entrepreneurs Association

Step 3: Narrowing Down on the Target Audience

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Puneet Yamparala, App Entrepreneurs Association

After you identify the interests, you will notice that you will typically have different variety of interests. e.g. If

you have a jewelry shopping app, you will notice that …

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Puneet Yamparala, App Entrepreneurs Association

… based on Step 1 and Step 2 the potential target audience will have interests in Fashion related things, Jewelry Related things, Coupons/Deals related things.

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Puneet Yamparala, App Entrepreneurs Association

Now my job is figure out which of these people are the best for my app. For this I use FB ads.

Log in to your Facebook account on a laptop/desktop and …

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Puneet Yamparala, App Entrepreneurs Association

… click on “Manage Ads” in the drop down which opens up when you try to sign out.

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Puneet Yamparala, App Entrepreneurs Association

Once you are in the ad manager, click on “Create Ad”. You will have to create a separate campaign for each of these

group of interests which you identified in Step 2.

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Puneet Yamparala, App Entrepreneurs Association

You should NOT just create separate ads, you have to create separate campaigns.

You can setup something like $10 for each campaign and let these ads run for a couple of days.

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Puneet Yamparala, App Entrepreneurs Association

You will immediately start noticing that one interest group does much better than others. This is your ideal

target audience.

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Puneet Yamparala, App Entrepreneurs Association

Step 4: Implementing a Proven Marketing Strategy

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Puneet Yamparala, App Entrepreneurs Association

This is the third and final step in getting downloads. You need to pick a strategy which is reliably re-creatable,

allows you to access your target audience and can scale.

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Puneet Yamparala, App Entrepreneurs Association

I have created a free guide for one such strategy and you can download it by visiting the page mentioned below:

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Puneet Yamparala, App Entrepreneurs Association

P.S Do you have any other strategies to identify your target audience or to guarantee downloads? Comment

and let me know.

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Puneet Yamparala, App Entrepreneurs Association