how to build and manage an effective social media campaign richard k. nongard bakke graduate...

How to Build and Manage an Effective Social Media Campaign Richard K. Nongard Bakke Graduate University

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Page 1: How to Build and Manage an Effective Social Media Campaign Richard K. Nongard Bakke Graduate University

How to Build and Manage an Effective Social Media Campaign

Richard K. NongardBakke Graduate University

Page 2: How to Build and Manage an Effective Social Media Campaign Richard K. Nongard Bakke Graduate University

Bakke Graduate UniversityDr. Brad Smith, President

• An accredited graduate school of ministry• School of Business• School of Urban Theology• Global student population• Regional mentors and city immersion projects

on four continents and partnerships with ministries and programs throughout the world

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Richard Nongard, Doctoral Candidate at BGU• Family Therapist in Private Practice• Author of several counseling textbooks• Provider of online continuing education courses• 5 Million YouTube hits• Thousands of Facebook group participants• Social Media pages reaching ¼ Million each week• SEO Strategist with top international and regional

Google results

Page 4: How to Build and Manage an Effective Social Media Campaign Richard K. Nongard Bakke Graduate University

What is Social Media?

Social media is the portal for interaction among people in which they create, share, and exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks.“A group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and that allow the creation and exchange of user generated content.” (Kaplan & Haenlein 2010)

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Defining Social Media

• It is interactive• It is instant• It is personal• It is collective• It is conversations• It is recommendations• It is likes and dislikes• It is accessible• It is global• It is useable• It’s user generated

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Examples of Social MediaFacebookTwitterLinked-InPinterestGoogle+RedditFlikrTumblrInstagramWordpress Blogs

NingDeviantARTWoW (MMORPG)Second LifeMySpaceBlackPlanetCafeMOMDegreeInfoYelp!

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Who is using social media?

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Worldwide Trends

• Fastest growing segment of users 45-54 year olders

• 22% use social networking daily• Facebook has a 47% impact on purchase

behavior• Following “brands” has increased 106% from

2010-2012• 76% of tweeters post status updates

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Page 10: How to Build and Manage an Effective Social Media Campaign Richard K. Nongard Bakke Graduate University

Urban Communities are the Most Connected

• 50% of all city dwellers connect daily to the internet using phones

• City dwellers access social media from a phone 4 times per day

• 40% of city dwellers own iPhone or android (2011)• 60% of all internet smartphone traffic is generated in

urban areas• 680 out of 1 billion Facebook users are accessing on a

mobile device

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Social Media in the Philippines

• 86 Million Cellphones in a population of just under 100 million people – most with internet capabilities

• 67% of digital consumers in P.I. use social media as a primary means of communication (AGB Nielsen)

• 52% of Philippine homes have high speed internet access in some form

• Highest rate of social media use

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African Social Media

• 400 Million cellphone subscribers (larger than North America)

• “A bank in every pocket” “Better health at the click of a button”

• Facebook: Most visited website in Africa

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What does this tell us?

• Social media is a global worldwide phenomena adapted in virtually every corner of the world

• Social media is a revolutionary in communication as radio, TV, the telegraph, telephone or any other communication tool

• If you want to reach people with your message – you can do it online

• Global branding can be created from anywhere• Localization of messages can be as large or small as desired.• The engagement of social media users influences decisions

and action

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What has been accomplished through Social Media?

• Twitter revolutions in Egypt and Moldova• Social media helps homeless people find

housing at Invisible People• Churches like and others are using

social media to reach communities• Community organizations connect resources

and fundraise• Local businesses attract customers• National brands develop loyalty

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The Goal of Social Media

• Its not just hits, likes and bookmarks• It is about connecting to others• Creating synergy• Sharing beyond borders or traditional networks• Meeting new people• Fundraising/Sales• Increase local participation• Building something of value

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Three Keys to Success




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The Starting Point

1.) Assess your current internet footprint- This is your identity. Search for yourself or your organization in all search engines and social media platforms. 2.) Reputation Management – Your first priority is cleaning up derogatory information and removing social media comments that are not helpful to you. In many cases, information cannot be removed from websites you do not control. In this case the strategy is to create pages with higher search engine ranking

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Social Media Strategy• 3.) Announce to the organization – Members and current

customers should be notified to expect changes in the way social media will be used. Some will be enthused and supportive, others will be unhappy. Try to communicate the rationale behind these coming changes.

• 4.) Attempt to elicit support – Organizational leadership must back the project. Social media will become the public face of the organization. Even the smallest opposition can stifle a robust program if key leadership is not on board. Keep them appraised of both the positive and negative feedback you receive. Act instantly on negative feedback.

• 5.) Develop a written social media policy- It is very important that this policy address copyright complaint procedures.

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Creating a strategy• • 6.) Start with the big fish – Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. Create accounts, fan

pages, groups and start creating video content which can then be shared access platforms. Your main webpage should have links to your social media pages.

• 7.) Smaller social media platforms – Begin with those that are most useful to your product or service. For example, if you sell cookbooks Pinterest would be the obvious choice, but less so for a therapist in private practice. For a therapist or trainer, Linked-in might be an ideal platform, less so for a local donut shop.

• 8.) Identify keywords related – What are people actually search for? People need to find your business. Begin SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for these keywords. This can be done with URL’s within your webpage, external webpages, press release links, and many other ways.

• 9.) Use blogs - To build relationships, maximize keywords, and appear active and to offer something of value.

• 10.) Use strategic press releases – They create a digital footprint, can be keyword linked, might be picked up by local press, and can be useful in creating identity.

Page 21: How to Build and Manage an Effective Social Media Campaign Richard K. Nongard Bakke Graduate University

Facebook MarketingCulture: The most active social network A culture of “infotainment”

Community: Three places to build relationships.

1.) Your “wall”2.) Fan/Like Pages3.) Groups

Identity: Ranks high in search engine results, people use Facebook for search

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Culture of FacebookThe Wall:This is for personal messages only. Commercial messages were received well by 1% of survey respondents.

The wall is for personal communication. Sharing your business will not be well received. The wall is for exposing yourself, so people feel a personal connection to you. People buy services from people. Be a person. Use your social capital wisely by being yourself. If you share something that is not personal, it needs to be short and funny or actually thought provoking and intelligent.

Messaging: Use messaging to be available to potential clients and let them contact you on Facebook.

Preferences:84% had a preference to use Facebook for family and friends or personal communication (49%). Humor rated 47%. 26% sought a relief from stress.

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What people do not like on Facebook

A summary of survey respondents revealed, they are less interested in a link to another page or a typed status update. They prefer picture and video posts.

Politics, resources and causes were the least popular categories of preferred Facebook uses.

People also 38% also indicated they did not want to read a long post that required clicking to view more.

Summary: If it not directly related to family and friends, it better be short, funny, inspirational and have a picture.

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Create a Group

• Groups let you create communities centered around a topic or organization

• Groups allow event invites – this gives you two contacts with all members.

• Events can be actual events, promotions or anything that engages users.

• Groups also allow files an sharing and in-depth collaboration

• Great place to share event photos• Privacy is a great advantage of groups

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Page 26: How to Build and Manage an Effective Social Media Campaign Richard K. Nongard Bakke Graduate University

Marketing in Groups

• Create a group for local healthy lifestyles• Create a group based on common interest• Create a group for community action• Create a group based on goals• Create a group of elites• Create a group of volunteers

Use the EVENTS for response marketing NOT the group wall

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Facebook Fan Page

• The purpose of this page is exposure and it will rank high in Google results

• The advantage is the ability to connect to lots of people outside your traditional network

• It is not ideal for discussion or conversation• It is to build awareness• It can be a tool for customer service through


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What is the potential?

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Bakke from 40-28,000

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One Million in a month

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It’s about what people want

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Facebook Ads

• To promote a new page 50-100 likes• To promote an important post nobody would

otherwise see or read.• No other Facebook ads

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Community through Moderation

• Creating community required moderation. An un-moderated page is like a neighborhood with boarded up abandoned homes.

• Argument should simply be deleted. Nobody will win and nobody wants to read it.

• Ban users that are “trolls” even if they are interesting or even right, it is not helpful.

• The purpose of the page is what you have established. You set the guidelines stick to it.

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Argument Meme

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• Identify your off-limits topics. Delete them instantly with a note to the writer.

• Second offence, delete and ban• Give authority to your moderators to make

these decisions, and back them in the grey areas.

• Delete commercial messages from anyone other than you.

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Moderation examples

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How to Handle a Complaint

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YouTube• 2nd largest search engine in the world• 4 Billion videos viewed each day• YouTube mobile 600 million daily hits• 500 Years of YT video are shared on FB daily• 700 YT videos are shared on twitter each minute• 30% USA 70% Worldwide• PSY is the most popular video of all time• ½ a billion people have watched Charlie bite a finger• 5 Million have watched Richard Nongard on YT• 1 Million views on a single relaxation video I posted

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YouTube Marketing

• Develop your channel theme with graphics• Link to your website• Hypertext all video – never miss this• Create keyword rich descriptions• Keyword tags• Create content based on keywords• Create regional titles• Use YouTube to advance Google results

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How to increase this over 1500% in 5 months?

See the next page

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How did we do that?

• Added new video• Created keyword related tags• On page video• Keyword tags• Share on FB and Twitter

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Specifically here is what we did:

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We added content people want

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633,533 Hits

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Other YouTube Advice

• Create a theme with graphic design to promote your channel

• Video EVERYTHING (Events and Testimonials)• Do NOT post songs or copyrighted video• Disable pre-video ads

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YouTube Improves Google Results

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Yelp and Google Reviews

• High search engine rank• Positive reviews show action and life• Easy to get from existing customers• People searching reviews are active buyers,

ready to make a decision

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BGU Google Results

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Psychology of Social Media

• People want to be wanted• Likes serve as validation on a personal level• Involvement comes from asking• Relationships are developed by engaging

people• Ask questions to get engagement (T.D.S.)• Groups influence decision making

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• Keywords are an important part of your overall strategy. You must know what people are searching for.

• They are probably NOT searching for you.• But you want them to find YOU.• How?• Keywords….

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