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How to Create E-Books and Other Information Products Presented by Robert W. Bly

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How to Create E-Books and Other Information Products

Presented by Robert W. Bly

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Public’s Interest

Customer service in the banking industry

Viable niche

Wally Bock



Find Your Niche

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Overture Keyword Research

“Sweet Spot”:

10,000 –

50,000 searches


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The Only 3 Things You Need for Internet Marketing Success

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1. Something to sell (products)

2. Someone to sell it to (e-list, traffic)

3. A way to sell it to them (e-mail, landing pages)


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Sources of Content

You write it

Hire writers


Your out-of-print books: Reversion of rights”

Your published articles: “First Rights Only”



Your Products

ConferencesGovernment publications

Radio and TV interviews

Tele-seminars and Webinars

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Dan Kennedy’s Rule of Info Product Creation

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Fast vs. Perfect

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Improvement in Anything = ex

A B C100%

Degree ofPerfection

0Time and Effort

“The margin”

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Most people


Sweet spot

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Information Products

Books e-Books Tele-classes Webinars e-Classes Membership sites Product licensing Software

Affiliate products Audios (CDs) Videos (DVDs) Seminars Boot Camps Coaching Consulting Copywriting

What product is easiest to create? to sell?

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Electronic Formats


Presentation length


Complexity/ degree of

difficulty to produce

Percentage of recipients

able to view/listen (business

audience, at office)

Duplication cost per unit

(in quantities of

100) Audiocassette

60 Low High $1.35

Videotape 30 Medium-high Medium $4.50

CD 60 Medium-high High $1.60

DVD 30 Medium-high Medium $3.10


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“10 Questions About ___ and One Good Answer to Each”











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Audio CDs

AUDIO CONFERENCES AccuConferencePhone: Free Conference Corp.Phone: KRM Information Services, INC.Phone: (800)


Boulevard ProductionsPhone: (201) 262-5202 Ian AUDIO AND VIDEO DUPLICATING Cine MagneticsPhone: (800) 431-1102 or (914) Dove EnterprisesPhone: (330) 928-9160 National Media ServicesPhone: (540) 635-4181

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Step one:

Step two:


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Developing Your E-Book or E-Course Content

1. __________________________________________

2. __________________________________________

3. __________________________________________

4. __________________________________________

5. __________________________________________

6. __________________________________________

7. ___________________________________________

8. ___________________________________________

9. ____________________________________________

10. _____________________________________________

“10 Tips for ________________________.”

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My First E-Book: Recycled Content

•Length 133 pages

•Downloadable PDF file

•Reprints of WD columns

•Cover price: $39

•Cost percent: $0

•Profit margin: 100%

•Profit per sale: $39

•Total sales to date: $28,172

•Product development cost: $175

•Profit: $27,997

•ROI: 15,998% in 3 years*

Always include a bonus!

*Plus $7,500 in writing fees paid by magazine to me!

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Title is Key

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Conversion rate:33%

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Contributed Content Productsare Easy to Do!

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One Picture is Worth…

Type of Visual This Shows . . . Photograph or illustration . . . what something looks like Map . . . where it is located Exploded view . . . how it is put together Schematic diagram . . . how it works or is organized Graph . . . how much there is (quantity);

how one thing varies as a function of another

Pie chart . . . proportions and percentages Bar chart . . . comparisons between quantities Table . . . a body of related data

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E-Book Title Page

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Up-front Summary

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Links to Other Products

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Tone and Style

• Be warm• Use the active voice• Use personal pronouns• Use contractions• Write in a natural,

conversational style• Write in the first person

and second person• Vary sentence length

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• Let your personality shine through

• Use small words• Keep paragraphs short• Break up the writing into

sections• Teach• Motivate• Make it actionable

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E-book Writing Sin #1: Superficiality

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E-book Writing Sin #2: Contradiction

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E-book Writing Sin #3: Lack of Actionable Advice

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E-book Writing Sin

#4: Not Realizing

Words Have Meaning

“Despite frequent calls and e-mails, my client has not paid me the money he owes me.” What do I do now?”

Your client owes you money. He/she has not responded to your calls or e-mails. You must assume at this point that something is wrong. Here’s what I suggest. Find out why they are nor responding to your calls or e-mails? You need to collect on the money that they owe.

Your client did sign off on your work, agreeing to pay you. And the company still owes you money. Importantly, this client may have done work for you in the past, and you want to perform more work with them in the future. Don’t lose your client by being too aggressive, nasty or rude. You must some how reach them in a manner that will make everyone happy.

How do you find out what is wrong? If you cannot reach them directly, first send a courteous e-mail, or leave a message for your client to contact you.

Your tone of voice should always be in a helping or consulting manner. You have to be considerate & persistent. Importantly, you want to get the money that you are owed in a timely fashion. A good copywriter also strives to maintain a good relationship with his/her client.

One should always be considerate and meaningful when contacting your client. Your first letter by mail, should assume that your client intends to pay, and forgot to do so. At this point, you are unsure if the issue is problems with your copy, or a problem with them getting approval for the final payment.

Send them a letter with a friendly e-mail reminder that the invoice is now due. This first letter can also state this: “I will call you at 10 am Monday morning to rectify this problem.”

You may now be able to contact your client then your attempts at collection are much more probable. You may want to discuss any relevant problems that they are having. You should rectify any problems they have first. And then start offering advice on handling the past due bill. You should have all invoice paper-work handy. Ensure that you are prepared to accept a credit card payment, Pay Pal, wire transfer information or other forms of payment. 27Creating E-books and Other Info Products04/08/23

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E-book Writing Sin #5: Inconsistent Headline Hierarchy

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E-Book Writing Sin #6: Empty Words as a Substitute for Clear Expression of an Idea

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E-book Writing Sin #7:Sloppy Writing

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As a valued reader of mine, I have an irresistible F-R-E-EGIFTS offer worth hundreds of dollars including:

* “Invincible Marketing: The 7 Principles of Success in Business”By Dr. Joe Vitale.

* “Recession-Proof Business Strategies: 15 Winning Methods toSell Any Product or Service in a Down Economy”

* “How to Get the Eight Things In Life YouWant Webinar”By Zig Ziglar

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3 Levels of Instructional Writing

Level Where FoundWhat to do Magazine articlesHow to do it Books, e-books, courses

Do it for them E-books, online tools, templates, folios

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What Do Today’s Top GurusAll Have in Common?

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The File Folder MethodBook Proposal.doc

CH1 CH3CH2 CH4 etc. etc. etc.

Print ___________________________________•____________________•____________________•____________________•____________________

Chpt. 1




Manillas into Pendaflex


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Unlock the “Hidden Gold” in Your Writing


200-page book in print ($10)

8% royalty 80¢

15% agent fee




200-page book out-of-print


$29 50-page ebook #1



$29 ebook #2

$29 ebook #3

x $29 each =

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Books Draw People into Your Funnel System

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Recurring Revenue:Membership Sites

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A “Big Idea” ProductDear Direct Response Letter Subscriber:

There’s no product easier to create or sell online…

…than a simple, straightforward instructional or how-to e-book:

Why are e-books the perfect information production to sell on the Internet?

>> 100% profit margin.

>> No printing costs.

>> No inventory to store.

>> Quick and easy to update.

>> No shipping or cost delays.

>> Higher perceived value than regular books.

>> Quick, simple, and inexpensive to produce.

My very first e-book has generated $20,727 (so far).

My total investment in producing it: just $175

Now I want to show you how to make huge profits creating and selling simple e-books – in my 39

Date: 5/6/08Orders: 392Gross: $7,448CTR: 2.7%Conversation Rate: 32%

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Outsourcing The WritingOutline Topic

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High-End Products

Multi mediaCoaching

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Pricing Info ProductsInfo Product Price Range

50 – 100 page e-book $19 - $79

Audio CDs (each) $29 - $49

Audio MP3 downloads 25 – 50% less than audio CDs

DVDs (each) $39 - $79

Streaming video 25 – 50% less than DVDs

Membership site, per month $29 - $79

Tele-seminars and Webinars (60 – 90 minutes)

FREE - $79

Paper-back book on specialized topic $20 - $29

Same book content in 3-ring binder $49 - $129

Above binder + 2 – 3 CDs/DVDs $129 - $179+

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A Few Helpful Resources




Choosing Your

Key Word Research and

Writing and Publishing

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Your Writing “Attitude”“On writing – a matter of exercise. If you work out with weights for 15 minutes a day over the course of ten years, you’re gonna get muscles. If you write for an hour and a half a day for ten years you’re gonna turn into a good writer.”

- Stephen King, Time magazine, October 6, 1986

*****************************************************“No one writes as well as he ought. He is fortunate if he has written as well as he could.”

- Bliss Perry, Bedside Book of Famous British Stories, 1940


You can write better if:1. You want to.2. You put the reader first.3. You think writing is important.4. You can think clearly.5. You do “one more draft.”

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Thank you.

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