how to epically fail at search retargeting

How to Epically Fail at Search Retargeting in 3 Simple Steps 1, 2, 3

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Post on 14-Dec-2014




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  • 1. Serve ads to users whove searched on your keywords at any point in time Why? This is a great way to &@#$ people off! No, I dont want to purchase puppy training pads because I searched on them 2 years ago lets face it, youre too little too late buddy. Ive got a full grown Doberman Pinscher at this point & there is no way Kitten Giggles is learning housetraining when he could just as easily lift his leg where he pleases. Yes that means its awkward and I cant have people over and Ive got no social life because my house smells like my aunt Bettys breath when she wears her dentures over night.. But its cool, I didnt want friends. The Fix : Keyword Recency Only show your display ad to users in the set windows of time you designate. Whether its 5 minutes or last week, whatever time frame works for your product/service based on the keyword that was searched. No, Your DSP Cant Do This
  • 2. Show users your ad as much as possible, like hourly, pretty much all the time! Why? This will make you very popular! No one wants to see the same ad 45 times its not cool. Its like that picture of me as a kid with a chili bowl that mistake will follow you around forever. Believe it or not, not everything becomes fashionable again, whether thats because the chili bowl wasnt fashionable to begin with or not is for you to decide. Whether or not its a haircut intended for boys was apparently not my parents problem. Moving on. The Fix: Choose a DSP that programmatically determines the right ad frequency The magical number of ads might be 10 or 2. It might even change by keyword searched, domain visited, time of day or a dozen other variables. Yes, Drive Conversions & Protect Your Brand
  • 3. Make your ad as irrelevant as possible I mean bad! Why? People will ignore it like its nothing Target my grandma for the coolest new club downtown because she searched on weekend activities. Im pretty sure she was thinking a movie or maybe a nice trip to Lubys, but whatever. Grammy G knows how to partytrust me Ive seen it, but she isnt in her prime like she used to be. Her Dougie isnt quite up to par, next thing you know Im getting a call from the club at 2AM, bass bumpin in the background, Grammy G broke her hip. Nobody wants that. Stick to retargeting her with the latest in knitting products, maybe throw in a senior dating site here & there. The Fix: Partner with a DSP that can give you real insight into the keyword search history, sites visited and content viewed by individuals converting on your website. Ensure the right keywords are in the campaign. Then use real time dynamic display ads to ensure the ad message and imagery is personalized for every prospect who sees your message No, Your DSP Cant Do This Either
  • 4. Thanks for watching Follow us on Twitter: @Simpli_fi Visit our site, or email [email protected] for more info.